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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2019 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Hey guys I sold 4 brigs this week. How much did you make? I only lost 1,000 gold this week!
  2. 3 points
    There is no slavery. People need to learn what slavery is, then pay attention to changes in the game they play, and then realise their claims of slavery make them look foolish.
  3. 2 points
    just wanted to thank grapeshot for the big middle finger they are giving the NA PVE players, forcing them to play on eu server with higher ping and more lag or to play pvp with all that nonsense. so glad you keep your customer base in mind when you make your ridiculous decisions.
  4. 2 points
    Dear PVE players, lets face the truth : All of the small islands that you could maybe take with your small groups are taken again. So every 30-40 point island is gone. Whats left to you ? A life as a slave to some landlords or an existance as an outlaw in lawless. So why dont you join the Empire server ? I know, you dont like gankers lolstomping you from behind while building up a beautiful pirate castle. I dont like them neither. BUT : You are really safe of these on the Empire server. You can place 150 claim flags, thats enough for even a big island. There is a lot of space for everyone, the hackers, griefers and gankers enjoy their rulor & roxxoring on the Colonies servers and are not present on the Empire server. As these unworthy griefers are way to lazy declaiming your 150 flags your assets are quite safe. Join now, and become a real pirate ! Yours Sith friend
  5. 2 points
    I've been playing Atlas since release, and after the wipe my boss from work picked up the game and joined my company. We went out to go do some treasure maps, and when we got to the island both of our vitamins were low so I grabbed some poop from my shoulder monkey and told my boss to eat it and respawn before we got off the ship. So I not only got away with telling my boss to eat shit and die, but he actually went and did it. I'm living the American dream, and it's all because of Atlas. Thank you, Grapeshot.
  6. 2 points
    so everyone complain about claim !! one guy can claim an entire island so now what we have? seriously i want to insult you dev , get a brain !
  7. 2 points
    they turned a rough diamond into a polished turd
  8. 2 points
    Source? I'm quite happy to be a tenant, the island we aimed for had a cost higher than our company had. When someone turned up and claimed the island, i just asked if our being here would be ok, they said yes. It's been fine ever since. +1 for current system, Needs a few tweeks in my opinion but good so far.
  9. 2 points
    This sounds big. There’s probably a naming rights deal in here somewhere. Maybe two. How about: Bethesda presents the Boomer Inc. Memorial Realistic Auction House and Respawn Point, sponsored by Mountain Dew The kids’ll love it.
  10. 2 points
    I'd never belong to any club that would have me as a member.
  11. 2 points
    My neighbour tested it also, he put things in for me to take out for 1 gold just to test it out and it's not worth the hassle right now unless you've got more gold than you know what to do with. The upkeep cost is insane, I was hoping to build one eventually but now I know what it's like i'll leave it until they fix it hopefully. I don't know why they couldn't just have 1 NPC in a freeport and when you click E goto something like "available shops" then it brings you a list of all shops people have. You could have just a search function also, type what you want, it brings up available player shops then buy there and then from NPC. Auction house would be also fun but not sure if they are going down that route, probably not.
  12. 2 points
    Ahoy, brothers-pirates! I decided to share my AHK. Full sails and dry sailing! Braveheart.ahk Careless Whisper.ahk Daft Punk.ahk Godfather.ahk Harry Potter.ahk In The Mood.ahk Katyusha.ahk Lonely Shepherd.ahk Skyrim.ahk Star Wars.ahk Wrecking Ball.ahk
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
    1440 x 7= 10080 cost of player shop maintenance for a week coming up short 1k = 9080 divided by per brig = 2270 sale price per brig. Since this makes your brigs less than 2 days worth of shop rent, it would be hard to argue you are overcharging for them. However any player considering purchasing one of your brigs would need to weigh whether the time needed to farm the gold was less than the the time needed to farm the mats to build the brig himself. For the sake of the illustration let’s assume the brig and all its components are of default quality. By careful analysis of comparing the relative time investment of each option we can clearly see that... JK. It’s still patently absurb that shop rent should be a gold per minute, a fact that should be obvious even to brain dead lemurs on crack without any in depth analysis whatsoever.
  15. 2 points
    There are things an owner can do to make the island more attractive. Public Taming traps, ladders to hard to reach places that contain gems, some safe housing to get away from predditors, maps/signs showing where the resources are,, and working to keep the island spam-free. THe location he has is a primo one, temperate so can grow any crop. one grid away from east tundra, high desert and two from low desert and west tundra ans as close to polar as you can get without being in tundra., While I do not like the island ownership model, this owner is they type of owner that would make it work. more power to the OP. A friendly owner is preferable to lawless, however more owners will think they are friendly than actually are.
  16. 2 points
    He's fishing for people because the Empire server is dead. It was DOA. Its so dead it will most likely get wiped in the next month or so and you'll lose everything you created.
  17. 2 points
    As a solo player, it’s totally not worth the cost of trying to own even the smallest of islands. Almost all of my game time would be involved in keeping it. Even something as small as The Shinning Isles in K7 (which would barely support 1 player) costs 244 gold per day. I have been burned by other players in the past and don’t personally know anyone who owns an island ATM. I don’t see any reason to trust another company or benefit to setting up on someone else island. True, after 24 hours they cannot delete my stuff, but can still, at anytime prevent me building more. So I’m setting up in Lawless. There isn’t any reason not to.
  18. 2 points
    so wait can one of the devs can clarify something for me? Have you gone overboard on the restrictions on PVE claim Flags? Are you telling me that because I am a two-man company that I just stayed up all night trying to claim land and doing everything I needed to to claim land but I can't because I'm a two-man company and that's not enough people. You should be able to claim at least one territory that's ridiculous I have dealt with glitched-out snakes to the point that the game hasn't even been fun anymore and I can't claim land like I was promised that I would be able to do in PVE. I have friends that I was going to have buy The Game and join me but I'm about ready to tell him don't bother. I completely understand this is Early Access and there's a lot of things to be fixed on this game but the balancing issue with the monsters is ridiculous when you can't walk for the dang cobras killing you no matter what level you are a level 1 Cobra can kill you with out a fight it really makes the game no fun cuz it's just a slaughterfest for the monsters and you're constantly doing body runs I had three Alpha cobras on me earlier so I'm sure you can understand where I'm upset and then the fact that I find out because you've gone overboard with the restrictions on PVE I can't claim land a company should be able to claim at least one territory I don't want to deal with PVP because I'm a Casual Gamer I mostly play on the weekends because I'm a single mom and it played when my child is at his dad's I can't play PVP I don't have the time to invest in that that's why I was happy when you put the claiming system back in PVE this is a big letdown
  19. 1 point
    Have you created an accordian but don't have the ability to play it? Check out my Autohotkey song macro tool: http://delayatlas.com/songmaker All you have to do is install Autohotkey, create your song, copy the text to a text editor and save the text with the .ahk extension like "mysong.ahk". Double click the file and press F12 or whatever toggle key you chose, and your character will start playing the song! The toggle key will pause/unpause the script. For example, this is the Lazytown You Are a Pirate song: r--r--gdsa--rrrrdrgiii--rrrrdrgdsa--a--g-hg-r---
  20. 1 point
    So devs you guys have fixed the offline raiding and stealing ships while offline, great job! But we still are missing the pirate aspect of the game...., why does it still take so long to steal someone's ship when I can sink it in less then a minitue???? I understand we don't want people stealing ships while people are afk. Makes perfect sense. Why don't you just make it so anchored ships can't be stolen? Or take the normal amount of time while anchored. But ships that have players aboard?! We should be able to steal them within just a few minutes! Make it so with a few rules! 1# Unanchored ships can not be captured if they have a bed in the ship . 2# ships can not be captured if they have any hostile players on board. 3# the player can not take damage while stealing the ship. With just these simple rules we could have so much pirate action an make the game a little bit more lively. I mean it takes only a few minutes to sink a players ship on the sea so why shouldn't we be able to steal the ship in the same amount of time. Will lead to more fun pvp instead of just trying to sink the ship more boarding and close range combat will happen. Something close to these lines would make the game headed in the right direction. Kinda hard to be a pirate game when it takes 22 hours to steal a boat that can have that canceled by having a hostile just walk into the area.... No reason not to do this. The attacked player is losing their ship both ways. Maybe one day they will steal their ship back. Or put a bounty on that specific ship??? Possibilities are endless.
  21. 1 point
    Attention Devs!!!! THIS!!! Here we have a company who’s claimed an island and is ADVERTISING for other players to come there. Why? Because almost NOBODY WANTS TO SET UP ON SOMEONE ELSES LAND! Your “new” claim system offers absolutely no reason at all settle on claimed territory. The only benefit is to the owner in PVE!!!!! Nice ad by the way. Except every island has resources.
  22. 1 point
    Smithy > Structures > Cliff > Enjoy
  23. 1 point
    Where did this slave idea come from? We just ask that they get along with everyone else and help defending their neighbors when the time comes. Not a lot of strings attached and certainly not master/slave relationship. Biggest rule is don't be a dick. Most of the companies we are allied with do it the same way.
  24. 1 point
    I generally find Satisfactory to be a great example of EA done right. They've still got a lot of content they want to add in, but the content that they have in is Well done, tested, and polished. I've been through several EA's where the focus was on showcasing everybody the best example of a small part of the finished product, so that a player can easily say to themselves "I want more of exactly this". There's also a big difference that many of those games go through proper Alpha tests, and sometimes even Beta tests, before EA. As others in the thread have stated, where the EA point is can change drastically from game to game. The best are those where it's truly EA, after a proper Alpha test, and not using EA as a replacement for a Proper QA team and internal testing.
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    This would be better than what it is now. Smaller companies are all taking up the lawless now since the claim system is complete crap.
  27. 1 point
    People just need to have more faith in the system and stop assuming every landlord is going to be 90% troll. I spawned on the island I intended to live on, and have been building there ever since. After a few days someone claimed the island and haven't had any issues with them whatsoever. My structures are safe, I don't even give building a second thought, I just do it, as I have no concerns about it at all. My landlord has tax set at 12% instead of 20% and I actually think to myself, why not just put it on 20% because i'm not paying anything towards it anyway. People keep claiming claimed land is for slaves, yet there is no slavery because we don't even pay taxes, just like lawless. We have 10 day decay timer, I thought it was odd that lawless got it too, i'd prefer claimed land to be 14 days though. People that claim islands need to pay gold for the claim, that gold isn't paid by the tenants, so they've got to constantly farm gold to keep the claim. Therefore, landlords will want as many people building on their land in order to increase the gold payment interval so that they don't have to pay the gold so frequently. If a landlord trolls their tenants they likely won't afford the claim upkeep for long, so they have every reason to be good. I know the community can be bad and people troll, but people also need to have more faith. This claim of having to settle on lawless because you don't want to be a tenant over fear of structures being destroyed is silly, because the chances of that happening are very very slim.
  28. 1 point
    Unofficial servers are the way to go as far as I'm concerned. My experience is that getting into a good community is the best experience; always. Official servers are like the armpit of the gaming community with survival games.
  29. 1 point
    I find it hilarious when someone posts about how crap a game is, because they own a potatoe of a computer that can't run it. And I remember when playing in a Beta.. was free.
  30. 1 point
    Yep, and you paid a discount to get in early. When (if) the game comes out of EA and goes on release, it will go up in price. So hopefully it improves to the point that YOU enjoy it and if not, then you lost your gamble. I've already gotten my $25 of enjoyment out of it and most of that has been playing with a fun company I just happened to bump into because we were in the same grid at the right time. I've had some hilarious times killing whales, SoTD, running the fountain gauntlet, etc with them. We (mostly Miekka our leader) even got an award for the castle and town we built on the old build. Tonight we are going whale hunting for the first time since the new patch and I'm sure it'll be a blast. I've learned in my long tenure of gaming that you get out of the game what you make of it.
  31. 1 point
    I don’t want my buddy boomer to die. He wouldn’t be able to enjoy that auction houses if that happened. I would use myself as a shield to spare him. A worthwhile sacrifice. just make sure they call it “boomers realistic auction house” my dying wish
  32. 1 point
    It seems to me that most people made it clear they did not like the new claim system before it came out. It was clear people didn't want landlords. The devs went that way anyway. Time after time I am left with a total loss of understanding of the devs plans or direction in Atlas. This sounds just like the FOY system. Most don't like it but we will force you to play the game the way we want you to play it! If not, we will make your avatar look like crap. Live with that! Rather then spending your time trying to screw over those that live on lawless, spend it stating how you don't like the current system. People didn't want it before it was released and people don't like it now that it has been released. Its too bad that this dev team beats bad ideas like a dead horse, trying to make it run.
  33. 1 point
    We got 2 powerstones on PTR and explored the trenches in the sub. Tamed a crab threw each other into the ocean. For EU-PvE tried the Kraken today. Basic boats kinda screwed us. We will try again in a few days. Unless they transfer all of our stuff to NA and the tribe agrees or they do another wipe (Both of which I highly doubt) I don't see Lotus going back to NA anytime soon. As for the whole NA server thing I don't feel a need for it. The ping difference is not really noticeable it's the patch being laggy. We have a nice healthy player base right now it feels really good and I think colonies on PvE has been really successful. ~Lotus
  34. 1 point
    ... and they also added a suitable, stupid behemoth wall. That thing is a monster. You know - it's not the size that counts (that's what she said ). +1 for a 3x6 gate for elephants, rhinos and giraffes!
  35. 1 point
    NOthing Wrong with the current system expect every one wants to be a chief.... Well Too Bad.. I like this system now. No 1 person is claiming a massive area. YOu need a group to claim a big island. Taxes no longer affect the player. There are plenty of islands you can build on that welcome you as long as your not a jerk and try to grief. After 24 hours your house cant be removed and your good to live there forever.
  36. 1 point
    This upkeep is roughly 2-3 crewmen cost a day. It is blurry because I had to scale it down (500k pic limit). But in case you can not ready it, it says 7/100000, upkeep cost 1 gold charged approximately every 238 min. Not sure how this all works. I think I will put one up myself when I log in and figure it out. LOL I did not buy anything! just happened to see it right after this post when I logged in.
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    While I don’t disagree with any of that, it misses the point. Ask the OP WHY they claimed an island in the first place? The answer will probably be something along the lines of they wanted to be self reliant, wanted to be master of their own fate, wanted to have the ‘best thing’ in the game (winning so to speak). People can’t claim an island cannot have those things... they are forced to settle for less. People who play games don’t want to settle for less... there’s enough of that in real life.
  39. 1 point
    Anytone thinking of making an company "Bring back NA PVE", would not take much to get it to top company in Empires. There are enough NA PvE plauyer might be able to take all 10 spots.
  40. 1 point
    No way! Let them get the game working first and then we can talk about events. Right now they just need a solid foundation, mainly claims are the big issue (Still).
  41. 1 point
    Yes, I have been watching the player number over past 3 days. Players on lawless grids are rising, and those on claim grids are falling. total numbers on PvE are steady to slightly rising. Not arguing the foundation spam is rampant, and something needs to be done, but island level claiming is not currently working, the promised structure maintenance would have helped. Not to say it won't start working as owners actively court settlers, but right now its the exception for owners. In general PvE players don't want to be tenants or landlords, they just want their space, the foundation spam is an extension of that desire. many of the spammed area, the owner will pick up if you ask, but that's if they are available to ask and get approval from there rest of company, which generally not worth the time. I can't place link, but google "Atlas Player Tracker" and you can find the numbers yourself.
  42. 1 point
    Too early. Bigger fish to fry. I suspect they will do these things when the game is more stable.
  43. 1 point
    Man, you are never going to get out of that hole. Smh. Wait a couple more days and you will have to sell a galleon to break even and then the upkeep just starts again
  44. 1 point
    No thanks. All it would take to get the pvp crowd back there is a big group of pve people moving to the server. Nothing pvp loves more than people who don't like to fight and are unprepared to do so.
  45. 1 point
    First of all, I’m not bitching or crying about anything. All criticism is not bitching or crying so let’s just get that out of the way upfront. If you can’t distinguish between mindless complaints and reasoned, fact supported criticism you should learn to tell the difference before deciding anything you don’t agree with is the former. Second of all everyone is fully aware servers cost money. MMO’s have been in existence for over 20 years now and somehow for years and years companies managed to cover the cost of those servers without doing so at the expense of the development process by either producing an unfinished, unpolished game or charging players for “Early Access” as a revenue generating and shoddy replacement for actual legitimate beta testing of their game behind closed doors. Therefore, your point about server costs is clearly an irrelevant red herring. The cost of servers is just one of numerous development costs when producing a game and clearly cannot justify the consumer unfriendly change in industry practice. The underlying point here is about whether Early Access as a substitute for traditional alpha and beta testing is appropriate as an excuse for substantially established studios to dump unfinished products onto the market, label them Early Access, and get away with charging full price.
  46. 1 point
    Why give a positive review when the claiming system in this game is a POS? The idea you have to pay 1000 gold a day to have an island is absurd and totally bullchit. This needs to be fixed asap....WTF get your heads outa your arses
  47. 1 point
    I changed my review on Steam from positive to a negative, just like many others have. Chances are I won’t be changing it back anytime soon and that is just me being honest. The way they have went about the wipes, the PTR and now the live servers leaves nothing to be desired. NA pve players now have to wait two weeks or longer to play unless we go to EU pve and play until NA comes back online but then we lose any progress we’ve made up to that point once again. I’m just dumbfounded in the thinking that went into this decision, I just can’t understand why they would take down the NA pve server to bring out a new pvp game mode, if it’s new shouldn’t it be the one that was delayed and brought out in two weeks or more ? Honestly I just can’t figure it out, perhaps someone can explain it to me. I have co workers who are telling me that hey the game is on sale, you still playing, I mean what can I tell them, yeah sure get the game, play in EU for a couple weeks, lose all your progress and start over if and when they bring NA pve servers back. I just can’t do it, no matter how much I enjoyed the game. I’ve been fair though, I tell them to wait till it comes out of EA because as of right now with the lack of communication, the delays when something is posted for a certain date and the known issues that have been around since launch that just can’t seem to get fixed, it’s just not worth their time. Not for someone who works for a living.
  48. 1 point
    Also- If you look at the ship sizes, both from a build stand point and size stand point we seem to be missing sizes in our current lineup for sure. Beyond adding different ship types of the same size as ships we already have, we have room for a size between the sloop and schooner, the schooner and brig, and the brig and galleon. Other pics and information sites list cutters and a few other types as well. If the ship speeds were more historically accurate even sloops would be usable as fast attack ships. And grappling an enemy ship to board would be nice.
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point
    Thanks, it's really frustrating This company is the worst company I've ever seen where support is concerned... I mean, having bug reporting on a forum instead of using an actual tracker is so amateur.
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