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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2019 in Posts

  1. 15 points
    Renamed the thread in the interest of fairness due to the fact that both Jat and Dollie have popped into the thread. 3/4 -The vast majority of the people DESPISE the land claim changes on PvE. Being unable to protect the resources from griefers, being unable to protect yourself from griefers deciding that they don't want anyone building within a half islands worth of distance, ugly pillars and foundations everywhere, people griefing the hell out of ships and blocking harbors, plus blocking you from ever expanding your base by builkding as close as possible on either side of you - hell, they already did that with the claim overlaps as it was, and now EVERYWHERE is going to be like that? - A portion of the people hate the idea of the wipe, yeah, I know it's necessary due to land changes and because of the rampant dupeing going on, as well as to re-test the new settings. However, right now, a large portion of the apprehensions isn't just losing what they've worked for, its also fear that this means wipes on a semi-regular basis, so why bother doing everything, again - especially with the land system being so completely against what 95% of the players want, they are going to expect another wipe in a couple months to try again. -Playershops in settlements on PVP, but PVE just gets freeport vendors. Seriously? WTF? This idea has been floated multiple times on both here and reddit, and the general consensus was that PvE players liked it, but PvP players responses were 'Cool, but pointless, we don't trade and would just blow each others shops up anyway." -Abandoned ships still not getting mentioned as any solution found for them. Again, seriously? Yay! The wipe will take care of them, but what about all the ships from the people week 1 after the wipe, who decide to try it again, and realize that the new system is just Ark griefing all over again and quit after a week? (Yeah, the last two are somewhat minor compared to the first one, but, it is something that has time to be changed) I know that the devs enjoy the PvP side of things, and are in contact with a few of the megas over there, but there is another 50% (give or take) of people playing your game on PvE. Let me introduce you to them. (Say Hi, guys). We are the PvErs, we're generally the ones who prefer a low-key playstyle, without being griefed, and without being forced to worry about play schedules. That doesn't mean that we don't play the hell out of games that hold our interest, for 300, 500, 700, 1000 hours+ in 2 months...and recruit our friends/significant others to play those games with us. We build - you guys must love seeing our buildings, you post them on the community spotlight, but these changes, and the upkeep decay, are going to prevent that, because some douchecanoe can just block us from building that last wing of our 12th century japanese fishing port recreation, or our dock and pirate village, complete with shops that have signs, counters, everything but actual traders. We trade - Some of us joined the game to be pirates, and fight SotD all day (Thanks for the new types, btw). Some of us joined the game to be traders, wanting to travel the world for rare and exotic resources and tames, and bringing them back to our base that was designed and built to be a trading port, land to sell at a profit to our neighbors, or to be the one stop shop that sells high end goods to people from the surrounding areas...but we don't even get player shops on our lands, and with no claims, anyone can build a base anywhere, to get any resource, or just go to the closest freeport. We explore - Unfortunately, if you choose to be a builder, the upkeep costs are going to make you a farmer instead of an explorer. We socialize - We're on official because yes, we want the full map, but also because thats where the population is, or at least should be. But, if no one is coming by to trade, and if the overall population drops even lower due to the claim changes and people who get fed up with griefing, then there will be no one to socialize with. Grapeshot, the uproar on these boards isn't because we hate the game, we love it. We're also the ones who spend 300, 500, 1000+ hours playing on PvE. You guys have a dedicated, passionate playerbase that a lot of other devs would kill for. A player base that has been telling their friends about the game, but telling them to wait to get it, because it is so close to being so badass. A player base who wants you to listen to them, and what they've seen and wished for over their literally millions of hours of playtime over the last 2 months. You said a month or so ago, that you guys heard us. With all due respect, you may have heard, but you didn't listen. You HEARD the complaints over land claim, and decided to exercise the nuclear option and got rid of claims entirely, instead of actually LISTENING to people and finding a reasonable way to limit those claims. (even 10 per company with <25 members, 25 for companies of 25-100 members and 50 for companies with 100+ people would have more than enough land for people, and left a huge amount of open areas for new players - especially with the extra 200+ islands coming)
  2. 7 points
    Spot on. It's boiling my piss. I'm quite happy playing solo, but I have a good relationship with the other groups on our island-we all look out for each other. My base is small-fits within 2 flags because I'm not greedy. I've spent +400 hours, despite having a full time job and wife building up my base and adding a harbour to prevent my ships being sunk again through poorly thought out and exploitable mechanics. I've travelled the seas looking for resources to build because of the change to structure costs , but still find myself and my tames standing on the ground because we've fallen through the cliff platform. That or lose pets to aggro that manage to glitch into my base. I've spent hours trying to get past stacked monsters in order to hit the fountain upon reaching level 90+. Twice. I've had to go and replace NPCs that bounced off into the sunset when unseating and had to try to remember where exactly I was 15 mins ago prior to the unannounced rollback following a server crash to find the bear I was sitting on. I've been through alpha spams, SOTD spams, and been camped by packs of wolves. Are they saying that this unannounced and unwanted wipe is going to solve all of the other problems we're experiencing here? Are they fuck.
  3. 5 points
    I understand the wipe, it makes sense. But I have no desire to log in anymore knowing that the pet I named and got attached to is going to be digitally murdered. It took me two days to tame her, after I found an island with Giraffes. She was a perfect lvl 30, she had this amazing red coloring. I tamed her when there was no bonus, I did not have beets , I had to tame her 1% at a time. I spent 4-5 hours and through a server patch reset trying to tame her, defending her from Cobras, vultures , scorpions, ants and alpha creatures. Yes I played this game for pvp, I don't even understand myself the attachment to this virtual animal but nevertheless I am attached. During her taming I was cursing every failure, every step backwards, but when I succeeded it was such a sense of accomplishment , i screamed and celebrated in my home. Wipe everything I have grapeshot, but please create some kind of tame token or some way of preserving our named animals. Thier's personal attachment here . My heart is broken knowing I am going to lose her..
  4. 5 points
    Huh, you're seeing things that aren't there. Trow those pills or whatever you took away. I see a guy with a profile pic of a piece of shit posting a link saying i found a video of you as a kid. And he replied he found an emoji of him, the Nothing wrong, just a joke
  5. 5 points
    Hi, Devs. I know you're out there. I can hear you breathing. MeatSammich is right, and has been the most right of anybody representing the pve reaction to these changes since the announcement. There is also an excellent post from one of the "top companies", Darksea Dawgs https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/topic/51432-please-re-think-the-flag-system-on-pve/&page=2&tab=comments#comment-286113 It would be really nice if you would listen to your playerbase before making this rotten change and forcing us all to have to do the work to prove to you that it's a mistake. If you consider these changes logically, you should be able to reach the same conclusions we did. We've persisted through the bugs, the network issues, the griefers, and the hackers. I don't think it's too much to ask that you don't make us all waste a lot of time going out to the test server and showing you what a bad decision this would be. There are only so many hoops people are willing to jump through to help you make decisions which would have seemed reasonable and sensible in the first place. If you have information that we don't that indicates these changes are the better way to go, you might do us the favor of explaining that. If not, here's a recap of what you've just told us: You've said you were unhappy with claims, so we are removing them. You don't get to own anything anymore, and everyone can build wherever they want, even if it blocks your resources, your doors, and your ships. We're also adding decay and upkeep so now you have to collect mats and repair everything frequently. Happy yet? But wait, there's more. In order to do this, we're going to wipe the servers. We're also adding a lot of new content, and with our stated goal of helping solos and small companies, we've gated that behind the kraken. But here's a hat. Isn't that great? You're probably not very happy seeing everyone raging on the forums about these changes. But you know what's worse than seeing everyone raging on the forums? Not having anyone on the forums at all.
  6. 4 points
    I'm wondering how many of you that are whining about the wipe have even watched the live stream, read the patch notes, or will even partake in the public testing on the designated servers when they go live? Yeah I guess by todays standards on video games-im considered old. I've gamed for the last 20+ years. I can just imagine how you guys woulda handled the earlier MMO's when it took you 8-10 hours of camping a solitary mob to get one update. You died repeatedly. Had to run back to areas that took some time to get to. I'm honestly looking forward to the changes. Yeah no claim flags on PVE. But before I start bitching about that i'm gonna give it a chance to see how it plays out. You guys are assuming the worst without even seeing it in the game context. For all you know the repair structure might be the size of a claim flag that will give a no build radius without the ugly red circles that cover the map. Sorry but there was a shit ton of problems that needed to be fixed- Grandfathered in flags that weren't claimable at all. Abandoned Ships that probably wouldn't be able to take any new decay settings since the flags didn't go through with all the changes. Claim timers to long or to short. People losing bases due to claim flag screw ups/overlapping. Ocean flags taxing sotd kills. Balancing Multivitamins-easier to die then eat food. Fountain of Youth issues Treasure maps going to tax banks Not enough sea area to build a shipyard. Not enough land due to people needing to have 100's of flags. No one wanted to pay rent to live on other peoples land-they chose to live on lawless instead. People hated the tax rates. Lag from 100's of abandoned ships/shipyards Crewmembers contesting claims so they were essentially uncontestable since things go into stasis if you don't log in. You can't tell me that after 4 days of trying to take a flag that the crewmembers on a ship still have food-when no one has logged into that area for over 24 days. That's just a few of the things I can think of offhand at the moment. Wah fucking Wah that your big base will get wiped. {Hey I farmed 30k organic paste, the stone and the metal to make my base) Cry me another fucking river. Or the wall of behemoth gates will be gone. I honestly hope they up the cost on the behemoth gates. Yeah i'm sure some Asians will foundation bomb areas. But hey they wanna take the time to upkeep each and every foundation they drop. More power to them. Eventually they'll get bored or the new latest and greatest game will come out. I have better things to do with my time and other grids to sail to. The majority of you people whining that you'll quit with a wipe. Please do just that. But I'm guessing you'll be back as soon as the patch goes live. The attention seeking behavior is getting kinda old. If you don't like official changes. Go to a private server. Hell they are bringing out a small map for you to play on. You can run your own personal Atlas map on your own comp and set it so its so freaking easy you'll burn the game out in a few days. Honestly i'm looking forward to the population increase. Most grids I sail to only have 1-2 active people on them anymore with the exception of lawless servers. I've had land, lost land, had ships, lost ships, had tames, watched tames die. Put over 900 hours in this game to date. I've been through the good, the bad and the ugly. Welcome to the real world. Shit Happens. I don't like my real life neighbors. I have a choice. Move or suck it up and deal with it. Sometimes my bank account gets overdrawn, my car breaks down, the weather is bad and I can't drive. You don't see me slashing my wrists every time shit goes sour. Aww you paid $30 for a game that wipes the map. Grow up and put your big girl panties on or move along. Plenty of other games you can play. So you spent a whole 300-400 hours building your base with the real world crap going on. If your microwave breaks after the warranty expires-you go buy a new one. Same shit applies here. No matter what changes they make. A portion of the population will never be happy with them. /end rant
  7. 4 points
    Then act like a 51 year old office administrator instead of a kid.
  8. 4 points
    Agree, i don't even get what his problem is, there's literally nothing wrong with that twitter post, just a fun joke. People are getting to toxic these.
  9. 4 points
    Look you kids need to grow up and gain some balls this is the internet and if you cant handle a funny jab, then you need to go outside and play ball with your friends. Really this game is not for anyone under 16 and if so its on you. As a older person, this is toxic on all levels either as a company official, or posters. Just need to learn to grow up the lot of you and treat people with some respect. Even if all company decisions are not right. I've seen much worse then that, and it is usually coming from you guys. So take a little shit and smear it on your face once in awhile, maybe hes getting sick of the toxic behavior from you guys?
  10. 4 points
    I've been loathe to get involved in this but it seems to be gathering a lot of momentum so I wanted to put forward my 2c as likely one of the people on the PvE server most involved in all iterations of the claim systems. I am the one who has claimed or coordinated 90% of the land claims under control of the Darksea Dawgs. I did the majority of the work solo or switching back and forth between mine and my wife's computers. I've spent basically my entire time in Atlas official (until the 21 day update) placing claim flags, watching timers and thoroughly investigating the various systems Grapeshot had implemented. I believe that the lawless plans will be unfortunate and with the swell of community appearing to push for SOME kind of land claim system, I think that there was one system which came very close to working and with some tweaks will work. The first system which included the total flag count per company, this system scaled the DECLAIM timers from 15 minutes for inactive players and those with the most flags through to 4 hours for people with 1-15 flags. There were 2 major problems during this time; 1 - No limit to flags any person or company could place I personally own at least 150 flags on the Atlas PvE server, this is absurd. There should be a limit of 1-3 flags per grid or some limit of flags on the entire server PER PERSON and then some quantity of flags per company scaling up according to the company member count. The company flags should be placeable according to the company rank system, however the personal flags should need to be placed by the individual and not gifted to the company to spread influence. For example, I should only be able to place 3 flags in total, if our company wants to expand In order to contest a declaim timer and we have no "Company" flags left to place, we should need to have the company member attend the location we want to claim and personally put down their flag. 2 - ANYONE could contest a declaim timer (and force the timer to quickly scale back up to 4 hours) In order to contest a declaim timer you should need to be part of the company to who the claim belongs. Of course, ANYONE should be able to contest your flag during the 10 mins it is raising. In my opinion if those 2 items were fixed we would have had a very workable system, during that short period the land ownership was in a constant state of flux with the natural swings in activity of the players/companies. The 3 days inactivity grace time was enough to indicate whether the company was actually intending on playing or not and there was plenty of land becoming contestable for newer players to look to claim. Of course some companies who were inactive were able to maintain significant swathes of land by logging in every 2 days to refresh it and this was frustrating, but its the closest we've come to a workable system so far in my opinion. I'm not suggesting the flag system is better, but if If the decision is made to digress from the path Grapeshot have outlined in the livestream whereby all regions will effectively be lawless (bound to be a godawful ugly mess like in the ark servers) then I hope that you guys look toward this first system with the flag counts with some limits on total ownership. I personally feel there is enough space for up to 3 flags per person PER GRID and 3-5 flags per company per grid (with potential to scale up for the higher population companies). All that said, with the current plans for the servers our company will not be playing on the PvE server after the wipe, we're keen to give the PvP server a go with the push Grapeshot are making to create island communities, it looks like an excellent plan for PvP. But none of us can stomach the godawful pillar/gate spam which occurs in lawless.
  11. 4 points
    Right, you mean those pvp server with those dupers ? Or with those people that like to raid you at night ? That like to sink your ships when you're offline ? Yeah according to all the posts on the forum, it's sounds really fun.
  12. 4 points
    I posted this elsewhere, but I wanted to add it here as well: While we have no idea how it's going to be implemented until the ptr is available, the general assumption with regards to the pve claim changes are that the pillar spam is not going to avoidable. Coupled with the assumption that people will be able to grief by blocking resources on non lawless, this sounds like a poor change for pve. Consider that having a claim also provides a sense of identity. These changes remove that completely. You guys just updated your claim flag physics and pve players won't even be able to see it. There's no reason for pve players to design a flag at all. There's no company recognition or identity. The leader board won't even exist for pve.  Lets rethink the pve changes. Allow us to stake our claim without worrying about griefing. Limit flags to one or two per person, with a max cap per company. Remove sea claims entirely. Also consider that pve players tend to enjoy the building and design aspect of the game more as well. With these proposed changes, we can assume that our large scale builders will be heavily punished by grindy upkeep, having to heavily farm not only to build, but to maintain those builds.  I 100% agree that the current claim system on pve was completely unsustainable, I think everyone here does, but if our assumptions here are correct, you've swung the pendulum too far. Please do not let these changes even make it to the ptr. Let's come up with a more restricted version of the flags. You've already shown us that pvp and pve can have different claiming systems. Let's expand on that, not remove it.
  13. 3 points
    Grapeshot, "Let's make a pirate game but instead of allowing pirates to be anarchists that ignore the rules of society they become landlords." Playerbase, "Wtf?". Grapeshot, "Oh yeah and now you have to declare war before you can attack peoples land. Pirates always declare war before they attack!" Playerbase, "Wtf?" Grapeshot, "Oh yeah and now if you anchor a boat on the land you own your boat becomes god mode because landlords err... I mean pirates shouldn't attack an unmanned boat that's naughty." Playerbase, "..."
  14. 3 points
    So I played since day one, only PvE, and I start to wonder when will we see real pirate content? Most time goes to gathering, crafting and buildung. Then you tame and breed to improve you gathering and craft faster. Then came a little pirate stuff. Took the first ship and went for a sail. Did some treasure maps, sunk low level Damnships... Now what? We need for PvE • Merchantships in different sizes to hunt and enter. Some with escort. • Navy that hunts us on navy controlled grids. • NPC villages and harbours to raid. • Make it possible to to sell goods to NPCs on Freeports. Let there be diffrent needs of goods, so trading routes are needed • Let us settle in lawless regions ( need more then now) Give structure a decay so it needs daily upkeep. Implement a building called workshop (autorepair), maybe in three sizes. A small made with thatch, a medium wood and a large with stone. Let them have a radius depending on their size. To make them work let us need to put a npc there and give him gold. And give it a storge for the mats needed for upkeep. Every Player can only build one small and one medium or large workshop. In companys they can build more depending on member numbers but with a max cap. • Let every Player build only one harbour workshop (needs shoreline) for upkeep their shipyards, medium radius. Only four per company as a max cap. • Implement npc cottages with workers for wood gathering or fishing. Take a look at the settlers games for ideas or at Anno. Thats how you should populate a pirate world. Let citys grow. Implement a economy for the citys. • More shiptypes and sizes! Give us hulls that fit better for merchant freighters and whalehunters. We all have that idea how a pirates world looks like, an Atlas is still miles away from that.
  15. 3 points
    So here I am twitter stalking and run into this little piece of gold. Apparently, @Jatheish called an unhappy player shit via emoji. Then thought it was funny to then cyberbully said player on Twitter in 2019. Grapeshot just FYI this is unacceptable behavior, and @Jatheish should be terminated. Jatheish if you can't put on your big boy pants and handle the blowback from your poor decisions from the player base...frankly you don't need to be a company manager. I would encourage all players to report this to Grapeshot personally. We don't need this type of behavior from our Devs or Community team. https://twitter.com/Jatheish/status/1101288424516988928
  16. 3 points
    So some of the changes announced after wipe definitely seem likely to be improvements for small groups, but the decision to gate the new underwater content behind the kraken is a head scratcher. To start with, as a development/testing decision, why in the world would you want to gate your newest content during an Early Access period behind an endgame boss? What percentage of your playerbase do you expect will ever successfully unlock said content? My personal experience of 15 years playing MMO's of this type suggests less than half. Moreover, what percentage will unlock it within 60 days of a total wipe? I'm gonna offer as a hypothesis that the percentage of the playerbase who are members of large companies focused on doing endgame content will correlate to an overwhelming degree with the unlock percentage, which is to say far less than half. Do you want a significant percentage of your playerbase to actually test your new content or not? If the answer is yes than gating that content behind a final boss is boneheaded. Period. If the answer is no, then why put it in in the first place? Beyond how nonsensical this decision is from a testing perspective, it goes completely against the idea of making your game more accessible to smaller groups. The development team has the back end data sure, but are you REALLY telling us that you looked at the data for how many and which companies completed the kraken to date and it wasn't some miniscule percentage consisting almost entirely of some of the largest companies? I do not have access to the data myself, but this notion is one I am highly skeptical of. If that is what the data shows, then this decision further puts smaller groups in a have not category.
  17. 3 points
    Yes, many people left the game. You're convinced it was all about land claims. I don't think you understand at all.... being able to claim land wasn't the problem. It was that it was completely unregulated/unrestricted, so one company could claim multiple, ENTIRE islands, leaving little to no room for anyone else. But removing the land claims entirely is also a very bad mistake. You admitted you've not played Ark, so allow me to enlighten you about what a no-land-claim option looks like: larger tribes building boxes around your base (walls, ceiling, no doors, and in pve since you can't harm other people's structures.... you're completely caged in.) You now can't get out of your base unless you die and respawn out in the wild, and if you do that you can't get back in to your base. If you have tames, they eventually starve because you can't get to them to feed them. So you're forced to abandon your base, your tames and your progress, and start over either on the same server (if you want to risk it... you got boxed in a passive-aggressive way to get rid of you because the tribe or tribes didn't want you by them, or on 'their server'.) or now you must find a new server and hope the people there are much friendlier. Good luck. This kind of passive agressive 'we don't want you here' is rampant, common, and the devs will not help you. This is just ONE example, and likely the most common, outside of pillaring and foundation bombing to prevent anyone else from building. And again, in pve, there is NOTHING you can do to help yourself, because you can't damage another player's structures. And No, waiting for the pve decay timer doesn't work because you're going up against very active tribes. This is what a no-land-claim system in Atlas will be like. Please do NOT make the mistake of thinking it won't happen. The majority of us want the claiming system BECAUSE it stops anyone from doing this shit to you. It also prevents the blocking of resources, pillaring your ships/docks, or forcing you out by caging you in your base, because no one can build in your claim area. I promise you this right now: When this no-claim thing proves to become the griefing-fest we all know it will, the devs will not help us. You are truly the minority if you think no claim is a good thing.
  18. 3 points
    I beg to disagree, but if you signed up for an Early Access game, you DID sign up to be a game tester. If you do not want to be a game tester, don't play until full Launch.
  19. 3 points
    Then someone with your age and experience shouldn't be exhibiting the double standard you are here. Posting a video of a kid with an assface and saying "I found this video of you as a kid." isn't "feedback" it's a needless insult. The poster with the shit emoji as avatar then goes on to call Jat an assface. Jat's only reply is to say I found an emoji of you. Given that the emoji is the exact same image this person chose as an avatar, how can that even be construed as an insult? If the guy chose it as his own avatar, how can it be an insult coming from someone else? I agree that being in a public facing position requires professionalism, but I agree with other posters, there is nothing unprofessional here about Jat's reply and indeed he shows restraint in the face of obviously immature behavior. There is a flip side of the coin to expecting professionalism out of people fulfilling a business role: It's called treating people with basic human decency. Since when does the guy with the shit emoji have no responsibility to control his own behavior and posting? Given your thread title and the fact you take Jat to task for the most minute of perceived insults but say nothing of the other party's behavior, it's obvious you don't hold him responsible at all. IMO this is the greater issue, the mentality that the customer is always right, even when the customer is behaving like a 3 year old. Yeah, if that's your idea of the "real world" I'll do without. As it happens I am also in business. I'm in sales and meet directly with customers in their homes. Sometimes they get upset and it is my job to be professional. You know what isn't my job? To take personal insults with a smile and tolerate such abusive immature behavior, and my boss fully backs me on that.
  20. 3 points
    Why not wipe the servers in a week rather than the end of the month? and why announce the wipe a month before? just rip the band aid off and wipe the servers.
  21. 3 points
    What goes around, comes around. Stop crying!
  22. 3 points
    You say your happy with the changes but I assure you your in the minority. Some of us have been there and done it with Ark already and that has some of the most toxic official servers you'll find in any game. Here in lies the problem, you gave up and left. Some of us kept plugging away, sometimes waiting weeks to snag a bit of land to call home and I'm solo 99% of the time. I don't want to live in a slum and thats why I put that effort in. If you enjoy living in a free for all environment theres a place for that. Flags are not the problem, not having a cap is. Imagine if companies were limited to 20 claims each, I can guarantee you there wouldn't be nearly as many red circles on the map.
  23. 3 points
    Also update stupid sods to real sailing ships and make them royal navy that hunt your pirate ass. Sods are just ugly and stupid
  24. 3 points
    Well, i will not quit and dont care so much about a wipe. But the pillar spam will happen. Take a look at lawles zones. They are full of useles structures, pillars and floors. I think the severs needs to be administrated by a mod, who will destroy useles objects. Also stupid oversized structures and gate spams need to be ripped down by an mod. Many players are just too stupid to be left alone.
  25. 3 points
    I often see the misconception that everyone in the game is supposed to be a pirate, but that's simply not the case. It's a game that includes, enables and encourages piracy but does not limit you to that role. The game requires all kinds of players to thrive - people that want to build governments, people that want to create empires through conquest, people that want to trade or farm or just build, etc. These are the people that pirates prey upon that need to exist and also be enabled and encouraged to fill their own desired roles. After all, if everyone is a pirate then no one is a pirate.
  26. 3 points
    I don’t have the game. I am waiting for it to come out on console. Really hoping these pc testers don’t mess everything up. ao far they are doing a horrible job at testing.
  27. 3 points
    Pirate havens are ports or harbors that are a safe place for pirates to repair their vessels, resupply, recruit, spend their plunder, avoid capture, and/or lie in wait for merchant ships to pass by. The areas have governments that are unable or unwilling to enforce maritime laws. This creates favorable conditions for piracy. Notable ones were: Port Royal, St. Mary’s Island, Tortuga, Clew Bay, New Providence, and Barataria Bay. It's PvP. Can't have PvP if you are attacking an unmanned base. In this case game play trumps reality. Maybe real pirates wouldn't. But again, game play trumps reality; and again it is PvP, have to have other players or else it's just Pv?.
  28. 3 points
    Dear Devs, I am capped at level 70 with 467 discovery points. the upcoming server wipe is said (i have yet to find an official answer) to also be a character wipe. Some players believe this will recharge the population and players that have stopped playing will come back, i believe they will but they will not stay. I also believe as those players that have left once leave then more players will also leave resulting in even less population. I believe letting characters remain thru this wipe and all EA wipes to be beneficial to the player population and also yourselves as existing player base will have more time to test the game vs leveling their characters once again. Some players have made the case that other players have gained their higher levels thru bugs and cheats, i would assume some have and i would also assume some have played the game as intended to gain their high level. I in no way begrudge a higher level player or feel cheated that they are higher level thru less than moral means. I believe allot of the population encouraging player wipe are barely over 50 so they have little to lose (as 1-51 is relatively easy exp grind). In conclusion, don't wipe my character because it will suck and there is no gain for anybody but crybaby lowbies and the people that quit on you and this game once already. thank you.
  29. 2 points
    I think the idea that customers should be allowed to say whatever they want and employees need to be “professional” regardless of circumstance is BS top to bottom. If we as a society don’t expect and command maturity and respect from both consumers and producers (but mostly consumers) we will never get it.
  30. 2 points
    hello! Honestly I like Exploration on Atlas, I feel immersive and relaxing, I don't like the idea of a revealed map. Too easy! The Idea of land on an island to explore it is cool, imo it could be enough to just aim it with spyglass, but the concept have to stay. Do you want the geography of an island? you have to spyglass it, do you want the name and other info? you have to land!it can be a pain if it is done for discovery points, but it's actually a good feeling when the island show up revealed after you land on it!What do you think? I have repost this topic from "general discussion"
  31. 2 points
    Yeah, there is nothing stopping people from using those nasty tactics from ark where they simply cap out server population. I like the idea of having to spawn in from beds or sail in from freeports acting as a barrier to zerg spawn tactics. This is especially a problem when company player caps are larger than server population caps.
  32. 2 points
    If you got a problem write a complaint write an email. But to me this looks like a witch hunt. Your trying to make a big deal out of nothing because you have a problem with jat. You come across as a whinge of a person who looks like they are trying to damage the reputation of another person
  33. 2 points
  34. 2 points
    .......abandon ships! THEY WILL NEVER BE DESTROYED!
  35. 2 points
    Just because another game made it through a EA with no wipe doesn't mean another game won't. FFS people!, stop your crying and see this as an opportunity to start fresh. If you think all your hard work is being wiped out then maybe Hello Kitty Online (or heaven forbid Fortnite) is something more up your alley. Did you have fun up until now? I am sure you did, as you are still here. Most people got their money's worth from the game so far. Use this time to find what island you want to live on, (specially to those that were stuck living on Lawless), start building your base (plan it, take screen shots to remember), build cool looking ships for future reference. Set all your tames on wandering, aggressive and watch them destroy everything in their path. Go have fun on the seas, be reckless! Who cares if you lose a ship..With the 6X you can build another one and in an hour be out again for fun. Go ram your ships into docks and watch them explode. Meet people to form alliances with, use this month you have to YOUR advantage.. Stop looking at this as doom and gloom and put a positive spin on it. And before anyone says anything about my hours and blah, blah blah is.. I have over 700+ hours, shit TONS of tames, ships, base cities, ton of discoveries, and more. I am welcoming this wipe. I have beta and alpha tested A LOT of games and over 20 years of online gaming under my belt. There were plenty of games that have had wipes, and many that should of had wipes. Nothing is permanent. P.S. Lighten up, enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don't get so worked up about things. There are worse things in life.
  36. 2 points
    Most of the upcoming changes are welcome or interesting, your patch has potential and the game might get better and better. Yet your decision of wiping the characters is unnecesary and in my opinion totally disappointing, most people including me spent a good portion of their gameplay levelling up their characters, I myself decided to invest a major portion of the game to farm discovery points to then be able to enjoy the game and chill later on. which means that I have given up on fun and enjoyment of the game to farm discoveries, which was ok and worth it for the character and now you decide to wipe them making us all have to do it again? Characters have nothing to do with your upcoming patch, only companies, building etc have to do with it. If u want to force a wipe reset us all to lvl 1 but at least allow us to keep our discovery points, its too much of a struggle to get them all back again. Since you made it kind of a core part of the game to farm discoveries, which can be fun for the first few hours and it then gets tiring and surely not fun, you should really think this through, its getting a lot of people mad and you have never explained why you are doing this.(character-wise). Please either explain us why you are doing this or just let us keep our characters. I mean, after playing your games for years, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that your explanation was something like: 'we aren't able to wipe the servers and keep the characters untouched because of the way we store information in our database'. But at least that would be some kind of an explanation (not a good excuse, but a valid one), right now all we know is that we are gonna lose everything, even what is not needed to be lost, because of.... yeah we have no clue. And the advantage thing and all is pointless. if that was the case you'd have to wipe the server every day to keep it safe and fair. I hope that you wont wipe the servers and characters again in a month due to another major exploit. There will always be exploit, it's bound in your way of implementing stuff and in the engine you are using and especially in the EA concept itself.
  37. 2 points
    hahaha xD Yeah right, like a good defense will stop those dupers, or offline raiding. You're funny
  38. 2 points
    Bit excessive. 9 Hydras, 9 power stones, galleon/crew/gold/ect, and how much time spend doing all this? Was the sub given torpedoes that sink entire islands?
  39. 2 points
    You know that is not true, and pvp is more about siege then naval warefare. PvP is not an option to fix PvE.
  40. 2 points
    Seriously. I cant build cannons and shoot them from my own base? Or from my own ship? In a pirate game? Are you really serious? Seriously? Ok bro. Enjoy your empty servers. Dont you guys remember what dudes did in freeports when you PVE'd trolls and griefers? You know before you killed the freeports with massive decay. Youre just setting up a griefer/exploiter playground... I cant defend myself on my own ship. and my own base... GTFO
  41. 2 points
    I understand why there is going to be a server wipe, but I feel like everything I've grinded for all this time was for nothing. Finally after searching and searching for days, maybe weeks, I found a good place to lay down a base of operations, built a home with my shipyards and it's all going to be destroyed. So basically there's almost no point in playing until the wipe occurs. I think this is going to be my last early access game. I don't want to pay to beta test anymore.
  42. 2 points
    I agree with what others have been saying. The claim system is a great idea and something I like, it just was poorly implemented. Please just limit the number of claim flags per person and don't allow ocean claims. There is no way you are going to be able to use upkeep to prevent spamming unless you make it so high that it cripples smaller groups from building.
  43. 2 points
    If this was really a test, we'd have the tools to actually effect the test. The idea that you can call your customers testers and NOT give them tester tools is just insane. Progression speed is the last thing you test because having to do real speed progression multiple times is not fun. Hence why nobody wants to do it again.
  44. 2 points
    So why not stay and help make the game better. It’s in early access, a wipe is always possible. Have more fun by trying the new mechanics, meet others and do the underwater stuff.
  45. 2 points
    @Jatheish we were allowed to do this in ark and thats one of 2 things bothering people with the new patch this isn't whining or crying the blues before some say it. Its called many of us have just over 1k hours in our characters doing discoveries etc can we dl our characters and use them. The other 2 things are you state to get submarine have to beat the krakken , there has to be another way you state you wish the game to be solo-able and small companies. Some people have no chance doing this with larger companies so like a second option. Many people are quitting the game that we did discoveries with as well. Lastly making all pve lawless is worse thing can happen can tell you having over 18k hours in ark we seen alot been through alot and lawless is going to allow, people to go piller happy, walls everywhere and nodes built on so people cannot farm matts only one tribe. I ask that you please rethink some of these ideas. Wiping map fine but also has to be some support as well . To the people saying quit the map quit the game etc whatever this is my opinion wanna complain go somewhere else I seen what happens as we are reliving most of us issues that happened in ark.
  46. 2 points
    300 hours of the game to the garbage I can not claim land whatever you build will be damaged over time. Ah, but they are going to give me a stupid hat that will replace my gold boats and resources that will take me away. Of course it sounds fair! I'm left with nothing and fuck the pve, but what else will I have a hat! Give me back my money and put your stupid hat up your ass.
  47. 2 points
    You must be blind lotus. What, you want a cookie for taking down some players walls so you could spam everything else? You have hundreds of land claims why would you take up lawless areas too? That’s what makes you a douche company. I love the evasion of the foundation spam. What? You think you needed to block it and make it look like crap so nobody else could? Glad it is all a wasted effort now anyway.
  48. 2 points
    Just limit the claims to 10 per any company, 20 for a company over 25 members, and 50 for companies with 100+ members. More than enough land for anyone, and seeing as how there is a company with 3000 land claims, that would be land for 59 other companies of 100+ people, or 148 companies with 25 people, or 299 companies with less than 25 people. Thats up to 5000 to 10000 more people having land.. And thats just 1 company being divested of its land. Other companies in the top 10 have ~2000 flags of 1000 flags. Between freeing up claims with that, and 200 new islands, there would be more than enough land to claim for everyone playing now, and damn sure more than enough land for everyone playing after the wipe. Hell, that would be enough room for everyone who's ever played on PVE to have claims, with room to spare for new players.
  49. 2 points
    You bought PvP game and you are complaining about what? Solution for offline raiding? Can you please tell me where is pvp in offline raiding? Protection from offline raiding means much more online action = much more PvP. If you just want to destroy someone while he is offline then sorry, you are just a griefer. It has nothing to do with PvP.
  50. 2 points
    With people like you, no wonder the seas are so salty hehe
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