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About Accid3nt

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  1. My hope is that say need the time and Work together to implement some new Mechanics from "Genesis" to ATLAS... like copy paste the Quest System and the Gold from ATLAS to "Genesis"
  2. since some patches you need to Zoom in everytime... i hate it so much...
  3. Hmmmm Dein Problem verstehe ich dennoch nicht... Wir sind in B4 PVE / EU. Wir haben keins der Probleme die du da aufzählst... Ich spar mir mal so standard Fragen... Wie Rep, Neuinstall oder Virus/ Firewall mal aus machen Auf welchem Server bzw. Grid ist denn das Problem? und was heißt HUD geblockt...? Siehst du es nicht mehr? Dann "backspace" drücken...
  4. https://antihax.github.io/ Activate Discoverys zoom in, andyou can see it
  5. I hate this too... last Days a lot of Cellings are gone, lost the half of my Stuff and Buildings... So one Guy in this Forum means "Check the End of the Pillar´s" sometime it looks right but you can Snap an another one in the Ground... I checkt all Pillars and found 17 where i can Snap one under the Ground. Now it is better but... Yesterday i lost Stairs and a Wall near to Foundations. i dont understand this...
  6. Yesterday and today i had the same... B4 Flamingo Archipel... First one, was ok all at LvL28 -> a lot of Big Guys but OK... Today big HORDE on LvL98... some guy from the Alliance help me... but what is there happen... we get nothing for that is that Normal...?
  7. Hello, i have more then 600H Playtime and this is the first Time that the Game Troll´s me like that way... Can somebody explain what happend...? and how can i stop this...? I lost all the Stuff from the Tables, Mortars and so on... i was there at the Moment when this happen. But no Pockets to collect the Items...
  8. Build a Ladder you can do it in the Loomen or Tannery...
  9. Hallo zusammen, seit dem XBox Update muss man ständig neu Zoomen in der MiniMap... Gibt es da einen Trick das ich die Karte feststellen kann... Seit dem Update muss man bei jedem öffnen neu ran Zoomen, ist natürlich super wenn man versucht, an einer Insel anzulegen und schauen will ob es da Tief oder Flach ist... Das kostet jedes mal Zeit... Genauso nervig wenn man nach Schatzkarten sucht... Die Map auf und zu macht und wieder von vorne starten muss. Gibts da einen Trick? Hello everybody, Since the XBox update you have to constantly zoom in the MiniMap again ... Is there a trick that I can Safe the view of the map ... Since the update you have to Zoom in and Out every time you open the Map... its great if you try to sail to an island and you want to see if it's low or flat ...Zooming costs a lot of time ... Is there a trick?
  10. we do it with a Bear... It´s soooo easy allone... Bear Start LVL 4 now HP 300 / Stamina 1000 / Damage 130 Yeasterday we do 10Maps in one Grid without any struggle... One Time 3 Maps at one Place no Problems...
  11. i Think the galli is the hardest way to do Wale Hunting... Do it with Schooner or Brig... Gali Turning takes a lot of Time and you need a lot more ressurces to build and so on ;) We play as a 2 GuyCompany since start the early Access ;)
  12. Wau RechtschreibNazis, keine bessere Antwort? Junge ich versteh Dich das Game ist für PVe´ler am Arsch. Wir wollten gerade A3 zur letzten kleinen Insel, leider ist die nun auch weg. 57 Punkte wo soll man die zu 2. her nehmen... 20% Steuer Never, eher Deinstall...
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