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  1. So here is my issue. I live on an tundra island on PvE EU. My island has an frozen lake/pond, which isn't a valid water source to put a "underground water pipe" down. The message says: Can't Place Underground Water Pipe: Must be placed in water or connected below a pipe with water. I have placed several water reservoirs next to this lake. It gets 200% water, so it is a non-stop water source. I've tryed connecting the underground water pipe to it. It will snap into place. But it will not let me place it. It's not a valid water source for some reason. Please make it so that an automaticly 24/7 filling water reservoir, is a valid water source for an underground pipe system. (this message was created after moderator blitzed909 from the Discord server suggested I should make this suggestion here) If the devs don't fully understand my suggestion, contact/@ me on the Discord server. Jahee#6593)
  2. Not sure if this have been suggested before. My idea how to fix this annoying system, easy, without making us able to hook up grills with water pipes. Basic Cooking: New Crafting Recipe: "Boiled Water" Requires 1 Waterskin/Jar: Crafts 10 "Boling Water" Boling water counts as normal water when crafting. Stacks. Can't drink, Can't remove from crafting station. Can't craft with boling water. Heck maybe even add decay to the boiled water. PS: pretty easy fix, no? And fit the game theme, more then hooking up grills with water pipes.
  3. I had to run water lines again because for some reason my water seemed to have broken. I ran complete new lines (since I had to demolish the old ones since getting underwater lines in range of an existing pipe doesn't connect it). I started running lines around the base, put 2 different taps up. They both worked for drinking water. Ran pipes up to the garden and then irrigated pipes. Noticed that the plots were still listed as Not Irrigated. Broke all the pipes back down to the underwater pipe. Re-ran the pipes again, checking for connection with a water tap at each step of the way. All good so far. Once I put an irrigated water pipe, it was still listed as Not Irrigate. But now also all of my pipes that were working to the taps no longer work. So twice now, the moment that I put an irrigated water pipe on, it breaks all of the water pipes connected to the underground. It just started today (since the last patch). Please fix!
  4. So has anyone been able to actually get some farming up and running? We are located in a desert/temperate biome, and after building a ship and a base we decided it was time to start some farming. So i built a Water Tank + Pipe systems. However i can not place the pipe system in ocean water. Fair enough as it contains too much salt, but i was hoping the tank was able to filter it. Guess not. Then i thought it maybe would be possible to dig a water spring and place the intake there. Nope. Then i read that you could place the tank on the spring. Also a nope. We dont have any lakes or ponds on this island so is it just completely impossible to farm some plants at all the islands that don't have a source of freshwater? If so, i imagine they would all be claimed by now, rendering it completely impossible to do farming? Please tell me i missing something?
  5. Here is my list of improvements after a fair amount of playtime. Please consider the critics. The game have good potentials but you really need to step away from the copy paste all mechanics ARK had. You need to bring more new stuff. Specially how to interact with objects. Your E menu interface is not fun at all. Noticeable when sailing. My list of suggestions: 1. Cold = Death: If you decide to be on cold islands well fortitude won't save you, spent 8 points into it still freezes to death unless near 3 campfire with cloth armor. Also standing in houses require a lot of fire to keep warm. Increase fortitude resistance to elements House give resistance to all elements 2. Acid Rain: Rain comes together with cold fronts, as mention cold was already a huge issue and kills you a lot, being wet makes it even worse. I died in a warm freeport because a cold front with rain came. It is savage. Also spawning in rain 100% wet, 1 nano second in rain 100% wet. Make wetness scale linear instead of 100% wet when outside. The skill tree for resistance to coldness in water should apply to the coldness applied by the wetness bar. If wet you resist the extra coldness a lot better. Right now it is not even noticeable. 3. Building: It was not nice in ARK and since the game is more or less an exact copy it is still a pain. The use of T and Q to bring snap points and so forth barely noticeable and sloped half wall has a right and left config and it is pain in butts to pay attention to when to use the right one. Automate the half sloped walls to fit for left and right. Either make better visual for the use of T and Q instead half opacity white in left bottom corner or bring back old ARK building with blueprints instead of T Loom is huge scale it down! looks like a big shop. Longer time to pick up or always able to pick up. 4. Vitamine: So yes super cool idea but don't really work? I guess you want cooking to be a huge thing although the vitamine destroys it. You eat one source to the rim of overeating and vitamine overeating. The deplition of vitamine is far less than hunger. You get hungry much much quicker and whopsie daysie you are poisoned for eating to much of same vitamine. This can kill you. Remove damage from overeating same source of vitamine Sync vitamine depletion together with hunger depletion Make skill of lesser vitamine depletion to also make hunger deplete lesser. 5. Boats: They are bad, it is so hard to sail them! Anchor is impossible, you need to find that hidden spot with small text, sails well you need to navigate through the worst interface menu of all games to find rotation and sail lower and raise buttons. Instead you could bound them to the actual buttons. After pressing E on sails use W and S to raise and lower sails. Hold E to get Massive interface where you can quick lower or quick raise. Will make it more easier to sail. Afer pressing E use A and D to turn around sail to Left and Right. Will make it much easier. Sloops hole in middle totally useless unless hiding from acid rain. Can't build anything down there or take part of fire warmth. Add visual anchor spot to press E on, If stuck on land have sound effect and increase the turn speed for easier unstuck. When sailing instead of only a small picture of showing wind and sails, add some sort of wind blowing in a certain direction. Make a fancier picture. More animation and sounds during sailing. Like more water splashing against the boat when more rough seas and more bounce up and down on the waves with sounds of boat splashing down after a big wave. 6. Death: So there is a lot of glitches when it comes to death. If you die many times it clips through environment and you cant reach it. Fix the body clipping through building, minerals, boats and ground. Transfer all items button for all inventory management Make the death beam smaller and more centralized. Death beam animation of skull need improvement. 7. Resources: Well it is not that bad but some remarks here. When using sickle you get berries from berry bush and fiber from fiber bush. Why not get fiber from all bushes increase the rate of fiber gathered. Specially in the cold biome from cotton bushes barely noticeable. Increase fiber gain from using Sickle. When you harvest stone as an example you can hit anything near that stone. I got killed by a pack of elephants because I harvested stone on the opposite side of where an elephant stood. Spears also hits everything in its surrounding even behind you. Once again elephants killed me because I tried to kill a chicken! As a last mention please be sure to at least try to optimize things. 100 GB disk space and computers can barely run it. My friend gets black skyboxes and I run below 60 fps with GTX 1060 3GB where I could run ARK with almost 60 FPS with much higher settings in graphics. To me it seems to be the water causing a lot of problems.
  6. Since the update for either v15.73 or v16 i cannot see water anymore. i just see right through it. i can see the foam behind the ship when sailing. i can see fish and creatures in the water. they look like they are floating in the air. my settings have not changed. i usually play on windowed fullscreen. i have tired switching to fullscreen. still no change. i have examined every setting i can. anyone have any ideas of have encountered this issue and have a fix?
  7. Please reduce the amount of water spouts when you get hit with a storm, it is unrealistic and completely overkill. Storms are good to have, but not on this scale, i would rather have huge waves than getting blocked in by water spouts:)
  8. 100 units of water in the water barrel, which is equal to one full drink or 1 water skin, weighs 100kg for some reason. Which is pretty crazy. I think units are wrong, it should have 5000 units of water, instead of 500, because water jar fills half of the barrel, which is 250 units.
  9. How to irrigate farmland, except using water pipes (there is no fresh water on the island), what tools can be used to irrigate it?
  10. First off, great job stabilizing the servers; Game looks beautiful and is running well, so thanks. I'm enjoying the game, but there is a glaring problem, extremely few sources of fresh water. I know we can dig for waterspouts to top off, but it is tedious and never lasts long. In addition, we can't use water spouts to irrigate crops (or fill waterskins?) making creating a home impossible if you don't snatch up a freshwater source, which by now there probably aren't many free ones thanks to mega companies. Rain collecting could be an answer if it ever rained. I've played for 29 hours now (granted a significant portion was battling the rough start of the game) and I've seen it rain once. I imagine the goal was to get people to focus on island hopping, and making water a valued resource fought over in PvP, but as it stands on a PvE server, the fresh water situation makes the grandiose map irrelevant since most of the islands are unlivable, shrinking viable play space to a fraction of what it looks like. I really like the game, and building my first ship with a friend was an amazing feeling, but now that we've gotten over that first hurdle, we're basically hitting a wall. I know the devs are up to their eyeballs in salt water (heh) from trying to get the servers working and assisting players with struggles (good job stepping up after the initial fiasco), but when you get around to making in-game changes, I'd really like to see this on the list, at least for PvE servers. I don't like pointing out problems without proposed solutions, so if any devs are reading this, I came up with a few vague ideas below. Water purification system (must be in sunlight | byproduct is salt | must be emptied regularly) 'paint' additional water sources on islands, particularly large ones that lack fresh water entirely Craftable wells (game implies a water table with the waterspouts as is, so why not tap into it with a well) that provide large amounts of water that drain/replenish over time Some kind of animal/plant that produces/purifies water (there are already dragons in the game so why not something mystical like that) 'Bear Grylls it' by purifying pirate 'liquid waste' If there actually is fresh water on most islands and folks are as blind as bats, craftable water diviners to help us find it Increase the frequency of rain NPC ports that sell barrels of fresh water for some kind of vaguely rare resource (fish meat *lol* | snake scales cause they can be dangerous) Cut into some of the massive mountains and make caves with underground lakes If other players are experiencing something similar please leave a comment to let the devs know its not an isolated thought. If I'm totally off-base and missing something, please let me know! And to any devs actually reading this post, keep calm and sail on, you're doing good and thanks for your hard work. Founding member of the East India Trading Co. ~Hydras Den
  11. Hello, has anyone been able to make a water keg or water jar? I have it unlocked, just can't figure out how to make it?
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