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About Bl4ckOut

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  1. Bl4ckOut


    Are you going for the hardmode kraken or the normal one?
  2. Yes, because they said they also doubled the amount of DP needed to get the quest done. So yes, I'm at 1.800~ DP now, but to get the quest done i need a lot of grinding now i guess.
  3. I picked up an essence of power earlier today and it gave me still only the normal 40 DP. So there is no change with this ones? Levelcap is nice now. I'm capped at max lvl 98 or something
  4. You need more discovery points. You can get them by visiting new islands and go to discoveries on the islands, you can spot them with the spyglass. They have a blue sphere around. Or do the powerstones and get ~45 points each. Or kill whales. The first time you get like ~50 points or something. I think it's like 33,5 or 34 points to get the levelcap one up.
  5. Yes kinda. If you spawned with a new character for the first time and it was not a freeport you have to visit the freeport. After that you should be able to get all discovery points like normal.
  6. So we fought the dragon for the first powerstone after the wipe but it seems that the "lure the dragon to the ship and kill it with balistas" trick doesn't really work anymore. The balista does less damage than a carbine. Has anyone figured out the best way/ weapon to kill the island bosses now?
  7. Oh boy.. you are free The landlords alone have to pay the upkeep + you have an admin team on your island that prevents pillar spam and reopen he ressource spots if they get blocked etc.,.. you are totally free to do what ever you want With one flag, what for you want to set a tax rate?
  8. So I'm at 34 discoverypoints now and the levelcap is still at 51. I think they changed the amount you need to get your levelcap up? If so did anyone figures out how many you need now? Befor the wipe it was like every 21,5 or 22,5 if I remember correctly.
  9. Ich habe heute eine Insel in der Tundra gesehen bei C2 die brauchte nur 28 Punkte und war auch nicht geclaimt. Das mit der base tut mir natürlich leid, dann seit ihr wohl an die eine Hand voll Idioten geraten.
  10. Ich glaube ihr habt das ganze Prinzip nicht richtig durchdacht. Es ist doch gut das die Leute mit viel Zeit die Inseln "besitzen". So hat quasi jede Insel seine eigenen "Admins" um den Pillarspam zu beenden und Leute die mit gates alles blocken gibt's auch nicht mehr. Die meisten lassen einen auch die base bauen. Kurz vorher im chat gefragt und die location abgesprochen, läuft. Wieso sollte das auch nicht gewollt sein? Siedler verringern die upkeep Kosten für die Insel und zahlen ein bisschen was in die Steuerbank ein. Wir haben uns bisher immer über neue Inselmitbewohner gefreut und noch keinen Ärger gehabt. Ich für meinen Teil finde das neue System echt gut. Ich konnte bisher auf jede Insel gehen und z.B. ein Tamingpit bauen wo ich wollte. Zähmen, danach abreißen und weiter. Das einzige was passierte war das die Inselbesitzer herkamen und guckten was ich da mache. Dann wurde bisschen gechattet und alles war gut. Wie es in den Wald schallt, so schallt es wieder raus, so ist es in den allermeisten Fällen. Natürlich alles nur meine persönliche Meinung hier
  11. There are islands that only needs 28 points, I'm ankered at one in the tundra right now
  12. Just open your inventory, go to the atlas tab and at the right side there sould be a symbol that says switch grid or something like that. That should turn it on again ^^
  13. It maybe looks very cool to have a collection of bottleships inside your house on a table, but letting them out and storing them again sounds a bit like pokemon
  14. But all depends on how the new autorepair structure will work. If they do it correct, the pillar-spam will not be as horrible as it is now and there is way more space to spread the players because all island are treated equal after the wipe.
  15. I think the wipe is a good thing, they had to do it. And I here from a lot of people who has quit because they never found a place to build or had to stay in lawless forever and a lot of that people will come back after the wipe. So maybe some will leave now, but more will come back and give it another try. However, I will be there after the wipe
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