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About Me

Found 52 results

  1. Stock Sails and Skins
  2. We live with pride in our guild's name. This seal we've carved into ourselves isn't merely decoration. It's the proof of our bonds as a family. Binding our fates together we put our lives on the line. Anyone that steps on that holy vow, be they evil or good, will be cut down. Even if you can kill gods, it doesn't mean that you can kill fairies! We have bent the seas to our will. We defeated the Demon of the Deep and made the Seas of Atlas ours again. We conquered Islands and build a town for all those who seek shelter or rest from the roughness of the Ocean. Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain, or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands! Be part of our Story, join our Adventures! Bring us back into the realm of Gods where we belong. We are located in B7 Brimingcona Haven. https://discord.gg/EYC7epU - sign up and join the biggest Trading and Event Discord on PVE EU.
  3. Looking for a job or mission? Tired of losing your wealth and money every world reset? Get your bank account today at SWB - Stumrberg World Bank and become a part of the World Economy System, SWB the first bank in the history of ATLAS(Headquarter Sturmberg City C7-Ganarial Island) simply just send a request to Sturmberg World Bank#3296 or in the Banking channel on our discord to get your personal or company Bankaccount. Benefits: 20% Discount on all services, animals and blueprints at the World Trade Center Persisten guaranteed full access to your money and wealth even after a world reset! Full access to your bank account 24h Day and Night Store your money, resources or blueprints on your bank account to dont lose it if you re inactive or on vacation/holydays for a while Easy and secure trade between players and companys(even for big transactions like an island selling) Supporting small companys and solo players with having access to trading markets and connect them with each other Access to the SWB Auctions and sellers area Check our Discord https://discord.gg/7x6zbnn for detailed informations or send us a private message. HOUSE von STURMBERG IS HAVING THE WORLD RECORD We are happy to announce officialy that House von Sturmberg is the first company in history of Atlas breeding natural bears on a official servers to a Alpha level . Havin the Strongest natural Bears on the World is the result of unbelievable hard work! We are happy to share our success with our friends and customers and giving even less successfull players access to our Sturmberg Alphabears. Check our Discord Shop for more informations! House von Sturmberg is a 64 players strong international organization, in which adult players playin together to have a good time. We are highly specialized animal breeders with over 50.000 selfbred animals and a couple thousand animals sold to our happy customers&friends , leading and ruling the market for hundreds of years with our unic and overpowered Animals and Rare Items ! Because for us its not about profit, its about passion ! We are well known for building amazing Citys and intelligent construction solutions. We hunting all over the world to offer you magical tames and items. Location: Sturmberg City F8 - Ganarial Island (in the Big Bay) Sturmberg ATLAS Trailer https://youtu.be/FoqXeytyxkI Avaiable on the World Trade Center! NEW! Blacksmith crafting service - get your Blueprints crafted you bought at the World Trade Center Limited +232% Mythical Shipyard Legendary-Mythical Cannons Legendary-Mythical Sails Legendary-Mythical Planks and Gunports Mythical Weapons and Amor +200% Mythical SHIPS Fully customization by our artist included Galleon Brigantine BEARS ALPHA BEARS(Strongest Bears of the world) Lvl +70-100, +300% Melee/ +1100 Health/ +1300 Weight/ +1200 Stamina ULTIMATE BEARS Lvl +70-100, +240% Melee/ +1100 Health/ +1300 Weight/ +1200 Stamina POWER BEARS : Lvl +50-70/ +200%-232% Melee/500-900 Health/+1200 Weight/+800 Stamina TRANSPORT BEARS +4000weight Lvl +40-70/ +150%-200% Melee, +300-900 Health/ +600-1050 Stamina STARTER BEARS Lvl +40-70/ +150%-200% Melee, +300-900 Health/1000Weight/+800Stamina Legendary and Magical animal which is raised from the bloodline of the first Bear God Ursa Sturmberg Alpha Bear of Darkness Sturmberg Alpha Panda Sturmberg Alpha Demon Sturmberg Alpha Polar Bear Sturmberg Alpha Army Bear Sturmberg Alpha Rainbow Bear Sturmberg Alpha Celestial Bear CATS ELEPHANTS AND POWERPHANTS - RHINOS AND POWERRHINOS GIRAFFE-POWERGIRAFFE-OLFENDS-COWS RAZORTOOTH-SHIELDHORNS-CRABS-TORTUGARS And much more Animals! Contact House Sturmberg on Discord: https://discord.gg/7x6zbnn or in this forum. STURMBERG CITY! - People from all over the world visited the Mega City to trade and gettin the deal of theire lifes. HOUSE STURMBERG'S WORLD RULING WAR FLEET - to keep the oceans safe for traders and hunt for rare items in the deeps of the ocean. FIGHTING EPIC SEA BATTLES AGAINST MONSTERS AND THE EVIL - to gather rare resources and offer them in our Mega City on the Market. BREEDING - Constantly working on improving our services and quality of Tames. Contact House Sturmberg on Discord: https://discord.gg/7x6zbnn HOUSE STURMBERG, Nothing but the best!
  4. Shop and animal market on Mentou Enclave in the grid F8 PVE Coordinates L: -0.77 B: -35.06 Mythical blueprints and parts at good prices Bears up to level 72, 216% DMG, 1250 Stamina also breedable for sale. We look forward to your visit to Atlas and Discord. Discord: https://discord.gg/Pq4qpCW
  5. Hello Ladies and Gents of the 7 seas! -It's about time [The Norsemen-ZFG] Came around here again Yarr! We are the same highly active community with a great deal of action going on ! Currently we are the happy owners of 3 islands with our market located at A7, Come and visit our player shops or enjoy our tavern Get your dragons tongue on, or if you feel a bit hot, our Spicy rum would be for you, or a plain old grog might even do the trick. Atm. We are working on 6 different breeding-lines and have every animals for sale, that could make you have a good start ! Bears - Elephants - Crows - Rhinos - Giraffes and Ostriches All home breed, for you to enjoy. Our kitchen is open for business again , known to a ton of people already from Season 3! , -for the quick cooking and completion of huge orders, we are your galley! We also have some of the most capable skippers for freighting goods , and the option to protect your precious cargo -So any transportation needs ? -Swing by! Check out our reviews and if you have any questions, feel free to DM on Discord. -We are an old school company with % respect and positive reviews and been around for a long time! Please allow me to put up an advertisement for our active market, player shops, maps Any questions, please feel free to join our discord and ask Join Norsemen A7 Market Discord! <--- Click Link to Join us! #Keeping the community alive and active Atlas -Safe winds out there! and see you soon!! Kindly, Scar Filsket & Cpt. Anno
  6. Hi there fellow sailors, i'm getting into the bear trading scene to let go some of my scraps as I work towards my map line. I'll be posting my bears on my discord channel https://discord.gg/aa27dtY so drop by and have a look. My island is located in A9. I'm also open to trading for some high level stat bears and I have an awesome 16pt (1254) weight bear to trade for those that are interested. Enjoy.
  7. New season, new start, same company as in S3 The crimson shops are back up running and ready to serve the community once again with the same crimson service and approach as last season. From the map shops to the tames, from food orders to custom themed ships & sails, everything is back up and running. We also prepared a personal spawnpoint again for all the customer but this time not a raft but your very own personal sloop equipped with a bed, resourcebox, bookshelf and storage box. PM one of us to claim your own sloop. bare in mind u need to regular spawn on it so it doesn't decay. At the same time the shipyards are up and running to provide people again with custom themed ships & sails. After having build 164 ships for the community on eu-pve last season we looking forward to seeing u again for new creations. Feel free to have a look at our community discord in the link below at #completed-orders & #customer-feedbackto give u a idea of the work we do and whats possible and ofcourse u can always pm if u have specific wishes for your ships/sails. At the time of making this post we are not in possesion yet of a 200% max lvl shipyard and will post it on our discord once we have. For the time being its possible to order custom ships of 100% quality ships with reduced prices on Galleons, Brigatines and Schooners, pm on discord if u have interest in that. Maria's Kitchen is up and running aswell and ready to recieve food orders in quantity aswell as Razortaming food . check out the #cooking section. The coming days/weeks we will be filling the shops by the day and getting the bred tames in so keep an eye on those aswell We also start with the popular map shops again last night with Fine, Journey and Masterwork maps for people to buy. Rest us nothing more then to wish everyone a great season with alot fun and rum! Safe sailing pirates Discord: https://discord.gg/DWYBz2P
  8. Ahoy fellow Captains, gladly we can announce the opening of our new quality animal tradecenter located in J11 & K2 CrazyLostIsland. For time being all trades will be done in J11 We are selling animal stats and will focus on deliver thoose for all the breeders outthere. Visit our discord to have a complete overview of our current stock. All animals will be unleveled and will have points to set. If you think this could be something for you , please visit our discord https://discord.gg/AAV4EHr and have a look around. More animals will be added over the next days there. Feel free to contact me on Discord ( Sterk#6636) to ask what we got in stock, before you are going on the long journey to J11 Cya soon and happy sailing Sterk - CLP
  9. Ahoy everyone! First off, sorry for the huge font size! I wrote the post in my phone notes to make sure I covered everything and can’t work out how to change it after it was copied and pasted here! So (if you can’t tell) I’m new to the forums, normally I just hide and travel through them and watch with popcorn whenever something big goes off. But with everything that’s happened recently I’ve made an account specifically to create this post addressed to the new community team and pass along a series of questions from our alliance that were all playing The Gorgon’s Gaze. Before the questions though, I’d just like to say welcome to the community to the three new developers who we’ve met so far. I hope you can keep the dream alive while also paying close attention to what your fans are saying, unlike a lot of developers for games which looked promising to begin with but ultimately failed because of breakdowns with fans. Without one you can’t have the other and all that... Also, I have to say that I currently personally class Atlas as my all time favourite game. And as I’m physically disabled, I’ve played a lot of games, but none that have hooked me as much as Atlas has. I become physically absorbed into the game when playing, and I just hope that my PVE based love for it now doesn’t turn to hate as I want absolutely nothing to do with PVP. If I did I’d play other games. I know PVE will still exist before people start blowing off, but let’s just say a lot of us don’t see the need for change when nothing (game mode related at least) seemed broken or in need of change. A lot of us feel we’ve lost everything for no good reason and are eager to see what the cost has bought us. Please note that the following are questions from 12 individuals, and not just all from me. The questions themselves reflect what’s most important about playing the game to each person, and how they’re answered may be the difference between people playing from July or not bothering anymore, something which I’m sure goes far wider than our alliance group. The questions aren’t listed in any kind of order of importance as they are all equally as important as far as we’re concerned. Q1. With the closure of The Gorgon’s Gaze, what is the long term plan on the roadmap for all the PVE players who have now lost their main server? Will there be a brand new server established with the newly released world map active for us to return to or are we all now expected to merge onto one server after July? Q2. As is the case with the majority of people on The Gorgon’s Gaze, we have spent literally months worth of playing time establishing ourselves as a stable company of 10 people, and played as part an alliance. We had several levels from the discoveries, a fleet of 5 schooners (2 of which were mythic), a brig and a mythic galleon. Not to mention the builds and tames (some of which being from Golden Age) spread across 6 grids and countless full days collecting gold to sustain our 58 point island. Will any of this progress be taken into account if we decide to still play? Perhaps at the very least, anyone who had already spent the time helping you develop your game to lose everything literally overnight could have some kind of unique skin on their account to show their continued commitment after losing all progress should they chose to start over? Q3. With the map adjustment, will you still be able to sail over the edges of the world and end up on the other side? Also, while other types of grid have been mentioned on the latest announcement, there is no info yet on where the Freeports will be. Will they still be included or will there be new ways now to recruit crews, buy skins and of course tame cats? Q4. Pathfinders have lost everything. What kind of new content can be expected? Or will we just have the same features with an adjusted map? Even SOME insight to new stations etc might be enough to swing people back to playing from July. For example, a way of taking the salt out of sea water such as a boiling station? Which could require alloy and gems and be far down on the skill tree to make it hard to get? Mechanical Filtering existed in the era the game is set in after all. Q5. Are we going to see any changes to the skill trees in general such as the amount of points it takes to buy skills? Will there be as many quest skills now or have some been lost to a smaller map or bunched together like on Blackwood? Q6. The main difference in base building between PVP players vs PVE is that PVE players build for keeps. We want our structures to be noticed and appreciated and remain as a form of overall progress. Will this be the final wipe? Or should we all just wait until the game is released to start playing again? Q7. Will there be any changes to taming, breeding and pathfinder levelling stats? Will discoveries now count for more points or will the max level be reduced to take into account what definitely appears to be a far smaller map than we had before? Q8. I’m concerned about how farming will now work with the fact that equatorial now only takes up a tiny part of the map (and oddly is not centralised). Are we now going to have to fight for an inch of land in the best planting terrain? Or will farming be easier to do in the other biomes? Also, will there be any new crops? Ark had vegetables AND berries for example but to be honest I really just want to grow my own mint and limes! Q9. Will pathfinders playing on ALL consoles now be able to see custom flags, canvasses and sails? Or will this still be restricted to 1X and PC players who are fortunate enough to be able to afford the higher end tech? Also, will we be able to put images taken on the pathfinder compass camera accessed by holding Y onto canvass now? Q10. Will there be a fix for the big bug where if you own an island and have the settings on COMPANY ONLY, other people can still do what they like and build anyway? We had all 6 of our owned island discoveries constantly blocked by other people setting up travel agencies there, despite us constantly breaking beds and foundations when we noticed they were there from the log. In other words, we were being stopped from building on our own island without any way to correct it as the admin IGNORED all 3 of our tickets on the subject, presumably with the knowledge of the upcoming wipe. Eventually we had to check every day, it would be nice to not have this hassle. Q11. Can we have a dedicated memorial gallery to post our Gorgon’s Gaze images to? That way at least our work has not been completely for nothing and our builds live on. I had a crew member who I temporarily forgot to feed once when I was new to the game and was bugged to be constantly retching. It would be nice if Lady Chuckup could live on as well in some way from our captures of her as she is definitely less replaceable and was our company mascot. Q.12 Possibly the most important question on a lot of people’s minds from both PVE AND PVP...will this be the Legacy update which sees our pathfinders be able to have children? And can we PLEASE have our flying ships now? I know a lot of these questions have likely already been asked, and some may have been answered. If anyone has anything they can answer, please do so. Just please keep your comments CLEAN and more importantly CALM. The Dev’s know we’re mad, but we won’t get anywhere now by freeplaying our war drums. ALSO...I HAVE ADDED THIS SECTION IN TO CLARIFY THAT THIS POST IS NOT INTENDED AS A PLACE TO VENT YOUR RAGE. Feel free to comment, but PLEASE ADD AT LEAST ONE QUESTION OF YOUR OWN OR SOME KIND OF CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK INTO WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE IMPROVED. Please chose to be civil with your comments though, as we have in our main post. And remember...THIS POST IS ADDRESSED TO THE NEW DEVS AND NOT THE OLD ONES WHO YOU MIGHT FEEL HAVE LET YOU DOWN. I’m not expecting a direct message response but hopefully at the VERY LEAST, the developers who introduced themselves to us recently will read this (in full preferably) and provide some of the answers with their next major announcement. It may be enough to prevent a full blown mutiny and bring some back to the fold. I tried to include some of the captures we do have from The Gorgon’s Gaze in this post but wasn’t able to add them in for some reason so I’ve put them on my profile instead if anyone wishes to see them. I sincerely hope to see you all on the seas (and land, as that definitely matters too) again from July, pending new info. Perhaps on a new server, appropriately titled “The Phoenix’s Flame” or something equally as worthy. Yours in seamanship, Kingston Towne
  10. I have a few bugs I would like to address first starting with ship issues. The first issue is that takes will slide through the ships during loading sequences. Most the time they lag back on the ship but in a few instances the will lag into the ocean never to be seen again. Another Lag issue with ships is occasionally the ship will render beneath the surface of the water. This brings the ships closer to the sand bars( which in my opinion should only beach a ship wink wink) causing increases likelihood of a lost ship when near a sand bar. All the ship issues generally occur when entering a new region and I am a Xbox user. The second issue is bows as the hit box on a bow is similar to the mana's ice breathe in ark where as the target is only taking damage when aiming at his anus. The Hit box does not appear 75 percent of the time for head shots or body shots even though the arrow is obviously stuck into them. Guns do not possess this issue so you may look into firearm ammunition coding as a possibility to a solution. The last issue refer to takes and lag issues. On console I have noticed the big lags of bases are due to the system trying to liad bases as a whole instead of render in piece by piece. An option to add structure render rate may debunk most lag problems as the coded seems more efficient than ark. Also when crashing if the characters can just go unconscious that would save tame lives while swimming as normally a tame float in the water but if your on it, well it sinks and drowns before you get back on. The last issue involves the age old babies ignore their inventory when all players in tribe or offline or out of render range leaving a baby to starve with a full inventory. These are the only issues i have found so far. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
  11. Hello, We are "Children of Aule" former Pink Fluffy Unicorns and Nessil, we are back with our animal families! For those who don't know us , we are animal tamers, breeders ( and color chasers ) and fine crafters. We will offer a wide variety of tames and breeds, suitable for everyones needs and budget. Join our 750+ members Discord now For crafting, we have players with level 120 and maxed out crow available. Theredore We can provide the highest crafting bonus. For most of the tame lines we sell the highest level on the EU PVE server We are selling (up to) Wild Levels 99 Wild Levels 84 Wild Levels 100 Crow ( with 30 tame levels, they reach the cap of 60% intelligence ) Wild Levels 94 Wild Levels 80+ Wild Levels 119 (also level 96 clean breedable available) Wild Levels 78 Wild Levels 80+ WIld Levels 80+ Ostichs Wild Levels 85+ Parrots , , and .... No sheeps Razortooth (Wild levles 75) and shildhorns, neutered and breedable. We breed for colors alot, take a look for nice looking ones <3. We sell Crafted Items (for ships, but also tools and armor) and Max ship level capable Mythical Shipyards in playershops in N6. Here the setup of the tames on display and the playershops So visit us in N6 and join discord for additional informations, Kumba https://discord.gg/ZZ4rMKU
  12. I have about 40 tames I'm looking to sell in K12 region as I'm moving across the map. I have tons of bears, a couple giraffes, about 6 elephants and various others. Looking to make a bulk sale with bulk prices. Let me know if you want to come have a look because there is just too much to list.
  13. We are a small group of friends willing to sell resources, tames of our own. We also run an auctioneer section where we sell other companies BPS, tames, resources, ship parts and equipment. So what are you waiting for get on over and say hello and meet our fantastic community weve built. https://discord.gg/uXnHyAz
  14. Found a bear that was available for claim and it has a cargo harness with a box how do I get rid of the box so I can remove the saddle
  15. Heyas! Probably something what got ask already, but didn't find anything about it with the search function. The Idea/Suggestion I was just about kill (Butcher) one of my bulls i've breed before, cause in 1st case i didn't need it anymore and 2nd case i could use the Meat and Ressources. But with Crossbow, Axe, Pickaxe it's pain in the Arrrrr to get it killed + it feels wrong hitting the Animal like a Drumset. So what i think is, there should be kinda "butcher knife" or "bolt pistol" what can kill the own tame with one hit. It feels less cruel + i guess it's way more immersive butchering an animal fast this way, without hitting the animal till your stammina ran out for the 4th time. So yeah a butcher system would be something what really could be cool and usefull so you can breed animals for meat and other ressources. So yeah hope it's an idea i am not the only one who may like it. See ya around! Synthenza
  16. Problem: New tames are consistently disappearing, usually following shutdown/loading the game, or crossing zone transitions. Repro: (80%) 1. Tame a new creature, or breed an existing creature and raise it to adulthood. 2. Pass through an area transition, or save/reload the game. Result: New tame(s) will be missing. Expected result: Arrive in new zone or reload the game successfully and the tame still exists. Notes: - This problem did not begin until last night/this morning, but the playthrough itself is roughly a week old. Tames obtained before this window have been so far unaffected. - Creatures lost so far in this way include: Bear (Raised from baby) - Vanished during area transition at sea. Bear (Raised from baby) - Vanished during area transition at sea. Passed through several area transitions as a juvenile without incident, but vanished after maturing. Crow (Tamed from wild) - Appears to have vanished at sea during save/reload or zone transition. Exact timing unclear Crow (Tamed from wild) - Was missing after reloading the game from save state while still on land. - The game has no mods installed and is mostly running vanilla server settings. (x2 gathering multiplier)
  17. Hello everyone, Blackbeard is a company that has been around since Day 1 of the game. This time we also focus on Animal Breeding and Trading. We mainly focus on Bears and as of recently also Tigers. Our island is Booty Bay island and is located in N8, feel free to come take a look. Everyone is welcome. Lots of animals are waiting for a new boss in our Trade Hub. Will that new owner be you? Come fast to our Trade Hub to check it out. For more information feel free to join our Discord. All animals we have for sale we have listed including the stats and the prices for the animals. https://discord.gg/YgRsnSu Safe travelling everyone, Bouli
  18. Why does ARK get all the good stuff?? Why do the other games by the company SNAIL just get left to die? Dark and Light that they don't even update anymore,Pixark that is a literal joke in the community and also witch they don't update anymore.Fear the night is a broken cash grab that no one even knows about that is a 1 dollar bin game that is also not being updated anymore.ATLAS does not get ANY holiday events and it takes sometimes up to 3 months to get any content,it has been out almost a year.Now they are gonna worry about the Xbox now and even less content will be released,CAN YOU DEVS PLEASE THROW US ATLAS PLAYERS A BONE FOR ONCE AND GIVE US SOME SPECIAL EVENTS,SOME NEW CREATURES,IS ARK ALL YOU GUYS CARE ABOUT??
  19. Hello we are looking for some specific BPs and any tame with high single stats on EU PVE. For Bps we are looking for Legendary - Sword ( >190% wd) - Bow ( >200% wd) - Metal Hatchet > 200% wd - Metal Pick > 200% wd - Crossbow >200% wd - Medium Cannons with >175% wd BPs with any kind of quality: - large handling sail with >117% acceleration - wood ceilings, walls, roofs with >130% durability For tames we look for high stats, that means stats at tame or birth (we only want none or low mustations), not after leveling them. If you think you have one, please send me a picture here (send link instead of picture bc limitations), or type the wild level / tamed level and current stats. You can also join our discord ( https://discord.gg/ZZ4rMKU ) and send DMs from there. We pay really good, we can offer gold, mythos, other tames stats, breeded tames and crafted items. We will pick stuff up form your location, or pay additional for delivery. See you on the ATLAS, Kumba [Pink Fluffy Unicorns]
  20. Hello, we the Pink Fluffy Unicorns contiue to sell and gift wild tames and bred tames. We started doing three auctions over the weekend. We also do a giveaway for 3 times 5k gold over the weekends. We trade almost every tame in the game, almost every species is offered breedable too. For more information and our catalog visit our discord please. Permanent discord link: https://discord.gg/ZZ4rMKU For hobby breeder we have trade parter markets, you can get your own shop in our discord. See the markets for offerings like: lions, tigers, wolves, parrots, crabs and bears. Our oldes parter Calliope is also offering allmost every crow color. If you havent visited her place you should somewhen. Join Disord now to participate. We sell top-notch bears on the server from now on in E11, they are level 90+, all come with 253,5% melee, 1118 Hp, 1250 Stamina and 1430+ weight UNLEVELED. Starting from 4k gold each. Differnet colors; Food and Oxygen will differ (lower), Weight can be even higher. We can breed up to 1450Stam and higher health (~1200) on request. Also even more Food and Oxygen is possible on request. See you ingame, Kummba
  21. Freshly tamed high level animals aren't receiving exp in single player / non-dedicated host. We've tamed some low level animals which level up, and received tamed levels, but after taming a couple high level elephants and wolves, their tamed levels remain at 0 and their experience bar remains at 0/0 even after extended periods of farming or killing alphas.
  22. Hello guys! My real life work is still very busy and i hope i will find more time for ATLAS again in the Fall/Winter time. I have a little breeding project and i woulkd like to sell you some crows Actually i have crows from 82-88 on stock and for the 82-84 crows we have a special price: 50g neutered / 150g unneutered per Lev. Lev 88 crows -> price after arrangement Contact me via Discord on: https://discord.gg/MJBz29y OR https://discord.gg/7FtRny6 P.S. I got a lot of messages about "Reopening Taming & Trading Gallery please" -> Im really busy with my real life work and running a trade company is not ezpz. + Our trusted traders doing great and try every day to be better Actually i try to get some content got nearly all my powerstones, i can breed, i can explorer.....and i can leave my island for more then 15 minutes BG Anne
  23. Ahoy Captain's and Mermaid's, we re sellin Tortugars check our discord for more informations and pictures: https://discord.gg/7JbR3Vs Level 1 - Tortuga - 1.000 Gold Level 4 - Tortuga - 2.000 Gold Level 7 - Tortuga - 3.500 Gold Level 8 - Tortuga - 4.000 Gold Level 10 - Tortuga - 10.000 Gold - SOLD LEVEL 19 - Tortuga - 9.500 Gold LEVEL 22 - Tortuga - 11.000 Gold Level 38 - Tortuga - 38.000 Gold Level 42 - Tortuga - 42.000 Gold
  24. Bad Company, located on B12 Paradise Cove (Coalguay Peninsula) have a few animals looking for a new home. Updated Bear inventory...all will be spayed/neutered Species Gender Wild Level Current Level Price Bear Male 43 55 400 gold Bear Male 44 55 450 gold Bear Female 46 57 450 Bear Female 44 500 gold Bear Female 50 500 gold Bear Female 50 500 gold Bear Male 53 650 gold More bears available on discord! We are working on a discord server... https://discord.gg/cf7jFqV Some trades may be considered (would like good ostriches, wolves, tigers, of course the elites) and pricing can be negotiated (Lobo likes to make deals). Don't let the company name fool you...we're nice people
  25. As title says. All tames were inside a full stone base with all stone floors and double walls 2 foundations apart. Snake spawned inside base and killed all tames. But, I'm glad snakes don't get stuck on bamboo anymore, or walls.
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