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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2019 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Its $15... Once you leave your moms basement and start paying rent its really not that much... Pretty much the price of a pizza once you start buying that as well... Heaven forbid you want extra toppings...
  2. 3 points
    I just stand in a fire when i lose my vitamin buff
  3. 2 points
    Don´t Drop the Soap
  4. 2 points
    There are two ways to use it, for items in your inventory, all you need to do is drag the soap consumable over them and it'll wash the dye off. For structures that have been placed, just have soap in your inventory, hold E on the structure for additional options and then select the 'Use Soap to Remove Paint' button.
  5. 2 points
    Survival tactics in an mmo are developers fix for lack of content. If they keep you busy enough scrounging for stuff and worrying about vitamins, you don't look around to see that there is a lack of content to keep you occupied. They are finding out the same way other developers have that if you make the game a chore and not fun, people leave. For a B2P title that doesn't matter as long as they can keep new sales incoming. Once they have your cash they really give zero fucks what you do. Problem for them is that ARK already had a dodgy reputation, and spinning off Grapeshot and keeping the same tactics didn't work. They may have gotten my $15 bucks, but I guarantee I have cost them thousands by telling everyone on various platforms I am active on what a shitshow this has become.
  6. 2 points
    I dunno who's been short sighted here tbh, it's supposed to be a sea game and there is basically no sea battles, just a zerg of plebs rolling onto an island when they know a sever is low numbers with a pocket full of nades. Easy win when all you have to do is spam. Then the defenders can't spam back or like I said they are just doing your job for you blowing your own stuff up. It's so bad it's beyond a joke. Fair enough you are right about not being able to hit pillared bases if they are too high but then it should take numbers, not 1 or 2 people. And if not numbers it should take time. 40 hours to bread and animal you can wipe out 100s of them within seconds with something that takes no time at all to craft.
  7. 1 point
    I would really like to tax our own company members like you can tax others. In Eve, taxes affected your own people and it allowed for the ability for guilds to provide a lot of ships and stuff for their members. The same would be nice for ATLAS. Being able to tax company members would allow for most companies to be able to provide for their members and reduce the needs to resource constantly.
  8. 1 point
    Ahoy captains there been a sighting of a huge monster in the north. The rumors has it that the monster holds up in a dungeon Guarding a treasure. So we send out a mustering call to all the captains and pirates out there to join in the Hunt for this monster. The Hunt Will be at sunday the 23.june at 4 Pm and one at 8:30 pm Cest. If you think you have what it takes to Huntdown and kill this monster. ready your Guns and grenades and join the hunting party. https://discord.gg/sWqWDCA
  9. 1 point
    With all the NPC towns in the game on islands why not allow them to act as freeports for buying crew or cosmetic stuff. Also though it may be lag inducing it would be nice if there were actual NPCs in the towns instead of sounds only.
  10. 1 point
    Hi everyone, when i start my Dedi Server crash this server. LowLevelFatalError [File:H:\YARKUpdateTest\Projects\ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\DatabaseShared_Redis.cpp] [Line: 144] Redis Failed To Connect! Check that it's running and connectable from here or edit ServerGrid.ServerOnly.json if this is incorrect. URL= EX="connect() failure" VERSION: 207.9 KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffb411d8e6c) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ShooterGameServer.exe!FOutputDeviceWindowsError::Serialize() (0x00007ff6e84e65f3) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatetest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsplatformoutputdevices.cpp:95] ShooterGameServer.exe!FError::LowLevelFatal() (0x00007ff6e84bdfe6) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatetest\engine\source\runtime\core\private\misc\outputdevice.cpp:354] ShooterGameServer.exe!`FDatabaseRedisShared::GetOrCreateClientConnectionHelper'::`1'::catch$0() (0x00007ff6e99634ad) + 103 bytes [h:\yarkupdatetest\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\databaseshared_redis.cpp:144] MSVCR120.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffb33406920) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] MSVCR120.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffb333fe36d) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffb43fb2b03) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ShooterGameServer.exe!FDatabaseRedisShared::GetOrCreateClientConnectionHelper() (0x00007ff6e7540acc) + 59 bytes [h:\yarkupdatetest\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\databaseshared_redis.cpp:137] ShooterGameServer.exe!FDatabaseRedisShared::GetOrCreateClientConnection() (0x00007ff6e75404ea) + 20 bytes [h:\yarkupdatetest\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\databaseshared_redis.cpp:165] ShooterGameServer.exe!UDatabase_ClusterInfo_Redis::Init() (0x00007ff6e75520fb) + 171 bytes [h:\yarkupdatetest\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\database_clusterinfo_redis.cpp:95] ShooterGameServer.exe!UShooterGameInstance::StartGameInstance() (0x00007ff6e7a112a4) + 20 bytes [h:\yarkupdatetest\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\shootergameinstance.cpp:306] ShooterGameServer.exe!UGameEngine::Init() (0x00007ff6e8a2cfb6) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatetest\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\gameengine.cpp:735] ShooterGameServer.exe!UShooterEngine::Init() (0x00007ff6e79fc8d1) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatetest\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\shooterengine.cpp:396] ShooterGameServer.exe!FEngineLoop::Init() (0x00007ff6e74fd44c) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdatetest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:2120] ShooterGameServer.exe!GuardedMain() (0x00007ff6e74fcf42) + 12 bytes [h:\yarkupdatetest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:128] ShooterGameServer.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() (0x00007ff6e74fd04a) + 5 bytes [h:\yarkupdatetest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:125] ShooterGameServer.exe!WinMain() (0x00007ff6e7502c2a) + 17 bytes [h:\yarkupdatetest\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:209] ShooterGameServer.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() (0x00007ff6e994937d) + 21 bytes [f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c:618] KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffb435f13d2) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffb43f354f4) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffb43f354f4) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0] my servergrid.serveronly.json { "LocalS3URL": "", "LocalS3AccessKeyId": "", "LocalS3SecretKey": "", "LocalS3BucketName": "", "LocalS3Region": "", "TribeLogConfig": { "MaxRedisEntries": 1000, "BackupMode": "off", "MaxFileHistory": 10, "HttpBackupURL": "", "HttpAPIKey": "", "S3URL": "", "S3AccessKeyId": "", "S3SecretKey": "", "S3BucketName": "", "S3KeyPrefix": "" }, "SharedLogConfig": { "FetchRateSec": 60, "SnapshotCleanupSec": 900, "SnapshotRateSec": 1800, "SnapshotExpirationHours": 48, "BackupMode": "off", "MaxFileHistory": 10, "HttpBackupURL": "", "HttpAPIKey": "", "S3URL": "", "S3AccessKeyId": "", "S3SecretKey": "", "S3BucketName": "", "S3KeyPrefix": "" }, "TravelDataConfig": { "BackupMode": "off", "MaxFileHistory": 10, "HttpBackupURL": "", "HttpAPIKey": "", "S3URL": "", "S3AccessKeyId": "", "S3SecretKey": "", "S3BucketName": "", "S3KeyPrefix": "" }, "DatabaseConnections": [ { "Name": "Default", "URL": "", "Port": 6379, "Password": "foobared" }, { "Name": "TribeDB", "URL": "", "Port": 6379, "Password": "foobared" }, { "Name": "TravelDataDB", "URL": "", "Port": 6379, "Password": "foobared" }, { "Name": "TerritoryDB", "URL": "", "Port": 6379, "Password": "foobared" }, { "Name": "LogDB", "URL": "", "Port": 6379, "Password": "foobared" } ] } I have read the Wiki and other Tutorials, i dont know where is the problem! Can anyone me help Thanks
  11. 1 point
    The "no more floating on foreign decks" change is a welcomed one, thank you. Unfortunately it hasn't fixed mutinied crew. They remain on the deck. I get the blue text to rehire them for 1 gold. They consume the 1 gold, but are not re-hired. This can be repeated for slow but consistent depletion of funds. I ejected them from the ship, using the new radial menu option. They're now floating in the water but no more responsive than before. Which is a shame as they're wearing legendary armour and carrying most of our buckets and hammers.
  12. 1 point
    I hate the timer as well but i do recognise the significance of having a timer. If there must be a timer for "Full Claim", i say make the wheel usable by anyone who can survive doing so (Make sure Sail and Cannon NPC's don't follow non allied commands). you can always spawn back and fight for your property but ya better have protected the wheel and beds with a swivel cannons. The pirate will then be able to steer the commandeered ship to a safer harbor, or out to sea.. Make the stolen ship still red to fellow company men and defences, even if you are at the wheel. And make sure the ship can still be found on the company map so there can be retaliation. BOOM. excellent ship stealing and defending content.
  13. 1 point
    Would you, please, fix handling and weight sails angles? They are totally wrong and very confusing, making gameplay non natural, false. There are many pictures ans articles explaining how it works and how it should be placed, this is just one of them: http://www.schoolofsailing.net/points-of-sail.html
  14. 1 point
    Hey @Ost3fabrikk3n! I'll ask my buddies and get back to you.
  15. 1 point
    Sailing a sloop is intended to be dangerous! It’s one of the most fun little ships to sail because of the danger factor!
  16. 1 point
    But that would mean anyone on PvE would be able to easily sail the seas without a care in the world. Pretty sure the Damned don't care if you're armed or not.
  17. 1 point
    Can you change it to soap on the rope? so it's safer. I keep dropping the soap and bad things keep happening.
  18. 1 point
    SO, i play on NA Colonies. I am living on an island owned by an ally. The island was taken over by them from an enemy. The owners can build shipyards but I cannot at all. There was several enemy pillars in the water that we demoed. There are no more pillars yet i STILL cannot build a shipyard anywhere. This bug has been reported many times now and not addressed.
  19. 1 point
    Not gonna work as PVE players would be forced to sail out to other islands for needed resources and exotic animals and then they would be subject to PVP interactions. And have you met PVP players? They will cry if they see something that they cannot touch and destroy...Besides, the Colonies server already does what you suggest with PVP and PVE areas combined on the same map. Their biggest issue in the first place was to try and maintain both PVP and PVE. They should have focused on one or the other and made that particular mode really special but instead, they screwed both PVP and PVE by tailoring the game to appease both modes...but hey, it is worth a shot since this game is dying so fast it is sickening. At this rate, I would rather they focus on PVE and add in more AI units, Tarot system, unique dungeon designs, innovated PVE encounters, and then finally, remove the failed PVP aspect as the PVP has instead devolved into one great, big shit show of an "OFFLINE" griefing fest, effectively ruining the game...
  20. 1 point
    It's A Trap pirate's don't bathe.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    You flatter me, snowflakes are intricate, complex, and beautiful, but I have a gf so don't be hitting on me any more, she might get jealous. As for the rest of your post, you seem to be indulging in hyperbole. Just to clarify though, my issues with SoD fleets are: A) Most players don't sail around with fleets that I've noticed unless they happen to be in large companies, so why does it make sense to have SoD fleets? It is intrinsically unbalanced. The only purpose this could possibly serve is to encourage players to make cheese builds and use cheese tactics, or to grief players. B) I don't find fighting SoD particularly satisfying, they don't obey natural laws and aren't beholden to wind direction like players are, have 360 degree firing arcs, and you can't board their ships. But if I do fight them I'd prefer 1 v 1 if I'm in anything smaller than a galleon. In an Age of Sails type game I want to exchange proper broadsides with other sailing vessels. C) I get that I will sometimes lose things, it makes me angry sometimes but I deal with it. But if I am going to lose things I prefer it happen because I made a mistake, rather than I simply zoned, found myself surrounded and destroyed, and there was nothing I could do about it. That's not fun for me, there was no point to it other than to waste my time and resources. Games are supposed to be fun, and this ain't it. I would like to see SoD returned to single encounters, or at most 2 or 3 in a general area, not 6. If they want to put whole fleets in put them in areas that are indicated to be higher difficulty areas like the golden age ruins. I don't think that's unreasonable at all. I would also like to see proper NPC sailing ships that I can exchange broadsides with and fight the way actual ships fought historically. I get it's a fantasy game but SoD just aren't that interesting to fight for me.
  23. 1 point
    This is likely why people are able to duplicate many items, because when a computer is lagging to a server, it is quite easy to exploit the effect to duplicate items. To replicate, load atlas. Wait until atlas loads menu, hit join/rejoin, whilst atlas is loading, login to different steam account, start new atlas executable, load into a different account. The stress generated by the pc allows exploits. Obviously to do this easily you need a decent pc. But the more of a potatoe you have actually makes it easier to exploit. As a potatoe generates more stress, desyncs, lag etc. The dups use 3rd party software as far as I am aware, incl aimbots etc. Personally I don't load them. I don't cheat etc. But I am aware that this is how it is being done, having listened into discord chats detailing precisely how to do it. And ingame conversations with other players. The simplest method of removing this issue, would be to create a check for an already running game and just exit it. or exit any further attempts to run the game. This could present a problem trying to run a server on your own pc, then attempting to connect to it via your atlas browser. If such can be done, just guessing as I do not know specifics.
  24. 1 point
    Pirates......we take things, its kinda our defining characteristic. If you cant steal a boat, you are certainly never going to be a very successful pirate. Don't get me wrong, it may be a bad mechanic, at least for solos and duos as there will always be a 6 hour window to lose your boat in. It is however not an exploit, but a real mechanic that does work as intended. For this we should give praise. I think its great fun for me and my 1st mate to throw down some claim flags and see what we got when I wake up the next morning. Its like a form of Pirate farming I suppose. I average probably 50% success and 99% of those are ramshackle sloops left on lawless. Its also a great way to get someones attention and force them out to defend or otherwise engage in negotiations, hostile or not. -CS
  25. 1 point
    Cooking skill, few points in and you unlocking pork pie, and fish and chips. Those 2 give you all your vitamins and keep you full. Hardest part is needing wheat or corn for them which is a few more points in cooking for small crop plot and sailing for seeds. Craft better food. Edit: Two fun facts. 1) Common sense, but If you craft better food they can give you bonuses also like increased stamina, damage, etc. 2) Lesser known fact, if you put it in your pets inventory and force feed it to them by pressing E, they get some of the bonuses too. Elephants with stamina food boost harvest wood even better!
  26. 1 point
    Hey, I get it that you guys want to make the game playable and fix all the bugs.... BUT... doing patches every few hours because a bola releases the animal a few seconds early???? Why cant you just do a lump sum patch once a night at a specific time per night... that way, the people who are playing YOUR game, the ones PAYING your salary can actually play the game and not have to sit for the 20 minutes or so it takes for the patch to load in.... just to get kicked off after another hour or two because of another issue that can be fixed in a larger patch done once a night? Doesn't it make sense to keep the players you still have happy by patching at a specific time so people can plan their actions and not get caught in the middle of a tame, or out at sea during a battle... or whatever else can cause problems for individuals who get caught because of these unplanned and poorly timed patches? Its almost to the point you cant do anything anymore because the patch that is supposed to happen in 15 minutes is now 30 minutes late... and may happen at any time between then and an hour from now.... all I'm asking for is some consistency in when they are done... I think everyone who still plays this game would appreciate it.
  27. 1 point
    Unfortunately I don't do fluffy, even if I try!
  28. 1 point
    You have clearly not played against exploiters yet
  29. 1 point
    - Skill the vitamin deployment - craft better food (pork pie and monarchs cake a.e.) Problem solved, thanks to everyone!
  30. 1 point
    Ahoy M'artys! Your team here at https://ExploreAtlas.co.uk with another update! Yarr! We've been hard at work and brought onboard @globytheoldpirate who's made an amazing taming calculator. Together; we have made some nifty UI changes and brought everything together onto our website. https://exploreatlas.co.uk/calculators/ As well as this, we're proud to bring in our beta version of the Imprint Calculator. This will calculate and reverse engineer any animals imprinting bonus. This will be super useful when you come to sell and purchase anything within ATLAS! ExploreAtlas is committed to bringing a one-stop Atlas resource website for your every need! https://exploreatlas.co.uk/calculators/animal/Bear Whilst there's some work left to do to make this exactly how we want; we have now opened this up to our community to gain crucial feedback! Remember! We are still searching for iOS and Android Beta testers for our upcoming apps! Please see more information about this in our discord! Other Updates - + French Translations + All islands added from May Mega Update + Added the ability to add your company and company flag + Search function optimisations + Added animal images on search results Happy sailing! ExploreAtlas Development Team
  31. 1 point
    Tedious? All you have to do is demolish the floor and that's it. You built it you take responsibility instead of being lazy.
  32. 1 point
    And they say I am mean to people lol. Guess the people that said that are idiots
  33. 1 point
    Yes, the vitamins were a very stupid decision. Food, water, temperature is quite enough. You aren’t doing to die from a vitamin deficiency anyways. And even if you could it would literally take the whole life of your character for it to happen. doesnt matter if it is survival, that is just stupid. Time to get rid of that crap.
  34. 1 point
    So we were all excited to get our two drakes tamed, and then headed to the Kraken fight.... as soon as event began, the drakes disappear and we float into ocean inside the encounter zone. Any reason WHY you can't bring a drake? Does it cheese the encounter? Not like taming a drake is that easy I would think, never mind only having 3 hours to get everything done
  35. 1 point
    I like this. You leave a ship un-anchored and its stolen that is on you. Ship boarded at sea and taken.....again on you. Could make for some fun fights on the decks of ships as people respawn on beds. Until that time you have a chance to take it back. Maybe you can sail it off and hide it somewhere. They can put a claim down on it to make the theft official. Maybe have the ship show up on the Atlas giving the other side the chance to track it down and take it back. I can imagine the rescue attempts being organized for this. Mission impossible style. It the ship is not needed they can just sink it and recover the resources/booty. If its a BP boat well the stakes are high in that case and keeping that kind of prize would be worth the fight. Just tossing around ideas.
  36. 1 point
    Please use real time stamps on Company logs. Your artificial calendar means nothing to anyone. Plus it is not even accurate to the age of characters as 32850 days are in 90 years. It would make a lot more sense to have actual real dates and maybe UTC times on events in the log.
  37. 1 point
    Patch notes: - Sunken ships will always destroy after 5 days on Official Servers. This will clear the icon from your maps too, as long the area where the boats were sunk have been revisited. I believe ships that are fully salvaged should disappear in minutes. Ships that have salvage remaining can sit around for 5 days giving people time to recover resources.
  38. 1 point
    So, going to add a counter point here, specifically regarding the armed Schooner versus SotD and the fact I don't think it's actually that out matched. I have built a Schooner with 10 gunports and medium cannons only in gunports (1 large handling sail & 1 small speed sail). A majority of the items are ~110-115% quality (which is not difficult to obtain with gray & green blueprints). The ship is not "armored" up with a ton of ceilings/roofs, other than a hump in the middle of the deck. As the ship leveled up, I only put points into Damage and Resistance. I think it's sitting at about level 32 right now with ~140% resistance and ~225% damage (from memory). I started out taking on fleets of SotD in my home grid and worked my way into a powerstone grid once I got 25+ levels on the ship. Keep in mind, I was solo with full NPC cannon crew. I have never lost a plank, a sail, or even a single one of my ceiling tiles. The only loss I've had so far was my NPC wheelman dying to cannon fire. By no means am I an expert Captain and have definitely screwed up turns or other stupid stuff like forgetting to open your gunports... With that being said, agility is very valuable in avoiding cannon fire from SotD. By adjusting your direction and speed constantly (easier with a handling sail) you can avoid 75% or more of the incoming fire. I'm sure there will be a point where the SotD levels are just to high for me to handle in just a lonely Schooner, but I've gotten a hella of a lot of mileage out of it so far. I do like the fleet mechanic because it is definitely more challenging and more loot drops from one engagement. Resistance is a fantastic stat to invest in, even for your hauler ships. You will take drastically less damage from SotD when you do run into them (honestly they lose interest really quickly). I do also think that you should get a 30-45 second buff upon zoning that would prevent distance SotD aggro (cancelled if you fire upon them) just because loading lag is a fact of life.
  39. 1 point
    it does but takes time 2 monarchs and 2 pork pies fill 100 food and 40 of each vitamin exactly the vitamin c takes about 2 minutes to come up, but it is there just not instantly
  40. 1 point
    It would not matter if had x5 or anything. The people saying that would still not Come back. The ones committed to the game don't care to much what x rate is they would still keep playing cuz they are committed. Simple as that
  41. 1 point
    YOU really should play the game, or stop answering posts you have no clue about. Cooking was and is still a placeholder, thats pure EA. To OP: The second vit moves very slow, it can be missed easily!
  42. 1 point
    Wooo, sailed 1 grid over to reach the FoY. Parked up near the water line, swam along the edge, ran to the entrance, had a little tussle with some bats as I lost my bearings, then got to the bridge, crossed it, spammed E, then got devastated by bats. Respawned at my bed on my Schooner and went home a 20 year old again!
  43. 1 point
    The more I play this game the more the problems with its design become obvious. It's got huge potential but I can't help but feel that they need to make some massive changes in order to correct its path. The Devs announced at the start that they were taking massive inspiration from Eve. Given Eve's massive success it's a logical choice to look at for ideas on how to make this type of game work. Eve is effectively a game about space ships (ships) moving between planets (islands) with everyone harvesting resources to create everything that exists in game. With that in mind... There's a significant different between Atlas and Ark currently from a game design perspective. That is the existence of High Sev vs Null Sec and the existence of very mature player trade. High Sec being the area where approximately 70% of the players live and play. High Sec is safer, CONCORD (the police) rule the area and maintain law. Anyone breaking that law is swiftly dealt with (the police spawn in and blow you to pieces), it is possible however to break the law should you choose (incredibly difficult to do this successfully, near on impossible). The further you go from the safety of Concord the more dangerous and lawless the area becomes. I think it's the Atlas version of CONCORD that's missing. There should not be PVE and PVP servers. Just servers local to your region. It needs an AI controlled Governing force that maintains ownership of primary squares. Those squares become PVE squares. There should be enough to provide adequate space for the PvErs. They should absolutely have Trade Houses that are run by the game. Players should be able to place Buy and Sell orders in the Trade Houses knowing that they are in a relatively safe place. Those places should act as players hubs. Allow companies to have Company Offices if they are acting as trade merchants. Allow the bounties to be placed from these hubs. Ships should be able to be docked in relative safety in these locations with the understanding that they are under the protection of the local government. The PVE players can live safely within the governed regions. The PVP players can try and sneak into those regions and cause chaos if they like, with the knowledge that the AI controlled Government will come down on them swiftly. To make this work you need to create a reason to go out into Null Sec (pretty much all of Atlas is currently Null Sec). Define the resource availability in a way that there is reward for stepping out into the risky waters. Allow the'Pirates' to create their own Trade Hubs. This will encourage players to try and sail to these locations to fulfil trade orders. This gets the trade working. Prices need to be defined by the market. Not by the game. We need the market to fluctuate as this will encourage people becoming traders. Buying low and selling high from one port to the other. The Null Sec areas become serious business. Political borders start to form between some of the largest most feared companies. They may allow smaller companies to operate within their borders as alliances form. Eventually things will no doubt get very interesting. This would be a much better game experience for new players. They can begin the game in relative safety and as they grow more confident in their ability they can set forth into more dangerous waters to seek out glory and fame. If they fail, they can retreat, if they succeed they may very well end up dominating new lands. , This will encourage more mature meta-game. It will encourage better PVP. It will create a better community.
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