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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2019 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    The only people I feel sorry for are the few that either planned a farewell party for their company or planned to do something just before it closed, but they were given no opportunity to do it.
  2. 3 points
    Those "fuckin instructions" are in latest captain´s log. Maybe you could read it before you create another stupid topic.
  3. 3 points
    The ATLAS Public Test Realm is available to all players via the Steam Beta branch. You can join the PTR by following these steps: 1) Right click on the ATLAS game in your steam library and select "properties" 2) Select the "Beta" tab on the popup as indicated below: 3) Locate publictestrealm in the drop down menu and select that. 4) Select close then launch ATLAS.
  4. 2 points
    **This is my critique/review of the game so far, its mechanics, concepts and implementation. This is not at all about the technical side pertaining to programming. Net code, exploits and glitches/bugs are all assumed to have been logged and are being addressed. Also, I apologize for the length as it violates my own advice of not making a post that is longer to read and respond to than the average amount of time one spends taking a shit** What we have so far with Atlas A great framework for an MMORPG. The map size is vast, its beautiful. Yeah, its chalked full of native UR4 assets, but that's your benefit to using UR4 (I like seeing my PUBG rocks and trees, its comforting). The sea, while not quite as good as Sea of Thieves, is pretty awesome and makes up for a lack of polish by having a fully functional "under the sea" environment (I personally think this might be the biggest asset Atlas has, the potential of what can be done here is just massive). The ships, although overly limited in options for the time being, are also done very well and I think they look and feel fantastic. Far far beyond anything SoT has been able to produce. The sub looks fantastic! The dynamic weather, although a little unpolished is such a welcome addition to an MMORPG. A hardcore PvP aspect reminiscent of Diablo II. You die, all your gear stays on your corpse to be lost or recovered as you are able to do. It is a welcome throwback to add risk to death. The Condition for "winning" in Atlas Is currently amount of land "claimed". This is a solid tried and true concept for any MMORPG. The basic idea is "King of the hill". What we can do in Atlas Objectively speaking, we can only Build, Destroy, and Kill. Any action taken is in pursuit of one of these goals. This was the first breakdown in Atlas gameplay. The WinCon and what we can objectively do are separated. I could go to your island and throw down flags, thus progressing with my WinCon. I don't have to build anything, or destroy anything, or kill anyone to accomplish this. Additionaly there is no tangible reward or incentive for "winning" (yes I know you get a front of ship figurehead for aesthetics). This is unrewarding, unstimulating, and leaves me wanting to do any of the 3 things I can do that are all vastly more rewarding than fulfilling the WinCon. But the concept is still solid. We just need winning to feel more like winning, and losing feel less like starting over from scratch (as this will fatigue the community). Some people have called for factions, they probably came from WoW. Some people have called for combining PvE and PvP, they probably played real MMORPGs where this is truly the best setup. Some people are calling for a small team style companies, while overs still covet the Megas. What all parties are trying to articulate is a desire for a tiered system with varying degrees of the WinCon where a sense of success or progression is attached to it. Its basic human psychology. Casinos have been using this since they were created to make people addicted to gambling. What we are missing so far in Atlas NPCs. The current AI slaves are a disincentive to cooperate with other people. A good MMORPG design should continually encourage and reward cooperation and competition. Where are all the townsfolk? Where is the auctioneer? Why is there not a bank or warehouse, and the NPCs to run them? Towns/Cities. What is a Freeport? Why is it a deserted ruins with a waterfall? I feel like there should be a purpose, I feel like it should be community related. Combat. It needs a lot of polishing. I'm fully aware there is a ton of time until release but this is 2019 after all, I feel this could have been better out of the gate. Economy. Make Gold Great Again. The gold sinks currently available are disappointing, What do I NEED this gold for? A solid mechanic is to require some purchasable items in common crafting. Another idea, more in line with the direction we are going is maintenance fees. This puts limits on build size and sustainability. I would also have re-specking a character be a gold sink that only ever gets more expensive, or at least has a flat rate high enough to be a deterrent from day to day re-specking. The other humanoids. 40% of the map is sea, 40% of the map is Air, and 10% is land. Where are the Atlantians? The Pathfinders can breathe above the sea and struggle below, so half the map is conducive to this existence. Should there not be an inverse to this? If we can build structures in the sea, something should be able to utilize them. There seems to be ample conditions for more races to add diversity. I could be way off on this one I admit. End Game content/objectives. What exactly is there available for me to do at lvl 50 or 100 that I cant do at lvl 10? For that matter..... What is the point of levels? What is it I get from gaining levels, or max level, albeit they are currently almost just given to you. There is nothing currently locked behind a level. I don't necessarily find this a bad concept, just curious why bother even having the levels? I feel skill should always trump time invested in a game, so why cant everyone start with the stats of a lvl 100 to distribute as they see fit? My suggestions I think "King of the Hill" is the correct concept. I just think we need to identify where the "hills" are and reward appropriately. This would be my suggestion below, I feel it allows for all play styles without compromising anything. 1. Turn free ports into fully functioning towns with the basic assets of a decent MMORPG. The player shops are already said to be coming, lets just finish the job. 2. Add in the "King Hills", aka CASTLES. These should be pre-built epic structures that must be taken, be it 24/7 or weekly or monthly w/e. Think Lineage II style sieges. The current owner should be entitled to some form of taxes from a set surrounding area. These can be located in free ports for several of them, or on an added island in a free port grid, or added to the islands in the golden age ruins grids. These are the alpha prizes, hence the tax reward. Owning these is what puts you on the leader board. The Castles should be ranked, with possibly 1 or a small number of them ruling over the others or a set of the others. These structures should be susceptible to damage, but never completely destroyed, think ESO type castles in the PvP area. A company can only hold 1 at a time. 3. The islands (on colony settings) are the small hills. These should be 1 claimable per Company and ranked. The act of taking a better ranked island relinquishes your claim on the lesser ranked island. Think Drow society in Forgotten Realms, loosely. This provides incentive to move up in rank as the higher ranked islands are just better, bigger, nicer or w/e you reap more from taxes. All island owners will be able to tax the island under their claim (opposed to the castles which draw a tax from many islands). The small companies and solos that settle on the island would remain indigenous to the island unless they chose to move, as they don't control any of it to begin with and are not entitled to earn taxes. - This creates dynamic and appropriate WinCons based off of the original concept that rely on the 3 core things one does in the game. - This creates a space and incentive for bigger clans to fight for control of bigger hills, while providing a disincentive for them to go around displacing all the smaller companies in an endless land grab that offers little to no reward. - This preserves the concept of "colony settings" as I think that will be a successful space for the medium size companies to exist in harmony (not in peace) with each other and the bigger ones. Misc. Thoughts BPs should not be OP enough to discount strategy and skill. Melee weapons should have a place somewhere noticeably above harvesting tools. Cannon walls on ships....lets acknowledge there is a keel and it has a limit. I have to believe this is doable. Can tames be useful without becoming the meta and a requirement? (imho tames are SOOOO lame and belong in Ark) I have to believe the UI can be better. Exploits....exploits.....exploits.....this can never, WILL NEVER, be a good game as long as exploits exist. I believe the "empire settings" would not be necessary with these changes. Thank you for your time, -CS
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    What's undependable is their scheduling. When it comes to providing new announced features, it's delay delay delay. When it comes to taking something away, it's shockingly early with no warning. Should be the other way around.
  7. 2 points
    Not upset, I took all my screenshots, but a day notice would have been nice to have burning down the world event. I really wanted see how long my galleon would last against SotD
  8. 2 points
    Yes and they also need feedback from empires so they also need to get rid of Eu pvp or na pvp. 3 types are getting tested so 3 servers need to go down. Might as well make it all 4 then There was no warning. The wipe wasn’t going to happen until after the ptr. They also said that. So I guess we should take them on their word then? so now they just give a rushed warning when these people thought they had atleast till after the ptr before being wiped. so no. No advanced warning
  9. 2 points
    I hope there's not too much of a future focus on new animals, just keep them to the necessary. Also please sort out spawn mechanics, I find it rather silly allowing bears to spawn in tropical but you can't breed them in tropical. How can they spawn if they can't breed?
  10. 1 point
    How/where on private server do i change the taming modifier/ egg hatching/ breeding modifier? Please and thank you for all info.
  11. 1 point
    The names of plants and mineral resources are mostly mixed up. As if names are pulled randomly from a database for any given resource node regardless of visuals. E.g. A grey metal node that visually looks like a genuine piece of granite is named "Stone (Pure Copper)" and yields Cobalt(metal). Expected behavior would be: Node looks like granite, displayed name is "Stone (Granite)", yields granite(stone) Another metal node looks like an piece of iron ore (grey with red streaks) but only yields stone, flint and cobalt. expected: node that already looks like iron ore, is respectively named "Metal(Iron Ore or Pure Iron)", yields Iron(metal) Another stone node is bright white and looks like calcite but is labeled as "pure radiolarite" yields only that but no calcite. Same with wood types: Trees that very much look like oaks and acorns yield softwood or lightwood, while a palm sapling returns strongwood. resource bark looks like rushes. an obvious cotton plant yields rushes while visually recognizable rushes or fronds yield cotton. fronds yield hemp, bamboo yields jute and so on... Very few truly obvious nodes are named right, like strawberries or coconuts. You got all the pieces available already (graphics, text, resource source code) you only have to put them together in the right order, connect the text strings with the right objects. I know this is quite a minor issue since it doesn't break anything but immersion, BUT it would enrich the game somewhat if what you see is what you get. PS: I tried to attach a screenshot but it wouldn't let me.
  12. 1 point
    I downloaded the new ServerGridEditor but I don't see these supposed 200 new islands. They all look the same except for ONE ocean trench? Am I missing something? Wheres the swamp? the new island that ISO made? ADD: Ok so I found about 20 or so ending in EU, but I don't see any new biomes added to the templates etc? sorry for my ignorance if that is the case. I guess I was hoping for more new and different look and types.
  13. 1 point
    Ahoy Pathfinders! It’s here! Our Public Test Realm is now live and ready for all of you to dive into. This Captain’s Log will cut straight to it and provide more detail on our new claiming systems along with some information on our PTR. We appreciate your patience as we prepared this megapatch to go out on the PTR: ATLAS 1.5 is an ambitious new chapter and we recognize that it has taken us some time, but as we’ve said before, we’re hardened adventurers and we’re looking forward to the fun and challenges that we’ll experience alongside you! Claim Systems Overview First we will revisit the three modes which will be implemented for ATLAS 1.5 and their respective claim systems in a brief overview: Colonies PvP: Freeform building, with more progress-protecting and time-enforced PvP rules creating a cooperative atmosphere, and limits to ensure the game is more oriented towards single players and small to mid-sized groups. Empires PvP: This is our previous PvP mode with which our PvP players are familiar. Some changes have been made to the declaim timers to mitigate griefing and water claims have been eliminated. Companies have a high member limit of 250 members. Alliances are limited to four. PvE: A modified version of our Colonies system. There will be a limit on the amount of Islands one Company can claim via a points system. Public Test Realm Our Public Test Realm will run the Colonies system on a full 15x15 grid. This is the most important mode for us to have players test currently and we’re excited to see how players interact with it. THE COLONIES SYSTEM Please bear in mind that the values described below may be subject to change pending our observations and player feedback during the PTR. We've implemented some test values which we'll be using for the Settlement system throughout the PTR. Islands will be delineated and ranked through a points system predominantly based on size. A Company will have a total of 200 accumulative points to “spend” on claiming and settling islands. One claim flag per island (claim flag owner is the Owner of the island) An owned island is called a Settlement An Island can be claimed by placing the claim flag skill which has a cost equal to the island's initial base upkeep. Claim flags are no longer mergeable There will be no sea claims. Upkeep scales based on: Size of island and its rank (summarised by an Island’s point value) How many different Companies are on the island (more Companies = lower cost) To steal an Island, you must unclaim an enemies’ flag by placing your own flag within range of theirs. It is a smaller radius that can be visualized by pressing the “H” key. A Settlement’s upkeep cost will scale in relation to its points ie: the upkeep cost of a 30 point island will be significantly less than that of a 100 point island. Upkeep costs will be deposited in the island’s Claim Flag. Tax rates and taxes themselves will be collected within the Claim Flag. The tax bank is utilized to transport resources that will be used in the Claim Flag from different locations on the same Island. Other companies may build on a Settlement. The company holding ownership of the island can attack others built upon their island at all times. The Settlement owner can only be attacked during combat or war. A claimed Island/Settlement can be in one of three different states: Peace, Combat and At War. The World Map will display an Islands: point value, current ownership, the tax rate on the island, and its current war status along with its raidable hours. An Island’s standing will also be displayed ie: Own/Ally/Enemy. The Settlement Owner can select building options as follows: Cannons can only be built during combat/war phase Allies can build cannons freely Everyone can build cannons Other companies can build defense structures (puckle) any time. Ships will now receive invulnerability when docked at their companies’ settlement for 15 minutes during peace phase. The Settlement owner chooses a non-optional 9-hour window of vulnerability from a 24-hour cycle in which their Island is raidable. This window can be changed once a week, but for PTR will be able to be changed once every 2 days. A War Declaration can be purchased during PTR for 50k gold (100k when ATLAS 1.5 releases) plus some uncommon items in order to circumvent raiding windows altogether. An item is given upon purchase. To declare war this item is dragged from the hotbar onto the island upon which you want to declare war. Once a War Declaration is made against an enemy Island, the attacker must set a time that is at least 2 days (12 hours on PTR) and as far as 4 days (24 hours in PTR) to commence the war and the duration of the war period is 24 hours, but for the duration of PTR will be 12 hours. Cannons now have an initializing timer which will vary dependent on the cannon type. An island has a 5 day (1 day for PTR) cooldown before another War Declaration can be made on it. A War Declaration is per-island, so it is possible to declare war against multiple Settlements simultaneously. Joining the PTR The ATLAS Public Test Realm is available to all players by opting into the Steam Beta branch. You can join the PTR by following these steps: 1) Right click on the ATLAS game in your steam library and select "properties" 2) Select the "Beta" tab on the popup as indicated below: 3) Locate publictestrealm in the drop down menu and select that. 4) Select close then launch ATLAS. You may need to restart your Steam Clients to make sure you see the publictestrealm branch as a beta option. Server Grid Editor New Server Grid Editor, JSON, and Unofficial Servers are already available on GitHub. Unofficial Server files will be made available later this weekend once we've confirmed there are no critical issues we need to deal with. Linux hosts will have to wait until early next week. We'd recommend folks play on our test servers as we won't be providing direct support to any servers hosting their own version of the branch, though we'll look into issues you report. Upcoming Patch Notes If you haven’t checked out all of the content, features and QoL changes we have coming to the PTR (and the ATLAS 1.5 launch) jump into the patch notes below: New Features and Content - Redesign: ATLAS World - 40% more islands/landmass & new world map layout. - Redesign: Claim System - Colonies: Freeform building, with more progress-protecting and time-enforced PvP rules creating a cooperative atmosphere, and limits to ensure the game is more oriented towards single players or smaller groups. Previous mode now known as Empires and PvE will be a modified version of colonies. - New Environment: Deep Ocean Trench. A new area to explore, guarded by powerful underwater creatures and home to the new Giant Crab - New Environment: Eastern Tundra now has its own visual design, no longer using the Western Tundra style - New Weather: 'Snow' weather systems for Polar and Tundra - New World Phenomenon: Aurora Borealis light display which will result in a harvesting bonus, visible in particular regions. - New Vehicle: Submarine. Explore the depths of the ocean in this small scouting submarine. Use the claw arms to help harvest the ocean floor and explore (demolish) player shipwrecks. Also equipped with a harpoon (uses ballista bolts) as a new underwater weapon which will ramp up oceanic combat. - New Creature: Giant Crab. It can carry heavy loads, along with players, tames and wild creatures - New Item: "Guillotine". Hanging your foes in a noose taking too long? Off with their heads! - New Item: "Large Wall". Equipped with parapets and ladder snaps so you can now build a proper defensive perimeter! - New Item: "Small Gates". 2-wall high gate structures for wood and stone. - New Item: "Player Shops". Players can set up automated shops, listing loot for sale and naming their own gold coin prices. - New Item: "Settlement War Declaration". Tied to the War System. Drag over a settlement on the ATLAS map to declare war on them! - New Item: More tame tokens for more mythical creatures! Allowing players to have limited-time tames of the Fire Elemental, Rock Elemental, and Gorgon. BONUS: Rock Elemental and Cyclops are rideable! - New Feature: War System - Declare war on your enemies! - New Feature: 1 'Mainline Quest' involving gathering 9 trench stones and defeating the hardmode Kraken! - New Feature: 7 more ‘Quests’ which upon successful completion will provide their own unique Skill unlock - New Feature: Curses. Tied to the execution of players - New Feature: Player-to-Player secure trading system - New Feature: Procedurally Generated Shipwrecks which players can explore for items and blueprints. They can be found by diving deep into the ocean, or looking out for their visual indicator on the surface of the water, or successfully completing the sextant mini-game which will point you in the direction of nearby shipwrecks. - New Feature: Human Catapult. Player characters can now be deployed into battle using a catapult. - New Cosmetics: Peg Legs, Hook Hands, and Multiple Armor sets to customize the look of your company and crew! Can be purchased at the cosmetics vendor. - Redesign: Squads (Ship) of the Damned will now come in multiple size variations with different stats and difficulty levels. - Redesign: Grappling Hook has been revamped, better physics & rappelling mechanics, and players will be able to realistically swing using them. - Redesign: Explosive Barrels. Can now be carried in hand, thrown overboard to sink and will explode when they collide with anything underwater (Depth Charge!). Balance Changes - The higher quality shipyard used when building a ship, the more level ups a ship will be able to obtain. - Ships can now level up their total damage output (which effects all cannons on a ship) and their total resistance, as new upgradable stats. - All tamable creatures made breedable, with no exceptions except for Mythical Creatures. - Various spawner adjustments & fixes across all islands - Reloading now changed to have the mini-game appear back to back, rather than through various points of the animation. - Vitamin debuffs have been removed and will only cause health loss when a player has a vitamin surplus or deficiency. - Increased smithy inventory slots to 130. - Increased weight of catapult from 12 to 84. - Adjusted the crafting quantities on higher tier blueprints so they don't require as many resources as before. QOL Changes - Territory map will now display allies as teal-coloured - Character creator now has a Height slider to make it easier to set your character's desired height - Any dead ships (shipwrecks) from your Company appear with a unique icon on your map now, so you can find the wrecks - Global territory message updating - Currently contested claims will be indicated on the minimap - Players can now mount a sail to directly control the sail's open/close amount and rotation settings in a more intuitive way. - Toggle ladders button for ship captain, defaults to L key. - Company Groups have been increased to 10 - Players cannot accept alliance invites unless they're an admin - Company Log can now be sorted - New group permission which acts as an effective 'company owner'. Only the true company owner can set/unset that specific group rank. Misc - Improved Server and Client performance - Visual feedback for players being unable to board unallied boats on PvE - Full body animations for harvesting - More realistic old age wrinkles - Additional face sliders for character customization - Dive suit overlay has been adjusted so it's easier to see when underwater - Commodities trader can only be found on the Merchant Ship on PvP servers - Respec potion has been moved to the Crew Recruiter on Freeports Discord Webhook Notifications This update comes with Discord Notifcations which you can set up pretty easily! All you have to do is grab your webhook URL and copy it into your Company's Manage Notifications UI. For more info on how to get your webhook URL, check out Discord's how to guide here: https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks Please note that we have opened Public Test Realm-related subforums here on the playATLAS forums along with new specific channels on the Discord. We look forward to your thoughts, experiences and feedback. The Discord channels can be accessed by assigning yourself the PTR role in the #role-assignment channel and links to the PTR subforums are below. General Public Test Realm Subforum PTR Bug report Forum Alrighty, that ’s it for this log! Thank you so much for becoming a part of our crew and we can't wait to show all you scallywags, landlubbers, captains, and seadogs what lies ahead! Happy Sailing, Grapeshot Games For the latest dispatch on #playATLAS keep yer one good eye trained on this here information Natter n' chatter on Discord: https://discord.gg/playatlas Navigate ye olde Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas Hear ye, hear ye on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sailtheatlas Watch us scallywags on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/sailtheatlas Plus ye can band with us Pirates on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playatlasgame
  14. 1 point
    Not sure if it's right place, but I'll put all my thoughts here. And there WONT BE any words about claiming system, because I PVE and don't wanna do that interaction in game. Just Lawless PVE. M3. First 2 hours impression. --- If you add some height to pathfinder - he won't fit inventory screen: --- As far as I see - spawnpoint slowly travels though the island shoreline. Around island clockwise. I've already spent for like more than an hour do naked runs to my base. Each dead moved me farther and farther away. --- RAINS! Again -18'C and RAINS! Guys. Please, remove rain from tundra when it's below zero. It's just as unreal as it gets! There must be snow weather somewhere - so let it be. (when It's raining and you die and your spawnpoint far away - there is just NO WAY (totally no) you get your corpse. If you gathered something - you lost it all with NO CHANCE. --- Renewed eastern tundra REALLY GREAT and looks very very nice with those pink blooming trees! Nice one! --- I do love seeing couple of islands not far from my shore. New map is cool! --- Game crashed 2 times. Once I was trying to hit a tree with metal pick. Another time - just wandering around building my base. --- More notes to come (my goal to check ships battles, ship leveling and soloing SqotDs! (p.s. my FPS raised well. Good one).
  15. 1 point
    I played for hours today and I never once saw it rain. The temperate zones used to rain every now and then, but K11 never rained a single time I was playing. I have no clue if it is just this tile that is problematic or if all temperate zones are having the same issue. Maybe rain is just really, really rare now? Has anybody else seen rain?
  16. 1 point
    After they announced the 1 island 1 claim system and said they would just copy paste that to PVE but no wartime the forums were full of "please don't do this". I was very vocal in discord about what a bad idea this was but, I knew that they wouldn't develop two claims systems, its too much effort. We (my company) had all but decided to go. In discord I was told to wait and the changes might not be final. Then Dollie solicited a bunch of feedback in discord on PVE, and for a moment I was hopeful. Then we see the captains log today and what we got was... "We're keeping it how we said in captain's log but we'll keep an eye on it". I think I got my money's worth out of the game, so I am not here to complain, just to say, farewell. It's clear the direction of this game is PvP and offline raiding and that's totally a fine choice. We tried PVP and we spent all our time defending our tiny base and no time on the water. I dont see that changing significantly, and pve is "Feudal Lord and Serf Simulator 1.0". We've decided to move on, but did enjoy our time here.
  17. 1 point
    you can snap infinite doors number on doorframe (at least on the stone doorframe)
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    I regret the game is still so demanding : both GPU (GTX 1080Ti) and CPU (i7-7700k) are nearly overheating for 100 fps and only 13 players on the server….
  20. 1 point
    Love the snow picture. I'd also like to see snow covered areas and make it where you can leave tracks in the snow but probably down the line for that, if it happens.
  21. 1 point
    No, nothing has altered my system's end of things... I didn't change a thing other than to remove the access to the PTR in my beta configuration and let Atlas reload the non-PTR code. I don't know if I should've been able to log into the non-PTR client with the new code loaded but that didn't work until the old client reloaded. I was a bit miffed last night when I posted but re-installed this morning to find the issue I'm having seems to be solely with the new code. Thanks for offering suggestions, though. I too have over 30 years in IT, from SUN Unix admin in the mid 80's through Novell, IBM Lan Server and Windows Server in the 90s and 2000s.
  22. 1 point
    Several purple crystals around the island are showing Crystal, Ruby, and Emerald, all within the same tooltip whenever "H" is pressed over them. Further, whenever the nodes are mined the results are always rubies.
  23. 1 point
    You can’t change it.... that mechanic no longer exists.... you have to go around behind them demolishing their stuff one piece at a time.... enjoy being a landholder....
  24. 1 point
    ITs still confusing... it also doesnt fuckin tell you how to change build allowance... Anyone can build on your shit at anytime, and you can't do shit about it.... what in the actual fuck.
  25. 1 point
    @Jatheish any news on when we're going to get the new island(s) for the Server Grid Editor ? If we're going to wipe our dedicated servers, we surely want to add the new island(s), that take a lot of time to calculate new powerstone positions, etc... We need that the fastest possible before the new patch. Please any Dev give an answer, we need it. Thanks !
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    So people were told they could keeping playing with something until the 11th of the month, only to have that something taken away on the 5th with no warning... and if those people complain about it, they are somehow undependable? Sounds legit.
  28. 1 point
    need a tax bank and gold it seems, lay down a claim flag?
  29. 1 point
    I just found out on the discord server.. We'd planned a huge end of the world party on the 7th (tomorrow)... gonna set 40-50 tames free, set on aggressive, use a little over 300 explosive barrels to send our armada of ships off to valhalla in royal style... Now, well... shit. Did I miss some forum or discord or server or twitter announcement that warned us of this beforehand? The earliest warnings I've seen are the notice from a few hours ago on the website, and Dolly updating discord a whopping 5 hours ago. So much for keeping us all in the loop.
  30. 1 point
    Whoa, you put this one a non supported windows and freak out? Wtf man as a tester you should know better. Contact battleye they support the issue.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    I'm seeing a lot of people getting hyped for the PTR, and likely many of those people have never participated in a test server like this. In an attempt to minimize the confusion and anguish, there are some things everyone participating should know. What to expect: The game will be broken and not working correctly. This is okay. We are not here to determine if it is broken, but how broken it is. All progress made will be lost. There may be a number of wipes on the PTR. What not to expect: A playable version of the game, or any form of stability. Your experience on the test server will have little to no correlation to your experience on the live servers. They aren't going to "get it right" regardless of how much time they have spent on it. If they were confident that they got it right, there wouldn't be a test server. So what do I do? Break the game. Find bugs, find exploits and report them. Balance is not a concern on the PTR unless it's completely game-breaking. I found a bug, now what? Report it on one of the official channels. Don't assume someone else will or already has. If you find multiple bugs, report them all, not just the most concerning ones.
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    You say tomato, he says terminal colon cancer. Who’s to say who’s right?
  35. 1 point
    They just posted on twitter that they haven't even 'began to cook a release candidate' yet, so it would be 'several more hours' for the launch. Idk guys... I'm so discouraged. I don't even know why I want to try it to be honest. Whats the point? By now I'm playing other games, and as much as I liked Atlas, so much time has passed I'm almost just over it. They should never have went so long between their 'we're wiping you' and the actual release of anything. I don't think these devs realize what they've done. And their ideas for the pve claim system suck. No one wants to live under someone else's thumb, let alone pay their 'taxes'. We get enough of that shit in real life in the form of tax season, rent/mortgages and all of the taxes paid on everything we buy. Who wants that crap in a game, too?
  36. 1 point
    I have a sneaking suspicion she typed Atlas out of habit and meant to type Ark in that spot.
  37. 1 point
    Always thought the winning of any mmorpg was to complete every quest and mission, kill every boss.. Naked. With a spoon. The size of my anything, doesn't mean alot to me. Since it's well known that British Inches are bigger than either American or European Inches.
  38. 1 point
    I may me hated for saying this, but we had a small pirate company fir a while where we would pvp a lot. We also changed names a lot to avoid people finding our small base. But a few times we did pit big companys against each other by attacking under other's names. It was hilarious to us to see one group of ships sail to attack another company because of us. And to be honest this is quite in line with pirate behaviour. I think maybe a 12 hour cool down at max is good, also if a player is killed or kills it shows their name in the log, so is easy to ask the company about the player. . . If you kill them that was always the challenge for us, to keep it stealthy
  39. 1 point
    And Abe did all this without an elephant.
  40. 1 point
    The server math in this thread feels way too much like an SAT word problem. ”If a train leaves Chicago going east carrying 3 NA servers, and another train leaves Frankfurt Germany going west carrying 3 EU servers, if both trains fall into the ocean because Grapecard didn’t get the bridge patch out on time, how many people will need to unlock the submarine to recover enough servers for PTR before everyone gets bored and goes to play Satisfactory instead?”
  41. 1 point
    Then take the time to read all the Captain's Logs like the rest of us. They've said it for weeks.
  42. 1 point
    I’m already the bad guy.... At home I have a bunch of tables and chairs spammed around my computer desk to keep all those greedy griefing @$&/;)&! family members away from my area....
  43. 1 point
    Do not fragment your playerbase into multiple game modes.
  44. 1 point
    It would be nice if you guys would fix what's already in the game before worrying with adding content. Also, seriously stop giving dates, you're always incorrect.
  45. 1 point
    week of the 8th of April...... so not the 8th
  46. 1 point
    Don't make stupid promises like monthly releases please, we all know how it's going to end. Honestly, you should know better by now.
  47. 1 point
    I think there won't be any problems with finding a island with the new system. The player base will be so small by the time they get it done that there will be plenty of room for everyone.
  48. 1 point
    I was very vocal in discord about what a bad idea this was but, I knew that they wouldn't develop two claims systems, for PVE , its too much effort. for PVP...sure. There..fixed that for ya. Sorry to see more of the good pve players leaving. Happy trails and red sunsets, Unclemike.
  49. 1 point
    image bellow is the ports im using and they all report open as does Redis on 6379 and seamless ports are reporting open too they are 27000, B2 (home server) 27010, A1 27020, A2 27030, A3 27040, B1 27050, B3 27060, C1 27070, C2 27080, C3
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