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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    So, me and my friends went to do a Masterwork map this weekend, for x2. Unfortunately, a company had pillars placed all around the cliffside, and we couldn't get up to the cliff, where the map was! So this would normally be a GG moment, because the company had pillared, but not even done the courtesy of building a rampwhere they pillared. However, then I remembered something from a patch note a while ago. They reduced the distance that pillars and foundations blocked others! So, carefully walking around, I did it... I found a good spot slightly up the cliff for a single pillar! And from that pillar, I was able to build a ramp and we saved our Masterwork Map, walking away with 8 mythical blueprints and 7000 gold! I was so happy! So, I wanted to give a VERY special thanks to Jat, Dollie, and the dev team for that slight fix. It might not work for the pillaring, but it at least gives people a CHANCE to work around it. Also, can't include screenshot because upload limit, unfortunately.
  2. 2 points
    Not a big deal to me. I mean, this is PVE, right? What's there to compete about?
  3. 1 point
    Ahoy Captain's and Mermaid's, we are goin to get the ghost ship this Saturday. If you wannt to higher your level cap, completing the quests Join our raid! More informations on https://discord.gg/7JbR3Vs . Sea you on the sea
  4. 1 point
    14k damage torpedo's is more then insane, you removed the explosive barrels from cannons because it was to OP. But then add these that do 3x more damage and have long range. Only big companies will have access to it since its locked. can blow up harbors and anchored boats no problem. If this isn't nerfed in 1~2 weeks, I'll quit this game. The game has alot of potential, but you guys seem to just want it to fail lolz...........
  5. 1 point
    Hi all making a new event to take down the kraken 1.0 for getting the sub. All are welcome to join. The event Will take place friday 7.june at 09:30 pm CEST. We will do a meet up in G8 at the north Island as last time. Will sail at 9 pm. If you Just want meet directly in H8 that's fine aswell. Participants need to bring a battle brig or galleon to the fight. When you sign up please put in this info. This so it's easier to count how many we are. If we get 70 people like last time we will have to Split i to 2 groups to avoid a lag party. If that is the case i Will assign groups and time for 2 group. Example Company name: Lost Vikings Boat: battle brig Players joining: 1 Hope to see all and happy sailing
  6. 1 point
    Haven't completed yet but clanmate told me how to do it easily. On your ship you will need to box yourself in so the mermaid can't pull you in when you find the circles. Can use railings and or walls or whatever. Once you find the mermaid circle and are out of it, use spyglass to see the mermaid in the middle of the circle. If she is beautiful, shoot her in the face! Once you get close to the beautiful one she'll turn into a monster and try to drown you. The mini game during the drowning is just so you can punch her in the face and escape and has noting to do with trying to make her friendly. If when you look at her with the spyglass and she is ugly, then you can swim into the circle and when you get close, she will turn beautiful and embrace you and you will get the completion for Friend of the Mermaids. I guess they are trying to teach us it's more about what's in the inside than the outside?
  7. 1 point
    I could get down with that. It's far more substantive than simply earning xp from hitting things.
  8. 1 point
    Company name: Robert industrie Boat: Galeon Players joining: 2 See you next friday
  9. 1 point
    https://discord.gg/EYC7epU there u go
  10. 1 point
    everyone should look up Tacking techniques on the google. Tacking small when the wind is directly forward is fast but when the wind is slightly to one side or the other tacking large with the direction of the opposing wind is way faster. Think way wider zigzags. Have fun and get creative with it once you understand how it works you start to feel like the old man and the sea in no time.
  11. 1 point
    Sorry to hear you lost those resources, though if it was a significant quantity chances are you would have lost most of them anyway unless you had resource chest on hand to put them in, still sad to lose a lot of stuff to a bug.
  12. 1 point
    Company name: Highly Delighted Boat: Cannon Brig or Tenticle Brig (let me know) Players joining: 2+
  13. 1 point
    I'm sure there are things you could "Lechuck" at the Kraken!
  14. 1 point
    We are Doing Kraken once every week so if u wanna Tag Along feel free to join our discord for the next Kraken
  15. 1 point
    Pretty much my sentiment to. All ranking does in PvE is highlight those that have more time to get more done. There's no skill wall in PvE, just time. Who's go more achievements? Who owns more land? Who has the most gold? well it's all relative to how much time someone has.. not like in PvP where one minute you're the richest, and the next you have been raided and lost all your gold, to which it passes on to your attacker, and so on and so on. Rankings in Atlas PvE are pretty moot.
  16. 1 point
    Yeah I'd love to join stuff like this too, but I only have a Schooner too, and not even full of monkeys. Just me and my NPC Stan.
  17. 1 point
    A Farkin Men. Don't forget that the bobbing up and down even makes frontal grabbing near impossible. Thought it would make it easier by adding an additional ladder extending into the water. Nope. And I do not want to roll up the ladder from the water. How stupid is that?? I am not suicidal and want to prevent boarding my own ship. If I want to do that, I will just stay in the water with the sharks. duh. Also, even hitting the climb prompt perfectly does not work because it apparently has to hold the prompt for more than a second, which bobbing cancels. Lastly, that second ladder I mentioned, well, at the joint where they connect, it only gives me the option to jump back into the water instead of just continuing the climb up. Some kind of silly forks this is, so yes, please rethink the whole ladder thing devs or admins or whomever you have in charge of ladders. Because I do not need a new Puffalump or whatever, a functioning ladder would enhance my quality of life. Much appreciated.
  18. 1 point
    Ohhhhhhhh, i'm exactly the same. Pre coffee: Post coffee: I tend to visit the forums POST-COFFEE! On topic, what knarks me is when I go running on load up, then stop as an invisible wall surrounds me, then once it's loaded, I realise i'm in someones base, in a room with locked doors, and I can't get out. Especially annoying when on a bear.... Had the same issue in Ark
  19. 1 point
    Hello guys, Come on, can we pleas get the client to load in structures that are closes to the player first? The problem is that people get to see your base layout and also when you login you can fall trough your base to the basement and get stuck! The client also as a stupid load in limit, that should be a server side setting! If i have the computer that can load in stuff fast and not die doing it then i should be able to set this up. It would be ok if the server had a limit so we don't create to much lag when logging in. Simple stuff like that really annoyes me every damn day. Do other people share this opinion or am i just being to critical? haha, i do get more cranky with age and if i have not gotten my coffee yet / Shepard
  20. 1 point
    To prevent them from glitching over a wall it needs to be 4 walls high. Prevent you from spawns in your house - impossible at the moment. I got up to three spawns in my huge castle per day. Vultures, snakes, crocodile.... Just set your tames on neutral - no one will die again. And never park a rhino alone. They're too dumb to handle a rattlesnake. The bigger problem with cobras is their hitboxes. These allouds them to come so close to the wall, that the head is fully inside and can bite your tames asses. Lot of people building a second wall around their cages because of that. This means more structures and less performance. All just because of a hitbox. But don't mind on the cobras too much. Since years a lot of people get problems with this mechanics in ark and they never changed it. So why should they do it here?
  21. 1 point
    can you pls show the math on 6 weight sails + cargo rack vs 6 speed sails or any other combination? would be interesting to know how much time is needed from point a to b...
  22. 1 point
    Maybe im in. Is it possible to sail alone with the group? Im scared about the Brig and repair stuff, i cant sail alone and repair xD. Or lost my ship before end and dont get the buff like the othe people from the last youtube video :D. Is there a safety "way" for help and get the skill?? I dont like leeching but i play alone atm. Or maybe i will join a group as alliance and help to repair?!
  23. 1 point
    And hit harder when you have better cannons, and have a bigger hp pool with your better planks, you want your improved out of balance items to still being op, why wouldn't you? Ofc you don't want to chase for three sectors a guy that clearly doesn't want to fight you back, when you can gank him in just one. Im not trying to convince you, im just stating something that is quite obvious to me, bp bonuses are completely ridiculous, and now that warships are very lightweight, fixing the speed bonus would make it worse. Before you say anything about me getting better things too, i'm gonna tell you i already have them. I just wish the shipfights in the game would be more skill based like in post wipe early days rather than blob/op gear based like they are now.
  24. 1 point
    You say that, but I cannot implore you enough to try making some ramps up to mountains in areas you pillar. It'd really help those of us who travel 10-15 squares away to do rare maps.
  25. 1 point
    Percieval, I agree with you. A game in the alpha phase is not free of bugs and other issues. But this is not the point. I passed a few months a construction area every morning on my way to work. Every time I saw a few young workers with their helmets wrong way on. Maybe because it's cool... Idk Each morning I think about: if a man is too dumb to wear his helmet the right way, so why he should be able to construct a house?! That's the same here: if that office is not able to block a simple spambot, so why should I trust in them? How should these pple be able to program a huge game? Just how I think about that.
  26. 1 point
    A lot of ways to get scammed doing that. Also holding land you don't need is also a scumbag thing to do. Some people can't get the bigger islands and then other companies take the small ones because they can. Another reason upkeep needs to be increased IMO. ~Lotus
  27. 1 point
    So it all went down like this ”I want to play a game where I’m the boss and no one else bothers me with anything!” ... ... ”Let me join this multiplayer game where thousands of other players can interfere.” ... ... ”This is not what I want”
  28. 1 point
    I believe ice has a spoil time of 12 hours in the icebox. The last time I looked at mine it had 44 ice in one slot, i'm not sure the max per slot. So basically you lose 2 ice per slot a day if the icebox is not being used to cool down the area. I haven't tried using it to extend spoil timers yet.
  29. 1 point
    I git pulled the latest server grid editor, these are the new ones it seems:
  30. 1 point
    It didnt say anything above them at all im a bear breeder so im looking for the islands or incorrect biome. My mistake it was two female LAWL
  31. 1 point
    It probably wouldn’t take too much for a (theoretical) GM to do. Check maybe a dozen different islands every day, and if they find somebody spamming, just destroy all of that company’s buildings in the zone. I recall a command in ARK that would do exactly that. I don’t think it would be too long before the spammers give up on blanketing areas with foundations when it costs them everything else. The (theoretical) GMs, would just have to keep doing it, not stopping when it slows down. Are there actually GMs?
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    We have been using it on a Gally. We set the chair right at the edge where the sides are at the lowest point. We do have some ramps installed there as well not sure if that is making a difference or not. As far as being able to watch for ships etc you can fish in “k” mode
  34. 1 point
    the begin fishing is the human interaction , automatically catch fish is the automatic part when correct velocity is met .... not have to cast it then sit there then press stupid buttons to catch fish ...... there is nothing automatic about it in any shape or form not to mention the amount you get is a waste of time , 6 fish at best per catch , i can get more than that with a bow from one fish , not to mention it uses sap as bait so pound for pound cheaper and faster to use a bow if u want fish
  35. 1 point
    I have built underwater structures to protect my ships from them.
  36. 1 point
    Nah, screw that. Even 5 is stupid. Water freezes at 32 degrees and a lot of people on here want sailing close as can be to reality so I expect my water to freeze at 32 degrees. and actually have anything lower than 30 degrees is completely stupid. This isn’t something that was a mistake they made. They can’t be that stupid to make a mistake like this. either make everything else in the game as fake as this or make it to where even 32 degrees will make ice. Very stupid decision.
  37. 1 point
    and boomer still has the most articulate intelligent replies on the board
  38. 1 point
    actually Velius what he said makes perfect sense
  39. 1 point
    we use ours for taking the team up power stone islands without a Fire elemental roasting our entire armored team
  40. 1 point
    It wasn't that the FOY was impossible it was the fact that it was not thought out very well and was implemented so ridiculously. That was why we were complaining. I personally tried to do the FOY and found it an absolute shit show and not worth it so I had grudgingly accepted the debuff. I was very elated when, after our constant bitching, Grapeshot relented and decided to remove the debuff. THAT is especially why we lodge our complaints here on the forums. Whenever we feel something needs to be corrected, Grapeshot often times will heed our complaints and suggestions and find creative ways to rectify it. By the way, just because something is EASY for you does not necessarily mean that it MUST be easy for every other player. I know of no solo nor small companies that have slain the Kraken without additional help. The challenge for PVP is not the PVE content, it is to promote large PVP encounters. In this Pirate MMO, that would be large Base sieges and Fleet to Fleet naval battles.
  41. 1 point
    As a general rule.. ship stuff from ships.. land stuff from maps. structure stuff from floating stuff. So if you are wanting shipyards, gunports, planks, decks, cannons etc.. sink sotd, if you want carbines, pistols, armour etc do maps. If you want better structure, use spyglass on the flotsam and do wrecks.
  42. 1 point
    Didn't read it all, but I meet people like you all the time. Don't hope.. plan for it. Wolves, Lions, Tigers.. all eat a ton of meat. You need to get out with a bear on a decent sized island or goto a freeport, and store up as much meat as you can. Even get vultures and use them as preserves if you have to. A full trough lasts around 13 hours. Give or take my shoddy maths. For 1-3 tames it should suffice, but I'd probably check every 4-6 hours after they get 10% to see exactly what you're loosing. Have a few fires preferably underneath the babies, to keep them warm. Full of wood.. Guy I know.. put 20 logs in each fire.. He was hoping was well. Fortunately, I got him to pin his doors, fires and trough, so I kept the wolves alive whilst he was offline. If you're pushed for time as a "casual player" do your breeding at the weekends, when it's usually 2x rates.
  43. 1 point
    The problem is, the nature of sailing itself. I tend to find it enjoyable at points personally but I can see where it can get exhausting. For the most part it is not very engaging, you should be vigilant, as a SOTD could pop up over the horizon and ruin your day, but for the most part it is, hey look an island, hey look a wreck, hey we need to avoid the sotd. It can get monotonous rather quickly, especially on long trips. Because of the theme of the game, wind is a key mechanic that we can't just do away with, but when you need to sail far to the north and all you have is a weak south bound wind, sailing becomes miserable, especially as you navigate numerous fleets of the damned. Makes it more engaging, but it isn't that fun as you'll be sunk should you engage and you often really don't want to turn back and sail for 30 min to the closest island to wait it out. Sailing will always have its tedious moments, but there are ways it can be improved. I think more frequent ship battles would help a lot(but in their current state they are pretty expensive, not the most accessible thing and at times risky for smaller groups), or a passive speed multiplier as you go without engaging or coming within proximity of an island or ship of the damned.
  44. 1 point
    *waits patiently for those screenshots of giant pink dildo sails, because that would be amazing.*
  45. 1 point
    Technically it's griefing. -_- ~Lotus
  46. 1 point
    I think they should ban people for spamming foundations and pillars..
  47. 1 point
    What a bunch of idiots. Why does someone play on PvE and grief other players like this?
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