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  1. Are you alone and looking for a company or maybe your the only active person in your company? Tired of doing everything by yourself with no help at all? Marital law is recruiting! Very limited rules and aimed at helping each other! We are willing to teach new players as well. We have something for everyone. 1. Taming and breeding 2. Ship building 3. Farming 4. Building 5. pvp and more! Please message me if you are interested!
  2. Survivor Gamer Presents X-Nation New islands!!!! PvpPve RP Based severs 20 4x5 in total Do you like Rp? Do you like pPve? Do you like to pvp once In awhile then..... CALLING ALL RP PLAYERS ATT: The Survivor Gamer Presents X-Nation We believe in the commitment and players to be able to learn and reach out. We are like minded individuals that love gaming and the survivor experience! We have a young adult 18 to age 60 server and want you to participate we want you to have fun Rp and not have to worry about not being able to play the game and get to end game without getting foundation wiped everyday. We want you to check us out to see for yourself see our web page out as well and enjoy https://thesurvivorgamer.com/ any and ALL questions about rules mods servers ect can all be answered here at this web page Please visit thanks https://discord.gg/Y78jbPe ADMIN LOGGING ENABLED =NO admin abuse active community Rates 3x to 4x server 3x loot 6x 3x harvest 4x 6x mating 6x breeding high tier loot maps 200 level player ships ie player vessels can be leveled up to 200 max level players 130 ie player level cap and more so solos can craft ect without a big company. skill tree unlocks all engrams after a certain level so we welcome the solo player as well subs also unlocked so you can tame that crab or explore the ocean depths. npc shops to buy mats sell mats and buy custom tames from a npc vendor shop is not attached to any company so the gold is balanced as well. So if you don't or cant or wont farm you can use IN game gold to buy your mats to craft that mythical ship Or trade with other companies!! vitamin drain food balanced 200 max island points WE also custom program our loot tables from sotd drops to supply crate drops allow for custom items to be looted are sotd are balanced with our servers so that there can be a progression to your gameplay also balanced leveling that gives you awesome stats but stays with the balance of the servers to make it not be to op also different creatures drop different items such as tools armor and much much more!!!! are admins focus on issues that affect you asap and strive to make your experience a great one. THANK YOU for taking the time to read this post !
  3. IACO


    We are looking to recruit mainly Xbox players. Solo or small group’s are welcome check out our main page for more descriptive stuff. Here is our recruitment Discord https://discord.gg/UV4CTyf
  4. **Avast ye!: I know some of these features have been hinted at in trailers and screenshots and that not everything (or anything) I am mentioning is original. Also it is entirely possible that some of these features may already be in the game but I have not discovered them. I would still love to share with you my vision for this set of features. My goal is to inspire the developers and to generally create conversation and hype!** In the beginning... The pirates had Nassau. A city of opportunity, trade, lust, boozing and lust. A region where people came together under a common understanding (relax or be annihilated by tower cannons). For many, Nassau was a symbol of freedom. Scores of so-called-pirates fought and died defending the ideal of having no government. Of course, we all know how that ended. However, here in Atlas, we have the amazing ability to live in a snapshot of time. The golden age of piracy. What would that be without a singular place where companies from all over the map could sail to? They would come from every corner to show their might. To set up shops and trade. To recruit. To duel. To create bounties. To get totally smashed, party and tell tall tales of ghost ships and sea monsters in one of the many taverns. As it was in history, when someone got sick of government rule and booked passage to a life of unlimited opportunity and uncertainty, new players in Atlas will strive to reach here in search of a company that may bring them untold riches. How it could happen... Revamping a freeport square near the center of the map to create an island three times larger than any currently in existence would allot the land space necessary. Making the sea floor shallow enough to anchor but deep enough to be navigable would create the sea space necessary. What a beautiful sight those ships would be should the sea bed gradually rise into the beach. Inland you could find... -Local guard These NPCs help keep the peace. They man the cannon towers overlooking the beaches. You can also find them guarding and patrolling around taverns. But they do not go outside of the town. Beware when venturing from one side of the island to the other. -Taverns Music and laughter can be heard from down the street. Allows players a meeting spot for company recruitment. Here you can purchase an inland re-spawn with a limited duration, view recruitment boards and debaucherize to your hearts content. -Designated player shop location Have you ever been to a trades day? This large section of the island is dedicated to player shops. Not only can you make purchases here but you can also sell your goods to fill player set quotas. Down payment and upkeep on stalls required, limited space available per company. -NPC shops Lining the streets of the city are pricey NPC shops where you can buy various goods. -Bounty Boards / Bounty NPC Found in or near Taverns, these boards or NPCs have a full list of the bounties offered by companies on other companies. Multiple companies can add to a bounty. Once collected, bounties cannot be placed on the same company for X amount of time. The capital city is the only place in the game where a bounty can be placed. This means that bounties on the four corners of the map should be much more profitable than the ones nearest the capital. -Player Duels Accepted like a trade, you can fight to the death in the streets without fear of the guard or losing your items. Bonus: adds some great atmosphere! What is a pirate town without gun smoke to fill the salty sea air? Arrr! Thanks for making it this farrr! I look forward to reading your comments and hearing your ideas on how this can be further improved.
  5. Hello all! I am looking for folk to join my company on Pirates vs Imperials. My company is caleld Vastra Fone Foundry, a Swedish Empire related company and part of the Imperial Royal Navy Alliance in-game. Tis an roleplay server with nice folk! The Rates are: 10 X exp 10X Harvest 10X Mating Increased Carry , Intel & Health There is contested islands for PvP between the Pirates and Imperials but both have their own PvE islands. Hope to see ye folks! Long live King Carolus Rex! https://discord.gg/wDYxAnS
  6. Sunder continues to grow in Atlas. The organization and dedication of its members continue to bring new and old active duty and veterans into our Company. If you are wanting to explore living in claimed territory in an organized and tactical fashion, look no further than Sunder.
  7. Recruitment About us We are currently looking to expand our group of players on NA PVP to better control our territory and further expand, We are a well established group owning a large amount of land with much of it protected and open for building. We have a bunker base established and running with access to all resource types. We love to have fun, grind and PvP. Currently we are part of a mega alliance with good standing that we often run joint operations with. Requirement/Exceptions We are looking for players with experience in similar game types such as ( Ark, Conan, Rust ). Our zones are hot and there will be plenty of opportunity to go out and hammer ships to boots on ground blowing holes in enemy fortifications, so PvP players are great but must be grinders aswell. As a starter in Triton you will be Rank 1 which is a Pollywog ( Rank 1 lasting time is about 1 -2 weeks ) as you play with us and pass the recruitment process, You will be able to enjoy all the resources we have at disposal in Triton. - When joining expect to grind. Everyone grinds hard to have fun. Everyone has a voice. Recruitment Access Anyone who are interested in applying please contact Seal Pupppy#3537 Discord handle. We will need a discord tag or Guilded profile from you as part of the application, Any who are new to either of these programs will be asked further questions in interviews. What we would like to know How long have you played games similar to this? (Ark, Rust, ETC.) What kind of atmosphere are you looking for? Your expectations for a group you're a part of? What do you want to do in game? (Recruits are limited at start) How long can you play a day?
  8. Sunder currently holds claimed land across multiple areas. We participate in multiple alliances and are active with them. When we are online, we are in Teamspeak. We are looking for mature minded individuals who can have fun. We are looking for people who can follow direction and work towards the goals set by leadership. We have been playing together for over 15 years as an organization. Our average age is over 30 years old.
  9. |☩| Knights Templars |☩| The Knights Templars are looking for new members to join its family as we embark on a new adventure to sail across and conquer the new world of Atlas. Although we accept all ages above 16, we expect our members to show maturity and respect towards each other. We are an active guild and we strive to ensure that our members develop relationships with each other rather than being complete strangers on the internet. On top of this we offer a safe environment for new players to learn and train into becoming stronger players in both PVP and PVE. In terms of current players, we are an international guild with English being our primary language, although we mainly play on European servers we do have multiple members from the US. So what are we looking for in our newest initiates? |☩| 16+ |☩| Working microphone |☩| Teamspeak |☩| Discord |☩| Character on EU |☩| Activity |☩| Good attitude |☩| Loyalty |☩| English speaker If you feel like the Knights Templars are a good fit for you then apply by contacting one of the following members on discord: [Templar] Harold#2061 RedBull87 / Flakey#4098
  10. i'm very happy to say we are fully up and running with Castle and Base and well over 15 ships and fighting and battling and stealing lands and killing SoD's come on and join us its just keep getting better.
  11. Nuestra compañía; Marea negra es una compañçia seria especializada en navegación y buscqueda de tesoros , busca nuevos piratas que se enrolen en su tripulación (preferentemente habla hispana). Para mas información buscame en discord: TitoTorme#3922 (pondría el post en el apartado de compañias pero no me deja abrir post asique arreglenlo ) att: El capitán TitoTorme.
  12. Are you playing Atlas on EU PVP? you are! YAY! Then why not join up with us and become part of our company in game, we will help you get your inner pirate going in style, we love to get into fight or two ,as well as going on the look for new places and lands in game. We also have a strong alliance with other larger companies in game. If that sounds good to you and you wish to get on board come walk the plank on over to our Discord http://adhdg.com/discord Our website http://ADHDG.com Here is our Guilded page https://www.guilded.gg/ADHD-Gaming/games/Atlas/overview http://adhdg.com/discord
  13. Blackstorm Raiders is Recruiting NA-PVE-Hydra's Den We are a looking for dedicated players to join us in our adventure of exploring the seas and defeating the end game content. We already have a huge castle fort up and several claims upon Lanishaw Holm island, in D5. And claims in the north an. We have several brigs, galleon and serval more ships. Our requirement is that you can use discord when you play. Our core group has been playing together for years and we would love to have you join us. Message me on steam, or add me on discord Miekka#0545 *** We were able to defeat one of the rapid fire SoTD. The patch hit right before we engaged the SoTD. But we were able to destroy it with our Brig and crew of six. Only had 2 panels destroyed, but we managed to repair them in time.
  14. Dear All, My name is Avius. and I invite you all to join our company. The Alliance is a small but active company of mature gamers. We are looking to Expand and grow to become big and powerful. We are determent and Patient and we will get greatness. We are just looking to have some fun on Atlas. We are accepting new and veteran members. Ranks Admiral Vice Admiral Captain Commander Lieutenant Seaman Seaman Recruit Current Members Admiral Avius (founder) Vice Admiral ZX_Warrior (founder) Captain Co2tvv Commander Nezdii Seaman Lucke Seaman Papz Seaman LittleBrop Seaman Clous What we are looking for: We are looking for good strong mature members. Who are ok with the fact that this is an Early Access game and that things are subject to improvement or the opposite with every patch. People who can be organised and respect leadership. People who have good sportsmanship and not get salty when we lose stuff cause we will. An Island :3 What we are not looking for: People who are not willing to participate (We understand that real life takes priority but at least be on once per week) People who are immature and irresponsible. Conditions of applying Be mature Speak English, mic and Discord Enjoy the grind Be ready to be great Cause we will. Quick admission interview Things I can promise you. You will have fun. we will raid enemies we will make alliances You will make friends Post a reply with the current information. Name in Game: Name on Steam(link): Age: Relevant experience: Ingame level: Which skill line you wanna go down: What are you expecting from us:
  15. The Dystopian Dynasty Company on Eu PVP searching new Players, we laso have 2 Groups inside the Company for English and German and we are searching new Players and Allys to get our Stuff safe. We always create a big alliance with regional tribes but we are still looking for more, to get safe routes to the warmer Regions. So if u search a tribe where u can reach Captian and command your own Crew then u can hire to us. If u allways have a tribe maybe 10+ Players then u can talk to us about Ally. -No Level distriction -talking German or English -be a benefit to the group and u will become Cpatain with own crew. Sail safe and have a nice day
  16. Hello, fellow pirates! Tharieon here, patching in to announce that we are opening our doors to a few more members! We are a tight company of 12 individuals at this moment in time, we control an undisclosed server with our strong alliance. We have property, we have the fire power. Now we need the good people of Atlas to join our company! Please send a reply to this posting, and I will get in touch with you as soon as I see it! We have a brief test to make sure you can properly sail! We need all hands on deck!
  17. Place your Recruiting messages here. Server: NA PVE Official Guild Name: The Einherjar Syndicate Discord: https://discord.gg/TnqZ52M Website:http://www.guilded.gg/r/Ei1EDBX59R?i=VdxOpG94 Faction: Progress:Normal What our Guild can offer: A relaxed and fun raiding environment A competitive rated Pirate team A diverse group of players to engage in activities with Discord Ideal Candidates: Are mature, over 16 years Possess a working microphone and are not afraid to use it Possess a stable internet connection and a raid capable computer that will not explode Skilled Player: Skilled in the class that you play Excellent Attitude: No negativity. A positive personality that synchronizes with the rest of the guild is an asset Once again, contacts: Send discord messages to Odin All_Father. Alternatively, you can create an account on the website, and use our recruiting form.
  18. We have a common enemy [][][]. [NA][PVP] Recruitment Thread PM me
  19. Hey guys, on EU PvP and have an island and a couple of bases. Really looking for more people who are just up for helping us defend it and up for a good laugh! Give me a message on discord if interested! @capt.krit#0249
  20. We are recruiting, drop into our TS if you would like to apply - staceh.ddns.net Or any of us in game. If your a dick, don't bother, we only want people that can hold a conversation, and don't take offense at everything, we believe in unbridled adult banter.
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