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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2019 in Posts

  1. 11 points
    Typically we don't comment on ongoing investigations, whether they're open or closed, though we have made a few exceptions in the past, such as with the Hunter Doyou company, and we'll make one here too. We have been looking into this case for a while based on the reports we received and now that the investigation has come to a close, we have taken action. We understand that it may not come as quickly as you may like and that's a fair criticism, but it has certainly been on the radar whilst we investigate fairly and thoroughly. It is just a process that we are not and will not be transparent about. To reiterate, threads (sometimes with scant evidence) calling for the banning of players in no way expedite our investigative process and we may make moves to moderate witch hunting in the future on our forums. Ultimately, we will take action as we deem it necessary based on our own investigations, and the reports which are submitted to https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/support-tickets/ supplement those investigations. Going to lock this thread now.
  2. 5 points
    We'll be sharing the full details in this Thursday's upcoming Livesteam (2pm Pacific) then we will also break that down in the Captain's Log we'll be posting afterwards on the same day.
  3. 5 points
    Too little too late I'm afraid, dropping under 10k peak in players during the week and probably soon not even over that 10k in the weekends either. How is your 40k players on a world gonna happen when it's this low, so scattered around and such a depressing pile of code you guys have the guts to call a game. Looking forward to spamming the stream again to be ignored some more by you guys. Your ship is sinking, and scooping up water with buckets ain't gonna prevent it from sinking before it left the EA Shipyard, it will crash on release like many of us have lost ships.
  4. 4 points
    Just a note to thank all the great players I have met throughout my travels. I have met people who have just literally given me the shirt off their back. One person gave me a set of pigs, another blueprints, and one person, gave me blueprints and a BEAR!!! Everyone I have met throughout my travels has just been the nicest people. Thanks to all of you who are gracious with your fellow players! To the gentleman who gave me the bear, that was a very selfless gift. Thank you. That beautiful bear lasted all of one day before a alpha cobra broke through my fence, then climbed a 2 high wall and glitched through my wall and killed all of my animals while I was out working. Players may be great, but man is this game glitchy and unfair sometimes. So if you help out your fellow man, this shout out is to you. Thanks for making this game bearable (pun intended haha)
  5. 4 points
    I'm a little confused as to what your complaint is based upon considering we haven't announced the details of our claiming system rework yet. Some players have speculated on what it may entail but it's just that at this stage, speculation. There will be time for everyone to give their feedback on the system as we’ll be deploying the changes in advance on a publicly accessible test network before it hits the Official Network.
  6. 3 points
    We park as to not block anyone elses boat. I can tell you if they have a bank set up, you are surely welcome lol. As long as you dont block any boats in, anchor in..Ive stayed anchored over night before with no issue. Just be sure not to block any ports, boatyards or vessels.
  7. 3 points
    I wish it was a big MMO with subscription based with a very lot of content like other subscription MMO's. They need player markets in game whether that is just trading routes, selling from company stores or an auction house, they need these to bring people together. NPC's need to drastically improve, more options for resource gathering, especially for solo players. Needs a central island or 1 place within so many grids where people go to stop off, like the freeport but bigger with stores, places to drink rum and have a laugh with others. Group system in game maybe? For people who are mainly solo who want to do missions and earn rare things in game, similar to a dungeon finder in other MMO's Change the idea around fishing, only allow certain parts in certain areas where people can fish together and have fun rather than just sit on your own. There are alot of ideas that could make it a great game, this is some of what I'd like to see in the game, will it happen? I very much doubt it but if it did I would expect it to be a couple of years down the line, certainly not now. If there was a hell of alot of content in game, like cosmetics, ships, buildings, furniture, rare items then I'd certainly pay a subscription for it but as it stands I'm taking a break away from the game until it has improved further. I have over 500hrs so far but the fun is diminishing for me so I will see how it turns out.
  8. 3 points
    I’d like to see the ability to unclaim your own ships as admin for your company be implemented if possible. We have a shit tonne of ships and rather than just scuttling them I’d like to give them away or trade them with other players with some kid needing to sit there for hours and hours waiting for the claim flag to do the job. 1. This would also be good for PVE/Roleplayers so they can trade ships with others as a business or whatever. 2. Additionally in PvP people can demand someone surrender their ship and if both parties agree the ship can be handed over without the need to wait hours and hours. 3. Smaller companies can trade bigger companies fully levelled ships easily for alliance purposes so the bigger company won’t need to care how many ships it loses in PvP if their allies are just creating them and levelling them to hand over. Hopefully this will lead to the focus coming off raiding and moving to more sea battles. Im in a mega company btw ( for any haters out there so don’t bother with the toxic shit posting) this is just an idea. I’d like to see people work together more and I believe the current way of trading ships is essentially only based on pvp mechanics when it really need to be. I appreciate any input.
  9. 3 points
    Weren’t you they guy that kept trying to shut down everyone from complaining? I mean, I believe everyone should say anything they want. But at the same time, if you don’t want to be a hypocrite, you really only have to choices. conplain when you want, and let others complain when they want. or, keep feeling people to stop complaining and then stfu. either one if fine with me. I have no preference to what you should do. You just seem to be starting to rant and I am pretty sure you don’t like the people that rant. might be time to take a step back and look from the outside in really.
  10. 2 points
    - Army of the Damned Ships will no longer initially aggro to drydocked or anchored ships, unless fired upon by them or already targeting them. - Shipyards are now properly tagged on the server side, so enemy players will not be able to demo them unless the decay timer has truly hit 0 on the server. - Changed damage type on repair hammer to 0 against players, human npcs, and creatures to stop pvp on pve servers, not used as a weapon on pvp. - Melee weapons are now temporarily ineffective against ship planks. Later this will be changed so that it will only be ineffective against anchored ship planks. - Fixed a building exploit which allowed you to float structures and fortify walls with floors. - Fixed an exploit which allowed you to gain massive height when using the zipline. - Fixed an exploit with Prying Eyes. - Autolock all structures in 'PvE only' with an inventory, except campfires and similar structures which can be placed without a claimflag. - Fixed a bug which prevented admins from accessing remote inventories with the F key when changing group ranks. - Fixed an exploit with mortars. - Fixed game exploits. - Enabled BattlEye Anti Cheat on all Official Servers. Please restart your Steam Clients and make sure to install BattlEye in order to play on our Official Network. Unofficial Networks can still play without BattlEye, and players can right-click the title in their Steam Library and play without the anti-cheat. For those of you who have made custom shortcuts, please update the executable to this: - Fixed an exploit which allowed cannons on cargo carts to shoot through walls.- Additional backend infrastructure for anti-cheat and hack detection. - Fixed multiple exploits which allowed movement of excessively encumbered players through various gameplay mechanics.- Disabled non allied players and creatures basing on anchored or docked ships which can be toggled with a server-setting on PVE servers with the in Game.ini - set bPvEAllowNonAlignedShipBasing=true If you want to allow non allies to be able to be on your ship.- Disabled feats when encumbered. - Fixed players being able to bola certain alpha creatures (now you cannot.) - Fixed ability of players to feed through walls of taming pens and not get attacked. - Removed Elephant having weight reduction for Wood, as this was never an intended mechanic and resulted in players being able to get around ship weight restrictions. Accordingly, we'll be re-balancing the base weight of tamed creatures early next week. - Fixed Lucky Loader feat ability to not be used whilst prone (as you cannot reload prone.) - Fixed players not getting aggro when attacking whilst based on a ship. - Fixed Pillars being build-able on PVE islands. - Stop Allies being able to Capture other Allied territories. - Ships can only receive damage from collision encounters with other ships if they're of the same or a greater weight class (deals with cheesy cheap ramshackle builds to sink bigger boats). - Fixed a bug which allowed players to have more beds on their boat than permitted, this is a retroactive fix. - Fixed a bug which allowed players to place multiple steering wheels on boats.- Fixed a bug which allowed players to bypass the Ship Sail Unit Limit. This is a retroactive fix. - Fixed an exploit with Grapeshot that allowed it to be shot rapidly. - Climbing on other boat's ladders now disabled in PvE if the ship is anchored. - Fixed an exploit related to structures. - Fixed a case which allowed players to clip and stick themselves inside the boat's hull.- Protected against players accessing inventories from outside ships via clipping into boats. - Fixed an exploit which allowed players to stall out servers. - Added extra protection to inventories to fix and prevent players from bypassing pin codes. - Added extra server-side protection to remote inventories to resolve an exploit - Fixed an exploit which allowed players to place multiple claim flags at once. - On PvE specifically, Ship of the Damned should not attack anchored ships that have not fired upon them. - Patched out some .ini changes which allowed people to remove certain visual effects granting them an unfair advantage in PvP. - Fully Anchored Boats now have a buff which provides a bonus 300% structure resistance. I consider these to be more or less actions against exploits and griefing, and I guess it is more if I research more. But I assume you are talking about action against persons who is using exploits and griefing? Also, can you please send a link or tell me where I can read that they officially say they don't really care that ppl do this. I have read that they focus on fixing exploits in game as a whole rather then fixing individual situations where exploits have been used. On banning I´ve seen som list with bans and its not as many steam id on it as people would like but there have been bans. Otherwise this was the only thing I found and it was connected to the amdin account accident. -"The damage done was caused by a technical exploit which we have now protected against, no administrator accounts were compromised in this situation," a Grapeshot Games admin said on the game's forum. "Multiple accounts have been banned in relation to this." But then I only spent a few seconds on google.
  11. 2 points
    My guess is that there will not be a wipe. You could remove all current claims without a wipe. You could replace the current claim system without a wipe. You could reduce tribe/company size without a wipe. You could remove all ships and structures of people that stopped logging in without a wipe. You could make all kinds of changes without a wipe. But now that we have lost 80% of the player base, what would happen if we did a wipe and reset all of those that remain toons to zero? Well, I play a lot. I have played since the start. I have toons on NA pvp and pve. I even have one on EU. If I lost all my points, my skills, my levels, my structures, my ships, my 30 tames. I'd be pissed. I don't think I'd do the whole grind again. I'd guess many think the same way.
  12. 2 points
    you dont need a base in every biome. YOu need to learn what the range of temp the animal wants and keep it there. Tropical and polar are the hardest to breed in because of the extreme temps. you dont have to own land in another biom to breed there can do it from a boat.
  13. 2 points
    I/we park as close as possible but are not there more than 10 minutes. If someone asks we would move ship immediately. If we leave a ship overnight we generally park on a non developed coast trying not to block anyone. I have a public parking area and wouldn’t mind if people doing maps or pit stops use my own docking area.
  14. 2 points
    Make a seperate pvp server without fast travel. Watch how fast you get a population.
  15. 2 points
  16. 2 points
    Paragraphs are your friend. Giant wall of text with no separation not reader friendly.
  17. 2 points
    my dream is to build a boat that will last until morning, I know my dreams are small
  18. 2 points
    The structure limit system for ships needs to take into account port, starboard, bow, stern as different sections of the ship. The structure limit needs to take into account the difference in weight between different sections of the ship. If the ship weight is too unbalanced the ship gets a debuff that severely restricts its seaworthiness. Any argument about restricting variety in designs available is countered by the fact that the only difference in the handful of current designs everyone uses is what direction the cannons face. Players will always move towards the most effective designs. To encourage variance in ships we need far more ship types, each with different limitations that encourages them to be used for specific roles.
  19. 2 points
    @Bolognapwny @REALIST You try everything to blame this game right? Every thread from you is something about "Atlas is bad, dont play it mimimimi"! The community knows you and a lot know that you are just little troll kids. Hopefully they will take some action against trolls like you.
  20. 2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points
    Just wait. When you're pacing up and down the gunwales of your galleon trying to think of what to do... remember this post.
  23. 2 points
    not even a problem anymore.. i spend 1 hour with a baby when its born, then it can hold enough food to last till it can get to the trough, i only come back and check it for the imprinting. No need to sit with it for hours. If your food is decaying faster than the animal can eat it look into growing some veggies as they provide more food meaning the eat less, and they last forever in a trough. If your living in an area that tempeture needs constant monitoring. might want to look into renting land in temperate zones. Since the new patches last week i have bread close to 35 baby bears and lost 0 to food or temp issues. PS im a solo breeder
  24. 1 point
    Can't see ships or bases until you're right on top of them.. Utterly stupid.. I'm sailing around trying to find someone to have a ship battle with, can't find anyone because the render range is so low.. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack.. Ridiculous.
  25. 1 point
    Hey all, Something I have been curious about, and I must admit overly paranoid about as well... I wanted to see what general opinion is on this. So lately been cruising around running our treasure hunts, and inevitably each and every island you have to anchor up in someone's yard. Most often there's a marina or jetty which I feel bad about using, but it provides a safe, and quick / easy access to the island, and once we're done with the hunt, we're back on the boat and sailing off into the sun. My question is on our PvE server, do most people not mind at all if someone hauls up, borrows a place to park up (or just anchors off the beach) does a quick map and be off again? If someone is around I do make myself known, and assure the owners that it's a quick stop off.. Most often no one is home and you just have to take it for granted that it's ok. For me personally, we only have a small base of ops, and a single two sided pier... one day I logged in and shat myself that a huge galleon was taking up half of our port, and we had bears and elephants in our super quiet spot running through our base... We deliberately do not close off our base just in case people want to, but it's always a surprise! The captain of the ship (and crew) started chatting to us and said they just needed to do some resourcing on their way through, and make some emergency repairs.. We actually offered them all the stock they needed to make repairs and some (to save time, and to help them out), they were obv very grateful and we made some friends that day (luckily). As quickly as they were here, they loaded up and were off... But as much as I'd like to think everyone has our communal mentality, i'm sure others out there do not, and heard horror stories of pillars being used to 'imprison' or hold ships to ransom for parking in turf... What do you guys think? are you ok with ships hauling up at your bases / piers to run a quick map / make emergency repairs? Anything I should take in to consideration when finding a place to temporarily set down? (sorry for long post!) Vx
  26. 1 point
    I fortunately already have my dream tried and tested ( no land base everything is on my ship ) unfortunately I had to do this on PVE to test it as nothing lasts long in PVP.
  27. 1 point
    A server wipe and a claim wipe are two different things. You don't have to do a server wipe to fix claims. You don't really even have to do a claim wipe to put a limitation on claims.
  28. 1 point
    It would be nice if there was a way to open a trade window with another player. What I’m thinking is an option under the E menu, similar to recruiting, that one player initiates and the other accepts. It would then open a window very similar to a smithy in that your inventory opens on the left, you put trade items in the top-right section, and their trade items appear in the bottom-right section. Both players would then have to click on a trade button, and any changes to the items would disable that players trade button. This would allow for honest trading between players with very little chance of being defrauded out of goods/gold.
  29. 1 point
    Not to mention how much you have to grind to get the right bp, or the fact that you also have to level those ships, get a good crew and pay them and feed them. Imo if you have something balanced in this game right now is ships.
  30. 1 point
    If claim flag maintenance is going to be put into effect, it needs to come directly out of the bank only. Individual claim flag maintenance will only further RUIN the system for small companies and solo players. claim flag maintenance directly at the flag makes the game even more tedious than it already is currently. Running around, and sailing around to each flag to do maintenance is simply a tedious mechanic and completely unfun.
  31. 1 point
    I agree that limiting beds may not be the end-all-be-all solution, but it will certainly help. I'm currently in one of the mega companies and I can assure you that if we couldn't fast travel there more than half our claims would be freed up because it's simply not worth the time, effort and manpower to sail there. I also think fast travel via beds is an issue in itself that it would help address. I do think that some form of upkeep needs to be implemented as well, and should have to be manually delivered to each flag. Even if it's not any resources and just has to be interacted with. Make people decide what's worth their time and effort and a lot of the problem goes away.
  32. 1 point
    What we have here is an old-fashioned political debate. The game, as it's set up now, is basically mirroring history. Land owners would allow others to work their land in exchange for "their share" of the bounty. We'll call those who own land Nobles and those who don't peasants. Now the peasants didn't particularly like this system so governments were changed and the government, we'll call them devs, got involved. Fast forward to modern times. In this game, the rich (land owners) are not only not being taxed fairly, but are the recipients of the benefits of the taxes. Which some may claim is how it works in the real world too. This is generally seen as unfair. So this is what we need to do. The devs need to impose a 30% tax rate on all land owner's harvesting. Half of what's collected will go towards NPC ships that hunt SOTD and NPCs who patrol island hunting agressive animals. The other half will be evenly distributed to the inventories of all players who don't have any claims once per day.
  33. 1 point
    This is Gandalf my grey Stallion I painted the white on him since I would love to see more horses with pretty markings (like paints, appaloosas etc)
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    All on PvE Official. Here's a few i found in my box of too many for this week! Another sleepless night in the cabin, i wonder how the seas will fare tonight? Thanks!
  36. 1 point
    Tax on PVE is stupid. It all came down to who was able to claim the land first. Abolish tax all together on PVE. New players have ZERO chance of getting any land whatsoever, by eliminating tax it will open up so much land for new players as hoarding the land would reap no reward. There is a company on our island that claimed the majority of the land, they dont even have a base... just flags and a tax bank set to 30%, do they really deserve all those free materials just for being the first people to walk around hitting F1? no. There is also no way to claim the land off them, as long as they visit once in a while to refresh the flag timers its all theirs for nothing. Tax on PVE is a stupid concept. Just abolish flags all together and make it like ARK, would be far less frustrating.
  37. 1 point
    Wow, you literally just advocated for P2W mechanics in this game. Or any game that is played with other people for that matter. I try my best to adress opinions and ideas and do not like attacking a person. However this is blatantly against what every single gamer should innately stand for. Witch is to be able to have the same opportunity to enjoy a game they paid for without parsing out better parts for those that can and want to pay more. You sir, are a piece of dog shit. I will activly spend 10 minutes hoping something unfortunate happens to you today.
  38. 1 point
    You mean you don't like the sound of two paper bags rubbing against each other constantly as your run along?
  39. 1 point
    1 person can place 2 flags. Would be totally fine.
  40. 1 point
    The issue Mike, is that the large cannon kite meta means that to get a fight against such a player, you need to face tank a few volleys just to get close. Losing planks/sails in single volleys. That doesn't make for exciting pvp.
  41. 1 point
    Pillar spam is a bad idea, i have this in my lawless areas. As it is the only protection against the raiding meta (foundation-cannon-byebye huge stone fortress) i spam myself.. very stupid. Hopefully we get some system with max flags per active player (who must have logged in during the last week). Or a „homestone“ solution. I scouted many islands today, the big companies fell apart, in 2 cases there were just the company founder left, owning 20 galleons and 2-3 islands solo...lol. An easy and fair system is a must !
  42. 1 point
    One main building, your capital. Place this and you own some land. Spend skill points to unlock more flags to place. Upkeep goes into the capital building.
  43. 1 point
    This legit complain 'bout the red in red cross shows one thing - if u cant even think thru the small things (as a Dev), what to expect from the "bigger fish to fry"...
  44. 1 point
    This is the sort of thing that makes me roll my eyes whenever I think of their pre Atlas launch statement that they “learned so many lessons from Ark”. This red on red thing is the sort of thing that internal testing and QA should catch long before it ever goes to live servers and that’s only if nobody on the actual design team has a common sense moment and catches it on the front end. It’s another strong indicator that one of their weaknesses stems from apparently not playing their own game much because if they did this would jump out at them as an easy fix fast.
  45. 1 point
    Wipe.....ok. Day 1. Run, run, run for land Day 2. I have Land. Now this Game is great Day 2. I don't have Land. This Game sucks. Game need a wipe!!!
  46. 1 point
    ISO putting every single map designer on the Grapeshot team to shame(sorry Ben ). I mean it's not even fair. How about hiring her instead of letting her talents be unofficial only?
  47. 1 point
    I would love to have some Place on an claimable Island (PVE Server) but all i found so far are People having much more Land claimed then they nee d. I had to make a decission searching on Islands where no claimable Land is available or placing Foundations to avoid having nothin g. In my Opinion there is too much water and not enough claimable Land. And there are too much greedy People ….. hello World.
  48. 1 point
    Sounds like lawless isn't affecting you in the least bit. Play the game the way you want, it is a sandbox after all.
  49. 1 point
    What I find is that if new settlers bother to communicate with the residents of an island most of this sort of land appropriation can be avoided. But, many times I've tried to talk to people who come into my space, drink from my barrels, and cut down the trees directly next to my buildings, only to refuse to even acknowledge me when I am standing right in front of them. These are the same people who build and run, or build right on top of me, or resources. So, I play defensively. But I am more than happy to have neighbors who are respectful.
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