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  1. Just a simple mod i made over a year ago that still works flawlessly.* it's a mod that takes the functionality of the lamp hook and puts it in the form of a pointy stick. why you may ask, simple, cause with this you can place skulls and heads on it as well. The Pointy Stick Mod *as far as i have been able to test in single player. confirmation of working order for servers would be much appreciated.
  2. As I understand mod are not available on official server yet, at less not change the game itself, maybe there are some HUD mod allow I don't know this maybe wrong or it is not a mod, but I discover another company galleon's large deck are completely different to the standard deck I can put on my galleon usually the standard large deck have a few holes in the middle for us to build ceilings and stairs or ramp to our liking, but these holes are small compare to the size of the deck, unlike the top deck of a schooner, the the entire middle section are empty for us to build, galleon large deck will have the standard deck area we cannot modify, but on this company I discover, their galleon large deck is like the schooner large deck that the middle section are complete empty, first I thought they might be just normal ceiling, since a lot of people don't like to build deck and just ceiling all the way, but as I get close to see the detail of the deck, it is a deck. Am I wrong? official does allow mod on them or are that company is using hack and cheat
  3. RedBack Adventures 5 x 5 PVE Map, new today. (day # is wrong) E5 - steam://connect/ C1 - steam://connect/ C2 - steam://connect/ A5 - steam://connect/ mods:- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1660304273 discord:-https://discord.gg/fbXZKz7 Custom Map has shop, kits, rates 2x xp 4x harvest 15x tame. All skill points are learnable. All quests available. come along and join us. We are a group of mature aged gamers.
  4. Greetings! Let me introduce you to a 7x7 PVE Server, already ranked in the top 20 (atlasserverlist), known as Disunity Survival! https://disunity.gg Hosted on the East Coast in the US of A, Disunity Survival is a whitelisted only and professionally hosted PVE & PVP Atlas game server. That's right there's some PVP grids too! They offer a friendly and mature (16+) community on a custom 7x7 map including all biomes, quests, events and custom mods. They offer increased rates with 3x harvesting, ~5x breeding and 1.5x XP Don't let the application process deter you. This server is worth it. It's how the admins weed out the bad apples from the group. This community and discord is super friendly, active and very helpful! Don't miss out on the opportunity for the Atlas experience you have been looking for, because you don't feel like filling out a 2 minute application! The 7x7 Map The map features everything you need to fully enjoy the game. Along with all biomes, our world features high level creatures and is divided into different types of zones: Freeport ~ Our central hub. Regular ~ Regular areas you can claim and live in. Golden Age Ruins ~ Areas for the Voyage of Power and Journey of the Gods quests. Emerald Sea ~ Hard PVE zones with increased rates. Red Sea ~ PVP zones with even higher rates. Over 500 Island Discoveries There is a lot of things planned for the future. Stay tuned! Custom Mods The admins develop their own mods for the community along with some additional mods that run on the server. Some of the main custom features are: Custom progression for characters and dinos up to level 1000. Stacking mod and reduced weight for resources. Unlimited pick up of structures. All non-mythical land creatures can be tamed. Custom creature settings for Alphas. Reduced Alpha level and damage. Custom taming and breeding settings. Custom ship classes for freight transport and war. Don't delay, visit today! https://disunity.gg
  5. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1743269809 Mod ID 1743269809 - Total Structures .Part of the "Total" Range of Mods, which include: - Total Ships- Total Sails- Total Tames- Total People- Total Foresightand the combination of the above (including Total Structures) to:- Total EverythingThis addition to the Total family will provide additional structure types, larger gates for ships to pass through as an example. The full list of additions will be added as they are built.Purpose:To overhaul the current in game building parts - and of course to add new ones!!!- Thatch, increase HP and craft from Smithy- Wood, increase HP and craft from Smithy- Stone, increase HPAdd custom workstationsAdd NPC\\\'s buildings for automation of resource gatheringAdd push and pull inventory management (player and tames)Add Glass structuresAdd Castle structuresAdd Clay (Adobe type Structures)Add custom stacking options (via ini)Add larger, bigger foundations, ceiling and wall pieces for quicker buildsAmend the meshes for server performance gainsAND MUCH, MUCH MORE as ideas come in we have already had loads of requests for this mods development so do keep the ideas coming! This will be a rapid build and you are welcome to view our Trello on this one! Total Structures Trello[trello.com] https://discord.gg/grWVRpK
  6. EDIT : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1646246826 Hi, to my first mod I decide to make an indiaman ship. For exemple, the BlackPearl and the Queen Anne's Revenge from Pirates of the Caribbean are two Indiamen. Here is a description : Current Stats : 3 upper decks 2 lower decks 38 canons max (2 in the bow of the ship, 24 at lower decks and 12 at upper decks) Captain's cabin (with windows) Smaller than a galleon, but bigger than a brigantine Sail units : N/A What the mod will add? Indiaman ship New figurehead More to come I’m modeling the ship si it's not ready at all, but I can show you some screenshots of my work. ! STILL IN DEVELOPMENT !
  7. Singleplayer was recently revealed to be in the Mega Update 3 in Atlas! This is exciting for a lot of people who might want to play on the go on a laptop or just play without the griefing of other players. This is especially exciting for those who love single player games such as Skyrim or singleplayer ARK Survival Evolved. However, a single player can get boring at times due to the lack of other players. I personally love to play with friends but I also have internet that cuts in and out of working properly, so I'm stuck with not touching ATLAS (at least until I fix my router). This singleplayer mode could fix this problem but to make it better I propose that NPCs are added. Now, I'm not talking about the shop keepers, the mindless drones that control your ship, or the ship of the damned, but actual NPCs that walk around, interact with things, etc. This could open many possibilities such as creating your own town, hiring more dynamic characters, and even have other enemies besides the damned. As we saw in the trailer, there was a fist fight between two characters, I believe that this could happen between 2 NPCs or even you and one NPC. This adds more fun that can be beneficial. For example, upon winning the fight, some NPCs watching could go with you to your town and help with everyday tasks. You can assign one to make 100 arrows a day, one to harvest all the crops, and another to patrol around using a ship. This could also make it seem like your world is full of vibrant cultures. When sailing the seas, you could land on an Island and discover a tribe of wild natives, or catch a glimpse of a pirate outpost on the shore. This can open more possibilities for quests and treasure. Pirate ships could also circle around islands that have outposts and can notify you of their presence. (however, approaching them works similar to the ship of the damned). While we don't get much on the single player mode, I would love to see some sort of story that you could follow (and I don't just mean to quests). Upon waking up, there should be NPCs that help you with your journey and teach you the basics of the game. This would be a big improvement compared to the text that appears on the top of your screen. Afterward. you can set out and do whatever you want. When returning to port towns, NPCs can give you hints on tasks you can complete to progress in the story, so it's not a mandatory thing. Author Note: Hey! I'm not the best writer but I think these Ideas would work great in the actual game or as a Mod for singleplayer. If you have any ideas that you would like to add onto this, please comment them!
  8. pincode that even company members must find the code to unlock is there a mod for?
  9. Andargor

    mod No Chat

    Our group uses Discord for our communications, so the chat box, always popping up at inopportune times, is the bane of our existence. It pops up when you accidentally hit the Enter key. It pops up when in inventory and using Push-To-Talk. We detest, abhor and loathe it. And this has been going on for years, since Ark has the same issue. Still no option in the user settings to completely disable the chat box after many have asked for this. Enough emotion! This mod does what it says: it disables and hides the chat box. It no longer appears nor takes keyboard focus. It is considered BETA since it was tricky to implement, timings and all between client and server, so we are still testing. But we would appreciate your feedback, whether it works fine or if you have found an instance where it doesn't work (and tell us the details). Once this is confirmed working by a bunch of people, I'll release the sources so that people can make it more customizable as it is bare bones chat box eradication for now without options (which is what we wanted). Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1687747726
  10. I've developed this mod for our private server, and we are happy to share. It regenerates ship structures over time, including planks, guns, sails, and any built structures. It is configurable, but the defaults heal a "sane" 200 health every 10 minutes. More information here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1680540642
  11. AtlasPlus is a mod in which the vanilla objects and structures have been changed. All Items and Structures can be PickUp Mod includes : Wood, Stone, Thatch Structures (All have more Health) Stone Structures Have Old Crafting Costs Bow and Arrows with Old and +Stats Metal Hatchet, Pick and Sickle with more Durability Glass Structures (Ceiling, Door, Roof, Walls) Smithy, MortarAndPestle, Loom, Tannery, Forge (All Vanilla Items can be Craft Inside) Food Larder, Preserving Bags, Feeding Trough with Higher Spoiling Time, Bigger Stacks Lantern without Durability WallHook Large and Small StorageBox with More Slots Grill with more Slots and without Meat an Fish Autocraft CookingPot and Campfire New Medium and XL Gates and Gateways in Wood and Stone 4 Barrels for Alcohol (Beer, Met, Red Wine, Rum) and the Skill Brew Master (Snap on Vanilla Pipes) Many New Recipes for Cooking Fix for Gunpowder and Fertilizer Bug Upcoming features : Overhaul from Vanilla Ships New Structures for Overhaul Vanilla Ships New Wood Structures Ship Wood Structures that can Place on Land New Glass Structures (The old ones stay in the mod) Many More Bug correction This mod is stackable. If you like the mod then please vote on Steam. Atlas Plus Beta (v1.1.3)
  12. Hello dear sailers, I just wanted to tell you my idea of a mod which includes ships from around 1890 to 1945. It will take a lot of time so do not expect anything bigger released the next 4 to 6 months as for now I work alone. The first stage of the mod should include: Ships: Will work like the vanilla atlas ships but will need coal to produce steam to drive. V1 Torpedo Boat: Picture of V1 Displacement: 697 t (686 long tons) Length: 71.1 m (233 ft 3 in) oa Beam: 7.6 m (24 ft 11 in) Draft: 3.11 m (10 ft 2 in) Gunboat Iltis-Class: SMS Panther Displacement: 977 t (962 long tons) (designed) 1,193 t (1,174 long tons) (maximum) Length: 66.9 m (219 ft 6 in) o/a 64.1 m (210 ft 4 in) w/l Beam: 9.7 m (31 ft 10 in) Draught: 3.3 m (10 ft 10 in) ClemsonClass Destroyer: Clemson Class Destroyer Displacement: 1,215 tons (normal) 1,308 tons (full load) Length: 314 ft 4.5 in (95.822 m) Beam: 30 ft 11.5 in (9.436 m) Draft: 9 ft 4 in (2.84 m) And maybe something like the Dresden-Class Light Cruiser. Also don´t be afraid that I am having mostly german ships on the list. I am looking to replace one or two with british ships or add them later. For the WW2 era i thought about something like LCTs, LCMs, Destroyer and stuff like that but first let´s get the earlier ones working Weapons: Naval: for the ships on the list I plan do make: 8,8 cm SK L30 8.8 cm SK L45 4- Inch (10,2 cm) 10,5 cm SK L45 10,5 cm SK L55 Revolving Cannon 57mm (like the one in the game) and maybe if I get the scripting right Torpedos. The ammount of weapons carried on the ships should be balanced by the weight of the weapon systems and the weight the ship can carry. Ground: I plan to bring also a few new WW1 era weapons for the ground combat. Like the "Fahrpanzer" (allready finished moddeling), the first mashineguns, and light artillery maybe even howitzers. But I do not want to get too much stuff because this is very time consuming and should stay playable. Also I had some thoughts about the production for the mod. For now this would include things like a charcoal oven for burning wood to get charcoal in huge ammounts. Further things like an iron furncace, steel production, steam engines and more. If you got any idea or anything else feel free to contact me And finally sorry for my bad english Cheers residentfear
  13. Cheers mateys, this is our first mod I would like to showcase. Goal of the mod is to make it highly customizable with ini options. Steam link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1634787296 Feedback is always welcome.
  14. Hello all, i have a question, if i want to create 2 of the same creatures moded like this example: Blue_Elephant with wood weight reduction of 10% (actually replace the vanilla one) This one require only the inventory and the BP itself to work since it is using the same vanilla name. Red_Elephant with wood weight reduction of 20% Do i need to add it somewhere in the PrimalGameData_BP? Can i just use the BP and the Inventory for both if they use all other files like mesh and stuff or i really need to copy the mesh and all stuff for both ? Thanks for your help!
  15. What Is Tebex? Tebex (formally known as Buycraft) is a leading server donation / monetization platform. We've been around for 7 years now, initially focused on the Minecraft industry, but over the past year we've branched out into a number of new games. Processing over $3.5m worth of payments every month on games from Minecraft and Rust to ARK and Unturned, Tebex is delighted to support this brand new gaming community. Ut Oh, So What Does It Cost? To start, nothing! We offer a free plan which allows you to get up and running with a Tebex webstore. As you start to grow or if you need more advanced features then we have a range of plans to suit your use case. What About The Mod? While other donation plugins might only support RCON and mySQL connections, we invest time into building plugins that allow a direct integration, including checking if a player is online, getting their real username from their ID, push commands and more. NOTE: The plugin requires ATLAS Server API as a dependency. To find out more, please visit https://www.tebex.io/atlas.
  16. Stone Building Fix! No more Organic Paste and Iron! DOWNLOAD This is a quick fix for any people who want the old Recipes for Stone Buildings Back.This is a fast release so if i missed some structures let me know in the comments and i will add them shortly ^^Only load the mod in your server. U find the engram in the tarot tab. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1634142602
  17. my suggestion is quite simple, yet i don't have knowledge of modding at all.. have the tradeships sell seeds, which is actually something a trader would do (for instance, in stacks of 5 for 200gold per stack) this allows for all herbivore tames on custom maps from 1x1 to whatever size but still keep the game mechanics in play. (treasuremaps for gold, shipping gold through pirated waters and farming for crops) maybe, if you're a pro modder, you can even rotate the seeds by not selling all of them, but switch it up every 24 or 48 hrs of ingame time got a feeling seedmods (random seed table or even crop to crop convert) will be part of the 1st few mods out there, just hope at least one of you will go the extra mile and build on the existing game mechanics thank you for reading, hope i've triggered/inspired you
  18. at the time we build our shipyard 4-5 days ago, underwater was clear, now we have that 2 giants rocks that spawned there i dont know why and that will destroy our ship for sure, i need help or at least an answer of any mod pls, at least let us take the planks back and settle it in another place.
  19. A raft of ours hit the border going from I3 to H3 - instantly no longer was able to log in anywhere after being kicked, first time I run into this shit. I tried all spawn options, rejoin, I reinstalled and then tried everything again and I still have no success logging in. Please contact me to fix this.
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