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  1. Hi. I have been using Modular boat like Broadsider, Mortarship etc. This goes out trought them all. why some cannon's do not extend out when opening gunports... This makes Manual shooting/aiming difficult cuz the once staying inside will not shoot. If u auto target to fire they shoot. There is also this bug with MPC on modular boats that the dont know where to sit when you place them on sails.. one of my NPC on Broadsider sat in the midle of the stairs to get down to mid floor.... making it imposibel to get inside the ship at all... Anyone have any comments / notes about this. plis share
  2. Ahoy everyone! First off, sorry for the huge font size! I wrote the post in my phone notes to make sure I covered everything and can’t work out how to change it after it was copied and pasted here! So (if you can’t tell) I’m new to the forums, normally I just hide and travel through them and watch with popcorn whenever something big goes off. But with everything that’s happened recently I’ve made an account specifically to create this post addressed to the new community team and pass along a series of questions from our alliance that were all playing The Gorgon’s Gaze. Before the questions though, I’d just like to say welcome to the community to the three new developers who we’ve met so far. I hope you can keep the dream alive while also paying close attention to what your fans are saying, unlike a lot of developers for games which looked promising to begin with but ultimately failed because of breakdowns with fans. Without one you can’t have the other and all that... Also, I have to say that I currently personally class Atlas as my all time favourite game. And as I’m physically disabled, I’ve played a lot of games, but none that have hooked me as much as Atlas has. I become physically absorbed into the game when playing, and I just hope that my PVE based love for it now doesn’t turn to hate as I want absolutely nothing to do with PVP. If I did I’d play other games. I know PVE will still exist before people start blowing off, but let’s just say a lot of us don’t see the need for change when nothing (game mode related at least) seemed broken or in need of change. A lot of us feel we’ve lost everything for no good reason and are eager to see what the cost has bought us. Please note that the following are questions from 12 individuals, and not just all from me. The questions themselves reflect what’s most important about playing the game to each person, and how they’re answered may be the difference between people playing from July or not bothering anymore, something which I’m sure goes far wider than our alliance group. The questions aren’t listed in any kind of order of importance as they are all equally as important as far as we’re concerned. Q1. With the closure of The Gorgon’s Gaze, what is the long term plan on the roadmap for all the PVE players who have now lost their main server? Will there be a brand new server established with the newly released world map active for us to return to or are we all now expected to merge onto one server after July? Q2. As is the case with the majority of people on The Gorgon’s Gaze, we have spent literally months worth of playing time establishing ourselves as a stable company of 10 people, and played as part an alliance. We had several levels from the discoveries, a fleet of 5 schooners (2 of which were mythic), a brig and a mythic galleon. Not to mention the builds and tames (some of which being from Golden Age) spread across 6 grids and countless full days collecting gold to sustain our 58 point island. Will any of this progress be taken into account if we decide to still play? Perhaps at the very least, anyone who had already spent the time helping you develop your game to lose everything literally overnight could have some kind of unique skin on their account to show their continued commitment after losing all progress should they chose to start over? Q3. With the map adjustment, will you still be able to sail over the edges of the world and end up on the other side? Also, while other types of grid have been mentioned on the latest announcement, there is no info yet on where the Freeports will be. Will they still be included or will there be new ways now to recruit crews, buy skins and of course tame cats? Q4. Pathfinders have lost everything. What kind of new content can be expected? Or will we just have the same features with an adjusted map? Even SOME insight to new stations etc might be enough to swing people back to playing from July. For example, a way of taking the salt out of sea water such as a boiling station? Which could require alloy and gems and be far down on the skill tree to make it hard to get? Mechanical Filtering existed in the era the game is set in after all. Q5. Are we going to see any changes to the skill trees in general such as the amount of points it takes to buy skills? Will there be as many quest skills now or have some been lost to a smaller map or bunched together like on Blackwood? Q6. The main difference in base building between PVP players vs PVE is that PVE players build for keeps. We want our structures to be noticed and appreciated and remain as a form of overall progress. Will this be the final wipe? Or should we all just wait until the game is released to start playing again? Q7. Will there be any changes to taming, breeding and pathfinder levelling stats? Will discoveries now count for more points or will the max level be reduced to take into account what definitely appears to be a far smaller map than we had before? Q8. I’m concerned about how farming will now work with the fact that equatorial now only takes up a tiny part of the map (and oddly is not centralised). Are we now going to have to fight for an inch of land in the best planting terrain? Or will farming be easier to do in the other biomes? Also, will there be any new crops? Ark had vegetables AND berries for example but to be honest I really just want to grow my own mint and limes! Q9. Will pathfinders playing on ALL consoles now be able to see custom flags, canvasses and sails? Or will this still be restricted to 1X and PC players who are fortunate enough to be able to afford the higher end tech? Also, will we be able to put images taken on the pathfinder compass camera accessed by holding Y onto canvass now? Q10. Will there be a fix for the big bug where if you own an island and have the settings on COMPANY ONLY, other people can still do what they like and build anyway? We had all 6 of our owned island discoveries constantly blocked by other people setting up travel agencies there, despite us constantly breaking beds and foundations when we noticed they were there from the log. In other words, we were being stopped from building on our own island without any way to correct it as the admin IGNORED all 3 of our tickets on the subject, presumably with the knowledge of the upcoming wipe. Eventually we had to check every day, it would be nice to not have this hassle. Q11. Can we have a dedicated memorial gallery to post our Gorgon’s Gaze images to? That way at least our work has not been completely for nothing and our builds live on. I had a crew member who I temporarily forgot to feed once when I was new to the game and was bugged to be constantly retching. It would be nice if Lady Chuckup could live on as well in some way from our captures of her as she is definitely less replaceable and was our company mascot. Q.12 Possibly the most important question on a lot of people’s minds from both PVE AND PVP...will this be the Legacy update which sees our pathfinders be able to have children? And can we PLEASE have our flying ships now? I know a lot of these questions have likely already been asked, and some may have been answered. If anyone has anything they can answer, please do so. Just please keep your comments CLEAN and more importantly CALM. The Dev’s know we’re mad, but we won’t get anywhere now by freeplaying our war drums. ALSO...I HAVE ADDED THIS SECTION IN TO CLARIFY THAT THIS POST IS NOT INTENDED AS A PLACE TO VENT YOUR RAGE. Feel free to comment, but PLEASE ADD AT LEAST ONE QUESTION OF YOUR OWN OR SOME KIND OF CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK INTO WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE IMPROVED. Please chose to be civil with your comments though, as we have in our main post. And remember...THIS POST IS ADDRESSED TO THE NEW DEVS AND NOT THE OLD ONES WHO YOU MIGHT FEEL HAVE LET YOU DOWN. I’m not expecting a direct message response but hopefully at the VERY LEAST, the developers who introduced themselves to us recently will read this (in full preferably) and provide some of the answers with their next major announcement. It may be enough to prevent a full blown mutiny and bring some back to the fold. I tried to include some of the captures we do have from The Gorgon’s Gaze in this post but wasn’t able to add them in for some reason so I’ve put them on my profile instead if anyone wishes to see them. I sincerely hope to see you all on the seas (and land, as that definitely matters too) again from July, pending new info. Perhaps on a new server, appropriately titled “The Phoenix’s Flame” or something equally as worthy. Yours in seamanship, Kingston Towne
  3. Over the last 2 months I've had a total of 5 bears, an elephant and an ostrich just vanish from my ship (Galleon) while sailing. Multiple grids, both from below deck and above deck, some happened during cyclones, others the sea was super calm. I've recovered 2. The ostrich and the Elephant. I've seen from other companies a number of animals in the water as it appeared the same thing happened to them. Razors, giraffe, rhino, and multiple bears. There is a bug. It's particularly active right now (please look at your last patch). I lost 2 in the last 2 days. I sent a trouble ticket and it was answered with report the bug. So I'm reporting it. LadiDog1950
  4. Every time i sail the wind indicator is literally 1/8" long and i can barely out pace a SOTD.. Give us Half to full wind. and keep the directional changes normal. people cant afford to spend the little time they have to game everyday and not be able to go anywhere... its a 8 hour trip to go to a decent treasure map 6 tiles away
  5. I have lost ships from shipyard because there was some sand nearby. Or a ship being tossed around like a ball on a string until it is sunk. Not complaining I understand it's in development stages. Can we fix the affect that hitting sand has?
  6. Sometimes beds are selectable while the ship is sailing, other times no bed on ship can be highlighted. While sailing a ship, two of the d-pad buttons to set commands for NPCs do not work, cannot individually change back NPCs to fire at will
  7. Hi, i played atlas at release and then i quit after huge population loss and now i return at this season. I got 900 hours in this game and i feel like game is right on its tracks now i feel like every update make this game greater so good job dev team! First i have to mention the reason i play this game is naval combat. I played various naval games includes Naval action which i like most due to its mechanics. This game lacks naval diversity, i see people are trying different builds with ships but mostly they are getting sinked cuz theres always only 1 build that works for combat . Modules We definetly neeed more modules for ships like rudder, fins, anchor, ammo depot and all should randomly malfunction when they are not repaired fully. A rudder that can be damaged, broken and destroyed. Random malfunction: Stucked rudder. Finns that reduces your drag One use only anchors for fast manuevers that can be deployed from the front of the ship at shallows. Random Malfunction: released anchor due to a lucky shot. Ammo depot that can randomly catch fire slowly burns your ammo till you extinguish. Mast malfunction: Stucked sails. Damage Mechanics and Penetration Right now at naval fights your ultimate aim is to remove enemy ships planks. What if we didnt need to remove them? Cant just one shot creates leaks and damage internals and crew? So repair guys wont get bored? Different Plank types also would be nice to see to add on diversity on waters: Heavy plank: Slows the ship but has ticker armor and canon balls can bounce from it when they shot from certain angles. Medium plank: Average plank, Average penetraition protection, No speed debuff Light plank: Speed buff, low armor, low hp Ammo Types and More Calibers We need different types of cannons right now we have only two options, Medium Canon and Large Canon thats not enough we need more diversity. Long Canon; Deals less damage but has longer range, longer reload time. Medium Canon; Medium range, medium damage. Short Canon; Short range, Fast Reload, High Damage Ammo Types: Grape shots for canons: damages and kills the crew Spike shots: Right now they are useless but would be nice if they have chance to start fire since they explode with a fuse. Canonballs at different calibers for each canon type. All these canons should have exist in different calibers for different ships. SAILING There should be two different sailing modes, 1: Simple sailing mode: Like it is right now. 2: Advaced Sailing mode: Now im about to mention. We talked about modules that can broken and malfunction. Lets say your rudder is damaged and stuck and you cant turn anymore but is rudder the only way to turn ship? No, in real life you can turn the ships by just turning sails only if we were be able use the front sail and back sail seperately. If you move your sails like this the wind should push the front of the ship towards right and makes you turn right. If you move your sails like this the wind should push the back of the ship towards right and makes you turn left. Conclusion Im not gonna mention that we also need more ship types im pretty sure devs are working on it. Thank you for reading my post im gonna add more to the post by time. I also would like to hear what you think about this.
  8. I feel it necessary to place a limit on how far the NPC's can venture to the outside of the grid. There are too many cases of people crossing to a new grid to find whales and SotD on top of them with no chance or way to defend against it destroying everything in an instant. It makes a big part of the game pretty pointless as it is currently.
  10. One idea, that I can't take credit for, that a member in my company came up with was NPC Lumber yards, mines, and what not that would help companies get out of farming and more on the seas. I really like that idea. I believe that if you made it so they didn't farm like a lot, but say 10,000 a day and then people could farm more if they wanted. That would help people enjoy the game. You could make it cost a bit in gold and a number of NPCs that would give you the max number of resources. A lot of what burns people out is the farming because you gotta do so much of it. Just an idea that could really help people enjoy the seas, which is my favorite part of the game, and less the farming aspect. Thank you for listening
  11. So I left my island with a bear and cannon cart on. It’s one of our 3 bears and precious. Shortly after leaving the island the bear started glitching around the boat. Sliding back and forth. When I got to the lawless island, through a server wall. I couldn’t get on the bear. I reloghed and the bear was gone... I want my bear back! Help! I have scoured the ocean between the islands many times to no avail! Devs please help
  12. Weather Balloons = A weather or sounding balloon is a balloon (specifically a type of high-altitude balloon) that carries instruments aloft to send back information on atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity and wind speed by means of a small, expendable measuring device called a radiosonde. To obtain wind data, they can be tracked by radar, radio direction finding, or navigation systems (such as the satellite-based Global Positioning System, GPS). Ok So hear me out guys, a fellow guildie was thinking what if there was an item in the game similar to a weather balloon that could A. Forecast the Weather, and B. Give the direction of wind for a zone. Sometimes I get frustrated when planning a trip 3 zones away only for the grid winds to look like this <----- then ---> before I get to my destination. I was thinking not something that Shows the entire Grid but one that at least shows its own grid and the surrounding ones as well. Thoughts??? Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_balloon Credit: Unclesid25
  13. Hi, we're exploring the world on our Brigantine, and I've noticed a pattern when one of our members logs off while we're still in motion or logs off and then we move. It seems that person gets left behind and wakes up in the ocean. To reproduce this problem: 1. Move a ship out to the ocean with company members on it 2. log off one company member while the other continues sailing OR 3. log off one company member then move the boat after they have logged off RESULT: When logged off person logs back in they are in the ocean where they originally logged off EXPECTED: logged off characters should be anchored to the ship wherever it goes if they log off on the ship
  14. Here is my list of improvements after a fair amount of playtime. Please consider the critics. The game have good potentials but you really need to step away from the copy paste all mechanics ARK had. You need to bring more new stuff. Specially how to interact with objects. Your E menu interface is not fun at all. Noticeable when sailing. My list of suggestions: 1. Cold = Death: If you decide to be on cold islands well fortitude won't save you, spent 8 points into it still freezes to death unless near 3 campfire with cloth armor. Also standing in houses require a lot of fire to keep warm. Increase fortitude resistance to elements House give resistance to all elements 2. Acid Rain: Rain comes together with cold fronts, as mention cold was already a huge issue and kills you a lot, being wet makes it even worse. I died in a warm freeport because a cold front with rain came. It is savage. Also spawning in rain 100% wet, 1 nano second in rain 100% wet. Make wetness scale linear instead of 100% wet when outside. The skill tree for resistance to coldness in water should apply to the coldness applied by the wetness bar. If wet you resist the extra coldness a lot better. Right now it is not even noticeable. 3. Building: It was not nice in ARK and since the game is more or less an exact copy it is still a pain. The use of T and Q to bring snap points and so forth barely noticeable and sloped half wall has a right and left config and it is pain in butts to pay attention to when to use the right one. Automate the half sloped walls to fit for left and right. Either make better visual for the use of T and Q instead half opacity white in left bottom corner or bring back old ARK building with blueprints instead of T Loom is huge scale it down! looks like a big shop. Longer time to pick up or always able to pick up. 4. Vitamine: So yes super cool idea but don't really work? I guess you want cooking to be a huge thing although the vitamine destroys it. You eat one source to the rim of overeating and vitamine overeating. The deplition of vitamine is far less than hunger. You get hungry much much quicker and whopsie daysie you are poisoned for eating to much of same vitamine. This can kill you. Remove damage from overeating same source of vitamine Sync vitamine depletion together with hunger depletion Make skill of lesser vitamine depletion to also make hunger deplete lesser. 5. Boats: They are bad, it is so hard to sail them! Anchor is impossible, you need to find that hidden spot with small text, sails well you need to navigate through the worst interface menu of all games to find rotation and sail lower and raise buttons. Instead you could bound them to the actual buttons. After pressing E on sails use W and S to raise and lower sails. Hold E to get Massive interface where you can quick lower or quick raise. Will make it more easier to sail. Afer pressing E use A and D to turn around sail to Left and Right. Will make it much easier. Sloops hole in middle totally useless unless hiding from acid rain. Can't build anything down there or take part of fire warmth. Add visual anchor spot to press E on, If stuck on land have sound effect and increase the turn speed for easier unstuck. When sailing instead of only a small picture of showing wind and sails, add some sort of wind blowing in a certain direction. Make a fancier picture. More animation and sounds during sailing. Like more water splashing against the boat when more rough seas and more bounce up and down on the waves with sounds of boat splashing down after a big wave. 6. Death: So there is a lot of glitches when it comes to death. If you die many times it clips through environment and you cant reach it. Fix the body clipping through building, minerals, boats and ground. Transfer all items button for all inventory management Make the death beam smaller and more centralized. Death beam animation of skull need improvement. 7. Resources: Well it is not that bad but some remarks here. When using sickle you get berries from berry bush and fiber from fiber bush. Why not get fiber from all bushes increase the rate of fiber gathered. Specially in the cold biome from cotton bushes barely noticeable. Increase fiber gain from using Sickle. When you harvest stone as an example you can hit anything near that stone. I got killed by a pack of elephants because I harvested stone on the opposite side of where an elephant stood. Spears also hits everything in its surrounding even behind you. Once again elephants killed me because I tried to kill a chicken! As a last mention please be sure to at least try to optimize things. 100 GB disk space and computers can barely run it. My friend gets black skyboxes and I run below 60 fps with GTX 1060 3GB where I could run ARK with almost 60 FPS with much higher settings in graphics. To me it seems to be the water causing a lot of problems.
  15. Amateur artist sets sail with nothing but his trusty Sloop and the wind behind him to use his cartographer skills in the world of Atlas. What do you know?! He's spent over 76 hours on his voyage to draw something on his map! Can you guess what it is? - Chae Lewis (NA PVE) How are your maps? Comment below!
  16. Ships are complex. I think most of the community here that has a passion for 16th - 18th Century vessels knows that, and I feel like I'm in the same boat when it comes to wanting a game like ATLAS to be an extremely enjoyable sailing/pirate/explorer game, because few are out there. I have a feeling a good portion of the community has at least made it into brigantines and I've noticed a growing trend of people wanting "more" to their ships, not just planks or hulls but more of what makes these ships unique, their sails. I propose an expansion to the current sail system in game: 1) Collidable bowsprits and figureheads: This needs to happen first, as of right now, bowsprits and figureheads are non-collidable objects in the game, so they can't be used for anything other than looking pretty. In order to add functionality to that section of the ship, they need to be collidables. This, in my eyes, adds some gameplay elements such as being able to add rams, paintable figureheads, and mountable bowsprits with jib mounts. 2) Max Masts: Masts weigh a lot and take up quite a bit of space. From a gameplay perspective, it's a simple solution to filling in all the empty space that missing due to a lack of auxiliary sails all over the ship. Large vessels should be about be able to have more for less, so sticking to more IRL mast amounts would be beneficial from a crewing and resource cost perspective. Doing this would free up some of that space needed for additional rigging and thus open up options for adding jibs, mizzens, etc. With this setup, ships would enjoy greater customization of sail patterns, as well higher speeds. 3) Jibs, Mizzens, Staysails, etc: Last bit would be to add all the little sails you can dot along rigging. There are tons of sail plans in real life and it's a shame ATLAS doesn't have these already. Sailing is fun and being able to customize your sail pattern with auxiliary sails would add some pretty fun gameplay to the game, both PVP and PVE. Someone has already proposed climbable rigging some there is no real reason to add that here, it should already be in the game IMO, but we'll see where the wind takes us. Thanks for reading!
  17. Hello, please excuse me dear devs. We had a thought while we were sailing today. LOL!! We were thinking it might be fun to have some mini-games for the players that have nothing to do while sailing. XD Dice to give us a loot buff. Card games. Haha! Swabbing the deck to give the ship a sturdiness buff. Maybe like, a sewing game or something to give a speed boost to the sails! Arm wrestling. Maybe some chess or something. Just a bunch of little things. LOL Something to throw into the ideas pot! XD Thank you so much for all of your time and hard work!!! Loving it!!!
  18. Presently, the resolution for sail paintings is 256x256 pixels and the resolution for tattoos and warpaint is 1024x1024. In game, sails are obviously much larger than player characters. The result is stretched pixels that seem unimmersive and lacking. Please increase the resolution for sail images to a larger size so that we can paint beautiful designs on the ships we spend so much time sailing on.
  19. Could you make the sails behave like their real life counterparts? At the moment the sails always have to be 'pushed' which makes no sense. Real sails only get pushed between downwind and 90 degrees to the wind. Once they start heading upwind they work like a wing! The pressure difference makes a "pull" effect which is why an upwind sail still curves. Also triangular sails are much better at upwind and square sails are much better at downwind. So instead of speed and handling sails we should have advantages for getting closer to the wind etc.. Eg: a boat with a triangle sail would be able to sail at about 25 degrees to the wind, whereas a square rigged boat can only get 35 degrees to the wind and is also not as fast. On the otherhand on the downwind straight the square sail would be much faster. This would also allow us to use the wind tactically in battles depending on our setup. It may also facilitated the need to only use certain sails for particular situations It would also be nice to introduce more sails that can be attached to the current masts: spanker, gib and staysail
  20. Giant whirlpools like this that damage but port you a large distance random 1/5 spots. rotating. Super windy/rainy, making insanely big waves. Blistering Heat as currently there is super cold. also add scurvy to those who are on sea too much. Random floating icebergs, then rocks to crash into not shown on map. Giant Turtles that move slowly and can build on somewhat, but then go underwater. Wind buffs that only you can see if you have Captain skill. giant water caves with unique resources/monsters to tame. Small scale NPC ships that do trade runs. being able to buy them out, steal crew, take over, or just kill for fun. Adding good or bad rep. Sailing should feel more adventurous and randomized, but rewarding like a Roguelike if you take a weak ship and make wrong choices. Never seen a trade ship yet.
  21. I'm just trowing my overall feeling about the game as a solo player before quiting for a while. Its my way to help an Early Acess game that I liked dispite anything. First of all I'm a solo player in a MMORPG and maybe I should have not bought the game in the first place. I loved the land experience in this game. I feel that it evolved alot from Ark and converted well from a Sci-FI dinossaur game to a Pirate/sailing game despite the "jousting" combat agains wild life and the slow atacks used to balance it that feels a bit cluncky. So far so good until I decided to play the "real" game here and build my first, my second and my third ship... While I respect and understand the need to add danger in the seas with NPC ghost ships they're too much and too strong for a solo first-time sailor. All my 3 sloops never passed lvl 4 or managed to return to the shores that they were built and here are the reasons that they sunk and made me quit for a while: - The not so random Movment from SoTD while they arent aggro yet. Its an old inherithed habit from ark where parassaurs always runs from danger in your direction(bringing predators to you) the bronto that keeps walking over the iron node so you can accidentaly hit it or the predators that always choose the prey that will bring it closer to where you are. SotD randomly gets closer and closer to you or in your way even when they're not aggro so those aggron range tunnings are not that effective. - The Transition traps is also pretty bad. When you change maps the wind usually change a bit wich normaly makes you slower. The process itself is a bit slow for obvious reason and adding to that is very common to find a good amount of SoTD waiting for you in the other side. With the issues said above reaction may be late. - Ok you can be faster on your sloop than a ghost ship but its a bit useless when they spawn surrounding your ship and just keeps the same speed with moderate turning radius against the wind. - Travelling to a cold area and tis high probability of death. So you're ok in your region vitamin buffed and using your hide armor and fully invested in fortitude and you transfer in your sloop to the side area and its cold area, for some odd reason your buff is gone you start to die freeezing and the time the game took transfering your ship to a new server granted the SoTD that was waiting for you a cannon ball hit that will break your bed. I keep seeing people saying that they can handle SoTD just well that they use some miraculous setup in their ships so they outruns and out manuever the SoTD in their sloops.Thats why I kept insisting on this. For me, nothing of that worked. I may be too bad at this game but also I had no chance to learn. Never had a chance to finish a voyage and come back home no relevant experience adquired. Even on 2,5x rates is a bit annoying to grind all mats to keep building ships and get it sunk in few minutes. The end result could be different if i was playing in a group even if it was small but thats not my case and i expected to have a chance to get started in solo mode. My suggestions: Keep those SoTD to some given harder map square only so players can avoid . Another option would be not making it random spawn in every map but some sort of event fleet that keeps traveling from square to square with a server announcment when it arrives and leaves a given square. Thats all, keep evolving as the game already gave large steps in just few days. Its clear the effor to make this game better and great. But right now the SoTD just killed it for me. See you again when those ships are handled.
  22. hopefully this isn't already posted 100 times on here already but, Is running into 7, i repeat 7, Pirate of the damned ships/Ghost ships with in 2-3 mins of each other really how this games spawning mechanic is supposed to work? we avoided 4 ships barely as the first spawned off our right side , then the second straight ahead taking away most the wind. then a 3rd ship off to our left effectively taking away all the wind lanes and surrounding us with all ships spawning 400-500 meters out. we thread the needle of the ship on our right and center as we near the N4/N5 boarder as the 4th ship spawns left and starts to circle left and makes a pretty abrupt turn right and aggro's toward us as we cross the boarder. it follows through the server line and is about 80% accurate on shots as you guessed it we make it through about 4-5 volleys of fire 2 more ships spawn ahead left and right of us . only option is keep the wind at our back and full sail to out run . we out run the original enough the cannons our falling short only to have both ships on our left and right to aggro and we start taking on water, repair, and have a final 7th ship spawn ahead of us and finishing us off sinking it. so really love that in a 5 min span we have to deal with 7 ships in less than 5 min . I feel like this is a pretty absurd amount of POTD/Ghost ships in such a small distance and to have them in such a small amount of space to react. I'm assuming this is not an isolated incident but would like to hear either way what everyone's experience is so far on actual ships that are not rafts .
  23. Bearz


    So I play with three friends and we started building a schooner ship, and we were allmost done with the ship, then a ghost ship spawns in and destroys everything we have built. Including the ship. Why is this happening? It makes it impossible to build ships in the game.
  24. Would it be possible to get rid of the radial menu and add sail turning with q and e? This would be infinitely more immersive and intuitive.
  25. Just reporting another bug of something that's changed after the latest patch: sailing now has become quite a 'choppy' experience with FPS flying up and down. Even turning down the resolution didn't help.
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