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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2019 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I doesn't, he just makes it up and spams wipe propaganda in every topic.
  2. 3 points
    You are looking at player numbers at 5am in the morning. Why?
  3. 2 points
    As should be obvious from the stream the the problem is since this thing crashed after launch, they don't know what to do and in what direction they new design needs to go... That is why they put XBOX first which is a technical problem that with goals set by others for them (Microsoft)... When this game launched it had an idea what it should be and where it should go... That crashed and burned on day one, because in reality it did not work at initial contact with the enemy (players actually playing)... They did not know what to do, no plan B, and lost complete the initiative... At that point they started to ask the influencers like streamers and largest companies what they wanted... and did that without thinking about it first... Obviously a guy behind a camera loosing in the game is not the best advice to get from... Numbers dropped and so someone came up with an original though: how about we do the same think as worked for ARK? New dinos always brought people back fro ARK lets do this and ARKify the Atlas... crashed and burnt also, because even the ARK players in Atlas came here because of LESS TAMES... At that point they are like a scared animal doing nothing, because they are locked into the thought that everything the tried before failed and so the next thing they try could fail also, so better not do anything... That what was seen on the stream... They know that the main problem is the PVP mechanics... But that is last on the agenda... because "what if we fail to fix it and make it worse again?" So they look at fixing the technical side - thereby buying time for themselves in the hope in between some good idea comes up... They new guy seems to get the PVE side and can see the PVP problem, but seems also not best choice to fix the game/PVP or he gets hold back by the others because "what if" it fails again... We here discuss and make suggestions how to fix the game and they actually are looking at it, as was obvious from the stream. But again as they don't play the game themselves they have no expertise to evaluate those suggestions and fear that they fall for the wrong suggestion... In combat the officer should be a guy that is not necessary right all the time, but at least makes a decision even if in the end it is wrong and fails... because doing nothing and being shell shocked will always fail... They are shell shocked... someone has to relief the officer and take command to get back the initiative...
  4. 1 point
    I have been thinking about this for some time now. Essentially since a few days after the livestream and the annoucement there would be no new content until after Xbox launch. I am trying to find a way in which these decisions would make sense based on what I know, or to figure out what I could be overlooking that could create a context in which they make sense. So far I have not been able to come up with anything other than what follows: 1. It's an undeniable fact that Atlas has fared poorly with PC players since it's initial very active release. It's activity numbers have gone nowhere but steadily downward with very temporary and slight upward ticks when the few new major content patches were released. These new content offerings have done little to attract new players to the game or attract inactive players back, and in the case of the torpedo there is strong anecdotal evidence that it may have actively contributed to driving pvp players from the game. 2. This means it's a fair assumption that revenue for the game has been negligible for probably six months now. Anecdotally the number of new players who have posted to the forums during that period are few and far between compared to a healthy game's forums. After initially saying they weren't concerned about the game making money for the time being (in which case why even do EA at all? Why not just do closed testing using the old system of alphas and betas in house?), they have now announced a release to Xbox. I can come to no other conclusion than that is being done for the sake of generating revenue. Here is why: 3. If you don't need revenue but your game's reputation is mud with PC players, since XBox represents your best chance to redeem that reputation with the gaming public by introducing it to a playerbase unsullied by the game's poor reputation amongst PC gamers , it would seem obvious that you should make the game as appealing as possible in order to put your best foot forward with this new market. To wit, fix the game and add content BEFORE Xbox release, not after. Failing to do so is the definition of insanity, with which we are all familiar: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. 4. How can GrapeCard reasonably expect that Atlas will not fare poorly on Xbox if released to that platform in a state that has been roundly rejected by PC players? In so doing I believe GrapeCard has set itself on a course of squandering it's last best chance to market Atlas's potential by rushing to the platform a version of the game it has no objectively good reason to believe will fare better than it has so far on PC. Furthermore, by announcing in advance that additional content, changes and improvements will come significantly after the Xbox release and not shortly thereafter, they have made it clear that for some time Xbox players will have only the version of the game that has flopped on PC available to play. After having considered it for some time now, I cannot see how this is anything but a recipe for failure. 5. On the other hand, if revenue is running low and staff is being cut, this may be the only option they have left. I want to be very very clear that this is speculation on my part. I have no solid information in hand that leads me to believe GrapeCard is reducing or furloughing it's staff. However I can not conceive of any other set of circumstances in which the announced plan makes sense. If revenue coming in the door isn't critically important, it seems obvious they would want to improve the game before making it available on another platform. 6. This leads me to the worry that they do not now expect the game to have any meaningful chance at success and that this move is in fact the dreaded "cash grab" many players are quick to accuse any developer of doing (the industry has made it's own bed with this problem, and now must lie in it), calculated only to wring a few extra dollars out of the game. While many of us, myself included, have been bickering furiously about whether there will be or should be a wipe, in the back of my head I have found the seemingly secondary detail that further content will be delayed significantly beyond the Xbox release troubling. For the hundredth time I will freely admit I have no experience with coding or participating game development and I realize there could be technical reasons for this approach that make sense from that angle, but what I do know is business and marketing, and from those perspectives, this looks like a horribly foolish approach if one is actually trying to make a successful game. I am loathe to contribute to any atmosphere of hysterical speculation, so I have thought long and hard before putting this forward. I am doing so because the more I consider this information, the more I find it hard to see how their announced plan is one that gives Atlas any real chance for success long term. It really just boils down to this: If you put the same thing out there on Xbox that failed on PC, why would you expect it not to fail on Xbox as well, and then what did that really get you except whatever revenue you garnered from the initial sales? And why should those of us who have been here all along not perceive this skeptically as a cynical desperation cash grab? I would very much like to see Atlas fulfill the promise it holds even now as a unique and compelling game, but with the information I have in hand, I cannot see this as anything but a road map to nowhere.
  5. 1 point
    I love it when people hate an aspect of a game then turn around and use the player base leaving as leverage to get it changed to their liking.
  6. 1 point
    I honestly do not see a problem with wiping game data during its development.. Unlike the typical game where you have a start and a finish.. (a natural place to wipe your gameplay and start fresh or move on to the next game) Atlas, with its sandbox flare, does not, so people could just keep playing for years with the same ol same ol and really mess up the entire place Since I am not against a regular wipe every so often.. I have NO qualms in a wipe for an important, game development one. lol.
  7. 1 point
    and add those cool glass ball lamps and lamp post you see around town, people loved those lol
  8. 1 point
    No but i have seen it done and thank you for adding to my point. if its a problem now how do you think the xbox will handle it. even if they are able to stop that issue the wall its self is a problem. and ask yourself what is it really guarding. and fortress of junk is my answer. not the real reason people play. I know this might flip a few people out but sea of thieves has a larger player base and i believe it is because of the free open spaces. that and a easy play style. true they are different types of games but kids can not deal with that shit. people who work cant do with it either 6 hours grind to get a good ship with cannons and ammo all the base and stuff to build it by which time they are done for the night. in there lies the issue one that ark players know to well. the solution dose not lie in walls and gates but the time it takes to reach one goals. Atlas has already beat sea of thieves in content and lore they just need to balance the time. the endless slog of hitting rocks and trees.
  9. 1 point
    Imagine the devs telled the truth and they're really about to figure out any way to launch the xbob stuff without a wipe?
  10. 1 point
    "realism" IMO, the game could have fully unrealistic stuff to it, we could be joining as a race of pirate cats and rats with an Elephant Navy chasing us around on the seas while we do our pirate do and the game could be a great pirate game.. long as we had the right game platform, props, interactions and direction to do it in. That being said. I would like a basic, bowspirit that we can craft as well. maybe ONLY the basic one and if you want a fancy one, then you go out and drop the 400g? Be sure you are adding dye to your lanterns it helps a lot with light and design, rather you want natural looking warm or cold light, or something crazy.
  11. 1 point
    No he doesn't. You can't go from 0 to 100 in one week. Once you hit about level 70 it slows WAY down. I'm pretty sure only a few people in our company are level 100 even now and we have (had) a large company. I wasn't logging in every day but I've done every powerstone, killed both versions of Kraken, killed yeti, got all the essences, and finished all quests except Ghost ship and I'm still only lower 90's level after MONTH's. So no, you are all are completely incorrect on the ability to shortcut in this game. Also, with your all's reasoning, every time the game goes on sale, they should wipe right? Because you know, new players and stuff? It's ignorant thinking. The game will be unsustainable if levels determine PvP success and that is the true issue. They need to balance ALL combat and make it skill related, not level related. If they wipe characters, I'm out. I'm not grinding out all those Achievements a 3rd time. I'll rebuild bases, breed new tames, build new ships, but I'm not going back to all the god damned islands I've already discovered to get Master Cartographer again. Fuck that.
  12. 1 point
    Will a wipe bring back PC players? Everyone seems to think it will. So with a wipe the Xbox players won't just be competeing with the current play base, which people keep regailing with glee at being so low, but all the returning PC players that will grab all the islands first anyway. Seems to me a wipe might not be in thier best intrests.
  13. 1 point
    No one force you to claim anything. If you want to be a landlord with the tax benefits, then yeah. If not, you can easily find an island with more than enough space for your Disney castle.
  14. 1 point
    ohhh youre right it needs to renew thx mate
  15. 1 point
    It just hit me! Even though you are wrong about features in the game most of the time, considering you haven't played yet, you are kind of well informed. What is gonna happen with those thousands of xbox players that are going to join us with no knowledge of the game. They are throwing sheep to the wolves here. You are wrong about the galleons btw.
  16. 1 point
    They say a lot of things are fixed that are later proven to be broken.
  17. 1 point
    Schöne seich... Afang Jahr hei si mau öppis gschribe, dass das isch gänderet worde und si nümme are gränze spawne.
  18. 1 point
    I agree. Its a shameless grab for more money. -Games still packed full of bugs -in game mechanics still garbage (food system, spawns, claim system still trash, mini games for every damn thing that everyone hates, ect) -server lag terrible, game freezes, nothing optimized I get its early access, they have a road map which is a step in the right direction. Brings this mess to a console should be LAST on the road map. Not first. You want to bring in new players and grow a player base? Get your game right first. You have a player base that was mislead into thinking this was something different, this game has so much potential. Just think of how many people (like myself) are waiting for this dev team to get this shit right so we can come back and play. Straighten out the mess, add the content you promised and you'll see a player base come back. You'll see this game being streamed again. I honestly love the concept of this game. There are not many pirate themed games out there. Only one that really comes to mind is sea of thieves, and its very popular on twitch as well as it has a huge player base. That should give you a hint of how popular the genre is. Dont play this out like ark did. That game got away with so much simply because there wasn't anything really like it out there. Same tactic will not work with this game. In short I want to see this succeed, I truly do. Please focus and dont shit the bed devs. please.
  19. 1 point
    Not just that but there are a few other positions I can think of that need to be filled.
  20. 1 point
    God, give me the damn CM position. This is complete BS. The lack of communication is ridiculous. I really want to invite everyone to look at Ced’s posts on twitter. He is doing an amazing job. Not quite as good as I would but still awesome in his own respect. i could literally reply to every single person with atleast a speck of info and it would always be positive. not just that but since I would be employed by you I wouldn’t be able to say anything bad at all. Not on the forums/twitter/reddit/twitch/discord. You guys are missing out on some good publicity to be honest, as well as getting rid of the bad. Oh well, the ball is in your court.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    You stated it as a general statement of loyalty doesnt exist in gaming i guess you have not been gaming for very long. Wow does not have 20 million subs anymore 5 mill tops these days. 240 million for a games development star citizen shows extreme loyalty etc
  24. 1 point
    Im 63 my level isnt an issue...and its a pve server which doesnt mean anything. No loyalty in gaming your wrong there look at star citizen or world of warcraft
  25. 1 point
    Then a wipe does no harm...… The logic follows both ways.
  26. 1 point
    You just cant kill the monsterous sperm And bluewhale And the kraken with it. Everything Else works^^also Dont Forget to loot the trench squids as they Give a Nice Chunk of gold^^
  27. 1 point
    Does anyone made the Gold Coin and Xp song in hard ? cant find it
  28. 1 point
    Atleast we know it will be reworked at some Point And im really looking forward to it^^ now just wait a bit And Hope they do something Nice with speedsails And its retroactive XD
  29. 1 point
    I think the original concept was pvp only, and somewhere in the process someone had the sense to add pve. I don't think alienating the pve community is a wise move considering how many people have now left pvp, and also how much revenue is gained from pve players. Pushing pvp I don't think is a gamble that will pay off.
  30. 1 point
    Do I understand the changes correctly? You want us players to spend more time at sea soon to make more PVP ?? Sorry then you didn't learn to listen to players either. You are developing the game just past our players For example, I don't let any game developer tell me how to play his game. And these changes you are planning to make, we already feel like a compulsion. Keep up the good work...but I'm sure you're just annoying players with such a shit change. They just stop playing the game....or they switch to single player mode. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
  31. 1 point
    wild pirate encampments when?
  32. 1 point
    Do you remember the first teaser on YT? THAT'S what all of us want and that's the reason alot of us had faith (ikr, stupid stupid stupid) in GS and bought the "game". Now it's ARK 2.0 with 100% ARK logic.
  33. 1 point
    I'm really wanting to know what on earth exactly happened to the NPC Pirate Encampments? are they still coming? has that idea been completely scrapped? This was one of the biggest things I was looking forward to, especially on private run servers/solo play.
  34. 1 point
    the animals you tame with love, affection and sometimes with a little hard. Tame them in the way this game does what it does is that the animal obey you for fear and when an animal is afraid it can kill and betray you. in other words it makes no sense the way to tame in the game is difficult and every time I have to do it I prefer not to play the game to have to go through the process of garbage tame system
  35. 1 point
    The land masses really need more to them then just the grind for resources (which I as a farmer enjoy) dungeons and unique loot create drive to explore. The risk to pvp should be out at sea while the risk/ reward for pve be on the land creating the desire to travel to further areas. Your npc crew also could use more love as they currently are a big part but are basically bland and empty of personality other then a random name and look generated to them. Unique crew with unique personalities would make the journey more enjoyable.
  36. 1 point
    Change the stupid tame system, I hate it. That is the only thing that I want to change. having to almost kill an animal to tame it sounds so absurd doesn't make sense having to almost kill an animal to tame it sounds so absurd doesn't make sense
  37. 1 point
    yeah a ton of things have changed... but a lot of important things have been completely neglected. pros: performance has gotten better noticeably for regular server performance, though not enough for big ship battles or server player cap latency. empire system has been replaced with a colony system. auto decay is a thing and inactive/forgotten structures will disappear in 10 days.. good for clearing up abandoned islands for potential newcomers or for finding an opening to place a fob and assault a pillar spammed island. time sinks that that used to be too overwhelming it would impact game play (like base maintenance, gold and food distribution to npc's of large bases) has eased up on grindiness with claim flag improvements and a silo. cons: devs seem to be focusing their primary efforts promoting a short term money grab instead of improving their product for long term success. almost complete lack of direction, complete lack of content... 9 months of basicly nothingness in an advertised 2 year game development... and now it seems they're putting all their "efforts" into launching on xbox while their super vague supposed "road map" wont take place until after said money grab. At Least its announced to be crossplay. almost complete disregard for their current community/backers and their efforts until it blows up in their face. pvp is broken as fuck. huge content wall behind large group bosses. leveling (discovery points) is game breaking and annoying, small groups and casuals have no chance of competing against large groups and no lifers, in that regard. current player base has dwindled to almost nothing. no economy... well, not a working one.
  38. 1 point
    I wish I had more hands so I could give this post 4 thumbs down
  39. 1 point
    Play Ark then. Bye! Making it more like ark wont help the game and especially not the naval experience. There is no need for a second ark. The actual one is nice. Maybe a atlaslike modmap would help you. If there is an ocean full of islands to explore, ships to enter and settlements to raid, then i dont need a tame at all. They to big for the small doors and decks on warships anyway. I love having horses to ride on land. Cows, pigs, chicken and co do a great job to populate my pirate hideout. Monkey, parrots and others look great on the captains shoulders. So I am ok with having them ingame, but pls easier to tame and breed. I dont wont to waste to much time on shore. But for the rest, in a pirate mmo, I dont give a fuck. Only wont to kill them for exp and loot. And for game mechanics, it is a real fun killer, If I cant dig for that treasure chest without riding a bear. It is the right decision to put the focus on more pirate, navalbased content.
  40. 1 point
    i dont want more water, man that is boring, but is your game, if you ask me i want a arktlas, i want to tame water animals and swing across the ocean with my mossasaurus, why ark has 40,000 players after 4 years and you 2,000, we like to tame, we like to explore, we like ark, we like a ark of the sea, focus in tame awesome animals, not spend 2 hours sailing in a boring ocean, forget my poor english
  41. 1 point
    Its a shame that you are not happy that some people are enjoying part of your game a little too much for your liking. PvPvE?? Nerfing tames?! If you nerf all my PVE gameplay and force me into being nothing more than content for your PVP players to consume, then I will quit and go play another game.
  42. 1 point
    FIX THIS!!!! After joining atlas PING is 255 on Server with 2 PPL!!!! After a while it goes down to 175 Ping... when im Lucky after 10 min to normal.... JUST FIX IT ...... AND STOP ADDING USELESS ANIMALS JUST FIX THE GAME
  43. 0 points
    I am pacific standard time so it was 8 o’clock at night. Yes I know you are one of the few people that insists on saying it is fine. I don’t need to set a flag to know I don’t want to pay upkeep. Nothing will change my mindset on that. Upkeep is crap and yes I don’t need to set a flag to be reassured of that
  44. 0 points
    There are way lower numbers on PVE and those guys could live on PVP... and have a better PVE experience...
  45. 0 points
    I love the cross play. Cant wait for the next update
  46. 0 points
    To raise/educate you break wills. You need to do it to tames, devs need to do it to us!
  47. 0 points
    I wish you a goodluck and to success with it! Atlas is great game and has no analogues. It needs this changes!) You've made a goddamn right desicions in this roadmap. Long live Atlas! Love you developers!
  48. 0 points
    make those changes happen and i bet people will start coming back!
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