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About Me

Found 36 results

  1. AHOY! As the title says, I’m trying to find other players to enjoy this game with. I’m relatively new to the game. After many hours of single player I realized this game was not meant for that. I attempted playing on an official pve server and was very quickly discouraged. I’m hoping to find other players who enjoy this game and wanna team up. Maybe roleplay. I’m not against official or private servers. Pve or pvp. I’m willing to try either, I just wanna find a fun group to play with or find people wanting to join me to start our own. I see the prices of servers are a bit hearty. I’d be willing to host a server myself if that was the consensus or pitch in to an already established server. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks, Cable
  2. Ships should have two more Sails at the front on the figurehead, and window planks at the rear of it,for maybe a Captains' quarters. Crew should be able to wander around as if they're patrolling and somehow allow them to equip Guns,the Navy Soldiers in POTC hold guns,or just add a specific Gun they can equip, plz consider it!!
  3. I'm looking for any number really of people who would join up and start something together. I am chill and mature, so I'd like to keep it that way. I got no issue with RP'ing if thats something people are interested in, and pvp is also something I enjoy! Hit me up anytime Cheers!
  4. Hi Atlas development team, First off I love the game and I know y’all receive nothing but hate and shade most of the time but I know you’re working hard to make this game even better than it already is and I wanted to say thank you and keep being great! With that said I know that many in the community, particularly the single player community as well as the PvE community, would appreciate it if you were to review whether or not you can have a crew member mount a cannon/swivel gun on a cargo saddle. While I completely understand the brokenness that ensued due to it being abused in PvP it was never really an issue in PvE and it’s honestly kind of a necessity in single player. Without being able to mount a crew upon a gun on a cargo saddle then one is unable to fully enjoy the versatility of such a set up. Having to choose between riding the tame or using the gun while stationary is completely different from having a crew member being able to shoot while you ride - this is single player mind you so it would follow that you should be able to do everything as a single player. It’s silly, to say the least, that to fully utilize this I would need to invite a friend into my single player game. In conclusion, seeing that the single player mode should have as many of the same game functions in multiplayer as possible, then making an exception to allow single players to allow crew to mount guns would make sense. At least it does to me, I hope now that it might to you. Many thanks for any consideration. Sincerely, Andrew Cutshall
  5. So I was wondering if the crew member generator will ever make the NPCs look more realistic? Every crew member we hire due to the randomly generated mechanic looks atrociously disproportionate and hideous. It’s honestly a major issue I don’t see enough people talking about.
  6. SO i have been Running around my Base for hours changing all my Crew to Agressive and to Ingnore Group whistles took me a bout 2 and a half hours to do it then i log on the next day whiste passive on my Tames and all the Crew are now on Passive and i really can be arsed with this bull shit sooooo.. I want to suggest that the Crew setting do not Effect the Guns u place them on and that u only haft to set the Guns on High and What ever target u want them to kill I do NOT see the point if hafting to do them both is annoying and pointless Please please Do something i know alot of people are getting annoyed and tierd of changeing the Settings on the Guns and Crew members.
  7. I bought 2 crew mates on a freeport today. My friend is also near me. Spawned 2 and wanted to look at them and how they look. Went close to them and crashed. My buddy also tried the same thing and crashed. We managed to bring them near the ship with whistle and we needed them on board so we tried to go near them and we did without crashing. After pressing E crashed the game again. Which crashed my game in water and i got killed from sharks my body also got deleted. And lost near 500 GOLD. We are not gonna hire any crew till this gets fixed. Please look into it.
  8. Assigning crew to specific locations in my ship and base are absolutely irritating. it is very time consuming, and require a lot of fiddling and teleporting to chairs, or using the grappling hook to try and get them up spiral staircases so they are close to something in the middle of a tower column etc. This system is not thought out, its very crude, and feels as though its not implemented. Add a system whereby I can instead of looking at a person, and telling them to crew an object, allow me to look at an object and grab the nearest available (not assigned) crew on my island. Alternatively and more complex, make it so I can whistle or assign all new crew to a crew pool when in vicinity of the player, out on sea, or add them to a pool that is bound to the island. When on the island, simply looking at an object and whistling at it will put a crew member on it. It can be a damage locked feature, so that if something has taken damage on a ship for instance, it cannot be repaired like the current system and in addition is not able to have a new crew-member assigned to it, if it was unmanned. similar to how cannons have a cool-down on land when placed to prevent "cheesing".
  9. When i try to buy crew from port, game is crashing. Same as when i sink ghost ship and rescue crew in the sea. A fatal error. I looked everywhere, every sites, people shared this fatal error 1 year ago too and still no solution. Why ignore this problem?
  10. Please give us a command to unseat all the crew with one whistle and then seat them back to same seat as they were. It's really cumbersome and boring to run from each crewmember to another to unseat them from cannons and back, especially on galleon with 58 or more crew on board.
  11. Hi Guys, Hope someone can help me here. I have a crew on my ship on all cannons. They will not fire the cannons for me. When I press the left / right mouse buttons nothing happens. The button do not even light up blue like the other ones on the top right. Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to have a server / game setting for the crew to work the cannons? I have had a crew on cannons in the past and it works fine but just nothing happening for me now. Cannons are loaded, ammo box is close by. Is this something to do with a patch? Any help here would be great. Thanks.
  12. Now before this gets picked apart by random people on the internet who just want to troll around and insult people for their opinions let me start by saying that I love this game. However i do have some suggestions i think would be amazing if GS integrated them into their current system. Most if not all of my opinions would greatly improve the experience most solo/small companies have in and create unique and fun challenges for companies to overcome. Since this IS early access I figured this would be the only time to throw some suggestions out there. And again I am not a programmer/developer so I don't know how difficult these suggestions would be to implement they are just fun idea I think about while playing that would improve the game in some way. More crew options For starters this is one of the most ambitious games I have ever played and has a ton of potential but as stated above a few tweaks to the system could help this game topple most other games in the genre. First of which is the crew system. As it stands now the crew system is pretty good, go to a Freeport or kill ghost ships to acquire more crew to man your ships or mount guns to defend your base. But I would suggest building upon the foundation of the system and AI of the crew to add more immersion and customization to the game. Similar to what the thrall system is in conan exiles, GS could add crew npc's that are not just static npc's the the same behaviors. I suggest adding a system that implements new crew that are proficient in different categories. I.e. crew members that are better suited to man sails but not good at maning cannons or turrets. Or npc's that are well suited for base defense so you can leave an army of npc's in your base to defend it while offline on cannons or armed with swords/bows/guns on foot to meet the invaders. The Ai could possibly function similar to the army of the damned. And while stationed or positioned where they are best suited, the npc's would receive a buff of some sort maybe extra damage or faster turning on sails ect. (And I know you can spec into Captaineering to get talented crew but this would save on skill points) Just picture you are a solo player and you have a little base a few defensive structures but not much else around to keep you safe. Now a bigger crew tries to raid you. They blow up your defenses and storm the beach. But this time you have an army of crew members armed to the teeth somewhere in your base to help fight back. This creates a little more excitement and protection for the little guys and more gameplay for the bigger tribes where they can't just overwhelm the solo/small tribes with little to no resistance. Or on the open ocean you have crew on board not just on sails or cannons but armed with fire arrows and swords to help you fight back enemies when they board your ship. And they will hopefully be good enough to actually put up a fight while defending. Drop anchor at an enemy base and have a horde of npc's follow you into battle. While currently you can place crew on the steering wheel. What if you improve on the idea by being able to program a destination. You can have trade routes that will allow the auto pilot to sail to the nearest free port or a marker that you place. Allowing for smaller companies to send automated shipments or supplies to other bases or ports. And similar to the current playershops can sell goods when they are docked. Don't like farming or just don't have the time or man power to farm hundreds of trees for resources? Have crew members specialized in gathering. These crew members could be set to wander and gather wood/thatch/stone ect around your base and place the resources in a designated resource bin. (This can be done in some way in a similar way like pretty much any RTS in the past almost 30 years) These additional crew types would cut down on the grindiness this game has and improve the overall gameplay especially for smaller companies. Now how would you acquire these new crew? Simple, for starters go to a Freeport like normal to get lower grade (common) crew in each specialization. And I have to point out conan exiles again. But for higher tiers you would have to complete harder and more time consuming quest or tasks. I.e. killing ghost ships, completing dungeons, quest, going to the power or any other new content added later. This will give more incentive to complete more endgame task and detract from the zerg mentality of pvp and add a little bit of strategy to the game. And again this can be done in some way. If you look at gameplay from conan it has already done similar things with the thrall system. To top it off it would pull farther away from just the basic taming system in place currently with animals and make it stand out as more than just "ark 2.0". Could even add a new talent tree specifically for crew so you can either spec down the beastmaster tree or the crew tree. In short this would improve QOL, allow smaller companies to actually stand a chance and not get destroyed so easily, cuts down on the monotony of farming and adds additional gameplay mechanics. GIVE ME MORE SHIPS! Naval warfare is a big reason why a lot of us play in the first place. And while the current ships are enough for early access I think many of us would get bored of the current variety we have now. How many schooners and Brigs can we build before we get tired of the same in game models? Granted there are tons of customization options and builds can try, but how about new ship types or skins. Skins may just be a cosmetic thing like what you guys are working on for the steering wheel. Would be awesome to see some viking, Greek, or Romam ship skins if not just whole new ship designs. For example a whole new category of ship with sails and oars/oarsmen. Built for speed with possibly having rams on the front for ramming enemy ships for massive damage. Adding rams of some form would drastically change naval warfare as it is in game currently. Having to sacrifice speed and weight to place a heavy metal ram on the front of your ship. Forced to make tactical decisions whether to add a ram and strip down some decks or add stronger oarsmen (crew) for speed. Could be similar to the rhino if you command your oarsman to pick up speed in order to land a crushing blow. Speaking of decks. How about the ability to customize the decks we have on ships. As in a cargo deck that, like the cargo racks from the may update reduce weight of items or workstations put on them. Or a deck designed to preserve food and refuse spoil timers for traders shipping their goods. Or a weapons deck that increases damage done by any cannon/torpedoe placed on it. (this would help disrupt the current meta of placing a ton of cannons on ceilings to overwhelm your opponent). or a deck with temp control for when it gets too hot or too cold. Not saying the current old English/British styled ships are a bad thing, I know it's pirate era they are going for just think it would be interesting to see new ship designs. Maybe make new content around the new skins/ships so when you see one you know that crew did something challenging similar to the submarine and the kraken. These things and more are buzzing around in my head almost every time I play. And you could update the game almost monthly like they did ark back in the day. Again, I know most of this is a long shot but still think these are cool ideas that if implemented could possibly increase sales and the longevity of the game and keep people playing. This has been my TED talk...
  13. npc targeting is 100% as long as movement is either still or constant direction, but 0% if movement is circular? all you need to do is add a bit of random math to the targeting and (maybe some targeting delays or decrease accuracy based on target's speed) and npc's will act a little more like players, it would make them more fun and decrease their effectiveness vs players who aren't specifically paying attention to outsmarting the AI
  14. If you ever wanted to switch your crew between cannons while you are sailing your ship. Well, it's possible but it's also not perfect. I made a guide on how to do this. Click on video to watch it. Video
  15. After the Server we were playing on crashed while we were on sea, nearly all of our crew members that were manned at the cannons vanished. The cannons are still manned, but cannot be used or demolished. Now our entire galleon is useless and we cant do anything. Pls fix this gamebreaking bug asap.
  16. Open the Food Larder and Feeding Trough inventories and they both plainly tell you they're MESS TABLES. My question is, IF the Feeding Trough is actually a Mess Table, will the crew take food from that as well as the official "Mess Table" which is otherwise labeled as a "Food Larder" when you search for it in the Smithy? I mean, Hell's bell's, when is a Mess Table actually a Mess Table and not a Feeding Trough? And why is it a Food Larder elsewhere?
  17. Since last patch we have problems to order our crews ... they are working fine but cant be controlled by yell , no pop up info and nothing at all
  18. To be clear: this is a very specific "test" because i dont have access to spawn and test things properly. so my test is VERY specific. normally id test various things but i dont have the ability to do so without spending hours farming stuff. which is not something im whiling to do. Problem: 1. sloop auto anchors with NPC on sails. 2. Anchor raise visually via icon when leaving the sloop but seems to still be anchored functionally being that the sloop isn't effected by waves like an unanchored ship is. **Needs further testing** 3. Sloop seems anchored even when sailing (see attached pictures). i have not tested any other clues to the sloop actually being registered as anchored or not (via ship of the damned attack or something) because i don't want to loose my sloop. **Needs further testing** Reproduce: 1. have a sloop anchored on small shipyard with med speed sail on 2nd from front slot and an NPC crew member (mines lvl2) on said sail. 2. Open sail manually by opening sail UI and clicking open. (see note 1) 3. get on the wheel and try to raise anchor or do anything sail related with npc on sails. none are responsive. Neither the ship or sails will move. Note 1: I'm not 100% sure this is the cause i just noticed that it acted differently. instead of the anchor raising like I'm used to when i misclick, the anchor stayed down. I'm not sure if i clicked +10% or full. Should be: 1. NPC on sails should not auto anchor sloop. 2. Sloop should anchor when exiting sloop (as per im used to seeing), not raise anchor. 3. sloop should not anchor in deep water (as per im used to seeing) but seems to. **Needs further testing** extra info: 1. sloops acts as normal (minus anchor icon) with NPC not manning any positions. 2. Have not replaced NPC crew member to see if it's just the NPC that's bugged. 3. have not tested with 2nd NPC cew member on wheel. 4. i have tested moving to another region. The bug persists through different regions without step 2 from reproduce section.
  19. I think the crews should have more value and make them worth to level up and invest on.. You could specialize crews into and make them much more expensive as higher they are specialized: Scout : Put on top of mast (would the cheapiest specialized crew) Skill level 1: Light up the floatsam for you as if you were on the crow's nest. Skill level 2: Warn you of upcoming storm in advance. Skill level 3: Can filter the floatsam levels to light up. Skill level 4: Warn you of Ship of the damn Ahead (or make them visible further). Skill level 5: Warn you of any hostile ships ahead (or make them visible further). Navigator: On steering wheel (Should be very expensive) Skill level 1: Sail toward the direction you want (just like actual auto pilot (and remove auto pilot)). Skill level 2: Ability to put 5 waypoints to follow on map and make him follow it. Skill level 3: Try to dodge cyclones while following waypoints. Skill level 4: Try to dodge Ships of the Damn while following waypoints. Skill level 5: Follow a trade route with a set timer stop before leaving. (would require 1 on steering wheel + 1 on lieutenant podium). Farmer: Leave it near crops Skill level 1: Harvest all possible crops and put it in closest larder / feeding through Skill level 2: Harvest only the specified crops type and put it in closest larder / feeding through Skill level 3: Ensure to keep a certain amount of specified crops in larder and feeding through in range Skill level 4: Gather eggs too Skill level 5: Collect poops and re-fertilize crops if there is a pig nearby Soldier: put on follow or order to guard at specific location or send it on mast platforms below crow's nest (very expensive) (this can sound unrealistic but I think any US marines can confirm thats one of the first roles of the US marines, snipers on mast to shoot the crews English ships) Skill level 1: Can use Pike Skill level 2: Can use Sword Skill level 3: Can use Flintsgun (2 max) Skill level 4: Can use Blunderbuss (1 max) Skill level 5: Can use Carbine (1 max) Merchant: leave in bases or boats (expensive) Skill level 1: Can trade ressources Skill level 2: Yell to let people arround know there is a merchant (can be turned off) Skill level 3: Can trade built items Skill level 4: Can trade Tamed animals Skill level 5: Can automaticly interact with other crew merchant selling/buying whats in the buy/sell box. **Skill level 6: Can trade ships?
  20. Ahoi ihr Landratten , die Sail (f)or FAIL Company rekrutiert wieder aktive Piraten/inen zum raubschatzen, entern und Rum kippen! Willkommen sind alle, die gerne in einer Community Spaß erleben möchten, die keine Lust haben alleine zu zocken, oder einfach nur in geselliger Runde Ihren Abend unter gleichgesinnten verbringen wollen. Gutes PvP gelingt nur mit gutem Pve und das heißt wiederum das alle mit anpacken bei uns!Server: Goldtooth Community PvPvEsteam://connect/s2.goldtooth.community:21030Was wir suchen? - Teamplayer - Motivation und Ehrgeiz - Bereitschaft mit anzupacken- 18 Jahre +- Discord + Headset Was wir euch bieten können:- Discord- familiäre Atmosphäre- gemeinsame Aktivitäten - Spaß und LachgarantieWas ist unser Plan? Wir möchten eine Starke Crew weiter ausbauen, die zusammen bauen, entern und ARRR lachend rum verschwinden lassen!Solltest DU dich angesprochen fühlen, dann adde mich einfach über Steam (iAwake oder Chewbacca46) oder einfach über Discord bei uns melden.https://discord.gg/5F3fWer Start new topic
  21. Crew payments - Bug Reports - Official Atlas Community https://www.playatlas.com › Forums › ATLAS › Bug Reports I have maxed out the captineering tree, and while out at sea and cannons manned the crew are charging 1 gold every .6 hours, and while un-manned 1 gold every .9 hours. I am the one who purchased the crew, and I am also present on the ship during this what seems to be a bug.
  22. Every time we "dock" or "undock" at or base, most if not all of our crew teleport / bounce to new locations. For example they will be standing on the top deck raised platform then suddenly poof and appear halfway down the ship, stuck between decks. We have lost several crew like this because we have no idea where they warped to. This is on a Brig and by dock i mean pull up next to our ship yard which has a walkway next to it so we can get on and off easier. We are close to, but not touching the walkway. This doesn't seem to happen when we dock in open water, though they do get squirrely when you unseat them.
  23. @Jatheish Will AI crew ever be able to use meele or ranged weapons?, would realy like them to slash things with sword insteed of fisting anything they see, blow enemies faces off with blunderbuss or snipe stuff with flintlocks/carbines. It just kinda sucks that they only can wear armor to make them slightly more tanky but they are otherwise only cannon/sail operators and nothing else, even if given plate armors they propably would lose to 1 fully equiped player with real weapons insteed of fists. Also it would be nice to have them more behavior options, right now, they only chase stuff across the ocean or stand still. It would be nice to have them an option to stand ground but still able to fight, for example so we could put them on left/right side of deck to shoot or on the nest so they can snipe. Or have them they can walk arround but only on the ship, not jump out into the full of sharks and manta rays waters and especialy, stop chasing birds and whatever. To not make them an aimbot gods, give them a reaction delay when using ranged weapons and make them not aim for head but for center mass.
  24. Dear developers, So these patch notes contain gold gain nerf. I think this got your attention as bigger companies were stashing loads of it! Which is because every company member around the treasure chest was getting the reward and it seemed to be too high as it would just multiply based on the amount of people around (not sure if there's a limit). For solo player it was just enough to farm a bit and to be able to save up to pay the crew while doing other stuff. I would suggest to either lower the company members' treasure multiplier ((to give surrounding company members a percentage of the map holder's reward(and revert the general gold amount back ofc)) OR lower crew payment amount as well as disable crew payment while offline, whilst adding more ways to get gold for groups as well as solos. As doing treasure maps is time consuming and I think it should be a part of having FUN and not turn into some kind of CHORE where it will be the only thing we can do to be able to pay our crew and have our ships functional. Now the gold earned vs time spent earning it - will make us not being able to do anything except treasure maps if we want to sustain paying the crew. Especially for solo players as it's not getting multiplied between company members hence the solo players are the ones who need the crew the most! Thank you devs for your hard work, been enjoying the game thus far!
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