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About Rainy

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  1. Sold tortugar and crab. More inventory coming soon
  2. Updated some inventory
  3. Hi Unspeakable I removed her from the list and I am sending you a message to arrange pickup. Thanks!
  4. Bad Company, located on B12 Paradise Cove (Coalguay Peninsula) have a few animals looking for a new home. Updated Bear inventory...all will be spayed/neutered Species Gender Wild Level Current Level Price Bear Male 43 55 400 gold Bear Male 44 55 450 gold Bear Female 46 57 450 Bear Female 44 500 gold Bear Female 50 500 gold Bear Female 50 500 gold Bear Male 53 650 gold More bears available on discord! We are working on a discord server... https://discord.gg/cf7jFqV Some trades may be considered (would like good ostriches, wolves, tigers, of course the elites) and pricing can be negotiated (Lobo likes to make deals). Don't let the company name fool you...we're nice people
  5. @Myrmidon Your original post states "Want Ironwood or Twigs? Gotta travel through PvP territory. Rare resources should be a reason to leave PvE zones. This way, everything cannot be crafted in PvE zones. Kraken should remain a PvP zone." So who exactly does this benefit? Everything in this whole scenario is geared to benefit the PvP player. So why would I want to play still? What's in this for the PvE player? You want a conversation? Ok...sell me why this would be fun for me. Because right now....I see nothing that appeals to me. Also...flip your map around...red = PvE...blue = PvP. Now is it still as great an idea?
  6. This isn't a new concept. On WoW if you wanted the violet spellwing...you had to defeat Argus on heroic difficulty. If you want end game items...you do the end game. As it's been stated, it's not difficult to find a group. You don't even have to ally. Go hang out and when you see a group talking in global...ask if you can join. Be prepared to contribute...risk, reward, all that.
  7. ^^ same. If I demolish something on one side of the building something else will disappear on the other side of the building.
  8. Dstrats we have one of the island to the east of them. You are welcome to setup on our island for now...but we will be leaving for the NA PVE server soon. I'm not sure what's up with that island. It was a different company up until yesterday. Seems like the same group talking in global though so I'm not sure if they changed names or merged or what happened.
  9. I don't know about "nobody" wants it. Yes, my company has a claim. We discussed it before the patch came out. I wanted to find a nice island owner and be a tenant. It's the truth. I didn't want the hassle of upkeep or keeping up with foundation spam or everything else that goes with it. We could pick any area we wanted...temperate, tropics wherever our hearts desired. As a company we decided we did want to have a claim and we'd work as a team to handle the responsibility. I posted earlier we have settlers we have never spoken too. We checked to make sure they weren't building over any important spawns or being jerks and we've let them do their thing. They both have plenty of room to expand and we have zero issues with it. We still have room for more people. I think people need to give it a chance and try to have an open mind.
  10. I think the system itself is fine with some points adjustments on either island costs or how many a player is worth in a company. My company is currently 6 people and we have what I feel is a nice island. In some cases I've seen people complaining because a solo player wasn't able to get a 35 point island or 2 people wanting a 53 point island. I'm sorry...but I don't feel they should be able too. The whole problem with the last system was exactly that...people taking way more then was needed...simple human greed. This system solves that...and if you want to own an island...you gotta work for it. But I do agree there needs to be more small-middle islands. We have 2 settlers on our island...I don't think we've spoken to either of them because they are usually on when we aren't on. We don't have an issue with anything they've done and we're glad to have them. We have room for more without anyone crowding each other also.
  11. JatYesterday at 3:15 PM The hat is on it's way folks, our art guys are still makin some tweaks!
  12. There was one in PTR...can't remember what it was under at the moment.
  13. You're really good at that math stuff...can you give me where those figures came from? Or point me to the post where you already have them? I'm trying to explain all of this to people in my company and the way it was posted it seems like a good system. If you have info that contradicts that I'd like to see it. Just trying to get all the facts straight
  14. Mine was in general...everyone seems very up in arms about the landlord deleting their stuff (reasonable thoughts), or not doing anything about someone pillaring them etc. But...why are we so concerned with landlords when we all have the option to be a landlord? I think some people might be stuck in the "I don't have a claim now so I'm not getting a claim and I'll be forced to live on someone else's land" mentality. But if there is a limit...and they have made the determination majority will be able to own their own island...then the bad landlord is...you.
  15. So is this how you all plan to treat your tenants? Remember even a single player company can own their own island. That being said...why are you all worried about the landlords? And if you are saying you don't plan on owning your own island...then you have the option of which landlord you want to be around. Sorry...the things that go thru my mind...
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