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About Mugiwara

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  1. Hi I'd like to delete my company too, because we dissolved and I gonna join a new one. Name: Reservoir Pirates EU PVE
  2. Ahoi Matrosen Die Reservoir Pirates heuern für den Aufbau der Company an! Angesiedelt in B11, EU-PVE Siren's Call, sind wir momentan 4 Mitglieder mit ein paar Land Claims. Wir sind noch im Aufbau der Company und suchen aktive und freundliche Spieler um auch dementsprechend zu wachsen. Falls jemand auf der Suche nach einer Company mit netten Leute und Land ist, der kann sich bei mir melden. Bei uns wird man kein Sklave, sondern kann auch seine eigenen Projekte und Ziele verfolgen. Wir möchten eine Gruppe aufbauen welche frei leben kann aber sich gegenseitig unterstützt. Yohohohoho
  3. The big circle is definitely from a sea claim. I think you can see it on the left side from the picture. From what I know this is a bug, where sea claims overlap land claims
  4. I work in IT but don't know much about Network Security. Anyway wouldn't it be possible to restrict the use of VPN for this game? There are a few well-known VPN ports which are used by a lot of providers so it should be possible to block these ports or am I wrong?
  5. hey since yesterday when I started watching your stream, battleeye is constantly kicking me out of the game because "client not responding". I am playing on EU-PVE and if I try to log in on EU-PVP it works fine without issues. I also don't have the option to rejoin Atlas on EU-PVE while on EU-PVP it works. However sometimes if I am logged in on EU-PVE, I can't interact with anything (doors, tames, boxes) and my inventory instantly disappears after opening. I tried all the fixes other users mentioned, reinstalled the game, deleted battleeye folder, checked the game files in steam, spawned at different freeports and my base to die (if it didn't kick me out) but nothing helped so far. It looks like a lot of people are having this issue on different servers, please fix this asap because right now a lot of people are unable to play your game.
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