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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2020 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    When Season 4 began, we were hesitant to return but hopeful at the promises of new changes and active Devs. For the first few weeks we were really impressed! It felt like a completely different game compared to the horrors of Season 1. We reached out to old friends and were able to pull back many who had completely written off the game and everyone was having a lot of fun. We were encouraged by the Devs transparency and action with dealing with cheaters and exploiters, the balance improvements, the quality of life improvements with the farming grind... Atlas finally seemed to be becoming the game we had all initially hoped for. Then... you brought back barrels and literally killed the game overnight. The game transformed from a thriving sea based PvP game with engaging ship battles, into an endless assault of barrel bombs everywhere you look. No one wants to bring their ships out to sea anymore. What's the point if they can be deck cleared by a single barrage? With less and less action on the seas, the only way for anyone to get some PvP was to try and land raid, which after a few days becomes a discouraging pain in the ass. Pretty much everyone has now quit and you can see from your player stats that nearly every grid is empty. Sad to say you blew it with barrel bombs and I'm not sure many will be willing to give Atlas another chance considering you didn't listen to your community when they begged you to revert the changes. I still hope that Atlas can become something great, it has bones to be amazing but time and time again your community has spoken loudly that they are seeking more action on the seas and until barrels are removed or balanced better, that will not happen.
  2. 3 points
    Having a fuel cost period is just stupid. This isn't fucking ARK with tech generators and autopoop collectors and distributors. They should be manned by an NPC. Period.
  3. 3 points
    almost 6k hours in game, i can honestly tell you the current ability to add cannon and ship leveled points to multiplicative values of barrel damage is WAY WAY WAY TO OVER POWERED. You need to remove them, or reduce range by 50%, Reduce damage by 50% AND (not or, this is all 3) remove the multiplicative damage on ships, from Cannon % and Ship levels multiplying the damage of barrels. This current iteration has reduced sea combat DRASTICALLY we cant get people to bring out endgame boats to fight us because 1 volly and those sails (those .001% to drop handling ENDGAME sails) are gone, 394% defense wont mean F all if i have a 200% cannon and 174% dmg in schooner lvl's, they would be gone. Is that balanced? hundred hours to find end game sails to my LUL schooner? that is unfair, and i do it to people. Its wrong, NO ONE WHO PLAYS asked for this, NO ONE who is playing wants it kept. THE PLAYER BASE IS BEGGING FOR THIS TO BE FIXED You don't address it. you ignore this GLARRING problem. FIX BARRELS!
  4. 3 points
    Barrels need to be completely removed from this current iteration of the game. This is going to be your biggest contention point for any type of PVP player. They are just too powerful. They do way too much damage. There is no real way to mitigate barrels right now in this game. Barrels should only be able to be used from Catapults. Or placed manually and lit. They should NOT be able to be fired from cannons. Full stop. Barrels should not be able to remove a row of planks from a ship. Either make them incredibly heavy, or make the materials excessive. They are too easy to make, too light and too disposable for the amount of damage they can do to not only ships but player structures. You say you want this to be a sea focused pvp game. Barrels have made it so you can no longer leave your harbor because you're too busy trying to defend the structures it took you weeks to build and get destroyed in under 5 minutes. This is ridiculous and you need to change this if you ever hope to get any player base back into the game. Limit the number of catapults on a ship by ship type. Remove the ability for cannons to fire barrels. 0 on sloop. 1 on schooner 2 on brig 4 on galleon. Reload time on catapults on animals should be 10+ seconds.
  5. 2 points
    I was jus wondering why Atlas feels that random boxes and other player structures like signs need such a long decay timer compared to a players base.. We own an Island in A3 on the PVE server and have had a few companies quit playing long enough for their base to be demolished.. Yet random boxes and structures such as farmhouses have ridiculously long decay timers on them. Wouldn't it make sense that if they were gone long enough for their base to decay that their owned structures should follow suit. Anyone else agree with that thought? It always annoys me when I see an island littered with signs and random boxes that really serve no purpose other than to impede current players from building or navigating the island for no reason
  6. 2 points
    To all the people crying about barrels shush up its annoying barrels on cart and catapults i get....but the reason they added them on boats are so the solo player who cant get mythical galleons in a day built has a chance at survival on the open seas....if you opened your eyes and used your head for a second you would realize they are helping small player companies survive and even give them the ability to raid larger companies so please shush up with the crying and lets see where they take this barrel rework (and i have been playing since season 1 so i have experience in the game and its all in pvp) and the addition of warehouses and farmhouses were amazing and now addition of auto manned artillery is amazing grapeshot you guys are doing some good additions and cant wait to see what you bring
  7. 2 points
    Do you guys test anything? all arrows, fire arrows xbow bolts are wiped, from inventory, ships storage and there isnt even an option to craft them anymore WTF
  8. 2 points
    I'm pretty sure devs want ship pvp, BUT people don't want to bring out ships bc a bp-ed ship can be raped by a common barrel ship. Even worse if the ship is also bped and damaged pumped. Barrels are like bugs. Devs like em. We don't. Get rid of bugs- I mean, barrels. There's other balance issues, but the barrels are the ones that screams out the most attention for balance. Quit buffing it. No one asked for barrels. You think it's a good idea. But it's not. Put the barrels back in the trash. The recycling bin is too good for em.
  9. 1 point
    Ahoy Pathfinders! The upcoming patch will be more focused on fixes and balance passes as we continue to look into combat and also develop the farmhouse and warehouse system. SoTD issues among other bugs have also been fixed. We’d like to thank our community for all of your feedback thus far. As we continue to engage with the community, we’d like to introduce a survey to help us better quantify community sentiment regarding certain changes to our patches. We would be grateful if you could fill out the survey for v.410.2 here: https://forms.gle/tvcdYcDqhBPP3bRY7 The Patch is scheduled for tonight, 9/01 at 8:00 PM Pacific Time Zone. Please see below for the detailed Patch Notes of our latest update, v.410.2 Released Patch Notes Combat Shield bash can no longer be used while in the air Bug Fix: Soft Spots Feat now only affects Two-Handed Mace Bug Fix: Brass Knuckles no longer affect shield bash damage Construction Structures can no longer be built on tables Grills, Crop Plots, Water Pipes, Paintings, Flags, and Buoys can no longer be built in Freeports Crafting Cloth Armor and Simple Bed may now also be crafted at the Loom Waterskin may now also be crafted at the Tannery Wood Wall/Floor/Ceiling/Roof, Repair Hammer, and Storage Boxes (including large) may now also be crafted at the Smithy New Skill added to Artillery Tree: Captain of Renown As a master of both crew and artillery, your exploits as a pirate are known far and wide. Recruits seek you out allowing you to craft artillery that comes manned for an extra bit of coin. Requires BOTH Gatling Studies from the Artillery Tree New Crafting Recipes added to the Smithy: Manned Cannon, Manned Large Cannon, and Manned Puckle These recipes cost the same resources as their unmanned variants plus an additional 10 gold coins Crew will spawn at them after 30 seconds and man the station Explosive Barrels Explosive Barrel projectiles that don't explode on impact can be defused Explosive Barrel toss distance increased by 50% Tossed Explosive Barrels no longer stick to players, creatures, or the sides of structures Catapult reload time for Explosive Barrels changed to 2 seconds Bug Fix: Barrels placed or tossed onto ships will now explode when their timer expires Bug Fix: Explosive Barrels shot out of cannons will no longer instantly stick to the water Golden Age Ruins Creatures (Fire Elementals, Rock Elementals, and Cyclops) XP awarded after creature's death instead of per hit Damage dealt to ships increased by 100% Damage dealt to players decreased by 20% Ships Increased the range of Ship Ammunition Container from 30m to 40m Bug Fix: Ships no longer leave behind their frame when destroyed Bug Fix: Ships of the Damned should now behave normally Submarines Bug Fix: Horse cart weapons can no longer be fired from submarine Bug Fix: Grenades can no longer be thrown from Submarines Tames Cows can be ridden by equipping a Tier 2 Saddle Warehouses and Farmhouses Reduced exclusion radius for placing Warehouses from 2km to 800m Increased the weight limit in the Warehouse from 50,000 to 250,000 and increased max inventory items from 40 to 100 Added 'Transfer All,' 'Transfer Half,' and 'Transfer Amount' option to Warehouse and Farmhouse inventory, similar to how stacks may be split in player inventory Warehouses, Farmhouses, and Stone Farmhouses no longer use Wood or Thatch as fuel and instead use Coal/Oil, which last 60/120 seconds per unit Warehouses now transport Wood and Thatch Warehouses no longer transport Oil or Coal (This solution will be iterated on soon) Bug Fix: Warehouses and Farmhouses no longer have crafting inventory section that falsely implies you can craft in them Happy Sailing, - ATLAS Crew For the latest dispatch on #playATLAS keep yer one good eye trained on this here information Natter n' chatter on Discord: https://discord.gg/playatlas Hear ye, hear ye on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sailtheatlas Watch us scallywags on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/sailtheatlas Plus ye can band with us Pirates on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playatlasgame View full article
  10. 1 point
    May have fix the sotd but you guys broke the farm house and warehouse and there are no arrows for any of the bow or crossbow.
  11. 1 point
    We need cryopods. And lasers.
  12. 1 point
    Your community is dead guys ... you do shit from patch to patch. You made shitty barrels that upset the balance in terms of sinking enemy ships and clearing land fortifications. You also added unbalanced manned puckles, now people don't take horses with swivels to defend the island, they run around and spam puckles that start shooting almost instantly, I'm not against such puckles, but you had to remove the ability to put them in the combat phase! Moreover, they don't have a cooldown , it's terrible ... From patch to patch you lose people, your game has the potential to be the best in its genre, but you do everything quickly so that no one is left in It. Rest in Peace Atlas!
  13. 1 point
    Oof im looking back at all these ideas i made. man! well at least they have a suggestion area. that's s good! Although i have not played atlas in... *looks at watch* sense last year! I still fully support the game :)
  14. 1 point
    Man the salt on barrels.... hey guys barrels are fine! (Least on PvE ) Would still like to see warehouses limited to 1 per company per island and crew used (gold sink cause you NEED them) for farmhouses.. Havnt tried yet, do bps work for the manned stuff?
  15. 1 point
    why in the heck did they keep barrels shooting from cannons it needs to be taken out.....................
  16. 1 point
    So this patch officially broke the game. Is it worth waiting to see if it gets fixed or should I just uninstall again? I've only been back on for about 4 days since I last gave up in April. I would honestly be happier if I had never heard of Atlas at this point.
  17. 1 point
    I found your Confidence in Grid H8
  18. 1 point
    As far as I checked - right now distance between warehouses got less than 500m. But anyway - some player placed his warehouse around 200m from my base, so I still keep my in storage box.
  19. 1 point
    Until you fix the barrel bomb terror the fixes and advancements you do will not matter.
  20. 1 point
    Arrows and bolts gone and can't be crafted. That's kind of special...
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Here's my Ask A Pirate question: When are you going to focus on server performance issues, rather than add "new and exciting things"? We currently do not need new things added to the game. We need what we already have to be fixed first, including the ridiculous lag. Fix the game, then add new stuff.
  23. 1 point
    all the modifications and adjustments and new content and they still cant find a use for a tier 1 saddle
  24. 1 point
    I still don't understand why they can't add a fleet commander skill, so you can control 3 or more ships from the lead ship. It makes perfect sense for small companies, and the title is in keeping with naval and pyrate lore.
  25. 1 point
    Yeah, we dont have more boat fights, we have barrels in every way fight... Game got screwd after that update... Should just remove barrels and thats it! Back to pirate game! I appreciate what you guys bein doing with the game... After season 3 it got revitalize. I was really excited.. But now with this barrels i already have people giving up on the game cause its not a pirates game anymore. Its just a barrel game... Miss the boat fight so much... =/
  26. 1 point
    I am disheartened to login to this game anymore. I used to enjoy the hell out of it but with the barrels you have completely and utterly ruined any fun, engaging experiences anyone was having. RIP
  27. 1 point
    Oh great!! Yet another "patch" to "fix" things...let's see how much further we can put this game in the grave... Guys you've already dug the hole, just lay in it now, sell the game to Blizzard and let them (with their massive resources) fix the game. Just fix what you have, stop worrying about extra garbage, the warehouses and farmhouses are just going to cut even more players out of the game. Because if you've got an island with 20 residents, they aren't all going to be able to use farms/warehouses.... you want us sailing.... the oceans are not sailable, its not worth the aggravation. Why am I going to attempt to sail only to get fatal error-ed out of the game, or hit a zone where the lagg is so bad you rage quit and play a different game?
  28. 1 point
    Why aren't the patch notes posted in the section called PATCH NOTES? Why have a special section, on the top bar of the forum, called patch notes, and then put them somewhere else? Oh, and remove barrels before you lose all your players
  29. 1 point
    Thank GOD. No more shuffling resources into my personal inventory just to craft the simplest, most common things.
  30. 1 point
    BARRELS ARE GARBAGE. There is no other way to put it. Fucking take them out of the game. Whatever dev has this "grande vision" for this game is fucking blind.
  31. 1 point
    yep, barrels killed the game. I have gone from a daily player to signing in once a week and going meh can't sail anywhere without someone one shotting your ship with barrels. no point in having mythic ships and planks if one barrage of barrels sinks it in moments.
  32. 1 point
    Please just remove barrels from catapults and cannons, thanks
  33. 1 point
    survey gets hung up and wont load past page 9. can you do anything right? use your brains boys! last patch created more issues and broke more aspects of the game than you fixed and improved.
  34. 1 point
    Satisfactory? As in, we don't tell you what you want to hear? Or it's just easier if you don't look, like as in, putting blinders on..........................................
  35. 1 point
    So if I regularly eat at a restaurant and have average meals then one day without telling me they hire a new cook and my meal is poor it’s my fault? Sorry but the game before this last wipe was better than it is today. I agree with @Jaster. Except the money part because 1300hrs for $25 is fine with me.
  36. 1 point
    Barrels just need to weigh like 300 kg each so you can't take out an entire harbor with a schooner.
  37. 1 point
    I'm not so dramatic as to say its unplayable. I play it almost every day. However I much preferred the old map. One of the most appealing aspects to me was the vastness of the map.
  38. 1 point
    If you want to play on an exceptional unofficial server join the Gaming Alliance servers based in Australia Gaming Alliance has over 600 people in discord and runs 40+ servers. All servers are free to play however donations can be made via Patreon and are greatly appreciated by the server admin/owner. These servers are not risky rentals. The hardware is owned, updated and maintained by the admin and are state of the art. This is not my server, I merely play on it, but I have been playing numerous titles on the Gaming Alliance servers for over 3 years and the Atlas cluster is very high quality with a fair and trustworthy admin. Having played Atlas since release, on both official and unofficial, I can state that this is the best server cluster I have ever played on. The 3x3 map is player designed, using selected biomes and islands to provide a full Atlas experience. Great PvP community (no griefers), great rates and as I said, trustworthy long term admin. ---> GamingAlliance.Net|3x3|3x|PvP|SmallTribes <--- 3 x Gathering 3 x XP 3 x Taming/Breeding Mode: PvP PvP Window: 3hrs Tribes: Limited to 6 players per tribe (unlimited alliances) 1 x Freeport (no pvp on spawn island) Freeport has no XP limitations Player Food/Water Drain: 50% Structure Pickup Time: 60s Tribe Name Change Limit: 15 days (so make it count) No building bases on starter island Total Skill Points: 1290 Max Level: 151 Unlimited respec Mods: Unlock Powerstones Wiped: 5/Oct/2019 -FIND OUT MORE HERE- https://www.gamingalliance.net DISCORD details on website
  39. 1 point
    Our experience on NA PVE last night: So we arrive on an island, it shows as unclaimed. We have the required gold and it allows us to put out a flag. We start work on a ship yard and a new ship to go out and gather more gold to maintain our new claim, unbeknownst to us that another clan had put out a flag less than 5 minutes prior to us. There was no indication that there was a pending claim elsewhere on the island when we placed ours. Nothing in the island info. Nothing when we went to put out a flag. NOTHING. Yet we were able to put out or flag and the game took our gold. The other clan's claim goes through and at THAT point our flag shows as being contested and was stuck in limbo in some "unclaiming" loop that teetered between 28 and 29 seconds. I can point out the flaw of having a claiming timer at all when you PAY for the island when you place the flag. It's not like on PVE you can actually contest a claim. It's all about landing first and getting your flag out before others can. But WHY pray tell me does the "contest" feature not come into play while a claim is in the process of being made? We could have just moved along to the next island instead of wasting an additional hour on a claim we were never going to get. AND you don't even get your stinking gold back! Our claim failed and the game kept our gold. To add insult to injury, we log in this morning and the group that had claimed the island had destroyed our ship yard and stole any items that were in/on it. So, basically a whole night wasted. How is this a PVE environment?
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