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  1. So, I'm new here but have been doing plenty of reading. My questions are pretty straight forward. 1. Level caps. Where do you put this information? In the below thread there i alot of information at the end of page 2 but its missing the details on where to add info. Also there is code information x4 to represent player, dino, tame and ship but I am unsure if it is to be added as is? 2. Player stat per lvl multipliers. This link was a tad helpful but I don't know where the shootergame file is? https://wiki.nitrado.net/en/Advanced_Settings_for_Atlas(Xbox)_Through_Json#Example_Codes 3. Finally here we are almost June. Has anyone made any headway dissecting where the ship stat per lvl file can be edited? And how? Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  2. So I downloaded the map editor from the github recommended by the devs, and it doesnt even have the teleport option in the help menu or anything. I downloaded one that Skarvig showed in his video, which had the teleport options, (which didn't work) but his has the option to pick where you go to when you go to a new grid. Mine does not have "Override travel destination" option. Where can I get the latest copy of the editor with all the correct features?! Thanks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PURoHAv7OqM - Skarvig video source
  3. So I have been going crazy trying to set up my own dedicated server which dozens of issues. When I finally got it running, I could not connect to my own server. Thinking I was doing something wrong with the port forwarding made me want to rage quit and delete the game till the awesome Youtuber Skarvig pointed out that my router (Comcast/Xfinity) does not allow NAT Loopback, which means you can't see your network publically from inside your own network. There's an obscure mention of this too by the devs saying it does not support local connections but after trying for 3 days, i just now was able to play my own server! [Solution] Get a router that supports NAT Loopback or use a VPN to route your server, or your connection back to it. tl/dr: If your ports are all forwarded, and your firewall is not blocking you, make sure your router accepts NAT loopback or use a VPN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PURoHAv7OqM - Atlas 3x3 Map - Downloadable Template
  4. Is it possible to refund? I want my money back...never happened that I spend money on game that I cannot play at all...I understand it's early access and there might be bugs and some other issues...but that I buy a game and cannot play it all because there are no servers is a f***** Joke....that's the biggest scam I've ever seen....take this game out of the store and protect the players!!!
  5. What's going on? Still no announcement...did they just leave the sinking ship or are they still on holidays drinking cocktails and laughing their asses off about the community? What's wrong with those devs? It's a fucking joke...
  6. Xbox Series S crashing upon joining server or seconds later. Any suggestions? Already reinstalled two times. Cleared Cache. Joined other server. Up to date.
  7. I believe that if you guys added 2 more servers for pvp and pve a Xbox only server and a pc server it would solve 90% of the gameplay issues
  8. I'm hoping someone can help me out because I've been at this for two days now. This problem started to occur without any warning or reason, there wasn't a disconnect or anything like that. If anything I think Atlas crashed once. I am unable to rejoin or join any atlas server (or ark server for that matter) no matter what I do. All of the servers are showing a negative player amount. like -149/1 when it should be 1/150 or -9/1 when it should be 1/10 I've already tried: -Connecting to different servers, cant get on official or unofficial -Verifying game files -Uninstall/Reinstalling -Checking for updates -Reset settings to defaults -Reset router/modem -Disabled firewalls/vpns I can't figure out how to fix this and there's virtually nothing about this specific issue on the internet. I tried the moving the loading movies into a backup folder trick, usually reduces load times but no luck for me. I went to delete the recent connected server list cache but because I just did a fresh install there is no cache list of recent servers. I am at an absolute loss and am fiending to play Atlas bad lol Already submitted a ticket but there's no telling when I'll get a response. Any ideas?
  9. As always backup everything FIRST.1) Make SURE to get the new servergrid editor, the Github HAS NOT been updated. You must use the link in the official post.https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/cdn.atlasdedicated.com/ServerGridEditor_04-26-21.zip2) Due to some odd crashes I had when attempting to export "everything" in the new servergrid editor, you may need to manually edit your ServerGrid.ServerOnly.jsonThere may be a new db entry called TradeDB, if you are using community maps that haven't been updated recently. If your server was already running at tradewinds update ignore this section.https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1774958469327523364/1EDABD36D5E69314C8FA8B0244D4603516624C96/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=falseYou can just duplicate one of the other entries and give it title TradeDB. That is what i did.3) Load your servergrid.json into the editor. if you don't care about adding tradewinds paths at this time then just load it save it, reload again, and then export cell images and world image map files separately.Make sure you don't have any checkboxes on tradewinds on the bottom as it may error out when attempting to export.3a) if you do want trade wind routes then you need to manually add them like u would ship paths. Press T to place, then drag the nodes around holding left click, Hold Right click on nodes to rotate.Make sure to edit EACH node and set the width to 50000 the default 1000 width is incredibly narrow less than a dinghy width and on my maps they didn't highlight on the water when set to 1000 width. (50000 is the width used in the included updated "map" with servergrid editor)https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1774958469327376818/DFF26E38E57B47588C83C5162237418464618204/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=falseStrength you can experiment with to determine what works, but when I used strength 4 it made the ramshackle sloop so fast that i sometimes rubberbanded.https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1774958469327375789/F03CDC4C17ABDEF386BF446E8406D896EB13E05C/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=falseSave ur servergrid after you add tradewinds routes.4) When exporting cell images and the world map make sure to ONLY export with these options as having the tradewinds options checked seems to cause editor to crash on exporting.https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1774958469327571022/253E808EC32EE0ADF01F63AE9019EE458934C76E/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=falseWhen you export the Tradewinds World map you can have Trade Wind Overlay checked but don't have show tradewinds or visualize tradewinds checkboxes it will auto generate, if you have them checked, it may crash the editor. Example auto-generated map belowhttps://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1774958469327590171/C7FC6D02C6720D10D253F46B34FE10C1BBFD3295/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=falseExample of UE4 errors i got due to the servergrid.serveronly.json not being correctly formattedhttps://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1774958469327598131/5EB98C729C099432246910336B38F66D9F5F2D9D/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=falseAlso gives similar error if you don't update the main servergrid.json file as changes are made to that file as well.https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1774958469327598909/C8A5BE758E5FE61538997117AE6A29DA16E0B5F0/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=falsePlease feel free to comment or reach out if you have any problems and if you find other tips i'll update this guide.This is not meant as the definitive guide just my personal experience when updating to the new tradewinds patch and after some users reached out on the Phoenix discord i decided to make this quick guide to answer some questions. Link to my original steam guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2473516428
  10. Ahoi, i had the powerstones on it. but then all npc's were gone to the freeports and all trees and stones were gray. I did everything according to the instructions in the forum 4x but I can't get it. i need help: * ( sorry for the bad english, i come from germany
  11. Whenever we have more than one server running, only the first one that starts listens (being the only on joinable) and the others "start" but dont listen. Looking at the logs, everything seems to be normal (comparing the working one to the others). Every grid works if we launch them individually, we just cant have more than one working at any given moment Running on Ubuntu Server 20.04 Hoping that someone ran into this issue before or knows what might be wrong. If this isn't much info to go on, i can send over some more info, logs and such Im using the tools from https://github.com/BoiseComputer/atlas-server-tools (basically, supposed to be a quick set of commands to get a 2x2 started)
  12. When i crosses from my A1 cluster to my A2 cluster the game freezes and kicks me out of the game saying i have lost connection to the host why does it do this
  13. I have gone through the tuturial of setting of the server and have port forwarded the server as well. i am able to see my server but it shows the map as shooterentry and i have put 20 players to join but it shows 63. what have i done wrong My code with my IP removed for privacy reason start C:\AtlasServer\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ShooterGameServer.exe Ocean?ServerX=0?ServerY=0?AltSaveDirectoryName=10?ServerAdminPassword=cat2841?MaxPlayers=20?ReservedPlayerSlots=0?QueryPort=57561?Port=5761?SeamlessIP= -log -server -NoBattlEye exit
  14. Hello all, I´m looking for a Map for our own server with the size of 3x3 or 4x4. What does we have for requierments ? 1. All Ressources. (or the mostly of it) 2. All Quests (Mermaid, Tresure, Ghostship, Dammed ship Galleon lvl 50+, Sunken tresure, Whales and and and-...) 3. Kraken Boss Fight 4. All Powerstones Try to find something with Google - its not so easy how did i think about it. If anyone have a ".json" File or something let me know it please. We will start our own server Tomorrow (6.11.2020) at 8 clock PM (Germany)
  15. Starting out has never been better: NPC Ships Mega Update - Released Standing & Faction System Mega Update - Released Beginner Harvest Boost! Server Radioactive Atlas: Welcome to the world of Radioactive Atlas, a 5x5 map with 20 PvE and 5 PvP grids. While we have provided PvE with useful rules, there are no rules in PvP, except for general rules like the tone of voice! Here you can loot, pillage, plunder & fight as you please. NEW!!! You're just starting? All beginnings are hard, especially at low rates, so all players who haven't reached level 30 now have a permanent x2 Harvest Boost! Our world is a special one, not only do we have Foxes, Eagles & Hippos. Wild young animals are on the agenda! Realism in a new dimension! These are also tameable, but must be raised afterwards. The seas are different... in addition to the Ship of the Damned, two NPC factions, Pirates & Navy, are fighting each other. You decide for which side you stand or if you stay neutral! But there is also a lot to discover away from ships. In our polar regions the narwhal is up to mischief, the black dragon terrorizes the PowerStone islands and somewhere on the map this mysterious black fog has appeared... You want to know more? Then visit the trading post, perhaps you'll find answers in the tavern. Here you can also offer animals and items to other privateers through our trading system or purchase goods from them. Sometimes too many animals? Our unique stable system allows you to store animals in any freeport or trading post and pick them up at any stable. Later on you can also set up your own stable! Still not enough? Then try your hand at Magic & Alchemy. Both of these sophisticated systems are only available here! Use powerful spells, create powerful potions, new metals and much more! Build something beautiful. The modpack from Radioactive now offers well over 1000 decorative items, some of which bring new features to the game. There's also plenty of structure to choose from with over 36 stone and 18 wood variations! What are you waiting for? The world of Radioactive Atlas is waiting for you! Write history! https://www.radioactivegaming.eu
  16. When I was forced to go to the EU PvE server, things were doing ok. The server ping was only a tad higher than what I was used to playing on the NA PvE server that was taken from us. I was getting maybe 30-50 ping then. When starting on Whale's Solitude, I was getting a tolerable 50-90 server ping. However, I've noticed that ever since these minor updates you have been pushing through, the lag has gotten increasingly worse. 90 ping went to low 100s after one patch. Not too bad. A patch or two later, the ping went up to 120-130, sometimes 150. Today, the ping is constantly above 170, and staying in the 200+ more constantly. I suggest to stop pushing these minor patches if they're causing the ping to go up until you can find the cause, and bring the ping back down. I'm going to go ahead and say it's nothing on my end, being I haven't changed anything in my network setup since the new map launched. If the ping can't be brought back down, then perhaps give us back NA PvE so that we can play without rubber banding every three steps.
  17. I was coming onto Atlas to feed my bear and as I was about to get on, I notice the server Im on (The Gorgon's Gaze [NA PVE]) is missing entirely. Was it removed/wiped or is there something else going on?
  18. Hello, how do I use console commands on my girlfriend's non-dedicated server? Is that even possible? Thanks.
  19. Long Hours - Roleplaying (RP-PVP) ( Discord: http://bit.ly/LongHoursRP ) * 3x Harvesting * 2x Taming * 2x2 grid (4 servers) working perfectly! * 25 players per grid. * Wiped 1/4 for a fresh start * PvE islands, Power Stones and Boss Islands working. * Roleplaying community with a ruleset that will quickly go over to whitelisting. * Active admins for a good community overview, helpful staff and experienced in both roleplaying and server administration. Ahoy, pirates, whores, scallywags, commonfolk, dwarfs and noblemen! Long Hours - RP are ready with a 2x2 grid where Atlas life will unfold itself for a selected few. Your life is your own and in your own hands. What will you do with it? Where will it lead you? Start your journey today, claim your land, fight your inner demons and rise to the end of the occasion. Find crew mates and build community. Fullfill your inner pirate or become a soldier in the navy. The choice is yours. We want a broad community and (everyone) is welcome to ride the winds, build their houses and start their lives. Join our Discord and get the server info today: http://bit.ly/LongHoursRP Basic Rules: * Age: 16+ * No racism or hate speech whatsoever. This will result in immediate ban. * Be polite and helpful to your fellow players. * No KoS (Killing on sight). If you want to kill someone you need a reason or at least roleplay a good reason out of it. Remember NLR rule. * No grieving or exploiting. WELCOME SAILORS! MAY THERE BE WINDS IN YOUR SAILS AND COIN IN YERR POCKETS!
  20. Hey Guys, all the ports are fine, the IP is correct. when i attempt to join the tile, i get joining failed. any ideas ?
  21. Greetings! Let me introduce you to a 7x7 PVE Server, already ranked in the top 20 (atlasserverlist), known as Disunity Survival! https://disunity.gg Hosted on the East Coast in the US of A, Disunity Survival is a whitelisted only and professionally hosted PVE & PVP Atlas game server. That's right there's some PVP grids too! They offer a friendly and mature (16+) community on a custom 7x7 map including all biomes, quests, events and custom mods. They offer increased rates with 3x harvesting, ~5x breeding and 1.5x XP Don't let the application process deter you. This server is worth it. It's how the admins weed out the bad apples from the group. This community and discord is super friendly, active and very helpful! Don't miss out on the opportunity for the Atlas experience you have been looking for, because you don't feel like filling out a 2 minute application! The 7x7 Map The map features everything you need to fully enjoy the game. Along with all biomes, our world features high level creatures and is divided into different types of zones: Freeport ~ Our central hub. Regular ~ Regular areas you can claim and live in. Golden Age Ruins ~ Areas for the Voyage of Power and Journey of the Gods quests. Emerald Sea ~ Hard PVE zones with increased rates. Red Sea ~ PVP zones with even higher rates. Over 500 Island Discoveries There is a lot of things planned for the future. Stay tuned! Custom Mods The admins develop their own mods for the community along with some additional mods that run on the server. Some of the main custom features are: Custom progression for characters and dinos up to level 1000. Stacking mod and reduced weight for resources. Unlimited pick up of structures. All non-mythical land creatures can be tamed. Custom creature settings for Alphas. Reduced Alpha level and damage. Custom taming and breeding settings. Custom ship classes for freight transport and war. Don't delay, visit today! https://disunity.gg
  22. Every attempt to cross the region wall into the L8 East Equatorial Freeport region results in a message saying "Travel Failed, Unable To Start Transfer," and your ship begins to sail into empty waters where it shows there should be islands.
  23. My Company Thano NA server by wiping an entire island.
  24. Hi guys, After working out my previous errors and mistakes, I've finally got my shards running on separate machines. However, I cannot get the Server Sync built into ASC to work. Does it actually work, or is it still incomplete? If someone does know how to set it up, can you explain how? I have tried googling, it hasn't fired anything up. Regards, Brian
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