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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2019 in Posts

  1. 9 points
    Thank you very much for releaseing this
  2. 8 points
    So you're saying this makes it MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOve faster?
  3. 6 points
    One of my favorite posts in every online game forum, is a post about tips and tricks that many people have learned through playing that might not be common knowledge. Its always a great source of info to hear what people have come up with to make the game easier/better: -In some Temperate grids that don't have crystal, you can dive down and collect Pearls from the sea floor. Hand gathered from the coral looking things. Usually you don't need much so this will save you a trip to another zone! =D -Bears can gather around 5k thatch a minute (10k/min during 2x)in some Temperate grids just by looking for dead leaves on the ground. C12, C11 confirmed -You can get the 6th Keratinoid (residue) from killing jellyfish. Also, the 5th type is just named "Keratinoid", you can tell it can be used in blueprints because it will have the little shell icon in the top right corner, and will not stack with "generic" Kera, harvested in freeports or from demolishing that does not have the icon. Typically it is from bugs. -Pressing "O" while on a ship steering wheel will turn all your ship lanterns on/off. -Hitting a Cyclops in the eye with a Ballista bolt will do 22,500 damage, and is a one-shot kill. (Dont forget to lewt that Cyclops for about 200 Mythos!)
  4. 5 points
    It goes 200% faster Seriously though, instead of new features and mechanics, fixing tames that go through floors and randomly disappearing crew should be a priority...
  5. 4 points
    The following is a collection of known links to unofficial Atlas fan sites and utilities. If there is a website I have not listed or have missed some info regarding a site, please post a reply and I'll add it. Sites Atlas Calculator - A skill tree calculator. - Added 2/23/19 Atlas Trade Helper System - Forum Link - A small web application to assist traders in finding other traders. - Added 2/23/19 Atlas Map Web Application - Forum Link - A dynamic Atlas map showing a variety of details including players per server. - Added 2/23/19 Atlas Public Stockade - Forum Link - Uses the public Atlas ban list to display Steam info about those banned from Atlas. - Added 2/23/19 Tools A-CALC Taming & Companion Tools - Forum Link - Android tool to assist in taming. - Added 2/23/19 ArkPnt - Updated for Atlas. Used to convert .pnt files to .png and back again. - Added 2/23/19 Ark Paint Converter - Updated for Atlas. Used to convert .pnt files to .png and back again. - Added 2/23/19
  6. 4 points
    Tips: Press M to bring up the map - hold the right mouse button to focus on the compass + hold ctl to bring up a camera + left click the mouse to take a picture. They're saved as Ark .pnt files in \ATLAS\ShooterGame\Saved\MyPaintings Don't ever try to make a helpful post because @Realist will HAVE to sabotage it.
  7. 4 points
  8. 3 points
    Currently on my claim with has less than 10 flags it is showing -2 total flags and a contest timer of 4 days. W have gone as far as replacing most of the flags that we can though all it achieved was make our number go from -1 to -2. Has anyone come up with a fix for this?
  9. 2 points
    (Lets try to keep this to things that actually help people play the game, and not "wish i had known not to buy an EA game" type posts. Ill try to keep the list updated with additions.) This is meant to be a list of things the game doesnt tell you but that is very helpful to know. Get water to drink by hitting X and lmb on grassy area and do a short minigame, you will get about 60 units. If you use a shovel to do the minigame you can get about 600 units. These cant be used to fill waterskins You can use a grapple to get flotsam rather than jumping into the water. Fire arrows do amazing damage to most critters and pc and set things on fire, including oil globules (Greatly nerfed but still useful) Bees give up chasing you if you jump in water. A level 2 pig is a different level of difficulty compared to a level 2 bear. You can respec 1x/level for free by hitting the respec icon above your XP bar when you hit I. Respec potions are sold at freeport for 250g When you have the map out, holding left-ctrl turns the compass into a poor mans spyglass and camera You can search for items in the skill list, crafting search field, to find the item and what skill / station it uses (works for almost all items) There are more attacks than LMB and RMB, and some give combo bonuses. Starting in tundra = death due to cold if nothing else, dont go there till you have furs or can take the dying. Putting food on your hotbar in same order as the vitamins lets you keep track of what food you need for the Equilibrium bonus Eating in this ratio keeps vitamins balanced: 5 vege / 1 meat / 5 fruit / 1 fish (assuming not prime or cooked meals) A sloop with a single medium speed sail placed far back position will let you solo sail it without moving from wheel position. (still not as efficient as having a PC or AI crew member) You can build platforms even on sloops, and other ships, to let you place forward facing cannons (making it a glass cannon boat). You can sort your inventory by weight, ascending or descending Hitting T while moused over an item in inventory/container will transfer all of it. Hitting O while moused over an item in inventory/container will drop all of it. Build with defenses in mind, AI NPC's and pets will defend your area with cannons, weapons, or themselves. Not all islands have all materials, its intentional, but can be brutal aka Tundra where fiber is missing or very rare (modified some to make tundra easier) Different biomes have different materials, i.e. Sap is found in temperate regions. You can only equip one back item at a time (bow/spear/shovel/etc) Metal Tools from Advanced Tools should be first priority, you can build a smithy on a raft to make them. Holding H without a tool out shows you info about the world and any buffs/debuffs Holding H with a tool out shows what can be gotten with that too from the current thing you are aiming at. Freeport decay rate is super high, it is not a "safe" place to leave your ships overnight. This is intentional. Blueprints with numbers in upper left like 24x means you can use it 24 times. You can use a shovel to dig for potatoes pretty much anywhere there is grass and potatoes are a vitamin A food. I found keeping vitamin A in check to be super frustrating until I knew this. Also taking all three vitamin decay skills and pumping fortitude to at least 20 if not 30 changes vitamin management from a time consuming PIA to extremely manageable. When a blueprint says 2x or 3x of a mat it means you need 2 or 3 different kinds of that mat category. Luring wolves and lions into the water makes them easy to kill. Levels don´t mean that much. A level 30 character still dies really quickly to a level 1 predator. You can cut up your own corpse for free skins and meat. Water barrels fill with rain even if you don't see rain. Open the lid to collect it, close the lid to stop it depleting. (Same for reservoirs) You can prone to deplete vitals slower / recover stamina faster Your ship gets slower when it gets heavier, weight sails combat this. (There are 3 types of sails, speed, handling and weight) Don't build too close to water as you can get sieged by ship cannons Pressing the " ` " key give access to commands. Type "gamma 4" to raise brightness and make night time nicer, type "gamma 2" to lower it in the morning. (or use gamma slider) Ride bears and right click to farm fiber. You can get about 3k fiber in like 10 minutes with one. (Elephants for wood, etc, if needing mass materials, tames help) You can whistle T at your boat to get the ladders down and Y to roll them back up. The transfer all inventory arrow that's in top right and top left when accessing an object with storage. Giant whale tails are a surface only animation that slap the ever loving hell out of your ship. Serious damage. To get new players into your Company, have them spawn at a Freeport that is open, you die and set that Freeport as your home region, invite them to Company, then both die and respawn at your base beds When you craft an item from a blueprint, it will tell you how many times it can be upgraded and then show how much gold and mats required for each upgrade Ships have robust customization, from where the sails go to being able to build walls and platforms on them to mount cannons in positions they normally wouldnt go. A sloop can be configured to sail solo easily by putting a medium mast in the aft most position and the wheel right behind it. Then you just let go of wheel, adjust sails, regrab wheel, no movement. Instead of spamming left mouse button on a tree to hopefully get wood...use left and right mouse button one after another to use your magic punch and get more resources When anchored, NPC crew will do repairs if removed from sail/cannon and set to neutral and not follow (it looks like they are sweeping the deck) In the Captaincy tree there is a ship storage chest that NPC's will use to conduct repairs, along with a Mess Food Locker that they will eat from With a NPC on sails, Z is full stop, SPACEBAR is full go, LEFTSHIFT-A and LEFTSHIFT-D rotates sails. Turning General Shadows to Low removes weather Fog (not fog of war) When on the wheel of a ship, hit X to drop anchor and close sails at same time if you see the light grey anchor symbol on right indicating its shallow enough You can make folders in your inventory and storage chests. Double Tapping M only takes out the compass, Holding M only takes out the map, Pressing M Once takes out both the Compass and Map When placing items on a ship they look different than using them for a building. When placing any item, hit T to see if it has different functions (ie a wall is a doorway and a railing and a halfwall, etc) Where you place the Wheel for your ship becomes its pivot point. Crew Storage Boxes do not have a maximum capacity will stack every resource up to 500,000. Use this to hold all of your harvestables instead of large boxes. These guys only hold harvestable material and gold. Shift-Drag on any stacked items only drags half of them, Shift double Click retrieves 5 instead of 1. Craft wall hooks. Attach them to any surface on land, put torches/lanterns there. Craft and put somewhere a lever. Set the same pin code to lever and hooks. Now lever control all light on hooks with same pin code You can put skulls on wall hooks. If you screw up the rifle mini loading game just drew your one handed weapon and it will cancel the load. You don't lose ammo. List your TIWIHKS items and Ill add em to the list.
  10. 2 points
    Among all the suggestions to overhaul the claim system, it is good for us to not loose site of the fundamental issues and core problems. The core problem seems to be that players are hitting a roadblock in progression in the game when faced with the challenge of finding a base location. Written at length each issue that I've seen or others have mentioned in this post: As brief as I have attempted to be on some issues, it is lengthy because of the complexity of the problem. More concisely the main issues seem to fall into these categories: Excessive land claims are being encouraged through taxes, idea of land control (claim and control land that others build on, and praising "Top companies" that have the most claims. Claim system design issues - easy and fast way to claim lots of land, no limit to claims per company, wasted space between claims, inability to size claims to needs, claims required for bases/beds. Unused claims persist - claim decay complicated, inactive claims don't go away on their own, challenges to players contesting claims including disruptions No tools for company admins/owners to manage claims - co. owners can't limit who places claims and what types, can't see who is claiming or has placed claims, no detailed list to manage, no way to disrupt or destroy claims from a distance No good alternative water base options - no vessels designed to be floating bases - restrictions to building with weight restrictions, no crop plots, limited creature storage, no building beyond walls of ships Server owner tools lacking - This is an important component as server owners could provide alternative play styles if given enough customization options (Please see above post for more details.) It is easy to get caught up in the minutia of solutions and their specifics. Below are some thoughts, questions, and potential solutions: Don't encourage land claims - Aren't we supposed to be pirates and adventurers and not feudal lords? Don't just "top companies" on amount of claims, rethink taxes and system of claiming land for others to build on. In real and digital life people want to avoid taxes and own their own land. Amount of land a company or individual owns should be restricted - Land and system resources are not finite. Neither should claims or the ability to control be. Is the land claiming system even right for this game? Claims could be redesigned in a lot of different ways, but knowing all the issue they are causing is the claim flag system one that would even be implemented? Unused claims should disappear easily. If the concept is kept, code should evaluate company claim use and decay accordingly. Unused claims should simply disappear after a certain period of time after inactivity easily freeing up land. Caution against maintenance/ upkeep -grind for coin or resources to maintain something isn't fun. Water base alternatives - Is the point of the game becoming feudal lords or to be pirates and adventurers? Water is plentiful. Land is limited. Think of options so that people can effectively have floating bases. Ship designed for base and not combat with ability to grow crops, easily store creatures, haul everything needed, be hard to destroy. Give company owners/admins tools to limit and manage claims Consider alternatives to big claims to meet the needs of pirates/adventurers - Think about the needs of companies and come up with non-land alternative solutions. Pirate islands/cities where larger ships can be built without land ownership/dock building and other needs met? Banking system and/or way to very safely bury gold. Thoughts?
  11. 2 points
    I don't disagree with much of what you've said here.. except... 500 people is more than are playing the PvE official atlas at most other than peak times. Generally though, wipe and limited PERSONAL claims combined with a couple additional company claims will definitely be required to fix the current mess. Lawless can be beautiful, don't stress about the land, worry about what you're building on it Make it amazing and it will be "yours" regardless.
  12. 2 points
    I wouldn’t. Some games require you to own the game in order to register on the game’s official forums. Atlas clearly does not, a fact which suggests Wildshot is more open to outside criticism than a lot of game developers. If they are willing to let Realist or others like him have their say here when they are footing the bill, who am I to say otherwise? Realist has not to the best of my knowledge run afoul of the Code of Conduct, which is more than I can say for some others. I think one of the fundamental problems with the society we seem to have become at the moment is a lack of willingness to hear views which differ from our own. I have probably disagreed with Realist as often as anyone on these forums, but that disagreement harms no one, and in reading our differing viewpoints, others may find themselves considering ideas they had not before. In a free and open society that is how it should work. I am perfectly willing to let others weigh the merits of my arguments and his and judge for themselves. To me me this is much to be preferred to banishing people with whom you disagree. Remember, everyone has a purpose in life, even if that purpose is only to serve as a negative example to others.
  13. 2 points
    Keep calling people who make these threads attention whores and keep telling yourself that all these numbers are "'normal" for any game. I've made a topic weeks ago about the comparison the other games and my man, Ark and Atlas are two shitshows together, those who say that it's normal to have lost so many players and considering it's just 11k players at peaks dispersed over so many servers and grids it's just a wasteland in game. Most people probably even just log in to keep up maintenance for their flags and log out shortly after. Very immersive gameplay right? Then u have these forumtrolls who say go play unofficial or something else if u don't like it... First they didn't listen to us since launch about the real isseus, the game nearly bled to dead then they say they gonna fix alot of bullshit players really wanted to have fixed, messed that up, game bleeds to death even more. Those who believe they will finish this and it will ever get out of EA status are delusional. The only official reply from anyone was from Jerryn who's a moderator here and that was cuz i called the dev team crackaddicts and he said that's a nono ... I understand now that crackaddicts have more perseverence and insight than the devs and it was wrong from me to insult crackaddicts in such a way. I uninstalled this game last night after my first official reply being a moderator telling me what I can and cannot say on here. Since my only reason to keep playing the game was to build a pyramid of shame for the devs which I completed last week on Gravelton Island L10 EU PVE server and to get my refund somehow but yeah let's face it these junkies already ran off with my money and plenty of others. 40k players on a single server ... they are gonna have hard times trying to reach 40k players combined on all servers during the period of a single week in just a few more weeks from now. Let's face it, this weekend we might peak around 12-13k players and next week we won't see peaks of over 10k during the week and that weekend will probably be the last one where this game get's over 10k players during the rest of it's EA existance, after that it's either gonna die off slowly and never will be finished or the best thing that could happen is that some capable studio buys over GrapeShit and it's assets so a team of pros can deliver us a game that was advertised to us and not whatever this thing is we were playing until now. Might be my last post since there is no more point of me to make, just wanted to give special up yours to Nutcutter, Percievel, Jerryn, Jatheis, Dollie, Jeremy Stieglitz and all u muppets who think everyone needs to "git gud" or "stop whining" we all paid too much for whatever this piece of code is supposed to be and have a right to complain just as much as anyone else, if u don't like to read complaints don't read them but don't tell people to stop whining or shut up when they experience a bad game. Towel out, without a refund, will keep dissing whatever game company pulls another trick like this in the future.
  14. 2 points
    You mean you had to "downgrade" your server to Ubuntu to get around that error. The error caused by using an outdated and compromised OpenSSL-1.0.0 package in the Linux server build. Having been a recent hacking victim I'll pass on running a known compromised OpenSSL package on my servers.
  15. 1 point
    1. Ship-Rear Cosmetics/Skins So we have figureheads, steering wheel skins and soon, sail skins. This might be a large suggestion, but the Brig and Galleons have cosmetic "cabin" styling on the backs of them. I propose new skins be made for the Ship itself that adds cosmetic changes to the back of ships. Maybe dragon heads from the back, working up the side? A skull? Hydra head? Cyclops hands? 2. PvE Servers, Allow Ship Claiming After Inactivity Currently, there is no ship claiming on the PvE servers. I feel like ships should be claimable if the player and/or company has not been online or entered the area within maybe 2 weeks? 1 week? Or simply cause the ship to be "Unclaimed" after 1 or 2 weeks of inactivity. 3. Repair All Structures It would be a tremendous Q.O.L. improvement to allow NPC crew to repair all structures including ceilings, cannons, walls, chairs, e.t.c. when the ship is anchored and the NPCs are unseated. Optionally, create a new structure to be placed on a ship in which you assign an npc crewmate to be in charge of repairing all other misc. structures on the ship. 4. Unseat All Crew I don't know about other players, but when I get off my ship, I unseat at least 4 crew members to ensure my ship's essentials are repaired before the next time I set off. This would be another amazing Q.O.L. improvement for the ship to have an implemented option to unseat all crew. 5. Man Your Stations Add an option to NPC crew on ships that assigns them a specific position on-board. Then add an additional option on-board the ship for assigned crew to "Man Stations." 6. Handling Sail; Reverse Allow Handling Sails to provide faster Reverse speeds. As it stands, ships can currently back up no matter what. If the Ship layout includes a Handling Sail, this ship should reverse slightly faster. 7. Captain's Deck Currently, the Galleon is the only ship that comes with a snap-able slot for a receded Deck to be placed higher up at the back of the ship. I propose another optional Deck slot be added to the back end of Brigantines and Schooners, like the Galleons, for cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing ship designs. (The Brigantine is especially difficult to make the ceilings and walls line up with the back end of the ship.) 8. Careening @mKHammerBro Introduce a new mechanic to ground Ships to scrape and clean the underside of the hull. In the past, this process was called Careening, or Heaving Down. Barnacles and other sea life clings to the underside and rots away at the wood. This could also introduce a new way to repair your ship's planks or add a temporary repair and/or speed buff to your ship. 9. Mooring @ikarirain Introduce a new item to be crafted at Smithy's from the Seamanship tree, Bollard. There are instances where a ship is too large to reach an anchor-able point, so it's been proposed to allow ships the ability to be moored in by ropes to Bollards, which can be placed on piers or shipyards, to safely "anchor" the ship in your territory, given anchoring isn't possible. Additionally, increase the amount of Bollards needed to moor a ship depending on the ship's size and/or weight. 10. Select All or Individual Sail Controls @Shakarian Ability to control all sails from the wheel, or select which individual sails to give certain commands to. For instance, all sails selected by default. But press keys similar to the cannon crews to deselect certain sails. 11. Look-Out / Telescope @Aristocrates It is known that being at the top of a mast gives the player a slightly larger render-distance so they can see ships and such ahead of time, but it would be nicer if there was a Telescope sort of attachment to build on the Smithy that could be attached to the top of the mast, further improving this render distance for preparation or avoidance purposes. 12. Collidable Figureheads @Grodgen Collidable Figureheads: Currently they have no collision. You can't stand on them and it also limits their functionality as actual figureheads. 13. Rotatable Weight & Handling Sails @Kaitlynn Allen Add an option to rotate Weight Sails and Handling Sails 180 degrees when placed, depending on your desired placement at the front or back of the ship. 14. Rigging That Connects The Front Sail To The Figurehead @Kaitlynn Allen Add an option to connect sails via rigging placed at the front of the to the bow sprite/figurehead. 15. Catch Net @RebelMarmoset Add a structure for the front or sides of ships that catches flotsam and/or fish. Consequently, the longer the net is lowered, or the more items it catches, the more it slows the ship down. If you like any of these options, please reply to this thread with your comments and feel free to suggest some more ideas pertaining to ships! And a special thank you to @Jatheish for taking the time to read this! Loving the game.
  16. 1 point
    I think you found a "glitch" that I need to fix... I need to have it skip searching for the Gameusersettings.ini on unused/disabled servers... good catch. Sorry... I'll work on that and have a patch released hopefully by late tonight (I've been working on the mod updater.. a lot more work than I previously thought). A temporary workaround would be to create a folder and gameuser file for every server.. even the ones not being used. Sorry for the trouble! I decided to work on that now and put the mod updater on hold for an hour or two... I'll have the patch released within an hour hopefully and post it here.
  17. 1 point
    Add poison ingredients to the game so we can make poisonous food for unsuspecting raiders. Different poisons have diff effects: kill over time, sleep, paralyze
  18. 1 point
    Right, here's the problem with that methodology, The pilot flies it, the mechanic fixes it and the stewardess assists customers. Right now, our pilot is blind and flying any general direction he chooses. The mechanic has no manuals on how the plane was built so he's trying to fix things by guessing at what the pilot busted. And the stewardess? She's been replaced by an automaton that stands in the aisle and keeps repeating, "thanks for your patience."
  19. 1 point
    You're lucky that didn't result in udder destruction. Seriously though. I've got 3 bears stuck in floors and 1 has been for 3 weeks. I refuse to rip up my floors yet again. If I finally get sick of looking at bear, I'll blunderbuss his ass.
  20. 1 point
    Agreed. Agreed. That is not Stoneworks. It is the top tier of home building. I have to side with the devs on this. I can understand what they wanted and am fine with it. Newbie crafters shouldn't be able to make all the nice stuff.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    When you say solo, is that solo with tames or solo with nothing but the skin on your back and the weapon in your hand.
  23. 1 point
    -Make a Doorless tame enclosure: To enter, make a ramp with a gap in between the ramp and the wall. Wild animals will not make the jump and will fall outside the wall, but riding a running tame will fall inside the pen. Exit is just a normal ramp. No messing with doors
  24. 1 point
    That depends on the imagination of the dev team, I'd guess. I don't think there should be just one end goal in a sandbox game anyway, and it sure shouldn't be to go kill X, or own the most circles on the map, which are both pretty shallow. It seems like the devs are also promoting some other aspects with their showcases of really well-built claims and flag designs. Jat said they had some sort of plan for towns and cities. I'm hoping there's enough structure behind that to make some serious pve competition in trading, politics, diplomacy, etc. (None of which have anything to do with claim flags in their current state) I'm in wait-and-see mode. On a small scale, they've surprised me already with some little things like the written notes in today's patch. I've been wishing for something like that for a while, for all of us who play in loosely connected small groups & solo. Nobody has asked for them with all the bigger stuff happening, but someone thought of it and here they are. Somebody is thinking about creative things, so fingers crossed for the future.
  25. 1 point
    This is my couple week old comparison, for those who said it was normal to lose that many players over time take a look at these top Steam games and look at their All Time Peak and their 24 Hour Peak. These pictures are still generous to Ark and Atlas because of them being a few weeks old. Only games which is doing bad in comparison is GTAV and that's probably because their online part is also a cheatersfest that isn't taken care of by the devs but hey they also do still release new content right?
  26. 1 point
    Please dev team release guillotine. We need it for some people here.
  27. 1 point
    Maybe it is a lack of patience on the players side? For Ark it turned out good. I learned that in EA you have to patient. Atlas is still in development. Thats a fact and that way it should been seen. The devs really dont need you guys to know about numbers. It is just wrong to await an full game experience and to cry about it all the time. If you cant stand it, then play something else and return to a later point. Thats probably what most guys figuerd out already and what makes the numbers low.
  28. 1 point
    280 slots... what's the point of hoarding more than that? As for blueprints that's 6.2 normal 45 slot shelves worth, i don't have a single complaint about them releasing this early, and giving us what we were asking for. Thx and awesome model on it, really props to the art team @Jatheish
  29. 1 point
    Yea they listened to our requests. Thank you devs for the bookshelf. Meow.
  30. 1 point
    Both reasonable and cogent arguments. You guys might be on the wrong forums. This is the place for torches and pitchforks.
  31. 1 point
    Why did you give them what they wanted? they clearly did it for your land, now they win. why not just leave it going till the next patch and see if that fixes the land claim issues? you only had to log in once every 20 days.
  32. 1 point
    Make a snake pit instead
  33. 1 point
    I feel your frustration but a thing to keep in mind about game development is that developers are not all interchangeable. The people who find and fix bugs and clean up code are not the same folks who design new content. They are separate teams with individuals who do not have fungible skill sets. By analogy, the stewardess, the pilot and the mechanic all work on planes but are not necessarily able to do each other’s jobs. To extend the analogy further my understanding about fixing bugs is that making the team bigger has often proven counterproductive in the past ie hiring more pilots doesn’t fly the plane better. This leads to the frustrating situation where all we can really do is wait for the bug fixing team to fix the particular bug that’s driving us nuts atm. Not producing new content won’t and can’t lead to that being done faster.
  34. 1 point
    So this is a problem that will continue to be a problem until mechanically changed. Specifically with flight npcs. My suggestion is that you change it to where npcs have their own dedicated routes that they follow while spawned. This will prevent them from just randomly running into an object and then glitching in that object. This would also prevent flight npcs from flying into player built structures and glitching out. My ship almost sunk because it was miraculously over crew limit. Come to find out, a bird flew in and got stuck onboard my ship. If I wasn't online at the time, my ship probably would of sunk and I would of logged on screaming "Wtf wheres my ship!?".
  35. 1 point
    That's why i said " should", i never had anything happen to a animal this way. But i know other do sometimes. The bugs are sometimes crazy. I lost my brig after the update yesterday, everything was fine, it was in my harbor the whole day. After the update i log back in and it was at the bottom, not a single plank damaged. I guess we can't get attached to things, it sucks loosing stuff duo bugs
  36. 1 point
    wouldn't be the first time i tried to recruit a member of my own company, lol.
  37. 1 point
    https://atlasgame.info/ shows total online per cluster it ain't pretty
  38. 1 point
    Just took a look at Battlemetrics website to see how many people are on the various official servers, I could choose 3 official servers excluded NA PVE, for some reason it's not listed atm or it's somewhere in the list and I haven't found it. Either way, if u rank that list on highest players per server u will see the first page of 10 servers already drops down quickly to just 30 players per grid. Going down the list towards the back this decreases ofcourse, to hit the last 5 pages which are 50 (51 actually) grids/servers where there is not a single player online. From those 50 (51) servers from 3 out of 4 official server lists there are only 4 Freeport regions in it, 2 Central Maws(?), and 4 Lawless regions. So still 40 servers where areas are claimable that nobody is online at this very moment. 51 servers without players 52 servers with 1 player 70 servers with 2 players 65 servers with 3 players 70 servers with 4 players 61 servers with 5 players 58 servers with 6 players 43 servers with 7 players 34 servers with 8 players 40 servers with 9 players +-110 servers with 10 to 15 players 40 servers with 16 - 25 players 13 servers with 26 - 55 players 1 server with 129 players online which is currently NA PVP E9 Even when NA PVE would be included I doubt this list would become much better. Now take in mind that each server has up to 4 islands where these players are also (possibly) divided over just to give an idea how much fun it must be to play Atlas nowadays. I'm not gonna take the time to try and add all those numbers up to see how many people are actually stlil playing on official servers, was hoping there was a website that could show me this by just selecting the 4 official ones showing how many players were on each but couldn't find it yet. Sure these numbers are still to get slightly higher as there is a weekend starting for most and well if the trend continues this weekend we'll peak around 12k maybe 13 if lucky but over the last weeks the playerbase peaks in weekends drop off around 2-4k players a week so yeah, have fun while it lasts.
  39. 1 point
    I agree that any wipe at this stage would cause more people to leave than people to return. Next week is a very anticipated Captain's Log to find out what they have planned and whether it is close to what players are saying and want. My expectation is that it ends up being the opposite of what I want, that way when it does happen I won't be disappointed.
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
    I really don't mind the delay that much, but please. Can we just get the bookshelf in? Please?
  42. 1 point
    There are videos on YouTube actually showing the hacks working. So it's clearly happening. Not saying that everyone who get accused of hacking is of course but it's happening for sure.
  43. 1 point
    If feel something need to be done about the taming process. stop vultures instantly killing the tames as soon as they get tamed, why do we need to bola elephants rhinos bear and that why can't we just feed them they don't try and kill us and they dont run away like horse so i don't really see the point of hurting them to bola them
  44. 1 point
    Every Animal should have a purpose. They shouldn't just exist as stepping stones to other creatures, in addition the once that are mounts should have a type of gathering ability. Going through the list, there's still a few animals with little purpose. For some reason the herbivores are bad at thatch and bad at wood by default which makes Thatch very difficult to harvest. First off, upgrade the Cargo Saddle to carry things. There's multiple ways to do it, choose whichever is easiest. You could have it upgrade the animals carry weight straight up, or it could be a new placeable item. One that reduces the weight of things inside it, and allow it to be placed on the cart where only gun mounts and cannons can go at the moment. You could also go more complicated and let it be a 1x1 floor and build on it like ships and have even more options but that's unnecessary. Tier 1 Riding: Fix this. Right now only 1 creature can even use a tier 1 saddle, sheep. It's a useless item. Bull: It can breed with cows. That's about it. Let it pull the Cargo Saddle, and also make it a multi-purpose gatherer. Give it a medium amount gather for Fiber, Thatch, Wood, Flint, Stone, and Metal. Horse: The bear does everything it does better except for running speed and turning ability. I suggest making them easier to tame and add the Lasso back in. If the Cargo Saddle is upgraded then it'll be good. Let it use a tier 1 as well as tier 2 saddle. Also, saw a great idea others had. Add its damage bonus to the melee weapon that the rider wields to Pseudo simulate the cavalry charge. Ostrich: Make it easier to tame like the horse. Any animals that are mainly for travel should be super easy to tame. Like the Bull/Horse let it use a tier 1 as well as tier 2 saddle Wolf: Too weak. Make it easier to tame and then give it a pack buff like the Allosaurus. Alternatively, it could also be cool to have a sort of herding power. Give it a command to keep Sheep, Cows, Pigs, or Chickens within a certain range of it. The only problem is we'd also want the herded animals to stay group up tight, so a 'go to' command for animals of a certain type could do it. Penguin: Make the insulation work on baby animals. Giraffe: Give it good thatch gathering, having a tall multi mount is pretty useless. The elephant can seat more, carry more, and actually gather/carry wood. Rhino: Need these to stop disappearing into the ground because of their huge and unusual hit box. Last off, it would be nice to encourage the animals that humans actually used. It would be nice to see mostly the animals we actually tamed being the mainstays of player use. Chicken, Sheep, Horses, Cows/Bulls, and Pigs. They should all get reduced taming difficulty(faster progress, easier to bola), as well as much faster maturation times for breeding. If they're very easy to breed it would make sense to just make tons of them rather than having to tame every single animal from scratch. Having many of them would make them less valuable and more widespread, it would also make it more convenient to breed them for food(which only the chicken/cow fulfills atm with eggs/milk).
  45. 1 point
    Balance the cannons / ships via weight.. what goes on left should go on right side and front to back.. get rid of the 40 cannon side loads or front loads. Also maybe look at capping number of cannons per ship type but adding another leveling option to add cannons but at a cost of weight or accomaditions etc
  46. 1 point
    here a video of me doing it solo on a schooner (blue whale, the friendly one). just showing this to explain you really have to get into the whales face that the speers work. your crew will fire at a way higher range than they can actually hit (not sure why). anyway they used up quite a lot of speers before I switched to firing manual. jump to 1:32 if you just want to see how I kill it. rest is me figuring out how close I have to be. for the aggressive version it should be easier since I can probably drag it behind me. btw schooner build is 5 balista front, 5 balista back, large speed sail, small handling, leveled in weight and crew costs. started with 300 speers, endet up with 160 left but I think I could have killed him with around 50 to 80 probably if I missed less. did that around 3-4 days ago after the patch with the whale spawn changes.
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
    According to the Steam charts, the population is close to its all-time peak of 58+k, which was reached within the last 24 hours. However, I desperately wish that you were right -- we NEED less players if we can't have additional servers, and this needs to be done alongside an overhaul to the claim system.
  49. 1 point
    This actually is not true. You just need to be sure you adjust OUT of war paint and into the tattoo portion. I've had my tattoos now though multiple deaths. I appreciate all the PMs and feedback. I will be testing on sails later today and get back to you on that and getting templates for that as well.
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