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  1. for the second time i have lost a ship because your game DOESNT WORK BY ITS OWN RULES!!!!!!!! The only thing you got right was ship damage and taking damage... your repair skills do not work at all even though i have great repair skills the do not reflect in game at all nor does broken planks clear in time as per skill points dictate they should. nor do crew operate the way the should ss per skills dictate... fix it!!!!
  2. I extended the ladders on my ship so they are in the water instead of above the water line. Does this create drag on the ship slowing it down?
  3. First and for most..nice Attempt... but needs a lot of work... despite all your NPC crew options they still shoot at everything that floats with in range of your ship wasting tones of ammo. (Before you say anything yes I have tried all the options, passive, aggressive, ships only ect ect ect ect ect) Also they DO NOT REPAIR while idle. I had three crew on my ship not assigned to any station two where on wander and one was not and I took heavy damage and the did nothing to aid repairs and I lost the ship. Thirdly.. NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE A DAM MINI GAME!!. I get having a little mini game to speed up loading your black powders firearms but one to bail water out of your ship or just to scoop it out of the ocean????? like come on!! really... UNNECESSARY TO END DEGREE!! Fourth.. cyclone storms don't have to be chasing you all over the map when they happen.. 5th.. the radius of how close a mine can be to another industry building is a bit ridiculous. Lastly if a player losses their ship it should have a inventor bag or chest that players will have a 20 min chance to recover.. Thank you. I hope you (the developers) take these things and change them I think it would make the game that much better for everyone.
  4. Ships should have two more Sails at the front on the figurehead, and window planks at the rear of it,for maybe a Captains' quarters. Crew should be able to wander around as if they're patrolling and somehow allow them to equip Guns,the Navy Soldiers in POTC hold guns,or just add a specific Gun they can equip, plz consider it!!
  5. so with the new modular ships idea. i like the idea of having you still need to make planks and such and in stead of placing them on the ship. you make it a required item to make the ship for example so if you build a brig frame you need metal wood thatch fiber and gold. my idea is get rid of the metal wood fiber and thatch and just make it need 28 planks and 12 Gun ports 3 decks and then you get the full completed hull. but how would the ship work in a modular set up like the ramming galley and Kraken? so I think you need make it a cumulative HP pool base on the rarity of the parts used so you make it. So you make 12 Mythic M Gunports they have 40k hp each that comes to 480k hp added to the HP pool, you make the same rarity Planks 28 of them at 35k come to 980k Hp added then make 3 Mythic medium decks at 250k each comes to 750k added so your total ship when it made will be 2.21m HP total, but all other stuff like walls and alike dosent add to the ship hp pool. doing this will make pvp fight more of a fight not a one sided thing. you just have the repair kits or keep the wood and such for repairs. so ppl can carry more ammo or armaments.
  6. Summed up in short Pre-crafted ships are Garbage. The excuse that exploits on ships are rampant is so lazy. No Blueprints, no use for resources, no use for sails. Just cookie cut versions that the devs which we already know are terrible at designing and implementing let alone following through with their ideas promised to expand upon. How? By allowing you to build 40 structures on the boat. Oh gee... They still have not fixed the bug where the precrafted ramming galleon's nose of the ship when down to 0 hp from 15k instantly sinks the boat despite the rest of the ship being repaired. If they cannot fix a precrafted ship thats been in the game since the start of the season why would you think they could bring in new boats that arent as broken if not more broken that what is currently in game. (wild how their solution to fixing something is to bring in a totally new system that's more flawed than the last) Some dev justified their job somehow by suggesting this swap is my guess. What are your thoughts about these pre-crafted ships and their effect on the future of PVP in the game. PVE aside. Also i feel the devs are brain dead with the new claim system they fail to realize mortars are a structure in this game capable of cross island hits. How are you going to defend against mortars when part of the island is in peace mortaring your part of the island in The new Kraken ship cannot turn without the sails open HOLY Crap thats terrible the new kraken ship also when the front or back plank are 0 hp Instantly sinks. Man Imagine still having a known bug in the "new" boat system and then adding onto it. If they implement the new system they should get rid of craft limits on blueprints and let it be like ark.We also neeed BP CRAFTING STATIONS to Craft the blueprints that require ALLOT of resources 500 slots please... This would make people farm more for resources not grind out RNG (what is this a fucking casino? ) for a bp that goes away after 2 fucking crafts or 5 sails.. after 5 months of looking for it.. that's garbage and you know it. We deserve infinity crafts on blueprints just like ark...this will push an economy into the game because you can sell pre-crafted boats for in game gold or other Blue-prints. New players could find a great gun port blue print or sniper or Armour and trade it for anything with another. If a mega tribe has multiple sail bps over a certain % it's in their best interest to trade them for things they lack.... Every one clutches their boats like pearls bc they are afraid to lose something they invested 4 months farming for. RNG in this game i repeat is garbage and you know it. NO ONE QUITS A GAME BECAUSE THEY CAN CRAFT AS MANY BOATS AS THEY WANT. combat.? @devs
  7. I've bought the Majestic Kraken to test it out. Basically i thought i would never do this but i got lucky in some points. 1. I got a market and warehouse so i tested trading in general and earned about 200k gold now.(My main reason to reinstall the game) 2. I used my only Brig to do all Power Stones Solo and defeated the Kraken.(Never done this solo before) 3. I used the submarine to discover the Depths and get the first Essence of Power. While doing so i killed 7 Squids and got 60 squid legs as well as i used the squid meat and tamed 3 crabs Lvl 28 that passed my way. 4. After testing the Dolphin taming with the shark terminator(submarine) supporting me i thought about what to do now(Solo on PVE) 5. I remembered that i have 60 dried squid legs that i could use to make some testing of the Majestic Kraken pre build ship so i went to freeport to buy it. costs: 22000 gold and 50 dried squid legs The ship itself: You get a ship with 200% quality from Vendor which means you can level up to Level 60. The ship starts with 2000/9000 weight and two large Speed sails. This is enough to reach about 16 knots speed with strong wind(no storm) So the Kraken is about 4-5knots slower than a empty Brig. All shipparts show weight 1kg... no matter if it's the gunport, or the castle or the deck... that's quite weird. But you have 12 cannons on each broadside in two layers of each 6 which makes a total of 24 small cannons. The ship starts with 22 Crew capacity. Each cannons weight is 40kg when gun ports are closed so this makes about half the weight of the standard ship - 960kg. The masts weight is 100kg. I also tested 3x small handling sails with each 1,7 sails points(max 6 points) but that got very slow about 11 knots. You can't place 2x small and 1x large as this would be 6,1/6,0 points. So i ended up with my favorite 2x large handling sails which speed is than about 13-14 knots. Light brigs are about 2 knots faster. The ship has the same length like a Brig but is much higher and has less width. You can't customize the ship so you basically need a storage for some repairs and a bed to respawn. You can place a ship storage box for crew gold. NPCs can repair the anchored ship without the need of repair kits or repair resources. You do not need any spare planks as you can't replace the ship parts so far. The ship has only a few parts that can take damage... some ship parts do not have any health. I guess some parts just do not take any damage like the decks. The masts are only placed on the upper deck. On the cannon decks there is no Mast because you could not move between the cannons(closed gun ports) and Mast like on a Shooner. You have 12 gun ports which each consists of two cannon ports. You can't remove cannons and you can't replace them. Each gun port has 7500 HP which is more than a Brig but a Brig has 2x 6000 HP instead. Also Brig Gun Ports crafted can have about 15000 HP on official servers. You can't repair this gun ports from the deck... so you have to go on each cannon deck to repair them. For Solo Player this is a massive Pain! Also to repair you need a Repair kit -> in your inventory!!!111. So if you have a repair kit and a repair hammer you can hit the gun port and repair it for a fix ammount of 1000 HP each repair kit. But the repair will take 3 seconds and you can#t do anything else during this time... if you go away from the part you are repairing the repair will not finish. So to repair one part that got 5000HP damage you need to stay there for 15 seconds... But at least each 1k repair is instand healed once you finish waiting 3 seconds. I don't like this system... in 15 seconds you could hit like 10 planks of a brig that repair automaticaly up to full life! To repair this ship system is zero fun! and you have to do it after every combat with a SoTD. Also not to mention the costs of the repair kits. It's 100 fibre - 200 wood and 120 thatch -> for repairing 1000 HP of one ship part. A common complete medium plank cost 400 fibre - wood - thatch which is rughly 2x the ammount of wood of the patch kit. So if you want to go fighting some SotD you may take 100 patch kits with you that stack up to 10 and each weight is 3,5kg made with 56kg resouces. So this is a hugh weight reduction or the patch kit crafting resource amount is totaly broken. For a kraken fight solo with my brig i needed 1000 wood to repair the ship over 45 minutes = 5 patch kits = 5000 HP ????????????????????? So if i take 100 patch kits with me it's 20000 wood !!!! THat's enough to craft 1,5x the planks for a shooner. Also the ship consists of a front castle castle with 15000 HP that you only can repair from the top deck. In the mid deck there is a front part that does not show any HP as well in the bottom deck where there is also a front bottom part with no HP shown. So damage will may only be received by the front castle. In the rear you have also 3 parts. The big rear castle on the top deck with 15000 HP including the railings and the deck stairs. The mid rear part with 10000HP including the first stair case. And the bottom rear part with again no HP including the bottom deck stair case. Front as well as rear castle is only 1 part so you do not have left or right ship side on this parts. So far i tested it the ship has a health indication. If parts get damaged you can see this as a 100% or less value in your bottom right screen. THe parts show holes and look damaged but there is no water entering the ship. So you can't use a bucket to keep the ship alive and this health % is not the standard ship health value. If you have two much crew on board the standard health value moves down like the old ships... but again no water and no bucket... so you better not exceed the crew limit on this ship. I will test next what happens if a part gets damaged to 0 HP... i guess it can be repaired and does not get destroyed/removed from the ship. If all parts reach 0 HP the ships should be destroyed. So if you have a repairs man that repairs the last surviving ship part every 3 seconds by 1000 HP you may not get sunk. But i also heard about bugs that some ship parts have critical health and once they are 0 the ship will sink. Quality of Life on the ship: The overview with two sails is good. You can't place additional robe ladders so you have only the rear one - that is placed very stupid on the rear and you will drop several times from it's top. Getting up with the hook is difficult if you do not hit the railing from above... to hit the masts is difficult becuase of the height and the railing. You may often drop from the railing while climbing the ship. The Stair case is very bad and even with my PvP size character(very small) i have to crouch at some points. You do not have much space for beds and boxes... not to mention food storage(for the crew) and you do not have space to place a workbench or simmilar things. The ship is only constructed for minimalized PvP equipment. You can not place diving attachment, dingy dock or cargo rack. You can not place cover above/around the steering wheel. Ship optics: I like the basic appearance of the ship... but the kraken design is ugly. The front kraken has collision with harbor structures and ships unlike the figure heads optical parts on old ships. This ship could have a place between the Brig and the Galleon but also between the Brig and the Shooner... because... length = Brig... width = Shooner ... cannons double of a Brig... handling like a Galleon... weight between Shooner and Brig... you get the point this ship has no place where it can shine... it feels like a worse part of all ships. Only 2 large Sails so larger than Shooner but smaller than Brig. My first impression after killing some SotD green and yellow up to Galleon: The ship turns much slower than a Brig and feels much more like steering a Galleon. I guess this is intended due to the height of the ship and it's small width. While you are turning the ship at high speed it does not roll to the outer side so you can't increase your small cannons range by this move. I tried to zick zack before a yellow SotD Galleon to shot it with both broadside but i got everytime into it's range and took damage. So I guess for kiting SotDs without taking damage the ship has too less maneuverabilty and is too slow even with Handling Sails(I use blue 110+110%). When i put Crew on all cannons(24 x 40kg + 2x sails) and take 100 patch kits with me(350kg) + right now 830 cannon balls (17xxkg) i have a ship weight of 5300kg andwith open gun ports 6800kg(max 9000). So far i think i will have to skill full 300% resistance to make this ship work and also add some levels to weight.(increasing only by 200 each point) So the damage of the ship will be low... repairing a pain... skilled fully on resistance to have less repair.... speed is lower than a Brig... you can't remove weight besides less ammunition. I guess it's impossible to do Kraken fight with this ship... if it survives Golden Age farming and gets up to Level 50 i may try this one... PVE: There is no reason to play this ship. No weight. high costs. Huge maintanace effort. No customization(besides Sails like all ships) You can't make a whale hunter out of it. There is no reason to transport tames with it. PvP: No reason to play it as well. Repairing is a pain. Speed is only a little competitive with Speed Sails(vs Handling Sails) and only use would be to use bar shots with 12 cannons broadside if you can get a decent angle on the enemy which is unlikely.(bar shots have less weight than common balls). What should be changed to make this ship competitive for PvP at least? The ships strength could be to be a fast frigatte type ship between Galleon and Brig. It has a very long shape but a small width so it's terrible to turn as it could simply roll to the side. But it should be faster than a Brig. So you would have a fast ship that can use the wind to get in a position where it can work with it's broadside mainly to cut sails with the 12 cannons shot. Currently Brigs are often build with only 4-5 cannons on the boradside to reduce weight... some may only use 3 cannons to be fast enough to win the speed race. So the Majestic Kraken would be only that fast mainly using Speed Sails as Handling Sails have no real influence on the turning speed. This would be a very special propose of the ship but enemys with handling sails could escape pretty easy by just turning their ship fast in another direction. The 24 cannons currently have no purpose to be used by PvP Players. The health system and repairing of the ship should be adjusted. Currently it has low HP compared to a brig and even a BP crafted Shooner. The repairing should be one hit consuming an amount of patch kits or resouces like old system and increasing the heath over time. To have a player look 15-20 seconds on a ship part to repair it if it's high damaged is pretty stupid. The auto repair on current ships is working well and consuming a decent ammount of resources. To heal fix HP with the patch kits feels pretty worse. The repair costs/crafting patch kits have to be reduced !! 26 crew on board will never be the case on a PvP ship... their weight is to high even you make them nakked. If PvP Players could they would remove cannons from this ship to safe weight! This ship testing is a very sad feeling. If all new ships get this system the fun on the seas is pretty much over. Even if you can place some modular pieces in the future i don't like this ship at all. My Brig behind can be a multi purpose ship. I can go farming and add 2 cargos without getting supper slow. I have the submarine attached and also a diving attachment. I have cannons below the Deck to fight the Kraken as well rear cannons to fight easy SoTD. I could place Balistas to hunt whales. I have a work bench and tannery on board so i can craft or tame if i see a target on my way. Yes that's all for PVE content but i fought lots of PvP battles in Season 3 and ship combat did not change besides the current use of rear catapults for barrels.(no fun) I could turn this Brig in the background into PvP playstile in less than 10 minutes reducing the weight to easy 3500kg.
  8. Join Indecent Queens new Atlas PVE server! We are a brand new gaming community with active admins and several games to choose from. Fresh map with many available islands, all resources, and all quests. Painted tames 3x4 grid recently expanded with plans to grow as needed All Golden Age Islands All quests Admin shop Starter Stables mod for animal storage Unique tames! Ship mods for more variety Grow more crops Growing server with plenty of room!! We also have PC Ark, Xbox Ark, Citadel, Conan and Space Engineers. Discord: https://discord.gg/EWUyeC7M8B Direct connect: steam://connect/ Website: www.indecentqueens.com Mod List: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2386361064
  9. This is a list of items I have talked about with those I play with that we have decided we hope to see. Some have taken some research, and others were created with a list that we put together during our conversations. I thought to put it here, and then expand on it as more items are discussed below – if they are – or as a group with those I play with. So please read through it if you too are interested in the possibilities that the game to bring with it and add them below if there is more that you would like to see, and the next time I am pop on I would be happy to add them to the list. Section One: Ships Sloops – In Game Barque (Bark) – A sailing ship with from three to five masts, all of them square-rigged except the after mast, which is fore-and-aft rigged; a small vessel that is propelled by oars or sails. Schooners – In Game Brigantines – In Game Square-rigged Ships - These were more often than not merchant ships, identified by their large square sails and three masts. The large hold meant that they were slow but great for longer crossings. Not very agile, pirates were not likely to choose a square-rigged ship as their first choice, but would be great for stealing large amounts of booty. You might have seen these kinds of ships among a pirate fleet. Galleons – In Game Clipper - A fast yacht-like ship with three sails and a square rig. Cog – A small warship Gally - A low, flat vessel propelled partly, or wholly by oars. Jolly Boat - A light boat carried at the stern of a larger sailing ship. Long Boat - The largest boat carried by a ship which is used to move large loads such as anchors, chains, or ropes. Pirates use the boats to transport the bulk of heavier treasures. Lugger - A two-masted sailing vessel with a lugsail rig. Man-of-War or Man-O’-War - A heavily armed vessel designed and outfitted for battle. Pink - A small sailing vessel with a sharply narrowed stern and an overhanging transom. Pinnace - A light boat propelled by sails or oars, used as a tender for merchant and war vessels; a boat for communication between ship and shore. Pirogue - A small canoe typically used in the Caribbean often used by pirates to overtake much larger vessels. Caraval - The caravel was a small, highly maneuverable sailing ship developed in the 15th century by the Portuguese to explore along the West African coast and into the Atlantic Ocean. The lateen sails gave it speed and the capacity for sailing windward. Carrack - A carrack was a three- or four-masted ocean-going sailing ship that was developed in the 14th to 15th centuries in Europe. Frigate - A frigate is a type of warship, having various sizes and roles over time. In the 17th century, a frigate was any warship built for speed and maneuverability, the description often used being "frigate-built". Junk - an efficient design that is fast, easy to handle and able to sail upwind. Its most distinguishing feature are sails divided into a number of horizontal panels by bamboo slats (battens). These give the sail better aerodynamics and allow reducing the sail area for different wind conditions East Indiaman Ships – Batavia, Gotheborg, Amsterdam, & Arniston – Meant for large amount of weight and long journeys. Section Two: Building Expand Wood Building Items: We have so many different resources, but seldom do they come into play unless you are crafting an advanced blueprint. My suggestion would bring and additional use to the different types. Using a new bench, called the Lumber Mill, the following items could be crafted; Wood– Standard, crafted in your inventory with any type of wood Wedgwood – Advanced, crafted at Lumber Mill, adds slightly better temperature control to enclosed areas, resembles a log cabin. Darker in color in comparison to Agedwood variant. Strongwood – Advanced, crafted at Lumber Mill, adds slightly higher defense, resembles wooden wall from Ark. Darker in color in comparison to Softwood variant. Ironwood – Advanced, crafted at Lumber Mill, adds slightly faster repair rate, resembles lumber wall from Ark Primitive +. Lighter in color in comparison to lightwood variant. Softwood – Advanced, crafted at Lumber Mill, adds slightly higher defense, resembles wooden wall from Ark. Lighter in color in comparison to Softwood variant. Agedwood – Advanced, crafted at Lumber Mill, adds slightly better temperature control to enclosed areas, resembles a log cabin. Lighter in color in comparison to Wetwood variant. Lightwood – Advanced, crafted at Lumber Mill, adds slightly faster repair rate, resembles lumber wall from Ark Primitive +. Darker in color in comparison to Ironwood variant. Expand Stone Building Items In a similar manner to that which is present with the wood types list above, I suggest the following. Using a new bench called the Construction Table, the following items could be crafted; Stone - Standard, crafted in the smithy with any type of stone. Coquina – Advanced, crafted at Construction Table, adds slightly faster repair rate, resembles stone structures from Ark. Light in color Granite – Advanced, crafted at Construction Table, adds slightly higher defense, resembles a brick-like structure. Light in color. Limestone – Advanced, crafted at Construction Table, adds slightly faster repair rate, resembles stone structures from Ark. Dark in color Marble – Advanced, crafted at Construction Table, adds slightly higher defense, resembles a brick-like structure. Dark in color. Sandstone – Advanced, crafted at Construction Table, adds slightly better temperature control to enclosed areas, resembles short bricks and stucco, red in color Slate – Advanced, crafted at Construction Table, adds slightly better temperature control to enclosed areas resembles short bricks and stucco, grey in color Expanding Decorative Items Not all of these items may be appropriate for ships, but should be available when building on land: Beds: The one we have is a cot at best and not a very good looking one. Cot – in game Simple Bed – cot with a mattress and blanket Fancy Bed – bed frame with mattress, blanket, and pillows. Large Fancy Bed – double wide bed frame with mattress, blankets, and pillows. Chair – in game Fancy Chair – with cushions Kings Chair – with higher back, larger size, and cushions. Bench – small wooden bench, looks cheaply made. Fancy Bench – has a back and arm rests Table – in game Square table – just a smaller version of the current table. Wall lamp – in game Hanging lamp – resembles the lamp in Ark Primitive+ Standing torch – resembles the torch in Ark Braziers – resembles those in Ark Primitive+ Table lamps – a light to sit on a table Wall Sconce – a light to hang on the wall Candle – something to set on a table Lantern – a light that you can carry when dark. Woodstove – a campfire in a small stove – can be used for cooking Fireplace – a campfire in a small fireplace with a 3 wall high chimney – can be used to cook meats A chimney add on could also be created it the click-through menu in order to expand the chimney so that it will go higher if needed. Grand Fireplace – larger fireplace with large fire, gives off warmth, can cook meat, and has a 3 high chimney that can be added too. Section Three: Food & Cooking Cheese Pickled vegetables Chicken – could be changed to Poultry as another meat type Porridge Bread Butter Pottage Pie Apples Pineapple Oranges Lemons Melons Bananas Section Four: Clothing Thus far we have a handful of craftables and a number of skins available for purchase in the market. However it would be nice to have it expanded a bit and to have different types of clothing available at different markets. Each “Freeport” could have a style to it and that style could including clothing from that region, both men’s and women’s – not just gender neutral. I say this realizing that yes, it is a pirate themed game – however it is also one that allows people to build homeports and villages and having a few female NPC’s in dresses could make if feel a bit more authentic. This would also allow the use of clothing themes from different nationalities including those from the different types of pirates that exist in the world. Section Five: Creatures Deer Antelope Elk Moose Camel Zebra Cougar Panther Eagle Sea Lion Killer Whale – Orca Beluga Narwhal Donkey Turkey Prairie Dog – Shoulder Pet Otter – Shoulder Pet Llama Emu Goat Panda Walrus Puffin Gorilla Leopards Arctic Fox – following attack pet Cheetah Jaguar Koala Lemur – shoulder pet Okapi Hippopotamus Reindeer Bison Takin That is what I have thus far. But I am sure more will come up. Personally, even if these items aren't added - I will continue to play and can't wait to see what will.
  10. I understand adding specialized ships into the game to add different spices to it. I would like to ask that you do not ignore the existing ships either though. It would be nice if you could add additional models/classes to the existing line up sloop is a 1x6 schooner is a 3x11 brig is a larger and galleon is larger still. It would be nice to have options in between these classes to create more variety and choices. Say a ketch could be a 2x8 in size and a frigate could be between a schooner and brig and so on. I feel that more options of this sort are just as important as the lego ship system in terms of application and usage.
  11. First of all, I really want to like ATLAS, I really do. But it is not easy. I realize that this game is in early access and that is fine. I also understand that it is impossible to please everyone, especially in this time and day. I also want to say that there is a lot of stuff in the game, that I really like, but it mostly ruined by several issues. The official map is huge, literally. On a good ship with good wind, each grid takes roughly between 15 and 25 minutes to travers, and even longer if one need to explore each island in a grid cell. So, lets say 2 hours per grid, in order to properly assess all islands. With 121 grids at 2 hours each, that equals 242 hours just for assessing all islands. This is a good thing, in my opinion. It means that it should be possible, given time, to find a spot for everyone. In theory. Now, I admit, I haven't been to every island, or even every grid. I usually lose my ship long before that. Farmhouses and warehouses I am a late comer to the game, after the last wipe, and it is damn near impossible to find a place to put down even a single farmhouse. Especially if you want any kind of efficiency out of it. It is not really a problem of finding a place to build a base, but the exclusion range on farmhouses and markets are just so huge that at this point it is very very difficult to find a spot. I found one island with 5 or 6 farmhouses, quarries etc. all connected to 1 or 2 warehouses. There was literally nowhere on that island to set down another farmhouse. It had simply been monopolized by two players/companies. I do believe that several things should be done about this. 1. Reduced the number of farmhouses, mines, quarries etc. to a maximum of two per company per island. 2. Reduced exclusion range on farmhouses, to maybe twice the influence sphere of the farmhouse. 3. Remove the exclusion range for warehouses from different companies, or reduce the number of warehouses to one per company per island. Trade Wouldn't know, I haven't been able to find a spot to place a warehouse. So I am unable to get into trading, since the tradepost needs a warehouse. Ships I like building ships, but they have become to damn expensive, and it is too easy to loose a ship to a Galleon of the Damned. It usually goes like this: I build a ship. I set out. Everything is good for a while. At some point I end up lagging, and getting my ship shot out under me. Rinse and repeat. It is survivable when just building sloops, but when you want something large, like a schooner, you ALSO have to find 5,000 gold. I know, it is fairly easy finding gold, but still, 5,000 gold for a schooner, and it just gets more expensive from there. Besides, to find gold, I basically need a ship, so now I have to build a new sloop, unless of course I saved it when I moved to my schooner. Then I have to trawl for wrecks and buried treasure until I have the 5,000 gold. I get that it shouldn't be too easy, but it sure as heck isn't. At least not if you're like me, and prefer to be alone or just a couple of friends in a company. I think that the gold cost should be removed again, maybe except for galleons. Ships are damn expensive to build, especially when soloing or just a couple of friends in a company. Ships of the Damned All too often have I been ambushed by Ships of the Damned coasting around just on the other side of a grid wall. I can't see them through the grid wall, as it is a different server. That is fair enough, but it isn't fair that they can get so close to the wall, that I have no chance of evading them. Even if I manage to turn around and head back to the grid I came from, the bastards can follow me through to the other grid. And I lag whenever I switch grid, they don't. From a cosmetic viewpoint, the Ships of the Damned look more like alien spaceships, than sailing ships crewed by the damned. But maybe that is just me... I like the concept of the SoD, but all too often their cluster in grounds that are too large to fight, and since you are dependent on the wind, it can turn out to be impossible to get away. I really don't know how to improve on them, but maybe smaller spawns? Lower aggro range? Less damage? All I know for sure is, if the wind is weak and you manage to aggro a SoD, you're pretty much doomed. At least if said ship is larger than your. And on top of these issues, there is a lot of minor annoyances, almost too numerous to mention, so I'll just name a few. 1. cobras are way too aggressive and abundant. 2. Character designer. One face per gender? Seriously? The faces are exceedingly ugly. And no matter how much I fiddle with the settings, it is not possible (for me at least) to get something that looks human enough. 3. Randomized crewmembers. Good lord! Same issue as above. Either they are towering overweight giants, or skinny midgets, and not much in between. Maybe one in ten looks relatively normal, the rest are freaks of nature. 4. Age progression. It's a great and fun idea on paper. But in reality it is hugely annoying, especially because it is not particularly easy to get to a fountain of youth. At least make it optional? I know, many players do not concern themselves greatly with how their character looks, but it matters a lot to me. So something like these issues really sticks in my craw. I have returned to ATLAS on several occasions now, but I end up leaving again after a few weeks. This time my departure is caused primarily by the lack of balance in a lot of things. Ship building, farmhouses, warehouses etc. It doesn't seem like the ATLAS crew concerns themselves with the small tribes, or solo players. It certainly doesn't feel that way. I am a software developer myself, so I know about having to add new features and not just correcting bugs. For that matter, I know some bugs are nigh impossible to squash without have to pull a lot of other stuff. So, some bugs will never be fixed, and there are good reasons for that. But a lot of issues seem to be more of a balancing thing than a bug, so I would think maybe of the issue I have, should be fixable. Whether the developers agree or not, is of course another matter. In any event, I am out for this time. Maybe next season?
  12. Hi there, so a few friends along with me have an island owned by us on C9, Adamantine Refuge, and we have been building for a while there. I have over 100 hours of Game-play there and when we started building we realized there was a ship there that has been abandoned for a while now. It has become a major issue even when speaking to other companies traveling past that abandoned ships are not decaying nor can they be removed. The reason why I'm saying this is a major problem is because it stop other from building shipyards and being able to expand. We have tried finding solutions to this and it seems as we are now stuck with this ship always being in the way. I hope anyone is able to help with this, but this seems to be a common issue with a lot of other companies too. I want to see this game grow and be the best that it can be.
  13. Hi, I have to say, as a returning player, there seem to be something fundamentally wrong with the system as it stands. I come back after a hiatus of 6 months or so, and am starting from scratch. I discover to my "horror" that to build something as simple as a schooner, I have to gather 5000 gold?! In addition to the other resources. Ok, that is what it is, I get that it is related to the trade system and that is fine. I suppose that this means it should be relatively easy, compared to diving and digging for treasure, to raise the 5000 gold. Right, so I build my marked. Bit expensive, but that's ok, because I am going to make a killing, right? Ok, the marked doesn't work without a warehouse... Ok, that makes sense, I suppose, so I gather the materials for a warehouse and am finally able to put it down. And this is where the logic chain breaks down. I cannot put down my warehouse, because there is apparently another one in the vicinity. I cannot see it though, which suggests, that since I have a fairly good view from my spot, the exclusion range of a warehouse is quite large. This means, that it is almost impossible, or at least very very difficult, for a small single-member trading company like myself, to get some trade going, because there isn't room to get started? There is something very very wrong with this system, if I am required to join a large trading company just to get into the trading system. Seems to me, that the exclusion range on e.g. warehouses should only apply within a company. The same goes to some extend for farmhouses, quarries, mines etc. I get that logically, there has to be a limit to the automated resource gathering in an area, but since real estate in this game is limited, it makes it incredible difficult for new players to get started. You find a nice spot, build a nice base, get ready to build a larger ship. Only to discover that you cannot put down essential structures because you're within the exclusion range of another structure that does not even belong to you. I really do not know what the intention with the system is, but there seems to be some major flaws in it.
  14. 1. Ship-Rear Cosmetics/Skins So we have figureheads, steering wheel skins and soon, sail skins. This might be a large suggestion, but the Brig and Galleons have cosmetic "cabin" styling on the backs of them. I propose new skins be made for the Ship itself that adds cosmetic changes to the back of ships. Maybe dragon heads from the back, working up the side? A skull? Hydra head? Cyclops hands? 2. PvE Servers, Allow Ship Claiming After Inactivity Currently, there is no ship claiming on the PvE servers. I feel like ships should be claimable if the player and/or company has not been online or entered the area within maybe 2 weeks? 1 week? Or simply cause the ship to be "Unclaimed" after 1 or 2 weeks of inactivity. 3. Repair All Structures It would be a tremendous Q.O.L. improvement to allow NPC crew to repair all structures including ceilings, cannons, walls, chairs, e.t.c. when the ship is anchored and the NPCs are unseated. Optionally, create a new structure to be placed on a ship in which you assign an npc crewmate to be in charge of repairing all other misc. structures on the ship. 4. Unseat All Crew I don't know about other players, but when I get off my ship, I unseat at least 4 crew members to ensure my ship's essentials are repaired before the next time I set off. This would be another amazing Q.O.L. improvement for the ship to have an implemented option to unseat all crew. 5. Man Your Stations Add an option to NPC crew on ships that assigns them a specific position on-board. Then add an additional option on-board the ship for assigned crew to "Man Stations." 6. Handling Sail; Reverse Allow Handling Sails to provide faster Reverse speeds. As it stands, ships can currently back up no matter what. If the Ship layout includes a Handling Sail, this ship should reverse slightly faster. 7. Captain's Deck Currently, the Galleon is the only ship that comes with a snap-able slot for a receded Deck to be placed higher up at the back of the ship. I propose another optional Deck slot be added to the back end of Brigantines and Schooners, like the Galleons, for cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing ship designs. (The Brigantine is especially difficult to make the ceilings and walls line up with the back end of the ship.) 8. Careening @mKHammerBro Introduce a new mechanic to ground Ships to scrape and clean the underside of the hull. In the past, this process was called Careening, or Heaving Down. Barnacles and other sea life clings to the underside and rots away at the wood. This could also introduce a new way to repair your ship's planks or add a temporary repair and/or speed buff to your ship. 9. Mooring @ikarirain Introduce a new item to be crafted at Smithy's from the Seamanship tree, Bollard. There are instances where a ship is too large to reach an anchor-able point, so it's been proposed to allow ships the ability to be moored in by ropes to Bollards, which can be placed on piers or shipyards, to safely "anchor" the ship in your territory, given anchoring isn't possible. Additionally, increase the amount of Bollards needed to moor a ship depending on the ship's size and/or weight. 10. Select All or Individual Sail Controls @Shakarian Ability to control all sails from the wheel, or select which individual sails to give certain commands to. For instance, all sails selected by default. But press keys similar to the cannon crews to deselect certain sails. 11. Look-Out / Telescope @Aristocrates It is known that being at the top of a mast gives the player a slightly larger render-distance so they can see ships and such ahead of time, but it would be nicer if there was a Telescope sort of attachment to build on the Smithy that could be attached to the top of the mast, further improving this render distance for preparation or avoidance purposes. 12. Collidable Figureheads @Grodgen Collidable Figureheads: Currently they have no collision. You can't stand on them and it also limits their functionality as actual figureheads. 13. Rotatable Weight & Handling Sails @Kaitlynn Allen Add an option to rotate Weight Sails and Handling Sails 180 degrees when placed, depending on your desired placement at the front or back of the ship. 14. Rigging That Connects The Front Sail To The Figurehead @Kaitlynn Allen Add an option to connect sails via rigging placed at the front of the to the bow sprite/figurehead. 15. Catch Net @RebelMarmoset Add a structure for the front or sides of ships that catches flotsam and/or fish. Consequently, the longer the net is lowered, or the more items it catches, the more it slows the ship down. If you like any of these options, please reply to this thread with your comments and feel free to suggest some more ideas pertaining to ships! And a special thank you to @Jatheish for taking the time to read this! Loving the game.
  15. Ark has Dinos that plays love. Atlas is supposed to be a Pirate game. What do Pirates like? Rum, Gold and there ships! There only 4 shell type class you can build from and I'm sorry but they are wrong! Your Galleon is a " Ship of the line" class. Put in a smaller Man of War! Where are all the smaller class frame ships that players can build on? Why can we have different types of cannons not all cannons where the same! Why is there only one sword? There was many types! These are some of the things that myself and other players have been Saying from the beginning of this Game! We want this Game to work! We want to see this Game be as popular as Ark! Why don't you listen and care as much as We do! Adding just a few of these things can go a long way! Players I ask in game all day the same thing. Why? And How Come?
  16. Starting out has never been better: NPC Ships Mega Update - Released Standing & Faction System Mega Update - Released Beginner Harvest Boost! Server Radioactive Atlas: Welcome to the world of Radioactive Atlas, a 5x5 map with 20 PvE and 5 PvP grids. While we have provided PvE with useful rules, there are no rules in PvP, except for general rules like the tone of voice! Here you can loot, pillage, plunder & fight as you please. NEW!!! You're just starting? All beginnings are hard, especially at low rates, so all players who haven't reached level 30 now have a permanent x2 Harvest Boost! Our world is a special one, not only do we have Foxes, Eagles & Hippos. Wild young animals are on the agenda! Realism in a new dimension! These are also tameable, but must be raised afterwards. The seas are different... in addition to the Ship of the Damned, two NPC factions, Pirates & Navy, are fighting each other. You decide for which side you stand or if you stay neutral! But there is also a lot to discover away from ships. In our polar regions the narwhal is up to mischief, the black dragon terrorizes the PowerStone islands and somewhere on the map this mysterious black fog has appeared... You want to know more? Then visit the trading post, perhaps you'll find answers in the tavern. Here you can also offer animals and items to other privateers through our trading system or purchase goods from them. Sometimes too many animals? Our unique stable system allows you to store animals in any freeport or trading post and pick them up at any stable. Later on you can also set up your own stable! Still not enough? Then try your hand at Magic & Alchemy. Both of these sophisticated systems are only available here! Use powerful spells, create powerful potions, new metals and much more! Build something beautiful. The modpack from Radioactive now offers well over 1000 decorative items, some of which bring new features to the game. There's also plenty of structure to choose from with over 36 stone and 18 wood variations! What are you waiting for? The world of Radioactive Atlas is waiting for you! Write history! https://www.radioactivegaming.eu
  17. Survivor Gamer Presents X-Nation New islands!!!! PvpPve RP Based severs 20 4x5 in total Do you like Rp? Do you like pPve? Do you like to pvp once In awhile then..... CALLING ALL RP PLAYERS ATT: The Survivor Gamer Presents X-Nation We believe in the commitment and players to be able to learn and reach out. We are like minded individuals that love gaming and the survivor experience! We have a young adult 18 to age 60 server and want you to participate we want you to have fun Rp and not have to worry about not being able to play the game and get to end game without getting foundation wiped everyday. We want you to check us out to see for yourself see our web page out as well and enjoy https://thesurvivorgamer.com/ any and ALL questions about rules mods servers ect can all be answered here at this web page Please visit thanks https://discord.gg/Y78jbPe ADMIN LOGGING ENABLED =NO admin abuse active community Rates 3x to 4x server 3x loot 6x 3x harvest 4x 6x mating 6x breeding high tier loot maps 200 level player ships ie player vessels can be leveled up to 200 max level players 130 ie player level cap and more so solos can craft ect without a big company. skill tree unlocks all engrams after a certain level so we welcome the solo player as well subs also unlocked so you can tame that crab or explore the ocean depths. npc shops to buy mats sell mats and buy custom tames from a npc vendor shop is not attached to any company so the gold is balanced as well. So if you don't or cant or wont farm you can use IN game gold to buy your mats to craft that mythical ship Or trade with other companies!! vitamin drain food balanced 200 max island points WE also custom program our loot tables from sotd drops to supply crate drops allow for custom items to be looted are sotd are balanced with our servers so that there can be a progression to your gameplay also balanced leveling that gives you awesome stats but stays with the balance of the servers to make it not be to op also different creatures drop different items such as tools armor and much much more!!!! are admins focus on issues that affect you asap and strive to make your experience a great one. THANK YOU for taking the time to read this post !
  18. I played this game for a smallish amount of time and waiting for the rework before playing again. But from what I've seen with the galleon, there was a few blaring problems. The first is a lack of stern chase gun ports, but that's for a different day. The biggest problem I see is the sails. The sails have a combination of two things that dont make the galleon pretty to look at. The height of the sails, and how many there are. 6 large sails on a ship like this, that dont have certain proportions in mast height vs hull height, it simply makes the galleon ugly. But what would change that? Even if the max limit was changed to be 3 or 4 sails, the proportion of ththe mast vs hull still makes it ugly... That is why I'm thinking there should be a new tier of sails. With the ships in the game, I've noticed that small sails are for sloops, medium sails for schooners, and large sails for brigantines. But large sails are also meant to be on galleons too, despite not looking like they're the right size. So, why not add a new tier of sails that corrects this issue? https://imgur.com/imCg9Ny https://imgur.com/5sv23wp These larger sails look much prettier than 6 smaller sails, right? If you look at these, our current large sail is the height of the rear most mast, whole the others are much higher and wider visibly. So this is what I'm proposing. With colossal sails, make them have x2.5 higher functionality (speed, handling, weight, ext) than large sails. That would negate the 6 large sail on galleon problem, to where you would want 2 colossal sails on a galleon and one large sail, but no functional difference between 2 colossal + 1 large sails and 6 large sails. Might even be better since these sails would be cheaper to make, and significantly less weight on the ship. Not to mention, look a lot better. What do you guys think of this proposal? (Edit: it wont let me post the image url, and imgur links dont work. How do I upload images properly?)
  19. Ahoy everyone! First off, sorry for the huge font size! I wrote the post in my phone notes to make sure I covered everything and can’t work out how to change it after it was copied and pasted here! So (if you can’t tell) I’m new to the forums, normally I just hide and travel through them and watch with popcorn whenever something big goes off. But with everything that’s happened recently I’ve made an account specifically to create this post addressed to the new community team and pass along a series of questions from our alliance that were all playing The Gorgon’s Gaze. Before the questions though, I’d just like to say welcome to the community to the three new developers who we’ve met so far. I hope you can keep the dream alive while also paying close attention to what your fans are saying, unlike a lot of developers for games which looked promising to begin with but ultimately failed because of breakdowns with fans. Without one you can’t have the other and all that... Also, I have to say that I currently personally class Atlas as my all time favourite game. And as I’m physically disabled, I’ve played a lot of games, but none that have hooked me as much as Atlas has. I become physically absorbed into the game when playing, and I just hope that my PVE based love for it now doesn’t turn to hate as I want absolutely nothing to do with PVP. If I did I’d play other games. I know PVE will still exist before people start blowing off, but let’s just say a lot of us don’t see the need for change when nothing (game mode related at least) seemed broken or in need of change. A lot of us feel we’ve lost everything for no good reason and are eager to see what the cost has bought us. Please note that the following are questions from 12 individuals, and not just all from me. The questions themselves reflect what’s most important about playing the game to each person, and how they’re answered may be the difference between people playing from July or not bothering anymore, something which I’m sure goes far wider than our alliance group. The questions aren’t listed in any kind of order of importance as they are all equally as important as far as we’re concerned. Q1. With the closure of The Gorgon’s Gaze, what is the long term plan on the roadmap for all the PVE players who have now lost their main server? Will there be a brand new server established with the newly released world map active for us to return to or are we all now expected to merge onto one server after July? Q2. As is the case with the majority of people on The Gorgon’s Gaze, we have spent literally months worth of playing time establishing ourselves as a stable company of 10 people, and played as part an alliance. We had several levels from the discoveries, a fleet of 5 schooners (2 of which were mythic), a brig and a mythic galleon. Not to mention the builds and tames (some of which being from Golden Age) spread across 6 grids and countless full days collecting gold to sustain our 58 point island. Will any of this progress be taken into account if we decide to still play? Perhaps at the very least, anyone who had already spent the time helping you develop your game to lose everything literally overnight could have some kind of unique skin on their account to show their continued commitment after losing all progress should they chose to start over? Q3. With the map adjustment, will you still be able to sail over the edges of the world and end up on the other side? Also, while other types of grid have been mentioned on the latest announcement, there is no info yet on where the Freeports will be. Will they still be included or will there be new ways now to recruit crews, buy skins and of course tame cats? Q4. Pathfinders have lost everything. What kind of new content can be expected? Or will we just have the same features with an adjusted map? Even SOME insight to new stations etc might be enough to swing people back to playing from July. For example, a way of taking the salt out of sea water such as a boiling station? Which could require alloy and gems and be far down on the skill tree to make it hard to get? Mechanical Filtering existed in the era the game is set in after all. Q5. Are we going to see any changes to the skill trees in general such as the amount of points it takes to buy skills? Will there be as many quest skills now or have some been lost to a smaller map or bunched together like on Blackwood? Q6. The main difference in base building between PVP players vs PVE is that PVE players build for keeps. We want our structures to be noticed and appreciated and remain as a form of overall progress. Will this be the final wipe? Or should we all just wait until the game is released to start playing again? Q7. Will there be any changes to taming, breeding and pathfinder levelling stats? Will discoveries now count for more points or will the max level be reduced to take into account what definitely appears to be a far smaller map than we had before? Q8. I’m concerned about how farming will now work with the fact that equatorial now only takes up a tiny part of the map (and oddly is not centralised). Are we now going to have to fight for an inch of land in the best planting terrain? Or will farming be easier to do in the other biomes? Also, will there be any new crops? Ark had vegetables AND berries for example but to be honest I really just want to grow my own mint and limes! Q9. Will pathfinders playing on ALL consoles now be able to see custom flags, canvasses and sails? Or will this still be restricted to 1X and PC players who are fortunate enough to be able to afford the higher end tech? Also, will we be able to put images taken on the pathfinder compass camera accessed by holding Y onto canvass now? Q10. Will there be a fix for the big bug where if you own an island and have the settings on COMPANY ONLY, other people can still do what they like and build anyway? We had all 6 of our owned island discoveries constantly blocked by other people setting up travel agencies there, despite us constantly breaking beds and foundations when we noticed they were there from the log. In other words, we were being stopped from building on our own island without any way to correct it as the admin IGNORED all 3 of our tickets on the subject, presumably with the knowledge of the upcoming wipe. Eventually we had to check every day, it would be nice to not have this hassle. Q11. Can we have a dedicated memorial gallery to post our Gorgon’s Gaze images to? That way at least our work has not been completely for nothing and our builds live on. I had a crew member who I temporarily forgot to feed once when I was new to the game and was bugged to be constantly retching. It would be nice if Lady Chuckup could live on as well in some way from our captures of her as she is definitely less replaceable and was our company mascot. Q.12 Possibly the most important question on a lot of people’s minds from both PVE AND PVP...will this be the Legacy update which sees our pathfinders be able to have children? And can we PLEASE have our flying ships now? I know a lot of these questions have likely already been asked, and some may have been answered. If anyone has anything they can answer, please do so. Just please keep your comments CLEAN and more importantly CALM. The Dev’s know we’re mad, but we won’t get anywhere now by freeplaying our war drums. ALSO...I HAVE ADDED THIS SECTION IN TO CLARIFY THAT THIS POST IS NOT INTENDED AS A PLACE TO VENT YOUR RAGE. Feel free to comment, but PLEASE ADD AT LEAST ONE QUESTION OF YOUR OWN OR SOME KIND OF CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK INTO WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE IMPROVED. Please chose to be civil with your comments though, as we have in our main post. And remember...THIS POST IS ADDRESSED TO THE NEW DEVS AND NOT THE OLD ONES WHO YOU MIGHT FEEL HAVE LET YOU DOWN. I’m not expecting a direct message response but hopefully at the VERY LEAST, the developers who introduced themselves to us recently will read this (in full preferably) and provide some of the answers with their next major announcement. It may be enough to prevent a full blown mutiny and bring some back to the fold. I tried to include some of the captures we do have from The Gorgon’s Gaze in this post but wasn’t able to add them in for some reason so I’ve put them on my profile instead if anyone wishes to see them. I sincerely hope to see you all on the seas (and land, as that definitely matters too) again from July, pending new info. Perhaps on a new server, appropriately titled “The Phoenix’s Flame” or something equally as worthy. Yours in seamanship, Kingston Towne
  20. I would like to bring up some ideas I feel would improve the game tremendously. The first thing I'd like to bring up is ship customization. The first thing I would enjoy is the ability to overlay and replace ship parts like you can walls. What I mean by this is currently you have to demo the deck destroying all your hard work just to change your deck from common to fine. I understand leaving planks this way as upgrading the walls to the hull should be exciting. Understandably to prevent player abuse the ship should be anchored before part overlay is authorized. The next suggestion is to add viking style sails and ship customization or any additional styling for different eras of pirates. Ships could also benefit from upgrade points allowing for unique customization such as improved handling, sail points, or increased climate control. Redocking the ship for this process or overlaying parts would be a great way to implement. The other ship based idea would be a community paint customization option. This would allow you to pull up other players saved designs via the paint brush and the could set a gold value for there hard work. This in my opinion would bring your vision more to life. The last suggestion is a pve suggestion. I would like to see more npc ships possibly ai pirates and naval battles that you can join in on. Pve should be more environmentally challenging than PvP in my opinion, making the game more fun and exciting. You can reduce some ghost ship spawns to implement this. Also please add the frigate as an in between for the brig and galleon. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
  21. Server History ZZGaming has been around for years, we have been hosting several different survival MMOS, And Atlas is no Different. We strive to make this a better RP place with a splash of pvp if needed. We have a great community and hope to see you all with us soon. Foremost we are a RP server Server Info White list XP rate 3x Harvest 3x 5x5 server fully custom made Faster crafting speeds RP friendly Settlement Enforced Decent Decay timers Server Specs ZZGaming owns its equipment we do not rent nor do we ever plan to. Our servers will be here for ever. Dual Xeons 256gb of ram Fiber Dedicated 500D/500U DDOS Protection SSD Hardrives Server Mods Keep it simple stupid is ZZGaming RP Motto https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2002663191 Rustic Buildings🏚 Market NPCS Atlas Architect Atlas Shipwright Atlas Beastmaster Atlas Overseer Atlas Harvester Editable Server UI Regenerating Ships Lanterns & Torches Galore Eco Decor Eco Foliage ZZGaming RP website: https://www.zzgaming.net Discord Server https://discord.gg/WENbTrh Server Info ZZGamings RP Season 2 Montressor Official Start Date: 5/20/2020 Official Start Time:12 Noon Est Time Zone Current Jobs Available Modders, Moderators, Admins, apply here https://zzgaming.net/application/
  22. How long does it take for ships to auto decay in PvE or is it there forever
  23. What would be fantastic to see is that you could do a 'test' painting onto a canvas, save the design and the place it onto other items with a scaling factor involved too, sails for example, on the xbox there is no way for me to get a decent print onto my sails and one of my fave parts is getting to make things that are mine mine, it would also open up another avenue of trading where someone can buy the base canvas to get a deaign that they like the look of further benefiting the economy system in game. It infuriated me the other day after spending two hours on a design saving it step by step to find i could not translate it to my sails! This would not be so bad but on the xbox you are unable to put picture files in with another editor unless you have a pc friend do this for you. We don't all have the luxury of this and i feel it would be a finessful touch to the game
  24. Hello Everyone, I have been playing the current ship meta for a while now and i have to say it is not great. You have to shave all the weight of your ship to be able to take other ships down. I would like the devs to change the ships so that if it is under 50% weight, then it has no impact on the ship max speed. This would make it so you can actually build on your ship and make different types of ships. It would also be nice if you refined the detection of structures sticking over the side of your ship. It would prevent wood armor from covering the planks on the side and front of the ship, this would prevent the armored schooners and brigs. When a ship has cannons on the deck it makes it way stronger in ways of coverage or broadside damage. For instance people use a one side broadside brig where they have 12 cannons on one side to instant destroy galleon planks with the feat buff(You get hit by 24 mythical cannons at once). It would also be really good if there was a stat penalty for putting cannons on the top deck. It could be a reduction in resistance or damage of the ship. Like the current speed/weight meta is boring and is not really how a wooden ship fights should be in my opinion. The speed differences between the classes dose not make for great game play and fights. I would change the max speeds on the different classes, right now it just dose not make sense to me. Schooner should be the fastest, then brig and the galleon should be slowest. I will give you an example of how the max speed was in real life 16'th century time. Schooner 16 knots, Brig 12 knots and galleon 8 knots(Max speeds of those classes form the 16'th century). I am not saying that we need to go that slow but just balance the difference, so it fits more. You could go max speed schooner 30 knots, brig 24 knots and galleon 18 knots as an example. I believe that a galleon should always have support ships when in use, since they are large ships for company use! This would also create an objective for companies to protect there galleons and create fleets more often. What do people think about this? Please try to keep an open mind and don't flame the people for there opinions. Please like if you do agree Best reguards FightzGamer
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