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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2019 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Wiping 700 hours of progress and then putting all the new content behind the Kraken? Seriously? I'm gone. Totally, without question. You cannot make more content by just forcing us to repeat the content. Wipes are part of Alpha or Beta testing. You never said this was Alpha testing. EA Alone does not mean wipes. I've been in many EA's that didn't wipe, and all the ones that did said "You are buying access to our Alpha test" Done. I know there will be dozens of these threads and I hate people that make their own thread for things, but just this once I will do it. And I expect there will be a LOT of them.
  2. 4 points
    Just a note to thank all the great players I have met throughout my travels. I have met people who have just literally given me the shirt off their back. One person gave me a set of pigs, another blueprints, and one person, gave me blueprints and a BEAR!!! Everyone I have met throughout my travels has just been the nicest people. Thanks to all of you who are gracious with your fellow players! To the gentleman who gave me the bear, that was a very selfless gift. Thank you. That beautiful bear lasted all of one day before a alpha cobra broke through my fence, then climbed a 2 high wall and glitched through my wall and killed all of my animals while I was out working. Players may be great, but man is this game glitchy and unfair sometimes. So if you help out your fellow man, this shout out is to you. Thanks for making this game bearable (pun intended haha)
  3. 4 points
    Whilst the majority of our resources are directed towards prioritising fixing exploits etc we certainly do take action against griefing and exploiting and this doesn't only occur on our PvP network. Numerous players on our PvE network have been banned and devwipes of entire Companies for extreme cases are not uncommon. In regards to the claiming issues, we're pretty confident our rework is a better system and everyone will have the opportunity to give feedback on that once it goes live on our Public Test Realm. In relation to our Discord, it's true that we're often interacting more frequently over there; that type of "live" environment lends itself to a natural back and forth in communication that I personally prefer. Jat and I are stepping up our activity here on the forums though
  4. 3 points
    I'm not going to do anything ambitious either. I'm just going to do crazy stuff and fun stuff...and crazy fun stuff. There's still a good bit of this game I haven't explored yet. I think I'll do that and go into the clean server with better ideas.
  5. 2 points
    What happens when an islands resources are completely blocked in? Everyone stops living there and moves to the next, wait for buildings to decay then move back? We are nomads now? Cant wait to be griefed off an island by a big tribe that can wall me in. Claim flags would have been a completely fine mechanic had they just removed fast travel so people couldnt log in and refresh claims in a few minutes.
  6. 2 points
    patch notes Please note these Patchnotes are not Real , This Patchnotes are Ideas It Will not be in the next patch but IF You Like IT Give me an UPVOTE Share The Thread and Dont be Toxic And English ist NOOOOT my native language V25 - Maybe Sometime? Community Patch V25.2 (Fixed a lot of Text Errors , Added some Pictures ) -New Feature 1.Crew Manager -Renamed the "Tame Group" Button to "Crew Manager" Crew Manager checks now the area around you for animals, crewmember and useable Object and bring it to a list where you can give orders, set behavior or mounting/dissmounting Cannons/Sails by simple clicks. No more frustating whistle´s and missclicks and wrong orders to Animals or Crew. 2.SkillBook Intoducing the new Skillbook. We add on every skill tree now unique powerfull Skill´s but know you have to choose between 3 skills(actives or passive Skills) gives you special Abilitys for this skill tree. Now you can choose strong bonus for your playstyle. In the end of every skilltree u can unlock 1 Ultimate Passive Skill give u a "Master" of this skill tree. Mastering of a Skilltree will removed the minigame from Tools or Weapon. Animals have now a small skill tree (Active Skills for the Right Attack Slot or passive Bonuses. Attack slots explained in "Combat Redesign") with his own unique skills where u can choose the Playstyle for your Animal. You can Unlock the Skills by Leveling your Pet up. If you Tamed a Higher Level Animals some skills are already Unlocked. Example Wolfs Active Skill Unlock ... [Howl] Give a Buff for 30 sec give a 5% more Dmg . Every Wolf in an area around join the Howl and Stacks the Buff to an max stack of 20% Cooldown 2 Min Bear [ Berserk ] Your Bear are in an Bloodlust for 10 Sec. The Single Target Bite gives now a chance of an Bleeding effect. Cooldown 2 min The Skills you Chose will block the Right Attack Slots you have to chose your Playstyle. -Moved a lot of "Dmg Buff or Heal Buffs from the Beastmaster Tree (i.e. Natural Touch) to the Animal Skill Trees as Unlockable Skills Add new Skilltree link<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< It´s not ready :,( 3.Simple "E" System We removed the Stupid blue weel of Disorientation and added a "Simple E" system Now every Cannon or Structure or useable Object have a simple Funktion and the "Inventory Option" If u go to the Ladder and press E you Climp up or Jump from the ladder. If u want mount a Cannon Press E and so on. Now if u want some changes on your Object like Renaming, Gear your Crew you have to Hold "E" and u see the "E" Icon fills up now its opening an Inventory with diverses options and stats from that Object Here the Simple "Hold E" Inventory for your Tames 4.Respawn Rework -We reworked the Bedspawn system for some balance and join/immersions Improvements. Now every spawn on a Bed gives you a cooldown from 60 sec , the cooldown starting after u click the spawn Button u will be locked to that spawn and u have to wait 60 Sec befor you spawn at this Bed. But the Character will already set in the Location but is invisible and can´t move . In the 60 Sec you wait all the Structures and Object will be loaded in the Spawnloactions. No more popping in of Structures/Objects on respawn and don´t breaks the immersion anymore ... yeay If u get killed in PVP or use the Fast Travel to quick adds more Time for the Cooldown. Aaaand Sorry one more balance change we made. Fast Travel works only on the Grid you are. 5.New Render Engine System -New Render Priority In this Order Terrain, Structures and Ships, Animals, Players. Hopefully fixing the Animal falling through Bug 6.Render Improvement -Far low Level of Detail of Structures like and Shipyard or Gate are Simple Cubes and Ships with low colors and its little bit blurry. If u get in medium Range u get more level Details and if u get closer the "normal" LOD is shown. No more empty space on the horizon and close instant spawn of strucures! You can see on Top of the Mountain far Ships sailing by but not much Details only a silhouette. We hope to keep up the Immersion without Hard performance lose and u can see that Player Structures are build on an Island or not. -HUD Optimisations 1.Removed the dump Information Window when aiming an any NPC/Structure in the middle of the Screen and moved to the left Bottom as an static window. This window give you now all Important Information if you Aiming on an Object but don´t block your vision anymore. -Removed the Mortar Ammo Icon from the Ammo overview from Ships. -Ammo Overview will now shown in the Information Window -Added Health bar from the ship in the Information Window when you on the Steering Wheel -Removed the Weapon Percentage Numbers from all Weapons and gives them Hard Numbers. i.e. Sword "Damage 30". Tools keep the Effetiveness Stats. -Added a Buff Button in the Inventory near the Character Stats that shown what Buff and the Information from that Buff/Debuff. Only the Buff icons will be shown on the Bottom right in the Normal View -Healthbars from Planks only shown if you have the Repair hammer equiped -Added The Buff you get from a small animal in the Information Window(Need a Skill Unlock in Beastmaster "I know all Animals" -Added The Food Animals love (for Taming) in the Information Window (need a Skill in Beastmaster) -Removed the "Last slot for Food on Tames" and added a Food slot near the Information Window (its only will shown up if you Skill in Taming) -Added The Typ of Ressource u can harvest from Objects you aiming on in the Information Window ( in the Past it was "H") Needs a Skill to unlock in Survival Tree ( Knowlege of Ressources) -Removed the Hitmarker. If you Hit a Target the healthbar shown above the Animal/Player/Ship and shows how much Health he have left for a small time (4 Sec) (Ships Healthbar is the ammount of Health every Plank and Shipdeck have.) -Removed the Steam Name and Player on a Server from Steam integration and Join Notifications because everyone don´t like get Tracked, and the server don´t get killed by some Tracking Bots. We added the Bounty System on can set Bounty on Player Pathfinder Names/Companys -The Pathfinder Name is now YOUR Name not 123 or ???. And Your Steam Friends are not more 123 ... no more 30 friends in Steam called 123 -Change the Meele Damage percent % in Inventory to an Hard Number ( Meele Damage : 50 . Now its easyer to see how much Damage an Animal or NPC can deal. -Redesined the Crosshair´s for Range Weapons Bow have now High orientaition lines with dot´s in mid Pistols have an small white Crosshair Thounderbuster have a Cirlce Carabines a small Dot -Stats and Blueprint Redesing -Added New Stats "Damage Reduction" Armor Gives you now an Damage Reduction shown in your Character Inventory.Every Point in Fortitude gives you also a small percent Damage Reduction (Hard Caped to 30% only boostable with shields and Shield Skills) -Changed the Stats Stamina to an "Percent Stats" Easyer to Understand what is much Stamina or what is Less Stamina. Example ... Tamed a Bear with 115% Stamina or Tamed a Bear with 1234 Stamina? -Added a new Stats "Splash" Splash shown on Ammunition or AOE Attacks from Animals skills an give you an Information feedback what the Cannonball deal Splash damage or not [I.E. Medium Cannonball 50% Splash, Larg Cannonball 0% Splash] -Stats Bonus you gain from Gear or Buffs shown as an Green Number (Health:140 +10) onside the Stats (RPG Like, simple and easy to understand) -We removed the Stupid 0.001 Stats or Cooldowns Numbers the lowest number is now 1. And opimized the Stats on Gear, Animals and NPC´s. No one want to spent a 0.001 statsboost. -Removed the Common Blueprints from Tools and moved to the Survival Skilltree (Advanced Tools" Higher Tools Blueprints needs a Skill to Craft and use. Blueprints have now more constant Bonuses (+Inteligenc boost) Common (100%-115%(+max 10% Int Bonus) Fine (115%-135%) Journeyman (135%-165) Masterwork(165-200%) Legendary(200%-300%) Myhtic (300%-400%) - New Structure -Organ ( because i love the movie scene in Pirates of the Caribbean where Davy Jones playing Music on the Ship) (placeable only on Brigs,Galleons or Foundation get the Same Buffs but longer Duration because i only want to play this Instrument ;)) ) -Medium Wood Wall (Size fits to the medium Gate) -Medium Stone Wall (size is it fits to the medium Gate) -Larg Stone Wall (size is its fits to the Large Gate) -Advanced Stone Wall ->New "Ultimative" Stone Wall with more Metal Decorations thats looks more like a deffence Wall now.It Needs Gold bar (New rare Alloy Gold Bar, the ressources you need are on Golden Age Ruins and the Ultimate Skill from the Consturcion Tree have to unlocked) (The Cost of the Walls are the same if you place the 1x1 wall´s but have more Health) -Stalls!!! -small Stalls (3x4 Foundation)(can hold 10 Tames ) Only Tier 1 -Medium Stalls (6x8 Foundation) can hold 25 Tames) Only Tier 1 and Tier 2 -Larg Stalls (8x12 Foundation) can hold 50 Tames) All Tiers You can Accsess the Stalls Inventory and there is a List with the Animals Stored in them. When you click on an animal it will be spawned in the Stalls , a Gate will open and the animals waiting there for his owner. If you want to store an animal you have to open the Gate, ride the animal in an now you can Store it in the Stalls) Watch out an Elephant will never fit in the small Stalls -Cannon Tower (Company Unlock) -Castle (Company Unlock) -Reservoir Storage ( in the past Ressource Box, Can only placed on Foundations) -Tavern Now you can Store your NPC´ Crews but you give them Some Grog and Steak to stay in your little Clubhouse but the Goldcost are less as fuck now Small Tavern can Hold up 15 NPCs (Foundation Size 3x4) Medium Tavern Hold 40 NPCs (5x5) Large Tavern hold 150 Npcs (6x8) -Breeding Nest (small Tier 1, Medium Tier 2 , Larg Tier 3 ) We love breeding and growing up your little fluffy war pets but we chose an other way for breeding. -Removed the Biom condition of heat and cold for breeding. Now you have to build up a Breeding nest. But That your Animal realy feels like in their natural Bioms u need to fill the nest with Fibers and Thatch from the Biome where you have tamed the Animal. We reduced the breeding time to 3hour Realtime . But your Pet have to sit 12 Hours in the Nest befor the Baby animal get born. (Now Breeding is more Manageable -Cargo Dock for Ships We love the Idea of Transporting Ships, but a big empty ship with one Ressource box feels sad. Cargo Docks fill up the lower Deck from the Ships and used the same function from the Ship ressource Box before it. (Ressource Box will now slight nerved) Now u must choose between a Battle Ship with gunports or a Transport Ship. Cargo Docks will reduce the Wight of the Ressources their carry Schooner Small Cargo Dock 15 Item Slots (max Stack per Slot 10.000) Brig Medium Cargo Slot 35 Item Slots ( Max Stack per Slot 25.000) Galleon Larg Cargo Slot 75 Item Slots (Max Stack per Slot 65.000) -Animal Dock For Ships The Animal Dock´s consum the Lower Deck and comes with a Ramp for Loading in and Loading Out your Animals because we don´t allow Animals on the Topdeck anymore they are glitching to much around. On the Ships now u can Store Animals to snap point on the Ships Schooner "Small Animal Dock" Can hold [3x Tier 1] Animals or [1x Tier 2] Brigantine "Medium Animal Dock" Can hold [6x Tier 1] Animals or [3x Tier 2] or [1x Tier 3] Galleon "Larg Animal Dock" Can hold [9x Tier 1] Animals [6x Tier 2], or [3x Tier 3 Animals] -Company Archievmend Unlock´s -We removed the Sea Claims and bring a new Claim System into the Game. -Now Every Company Start with 1 Company Flag (can placed from the Company Window) for claiming a part of the Island. We increase the Size of the Circle for give some more place to build. If ur Company grows up u gain one more Company Flag . to an Max count to 50 Flags. (every 5 Players joins the Company u archieved one more unlock.) 5 Players 1 Flag 10 Players 2 Flag to an hard cap of 50 Flags/500Player) But we chose the attacking claim system whats aktuall is in the Game but you have Maintain the Company Flags If u Attack an enemy Base place a Flag(5 min Cooldown for the Attack Flag) in the Company Flag Circle the Claiming attack starts and works like the actual claim system. More Flags u have so faster is the enemy claim. So Big Companys have more space to build but loose it faster and need an active Playerbase for maintain all the Flags. Small Companys can deffend their Territory longer and have an easyer way for Maintain their Baseflag. (If you Not Maintain a Flag...Your Claim circle turns grey and your Structures will get damage over Time... so unused/Inactive island will be cleard up and give some place for new players) We added more Unlocks to the Company achievement system for give small Boosts on smaller Tribes and make the managment of an Great Tribe easyer. Players: 5 = 1 Flag 10 = 1 Flag Buffs every Player in own Territory ( Increase Health Regen. Decreased Vitamin Cost. decreased the Overwight movement penetration ) 15 =1 Flag 20 =1 Flag Unlock Taxiation Bank 25 =1 Flag ( every 5 Player one more Flag i dont counting up anymore ) 40 = Crew Cost less gold p/h in own Territory 60 = Unlock Lighthouses ( Give Buff on Anchored Ships they dont recive "Sea Dmg over Time" anymore around the Lighthouse and removed in a certain Radius the Fog of War on the Map 80 = Give Accsess to 5x Big Premade Towers with 3 Cannons Snap points (needs a 5x5 Foundation) but will Cost a lot of Stone Metall Wood and Gold Bars 100 = Give Accsess to an Big Premade Castle Give with (Needs an 20x20 Foundation) So much cost but gives your big Company a good Base deffences Structure (We make a lot of Designs we loved in the Castle so u can pick up from 3 Different Types of a Castle with his own Design) Maybe we change some achievements or give other Buffs for balance. - Redesign Golden Age Ruins We Redesign Every Gold Ruins Island to make them Funny to play and need some planing for engage them. -You choose your challenge! We removed the unused Decorations Buildings from the Island and put them together to 3 Big Castles/Caves. The Dragon Hort In north of the Island The Fountain Caves in the West of the Islands and the Powerstone Hall on East On Every Middle of the Island 1 Outside Alpha Boss will apear and every Player can engage them. But watch out, if more Player attack that Boss... Health and Damage Reduction(Hard capped to 50%) will increase. Every Dungeon are guarded by 2 Cyclops on the entrance and in the inside awaits you one Boss you have to kill to get their loooots!!!. You can´t kite these Bosses, their are in a Bossroom like in a RPG Doungen. If you Kill the Cyclops the Gate will open but their are no Tames allowed in the Dungeon. The Dungeons should be an Player VS Boss experience. (Want an Tame VS Boss? Alphas or the outside Boss is the best way for you ) From the Dragon in the Dragon Hort you have the chance to get an "EGG" you have to breed it and give´s you the Dragon for 6 Hours In the Fountain Caves a Big Gorgon awaits you for getting the Buff of Youth (like its actual in the Game) And the Powerstone Hall a Big Rock Elementar/or Fire Elementar waiting to crush you. You get the Powerstone from them. -Dinos will attack taming Structures if their are trapped -Soldiers of the Damnd are now more Trashmoob style easy to kill but a lot of them ouround the Island and in the Doungen -We Removed all "normal" high level Animals from that island and only Keep mytic creatures on the islands) -The outside NPCs have an Maxlevel from 60 now(except the Guardian Cyclops and Alpha Boss). The Inside NPCs in the Doungen have a Maxlevel to 100 now , Bosses have Level 150 -Every Boss give also a chance to drop a Mytic Blueprint -Bosses have and respawn cooldown from 6 Hours -Bosses Have an fight time like the Kraken then he goes in an enrage mode. - Creatures Redesign -Birds now fly more in the air but they have to land after a period of time "to eat or recover stamina" -Removed the Knockback and Add a "small Stun" Only Cyclops and Bosses have a small Knockback -Rihno charge Knockback removed and add a Broken Bones Debuff -Resized all Animals to smaller Natural size -Tier 3 Animals crushes Trees and Bushes and small Stones (no more Tree or Stone blocking) -Alpha keep the Actual size and the small cloud? flame? dont know what that is effect is -replaced with an Ghostship like Mytical Glow -Only one Alpha per island (Only Predators ) and 6 Hours Cooldown . If you hunt them you can loot Blueprint´s and a high ammount of Meat and Hide If you Kill the Alpha a cruel cry whisper through the Island and u get an Buff for 1 Hour that all Predators now flee from you ... har har now is our time to strike back -Creatures have now an on stand rotation . With A and D on the Keyboard these prevents the unatural movement from animals. -Fixed the Lions charge sounds and the all time charging you. -Reduced the aggro range from Predators to an more natural way. Their are more "Neutral" in medium Range but if you come to close they start Attacking you -Animals you had attacked and they can´t reach you, will now flee away -Fixed the Hitboxes and Collisions Box from every Creature -NPC´s will now pushed a little bit away from you. No more Bodyblock from the NPC´s -Crewmember can equip the Repair Hammer to give the ability to repair your ship. -Crewmember equiped with Meele weapons going in a Guard Mode with an good looking idle animation (like the British Guards from the Queen ^^ ) If an enemy Player comes in the aggro range from the NPCs the will start fighting. if the Enemy Player Flee´s or Die the Guard goes back to his guarding position. - New Combat system Simplify the combat system For Meele and Tames Every Meele weapon comes with 2 Basic attacks, with the unlock of the weapon (Fast attack low Dmg on left Mouse and a little more harder attack on right mouse but little bit higher refrese time) (You can change later in the Skilltrees the Attacks on Right mouse with different attacks or Buffs or combo attacks) -Short Meele Weapon Redesign Overview Blackjack [None Leathal path in the Meele Skilltree] Low DMG High Torpedy Knuckels[None Leathal path in the Meele Skilltree ,its a better Blackjack] Low DMG High Torpedy chance to Break Bones for Slowing your Target Daggers Fast but Low Single Target DMG With some helpfull Buffs (Poision Let the Target fall asleep Dual Wield or Throwing) Swords Medium Single Target Dmg but slower than Daggers and with a chance for Bleeding effects, or you can chose parry with your sword for a high cost of Stamina but can´t encounter an attack or combine your sword with a Shield (Shield will reduce the Movemnt Speed but give Damage Reduction and some usefull new skills) Mace Slow Single Target but high Dmg or Low AOE Dmg No parry possible Shatter The Ground and stun and Enemy for a short Time -Shields give you now a higher Aggro against NPC´s and Bosses -Shield can now cover Up from cost of Stamina with Damage Reductions -Shields gives you a movement penality New Weapon Daggers Unlock the Daggers for Fast single Target attacks Later in the Skill Tree u can choose between the Skills Poision or Throwing the Daggers or Dual Wield Throwing the Daggers Cost one Dagger Poision your Dagger and get a chance to poision your Target like Cobras but cost the right click attack. You have to activate the buff and Cost 1 Poision Glass (Crafted in Mortar and needed : Poision from toxic Animals and a bottle) Dual Wield will remove the Right Click Attack -Removed the throwing knifes skill and moved to the Dagger Skilltree -We Removed meele auto aim. -Meeleattacks are now faster but with small refreshing times Big buffs or strong skills have an cooldown. The Right click attack can be changed in the Skilltree after you unlocked them like the Skillbook. Now u can chose your playstyle with the Weapon u carry. More Like AOE Attacks? chose an AOE attack Or more Single Target with an chance for a effect like Bleeding? chose one. Or an speacial ability? Parriere with the Sword on cost of Stamina? no Problem Unlock the Skill and Drag it to the slot. -Reduce the Zoom in with the Carabine by 30 Percent and added a small swing -You can hold your breath on right click with a Carabine for a steady aim in cost of air and stamina -New Carabine Ultimate Attachment. U can attach a Spyglass with high zoom on your Carabine with an crosshair but cost the Right Click hold Breath and the Reloading time is increased - Discovery Additions If u Discover a new Island and get the Discovery now all different Ressource Types u can get from this Island whil shown on the Top Right of the Atlas map if u hovering over the Island. -Quality of Life and Game Improvements -Added fall damage for animals and fixing the speed reset by dismount in middle of the air -Animal spawnrate reduce by 60% and add a respawn cooldown. Nothing is more annoying clear the beach from animals run back to get Stuff or Crew, come back and the animals are respawnd again. -Sub Biom Animal spawning. Animals spawns now in their own Sub Biomes on the Island I.e. Turtels and Seaguals are more on the Beach, Elephants or Bears are more in the middle of an Island (I.E. Croc´s are more Rare on the Beach but in the Middle island their can be more) -Sharks are now more in the Open Sea and not in front of your anchored Ship None Spawn Areas for animals. Mountains and Structures have an small No spawn Area for Animals. Bey bey Dumbo Elephant trapped on a Cliff :,,( -Adding a Leaver to every Boat to raise and lower Anchor´s -The Emergency Ladder have now a better trigger box and will shown up (in that Blue build a Structur Design) -Removed collision on dead Bodys but u cant pick up dead bodys anymore -Hitbox are fixed no more clipping in structures -Ressource Box can only placed on Ships an can only Stack items to 5000max and don´t reduce the weight.(see Cargo Dock on Ships) -Ghostships will now come out of the Water (like in Movies) and Spawns only at Night -Reduced the Amount of Ghostships on a Grid to 5 per Night in random variations (High low Medium Typs) The Medium and Large Ghostships now have Larg Cannons( Sorry for the Hit and Run Players.... we want that you fight agains the Ships ) -Removed Ghostship Loot Crew Gold cost Ghostship Crew are so Happy that you saved them and dont want gold for 24h... after a Day they realy want some gold for Buying a cool hook -Rework of "Rename the Company". Now the Leader had to pick up a "Letter of the Company" Item from your Company Flag and travel to a Freeport. Now you can give the letter to the [ Librarian of Goverment NPC] and you can choose a new Name. The Name change after 12 Hours. The Letter of the Company have a spoil time to prevent "Player Parking with an Letter in front of the NPC" ((or maybe only a 12h Waiting time? )) -On Ship Building Redesign. Hell yea we love the Freedome of a Free building Warship With fucking lots of Cannons. But we have to balance this. ;X -Increas the Weight of Structures -Gunports reduce the Wight of snapped Cannons all time now not only opend. -Increase the weight of Cannons yea this is the real way. (now Top Deck Cannons are heavy as shit) Now u must choose wisely... A Big Tanky Ship with a lots of Topdeck Cannons but slow as Shit or a "Normal Ship" that moves much faster. Add: If we get 100 Upvotes, i will make Pictures from the Ideas . Writing down all that notes consumed a lot of weekend time. if you agree with that Post and share it in the internet i will start making some Pictures. Because Pictures are more understandable Make an Upvote here If you want that the Dev Team notice that Post Love and Kisses a Player want a cool and Great Pirate Game with lots of Content
  7. 2 points
    There's no mass exodus occurring nor will there be. Lots of new games were coming out when ARK did a server wipe and there was no mass exodus of players then despite the same Chicken Little panic.
  8. 2 points
    HAVE YOU LOST YOUR BLOODY MINDS????? are you not paying attention to your community? who do you have thinking these ideas up? wiping the map and taking land claims away from pve server and leaving every island pretty much lawless. have you not seen what people do in lawless? pillars or foundations every 20 feet. Have you got no interest in seeing your game succeed? you are tipping half your community into the dumpster once again. you folks have a game that has TONS of potential and you and you are losing your minds and driving customers away with the poor decision making. quit smoking your pot before creative meetings you are killing your game
  9. 2 points
    When an MMO is still in its development cycle, they get wiped all the time wtf are you talking about? THIS ISNT A RELEASED GAME YOU REALIZE THIS YES?! You are basically playing an ALPHA test MMO
  10. 2 points
    I haven't really seen a lot of topics about the claim changes, but with that being said, the WIPE has to happen. These changes are fucking huge. And wiping the maps is for the best so that the Dev team can monitor everything and balance. I'm looking forward to it honestly. For the first cycle of wipe, I'm surprised it lasted this long with the major issues the first two months had.
  11. 2 points
    Im done, i want a refund... 3 months of hard grind for my base.
  12. 2 points
    Wipe will kill the player base
  13. 2 points
    Anne is a super nice and trustworthy Trader. Also his english seems quite bad, maybe he just understood something wrong or is just drunk as Anne said.
  14. 2 points
    Solution is simple. Make a server without fast travel , or at least with severely limited, as in within a zone. If 99 percent of the population moves there and the population grows...you have a winner. I'm pretty sure there is a HUGE demand out there for FFA full loot mmo . People are starving for it, with fast travel the world is not massive...every zone is one bed away. People want to discover and travel, the want a huge world to play in . They want an economy,trade etc. They want to play with their friends they don't want to have to be in a giant blob in order to have a little patch of an island because some zero can teleport anywhere and they don't want to be able to t3leport all over the place. Why have a giant map at all.? Just make a bunch of battle grounds. They don't want to be anywhere near the mega clans and Thier annoying bossy nerd guys yelling orders and 100 screaming Virgin discords Without fast travel I guarantee there are some 30 man clans out there that would be rocking some of these so called " megas" shit. What fast travel does is remove the tactics and thinking from the game. It replaces it with zerg.
  15. 2 points
    Most of us know that you all are listening to the gripes of all of us, we see it in the patch notes and captain’s log updates. Most of us really appreciate all that you do and are doing and understand that nothing happens with the snap of your fingers but we know you look into and give thought about all the choices you have to make to try and accommodate so many different player types. I want you to know it’s appreciated
  16. 2 points
    I agree with most everyone else, as long as you can avoid blocking someone’s ships or dock access most people won’t mind, I however have experienced the ones that like a good prank, I stopped in F5 to grab some sugar and parked beside a shipyard thinking there was plenty of room for the owner or anyone else who also wanted to show up and even then they could always dock in the shipyard itself. I was wrong, I had to log out and leave my Brigantine overnight and when I logged back on I found gates and pillars around my ship with no way to maneuver away. For what seemed like a contact the Devs moment ended with a I learned my lesson moment. The person who had built the cage around my brig had left a few of the pillars set to be demolished which allowed me to sail away. I now try to contact people before docking or stay far enough out of people area that it would be more aggravation then it’s worth to block my ship in again. Just some food for thought
  17. 2 points
    We welcome visitors, and leave all the people buildings unlocked, often leaving crafting station empty and unlocked. We have buoys marking dangerous places where there is extended shallow water. Default color, something unexpectedly dangerous right there, if multiples do not sail between them. Green underwater outcrop from land. Red closest dangerous area gets to land. Company Color (Cerulean Blue) reserved spot in near land, safe passage is far in water. White Safe docking for public temporary (overnight ok). Schooners can go between green and red in calm water, but go slowly. there may be some turns. to make the course. we are working on a signaling system for Brigs and Galleons. We also like to build the Shipyards sticking in water past the dangerous areas. Larger ships should not sail between shipyards and land.. Usually have dock or zip line from land to ship yard. To OP, don't block inlets or other ships from getting out to sea. Unless invited in message don't park at the docks overnight. Stopping to do a treasure map and get discovery points most don't mind. The ones that do, usually have the land blocked off with large gates. For longer stays, like until next weekend, find a nice spot on beach, back up to land and drop anchor. There is lots of spots for that. no one will likely even notice your there. Also when avoiding a storm, there is a term for that "Any port in a storm".
  18. 2 points
    Totally yes! A placable table where you can play poker against others or npcs and some more decorative stuff for the PvE part of the game, that way you could build a real tavern at the harbor
  19. 2 points
    No need for votes..keep this dieing server going...with the fat nerds running the mass recruiting megastore with cancerous discords. The skilless offline zerg warfare and no economy whatsoever.. Make a completely seperate server with fast travel limited to within a zone and try it out... let the population speak.
  20. 2 points
    I'm a little confused as to what your complaint is based upon considering we haven't announced the details of our claiming system rework yet. Some players have speculated on what it may entail but it's just that at this stage, speculation. There will be time for everyone to give their feedback on the system as we’ll be deploying the changes in advance on a publicly accessible test network before it hits the Official Network.
  21. 2 points
    IMAO they should. But there also should be a stern/nose/top deck's gunports in the game. I personally hate those unreal ugly lovers designs, and never build one. But in my experience all games allowing ppl to create their own designs are get there - players just find most efficient way to create things, put them to the guides and that's it. So if ppl find that's fun and best way to do like that: ...they just do. The question is - did DEVs see things going to be like that? : )
  22. 2 points
    I agree with Capt Trenchard, the game is in EA, I haven’t seen anything yet that was a final straw, or in fact a fifth or tenth straw. So far the game has been great. Some minor challenges here and there, but overall they haven’t been earth shattering. That being said, I’m not sure if they wipe the servers I’d be happy, we’ve done a lot of work so far, and I don’t think a wipe will fix much, that can’t be fixed another way.
  23. 2 points
    It's early access. All of the problems have been, for the most part, within the realm of what I expected. I think that a lot of people were expecting a reskin of Ark and none of the problems already solved there. Or basically failed to understand early access ment beta. A lot of the hate for the devs have been folks upset that they were sticking with the development schedule and not focusing on their pet peeve. They can wipe if necessary, I'll be here. As long as it's better afterwards. They can wipe in the future if they have to. I'll still be here. It was two years till the game is actually scheduled for release. I expect it will be a very different game by then.
  24. 2 points
    They already have this, they are called blueprints and the higher tiered ones are crazy hard to make, requiring you to sail to numerous grids to get the materials you need.
  25. 1 point
    They are unable to fix anything properly, people griefing ships because they can pick up more from the ground than they should be able to, well devs fix is let people glitch out on ships that aren't theirs when trying to enter them rather than fixing the real bug being people able to pickup too many items, log out, log back in, only have 250/250 weight until they drop an item or split their stack in their inventory for it to show the real weight again. So now people just hang from ladders on boats who didnt' pull those up and encumber it like that or just toss items on the deck for it to get encumbered. If they made it impossibru for ppl to get overweight in the first place even the ship dropping method would require a lot of players to sink a ship that way cuz the items dissapear rather quick. Their claim that one of their dev's steam accounts got hacked is also a blatent lie, claiming this wouldn't occur again it only was an invitation to cheaters and hackers to show how quick they could fuck up their network once again. Not to forget that there are countless reports from cheaters and hackers being submitted via their ticket system which are going unanswered where these cheaters and hackers are going on with their malpractices until this very day (if servers were up though). Everything they claim to fix they break it even harder, my two examples are just two of them, I bet alot of dissatisfied customers could come up with plenty more stuff. Oh and not to forget their wonderous Fountain of Youth they implemented while about all players in game who have a character since launch are now receiving a very nice age debuff which they can only get removed when they travel to a Golden Age area where all people have to be right now and it only can hold up to 150 players in theory, in practice this wouild mean about 50 players to play it as it's meant to be played. But right now people just have to run through the lagfast that it is naked and hope for the best to reach the magic sparkles at the end of the cave. Same goes for powerstones apparently the much anticipated and praised end game they are trying to fix with each patch while their core game mechanics are broken beyond recognition. How are people supposed to play this game when everything is bugged and we have to find workarounds just to be able to progress in nearly each part of this game rather than playing as intended. Far worse might be the interaction the devs have with this community, far too many people havea already noted and stated that they mostly listen to cringy streamers and crybabies in general rather than looking at these forums and see the daily return of many topics where players are most frustrated about. No they gonna nerf all kinds of stuff cuz some half ass streamer is giving them a bad rep about it on stream. The only thing those devs want is to keep this game look like it's shiny and fun on the streams until they raked in enough of our hard earned cash. Because let's face it, they robbed us from our money to let us play this aggrevating crappy coded "so-called-pirate-mmo". If I wanted to grind my ass of for materials I would have kept playing 7 days to die or would have reinstalled minecraft to have a better experience in harvesting and building stuff without having to fear that none of my work is still there when I log back in. Let's have a look at the two twitters that are posting most of Atlas news and updates, now the official Atlas twitter is probably not into replying anyone at all just for posting update news and patch notes when Needed. Jatheish on the other hand is far more active with giving the community constant updates when shit goes wrong but also keeps posting ETA's that are never and are always late. Even seen people complain once about an ingame server message stating servers will restart or go down in 20 minutes, so players were rushing to a safe haven when on sea or make sure they got inside a house to logout before server goes down, what happens, server goes down only 5 minutes after that message appeared, making alot of players unable to logout safely with all the negativity as a result, players losing just their gear and die once ok very annoying, but those who never had a fair chance to park their boat somehwere lost alot of progress once again. Now besides their shitty communication skills and their non-existant clock reading skills the only one who replies to certain tweets is Jatheish, the pain in the ass there is that he only replies to either positive comments or comments that have no informational value what so ever. Like last night he replied to a guy asking how often he must have said a certain word this year already whlist the majority of replies on his tweets are about the cheaters, the bugs, the game not being fun in general, those replies are being straight out ignored just as most of the topics are being ignored here on this forum by any official person. They implemented moderators and community admins, god knows why because the ones who should be more active on this forum are the devs, they should learn how to use their eyes and brain at the same time and read the massive reports of players that are begging for fixes in areas they have ignored since launch. Yet they bring out and even brag about their new features while the core mechanics of this game are still broken, people are still playing on 250 ping servers whilst having to deal with all the buggy shit that comes with predators, land claims, ship building, alphas, cheaters, hackers, and now we have rollbacks and constant patches that break stuff just a simple like doors no longer opening, if someone would just run the software they managed to compile before they release it as an update they can prevent so many gamebreaking issues with each patch they release but nope, we are the guinneepigs, we are the rats in the wheels and why? Like most paid forumtrolls state here it's an Early Access game you should have known what u signed up for... It's early access I get it, but doesn't that mean that what it describes in the EA stuff is that they are taking notes from customer feedback and listening to their playerbase on how to improve things? I've seen their Twitch live Q+A stream and I can tell you, there was no real Q+A part, it was just them talking about things they gonna implement while the playerbase is crying on the twitch chat to be aknowledged and to point out that devs are just ignoring the whole Black Butterfly incident by not even mentioning it once in their nearly 2 hour talk. To be honest the best description of that stream I read on this forum somewhere was someone saying those 4 guys at the mental hospital got some time off together and placed in a room with a webcam, this made my day just that little bit better because let's be honest, this weekend was horrible for those who actually took the time to play the game. Rollbacks, Fountain of Youth and Rollbacks. This fountain of youth thing is so poorly designed and shows how badly these developers are connected with their playerbase, we had freeport at launch that was overpopulated and with that mechanic they were lucky enough that there were plenty of freeports (and lawless areas) where people could eventually spawn, it wasn't enough for launch but it was somewhat managable. Right now u have to have the entire population of one server (NA PVE fe) to rush to one single grid where that fountain of youth is at, one grid that can hold 150 players maximum (in theory but in practice u get a ping of 250). So let's say about 5-10k players who have started near launch are now all over age 90 and have a debuff for being that old implemented on them whilst they dont' have the alternative at hand to make babies in game they are all forced at the same time with a serious debuff to find that fountain of youth before their character dies permanently losing all the progress and gear and landclaims and boats (if u play solo or have really small company where u all die before reaching it). So yeah, if one of those devs would ever have played on an official server and had to deal with all the previous bullshit before even thinking about going to a fountain of youth together will the rest of the playerbase at the same time they would have never implemented such a feature without having alternatives for breeding or even releasing something that makes us all get a random younger age. Cuz this issue will repeat itself in a couple of weeks when EVERYONE who's now 20 again will be at the age of 90 again, and yea you have to be 90+ to get a nice buff each time you go back after the age of 90+ you get a buff over your buff. So tell me, am I exaggerating anything here? People who played this game for a few weeks now know very well that the way Grapeshot throws out updates is like a blind man playing darts, throw as hard and as fast as you can and see if one hits the bullseye, more misses than hits in this field. There are some obvious forum trolls here of which I hope they aren't being paid by Grapeshot to keep the negativity down by having so many people countering it with rediculous answers as: git gud, or learn to play, or game isn't made for soloing. I get it it's an MMO, but people all have to start out solo and the game mechanic only let's u stay on newbie island (freeport) until lvl 8 which is so low your chances of survival outside freeport are really small when u play alone and start to find land to claim to build a ship in case u want to start your own company and not become another companies slave to go pick cotton or other resources all day long whilst the guys who run the big companies get to play command & conquer while u play minecraft/lumberjack simulater. They already stole our money after their terrible launch and steam still refuses to do refunds even when u try to explain all the issues ot them in a lenghty conversation like this one, u still get standard replies and support staff doesn't read your sentences the way you have written them. When I write: my first 20 hours of "gametime" were me sitting in main menu trying to login to a server. They read: you played 20 hours and thus Steam will not refund you after this much gametime. Now we all knew steam support can also be a pain in the ass sometimes, now we have to deal with Atlas dev team and Steam Support simultaniously. For those who gonna be trolls and say why u still play when u wanted refund and can only complain about it? Because I got robbed of my 25$ while Steam refuses to refund the damn thing due to timer things I felt obligated to play and see if I can still get fun out of it after each update and patch, as most of you trolls claim it's EA and (might/will) get better. Well it doesn't, they break the experience for most of us with each update they roll out or roll back. I would also like to ask my fellow pirates who have had enough of this idiotic way things are going to just spam Jat and Atlas tweets as soon as they pop up with youtube videos of griefers, cheaters, bugs, glitches, anything that shows what a poor product this is to make sure they aren't fooling other people into buying this game until it might actually be playable. Please don't hesitate to even copy past my entire post here to spread the message on reddit, other forums or just in here in case mods think this should be deleted, as I have read from several users on this forum that posts about their incompetence get deleted sometimes. Good luck to all of those who are still trying to play the game after all these things that happened, but for me it was over a few days ago, I'm done grinding to establish a little base and some boats on my own, I know it's not of solo players, but if u started this game with 5 friends and end up alone after a few days into the game u don't feel like joining a big company just yet, u try to build up a base and boat to show your friends and hope they want to play on from that part since they could skip the grindy part, but nope, it's so bad that they refuse to play it any longer and me myself have jumped ship and joined their boat, not playing boat. I will keep being a pest to this company until A: this game is a proper playable game (don't count on it). B: they refund this game to me (depending on steam here). As long as I feel like being ripped off, I'll be ripping on these nitwits as well. This is what I picture how the game Atlas itself feels like if it were alive:
  26. 1 point
    Although it's hard to give up my invested base, ships and tames after grinding hard as a solo on PVE, it was expected. But tbh I somehow didn't expect them to also wipe character progress (leveling, powerstones, beating the kraken etc), especially on PVE. That's a bit too much for me and I'll probably give this game a rest for now. Maybe try it again in the future to see how it developed. It was fun while it lasted!
  27. 1 point
    maybe the devs just decided is you who have to find a new game where spent your 24 hours of free time -_-
  28. 1 point
    CBA to read the rest of the moaning I know is gonna come from the mega tribes over this but just wanna say I loved the ideas coming out of the live stream and am looking forward to getting on the beta server to help test things out. GG Grapeshot - thx for listening.
  29. 1 point
    Why assume there's going to be more wipes when no indication of such has been given? This sort of mentality is defeatist, at best. It only hurts you.
  30. 1 point
    Apparently, they didn't think people were upset enough losing stuff to bugs and exploits? They want us to lose stuff to more.
  31. 1 point
    While I understand the game is EA. The game is also mind-numbingly boring. Since launch, no content depth has been added to the game at all. The only thing the game offers over Ark is Shipping. That's it. You build, tame, eat, drink, and that's basically it. Exploration is boring as all the islands are copy-pasted and tiny. Discovery system nothing more than a tactic to gate content and prevent players from reacting max level at their own pace, not to mention a joke. The world bosses are honestly a joke as well and basically give you nothing. On top of all this, the game goes out of its way to PUNISH you for sailing. SOD, Storms, whales, etc. The game feels and is boring, tedious, and grindy. And don't get me started on the GD RNG! RNG for ALL Blueprints in the game is complete BS! The needs more content as soon as possible. The making your own journey BS has gotten old. Regardless the game is basically dead in the water.
  32. 1 point
    This may be a good idea for PvP, but not PvE. My company (fairly small at 12, but 7 or 8 active members) do not always play at the same time. If one member sailed off to explore an island, or do a few treasure maps, we can join them at some point by spawning at their bed. This is a lot more fun than 'Hey, I sailed from A12 to F5, come join me' and then have to sail that distance as well. As it is, any loot we receive can not be fast traveled with us, so we need to wait for the ship to return. I think this is a fair way to play, even though my best gear is often on a crewmates ship, and I am stuck waiting for it to return. tldr: fast travel is a better group play mechanic for PvE. Please do not consider removing it or making it restrictive.
  33. 1 point
    i cant fucking believe this
  34. 1 point
    Yea everyone will come but server will leave.
  35. 1 point
    Yup. When ship level cap was raised, I made it my mission to clear my home sector of SODs. 37 SODs sunk and I called it quits. Circled the map a half hour later and the map was full again. Dozens of SODs. I couldn't quell the infestation.
  36. 1 point
    Hallo, ich habe einfach mal ein kleines Tool erstellt was die Location der Powerstone Inseln, GhostShip & BossLevel erkennt und die Quest generiert. -> http://atlastools.reakenari.de/kraken_quest --> Einfach den inhalt der ServerGrid.Json bei Json einfügen und Berechnen klicken MfG Kyrium
  37. 1 point
    When in rome. Or as they say in this case. Dicks out.
  38. 1 point
    Fixing the manner in which one can grief is not taking action against the griefing. When people knowing exploit a mechanic or intentional screw with others games, to simply force the to devise a new method is not going to deter anyone from this toxic playstyle.
  39. 1 point
    To me it seemed like there was another timer in play. Because at some point it just started working. The old flags started declaiming and it all worked out (other than having to stay up until 2am). Whatever the issue is, this mechanic is hard to understand and not a very fun part of the game. Anyway, got my land!
  40. 1 point
    just no. Airships for me are a big dream. Dingy size Schooner size Brig Size Galleon Size
  41. 1 point
    Procedure that do not fail: Put your tame behaviour follow on "low" Leave you tame on the shore climb on your boat Target your tame with the spy glass press T They come on board no problem
  42. 1 point
    When I park short term I just try not to block any ships. If i'm making an extended stay Ill park as far away from any bases or docks as I can, especially with my galleon, and I park perpendicular to the shore so I take up the least amount of shoreline. I dont mind people parking on our shore as long as they dont block anything and its not more then a few days. I also keep several public water resivoirs and a public larder with food and milk near our beach, and will soon have crafting stations set up as well. I wish we had a non collidable billboard sized buoy to mark our parking areas. Sure you can write on the current buoy but its so small its really hard to read unless your up close
  43. 1 point
    2% i have mine set at and my bank has over 100k of all mats at any one time seems to be working for me and my neighbors used to have it higer but i would never use what it was producing
  44. 1 point
    Factional warfare (maybe a dozen factions on the map, not counting independent groups). Towns you can build in (that have plots of land that work like a platform, with structure limits).
  45. 1 point
    Make a seperate pvp server without fast travel. Watch how fast you get a population.
  46. 1 point
    Why would you want this? This only means someone has to sacrifice his account to do nothing than being able to build a specific ship. Big Companies won't have a problem to deal with that (and as usual alt accounts are the answer to stupid skill requirements) and the only thing it does is that people are forced into even more (useless) skills. The "dedication" should be the time and knowledge you invest to farm/plan/secure/supply your ship. The "real" problem isn't that ships are too easy to build, it's that they are too easy to run as SINGLE person. A Galleon should be extremely powerfull but only if you have sufficient (human) crew. The AI is in my opinion a huge problem because it is far too effective on ships. There should be huge advantages to having human players as crew but in reality it's the opposite except for repair (and even there 1-2 people are enough in most cases). This game doesn't need more hoops to jump through in regards to ship building (especially not more grinding), it needs better roles and more involved gameplay for ship crew outside the ship captain. If an actual human crew comes important (and their skills!) then it would help a lot in making sailing (and pvp) more interesting (atm just one person -the captain- gets an interesting job out of a single ship, that needs to change). So before making ship building even harder maybe we should first think about making it first more interesting to be on a ship because the game is atm actually dominated by land and not sea battles.
  47. 1 point
    I bought a copy of the Washington Post from your newsstand and the ink hadn’t dried and got all over my hands. Tell your delivery guy the Post better get its printing act together or I’ll switch to theBaltimore Sun times.
  48. 1 point
    Freeports eat ships in about 10 hours. It's way more aggressive than it needs to be and wouldn't be an option for golden isles. Also, not a bug. They want it that aggressive but its going to mean nobody will use the new shops (5k wood in repairs just to bring stuff to sell? No thanks)
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