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About TheCrispyAcorn

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  1. Singleplayer was recently revealed to be in the Mega Update 3 in Atlas! This is exciting for a lot of people who might want to play on the go on a laptop or just play without the griefing of other players. This is especially exciting for those who love single player games such as Skyrim or singleplayer ARK Survival Evolved. However, a single player can get boring at times due to the lack of other players. I personally love to play with friends but I also have internet that cuts in and out of working properly, so I'm stuck with not touching ATLAS (at least until I fix my router). This singleplayer mode could fix this problem but to make it better I propose that NPCs are added. Now, I'm not talking about the shop keepers, the mindless drones that control your ship, or the ship of the damned, but actual NPCs that walk around, interact with things, etc. This could open many possibilities such as creating your own town, hiring more dynamic characters, and even have other enemies besides the damned. As we saw in the trailer, there was a fist fight between two characters, I believe that this could happen between 2 NPCs or even you and one NPC. This adds more fun that can be beneficial. For example, upon winning the fight, some NPCs watching could go with you to your town and help with everyday tasks. You can assign one to make 100 arrows a day, one to harvest all the crops, and another to patrol around using a ship. This could also make it seem like your world is full of vibrant cultures. When sailing the seas, you could land on an Island and discover a tribe of wild natives, or catch a glimpse of a pirate outpost on the shore. This can open more possibilities for quests and treasure. Pirate ships could also circle around islands that have outposts and can notify you of their presence. (however, approaching them works similar to the ship of the damned). While we don't get much on the single player mode, I would love to see some sort of story that you could follow (and I don't just mean to quests). Upon waking up, there should be NPCs that help you with your journey and teach you the basics of the game. This would be a big improvement compared to the text that appears on the top of your screen. Afterward. you can set out and do whatever you want. When returning to port towns, NPCs can give you hints on tasks you can complete to progress in the story, so it's not a mandatory thing. Author Note: Hey! I'm not the best writer but I think these Ideas would work great in the actual game or as a Mod for singleplayer. If you have any ideas that you would like to add onto this, please comment them!
  2. I think you put the stones in the compass...... thats my thoughts. (I dont have stones myself so idk)
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