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About Me

Found 51 results

  1. Recently started a new company on Tortuga [7x7] Dangerous Waters 2X/3H/5T/Quests PVE Unofficial server. Has one PVP grid and a handful of active companies. Im not a fan of the super boosted and modded servers but, of course the grind is real in Atlas. Would love to see more people on the water. Tortuga Discord: http://discord.gg/h5Zwn5d . If you're new, solo or just want some company, trade, or support getting started reach out to me in my company's Discord: https://discord.gg/gR5qFargJW Happy sailing, cheers!
  2. Hi shipmates. Two of us have been going it alone for good while now and after the wipe would like to join and support a PvE Company instead. We are based in the UK and it would be ideal to join a Company in a similar time zone. Any Companies thinking of starting up again?
  3. hi I'm Rod, I am searching for a company I can join. ive played atlas off and on since launch. havent played much since the new update. i enjoy the grind and sailing, but this game is damn near impossible to play alone and enjoy. hit me here and it might be a minute before i notice. i play on pc and my steam name is Rawd-Dawg and have doberman as my photo. feel free to add me there or om discord. TheRod#4248 with an alien as my photo. Thanks.
  4. So, I am playing in the PvP server and I have a small wood base setup on the back end on and island with a large company opposite me. They have remained neutral to me and vice versa however I have suffered raids from multiple other company's. What I would like to know is if a feature can be added for me to make contact with a company that does not entail sneaking into there base (could be seen as aggression) and leaving a note in a lock box asking toward cooperation. Something like an interstitial message that I can send from my company to theirs that will contain a brief outline and then full message if they read it. Allowing playing who are on at different times to join alliance.
  5. Black Bobs are now recruiting. Looking for friendly active players. Various company events, helpfull players and lots of fun. English, french, spanish, portuguese, danish, swedish!! Large range of players and languages.. If you are interested, send me a msg.
  6. Are you alone and looking for a company or maybe your the only active person in your company? Tired of doing everything by yourself with no help at all? Marital law is recruiting! Very limited rules and aimed at helping each other! We are willing to teach new players as well. We have something for everyone. 1. Taming and breeding 2. Ship building 3. Farming 4. Building 5. pvp and more! Please message me if you are interested!
  7. Yoo Guys I'm the admin of a small company. We're a member of a big alliance with over 100 people in it and we got an island on our own. We're currently searching for new members in our company to spread out and get bigger and bigger If you're a small company or even a solo player and you're interested in joining us, contact me in discord: TekzoneGaming#8176. We prefer german speaking players If you're not german.. you gotta speak english at least
  8. Hello, I run a private PVP server for my community. We are looking for an explanation of the "Top Company" ranking system. Our company has more land claimed, more crew and tames, more ships and larger ships than any other company. The company that is in 1st place has 2 people, 2 ships, and only a few tames. People in our company are more active as well. How does a company take top ranking if they barely have anything? I read that more claim flags mean higher ranking. That is obviously not true.
  9. I'm posting this suggestion that a critical change that could help the progress of smaller companies, and help make the game more fun in general. Currently no one knows if the Freeport settings on live are on purpose or an accident. Tames, last 8 days in the Freeport, only requiring that you render them in, and feed them to keep them pretty safe, other than players trying to gather wild Freeport animals to kill them. Mine have been safe at least. You can keep anything on their inventory safely essentially saving your progress in the game. Ships in the Freeport, at first seems unmanageable to keep them floating until you increase resistance levels, my brig at 220% resist has been fine, and would take about 16hours to sink. So currently if you dont want a claim you can manage keeping everything besides a farm in the freeports. Saving my progress this way, knowing other players cant ruin it has been FUN. Knowing that if I steal something cool, or do something difficult in the game, I can save it. I cant be online for 9 hours everyday to keep a claim. This is the only way I can play atm as a small company, there are still huge advantages to having a claim like infinite non decaying ship storage, so that you can have more than one or two ships. So what I'm proposing is that you make the Freeport more of a sanctuary for small companies. Introduce a Freeport bank npc that can hold like 25 slots, no weight limit, for small companies. Do not link the bank npc together, we dont want people teleporting resources across the atlas. All this would be is a small cache of items that is personal to each pathfinder, and has nothing to do with the company. Not enough to save everything but enough to pick what's important to you to save. You have already introduced a nice trading, and shop system, which has little merit to small companies that have no where safe to keep their items, except for Freeport tames right now. I do like the settler system, however big companies aren't struggling with upkeep, so while they probably wont mind having settlers, the settlers arent of much value, so there's not much incentive to protect their stuff on your island, also bigger companies will just push that you merge with them rather than be your own company, while they cant MAKE you do this, they CAN however, evict you and wipe all your progress. However this small personal Freeport bank could fix alot for solo/small company players allowing them to do buisiness with big companies without fear that the big company will decide to wipe all their progress. I LOVE YOUR GAME, and I hope you can consider a Freeport bank a possibility for its future. That way each fight/ battle doesnt have to end in someone wanting to quit, or realizing big companies are the only way to play it at all.
  10. There should be an option in the company group settings to allow members of that group to change the company access/activation levels of doors. crafting stations, chests etc. to a level equal or lower than their own IF the activation level of said object is lower or equal to theirs. It would be even better if it was possible to set a range in the company group settings within which they can change it e.g. a member that has access rank 5 and the changing range 5-3 would be able to change the access level of all objects with an activation level lower or equal to said members activation rank to access level 5, 4 and 3 but not lower. At the moment the problem is that members can not change the default access/activation level (as set in the group settings) of any object not even of their own stuff e.g. if they want to make something accessible for lower ranks they always need to call an admin to do it and the same thing applies if they want to raise the access/activation level of their stuff e.g. after they got a promotion to keep lower ranks from accessing their stuff they again have to call an admin to do it. The only available solution at the moment is either for the admin(s) to run around all day changing the access and activation levels to the members request or to make everyone an admin but in that case it is pointless to set any access or activation levels because they do not apply to admins (which is generally good and useful but does not help in this case).
  11. *We, the Spartan Syndicate are on the Krakens grasp server. We are looking for the downtrodden, the used, the war mongers, the rageful! Let us be your new brothers and sisters in arms against those who have stepped on you or to help you in the struggle of surviving the harsh seas. Let our Queen nurture you, and the king to clothe you in blood and iron.* **Spartan Syndicate Recruiting** Really fast growing company looking for warriors! We have a ranking and reward system based on PVP and tasks. · Access to both small and large mythical shipyards. · Group farming means less farming · Every kind of weapon/food/alcohol you'll ever need. · Protected base. · One of the best bear breedlines in the game. · Power leveling with maps every weekend. Want to become a captain? The best ground PVPer? The best breeder? Do yourself a favor and join The SS. #doods4993 for more info.
  12. I created a new company recently, but realized when searching throughout the existing companies that the company section on this website is extremely barebones. You can only search and sort for very few parameters, such as PvP or PvE. This does not help people looking to join a company very much in making a selection out of the hundreds of companies listed. I would like to see more sortable and searchable parameters to be added to distinguish companies. Like in Star Citizen, we should add: - Language - Gameplay/roleplay (e.g. trade, combat, exploration) - Active servers - Hardcore/casual - Grids active (ok, for big companies this might be cumbersome, so there should be an all grids option), at least this will help people to find a company within their area of interest.
  13. I have done some looking in the forums and can't find an answer. I have seen some companies with a banner/logo over their claim islands. How do you do it or can you send a link for it please? Thanks, KillingCommies Atlas>Ark
  14. Is there a way to take over leadership of your company? Our leadership has been absent for weeks and does not appear to be coming back. Messages on discord go unanswered. While I know those few of us in the company still playing can just leave the company, we can transfer our tames, crews, and ships, I am concerned about all the buildings we will lose. We put a lot of time and effort into the buildings and would rather not just abandon all that work. If there isn't a way, I will put in a suggestion to allow some sort of mutiny to be able to replace absent company leadership.
  15. Hello all There are more company points available How many have been raised? Our company with 23 members now has 150 points. How is that with your Company? Thanks
  16. Hey! I build a brigantine alone and on my own today with a lot of farming and stuff. Afterwards i went to the Freeport at A6 and picked up 3 NPC sailors to make sailing more comfortable. On my way to the next Server (B6) I had the glorious idea to create a company. Here the problems began. My ship was now company owned but the crew was still only player owned, so i was not able to control them while in this company. I directly left the company to fix this issue BUT now my ship is still in the company and because it's in a freeport region i cant even reclaim it or something. I put so much effort into it for nothing. it really bugs me. I really love this game but this is really annoying. i don't think i can play this game anymore if i don't get any help or something. It's just disappointing that something like this happens
  17. For a smaller company it is rather challenging to progress through the game. First there is the grind, which can easily be fixed by upping the rates. Secondly, it’s far too hard to get past the beginner stage. The larger companies will keep pushing you down every time you get just a little further. It sucks because it’s not easy to get into a large company and there is nothing but building up for the smaller companies.
  18. Come check us out! Updated all the time and player friendly. Revenge of the Damned 2x2 20xH/20XP/50xTame [Custom Ship Weight & Levels] https://discord.gg/bHnPBTw20xharvest 20x XP 50x tame 3x boosted stats with 13x weight for players and tames for scalability. LC Lantern Mod And Peachies Furniture and Ship Décor Mods New Cargo Box Mod! Powerstone Questing and final boss!80 slots over 4 servers. Upgrading as needed. PvPvE Come build a home !
  19. My alliance that I have started have found several things that annoy us that we would like added. I will add a list below. General 1. grouping with other players not members of our alliance or company 2. Being able to add non company/alliance members to a friends list 3. When grouped with non company/alliance members allow them to use beds or have option to enable grouped members Company 1. allow personal owned items, boats, tames ext. To many people have had to start over from scratch. (should be able to have personal and company owned items) 2. Allow company admins to set ownership of items. (be able to mark a boat owner or company owned.) 3. disable looting from other peoples inventory. Alliance Note: This is where we found many issues. We made an alliance for solo players for lack of ownership in companies and no grouping option. So we are trying an alliance to bypass this however, this is how we noticed some major mechanics that are missing. 1. Alliances cannot use the same beds (this is by far the most frustrating thing to not be able to do in an alliance.) 2. We wonted to build a Galleon for the alliance to use together. (However, with no sharing beds or shared building between the alliance we are unable to do this) 3. We still have to set pins for alliance members to use doors or well anything. (Would like to set permissions on items like doors or boats to allow alliance member usage. Especially beds!) 4. We also wanted to build an alliance base in lawless but can't because of lack of the above and permissions. (Would like a future feature to allow us to build land bases for our alliance.) Last item is kinda of important to but maybe the hardest to implement. Language We have many people from all over the world and not all text is legible. I see so many boxes from chat and names but can't identify who they are or communicate well. I have met Chinese people whom i talk to because they know English but I don't know their names as all I see are boxes. 1. International language pack so we can see Asian characters and middle Eastern characters. (If the Chinese can see their characters I feel like the rest of us should as well. I personally can read and write some Japanese.) Thank you for your time and hopefully these features get added
  20. Hello all! I am looking for folk to join my company on Pirates vs Imperials. My company is caleld Vastra Fone Foundry, a Swedish Empire related company and part of the Imperial Royal Navy Alliance in-game. Tis an roleplay server with nice folk! The Rates are: 10 X exp 10X Harvest 10X Mating Increased Carry , Intel & Health There is contested islands for PvP between the Pirates and Imperials but both have their own PvE islands. Hope to see ye folks! Long live King Carolus Rex! https://discord.gg/wDYxAnS
  21. Ahoi ihr Landratten , die Sail (f)or FAIL Company rekrutiert wieder aktive Piraten/inen zum raubschatzen, entern und Rum kippen! Willkommen sind alle, die gerne in einer Community Spaß erleben möchten, die keine Lust haben alleine zu zocken, oder einfach nur in geselliger Runde Ihren Abend unter gleichgesinnten verbringen wollen. Gutes PvP gelingt nur mit gutem Pve und das heißt wiederum das alle mit anpacken bei uns!Server: Goldtooth Community PvPvEsteam://connect/s2.goldtooth.community:21030Was wir suchen? - Teamplayer - Motivation und Ehrgeiz - Bereitschaft mit anzupacken- 18 Jahre +- Discord + Headset Was wir euch bieten können:- Discord- familiäre Atmosphäre- gemeinsame Aktivitäten - Spaß und LachgarantieWas ist unser Plan? Wir möchten eine Starke Crew weiter ausbauen, die zusammen bauen, entern und ARRR lachend rum verschwinden lassen!Solltest DU dich angesprochen fühlen, dann adde mich einfach über Steam (iAwake oder Chewbacca46) oder einfach über Discord bei uns melden.https://discord.gg/5F3fWer Start new topic
  22. Ahoi Matrosen Die Reservoir Pirates heuern für den Aufbau der Company an! Angesiedelt in B11, EU-PVE Siren's Call, sind wir momentan 4 Mitglieder mit ein paar Land Claims. Wir sind noch im Aufbau der Company und suchen aktive und freundliche Spieler um auch dementsprechend zu wachsen. Falls jemand auf der Suche nach einer Company mit netten Leute und Land ist, der kann sich bei mir melden. Bei uns wird man kein Sklave, sondern kann auch seine eigenen Projekte und Ziele verfolgen. Wir möchten eine Gruppe aufbauen welche frei leben kann aber sich gegenseitig unterstützt. Yohohohoho
  23. Hello, i own a private server and we are trying to create alliances, but everytime we create one it doesn't show as created, actualy shows nothing. Like this i am unable to invite someone to one alliance. It is something that i have disable on my server? If i have somethig disabled can you guys help me with which parameter i have to enable? What are the rules for alliances? Thanks you for your help. Best
  24. When a player left our company without telling anyone, we had to wait 3 days to capture all the flags that he owned after leaving the company and joining a new company elsewhere. Any structures or foundations that were his... we are unable to demolish, eventhough "Demolish Allowed" is available. I tested this by leaving the company... I placed down a small structure with a bed. Rejoined the company. I was unable to demolish my own placements! I had to wait 3 days before Demolish was allowed. You click Demolish and nothing happens. We can't build anywhere because of this! We own the land! We own the structures that were built before the player left! WE HAVE BEEN WAITING WEEKS FOR THIS ISSUE TO BE RESOLVED! WHEN!? Note: I am the owner of the company. My admins have also tried to demolish... and they get the same result! Nothing happens when you click demolish and you can't build anything anywhere near the foundations or structures until they are removed! Please UPVOTE this issue!
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