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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    GUYBRUSH THREEPWOOD I totally agree with that argument but when you look at my post I write mainly about gold and island upkeep. This is nothing to shorten the game but contrariwise keep on playing as long as possible.
  2. 2 points
    since many people want to play solo without distribution and complaining about pve claiming system , I still don't understand why the dev team not consider just to put single player mode like ark and the option to host this server if you wants to play with a small group of people and get rid from the lag and having better experience and freedome.
  3. 2 points
    With the amount of upkeeps we have to pay a reintroduction of double weekends/days for gold or all resources would be nice. Upvote this post if you have same opinion.
  4. 2 points
    It's not hard to build, this is my build so far that i've been working on official PvE since 1.5 launch. It's not hard at all, it's just a grind, which I don't mind because if there was no grind people would progress so quick they'd get bored with little new stuff to do. Just to note I play solo so have no help, and have no tames besides a Sheep and a Cow. Neither of which are resource tames and no resource tames actually spawn in this area unfortunately. Granted most of my stuff is wood and some old thatch structures, but i'll upgrade some of it, mainly the building to stone at some point. I just have no pure metal nodes on the island so gotta either farm small amounts of silver slowly or go elsewhere to farm pure metal. Also no crystal either. But this game is designed to be a long game. Also have had no issues from settlement owner either, I have no concerns about building even with the window of 24 hours that it can be destroyed. Hell i've had Cobras, Tigers and Lions nearly destroy stuff than some pirate land owner has. I've lost 2 rafts yesterday because I got them stuck lol, not always easy to steer but shrugged that off. Tax is set to 12% but I never even think of it when farming. There's a massive tall rock, one of those really high ones, I just swim over to it, climb right to the top and farm 10,000 fiber with a metal sickle, no need for a bear. 10,000 fiber lasts me a good amount of time meaning I only have to do the trip minimal times. Do we need 2x weekends? Absolutely not. I'd say for taming maybe, because taming is a ball ache mechanic, but for resource gathering, XP etc nope no need for 2x every weekend. Building is easy and fun..... note when I say fun, I don't mean the snapping mechanic is fun, that is also a ball ache.
  5. 2 points
    This is the problem. There is no standard anymore as to what is Alpha and what is Beta. The thing is, most people buy, assuming that it is beta, but more often than not, it is Alpha. Then the Devs get caught up in putting out content, not bug fixes, because the model is now that the EA is the live release, whether anyone wants to admit it or not, and what keeps people buying is the new content, not the bug fixes, in many cases. So we play games that are unpolished, and never actually get polished. So we play it this way, and move on to the next unpolished game.
  6. 2 points
    Ich glaube es tut dir ganz gut mit Atlas aufzuhören und dich auf die Schule zu konzentrieren^^
  7. 2 points
    Other then the needless obscene title, valid points. I threw in the towel day one of the launch but hoping they figure out how to fix it. Loved the game, but the last PvE change was just too much. decided to re-tile my bathroom this weekend instead of playing. good news, wife is happy.
  8. 2 points
    And one day the good lord saw what his peasants built. Shining fortresses full of gold and good stuff. So he changed to a greedy lord and demolished and plundered what was on his land. end of story.
  9. 1 point
    Alot of us have noticed that since your ninja patch we have been loosing random tiles with no reason. Please Fix This @Jatheish @Dollie PaX - King of Discord Pirates
  10. 1 point
    Hello Everyone, Am i the only on who thinks that when you own an island you should always be able to remove other peoples buildings in peacetime? That you can not remove other peoples buildings after 24 h is a bad mechanic! For me the problem is that when a Allied decides to not play anymore or move to another island we can not just remove there building. When you own an island and pay for it you should always be able to control in peacetime who lives on your island. Please change this so you can always clean up your island in peacetime. Do people agree with this or what do you guys think? We need some people to comment to get this change Best regards Shepard - PvP Eu
  11. 1 point
    You basically have the same decay rates as in the lawless, plus you pay taxes and we still have to find out what happens on a potential change of ownership. This does not look good at all.
  12. 1 point
    I sure hope ya'll were erring on the side of caution with those claim costs. Not sure how many 60+ Companies you were thinking were coming. We need more <35 claims.
  13. 1 point
    So first off I know there is no way to make everyone happy so some will call these suggestions stupid or point out flaws but no suggestion will ever be perfect for everyone. I am also talking for the perspective of colonies which is geared towards smaller to mid sized companies. (TLDR: Tames pulling a cart should get a significant speed debuff and enemy tames hit with a bola should get a timed speed debuff to balance ground pvp. Cannons on carts should have the same 20 minute cooldown timer as ones placed on land once they make landfall on enemy islands and island owners should get a global notification if enemy cannon carts make landfall on your island similar to the notification if ppl start building on your island to counter the speed in which you can land and be blown into someone's base.) I think the majority would agree as for ground pvp, in general, tames win the fight even more so a tame pulling a cart with a swivel gun. There is really nothing a kitted person(s) can do to realistically have a chance at winning. Yes, you can try and get high and snipe or there are those ppl who are insane snipers but even if you are insanely good at sniping you still stand no chance if you cannot get high because the tames easily run you down which and it is not always very viable considering the ridiculous angles/rocks tames can get over. Now, obviously the rebuttal is "well just use your own tames then to fight back". Well problems with that are 1. if you are solo when pvp is engaged (not uncommon for small or even mid size companies as even if others are on they maybe out sailing and cannot get back immediately) you cannot use a swivel cannon cart and if the enemy has one you lose, period. You will get shot off your tame by grapeshot or burned off with fire and then your tame dies. 2. Ppl may not be specd into taming and can neither ride or even tame tames to fight back, again not uncommon for smaller mid sized tribe as there are a lot of skill trees. 3. It gears the game to put even more focus on having top tier or bred tames which the developers do not want this to be (I agree with the developers on this if I wanna breed fighting tames Ill go back to ark). My suggestion is pretty simple, a tame with a cart equipped gets a 75%-50% speed debuff (or some percent that makes their speed less then human speed, I say less then human considering their stam is superior). This make it more viable for players to be able to get out of the reach of tames or the swivel cannons range. It also makes it so riders are more easily sniped off. Also makes a land mounted ballista somewhat possible as the tames would be slower and easier to hit (still prolly ridiculously hard but stilla point). Now though a pretty simple counter to that is have a tame with no cart on it support the carted tame as they still easily beat out kitted players on average. Well that is where my second suggestion comes into play which is have a bola that hits an enemy tame apply a speed debuff for 1-2 minutes (not as drastic as the cart speed debuff but still enough to make evading them easier, say like 30%). Having the bola actually bola the tame and knock the rider off I feel would just be completely neutralizing tames which I don't think is right, want them still to be a weapon just not the only weapon. This puts a kitted player and a tame rider at least on somewhat even footing as the kitted player still has to hit the tame with a bola and then kill the player or tame but it does not completely nullify the tame. That above mainly addresses the swivel cart and also tames in general there is also the issue of the cannon cart vs structures/raiding buildings. So first off you currently have pretty much all the above problems of the tames in general since you will be riding a tame. However, with a cannon cart you can so easily destroy structures that the whole combat phase window with colonies does not even matter, even if they reduce the window as some ppl are asking it does not matter. Currently, it takes 18 medium cannon balls to destroy 1 stone wall (doors even less). What the problem really is that you can get those 18 cannon balls off in just over 1 minute. Literally one 1 minute from your first shot and you are a in a 1 layer base. Even a more honeycombed 6 layer base you are in under 10 minutes. Even if you are on your island and from the time you here the first shot have 1 minute (assuming 1 layer) to try and stop them which is ridiculous. Also, for those you saying "well you would see the enemy ship coming up" lets be real, unless you have somone literally sitting in a spotting tower 24/7 (which is totally unrealistic) its pretty easy to go unnoticed. For those of you who say that's what puckles are for, puckle range 27 foundation medium cannon range 85-+ depending on terrain. So yes, if you are on your island you will hear them shooting but it really is just buying time so you can mount a defense which can more easily be accomplished with just simple walls/gates as there is no maintenance cost. However, again even 6 layers of structures can be gone in under 10 minutes so if you are out sailing (which is the core of the game) trips are easily more then 10 minutes at a time, and sure you can check tribe log to get notified but again unless you are checking legit every 10 minutes or just staring at it while out ppl can be in your base before you can even turn your boat around. My suggestion is two fold, make cannon carts get the same timer as new cannons placed on land (currently 20 minutes in PTR). Even as an owner of the island I have to wait 20 minutes for a new cannon to be placed, an enemy cannon cart should have to wait that long as well. This helps reduce the ability to land and be in someone base in literally minutes before they can even react. The second would be a global message to the island owner when a cart makes landfall on your island, if you are going to get this type of notification when anyone builds on your island I feel its not unrealistic to let you know someone has brought weapons onto your island to raid you. Coupled with the 20 minute cannon cooldown again it give you time to actually mount a defense. Again these are from the perspective of colonies server which is for small to mid sized companies and really want the pvp to more ship v ship on the seas. These changes can easily be kept out of Empire which is geared more for your traditional high risk high reward open pvp style, as you can more easily counter tames with higher numbers and the probability of you having ppl constantly on your islands to raise the alarm if you are being attacked is much higher.
  14. 1 point
    After 800+ hours in your game, we can say that i love your game. I play solo or with few people only on PVE server, i don't know and i don't want to know what's happening on PVP server. I work and can't hold a claim/island, no problem => i can play on lawless area, like before. But now, your fucking foundation spamer can hold a lot of area during 10 days????!!!!! it's a joke? My life in your game : Before patch : I could claim a nice (not lost in the snow) little area, after being very patient. But during that time, i played in lawless and my main problem was the foundation spamer (4 days to *maybe* do something against that). After patch : I launch the game everyday after work, to see if the update is installed. When i started the game the same evening after update, all the islands < 50 points were taken, no problem, i go back to lawless. But now in lawless the fucking foundation spamer have 10 days to refresh their fucking pillar????!!!! It's a fucking joke?! You replace a system "not very good" by an even more crappy system? how it's possible?
  15. 1 point
    The bookshelf cannot be placed on the interior of my schooner. Yes the clearances are fine, there is room for it but its only blue on the exterior and where the floor is missing for my stairway.
  16. 1 point
    Wau RechtschreibNazis, keine bessere Antwort? Junge ich versteh Dich das Game ist für PVe´ler am Arsch. Wir wollten gerade A3 zur letzten kleinen Insel, leider ist die nun auch weg. 57 Punkte wo soll man die zu 2. her nehmen... 20% Steuer Never, eher Deinstall...
  17. 1 point
    Lawless works way way better for us, and it's never been better. 100x yes compared to pre-wipe. Hope it stays like it lol
  18. 1 point
    My floor was like Tetris this morning! Kept having ceiling tiles fall through my barn floor. Built the same exact building last round without this trouble. Now, I had to add a bunch of extra foundations below it. Please fix!
  19. 1 point
    Hello GrapeShootGames, more recently, a new update, please tell me how to install a new quest, which Islands should be added and what index to award???
  20. 1 point
    A single player option would bring many more people to the game, online only games can be very Toxic which puts people off.
  21. 1 point
    Go buy the game and play it first... Then u would not ask some silly bs.
  22. 1 point
    HaHa, that means that i will never have a sub
  23. 1 point
    I came across your village not too long ago and it looked pretty awesome, took 3 hours to get out of the grid with all the rubber banding but was impressed by the community in M3. Lawless is once again showing to be the best place to be part of a community. Shame that this isn't likely to get looked at any time soon as the Devs don't frequent this board unless forced at gun point. Better of hitting up the discord raising the issue there.
  24. 1 point
    Respawning under the bed when teleporting to different grid.
  25. 1 point
    Ya I agree. if you attack enemy ship in the open sea you should be able to board that ship kill the crew and capture the ship. right now we just sink ships and gain nothing from doing it.if the ship is anchored use the timer. if the ship isn't anchored crew is dead and beds destroyed instant capture.
  26. 1 point
    How do you people live in that village? no windows to keep the cold out.
  27. 1 point
    You have a very cold. Ping froze This snow slows down I think so. You do not see him but somewhere on the map he goes...
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    @Martyn Whether this is sloppyness or a feature is still unclear, but they have not tied the subtype of the resource to the the same plants consistently, or to the same rock images for that matter. So for every quadrant you need to assert that what looks like thyme is still thyme and what looks like the plant that gave you straw, maybe now gives you cotton. Silk (also a fiber) comes from trees in some tropical quadrants (same dark green as the lemontrees but with a rounder crown). I haven't been able to assert that this has improved since the 1.5 update and again, they might have done this on purpose so that we need to harvest samples in every quadrant instead of trusting our eyes.
  30. 1 point
    The sails are repaired separately from the masts, so you need to aim a bit to get the right "E" option. Good question about the loss of speed with shredded sails: IDK but I've been assuming that would be the case.
  31. 1 point
    v1.5.0(beta18) (2019-04-15) CRITICAL Hotfix! Fixed Atlas Auto-Updater (and more!) - Fixed: Auto Atlas updater was not updating. - Added: New _start_AtlasServerUpdateUtility.bat file that updates with each util update. If desired, add a shortcut of this file to your startup folder. - Fixed: Log Ticker would stop updating. - Fixed: You can now edit files in the File Editor/Viewer window. Colorized version coming soon! - Fixed: "Start Servers" and "Stop Servers" buttons working. - Added: Small delay after deleting Server_Summary.txt file. This will hopefully fix a lockup. - Fixed: Improved the utility's recognition of running servers at startup. To update, just click "Check for util update" in the utility's tray icon. Thanks! Download link: http://www.phoenix125.com/share/atlas/AtlasServerUpdateUtilityBeta.zip
  32. 1 point
    This problem will persist, so long as the customer is willing to play broken, unpolished games.
  33. 1 point
    If you do listen to the whole thing he does actually go out of his way to say that the new model of EA has value when applied to certain indie developers as it allows them to get projects funded that might not otherwise see the light of day, but that such a model he considers wholly inappropriate for use by large publicly traded companies producing games with budgets in the hundreds of millions of dollars. This is a nuanced point, something often alien to most public debate these days. Regardless, I think he’s dead on about this. He never directly addresses whether he considers Grapecard to be a fair candidate for this approach, but given that he uses Atlas as his case study for what’s wrong with this system, I’m gonna guess he would tend to agree with my feeling, which is that they don’t fall into the same category as the struggling indie studios previously mentioned given the enormous pile of cash Ark’s success leaves them sitting on.
  34. 1 point
    go play on empires server and stop trying to gain a unfair advantage
  35. 1 point
    I honestly have many reasons that pushed me to do this topic I bought the game last week - the ping is very high here in middle east it's around (68-110) - I enjoyed playing single player for more than 200 hours in ark and there are no obstacle that prevent you from playing solo in atlas like you can hire a crew in your ship and continue your journey for example. - I have only few hours in my day since I am a university student - The single player mode will not affect the multiplayer experience or reduce the players playing there.On the contrary, it will give you more choice to select the game mode that suits you .
  36. 1 point
    ja, kein zoom fuer den kompass mit rechtsklick, wenn am steuer aber hier auf englisch, deutsch, suaheli oder sonstwas zu posten hat keinen sinn. kuemmert sich eh kaum einer drum, was hier gepostet wird
  37. 1 point
    Just wiping today [4/14] as a matter of fact. Moving to a colonies system 6x6 (map reduced to promote more action) Great time to get in and get to it.
  38. 1 point
    no . this having island owners controlling who and what and when other players can build has to go it has no place at all in pve , it needs to go
  39. 1 point
    exactly , DEVS ALL WE ALL WANTED WAS THE OLD CLAIM SYSTEM WITH LIMITS TO CLAIM FLAGS , why did the devs even come up with this claim system , what did they smoke / drink that particular day , why did they ignore everyone that posted about the claim system the players were overwhelmingly for caps on amount of flags each company could place , what was simpler than that i dont know ,
  40. 1 point
    If I am an island owner, here's how I look at the suggestions - many of the small islands only have 1 or 2 good spots to build. People grab those first, even if they don't want to claim the island. That's a mistake, because whoever is paying the upkeep is going to feel they should have at least 1 of those spots. I know I would. Nobody is going to come along later and claim that island if they can't destroy some of that stuff. And if you don't want a landlord, you just build over the resources, and then nobody would ever want to claim that island. I don't know,, it looks like we are just coming up with more and more complicated systems to do something that could be a lot simpler - everyone gets to claim land with limits based on company size. With the old claim system with claims caps in place, I would go looking for land like this - 1. Do I like this biome? 2. Is there land available here? 3. If there anything awful right next to me? (Giant stone boxes, companies with racist or otherwise nasty names, etc) 4. How are the resources? And then I'd claim the land. With this new system, I'd still do all that, and then I'd have to worry about the landlord if there was one. Will he destroy my stuff? Will he let other people build stuff 2 tiles away from mine? Will HE build stuff 2 tiles away from mine? Is he going to let bunches of objectionable companies build on the island? (Sorry, but I am just not up for spending my free time hanging out with "Sexy Grandpa", or "N**erbomb"... names I have really seen in the game) If the land is not claimed, then I have to check to see if anybody else has already done any of those things, because I can't destroy their stuff if the timer's already gone off. And if I do destroy their stuff, then I get to be the mean landlord for destroying their stuff. Then assuming I jump all those hurdles, and claim land, there are the rules - you can't destroy anyone's stuff if the first thing they built was more than 12 hours ago, unless they are doing "excessive building", then you can destroy their stuff (just the excessive stuff?), and they can have a deed flag, and you can't destroy anything inside the deed. Or I do all those things and become a settler. I can build , but I have to wait 12 hours to see if I can stay, and then I can stay, but I can't expand "excessively", and I have to worry about what the landlord thinks and what he's going to do and who he's going to let build around me. It gets way too complicated. When do I just get to have a piece of land that I can control, and go out sailing and have some adventures? Why do I have to be a landlord at the mercy of some tenant, or a tenant at the mercy of some landlord when I just want to be a pirate?
  41. 1 point
    Would not be that bad in the build-up phase
  42. 1 point
    If I could buy a deed on a tolerant island that would formally grant me all rights on a plot ... a deed that the next owner has to respect, then I wouldn't mind paying taxes as it would feel like my own place.
  43. 1 point
    Is there a working Discord link? Also did this server wipe with the new update? Link posted at start does not seem to work.
  44. 1 point
    There is no timer, when the island gets claimed the owner can demolish immediatly. Only things safe are tames and ships. This is the most stupid design i´ve ever seen in decades of gaming. Actually it´s the opposite of the meaning of PVE. I can´t even believe they thought if u give ppl the option to destroy other ppls work they won´t do it coz they are good ppl xD Right now chinese mega-clans are going from sector to sector, claiming unclaimed big isles and farming honest players. I can predict they will lose a huge amount of players again. Spoken for myself i´ll pause playing ATLAS til they figured out a solid concept for PVE.
  45. 1 point
    Then why stay to post in the forums?
  46. 1 point
    Dude has 1300+ posts and isn't even playing and waiting for xbox? (it'll never happen, lol) Z
  47. 1 point
    I was hit by the Steam issues yesterday and still can't connect to any Atlas server "Host Pending Connection Timeout".
  48. 1 point
    [UPDATE 1] I've done further testing, specifically to see what is cause the most amount of load, to see what could be impacting performance during loading, again using the windows resource and performance monitor. It turns out that the two main files that is being read and loaded by the Atlas.exe file, is LoadingScreen.wmv being the highest and some times having several of the files being run simultaneously, and the other one is Atlas.exe itself, those are the two with top highest amounts of reads. Whats even more weird, during the loading screen the AtlasTitle.wmv where also read, meaning it was being access for a purpose, which I only can think would be to display it, but wasn't, and the LoadingScreen.wmv were also present simultaneously, even with several duplicates of it. What does the above actually mean and what are the consequences in terms of impact on loading times and results? Generally speaking, the impact can be quite high and it reduces the amount of reads that can be done to other files, as harddrives and even solid state drives have actual hardware limitations, and amount of reads per second is no exception to this limitation, in fact it's one of the main ways to measure how fast the drive actually is. So in other words the more NON-ESSENTIAL reads it performs the less efficient it actually will be in terms of effiency towards loading into the game. This directly translates into unnecessary longer loading times and potential not being able to log in due to the initial networt connection being dropped or being unable to be maintained until the loading is complete, hence why a lot of people get the "Host Connection Timeout" message once the loading is actually complete. As mentioned before, the .wmv is a windows media file, which only has the purpose of making it look nice while it's loading, but this comes at a cost, namely loading times, efficiency and stability. Furthermore, the game isn't the only thing that relies on and needs the HDD/SSD to operate, in fact the operating system, in short the OS, also continuously uses the HDD/SSD to remain operational and responsive. So when the game is attempting load into the game after one has clicked join/connect, it will attempt use all of the drives resources and read capacity to load, and it would seems it tries to use ALL and not whats currently available for use, which would make the game become unresponsive and the system will also become unresponsive at some point or at several times during load. There could also be another reason why the game immediately becomes unresponsive, which could be due to the fact that the Atlas.exe seems to be reading itself from the disk rather than from memory to perform various things, which also seems to be quite unnecessary as it's already loaded into memory when you run it, and also makes it affect loading times, stability and efficiency, and above all it might be the sole reason why the game and system ends up becoming unresponsive. So with the above being said, why do not all seem to be suffering from it? There can be many reasons, but generally speaking the most likely reason simply is that they have much stronger systems and thus more stable system that can handle these kinds of issues caused by this. But even if this is the case, there is absolutely no reason to make it this way, as it's very inefficient and could handled a lot more efficient and smooth. I would like to recommend that the developers consider some options, both for stability and performance issues but also to make it more efficient and smooth, which would make require even less resources and which will translate into better game experience. The possible solutions below are not mutually exclusive, in fact I recommend that all of them are implemented ASAP! 1st Solution Add a debug option for the players to enable, this should be to collect important key information about various things, such as system specs, what processes were performed during load, load times, crashes, etc. Basically put any type of information that will identify the problem. WHY? First and foremoremost, since this is in early access it's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and I cannot stress this enough, because this is still in development and in early access the technical feedback from players are extremely important, especially when it's accurate information that help pinpoint the problem but also provides more information in regards to the problem that also might point in the direction of a solution. 2nd Solution Make it possible to disable the AtlasTitle.wmv and LoadingScreen.wmv and replace those with a static image of them. According to the resource and performance monitor, the amount of reads being doen 3rd Solution Make it read from the Atlas.exe loaded in memory, rather than from disk, especially since both HDD and SSD has actual hardware limitations, and by making it read from the memory rather than the disk, it would actually leave more room for the other files that needs to be read from, and also most people are using HDD rather than SSD.
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