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So, hear me out. This idea will revolutionize this game and breath new life into it(and likely a big fat healthy playerbase). I'm no game dev but seeing as a large percentage of other games have implemented something similar, it really shouldn't be to hard to do for our wonderful dev team. I know, I can hear some you whiny players now "we don't want to be like other games, wah! Atlas is fine the way it is, wah! You should just go play fortnight, wah!" Well suck it up crybabies! If you want a successful game and a heathy playerbase, Atlas is going to need this fresh new concept. "Fresh" and "new" to Atlas ofcourse. Many if not all of the most succesfull games on all platforms impliment this radical idea in some way and 100% owe their place on the gaming podium to it. I know it may just be my opinion, but there is data to support that this will vasty improve all aspects of the game experience for both PvE and PvP. That's the best part! It's for everyone! I'm actually quite surprised the dev team haven't even thought of it yet, thier going to feel so dumb when they realize how this simple idea could have made this game so successful if they had just thought of it and implemented it earlier on. Ready to have your mind blown and change the world of Atlas forever!!??...Fix it. Like, make the fucking game work. Stop focusing effort into shinny bits and bobbles. Fix what is there before adding more broken shit to ignore. I know, I know. The devs have their excuses, "Early access!" "no game is bug free." "I like the heat up poptarts in my underwear.". But the truth of the matter is crashes, piss poor mechanics, lazy workarounds, and gross oversite eventually kill the game for players. Adding more broken content to a game that is dying off mostly because much of it is broken is like buying a lifetime pass to Disney World for a kid with terminal cancer. TL:DR blah blah, the devs are fuckwits and poptarts are better at body temp.
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On PvP, armored docks should not be place-able on enemy islands.As most folks know, the current meta for island conquest is to place an armored dock at the target island and anchor a ship filled with beds, kit and tames. This gives the attackers an effectively indestructible FoB from which to siege the island for the duration of the combat timer. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that armored docks were never intended to be used offensively. The main defense against this strategy is to spam the entire island perimeter with underwater fence foundations. Conversely, the attacker will also typically try to do the same in order to make sure that they can place the armored dock. So, in both cases the tactic involves massive building spam. Armored docks should not exist on enemy islands. I say "should not exist" rather than "should not be place-able" because we all know that, if it was just not place-able, there will be inevitable shenanigans where allies with docks switch allegiances and bypass the "not place-able" restriction. Basically, they should not be place-able and they should instantly demo if the owner is no longer allied with the island owners.
A 20 million hitpoint dock protected by a 400k hitpoint claim tower? No one thought that one through, eh? So, add a recipe for an "Armored Dock:Claim" (1 armored dock + 1 claim tower) that make a dock that is also a claim tower. You're welcome, Atlas.
Make the warehouse so it can be used in water or on land, and will collect resources from all the farmhouses and the bank on one island. When interacting with the warehouse, add an option to transfer its contents to containers on a ship, inside of a base, or pulled by a tame. The concept is to give a "T" option for putting the warehouse in the water where it would become a port. Add the ability to collect from banks as well as farms and have it cover the entire island. This will reduce lag from too many structures while also allowing players to avoid having to transfer the contents by hand to the containers where it can be used.
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Mutiny on the Company owner Suggestion. Vote! I have been in 4 companies now and 4 circumstances have happened beyond the control of the majority playing group (company members), since I have been playing from an hour from the time the game has come out. Yes, I have a founders hat. Mutiny would be a vote calling system that could be called on the company owner to over throw the company owner. Also an owner could be voted back in as well! Circumstances to mutiny: 1. Owner stops playing. 2. Bad leadership skills 3. Owner just wants to give up the role of owner. & 4. Owner puts bad or abusive people in charge that do not contribute anything but a negative sea salty attitude. I have played a game type that has this and it works well BECTI from another game or Military Sim. A vote is called by anyone and everyone selects the new owner. Kinda surprised Atlas does not have anything like this because it is a pirate game.
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A thought occurred regarding Catapults, and how they are only used when people are bored enough to launch themselves somewhere. How do you make these worth using? Give them the ability to launch Explosive Barrels, with a set detonation timer similar to the Spike Shot. At the same time, to help promote this new use, disable the ability to glide with them and slow people who carry them. Catapults (as far as I know) can be fitted to carts like Cannons and Ballista. So this enables them to be used still whilst attacking an island, with the means to counter them like normal with cart based weaponry. It would also enable players to launch these barrels into the sea like a timed mine. It also helps combat the barrel gliding problem (which in turn might provide performance increases as people aren't building superstructures in attempt to stop these flying bombers) In regards to slowing people carrying them, perhaps just prevent sprinting, assuming it doesn't already (I've never carried one personally) means that you can still carry and bomb people using them, but an attack or defense won't get overrun quickly by a bunch of barrel carrying lunatics in their pants. Alternatively you could remove the ability to pick them up, with players having to make use of the suggested Catapult launching method to use them for fighting, but still allowing the initial placement in order to create traps.
- catapult
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It'd be great for us to be able to see which regions have the worst ping when planning routes. I understand lag is inevitable, and that the performance of the game is something you guys are working on, but in the meantime- at least allowing us to be able to work around it would be amazing. It could help save time, frustration, and hours of trying to find the mount you just lost at sea by just letting us plot a good course. It'd even be good for the roleplay community inside of Atlas, could explain it away as 'Choppy seas' or a bad storm of some sort. At least in the global PVE server, right now the equivalent is basically 'Avoid all lawless regions', which sucks because at least some of them are OK-ish.
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I'm sure many old timers can recall at launch we were met with the tease of a magic skill tree acting as a placeholder for future content, which was again further teased during the first developer livestream. And here we are - over a year later - with no word on this system. So I figured i'd take this opportunity to lay down a few ideas to get everyone interested in magic again... 1) Totems - A static object providing various effects beneficial to the owner. Crafted with mythos and a range of materials, similar to the submarine. Examples include:
While taming is a nice option, it is also very time-consuming. Handdriven carts would therefore be an easy and realistic way of transporting more weight than the player's inventory can hold. They wouldn't be able to carry as much as a bear with a cart, of course. Until the player finds and spends time taming a bear, the carts would be a good method of gathering resources and not having to run a whole lot to and from the base. It would be a good option if one does not choose to learn the taming skill at the start, and the carts would be smaller than a bear with a cart so players can move them more easily than a bear with a cart. The carts could be crafted with or without metal and have the recipe including metal be a faster version which could carry more weight than the one without metal.
As we all know Colonies solved none of the problems that Empires had, save for offline raiding. On PvE servers it serves little purpose but to advertise your island on the map. I feel like it has it's place but it could be SO MUCH MORE. With all this talk of Factions I have my own extensive ATLAS OVERHAUL that should see surges of returning players. Functionally, these are minor changes... just to get it out the door and working. To tie it all together, though, it's a big undertaking. I haven't seen other threads tackle this kind of system yet, so I am going to bring my own ideas to the table. I am not going to be touching on QOL issues in this thread, that's for another day. Sorry. 1: The Nations System Overview Currently, the colonies system works by allowing players to join a company, and then an alliance of companies. This would not change. Companies and Alliances will still be critical to the game. Emergent Player to Player scenarios drive sandbox games like Ark, Rust, and EvE Online. The current claim system does little to provide the player with a "bucket and pail" to tackle the sandbox with. Currently without any tools or encouragement there is no reason for cooperation; therefor, the fun of the current sandbox is had by shoving handfuls into someone's shorts and eyes. Ergo, Mega clans, griefing, raiding bambis, and tears.... lots of tears. Due to it's limited nature the current system is pretty punishing for players. Another issue I find is that: everyone I know hates playing in a mega or simply not playing for themselves. I am the same way. While, I enjoyed my time with the likes of GypSEAS, Uganda, No No No, and TC I can not say it was ideal. I never felt like I was actually having fun. It felt more like a social obligation; one which only was needed to protect my meager stash of tames and a ship. The social aspect is and was a huge draw; and part of the reason I stuck around. However, once I got a taste of playing for myself on Private Servers/PvE/SP it changed my views quickly... it was FUN. Exactly the same gameplay... minus just about all of the problems. Players have made the system punishing. The issue is that players and even the devs carry the same ideals and gameplay philosophy that works for Rust, Minecraft, or Ark but does NOT work for something like Atlas. Atlas, has more in common with EvE Online than any other game, and thus; it should do as much as it can to try to emulate it. Therefor, the claim and PvP system should function in a similar way. Colonies already does this for claims (vulnerability window + wardec), which is great for large alliances; it is not great however, for solos or part time players. It drives player interaction toward raiding... and just raiding. No trade, no intrigue, just raids. I think a good way to reconcile this is to allow hardcore PvP, PvE and casual PvPers to exist on the same server. Alright, here we go: Players will be able to chose between four main Nations, all four of which are split into alliances. Players may also chose to not affiliate with a single nation or faction They may even chose to remain hostile to all four if they like. Each alliance decision has different drawbacks or benefits. Each nation and faction has it's own ideology, special blueprints, cosmetics, and benefits. The Nations are as follows: Eastern Empire Western Kingdom Norse Republic Southern Syndicates Pirate Cartels Eastern and Southern Empires form the "Golden Empires Collation" Faction. Norse Republic and Western Kingdoms form the "Western Trade Companies" Faction. Pirates will ignore and defend players who prove bloodthirsty enough, but this comes at the cost of Navy attention. The presence of the Nations has lead to different levels of "security" in the waters. National/Empire Waters: PvE except for players enrolled in Faction Warfare, pirates, or those under a PvP war declaration. (More below) Lawless Waters: Basically nothing changes. Outside of player alliances: anyone can attack you, you can attack anyone. Resources are the most abundant, wild animals spawn at higher levels and are difficult to tame, sometimes lesser mythic mobs (gorgons and yetis) spawn here. These areas surround Powerstones, rather than Freeports. International Waters: This is the same as standard zones under the current system. Semi-open PvP, any player can claim, decent resources, better wilds, less dangerous islands. Homestead Waters: These are regions hosted on the player's personal computer. Only they and people invited can access this area. (More below) Sovereign Waters: An extended version of island claims, this sets an entire grid to PvE and taxes all islands to a central bank. Once waters become Sovereign the company or alliance who owns the water can not be removed. (More below) Powerstone Waters: Only slight changes here. Convert zones to PvE and allow temporary builds. Allow taming of all non-mythic powerstone spawns if the player has the powerstone for said island. 2: Waters Explained. National/Empire Waters: These areas are owned by the corresponding nation, and take the current place of Freeports and Lawless islands surrounding them. Players are completely safe from PvP when in these zones unless they are at war with each-other or in faction warfare. Waters are patrolled by NPC pirates who attack ships and players on islands. Occasionally spawns WPE's. Faction Warfare most often happens in these areas. Players with sufficient reputation with either/both the Nation and the Faction Navy may claim certain islands. Faction Navy members get access to larger, better, yet cheaper islands that give more resources once claimed. (Areas owned by Pirate Factions also function in a similar way but are hostile to "good" players. ) Players who's companies are at war are able to attack each-other in these zones. Limited verity of resources spawn in these areas. Travel to other areas required to make anything better than FINE bps, thus encouraging trade, travel, and piracy. Homestead Waters: Meant as a starting point and offline storage area, Homestead Waters host a single grid containing an island with a pre-built small shipyard, low quality map spawns, and crew recruiter. Homesteads provide every Freeport resource. Homesteads do not spawn useful creatures, but do however allow the player to breed any creatures regardless of conditions at a cost to the baby's wild level. Players may store up to TWO personally owned ships. Nothing stored at a Homestead decays and remains in stasis unless the player is present. All NPCs and Tames brought here are fed/paid at no cost to the player. Companies can not store company owned ships at a Homestead. As was mentioned before, this is just a place to start and tuck things away when you go offline for a long time; or a place for absolute casuals. Homesteads provide NO experience. Players are also granted access to a "lumber mill" which provides unlimited wood building pieces, and deployables only placeable on the homestead (not boats). Players must have unlocked desired deployables. Sovereign Waters: As mentioned before, a sufficiently advanced Company or Alliance can purchase a token from a friendly faction or nation to convert an area into a PvE area that can only be attacked under a war declaration or by an opposing navy. These areas can still be raided, however, the residing company/alliance can not be removed, nor do damaged structures remain damaged (boats and tames however do not regenerate) anything popcorned/left in bags is deposited into the claim flag. By default, only allied companies can build in these areas. Companies may have ONE sovereign grid. Declaring a zone Sovereign spawns uncontrollable NPC ships belonging to the player's company and allied navy. Players can be attacked in open water in these zones. The residing company must remain at a certain level of activity, pay gold upkeep, have settlers, and appease its allied Nation/Faction to maintain control of an area. Piracy: Areas claimed by pirate players spawn extra resources but are in PvP mode longer than normal grids/islands. They also attract a larger and more powerful than average Navy presence to the area. 3: Better NPCs "Drone Better. People make problem. Trust me... drone better." - Ivan Vanko This is going to be a quick one. NPCs don't do enough. NPCs should repair ships when at sea, be able to help farm, watch animals, etc. Make special vendors or quests to acquire specialty NPCs/crew. Allow players to place their own crew recruiter/NPC quest giver. As was mentioned earlier, more NPC factions are needed. Less reliance on mega groups to enjoy the game to the fullest. Having the ability to assign an NPC to a ship and it automatically patrol/escort the player would also be spectacular. NPCs need to preform anything players can do; busy work wise (raising tames, resource gathering, etc) Solo players should not need other players. Instead, players should always be better at what NPCs can do; rather than being a requirement. 4: The Content is the Reward. I've noticed that playing this game without PvP changes it's nature. In a PvP setting, PvP is the reward for 'content'. Doing a games content for a reward is a poor way to play a game, and a big reason this game ( and WoW) is doing so poorly. Playing the game should itself, be a reward; and it is only that way for PvE /local/Single Players right now. Rewards should be things that make content more fun; tames and buffs are on the right track for that. As you may have gleamed by now, under this system player actions result in the ability to do the same content faster, better, and in more fun ways. 5: Naval Battle + Ships. Deplanking in its current form looks bad and feels bad. Planks shouldn't disappear. Instead, they should form holes and catch fire/splinter depending on the damage taken. But, never be "lost" instead, they are repaired as needed. When "deplanked" they begin to leak as they would now. The option to surrender and turn over the ship/portion of resources to encourage piracy would be a boon. As an anti-griefing and a "fun insurance" measure ships sunk should have the option to re-surface them. For anchored ships, this is just a resource fee. For ships lost at sea, it should require the Submarine and a special token/feat. 6: Faction Rewards What would alliance be without benefit? As was mentioned before working for a faction/nation rewards you with reputation (or negative rep) used to unlock BPs, powerful ships, tames, NPCs, land rights, and cosmetics. Conclusion: I do hope you can see how all of this plays together to encourage ALL types of players. No one is left out under this system. Small groups, solos, and mega groups are each rewarded in their own way. Every form of player interaction is encouraged, and maximizes fun. Even with our current player-base this system would still benefit the players. I hope that even if this system is not utilized that the devs consider some aspects of it. I know if I were developing this game, this is the system the game would have come out with.
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We live in the polar and there are no berrys in the polar.. so we are forced to take around 140 k berry every week from freeport to feed all npc .. this task is not only boring but it takes long too. A easy solution to the problem would be that the food larder has priority of the silo so that big close groups of npc don't eat so many berry of the silo but eat them from the food larder .. A other easy solution would be that you can put vegetable in silos... I hope you consider this suggestion as in our group we are fighting every week to who should go take the large amount of berrys.. Or even better complety remove the feeding npc mecanism
TLDR: Npc's on swivels are broken, disable them to be mounted onto swivels. I've talked to a few people on this subject from different companies now and pretty much everyone agrees, please remove NPC's from being able to sit on swivels. Having a device that can be placed behind a doorway on a boat makes ship boarding difficult if not impossible. It's something that either needs to be policed as a bug (along with putting the captain's wheel inside a box) or taken out of the game. The easiest way to fix this problem would simply be to not allow NPC's to man swivels. That way, you can still defend your ship but you need a player to jump on the swivel if someone boards your ship. I think it would at a much more interesting design to ships in consideration for where you might need a swivel placed to create a "kill box". Additionally, it opens up a myriad of different ways in which you can attack a ship (especially with the new harpoon changes). I could get close to an enemy ship and have a few of my crewmates jump over to the other side to engage the enemy in swordplay on their deck, meanwhile its chaos as the captains are still fighting on the wheel to shoot cannonballs at eachother while the melee breaks out on either or both of the ships. This would lead to a new meta when it comes to NPC's making them more useful for fighting. Now the CODE RED button actually would mean something as if someone jumps on your ship you may decide its time to get your cannoneers to focus on the problems on your deck. This also creates a new meta of actually arming your NPC's with gear and swords. Currently, people just put ncp's on stations without any kind of gear on to save weight. Instead people might keep an extra reserve of npc's with gear on board just in case someone manages to glide on to their ship. Even when it comes to giving your NPC's new stat upgrades it would make a huge difference between fighting a level 100 with a bunch of additional melee damage and an upgraded sword vs the current meta which is simply all npc's are leveled into health as they will never leave their station. At the very least, npc's on swivels should be taken off of ships. I understand the intent especially for using them on another boat, but I think that it would make the game far more interesting and pirate-like to have people grappling over to your side to get in a scrum. Lastly, I wanted to touch on swivels on the ground. This is more of an optional change as I don't want to take away from the main issue which is swivels on ships. In that same right, however, I think that swivels have no place on the ground being manned by NPC's either. When it comes to base defense you can use puckles, catapults, and harpoons for defenses. The reason I find this so irritating is that people are building large bases on top of pillars that even if you manage to climbing pick your way to the top, they have full swivel coverage that stops you from being able to actually do anything. At least with puckles you can tank a few hits and find a position to use your grenades. With swivels, it's 1 shot and you're done. I''m open to any other input people may have regarding this, but I think it would make this game quite a lot better if we were to take NPC's off swivels and let players actually have some pirating fun. I hope the dev's see this as they don't often seem to care about posts on this forum. But hopefully someone will be able to catch their ear!
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Hi guys, The island I live on is currently unable to produce salt. So I came up with the idea, why can't we boil saltwater collected from the ocean via bucket to create salt? So that's my idea to create salt on salt less islands such as mine. As it's needed to keep food lasting longer and a must have for cooking. It's a pain running around islands for just 2 salt that you dig up on the beach. My Idea is fill up a bucket of water from the ocean. Bring it to a cooking pot / grill and place the bucket inside, then turn the fire on. It will make about 20 salt in 1 full min. Then we could actually use salt effectively on salt less islands.
Segment beds that are based on Boats vs based on land. Call Beds on Boats "Racks" which already have hard limits based on level of boat. Leave Beds based on land as beds but have a company wide hard limit on the total amount of beds placed in the game world.
This season we've gotten a lot of settlers and we want them to be allied to us so they don't get gunned down by our defenses but we are running into an issue where we simply have too many settlers to ally them all + have outside allies. A solution to this would be a Settlement alliance. This alliance would be owned and controlled by the settlement owner. A settlement alliance could have unlimited companies in it and it could have it's own chat (settlement or island chat to keep all the talk out of the global alliance chat). If you are not the owner/controller of the settlement alliance you can not own any islands but you are allied to everyone in the settlement alliance. A settlement alliance would allow all of our settlers to communicate with each other and us without needing a network of alliances to tie all of the companies together on a single island.
With the upcoming reworks being focused on creating combat, adventure, and players spending more time at sea, I think that there should be various events that broadcast to the players and appear on their maps. These events would give players enough time to travel across multiple zones to reach them before they spawn. These can be PVE combat events with amazing rewards, high value sunken treasure, high value flotsam, or abandoned ships that can be claimed by whoever wins the skirmish that would follow.
I was looking at the devs pie chart and saw how the devs wanted players to be out on the sea more rather than on land. I then thought of this simple change; rather than losing your planks when their health reaches zero, water would just spill into the ship. This would get rid of the farming for the spare planks, and get rid of the frustrating moments of having one less cannon on a side because you ran out of extra gunports. It would even make the repair hammer even more useful as people can't simply fill in the hole with another plank. Sure it would be a negligible change, but it would make it, so players don't have to farm, and recraft blueprint planks and gunports after a battle.
Hello! Been a while since I posted here, but after seeing the latest post in Steam about the roadmap post Xbox launch I was excited to see that you guys really seemed to be heading in a positive direction. I've been a big fan of Atlas from the beginning, about the potential that could be found here, and of the Dev team that really seemed to be listening/responding to what the community wanted. But I did have some issues that caused me to lose interest in playing, mainly just the fact that it grew boring and offered little challenge really. I was on the PvE side my last round of Atlas, so removing the PvP aspect does take away from the game a good bit, but I really felt like it didn't have to here. Not with some slight changes that I thought would really help to round the content out. Your road map hit a lot of those things on the head, so I wanted to throw out some ideas that I had spoken of before that were along the same lines, and hopefully see them get added ingame. Ships The ships section of the road map mentioned making it possible for those seeking to "live" aboard their ship, it also mentioned offering more activities at Sea. Both of those are great, and would really drive home the "pirates life" that I think a lot of us were hoping for. But one thing I'd like to add there is customization. The ship system is awesome, and a lot of fun, but in the end building your ship is really just the illusion of customization. In the end, aside from a few wall panels and such, you end up with either an efficient ship or an aesthetic ship. But why not both? Adding to the shipbuilding system would be easy, even just adding a "modules" type of situation where you could customize your ships capability through "installed modules" would make your ship unique. It would add another layer of depth to your ship that would make it stand apart from others of the same class. Modules for the hull, sails, even combat side would offer a world of difference while not requiring any more visual art for it (Although visual art on top would be stellar). Aesthetic customization seems to be coming along nicely, but more would obviously help the ship to feel less like "just another ship", and more like a "home". The other issue is the NPC Crews, obviously, they offer solo players or people with small groups the ability to sail larger ships without having to find actual players to sail with. However, when these groups have a combat Galleon each that they choose to sail rather than sail together it makes the game less fun. There are already boons to sailing together, such as having a player with all the cannoneer skills being able to reload faster. Clearly that hasn't proven valuable enough for players to prefer others over NPCs. Adding in better bonuses or boons to having less ships in a company and more player crew when you leave port would also make a world of difference, in my opinion. This could even be achieved by adding a system that checks how many players are on a ship, and has tiered rewards for meeting a specific amount. 5 players - 5% speed increase 10 players - 5% damage reduction 15 players - 10% increase Cargo Weight Etc etc Offering bonuses for having more player crew on a ship could make it more attractive to play together rather than the meta (when I was still active) of everyone having their own ship to offer more "overall DPS". Exploration The biomes are cool, the different tames and resources available are awesome, how the blueprints force you to gather from different areas is fun, however... I never really enjoyed "exploration". I simply went to a different biome to gather, got the tames I wanted, ran some treasure maps, then left. Despite the world being very pretty, it's not like I would really find anything by searching around. Adding in some form of randomly spawning treasure that offered something of more substance than just gold or blueprints would really make the game more interesting. Similar to the discovery points that allowed you to reach higher levels, but possibly something more "character-specific". Such as learning new engrams, giving crafters more than just "high intelligence" to shoot for. You travel and explore not only to reach a higher character level, but also to unlock engrams only available by "having travelled the world". This also makes crafting more than just "who has the most points into intelligence and some good intel gear"? It gives those focusing on being a crafter a whole new level of gameplay. Crafting Speaking of crafting, I loved what you guys did with BPs here as opposed to Ark, giving them a finite amount of crafts. That was awesome, and really made me interested in wanting to be a crafter. However, I think that side of gameplay could use a little bit more love. What I'd personally like to see is reward for time spent crafting, such as when I've crafted 100 medium hull pieces my base hull piece gets a boost. Maybe it becomes Journeyman, or possibly just has increased stats based on how many times I've crafted that item. This rewards crafters for repeatedly crafting the same thing, so an armorer who has crafted a ton of armor would create at a base level higher than someone who just repec'ed to craft off some BPs. The same for ship builders, weapon smiths, you could even include the architect players making building pieces. This would really help to create a player economy as well, giving crafters a reason to try and create "businesses". This could also be easily nerfed when you added in dying of old age and breeding to create progeny (if that's still a planned thing). When they die, they retain a small percentage of whatever they achieved with their last character, this could even work for the "Fountain of Youth". Sure, you are made young again, but the process also cost some of your "memories/wisdom" that old age brought you. In Summary I'm pretty excited about the roadmap, think you guys have been heading in a great direction for some time, and am looking to come back to Atlas here soon. I hope some of these ideas might spark some interest and grow into something awesome, they are definitely things I thought would add to the gameplay.
Hello, I was thinking since we have a multitude of ingots that can be made with the forge what if we had a "Top Tier" ship like an Ironclad? I know the Galleon is a top tier ship and is very large but to make more use of these ingots and move into more of an "industrial era" type warship that can utilize steam or coal engines and still utilize the NPC crew for sails, loading coal/water for engines, as well as cannons would be awesome. We would still be able to put the submarine and all other side attachments on due to it's large size like a galleon. Also, having a "metal" tier of building parts would allow for better base defense, bigger raids, more difficult ship battles, and better use of ingots. I know that's a pretty far fetched idea but I thought I would just throw it out there. Thanks for your time, JVGaming Here's an example of an old Ironclad... ,
We constantly need to split and manually remove or add in small increments from a stack till reaching the overencumbered weight status. It would be great to have an option when picking up a stack to fill up till the overencumbered state so that we remain just below that. This would make transporting goods much less finicky than it currently is.
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- overencumbered
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I am playing Atlas RP on twitch for a while now. I recently found out how to bind Emotes to keys which is awesome for RP and my viewers don't have to see a menu. There are 2 Emote Keys that I can bind to other keys freely. Can we get more of them? Please With 9 keys i could fill my NumPad and do better RP. Thanks in advance
This might not be what the game needs the most right now, but I think there's not enough interesting feats to use with melee weapons. There are like 5 feats in the weaponry skill tree, 3 of them are just buffs to your attacks. So we end up with Circular Slice for swords, and Tremendous Force for Maces. Come on, we need something better than just spinning once with a sword or hitting the ground really hard with a mace! The Pike doesn't even have a usable feat. At least give us 1 more actual feat for each weapon. Maybe a lunge for the sword where you do a quick jump forward with a stab, inflicting bleed/stun. An impaling charge with the pike which you can change directions mid-charge, dealing big damage based in distance traveled, maybe even dragging players along like when they're grabbed by lions. (BTW why is the pike's main attack a horizontal slash? Make it a thrust with no forced movement and camera lock like in ARK! Maybe a bit slower for balance). The mace can have like an uppercut where the user jumps with the momentum of the upward swing, moving a little forward while knocking up/inflicting massive torpor to the target. Maybe more weapon types would be cool. A lot of icons in the two-handed skill tree represent a two-handed sword being used so I'd really like to see that implemented into a real weapon in-game. The blackjack and Throwing knives have special uses but maybe they should get some love too? I don't really know how tho. Those are my ideas. All of them have a bit of mobility to help with the rather static movements of most weapons. Hopefully I'm not suggesting something that's too hard to implement.. Sure, they're not historically accurate, but this game wasn't meant to represent historical pirates anyways. You know, with cyclops, magic, undeads and all of that. If you have anything you'd like to say, feel free to do so .
I think we can all agree sailing for hours eats up a lot of time and tends not to be terribly entertaining. How about a mobile game for resource gathering from far flung areas. Financed with your islands gold, using ships you have available. You plan a trip with a mobile device yadda yadda. I have no clue as to the technical difficulties since I build houses for a living but I can see a lot of interesting inputs and outputs. It could be as complex or as simple as one would like. For simplicity see No Man's sky's fleet operations. Just a thought.
Nice! They changed the Suggestion section What I would love to see in this game is small temporary groups. I mentioned this in another thread but I ran into a problem that needs exactly that. To be fair I play on an RP Server. Things are slightly different but I think this would be nice for PvP and PvE as well. Implement small temporary groups. (Let's call it Crew) I want to invite a player to my Crew. His company isn't touched and my company isn't touched but we can now sail the same ship and play together. I think this is important for an mmo because it makes it easy and effortless to socialize with other players. This could improve PvP in the long term (less toxic) I compare this to World of Warcraft. If you had a problem and the members of your guild are far away you would ask strangers to do the quest with you. Some of them were doing the same quest anyway. I know we don't have such simple quests but a treasure map could be such a thing. Still the WoW example it would be stupid to expect someone to leave their guild for a quest or even start a new one. This is to heavy! I know that this isn't as easy as it sounds especially in regards to the use of ships. Because most of the time if you are in a company, all ships are company owned. Would a crew member be able to sail other company ships as well? We could need an option in the ship menu where you can set this per ship. "Use Sails" "Use cannons" "Use boxes" "Use steering wheel" For example. So you can make adjustments what crew members can currently use on ships. This could be used as a try out mechanism for new members as well. Which is super cool for PvP where you don't trust anyone