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  1. I was messing around with them and I use them a lot in ARK. I like them. It's just you can go up them at all. Soooo you know how ARK had Ravagers and the Monkey men right? Maybe the Spider can climb them? They climb webs so ziplines should be too different. Plus spiders climb up walls now (which I really like btw I love rockdrakes). This could make Spiders the best way to get around as well. But I know you don't want spiders to be "op". If not that, maybe bring the Zip-line motor attachment? It could slow people down like the glider.
  2. Mutiny on the Company owner Suggestion. Vote! I have been in 4 companies now and 4 circumstances have happened beyond the control of the majority playing group (company members), since I have been playing from an hour from the time the game has come out. Yes, I have a founders hat. Mutiny would be a vote calling system that could be called on the company owner to over throw the company owner. Also an owner could be voted back in as well! Circumstances to mutiny: 1. Owner stops playing. 2. Bad leadership skills 3. Owner just wants to give up the role of owner. & 4. Owner puts bad or abusive people in charge that do not contribute anything but a negative sea salty attitude. I have played a game type that has this and it works well BECTI from another game or Military Sim. A vote is called by anyone and everyone selects the new owner. Kinda surprised Atlas does not have anything like this because it is a pirate game.
  3. Hello, I was thinking since we have a multitude of ingots that can be made with the forge what if we had a "Top Tier" ship like an Ironclad? I know the Galleon is a top tier ship and is very large but to make more use of these ingots and move into more of an "industrial era" type warship that can utilize steam or coal engines and still utilize the NPC crew for sails, loading coal/water for engines, as well as cannons would be awesome. We would still be able to put the submarine and all other side attachments on due to it's large size like a galleon. Also, having a "metal" tier of building parts would allow for better base defense, bigger raids, more difficult ship battles, and better use of ingots. I know that's a pretty far fetched idea but I thought I would just throw it out there. Thanks for your time, JVGaming Here's an example of an old Ironclad... ,
  4. Sorry for the click bait title I was thinking about something I find very interesting let me explain my idea. 1. Get rid of explosive barrels like they are now 2. Gunpowder can no longer be placed in any container or storage we currently have Instead, implement another barrel that works more like the water barrel but is filled with gunpowder instead. This barrel gets heavier the more gunpowder you fill in there. It is the only place where you can put gunpowder after you take it out from mortar & pestle. This barrel can only be carried by hand (like a penguin) and not placed in any inventory if it is filled with any amount of gunpowder. This barrel is always explosive and doesn't have to be activated so you can shoot it with any gun to let it explode. This barrel does damage based on the amount of gunpowder inside. This barrel is necessary for cannons. It as important as the ammo box container because you will need gunpowder AND cannon balls to operate a cannon. Gunpowder in this barrel spoils really fast if the barrel comes into contact with rain or with water in general. Gunpowder wouldn't be necessary to craft cannonballs but to craft other stuff that need gunpowder there must be a barrel in close range to the smithy for example. So why this change? It would make ship battles much more interesting because you need to design your ship in a way that the gunpowder doesn't get blown up too fast. It makes ship management more interesting because you need another resource. It is a high risk, high reward object that you can use to attack other ships and structures but it is very fragile of course. So if you can manage to get a full barrel dry and safe onto another ship. You deserve to make huge damage. You would need to think about the location where you store gunpowder inside your base and ship. It gives the player the opportunity to make meaningful decisions. Both for the player owning the barrels and for the player who is attacking. And to me it sounds like a nice challenge to play with these things. I know I posted a less formulated version of this in suggestions but I feel like the suggestion section is cluttered with months old up-voted threads nobody needs anymore. So here we go!
  5. Singleplayer was recently revealed to be in the Mega Update 3 in Atlas! This is exciting for a lot of people who might want to play on the go on a laptop or just play without the griefing of other players. This is especially exciting for those who love single player games such as Skyrim or singleplayer ARK Survival Evolved. However, a single player can get boring at times due to the lack of other players. I personally love to play with friends but I also have internet that cuts in and out of working properly, so I'm stuck with not touching ATLAS (at least until I fix my router). This singleplayer mode could fix this problem but to make it better I propose that NPCs are added. Now, I'm not talking about the shop keepers, the mindless drones that control your ship, or the ship of the damned, but actual NPCs that walk around, interact with things, etc. This could open many possibilities such as creating your own town, hiring more dynamic characters, and even have other enemies besides the damned. As we saw in the trailer, there was a fist fight between two characters, I believe that this could happen between 2 NPCs or even you and one NPC. This adds more fun that can be beneficial. For example, upon winning the fight, some NPCs watching could go with you to your town and help with everyday tasks. You can assign one to make 100 arrows a day, one to harvest all the crops, and another to patrol around using a ship. This could also make it seem like your world is full of vibrant cultures. When sailing the seas, you could land on an Island and discover a tribe of wild natives, or catch a glimpse of a pirate outpost on the shore. This can open more possibilities for quests and treasure. Pirate ships could also circle around islands that have outposts and can notify you of their presence. (however, approaching them works similar to the ship of the damned). While we don't get much on the single player mode, I would love to see some sort of story that you could follow (and I don't just mean to quests). Upon waking up, there should be NPCs that help you with your journey and teach you the basics of the game. This would be a big improvement compared to the text that appears on the top of your screen. Afterward. you can set out and do whatever you want. When returning to port towns, NPCs can give you hints on tasks you can complete to progress in the story, so it's not a mandatory thing. Author Note: Hey! I'm not the best writer but I think these Ideas would work great in the actual game or as a Mod for singleplayer. If you have any ideas that you would like to add onto this, please comment them!
  6. It would be cool if ships of the dammed could pull up on shore and drop off soldier that could attack your base, so there was a little PvE defense in the game.
  7. As the title states, A monkey powered door synergizes well with the ATLAS universe and would add another level of QOL thats easy to implement and has no balance (not yet!) issues and will definitely increase the appeal of the game visually and intuitively.
  8. Hey all, I just stumbled up on Company Size increasing to 75. Now devs could do that all the rest of the game and change it back and forth every now and then. How about starting to think different? I thought about a Skill System for Companies, everything in this game has Skills, why not Companies? Let's say as a base every Company starts with 75 Members, gaining a level up grants your Company Skillpoints similar to those of a pathfinder. Putting it into max. Company Member limit you'd get to 77, 79, 81 and so on. To make the System work there have ofcourse to be other Skills to choose from, maybe even different Tree's if there's enough ideas for Company Skills for example Structure Hitpoint increase on the Island, Artillerie Damage, passive Gold income or whatever could fit. Let me know what you think and feel free to add your own Ideas onto it, the more the better! Happy sailing! Gonndyr
  9. Hi i would like to see Castle walls an Castle gate, Draw Gates i feel seeing people use large gates as walls it feel really unnatural i feel having castle walls would be more immersive an make easier to defend when people climb it plus it would be cool to climb with grapple hooks.
  10. Imagine, you played a lot, with your friend on the PVE server and have a big galion. You see another company, and they consent to have a boat battle in the see, it could be amazing, the safety of not getting killed by shitty player and enjoying fight with both consent of team ? It could be amazing and not ruining player experience
  11. Companies on PVE should, if both agree, fighting each others PVE will be a great place to learn how to play without cancer people, but the fun in. As i read it, it was the case in Ark, so let's debate !
  12. A large, shallow Barge with a ramp that can be slid in and out for Carrying large Animals and or hauling large heavy loads. Make it with hp and weight, that moves very slowly, no cannon or any large gun options. Smart play would be to have escort ships while you are moving one form point A to point B. How viable this is, don't know but, seems like it would fit to have your merchant ships out in the water.
  13. Came across this reddit post, the game is currently completely broken, the map feels too small for all these players. Please take a look at what this guy came up with. Lots of potential. https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/aa5omw/idea_to_make_the_game_playable_for_small_groups/
  14. Instead of being able to place claim flags, make the devs choose permanent locations on each island. This way they are spaced apart nicely. Every company can come claim 1 flag. Also reduce it's range. To claim a flag you must place a sort of box next to it and put materials in this. The company that fed the most materials to the required amount gets the flag. You can build around your box now and protect it. Once another company comes and tries to claim your flag, they degrade the materials in your "base box". Once these are depleted, they get the base. This can take up to 10 hours depending on how many materials are in your base box. They can of course also break your door and forcefully empty the box / press claim on the box. It should be protected and once you hit it , you can claim it. (maybe with a 5 minute wait time to avoid griefing). This way, flag spam is gone, bases dont get claimed in 30 minutes and uselessly claimed flags can be taken back easily if they are not being defended. Opening the map to lots of new players.
  15. First off, great job stabilizing the servers; Game looks beautiful and is running well, so thanks. I'm enjoying the game, but there is a glaring problem, extremely few sources of fresh water. I know we can dig for waterspouts to top off, but it is tedious and never lasts long. In addition, we can't use water spouts to irrigate crops (or fill waterskins?) making creating a home impossible if you don't snatch up a freshwater source, which by now there probably aren't many free ones thanks to mega companies. Rain collecting could be an answer if it ever rained. I've played for 29 hours now (granted a significant portion was battling the rough start of the game) and I've seen it rain once. I imagine the goal was to get people to focus on island hopping, and making water a valued resource fought over in PvP, but as it stands on a PvE server, the fresh water situation makes the grandiose map irrelevant since most of the islands are unlivable, shrinking viable play space to a fraction of what it looks like. I really like the game, and building my first ship with a friend was an amazing feeling, but now that we've gotten over that first hurdle, we're basically hitting a wall. I know the devs are up to their eyeballs in salt water (heh) from trying to get the servers working and assisting players with struggles (good job stepping up after the initial fiasco), but when you get around to making in-game changes, I'd really like to see this on the list, at least for PvE servers. I don't like pointing out problems without proposed solutions, so if any devs are reading this, I came up with a few vague ideas below. Water purification system (must be in sunlight | byproduct is salt | must be emptied regularly) 'paint' additional water sources on islands, particularly large ones that lack fresh water entirely Craftable wells (game implies a water table with the waterspouts as is, so why not tap into it with a well) that provide large amounts of water that drain/replenish over time Some kind of animal/plant that produces/purifies water (there are already dragons in the game so why not something mystical like that) 'Bear Grylls it' by purifying pirate 'liquid waste' If there actually is fresh water on most islands and folks are as blind as bats, craftable water diviners to help us find it Increase the frequency of rain NPC ports that sell barrels of fresh water for some kind of vaguely rare resource (fish meat *lol* | snake scales cause they can be dangerous) Cut into some of the massive mountains and make caves with underground lakes If other players are experiencing something similar please leave a comment to let the devs know its not an isolated thought. If I'm totally off-base and missing something, please let me know! And to any devs actually reading this post, keep calm and sail on, you're doing good and thanks for your hard work. Founding member of the East India Trading Co. ~Hydras Den
  16. Would it be possible to get rid of the radial menu and add sail turning with q and e? This would be infinitely more immersive and intuitive.
  17. The ship should disappear when using the "a docking feature". Freeports are safe zones anyways. Black desert online has a docking feature. Imagine a 40.000 player MMORPG with ships and structures that never disappear :)))))))
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