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Martyn last won the day on July 4 2019

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  1. 517.6 (server) Bug Fix: being able to build on Freeports and Golden Age islands. Freeport Structures that are not normally allowed will be destroyed with the update There's a dockyard and warehouse on several of the golden islands that have not been removed.
  2. I think it's safe to say at this point they're not going to do anything until they add in their "new flag system" which they probably think will fix all current issues. I've never come across a company that works so hard to destroy itself as grapeshot and snail games.
  3. Server is still down, showing 0/0 players should show 0/150 players. Has now been down nearly 18 hours.
  4. Rob the banks at the lighthouses, the bank breaks twice, on second break it drops a bag that can anything from 5k to 30k gold. Or kill whales..for 900g a whale roughly Or get some mates and do blue maps, can avg 5-15k a day that way. Or do all 3.. plus maybe make some semi decent weapons, tools etc and put them on a shop or trade resouces in shops for around 1g per unit or 1g per 10 and you'll have money rolling in.
  5. Pve Cluster. Pls Kill the server and restart it. The automatic restarts are not fixing the issue.
  6. Has much changed? I wouldn't know, haven't played for months, just watched the numbers decline. There's currently around 800 players on all 4 clusters combined. That's all the players.. avg 200 per cluster. Games made 20+ years ago have higher pops than that. I'll check back in another 6 months. You hope..
  7. Yeh, I got to feel the same way, I've never played on pvt servers because everytime I found one with decent ping etc it was always 5x etc.. The weekends were ok if you'd lost a ship or wanted to build up a new base.. probably great in pvp etc. But when mon/tues came, you reverted back to "normal" rates, but were then getting less than 1x rate. Taking harvest skill bonus into consideration, I usually have it at 2nd harvest bonus, it's pretty grindy like that.. Now I have all legendary tools etc I pop trees and rocks like confetti I feel like I don't get much for my buck at all. I've now tested this using stone picks etc.. I get alot more thatch using a stone pick than I get with metal pick. Metal and indeed higher grade is supposed to harvest the item faster.. so a tree might spawn with 210 wood another 320 and so on, you chop chop and get the wood/thatch etc. But you seem to get more using stone tools.. could be my imagination could be random change I dunno, certainly takes longer.. But it does feel like you're grinding for 4-5 days, then rocketing along for 2-3 days at weekends, then grinding the following week. Wears you down. I just bought a new game tho.. so maybe I won't be around much longer anyway. Haven't played for 3 days. Just think.. no me.. awesome eh. The other problem with using high grade tools is you use less energy, thus food drops slower and vits drop faster.. ultimately you get fat.. and no energy and it's always eat poop and die. You have no choice.. then you use tames and it's worse. Anyhow, we'll see how it progresses etc.
  8. Killed a bear few weeks back, found 14k in the cargo saddle bag.
  9. Yep. You can only kill tame to claim the contents of the cargo saddle sadly. The tame is completely useless to you.
  10. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1807007894 There is NO point having a map.. if it is misrepresented. There is no indication on this island that there are shallows where my ship is. This is happening with all the tundra islands and all the new islands added. Get it sorted out.
  11. For a noob gally with common planks. It could be dangerous. A company fella almost lost his gally to a smaller fleet.. although truth be told, he almost lost it really, due to overconfidence.. and a lack of repair materials. But the point I think I'm trying to make is.. instead of 10 ships.. give me 5 that persue me and actually try to kill me. This give up thing they do after a minute.. is really annoying. And yes I know the 2 fleet spawn is probably a bug.. or maybe grapecard hates me personally.. since I seem to see this alot.. maybe there's a bounty on me head. For $1..
  12. It does kinda work with elephants.. you can use the left/right direction keys to turn a tight circle, instead of walking (forwards + left/right) around in a circle.. kinda also works with rhinos and even giraffes if you move 1-2 steps at a time. But everything else does a 39 pt turn. It's probably a bug that you can do this tho.
  13. Nah.. people would just eat poo.. radioactive poisoning would just be treated as another vitamin def. (yes I can't spell deficiency.. maybe)[yes i see the funny side of the post to]
  14. It kinda does.. your planks wear out over time and continually need to be repaired. Since our ships don't float in the air yet.. i guess there's no way of guessing if the water does the damage or if planks just wear out over time. This is true.. infact if you kill a crewman in the lower decks of your ship.. sharks will try to eat their corpse.. I can hear them outside.. swimming around. (Even when I'm in my hut, on top of my mountain in middle of my island)
  15. No - They are an exploit of the badly designed system. Thanks for the admission of guilt for exploiting the game btw. Don't worry.. devs won't do anything about it.
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