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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2019 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Consider this phase one of Operation Spam Prevention. We plan to implement phase two in the near future. Structure spam is a complicated issue and, whilst we wont claim to have a cure-all, we do feel that the next phase of our plan will mitigate it substantially (or at least cause people to consider how much spam they can afford to maintain ) We'll keep you all posted.
  2. 2 points
    Is there any way to enable this disabled feature? I have randomly gotten it to turn back on after green screening when trying to fast travel, but I cannot replicate it consistently. I ask because many of us are hitting max levels and traveling around to new islands for discovery points is beginning to be very important again. This is difficult to do when its hard to tell which ones you have been to and which ones you have not. I really wish there was an option we could turn on and off. I would probably leave it off most of the time if performance was an issue and turn it back on when I need to get more Discovery Points.
  3. 2 points
    I know they’re there because I follow you. In the shadows. Eating Cheetos and watching. Always watching.
  4. 2 points
    They are going to fix it......it just needs to be tweaked. We liked the change, but immediately saw the gap in its implementation and complained. Turning it on and off sounds good, but does not fix the underlying issue in how it works. 1 metal lost every single repair. Every time it decays 1 HP another metal lost. We checked our ships 6 hours after this was implemented and none of our ships had metal on them and many were missing other basics. We keep some ships stocked and ready to go for a quick reaction force, not possible with this change without a lot of extra work. Defeats the purpose.
  5. 2 points
    You can't claim lawless islands. They only have island points because of the silo thing. It says so in the patch notes.
  6. 2 points
    This is something my company has discussed and for the most part we all like it. It would be nice to have the ability to recover some of the high end planks, cannons, decks, sails, etc when a ship goes down. In Eve it randomly drops ship parts. Why not in Atlas? Want to see more standard ships at sea instead of high end mythical ships? Put this in. I know a lot of people who would be happy tossing 10 standard brigs against a high end mythical galleon to sink it. We could lose every single one of them and consider it a win if we could loot that ship. Flip side is if you lose your high end ship, you have a chance to recover some of the planks, cannons, etc to start building a new one. Softens the loss quite a bit.
  7. 2 points
    I would enjoy solo playing if only I could see the water. cant seem to see treasure beacons either. I like the challenge of this game and others. if it was to easy I quit playing. Its hard and time consuming cause its a SURVIVAL GAME.
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
    Wouldn't matter if they let people know where the spawn points were ahead of time. People are dicks. Think of the number of times you have rolled up on POIs or discovery points that people have walled in to build on. In other cases they can be great. Was always a good feeling to roll up on a map on top of mountain that someone had already built a ramp up to. (and we found many of those, once again reinforcing that map spawn points are static). I had a map one week on a nice clear beach on an unclaimed island right in front of a poi dock. Pop the map and move along. Next week I have the same map. Show up and some idiot has built his house with the dock inside it. AoD spawn half on the beach, half in his house. I spend 15 minutes bouncing the bear against his walls to get a swipe through a window just right to kill the ones inside. If he had built solid walls would not have been possible. So who is wrong? Me for doing my map, or the douche that built his straw hut over a npc structure?
  10. 1 point
    Economy is the key to success for atlas: -marketplaces on freeports to sell resources, items, ships and tames And serverwide connection of those stores (ex: all 4 stores in a Freeport server share the same goods etc) So people have more acces points and blocking is not that easy If this results in massive server overpopulation you can split freeports servers into 4 own server (triangles) -storehouse on freeports for companies (and private) where people can bring their stuff and store gold and from which transactions are calculated -gold generation! More ways for gold to get into the game -gold consumption! (maybe companies have to pay for the amount of crewmembers, a big safe (structure) to store money for company <= only one per comp) great for smaller ones and big company size is expensive, need for more interactions -blackboard in freeports for comps to recruit new players and new players find comps for joining or renting) This is important, finding a safe place to life should not be a long and frustrating procedure -private message ability: pigeons maybe + pigeon house where messages can be read Comes with the blackboard, people must have a way to contact those companies who offer recruitment or renting -and a tavern on freeports where you can buy Crewmember that spawn ON your ship, there is no need at all that they spawn in the middle of the island and have to follow us, especially if the freeports get more crowded. Crewmember selling guy asking on which ship you want to have them and if you buy them they will be there -if above is implemented QUIT farming events like x4 to not f**k up economy! Why? Because this is not ark, even it feels like it it got special needs to work, it's an MMO(Interaction) where the first M stands for Massive what means 'a lot' and so there needs to be a lot of interactions available (especially some not completely frustrating ones) And why economy in a pirate game? Because there is no piracy without economy.. Think about history ^^ Atm people have no reason to drive with a ship other than discovering or treasure maps, travels are long and not even exciting, encounters are rare and if then totally random. With economy you can calculate an encounter of you wish to have one, you can set traps or patrol routes of trading ships. And if lucky you will also get a reward for being a pirate! And you also have a reason to use ships which rizes the traffic on the seas because people want to get their peace of the trading cake and sell their resources or maybe they want to buy a super nice blueprint ship? Or a bred tiger! This economy change forces people to get out there for a reason, and make some money with what they have on their own island, perfect I tried to think about all the content to fit into the game as it already is so that there is no need of another wipe With those things implemented there are a lot of new opportunities even for new players and for smaller comps
  11. 1 point
    Hello, everybody. We are a company of different characters and have a discord channel. We sell bred animals! You order, we breed. Of course it takes some time and you can't satisfy all your wishes! However, the animals are not sold neutered (up to level 60). All animals that exceed one level will be neutered to protect our breeding! We ask for your understanding! On request there are also wild tames to buy! We would like to grow with pleasure and would like to form a nice community and to act and to exchange ourselves also! Soon there will also be auctions! But that needs some time and some more people! Your Welcome BUDDYS TRAIDING https://discord.gg/3K4uNWj
  12. 1 point
    I second this. Probability could be adjust by condition. If the plank only has 10% HP the chance could be low, above 90% HP higher.
  13. 1 point
    @sgzeroone & @boomervoncannon Can we get back to the topic please? I love this idea! I don't really care how, but to actually get some of the real ship parts of a sunken ship is super cool. This could lead to a little bit more player based economy. Because without the effort of farming it yourself you could sell mid - high tier ship parts or cannons for decent profit. You shouldn't get 100% of the ship. The most simple solution would be to add a chance of 20%(maybe higher, maybe lower) to the demolishing of sunken ships that you get the structure itself instead of common resources.
  14. 1 point
    That is a bridge too far. *munches a Cheeto*
  15. 1 point
    I think this change was more about forcing old abandoned crap to be deleted automagically clearing space up. People actively playing can avoid this.
  16. 1 point
    Incorrect. You do not respawn with the equilibrium buff, you just respawn with your vitamins in a condition to earn it. There is still a timer you must complete with vitamins staying in balanced status to earn the buff. I would agree that if all your going to do is get a horse with cannon than significant buffs to fortitude, melee damage and movement speed might not matter to you. To others they might have value.
  17. 1 point
    Well thank you boomer. mainly because I do see the potential the game can have. To me they did ark dirty in many ways. Even though I believe they are still doing it, I am keeping an open mind. they have been making some good changes which I have tipped my hat to. Jat has been more active on social media which is a big plus. And the have actually been doing optimizations(which was non existent with ark). I guess I am just trying not to hold a grudge. And as far as the troll thing goes, I might be an asshole but I am far from a troll lol.
  18. 1 point
    Linking player shops placed on claimed land (owner or non) to auction houses in the correct located freeport would net the most return I think. Giving another reason to build/live on claimed land even if it is not yours, pushing those in lawless to move on (PvE issues). This would also boost economy overall. I hope they take this feedback and implement it. Giving us an eco system that pushes players to both play and travel would be ideal.
  19. 1 point
    What I find funny that they tried decaying single structures on Ark and people added ladders to their pillars.... are they really this stupid?.... parking lot time!.... Give us a claim system that prohibits (by game mechanics) people from building a one use taming pen (like those stupid sign pens) 3 feet from someones front door and this all goes away.... I recommend 5 flags per player.... company size is irrelevant.... and for those that are calling for a permanent ban..... imagine body parts that would get me a forum ban for mentioning and su@k that.....
  20. 1 point
    It's not so much the decay system that's wrong,it's the total lack of proper explanation when they make changes,I had no idea I had to fast travel to ships to reset the timer,then when they updated the decay they should have started the timer from the update.I only had 4 boats. 2 sloops and 2 schooners,now I only have 2 sloops.All 4 were parked outside my base and I am at my base every other day .yet somehow the base next to me that has a massive base loadsa ships and two large shipyards haven't been affected.
  21. 1 point
    Devs, please disable enemy companies from being able to spam foundations and pillars all over islands. Some companies are routinely going around to every island and spamming pillars or floors to deny access to the island to all players. For a small amount of resources and time, one person can spam hundreds of pillars, block off an entire island to everyone else - even the owner of the island. This makes the game unplayable because....the vast amount of resources and time needed to destroy those pillars later is not the game we signed up to play. People are giving up trying to remove spammed pillars, and a new player or company that wants to settle on an island give up also, because the entire island is denied to them. Given enough time, every island will be pillared by someone, denying it to everyone else, and it will be game over. Solutions. Prevent the problem before it starts - 1. Deny everyone but island owners and allies from being able to place pillars on owned islands, outside of a war deck. We paid and pay for the island, let the enemy buy a war deck first to be able to place pillars - and only for the duration of the war deck. That is equal cost to both parties. 2. Foundations, pillars, structures, etc on an owned island that don't belong to the owner vanish in 48 hours - this will clear current hostile pillar spam. When a war deck ends, the same thing happens, their structures vanish. 3. During the war deck timer, give island owners the 3 to 1 defender advantage they deserve (paid for) and allow 3x damage to enemy structures using cannons and grenades to clear structures out. We appreciate your attempt to fix this the other day, but it was rescinded. Players running into the problem are giving up playing your game. Make fixing this a priority pretty please!
  22. 1 point
    There were only boats parked everywhere because of the stupid anti-grief system where we couldn't board them and claim them. Make them claimable and that solves the problem right there. Honestly, I had a ton of fun after they announced the wipe of just exploring areas and claiming others stuff that had left the game. Make it that way again. Let us be pirates and explorers ffs!
  23. 1 point
    ya why not make it an option on the resource box on a ship?
  24. 1 point
    Pathetic.. this is why code like this has to be added. Imho.. we need gm's to just perm ban anyone who does this. And then globally demo all of their company assets. Only then will the problem be solved. The amount of server lag this generates is technically griefing the entire region. Btw the cleanup code only works now on officials on settled islands. And only if the area hasn't been visited within 12 hours.
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    One big NO! If your ship is gone then build new one. We don't need bs like this in game.
  27. 1 point
    Please for god sake do NOT increase the timers more than 10 days, 10 days is more than enough time already, I was happy with only 4 days. If you can't log in for literally 2 seconds in the game then you are not interested in the structures. As for the holidays, I agree they should come up with a mechanism for when people want to go on holiday, I suggested some sort of button to activate a one off timer every so often so you can go on holidays but not to spam this feature whenever you feel like it. I've lost stuff myself due to the auto decay, i've got over it as it is only right if I don't interact with it on other parts of the map it should go but please do not increase timers more than 10 days. The tames should come in line with normal structure timers, I have no idea why this isn't the case. Maybe these can be changed to 10 days also so everything is together. Sorry you lost your stuff though, it can be gutting. @Jatheish @Dollie
  28. 1 point
    What about a salvage & repair mechanic instead? I think it could be compaitble with PvP and PvE both. Imagine a salvage attachment to your ship that allows you to sail up to a wreck and not just salvage from a plunder-the-resources POV, but salvage from oi-this-part-looks-still-usable POV. Then those mythical cannons and master planks are actually worth salvaging. So you would end up with a partially filled variant of the cargo rack containing rescued ship parts. The existing salvage nechanics could remain as well. The salvage attachment could be a one-wreck-operation only. The attachment should be mountable on a sloop (and bigger). There is a huge difference between losing your ship in the beginning of the game or later, when you have resources in stock and possible animals to farm. But even in the beginning -alone and poor-, I didn't find it too hard to rebuild a ship in a few hours. The loss of gear and tames was often more painfull. The salvage mechanic would not have helped me then as my ships were basic. Only later, when in a company, we invested in spare ships and much better, specialised ships. By the way, the insurance would have been too heavy for me as a starting solo player as well. Now, the spare ships are there anyway and yes gold is cheap at this stage, so I would use it. But I honestly can't see it being implemented exploit-free.
  29. 1 point
    If u are near E11, we allways have plenty of tames we gift. We sure can help you to get started again. Just pm me. No decay is a nogo! Not seeing tame claim timer is a nogo!
  30. 1 point
    The Icon, cant resist, must like They are EU PVE btw.
  31. 1 point
    To extend your point, beyond devs with edit tools, can anyone be certain they know all their island's spawn points?
  32. 1 point
    Thanks for the support guys. It's a bad day for sure, but, just like a losing football team; to hear the crowd cheering you on still provides a much needed crutch!
  33. 1 point
    Losing sales is more critical than the player base during ea. During ea the tide of the player base is a natural thing, and rather meaningless. Problems arise that keep players from playing. Doesn't mean they never come back. Since this title is a huge undertaking and a great concept that many like, the passion for it to be as the player invisions it will create a love hate relationship with many. The devs do great work, but their short comings are highly noticable with such an undertaking, but they are a very talented team none the less.
  34. 1 point
    Maybe you guys can remove all the foundations/floors scattering around on E8? Since you're building this massive project on E10, seems only fair other people can have some room to build as well.
  35. 1 point
    For a while, this skill was bugged but was fixed in a recent update, so that may have been why some of you didn't have success crafting it before (it wasn't properly counting the resources in your inventory)
  36. 1 point
    For a game that REQUIRES player interaction for the majority of its content, having peak time player counts of like 6-700players spread accross the entire grid network, is basically creating a downwards spiral of activity. Less players = less player interaction = more players get bored and quit = less players, etc etc. The oceans are basically dead, I remember months ago you could go out on a brig and basically be guarenteed to find some ship pvp in 20-40mins, now gl with that. At this point they basically have to combine the servers. My guess is they're going to announce a wipe and a combine together, when they have another big content announcement to bring some excitement back and hype players up for a fresh start. Combining the servers also means they have less running costs, which is probably preferable as the games certainly not bringing much more money in at the moment, no payable cosmetics/ monthly subscriptions etc. But ye, game currently is basically dead
  37. 1 point
    After so much time it's surely not the first map in your pen. So if u know about that problem, why did you build there? And would u like to wait several hours to maybe be able to ask for it? Don't think so. I saw a lot of pens on my voyages where the treasurespot was inside. Honestly if I travel 2 or more hours to that map and because of someones pen I can't reach it... I get mad and angry and I have spawned the army if it's possible to let the owner take notice of his wrong placed pen. And I would do it again to handle my frustration and aggressions in this situation.
  38. 1 point
    I'd like them to add more stuff to be planted but at the Same Time make stuff biom locked. So far there is almost Nothing which cant be grown in Most biomes And if they add certain stuff for recipes you still Need to travell And also are able to trade them with others
  39. 1 point
    i need to be able to grow more stuffs , as of now can only farm veggies and not cooking herds / medical herds / fruits / berry is bad .
  40. 1 point
    Single play as the game is currently is going to get boring real fast as there is no real end-game to speak of and how the hell is a solo player going to defeat the bosses and acquire the stones? There will need to be a lot more added to a single play mode such as AI controlled ships that you can give direction to, enemy AI pirate colonies that build their own structures, ships, and defenses, and a lot of different and unique dungeon settings fully fleshed out with all kinds of denizens and hazards. Without all of this, this game as single play mode is quite hollow and lonely...
  41. 1 point
    Make a case for why your idea is better, rather than trying to make a case for why other people’s shouldn’t even be considered.
  42. 1 point
    It’s not uncommon for hardcore players to cluster together in guilds in online games. They often do so because they feel if they play with more casual players, then they are pulling most of the load for others who are free riding off their greater productivity in game. The fact your guild mates play a lot represents observation bias in your perspective of Atlas’s playerbase. It is fortunate that you are not a primary decision maker in the design process because Atlas is already struggling without the arbitrary policy you’ve just put forward of ignoring the preferences of more casual players. Since their money is as good as yours, I can’t see this being a good business policy. As it happens, after a cursory google search there is a recent and relevant academic paper on research into gaming behavior that includes average MMO playtimes. https://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~swc/pub/wow_player_game_hours.html The authors used WOW for their research and since it’s the largest game within the same genre, can certainly be considered comparable for purposes of this discussion. Note that on the very first page under section 4.3 daily activities, the paper indicates that most players log in for between 1 to 5 hours per day on the days that they play. Not all days, just the ones they play. Thus your assertion that people who play less than 4 hours per day shouldn’t even be considered would very likely lead a majority of players preferences ignored. After 15 years of MMO gaming however, I am unsurprised that a hardcore gamer wants his wishes catered to while being dismissive of others. Sadly I have found this underlying attitude to be all too common within that demographic.
  43. 1 point
    Very simple answer: because you’re not remotely reflective of the typical player. It’s exceedingly common sense that games should be designed to accommodate the most typical player. Most people do not have 12-14 hours per day available to devote to playing a game, let alone have the desire to do so. Designing your game to cater only to people who do would be a very poor business decision because you represent a small fraction of the market. Now that we’ve established that for common sense business reasons the game should be designed for all of us and not you as a minority, if your play style doesn’t fit that, that’s your fault not ours. Why should our gameplay be affected because you have nothing else to do with your life?
  44. 1 point
    I have a neighbour with only 1 very large structure and that gives off massive lag to the point where you can't control your ships coming in. I think these structures look nice but with the lag i won't be visiting either.
  45. 1 point
    Too many players think some aspects of the game are not worth their time, and it kills them. Then they come here and complain that those aspects are crap because it killed them!!!!! One person (not the OP) even complained that dieing, respawning & getting rekitted because he could not be bothered with vitamins, took too long. As Forb Hidden says, just a little preperation and you can live in comfort in any biome
  46. 1 point
    Since you contributed $0 dollars to the game, dont own the game, and contribute nothing but troll posts, you should not be here. You have no reason to be here in any way. You are a fungus. This is not a country, this is a forum to discuss a product purchased. Period. BTW, WTF does gays and abortions have to do with a video game? You need to go away.
  47. 1 point
    You guys are grasping at straws here, if they were truly interested in community input they would have listened WAY MORE in ARK, and during earlier portions of this game. Instead they want to add and fix all the things no one wanted or asked for. Just waiting for for these guys to abandon Grapeshot and start a new company to copy+paste this game into a Wild West theme.
  48. 1 point
    This is why I believe not all griefing, but incidents like this, where someone has obviously willfully invested a large amount of time for no reason other than to destroy someone else's fun, should be seriously considered for immediate permanent game ban. What this person has just demonstrated is that ruining other people's experience is a high enough priority to them to invest an amount of time and energy most consider significant into an activity that is directly harmful to the game experience. That core mindset is unlikely to be altered through temporary punishment, and removal is likely the only actual fix.
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