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  1. The current meta of using a 30 million health armored dock to protect NPC's that block the claim flag is ruining the game and preventing inactive companies from being cleaned up. Please make it so only online players can block the claim flag from being claimed.
  2. Are they ever going to fix the Xbox one single player game. Everytime I try to play for well over a year now it kicks me before the game even loads. I set up a single player game, create my character, choose to spawn in a Freeport then click start game. Then before it even loads it kicks me out of the game completely. When will the devs fix this, it's so irritating that I can't even play a game that I spent money on.
  3. As much as I enjoy playing this game bugs and all, which so far we have found a work around for, even the 255 ping bug but today we ran into a bug where our beds and ships were removed from our company over night while no one was on my server (only two of us play on it). I googled the issue seems it’s been around for a couple of years. We did a rollback on the server to fix it, but now we are not sure if it’s even worth continuing as it’s pointless having to rollback all the time, too much progress gets lost. how this game breaking bug has not been fixed is beyond me unless someone has a know solution for this bug I think it’s the end of the road!
  4. Hi is the support ticket page broken I can't upload evidence to my ticket every link I use goes red and doesn't work iv tried igmur and Google drive to no avail please help
  5. We have tried breeding, numerous times under different conditions and not a single one of them actually work in a form that's reliable. We have been breeding bears on and off for awhile now, Western temperate region where the weather conditions are practically perfect for bears all the time par a heatwave, things were special this time around... our bear gave birth to a 172 female alpha baby bear. on official pve EU, have screenshots for anyone that cares to dispute not sure if bug or intended but thats beside the point, Babys health pool was much larger than every other baby bear we have had, we sit hand feeding it for the first couple of hours and first heatwave hits, goes up to 25, bear starts losing hp but its only around .1 or so every second. temp drops back under 19 babys health stabilizes out and all is fine, another 12 hrs goes by everything is fine, 1st imprint done waiting on 2nd now, i wait for 2nd imprint to be needed tell my company mate that they need to click the bear and proceed to log off, within 5 hours after that 2nd imprint, when the baby should've been even more healthy than prior another heatwave hits, this time the baby is rapidly losing HP around 3hp a second. Baby dies at 40% maturation with 2 imprint buffs to a heatwave it survived at 7%. We have about 8 penguins in that room around the bear and still nothing. Enable different building materials to have different insulation values, ex: Thatch is better at shedding heat during heatwaves, stone is better at holding heat during cold fronts, we still have to have these buildings made, we still have to be online to move the tame to them, this doesn't make it stupidly easy nor does it not make sense, buildings made of different materials in real life have different insulation values, or give us some form of an ice pack we need to craft in the tundra and bring back for cooling our tames down since penguins do not function as an A/C unit like they did in Ark. 20+ hours of dicking around with campfires lost to a 5 minute weather event. Im fine with wasting 50 hours of my life baby sitting that little turd over 2+ days. But if i've met every condition for the baby to survive at a weaker stage in its life. it should be able to survive a heatwave when its health pool is more than double than what it was originally. Throwing buckets of water on it or bringing it to the water does nothing in terms of lowering its temp. Please look into changing this, the longevity of breeding right now is looking dim. Photos are from right after birth, didnt screenshot after imprint but melee was 247% and health was 1.4k at juvi stage after 1 imprint. Benson Barberry Potato Company - D5 EU Sirens Call PvE
  6. Keep getting stuck on helm / wheel of boat and i cant turn or anything I have to re-log... Happens every time on a ship. I cant get off the wheel / helm either. Also sometimes getting off a tame it will not allow me to turn or anything only strafe side to side till i re-log on game. This is a big glitch for me happened just 4 times in past hour and its going to get my ships sank from these bugs. ADDED NOTE: Also I am on Xbox Version I do not know if that is only on Xbox One. FIX PLEASE SOON!!!
  7. I am having alot of trouble putting ceiling or wall pieces on our galleon due to a recent bug where it says my wall or ceiling is requiring foundation support....
  8. Tried doing one of the powerstone islands just now that contains fire elementals. Who the fuck thought they were a good idea? Massive aggro range, flying (noclip more or less), Fast fire dumbfire fireballs, homing fireballs and they are only reliably killed with ballistas. On top of that they got a 3 minute respawn timer. Now add 3-5 more of them to the entrance of the cave alongside gorgons, wolves and lions that grab you. Cleared out the entrance with ballistas and tried to make our way in just to find that the first one spawned back in again when we were close to the entrance. Blapped us and now we were stuck trying to get our corpses with all mobs respawned. Woho. Amazing gameplay. Not gonna continue with powerstones that contain fire elementals. It's just the most broken mob I've ever seen.
  9. Accidentally placed a water jar into a ship's food larder with the transfer all button. This consumed the water jar as an entire item. Disappeared. Gone. Also, the water jar states it holds 200 units of water, compared to the waterskin's 100, yet the grill consumes all 200 units of water to make the same amount of dye as the waterskin's 100 units.
  10. The game freezes and stops responding when placing large stone gates. I have been playing many hours with no issues, but everytime i try to place a stone gateway it stops working.
  11. Official NA PVE Server This has happened to be a couple times now, going through my storage boxes just now I discovered 3 at once. I've had this happen with armor, structures and various other items including stacks of arrows. I've crafted 2 or 3 Tannery spare and placed them in a Large Storage box with other structures, after some time or relogging I've noticed the Tannery changes from a premade 'STRUCTURE' to a 'CRAFTABLE' within the storage box, though i cannot craft it or interact with it other than mouseover because a storage box is not a crafting bench. Basic instructions of what I did. Craft item. Store item. Time passes. Go back to get said item. Item is broken. The item itself was made by me, not by a blueprint.
  12. So, the ageing system really isn't made for soloplay or small companies. We're a group of 3 players on a private server, and we've hit 90-100 years old. We now tried to access the FoY, but it's protected by so many high level creatures that it's impossible for us to reach. So, either you need to stop ageing debuffs, or you need to implement other means to get younger ASAP (procreation?). Also, can I suggest you employ a project manager that can keep you in line? These retarded updates you keep pumping out is just ridiculous. Also, a proper Community Manager would be desirable.
  13. Look im all for cargo harness cannons. BUT THEY SHOULDNT BE ALLOWED TO SHOOT UNDER WATER! THAT IS BROKEN AS FUCK! we just lost like 5 brigs and 10 schooners to 1 guy we couldnt see in the dark water. npc could not taget that low in the water but they can light a fuse from the bear mounted cannon... how is the harness floating in the water in the first place.
  14. I am extremely upset and dissappointed that you would make it to where you cant stand on another players boat. There are infinitely better ways to solve the PvP problem on PvE servers, but I swear to god if I lose all my armor and gear again from accidently getting on some-elses boat while treasure hunting im going to write a five page essay on everything with this game. Dont get me wrong I love the game, but even saying "early access" doesn't cover for this shit.
  15. Explosive Barrels need to be suspended and made inert, until they are properly fixed. The ability for these objects to be glitched through a hull and onto internal secured decks is ridiculous. It is broken and needs to be removed until it can be fixed. Leaving them as an ammo type can be fine, but not placed. As a side note, I recommend that the power of Explosive barrels should be reduced for outside placement. If the barrel has the "sheltered" effect, then it can be multiplied because it's an enclosed explosion.
  16. You are going to break the game. How do you expect anyone to function with the stone change. it favors tropical WAY too much. I love the idea of scarcity and requiring ,.. 1. travel and expansion 2. trade The paste requirements are excessive and tropical just literally sits on all the necessities and won't require any of the above and can just fortify indefinitely which will create a big compounding problem in PVP with literally the strong just exponentially getting stronger. As for PVE it forces longer and longer travel times and doesn't really incentivize trade at all. If I spend 5 days farming sugar I'm not trading it for 2 hrs worth of any other resource. And if you ever add Sap to tundra it will just make the game's exploration feel mundane and recycled in each climate.
  17. Am I the only one who noticed that the bug section only shows the highest voted topics and not the most recent ones when u create anew topic it appears on page 5 where nobody will find it and nobody will upvote it. This way no topics will ever get 200 votes what so ever. Found it out after bringing this topic to the bug section in the hope they are gonna use they eyes one day.
  18. Can you tell me why the hell i bother to spend a few hours taming animals & placing them in a building and it still gets killed along with any sleepers and AI in said building by wild animals when we are offline? This is a game breaking issue. Is anyone else having this issue I've tried leaving them on boats and some how a wild lion can climb up onto the side of a brig or Schooner and eat them. With the taming mechanics the way they are it takes way to long to bother taming if it is only going to be eaten that night. How can this be so broken in this game yet not an issue in Ark? I've tried building a pen on a roof as well and still they get killed by Cobra or Lions. If you have had this issue or are annoyed by it like myself please take the time to reply or up-vote this thread in the hope the devs pay attention to it.
  19. Nice freeport on EU PVP
  20. cheat TP M10 -123076 -212841 3177 so ive been constructing a wood elevator system because im tired of people flame arrowing my animals. yet this elevator seems to wanna only go so far. now i have alot of mats into this already and am thinking its just a bug because i dont see any pathing issues or anything of that sort. Gif with more visual.
  21. Patch Client 10.71 Server Version 10.76 Server Name: [NA PVP] The Kraken's Maw Grid: A7 Island: The Desolate Coy cheat TP A7 302915 -305529 429 Still no resources have been spawning since the new 10 patch. I've tried removing the foundations around the area and the resources are still not respawning even with the 10.76 server update. Please fix this sucks.
  22. Hi, I am in a company of 3 on the EU pve server j6. Every-time we log off and come back the next day we are finding Wolves, snakes and Crocs inside or base walls and inside the main base itself. We are always greeted by "you have been killed by something". Recently they have started to spawn in on the first floor of our main building, where we started to log off. This has happen everyday so far and each time we are having to rebuild and restock. I understand that game is about survival, but the spawns are broken, the aggro on crew members and tames that wildlife cant see is ridiculous. This issue has gotten worse since updating to version v9.2 and above. Just to add the bow is also useless since the recent update the nerfed the durability. So a summary of the issues we see. 1) Animals glitching through walls 2) Animals spawning inside bases 3) Bow durability makes them useless now. PVE is punished for PVP requests 4) Aggro from wild animals happens regardless of the situation, seems that the collision detection for this is a sphere rather than a coned view range. The above needs to be address and from what I can is in the forums we are not alone with these issues. These are essentially game braking problems as it forces the gamer to always having to grind and not enjoy the game. The Island we are on is Petrotawa Skerry., but I am sure this is a server wide issue will condensed wild like spawns. Thanks
  23. Got on earlier this morning to woek on a few things log off for a couple hours and when i came back not even 3 hours later half of our claims had been taken by randos from another sector. We provided a service to the region by leasing land and using taxed rss to pay for brigs to kill SODs in the region keeping everyone safer. Its insane that we lost our flags on a 3 day system in three hours. We even replaced them to keep them refreshed and on a 3 day timer. Oh well now they dont get to have any resources as we have blocked all respawns on the island with fresh flags and buoys Figure out a flag system for pve and keep it seperate from the pvp flag system. -Leader of ChronicallyRavingCo. Now DamnedTemplars
  24. So im level 9, Made it to a lawless island to further my journey, Met by a few low level wolves. A lvl 1 and a level 3. Wearing full cloth armor, Equipped with 10 spears and full health(all skill points in health except 2) and balanced vitamins, I get 2 -shotted by considerably lower level creatures. I hit the level 1 wolf nearly 7 times for its health to only sit at 3/4's.....They are beyond broken. yet in a freeport I can solo level 20 elephants and rhinos. WTF?! Lower their attack speed and damage please. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
  25. I was playing with a friend on EU PVE Yesterday when we decided to sail back to a home port before a friend came on the next day & we came off Atlas at about 9 PM GMT yesterday. I logged back in today to find our ship was destroyed and all our territory was stolen... Our ship was at full health and we left our base less than 24 Hours ago. From my understanding it is 3 Days before your territory can be claimed. So now a few days of hard work getting resources together to build a Schooner and all for nothing. From Patch Notes: V6.5 "PVE Territory can only be claimed if the owner has not been active around the territory within the last 3 days."
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