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  1. 5 points
    TL; DR - We had a relatively mild PvP experience and survived without a scratch. Not everybody can play PvP, even if they want to. Don’t shaft PvE players solely to benefit PvP players. Read on at your own discretion, It was relatively unremarkable, but it reinforced to me that while I was mildly interested, PvP is not for me. We ended up in a golden age ruins, forgetting it was a golden age ruins in our quest for buried treasure. We risked a sunken ship spawn to see what the drops there were like compared to the rest of the ocean (spoiler alert, no difference in loot at all). My first mate stripped and used the diving suit to go down and retrieve the booty. Despite being between two fleets of the damned, they never actually came close until we were leaving. As we sailed off in our brig, I noticed a schooner threading its way through the same fleets we had just avoided. It came to an almost parallel path to us, and was slowly catching up. As we got closer to the border, I saw that it’s rear was loaded with cannons, which made me watch him more closely, just in case. Not wanting to risk being caught unawares, I turned sharply with the wind, turning our course from the west to due north. When they started to turn, I knew they were going to try and sink us with their rear wall of cannons. Not being experienced at all in PvP ship combat, I did the only strategy I could think of to keep them from shooting us; I started tacking with the wind so that they had to keep changing directions to follow us. I had our four rear medium cannons start firing, hitting them several times, and it seemed like they were going to back off, until they started coming about again. The problem for us was that, unknown to him we had just taken down four of the galleons of the damned, as well as a few schooners. We had 26 cannonballs left to fight them off at the start, and we were now down to 10. So I sailed for the border, and after crossing turned due south, as we were near the southern border as well. As were were comin*up to the southern border, I saw them enter, and then shortly after start turning towards us. My first mate was telling me that she thought they were giving up, but I didn’t agree and decided to try and lose them in a quick series of border crossings. We ended up going east, and then north, back into the golden age ruins. We sailed north for a short ways, and then turned west to follow our original course, with the schooner no longer in sight. We made it home safely, docked, and then started makin our plans for when the servers go live, based on our experiences. I know, hardly a riveting story of daring and heroic battles. It cemented in me that while we absolutely love playing the game, PvP is not for us. When he started turning to chase us down, at first I wasn’t too bad, but shortly after it really triggered my anxiety. So much so that my hand holding my mouse was shaking uncontrollably. My first mate had already complained a couple of times about me risking our ship, to which I emended her that this was all temporary at best; I wasn’t worried about losing the ship or anything on it at all. We hadn’t even been fired on through the whole encounter. And I guess this is the real reason I’m posting this. I know that as soon as the PvE servers are back online, we’ll be on and back to adventuring on the high seas, and loving every adventure. When they took down the EU PvP servers to setup the PvP test server, at least the NA PvE servers were still up for those that wanted to play. But, then they took down the NA PvE servers to set them up for Monday for testing, leaving PvE players with nowhere to go except to try their luck in PvP for the weekend. They left the EU and NA PvP servers up, and then added a third PvP test server, all at the cost of the PvE players. I’m sure that I’m not the only person that can have a negative psychological impact from PvP, and I would describe mine as mild at its worst, but I can see that others may have worse reactions, Possibly bad enough to give up on the game entirely. I would just ask that the developers not completely shaft the PvE players so obviously. Some of us PvE players are actually interested in the idea of PvP, but for varied reasons may not be able to actually partake in PvP combat. The reality is that I, and others like me, are unable to get any enjoyment out of actual PvP combat. Not necessarily because we suck, or that we don’t want to risk losing our precious ship, but because we may have a strong psychological and/or physiological reaction to an interpersonal, combative situation. Or perhaps have a physical condition that limits the ability to be competitive in PvP combat, but PvE is doable. No, nobody forced us to play on the PvP servers. We could have waited until Wednesday for the PvE servers to be up, when we’re working long days and would not have the time or ability to try out the changes so that we know how things will (possibly) work when the update goes live. We knew what we were getting into, I just had no idea that I’d have that reaction. Holy crap. That turned out much longer than I thought it was going to be. If you’re still reading this, congratulations! Meet me on the NA PvE servers when the patch is live and I’ll give you a present. Maybe some thing small, maybe something big. But probably something small.
  2. 3 points
    So finally logged in last night, but it was late, so basically ran around in the Dark.. because I always seem to spawn on an unknown island, in the dark. After hiding in a bush for several hours, peering at dimly moving shapes, realising they were pigs.. and parrots. I thought, yeh it's safe here. Didn't see a soul nor anything nasty. Logged out on a small rock out in the sea, hidden by mangos like trees. Logged in today, after a few CTD's finally got ingame to a stable environment and played for around 7 hours or so. First off, I learned that there are no Berries or Orange Vits of any kind on the entire island. That I could find. There's a few tigers.. There's no Gems. And now I have a new neighbour.. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1705298034 So.. not being one for usually doing the pvp thing, I figured... must be some gold on that there ship. I made a Mortor.. of course, no gems, can't make blasting powder, can't make mortor shot.. Then I made a cannon, stuck it on roof next to mortor.. looks cool. But apparently it can't swivel on the spot. Who the hell makes these things.. like this. Oh and of course, there's a timeout period before you can even fire the damn things. I shoot the ship.. it moves to a different position, where it continues to pummel me. I can't turn the cannon, can't pick it up, and if I place a new one.. it'll take 20mins before I can fire. I did see another player.. scoped him out took his name, ran like a coward to my stone hut, before speaking to him in chat.. he was polite enough.. I see his sloop racing away from shore a few moments later. Seems we're all cowards here. This is why I play Pve..
  3. 3 points
    Shut up, filthy slave ! The reward is, that your slaver comes along once a day to take your girl and demolish your house. You are lucky, most slavers take 50% tax from you, just like your RL government. Please consider the Empire server which is for free pirates on free islands.
  4. 3 points
    I remember our first PvP encounter we had supplies, a schooner of rare supplies. We didn't have weight for weapons, and tbh, didn't entertain the need for it. So, we were just sailing in a diagonal with the wind and from the side saw a boat coming at us, again had the whole rack mount on the back, the pseudo meta. They had one or two cannons on the front as well. As they closed in, they fired the front, I was sailing and was able to turn so as to make the ship as thin a target as possible. They missed, and kept firing, it was easy to avoid from that distance. As they approached, they got the odd hit in, but my friend was capable with the repair hammer. The island we needed was off to the side by this point, and as we turned, they caught up, and the next thing I remember was them turning hard pointing their ass at us, I saw this and turned stern to them. They must have fired about 35 or 40 cannons... most missed, a few hit, but it was obvious they were just out to blow us up. Finally, as they turned in again I lined up wind again, and headed for the map edge, as they caught up I crossed the threshold, after the loading screen they appeared, I crossed the threshold again, and they must have followed... and so it went.. crossing the server line for about 5 mins.. All they did was hail abuse lol as they couldn't actually line up any shot before we had 'vanished'. I told them we were unarmed, their response? You're going to die then.. I said you're going to get very bored with loading screens. I got abuse, and mocking... but eventually they gave up.. Loading screen PvP... I knew then that PvP servers weren't for us. Joined PvE, and never looked back. Still thoroughly enjoy Atlas to this day.
  5. 3 points
    we all know that the systems isnt going to work , all they had to do was listen to players and REMOVE SEA CLAIMS AND LIMIT THE CLAIM FLAGS PER COMPANY
  6. 2 points
    I know the subject has been brought up, but people need to post how horribly the claim system is working in ptr. The settlement idea is not working well for all players. I have not got to try it yet but my husband did. He tried to build on a settlement with a 3 person company having ownership. They built turrets all around his house. They also kept breaking his things. Seems silly 3 ppl have that much control over a huge island ruining gameplay for others. Of coarse, they charged 50% tax. They had 4 brigs and 2 sloops just off taxes. It seems the designers think they have a game that ppl play nice together. The settlements are just a horrible idea. Pvp owners and pve will grief. I saw what pvp owners can do. I can only imagine that pve will be even worse. At least pvp you can get a little revenge. Pve is going to be helpless. Owners will just be able to break whoever's things and take their stuff. The only players this will be fun for is the owners. I personally do not want to ask to build somewhere. And there is also the chance of the owner to stop playing or not speaking the same language. One or 2 ppl should not have control of a whole island. I just dont understand why they just dont put a limit on claims which seems to be what everyone wants. In ptr, it seems like just alot if griefing and players having to gm the game. I wasn't going to post, but I do like the game and I want it to succeed.
  7. 2 points
    "We expect that we’ll have this ready to ship onto the main network by the week of the 8th of April." Are the servers going up today ?.
  8. 2 points
    ghostships are sometime "overspawned" was sailing and a ghostships spawns in front of me ... i was thinking ... ok doge this one .... 10 seconds later (more ships comes in the render range) .... look at the Picture 15 Ghostships .... (missed one takeing the screenshot ) #Feels Sailing around is more Dangerous now (and more annoying doge every ship -.- " )
  9. 2 points
    Crabs on board ships will disappear when across servers
  10. 2 points
    It is bad, because the enemy can FOB you whenever they want basically, and they can troll you by blocking all with pillars and foundations. I actually think Lawless is better ATM because at least you don't pay upkeep there lol. For me, if it's no-build then it has top be enforced somehow. Take my flag and then build where you want, but you need to kill me first and unclaim my turf. Edit: we who PVP know that the difference between this and PUBG is the limited number of spawn places and resources. If you have a base ready full of both, then it is that much easier to conquer the claim. If you are forced to come by chip and use bear cannons, then ship is all you got in means of respawn and resource, making it that much harder.
  11. 2 points
    I just want to confirm a few things to be sure i didnt missunderstand your post. 1. Most of all the megas got together to plan ahead. 2. A dev or some devs were there or at least in direct comminication with the event. 3. You all got to choose where to settle so as to not have to compete with each other. 4. You all confirmed you would not be competing with each other further by forming a server wide alliance/truce. 5. You wont be raiding bothering small or solo groups beacuse you all agree thats just not what you do or what your into. Did i miss anything? If this is true, why in the FUCK are you and everyone in that meeting not going to PvE!? You basicly said, "we dont pvp anyone". One of the biggest problem before was the server wide carebear festival between all the megas. And here we are again with the biggest groups sucking each other off for fear they might have to compete in thier own lane. I dont get. The worst part of all is the continued direct conversations some people get to continually have with the devs, yet no ones given me a call yet to ask my advice or opinions. Funny, I paid just as much for my copy of the game.
  12. 2 points
    We got into a ship fight on our server and managed to pull 3-4 groups into one spot on the map.. Got into a 3v1 ship battle.. chased the weaker of the 3 ships who decided it would be a good idea to go wrangle up 3-4 packs of SotD into one spot as we did circles and passes in & out of the massive pack of SotD.. They ended up running away after taking loads of hits from the SotD. that SotD became the talk of our servers Global chat as people came & gone from the server. "WTF is up with these 20 SotD in one spot?" so with that i suspect some of the bigger packs may be caused by players leashing the packs from their spawn location. Go check out polar... sail between a pack to your left & right all orange/red... find another pack in front of you.. and a Mean Whale giving chase from behind. "F* it! boyz we going straight through! Get those hammers ready!"
  13. 2 points
    So the resources that are taxed are not contributed towards the claim upkeep. So this is what confuses me. I thought, the more people settling on the land, and therefore being taxed, the cheaper the upkeep would be, i.e. because they are getting more from the tax. But this means that companies building on your land don't at all contribute to the upkeep? @Dollie why do you not make mechanics like this 100% clear as to how it works? The constant guessing game is horrible.
  14. 2 points
    Well, i hope you slaves enjoy the island life at 50% tax without the possibility to build weapons and under permanent risk to be destroyed by your slaver without any possibility to defend yourself. You are born for the colony server, thats for sure
  15. 2 points
    so far i like the new system and it is better they testing it for some month and working on a better solution over time then rush it AGAIN and we will wait again for month and month for an wipe...
  16. 2 points
    You gave PVP a shot and didn't enjoy it as much as PVE, I understand 100%, I did the same thing but I didn't last as long as you, as soon as I saw another player(s) I remembered why I didn't enjoy PVP. Maybe I'll see you around in PVE, good luck WCJoker
  17. 2 points
    Your Shop, When you place it in freeport and set it up anyone can come and jsut take items out with out paying simply by dragging it into their INV. Even if someone buys something they can simply take the gold back.
  18. 2 points
    It might just be the game that is bad, not the mechanics. But who knows. It definitely could have been a lot more thought out before hand that is for sure.
  19. 2 points
    No the freeports aren't really freeports anymore. Just buildings on islands. All islands accessible etc. It's a very broken PTR. I built my base 6 pillers in the sea. Just unclaimed my pigs, not that many were left. Broke the pillers.. now everything is gone. I'm gonna wait for the pve ptr see what that looks like and maybe go live on the pve servers. Pvp is boring. If I want that, I'll play civ.. At least in Civ they can't run away.
  20. 2 points
    The island I am on was owned when I landed and lost its owner due to the gold running out (anybody can *see* the content of the flag's inventory). After a few hours of limbo it was owned once more and taxes were indeed raised to 50%. Which at this stage simply means I move to another Island. Not even for a test am i willing to pay that much in taxes. There are many scenarios in which we will have to reconsider choices. I suspect I might stay very lightfooted.
  21. 2 points
    90% tax is fair? The dumbest statement ever posted on this forum goes to you.
  22. 2 points
    Please don't ask them to give us specific dates...
  23. 2 points
    I hope thats a joke? I came across an island that had the taxes set to 50%.... The whole master-slave Feudal system is already crap as it is, dont you think 50% taxes is a bit harsh?
  24. 2 points
    50% tax is way too high. 30% should be maximum tax. Otherwise it turns into: Grind to build a base... Grind even more because 50% of resources grinded are taxed. Grind even more because structures have an upkeep. I don't know what the obsession is with taxing in this game.
  25. 1 point
    There should be an option to change the ownership of a ship without the necessity to claim. An option where you give away your ship voluntarily. Wit that option you could sell ships to other players or tribes. Why should you do that? Well for gold or for roleplay. You could banish people from your tribe and set them out in the ocean on a raft that they can actually interact with.
  26. 1 point
    bugs 1. working claws cause damage to crew inside 2. control: after reassigning the middle mouse button the ballista attack no working, dive and lift are not logical, you need to leave the dive and lift sailor settings C and space 3. after release begins to rotate uncontrollably and fall to the bottom 4. releasing the steering wheel submarine should hang in place and not move unpredictably 5. after release remains inside only one stack paste and bolt 6. high cost of the submarine and difficulty of opening an engram, 7.error in the description. cannot be crafted in shipyard 8. submarine doesnt disassemble nps shipwreck 9. useless dim lighting
  27. 1 point
    Please make it so that when you open up the Atlas make it doesn't ruin the user experience, currently as it stands. All I see on the map is ugly text with taxation, random names, ownership and such. Can you make it so that this information can be toggled on or off or make it so that when you hover over an island that info shows up? Would make the map so much more cleaner. Thanks
  28. 1 point
    There is a countdown clock suggesting it will be up in a few hours. But as their track record isn't even close to reliable when it is about sticking to promised timing I would consider that as a mere indication. https://countle.com/7j3mv62wY
  29. 1 point
    Situation: Players playing on both Colony/Empire PvP servers have no way to store goods without risk of total loss. Complication: Without an avenue to protect goods, players will be more likely to leave the game if they face total annihilation. Question: How can we protect goods without causing it to be exploitable while also increasing players personal sense of security? Answer: Create a personal storage/bank in Freeports that allows storage of limited numbers of goods as well as gold up to a certain amount. This will increase the likelihood of player retention if they face total annihilation, and will also create a higher flow of traffic through Freeports.
  30. 1 point
    In f5 i got between 2 fleets with my ramshackle sloop. The ships were so close to each other that they kept bumping into each other but still the galleon found some leisure to unleash broadside after broadside upon me while i was a sitting duck cause there was no wind. Took them almost a minute to send me swimming to shore with the sharks nibbling my toes. Why are those ghostships not bound to the same wind mechanics as we are?
  31. 1 point
    The system isn't bad. But it isn't great either. People are gonna be bitching left and right cause they don't have a claim flag. I think the griefing is going to increase on claimed islands for PVE. Time will tell. But whatever they do they need to make a decision and stick with it. They say they are doing what players want but there is more dissention now then before with the claim flag issues. I was honestly ok with the building Upkeep. I thought it was a great idea to dissuade pillar/foundation bombing. Making players police the islands. Well most people are lazy and don't want to have a job in a video game that should be relaxing.
  32. 1 point
    Ah so i´ve must have missed the Message that im probably in a Lawless Region.Thank you
  33. 1 point
    i dont know but if it snows instead of rain, are you still able to fill your water barrels? if not we should be allowed to shovel some snow that decays into water in a fire or warm place.
  34. 1 point
    you can also guess i bet its not the 11th and its gonna be the 15th
  35. 1 point
    Yes we did multiple times. We tried to tell we just wanted to check out the new biomes. The first 2 told us we where trespassing, knocked 2 of us out and chopped of our heads. The third one told us to f**k off and killed us with 3 bears. There we logged out and we stopped "testing". In the end we seen nothing. So, that PTR is doing nothing for us.
  36. 1 point
    Finally someone who is actually testing, and not just running their mouth like these other kids. Thanks man... how do you feel about these things? I for one don't like it at all... I am not going to let someone live on the island that I don't want there period... all its doing is making me waste more resources to remove them... and ultimately make it easier for a mega to come destroy everything on my island with instant base builds in a 9 hour period... I think its dumb as hell.
  37. 1 point
    It's not ok to be able to box in the crew vendors and block hiring crew, as is being done. Someone already mentioned, create no build zones on the freeports.
  38. 1 point
    This post is to suggest improvements and expansion of NPC's within the game, to facilitate management of bases so that players can more freely focus specifically on what aspects of play they enjoy most. I would like to complain that NPC's do not function very well. While on a cannon, or a mounted position, they are pretty solid. Off of a position, they are crap. Ship Board Crew Assignment - We need to be able to assign crew members permanently to a ship. They should ignore all orders from anyone but the captain and officers. Deck Hands - Should be ready put out fires, and attempt to repair holes, and bail water. Marines - Should be standing ready to board enemy ships, and repel invaders. Crew Prioritization - A way to prioritize manning on the ship so certain activities could be done based on captains prerogative. Perhaps the captains priorities could be run off his computer to save server processing? Guard Guard Posts - A small building to position NPC's as an Guard/Policeman on land. Perhaps like underground water pipes they could patrol? Guard Provisions - The post should store gold and food like a larder or resource box. Capture or Kill Order - With a blackjack and manacles patrol members will try to capture not kill intruders. Which leads me to the next item... Melee 1 NPC in armor, with a pike missed 9 of 10 swings. A chicken & Sheep kept healing before NPC landed another blow. Also the NPC's would rush back for a lunge way to many times, always missing. (again maybe running the script off the Player's PC who is leading them would be best?) NPC Skills Instead of health, stamina, stomach, melee, etc. Could we possibly get Handyman, Sailor, Gunner, Marksman, Soldier and the like. The higher the level the more an NPC should cost. Harvesting Resources - This is a highly under developed area. Allow NPC's to harvest resources, when directed by a player and equipped with applicable tool. Make NPC's better than Animals when collecting resources. (Also Animals should be nerfed to hell on collection) Guild Workers - Allow specialty NPC's who are more talented to a specific task than a general NPC, they would cost more but get more done, also no training in other skills. Harvesting Building - allow the crafting of a specialty resource collection building, so that you can assign an NPC to harvest specific materials via assignment to that building. Transport System - Allow movement of goods from point A - B for automation of materials around a base. Porter- A NPC pick up goods from 1 place and deliver them to their post. The distance would be limited. Supplier - Delivers Goods to a single place. Such as a supply post, mess table, resource box, feed troughs, etc. Containers Allow for folders to limit delivery items in a box, like the bank no tax items. To simplify delivery of goods by suppliers or players. Allow a max # of resources in a resource box, based on specific item. Carry Tools Hands - Only allow 2 stacks of items up to their 70% of their weight capacity. Backpacks - Item for NPC to expand carrying capacity to 4 stacks (2 in hand and 2 in pack) and slight weight reduction (5% to 15%?). Wheel barrow - Allows for 1 stack to be delivered, but reduces weight of item by 85% and slows NPC by 20% Handcart - Allows for deliver of 8 stacks of items, weight of items are reduced by 25% and slows NPC by 10%
  39. 1 point
    Martyn, those quadrants still are still noticable different from other quadrants ... it matters in the long run: +they have the NPC shops +zero predators on the 4 islands +no SotD in their waters -faster ship decay Treating them like lawless areas with extras makes it convenient to still call them freeports so we can distinguish them.
  40. 1 point
    i love it, this game is a fucking lol-fest
  41. 1 point
    mate you are being quite unreasonable, i am pretty sure many people would rather play another game than paying 90% in taxes, by the end of the day you will end up doing pvp vs boars cause there wont be players left lol. not like i care tho, i dont even play the game anymore so w/e happens in it doesnt affect me i just come here to read for the lols but your suggestion is the biggest lol i have had so far, and dont be offended by it i dont mean it as a pun but men 90% xD
  42. 1 point
    i would highly recommend for new players, especially those that never played any ark like games to put in a good 100 hours on a pve server even 200. play pve till you know so much about the game that your getting bored. THEN roll a pvp toon. Youll still have alot to learn about game tactics in pvp, but youll know all the core mechanics. this is slower than my second suggestion, but youll get more total hours enjoying the game this way because youll stretch out your total hours playing this game by first getting bored of pve and you will know so much more. You could also roll a pve toon to learn about the game where you build stuff learn the ropes without having to wake up to all your stuff being destroyed and at the same time roll a pvp toon, join a big company learn the pvp ropes without investing too much in pvp until your ready. Big companies in pvp always need a new guy to help out the more experienced players gathering mats manning cannons raiding etc.... i find Alot of pvp complaints on this forum seem to come from players that are jumping into pvp before they know enough about the game to not get frustrated getting killed and demolished. learn to walk before your try to run just my 2 cents...
  43. 1 point
    They have made it very clear that we are moving in to PTR and then wipe will occur with the mega update. Many people have chosen not to take part in the PTR. The outrage would be huge if they then revealed the PvE PTR is going to be the live version, even if they made a last minute announcement there will still be people that don't find out about that change, because lets be fair the Devs comms aren't great nor consistent. The whole thing should start fresh, i.e. complete blanket wipe once the PTR is finished. It's got nothing to do with whether it's on the same hardware that the live version will run on, it's about making it fair for everyone.
  44. 1 point
    To top it off, Companies can swap claims now. So Company A goes to Company B's island and starts claiming it. Company B goes to Company A's. When claim complete Company A can attack Company B's settlement players immune from pvp damage. And Company B can do the same to company A's. Maximum pvp for Owners. Everyone else is just cannon fodder for their fun and amusement.
  45. 1 point
    I kind of like having to roam for supplies/setup trade routes. But I'm having a hard time finding the same resources that were on the same island before PTR. Honey and wax plants haven't been where I remember them being.
  46. 1 point
    We experimented with installing a swivel gun manned by an NPC to blast the daily alpha wolves and lions that would come by our base and never leave because they wanted to get at the dozens of our tames inside a giant multi-level pen/barn/storage/zoo/whatever building... We had it too low because the NPC would get one shot off, and the attacking animal would leap and knock the NPC off the gun, forcing it to fight with it's bare hands. We ended up not building a watchtower or two, because we noticed another problem. The NPCs, no matter what we set their behavior to, would shoot at anything/everything that came in range.... used up a ton of ammo, and all the dead birds, rabbits, and pissed off giraffes were really an eyesore.
  47. 1 point
    Pretty sure they are going to do empire pvp and colony pvp instead of NA/EU pvp. No extra servers, just a different split that gives the eu and na guys a chance to mix it up.
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    And tbh i agree with it... And they should do the same for tames... i cant agree on "free ships/animals". If you want "things", go play and earn them
  50. 1 point
    Yup, many things need a repair before more content is added. The whole breeding thing never worked well from the start, Ive heard you guys speak of it a ton of times. I never ever tamed, i let others do that task. It wasnt my thing in ARK and it wont be my thing here. I am a pvper not a tamer, rider for pvp. Id rather run ship battles and defenses then that. But i do agree work on the existing system first. Next will be mega shark tames for the seas, you can ride and flame arrow down boats. Will boats still be a thing soon?
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