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There are two things in Atlas that so badly need to be fixed first one being ritual stones. They need to be disabled because when used they crash the server and erase what happened. There’s a company on one of the Xbox only pvp servers who’s at war with mine. They use the ritual stone to crash the server and save tames of theirs we killed or ships we sank. They’re also doing a ship glitch that gives their ships max ship damage and max resistance. It makes it difficult to sink them and it is an unfair advantage. Now my company is using it to combat them and I don’t want them using it. The console pvp server is emerald coast and the company abusing these bugs and glitches is called R I D. These need to be addressed immediately please. The ritual stone just has to be activated to crash and to do the ship glitch you respec the ship to 396 durability, bottle the ship after 48 hours you unbottle it and respec to full damage. Now you have full durability and full damage it just doesn’t affect front and rear castles. Server resets and gridding do not erase the respec only a ritual stone crash will. Disable ritual stone and fix the ship glitch please.
So many bugs in the game that never ever get fixed. They always bug me they drive me mad. PLEASE FIX THIS STUFF! I hate the new graphics they added to the game. Makes the game so so ugly now. There so many bugs I wish was fixed on this game that been around for ever. - Fix or add Xbox Series X or S version of the game with return of the old graphics.. (NOTE: New graphics are horrible. Its for Xbox One people, But everyone now is getting new consoles) -Walking while swinging "SICKLE" bugging out the screen. (NOTE: Happens when walking around the plants it glitches screen so bad makes it shake) -Water Clipping threw the boats and the de-sink bouncing of the boat. - Return of the old better graphics. - Tames falling off the boat while crossing borders. - Fixing name plates on some boats to show full name of boat. - Fix glitchyness of rubbing against wild animals and getting stuck on them every 5 seconds. - UPDATING the outdated TUTORIAL for the game with each season. PLEASE! - A tool guild to help know how to do everything in the game to some extent. SAD I HAVE TO QUESTION PEOPLE ABOUT NEW STUFF.
Alright. Here is what I got. I go through after a friend tells me that he can't seem to figure out how to make arrows today. I was like hmm. I thought you can make it on your person. Well, its not there. Moving on, i thought maybe I may have forgotten where it is made sense I normally make bullets on the game and I don't bother looking for the arrows. I couldn't find them there ether. I check the other crafting places too. I found out that arrows, ziplines, crossbow bolts, and flam-arrows are all missing. They are even missing from the skills that you should be able to unlock them from. I figured that I would post this up so that someone can look into this from grapeshot. Thank you for your time.
So when is Atlas going to fix their file types so all Xbox servers can actually see their maps and where they are?
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I have a ship resource container placed inside my base. I do not own any ships on this account, that are anchored to this island. I place an even amount of gold coins inside the chest each time, exactly 1 stack of 1k. any left over coins go into the silo. Every time I log in 6 coins are missing. why is the game stealing my coins?
Just a heads up D7 grid is currently unplayable. Lag spikes constantly happening making it impossible to do anything without fear of dying from a rattlesnake or crashing a ship into the Damned. Please look into this.
Had a friend of mine that’s on pc do me up a tattoo, after he applied it he and the other pc players on our cross play server can see it but the other Xbox players and myself cannot see the tattoo at all.
around a 1 or 2 ago I had a place to build my base, it is a abandons place from another tribe long ago, their building had decay already and I build my base on it, but there is a carriage saddle remain on the spot, I mean there is no animal pulling it, it does not even have a full carriage show, it only have the doors from each side. I thought it will decay after sometime, but it has been a very long time already and it is still there, I can sit in it, but once you sit in it and dismount, you cannot get out of it, the other parts of the carriage is still there, you just cannot see it. it is blocking the land and animal to walk pass
Mistakes, mistakes and more mistakes I have the feeling that Grapeshot wants to enter the Guinniss Book of Records with the game that has the most bugs. (Irony off) The fact that ships from the Companys have been removed from the system over and over again in the past seasons has certainly hit everyone. But now the skeletons of the missing ships remain, so that one is always reminded that the atlas or the atlas team destroyed the whole work for no reason. Furthermore, the number of sunken wrecks that are stuck so far in the ground that the treasure cannot be retrieved has greatly increased. If Grapeshoot can't fix that, it would be helpful to reset the wrecks every 24 - 48 hours until you can fix the error. After you have brought the submarine back to the hangar you are trapped in the chair that remains shameless in the water and surrounded by an invisible submarine. unfortunately only help to die and leave inventory behind. It also accumulates the animal to be bent from the ship, not only when changing servers. It has happened to me several times that I had to collect animals in the water after driving through the hulls of the Sods. After losing 2 giraffes, a rhinoceros and a raven, I got into the habit of pressing the F key and checking the number of crew on the ship. The more and more sod-ship hulls standing around on the sea was thankfully taken by the developers. I only bring it up again because of the urgency. The fact that the ping has generally improved a bit is probably due to the fact that the number of active players has almost halved in the last 4 weeks. Which is very sad. It would be nice if other players and fellow sufferers report their bugs here. And it would be even better if Officelle or Admin keep us up to date on what's going on and which of our worries have made it onto the to-do list. ========================================================================================================================== Deutsch: Bugliste PVE Server Fehler, Fehler und noch mehr Fehler Ich habe das Gefühl Grapeshot will ins Guinnissbuch der Rekorde mit dem Spiel was die meisten Bugs hat. ( Ironie aus ) Das in den vergangen Seasons immer wieder Schiffe aus den Companys vom System entfernt wurden hat ja bestimmt schon jeden getroffen. Aber jetzt bleiben auch noch die Gerippe von den verschwunden Schiffen über, so das man immer schön daran erinnert wird das Atlas oder das Atlasteam einem die ganze Arbeit Grundlos zerstört hat. Weiterhin hat die anzahl der versunkenen Wracks die soweit im Boden stecken das der Schatz nicht geholt werden kann sehr zugenommen. Wenn Grapeshoot das nicht fixen kann, wäre uns ein reset der Wracks alle 24 - 48 Stunden erstmal Hilfreich bis Ihr den Fehler fixen könnt. Nachdem man das Uboot zurück an den Hangar gebracht hat ist man auf dem Stuhl der scheinbar im Wasser bleibt gefangen und von einem unsichtbarem Uboot umgeben. Da hilft leider nur noch sterben, und Inventar zurück lassen. Es häuft sich auch das Tier vom Schiff gebugt werden, nicht nur beim Serverwechsel. Es ist mir schon mehrfach passiert das ich nach dem durchfahren von Schiffshüllen der Sods Tiere Im Wasser einsammeln musste. Nachdem ich 2 Giraffen, ein Nashorn und einen Raben verloren habe, hab ich mir angewöhnt öfters die F-Taste zu drücken und die Anzahl der Crew auf dem Schiff zu prüfen. Das immer mehr Sod-Schiff-Hüllen auf dem Meer rumstehen wurde von den Entwicklern gott sei Dank schon wargenommen. Ich erwähne das nur nochmal wegen der Dringlichkeit. Das der Ping im allgemeinen etwas besser geworden ist liegt wohl daran das die Anzahl der aktiven Spieler sich in den letzten 4 Wochen nahezu halbiert hat. Was sehr traurig ist. Es wäre schön wenn andere Mitspieler und Leidensgenossen hier von Ihren Bugs berichten. Und es wäre noch schöner wenn Offizelle oder Admin uns hier auf dem laufendem halten was aktuell passiert und welche unserer Sorgen es auf die ToDoliste geschaft haben.
UPDATE So, I decided to start again and create a new character, thinking maybe it was a bug at lvl 18. nope. It is a bug on the skills page. Even on a new character moving to the skills page crashes the game. ************************* So I’ve come across a bug I believe. i can not access the second page on inventory screen now without it crashing. Also, when I try and level up 18-19 after I choose which attribute to pick, it tries to take me to the skill page and crashes. Recent things I have done that perhaps contribute to recreating. 3 Crew members nearby. tamed a pig Built a medium shipyard quite a way off but still on the same island. I have a recording of the clip on Xbox live.
I have had it with the glitches! I have watched my husband play this game for a few years now. I was so stoked to start playing with him. I recently created my own profile. We have been putting in hours every day the last 3 weeks after work. Tonight, while going through a new map tile, the game glitched and we lost EVERYTHING! Our brig, all of our treasure maps, 14 crew, and more than 15k gold. Not to mention all time we spent building all of that. Im so beyond mad! I honestly want to quit playing already. How can a developer know their game glitches this bad and not have a contingency plan to recover where you left off? This game would be so awesome if these little bugs would stop being ignored!
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Ahoy everyone! First off, sorry for the huge font size! I wrote the post in my phone notes to make sure I covered everything and can’t work out how to change it after it was copied and pasted here! So (if you can’t tell) I’m new to the forums, normally I just hide and travel through them and watch with popcorn whenever something big goes off. But with everything that’s happened recently I’ve made an account specifically to create this post addressed to the new community team and pass along a series of questions from our alliance that were all playing The Gorgon’s Gaze. Before the questions though, I’d just like to say welcome to the community to the three new developers who we’ve met so far. I hope you can keep the dream alive while also paying close attention to what your fans are saying, unlike a lot of developers for games which looked promising to begin with but ultimately failed because of breakdowns with fans. Without one you can’t have the other and all that... Also, I have to say that I currently personally class Atlas as my all time favourite game. And as I’m physically disabled, I’ve played a lot of games, but none that have hooked me as much as Atlas has. I become physically absorbed into the game when playing, and I just hope that my PVE based love for it now doesn’t turn to hate as I want absolutely nothing to do with PVP. If I did I’d play other games. I know PVE will still exist before people start blowing off, but let’s just say a lot of us don’t see the need for change when nothing (game mode related at least) seemed broken or in need of change. A lot of us feel we’ve lost everything for no good reason and are eager to see what the cost has bought us. Please note that the following are questions from 12 individuals, and not just all from me. The questions themselves reflect what’s most important about playing the game to each person, and how they’re answered may be the difference between people playing from July or not bothering anymore, something which I’m sure goes far wider than our alliance group. The questions aren’t listed in any kind of order of importance as they are all equally as important as far as we’re concerned. Q1. With the closure of The Gorgon’s Gaze, what is the long term plan on the roadmap for all the PVE players who have now lost their main server? Will there be a brand new server established with the newly released world map active for us to return to or are we all now expected to merge onto one server after July? Q2. As is the case with the majority of people on The Gorgon’s Gaze, we have spent literally months worth of playing time establishing ourselves as a stable company of 10 people, and played as part an alliance. We had several levels from the discoveries, a fleet of 5 schooners (2 of which were mythic), a brig and a mythic galleon. Not to mention the builds and tames (some of which being from Golden Age) spread across 6 grids and countless full days collecting gold to sustain our 58 point island. Will any of this progress be taken into account if we decide to still play? Perhaps at the very least, anyone who had already spent the time helping you develop your game to lose everything literally overnight could have some kind of unique skin on their account to show their continued commitment after losing all progress should they chose to start over? Q3. With the map adjustment, will you still be able to sail over the edges of the world and end up on the other side? Also, while other types of grid have been mentioned on the latest announcement, there is no info yet on where the Freeports will be. Will they still be included or will there be new ways now to recruit crews, buy skins and of course tame cats? Q4. Pathfinders have lost everything. What kind of new content can be expected? Or will we just have the same features with an adjusted map? Even SOME insight to new stations etc might be enough to swing people back to playing from July. For example, a way of taking the salt out of sea water such as a boiling station? Which could require alloy and gems and be far down on the skill tree to make it hard to get? Mechanical Filtering existed in the era the game is set in after all. Q5. Are we going to see any changes to the skill trees in general such as the amount of points it takes to buy skills? Will there be as many quest skills now or have some been lost to a smaller map or bunched together like on Blackwood? Q6. The main difference in base building between PVP players vs PVE is that PVE players build for keeps. We want our structures to be noticed and appreciated and remain as a form of overall progress. Will this be the final wipe? Or should we all just wait until the game is released to start playing again? Q7. Will there be any changes to taming, breeding and pathfinder levelling stats? Will discoveries now count for more points or will the max level be reduced to take into account what definitely appears to be a far smaller map than we had before? Q8. I’m concerned about how farming will now work with the fact that equatorial now only takes up a tiny part of the map (and oddly is not centralised). Are we now going to have to fight for an inch of land in the best planting terrain? Or will farming be easier to do in the other biomes? Also, will there be any new crops? Ark had vegetables AND berries for example but to be honest I really just want to grow my own mint and limes! Q9. Will pathfinders playing on ALL consoles now be able to see custom flags, canvasses and sails? Or will this still be restricted to 1X and PC players who are fortunate enough to be able to afford the higher end tech? Also, will we be able to put images taken on the pathfinder compass camera accessed by holding Y onto canvass now? Q10. Will there be a fix for the big bug where if you own an island and have the settings on COMPANY ONLY, other people can still do what they like and build anyway? We had all 6 of our owned island discoveries constantly blocked by other people setting up travel agencies there, despite us constantly breaking beds and foundations when we noticed they were there from the log. In other words, we were being stopped from building on our own island without any way to correct it as the admin IGNORED all 3 of our tickets on the subject, presumably with the knowledge of the upcoming wipe. Eventually we had to check every day, it would be nice to not have this hassle. Q11. Can we have a dedicated memorial gallery to post our Gorgon’s Gaze images to? That way at least our work has not been completely for nothing and our builds live on. I had a crew member who I temporarily forgot to feed once when I was new to the game and was bugged to be constantly retching. It would be nice if Lady Chuckup could live on as well in some way from our captures of her as she is definitely less replaceable and was our company mascot. Q.12 Possibly the most important question on a lot of people’s minds from both PVE AND PVP...will this be the Legacy update which sees our pathfinders be able to have children? And can we PLEASE have our flying ships now? I know a lot of these questions have likely already been asked, and some may have been answered. If anyone has anything they can answer, please do so. Just please keep your comments CLEAN and more importantly CALM. The Dev’s know we’re mad, but we won’t get anywhere now by freeplaying our war drums. ALSO...I HAVE ADDED THIS SECTION IN TO CLARIFY THAT THIS POST IS NOT INTENDED AS A PLACE TO VENT YOUR RAGE. Feel free to comment, but PLEASE ADD AT LEAST ONE QUESTION OF YOUR OWN OR SOME KIND OF CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK INTO WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE IMPROVED. Please chose to be civil with your comments though, as we have in our main post. And remember...THIS POST IS ADDRESSED TO THE NEW DEVS AND NOT THE OLD ONES WHO YOU MIGHT FEEL HAVE LET YOU DOWN. I’m not expecting a direct message response but hopefully at the VERY LEAST, the developers who introduced themselves to us recently will read this (in full preferably) and provide some of the answers with their next major announcement. It may be enough to prevent a full blown mutiny and bring some back to the fold. I tried to include some of the captures we do have from The Gorgon’s Gaze in this post but wasn’t able to add them in for some reason so I’ve put them on my profile instead if anyone wishes to see them. I sincerely hope to see you all on the seas (and land, as that definitely matters too) again from July, pending new info. Perhaps on a new server, appropriately titled “The Phoenix’s Flame” or something equally as worthy. Yours in seamanship, Kingston Towne
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1: level 150 setting not working for Single player! 2: when you enter a region and you die! sometimes you stay dead and you have to leave the game to spawn in! 3: if to much happens like a Whale hitting your ship! all then smoke will make your Xbox crash! (more to come when i play more!)
Network: Single-player Grid: L6 Description of issue: Pathfinder, tames, and wild animals pass/fall through a patch of ground as though it's not there. Any screenshots or video demonstrating the bug: Repro steps if available/applicable: Not applicable CCC (if location specific, please include the CCC with your report): cheat TP L6 109426 -323311 6131
Ok so been playing on black water map. So far found 2 bugs. When try to open treasure map... It completely closes out game. 2nd one is fact that along coast line. There isnt any regular fish like tuna and such. Any1 else having these issues?
Recently starting playing coop with my wife (and some solo to test some things) on a non dedicated, and these are some of the issues/bugs we have run into: - The map often looses track of the position of your ship/ships, and this often leads to the game crashing if you try to respawn on a bed on one of these ships. Most of the time this happens when you change zone, but it sometimes happens inside a zone as well. - When digging for water it is only possible for the host of the non dedicated game to get water to appear. - Ships of the damned only appear in armadas of at least three.
Atlas One server admin’s perspective on how to save Atlas. About me, I run a small hosting server for game servers. I mostly serve a small gaming community and a few streamers. Most of my experience on game server hosting started in 2015. However, I have over 25 years of sysadmin experience. Atlas is an ambitious idea. I say idea because at this point that is all it is. As it stands now the game continues to bleed players. Even with new content players are just not returning to the game. It is my opinion that this is primarily due to the complete lack of support for unofficial servers. One can’t discuss Atlas without mentioning ARK. Just in case you didn’t know, Atlas, Grapeshot, is made up of ARK Developers and Producers. The game itself has a lot of code ported from ARK as well. This should have made several aspects of the game just work. Many of the features of ARK that work very well have been broken in Atlas. Below are the things that I feel are done right and things that need changes. Done right: · Water system and weather. The water mechanics, waves, wind etc, all are wonderful. I can’t say enough good things about this part of the game. I truly enjoy and most players I know enjoy sailing. It is fun and you can really immerse in this part of the game. · Changed stats. The way stats have been changed generally are good. Much of the power creep that has occurred in ARK is negated with several stats not being changeable and others having much smaller changes. This is for both players, animals. · Building system. Hands down the building system is a 500% improvement. Every aspect to how building works in Atlas is by far one of the best of any of these types of games. I especially like the multi-part system where a wall can be many different things just by cycling when u place. Needs Work: · Animals. While some aspects to animals are ok, several other parts are not. Either you have a taming system, or you don’t. At this point you have, in my opinion, a dumb system. Same with breeding either make it work or don’t have it. It was stated that animals were not going to be a focus of this game. If that was the case, then why make all the changes that make it feel stupid. If animals are not the focus, then don’t give them a lot of utility. If they are needed then don’t change what has worked before, ARK, to some stupid system that doesn’t work well. If it isn’t broke don’t fix it. At this point you have gone too far to obviously revert to ARK systems, so you need spend some time and make it work. Major changes Needed: These next parts are more about how the current server systems work. Ini files. · Don’t make us guess what works or doesn’t work here. Have someone spend some time and Actually document the current ini file options for servers. · Fix difficulty scaling, whatever you did to totally bork this, undue it. Add or go back to how ARK difficulty scaling works. Right now, it’s totally borked up and is incredibly frustrating to players and admins. Either have NO difficulty scaling at all or have it work in a nice linear method JUST LIKE ARK. Why does it have to be this bad? o As it stands now, animals don’t gain XP if they are above a certain wild level. Difficulty scaling totally borks Alphas to be unkillable and able to kill everything. Why does having wild 150 animals mean we have level 1160+ Alphas that cannot be killed unless u glitch them or trap them somewhere. o The entire system needs a massive overhaul. In my opinion separate out wild animal levels scaling and alpha scaling. Also break out SOTD and AOTD treasure maps. Some high level AOTD are immune to all damage or only take a single point. o Some survivors from high level SOTD disappear after you “claim them”. Again, difficulty scaling problems. Ship stats · I understand that “official servers” need to maintain a balance. However, you should know by now that this game will be make or break on the unofficial servers. ALL ship stats need to be fully exposed in ini files. Servers need an easy way to adjust these. This is an absolute must; mods will never work well for this and it needs to be a priority change. Many players and servers play a more PVE style and creative style. Without more ability to easily make these changes you lose long term playability. The single biggest complaint I have from players on all the PVE and creative side is this issue. Along with borked animal taming but this one issue is huge. Ships are ATLAS, you have to do better here. o Changes needed, exposed stat settings like that exists for player/animal stats. o Ini control of ship base speeds, including backup speed. o Ini control of each sail type/size. o Ini control of each ship type, number of sail “points” i.e. how many points each ship has for sails, larger sails costing more points etc. o Ini control for expanding builds outside boundaries or expanding the boundary by X factor. This obviously can’t work in all servers but if I want to have a server where I can build crazy ships then, if this is a sandbox game there should be a setting too allow that. Server map systems This is a big topic and I don’t have enough coding experience to know exactly what changes are needed but this is probably the single biggest issue facing Atlas. As it stands right now you can now play single player or non-dedicated with the full official map. Or try the actual official servers. However, unofficial servers are basically non-existent for truly large maps. The game is designed for a large map. The official 15x15 is 225 shards/servers. As it stands now it costs thousands of dollars to have the hardware capable of running a full 15x15 server. So, we have these smaller ones. The problem is that they don’t deliver the full experience because the game isn’t designed for “small” maps. Blackwood attempts to provide this by having a fully custom experience, but that isn’t much better than non-dedicated because it is too small, resources, quests, etc. I have tried to come up with ways to make this work. I’ve had a 5x5 custom map designed which I can run on a single “server” albeit one with Dual 8core/16t processors and 192gb of ram. That is an extreme example. It highlights the big issue. Another workaround that I have been talking with the developer of one of the Atlas Server Utilities about is a hybrid solution. Have a Set number of shards say a 3x3 as a “permanent” online server. This server is running the 15x15 map. Using a discord integration, a player can send a command to a bot to boot up shards F3, F4, F5, etc. This in turn would have those shards boot up for X amount of time and shutdown XX minutes after no players are detected. Something that could be configured for each server integration. Some hurdles are when a player logs off on a temporary shard and that shard shuts down if the player forgets what shard they are in, there needs to be a way to see last known location. This is complicated by a bug with Atlas that player locations are buggy. Often players will be shown online in several shards at once when they are not there. This is likely due to some issue with Redis not sending back data to the shards when a player moves to a new shard. Often this is seen when a “sleeping” logged off player is moved to a new shard on a moving ship. Although it occurs without that happening as well. Another option is for Grapeshot too develop a better server system that integrates some of the features of the single player/non-dedicated experience. Custom maps and the quests. This is got to be the messiest part of having custom maps, trying to integrate the quests and locations correctly. It can be done but it is so damn messy and when new content gets added it frequently must be done again. This needs to be fixed. A re-write of how quests are tracked internally in the game needs to happen. When a server admin must spend more time on upkeep than playing the game or simply cannot because of IRL things like a JOB, and Family, then the game just gets dropped. In closing, I want to stress that this post is just my opinion, though many parts are shared by the players who have player on my servers. Along with other server admins I have spoken too on the various discord servers. Generally, the conscious is that Atlas has great potential but as it stands now it just isn’t worth the time, money, and aggravation. Any constructive opinions are welcome.
Loading screen with Primal Game Data BP doesnt stop. It doesnt freeze, the ´´earths´´ moves, but it doesnt load...
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Hello everybody! One of most exiting things for me in atlas is breeding animals to make really OP monsters. But today I lost 3 babybears..... again.... They were 14-15% of mature (should be able to eat from feeding trough) and with full inventory of grown vegetables. Then I filled multiple feeding trough with berries and after that i went to sleep for at least 3 hours. When I woke up feeding trough were almost (but not completely) emty. Thats strange coz 10 bears cant eat 6 feeding trough full of berries in 3 hrs. I left babybears just next to feeding trough that found half-filled in the morning..... so I lost like 8-10 hours of realtime..... again..... Looks like Patch v18.9 was cancelled.... Fixed an issue with babies not eating from inventory/troughs when in stasis. Strange that I cant find message about babybear death in company log..... they disappeared? Devs. Please. Fix. This. Again... Best regards, Despy. P.S. found message. Starved to death....
game-over Increasing amount of unhappy customers.
Jozzie McTowel posted a topic in General Discussion
They are unable to fix anything properly, people griefing ships because they can pick up more from the ground than they should be able to, well devs fix is let people glitch out on ships that aren't theirs when trying to enter them rather than fixing the real bug being people able to pickup too many items, log out, log back in, only have 250/250 weight until they drop an item or split their stack in their inventory for it to show the real weight again. So now people just hang from ladders on boats who didnt' pull those up and encumber it like that or just toss items on the deck for it to get encumbered. If they made it impossibru for ppl to get overweight in the first place even the ship dropping method would require a lot of players to sink a ship that way cuz the items dissapear rather quick. Their claim that one of their dev's steam accounts got hacked is also a blatent lie, claiming this wouldn't occur again it only was an invitation to cheaters and hackers to show how quick they could fuck up their network once again. Not to forget that there are countless reports from cheaters and hackers being submitted via their ticket system which are going unanswered where these cheaters and hackers are going on with their malpractices until this very day (if servers were up though). Everything they claim to fix they break it even harder, my two examples are just two of them, I bet alot of dissatisfied customers could come up with plenty more stuff. Oh and not to forget their wonderous Fountain of Youth they implemented while about all players in game who have a character since launch are now receiving a very nice age debuff which they can only get removed when they travel to a Golden Age area where all people have to be right now and it only can hold up to 150 players in theory, in practice this wouild mean about 50 players to play it as it's meant to be played. But right now people just have to run through the lagfast that it is naked and hope for the best to reach the magic sparkles at the end of the cave. Same goes for powerstones apparently the much anticipated and praised end game they are trying to fix with each patch while their core game mechanics are broken beyond recognition. How are people supposed to play this game when everything is bugged and we have to find workarounds just to be able to progress in nearly each part of this game rather than playing as intended. Far worse might be the interaction the devs have with this community, far too many people havea already noted and stated that they mostly listen to cringy streamers and crybabies in general rather than looking at these forums and see the daily return of many topics where players are most frustrated about. No they gonna nerf all kinds of stuff cuz some half ass streamer is giving them a bad rep about it on stream. The only thing those devs want is to keep this game look like it's shiny and fun on the streams until they raked in enough of our hard earned cash. Because let's face it, they robbed us from our money to let us play this aggrevating crappy coded "so-called-pirate-mmo". If I wanted to grind my ass of for materials I would have kept playing 7 days to die or would have reinstalled minecraft to have a better experience in harvesting and building stuff without having to fear that none of my work is still there when I log back in. Let's have a look at the two twitters that are posting most of Atlas news and updates, now the official Atlas twitter is probably not into replying anyone at all just for posting update news and patch notes when Needed. Jatheish on the other hand is far more active with giving the community constant updates when shit goes wrong but also keeps posting ETA's that are never and are always late. Even seen people complain once about an ingame server message stating servers will restart or go down in 20 minutes, so players were rushing to a safe haven when on sea or make sure they got inside a house to logout before server goes down, what happens, server goes down only 5 minutes after that message appeared, making alot of players unable to logout safely with all the negativity as a result, players losing just their gear and die once ok very annoying, but those who never had a fair chance to park their boat somehwere lost alot of progress once again. Now besides their shitty communication skills and their non-existant clock reading skills the only one who replies to certain tweets is Jatheish, the pain in the ass there is that he only replies to either positive comments or comments that have no informational value what so ever. Like last night he replied to a guy asking how often he must have said a certain word this year already whlist the majority of replies on his tweets are about the cheaters, the bugs, the game not being fun in general, those replies are being straight out ignored just as most of the topics are being ignored here on this forum by any official person. They implemented moderators and community admins, god knows why because the ones who should be more active on this forum are the devs, they should learn how to use their eyes and brain at the same time and read the massive reports of players that are begging for fixes in areas they have ignored since launch. Yet they bring out and even brag about their new features while the core mechanics of this game are still broken, people are still playing on 250 ping servers whilst having to deal with all the buggy shit that comes with predators, land claims, ship building, alphas, cheaters, hackers, and now we have rollbacks and constant patches that break stuff just a simple like doors no longer opening, if someone would just run the software they managed to compile before they release it as an update they can prevent so many gamebreaking issues with each patch they release but nope, we are the guinneepigs, we are the rats in the wheels and why? Like most paid forumtrolls state here it's an Early Access game you should have known what u signed up for... It's early access I get it, but doesn't that mean that what it describes in the EA stuff is that they are taking notes from customer feedback and listening to their playerbase on how to improve things? I've seen their Twitch live Q+A stream and I can tell you, there was no real Q+A part, it was just them talking about things they gonna implement while the playerbase is crying on the twitch chat to be aknowledged and to point out that devs are just ignoring the whole Black Butterfly incident by not even mentioning it once in their nearly 2 hour talk. To be honest the best description of that stream I read on this forum somewhere was someone saying those 4 guys at the mental hospital got some time off together and placed in a room with a webcam, this made my day just that little bit better because let's be honest, this weekend was horrible for those who actually took the time to play the game. Rollbacks, Fountain of Youth and Rollbacks. This fountain of youth thing is so poorly designed and shows how badly these developers are connected with their playerbase, we had freeport at launch that was overpopulated and with that mechanic they were lucky enough that there were plenty of freeports (and lawless areas) where people could eventually spawn, it wasn't enough for launch but it was somewhat managable. Right now u have to have the entire population of one server (NA PVE fe) to rush to one single grid where that fountain of youth is at, one grid that can hold 150 players maximum (in theory but in practice u get a ping of 250). So let's say about 5-10k players who have started near launch are now all over age 90 and have a debuff for being that old implemented on them whilst they dont' have the alternative at hand to make babies in game they are all forced at the same time with a serious debuff to find that fountain of youth before their character dies permanently losing all the progress and gear and landclaims and boats (if u play solo or have really small company where u all die before reaching it). So yeah, if one of those devs would ever have played on an official server and had to deal with all the previous bullshit before even thinking about going to a fountain of youth together will the rest of the playerbase at the same time they would have never implemented such a feature without having alternatives for breeding or even releasing something that makes us all get a random younger age. Cuz this issue will repeat itself in a couple of weeks when EVERYONE who's now 20 again will be at the age of 90 again, and yea you have to be 90+ to get a nice buff each time you go back after the age of 90+ you get a buff over your buff. So tell me, am I exaggerating anything here? People who played this game for a few weeks now know very well that the way Grapeshot throws out updates is like a blind man playing darts, throw as hard and as fast as you can and see if one hits the bullseye, more misses than hits in this field. There are some obvious forum trolls here of which I hope they aren't being paid by Grapeshot to keep the negativity down by having so many people countering it with rediculous answers as: git gud, or learn to play, or game isn't made for soloing. I get it it's an MMO, but people all have to start out solo and the game mechanic only let's u stay on newbie island (freeport) until lvl 8 which is so low your chances of survival outside freeport are really small when u play alone and start to find land to claim to build a ship in case u want to start your own company and not become another companies slave to go pick cotton or other resources all day long whilst the guys who run the big companies get to play command & conquer while u play minecraft/lumberjack simulater. They already stole our money after their terrible launch and steam still refuses to do refunds even when u try to explain all the issues ot them in a lenghty conversation like this one, u still get standard replies and support staff doesn't read your sentences the way you have written them. When I write: my first 20 hours of "gametime" were me sitting in main menu trying to login to a server. They read: you played 20 hours and thus Steam will not refund you after this much gametime. Now we all knew steam support can also be a pain in the ass sometimes, now we have to deal with Atlas dev team and Steam Support simultaniously. For those who gonna be trolls and say why u still play when u wanted refund and can only complain about it? Because I got robbed of my 25$ while Steam refuses to refund the damn thing due to timer things I felt obligated to play and see if I can still get fun out of it after each update and patch, as most of you trolls claim it's EA and (might/will) get better. Well it doesn't, they break the experience for most of us with each update they roll out or roll back. I would also like to ask my fellow pirates who have had enough of this idiotic way things are going to just spam Jat and Atlas tweets as soon as they pop up with youtube videos of griefers, cheaters, bugs, glitches, anything that shows what a poor product this is to make sure they aren't fooling other people into buying this game until it might actually be playable. Please don't hesitate to even copy past my entire post here to spread the message on reddit, other forums or just in here in case mods think this should be deleted, as I have read from several users on this forum that posts about their incompetence get deleted sometimes. Good luck to all of those who are still trying to play the game after all these things that happened, but for me it was over a few days ago, I'm done grinding to establish a little base and some boats on my own, I know it's not of solo players, but if u started this game with 5 friends and end up alone after a few days into the game u don't feel like joining a big company just yet, u try to build up a base and boat to show your friends and hope they want to play on from that part since they could skip the grindy part, but nope, it's so bad that they refuse to play it any longer and me myself have jumped ship and joined their boat, not playing boat. I will keep being a pest to this company until A: this game is a proper playable game (don't count on it). B: they refund this game to me (depending on steam here). As long as I feel like being ripped off, I'll be ripping on these nitwits as well. This is what I picture how the game Atlas itself feels like if it were alive: -
To whoever it might concern. G13 on the PVP Kraken's Maw has has become a black hole of lost connections. The message"Unable to query server info" quickly follows after lost connection. Any player crossing the border that I have messaged or talked to loses connection and I just found out may have also lost their ship. Stay out of G13. Developers please reset the server and fix the connection problems please.
- 1 reply
- bugs
- connection problem
(and 3 more)
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Looks like before the grid/server lock, I had gotten the fountain of youth in F8. I died, respawns, and triple checked I had gotten the effect. Game breaks, acts as though my character isnt spawned and as such he wont die, so I cant change servers. Stop playing, come back a couple hours later and we have grid lock. Manage to somehow get out of F8 and spawned in a Freeport. Then I notice I lost my fountain buff... then I notice I lost 5 levels.. I have pictures that show in company log the loss of levels vs the passage of time. This is NA PVP. Please give me my buff and levels back, I couldn't do that run again or level up so easily. Already I play on graveyard hours and have fallen victim to every single rollback. This is beyond nuts, I've lost days of work and this time with the fountain is crazy - it wasnt even enjoyable to do, and the lag made it take so long!
- 26 replies
- fountain of youth
- level loss
(and 3 more)
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How is it that a player on a trolley hooked to a horse or a bear can shoot people and ships in water or under water, just as it is possible that being in the ocean can fire by being almost completely submerged, today we have the situation with the players who so drowned us ships in this galleon as a player with a horse on swivel, sailed under the ship, then moved him inside the ship and being inside on this horse burned the whole ship, you should seriously nerf, all carts and canons on them because they are too OP. And on land the player, even on the animal has no chance to fight pvp with a person on such a cart, the carts should have a block of water shooting or under it the same should have blocked placing on them npc, because npc with auto aim, kill everyone even in armor naa of one arrow, even through structures, And this spoils the game and causes that a lot of people resign from further play by such mistakes you should completely turn off the animal carts system until you fix it and prevent shooting from water or killing on one shot, and npc never misses the player and his animal too . Poco in the game are ships, white or firearms if the player on the cannon kills everything and no weapon is effective against him, trolleys should have something like durability, or if someone jumps a horse and a cart from a high cliff, the trolley should fall apart as he rides pllugo and shoots it should be broken so that the bug is done again and the carts are immortal and op from npc they kill everything on the soil and in the water
Just tried to do two different blue maps in two different grids (servers) B10 and B13. Both times we killed all the guardians but when we tried to dig up the box i got the guardians remaining message. We tried each one several times with the same results. Never saw any of them run off or anything, far as we could tell we killed them all. Now, i did die during the fight and had to come back, but my friend was still there and fighting so they never despawned. That being said, dying never mattered before, we have finished many maps where one or both of us have died and we still got the reward, has something changed? This is a serious bug because not only does it remove a huge portion of the game play, but for those with large crews it's going to make paying them rather difficult as the treasure maps were the only source of good amounts of gold.
Not sure if this has been fixed in game yet as I've been messing around in dev kit the last few game patches. However, it seems the issue related to the mens faces disappearing when they put on the pirate/hide pants is related to the wrong texture being plugged in to the material instance. I stumbled upon the issue while attempting to convert all the armor to skins because there are a few with very similar names but when the correct texture is plugged in, the gaping hole in the mesh of the mans face was fixed. Hopefully this helps? First image is what I believe to be the incorrect texture in the instance. Second is what should be there as it doesn't cause issues with female characters.