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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I have been gaming since the commodore 64 came out and online gaming since online was invented, I have been banned exactly 0 times but guess what I have never cheated or exploited in any game, I have never yelled abusive or racial epithets at people in games and I don't name things in games in an offensive manner, this is how you avoid pondering mysteries like "why was I banned"
  2. 3 points
    Spam Bots work by crawling and looking for signatures of known software. Usually this is a snippet of text like a copyright or a meta tag but it could be any consistent identifier. This usually applies to blog and forum software. It is a constant back and forth between Captcha/ReCaptcha/use of a field that requires the user to answer a question and the bots "learning" them. Rinse and repeat. Making security in regards to these bots as tight as possible tends to lead to genuine users encountering difficulty or frustration in signing up to our Forums so we look to walk a fine line between catching the bots and user experience.
  3. 3 points
    I've been PM'ed for screenshots, so i'll post them here too. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1742196669 More to follow, will do some so you can see how it's built.
  4. 3 points
    TL; DR: Rights need to be better balanced between settlers and settlement owners. Lotus has good ideas. I don’t believe that there is a perfect answer that will make everybody happy. I think that overall the new system fixes more issues from the old system than it creates itself. It allows most people to have a space to build, even if they cannot find an island for themselves. Before I go into details, yes, our company owns a small island in the south-eastern tropics. There are no metal nodes on our island, minimal fiber, a fair amount of trees and stones , a good amount of crystal, and tons of three kinds of saps. To me, the largest issues that it creates is the potential for friction between the owners and settlers. We welcome settlers on our island, and do appreciate when they ask us about where it’s ok for them to build and where not to build. Our company is made up of four small companies or couples to get the island, and each of the groups has their own small base. We have one German settler on our island that one of our members was able to do some basic communication with. He built a nice base near one of our groups, and doesn’t cause any troubles. On the other hand, we have another settler that started building a massive base right where our main forest is. I’m not even sure what language he was speaking, as he only tried communicating once, but I tried to communicate non-verbally for him to not build in the woods. I removed the sections that he had put down in the trees, they were only a few at that point, and put up some billboards thinking that he would get the message. He didn’t. He built bigger into the trees, even up to and beside the billboards. He also built a massive pen cutting off the easiest path between the small island we’re on and the island he was on with the trees. He also built a large, walled in section, presumably to keep that area for himself, that cut off travel for all on that side of the island. I removed the offending structures and then put a few pillars down to prevent him from expanding into those areas again. There is still a large area around him to expand into, and he has built that way now, but he also started foundation spamming in the water around his base. There are several boat building bases and traps that have been left on our island, but the owners periodically come by and refresh them so we can’t remove them. We’ve asked them to remove them, and they just give a non-comital response and leave them there. I can’t really exaggerate how small our island is. On the map it looks like it’s small-medium sized, and it cost 47 points to buy, but it’s really one small island with 5 smaller islands around it, with a lot of the water being either too shallow to build a boatyard or anchor a ship leading to being too deep for a shipyard or to anchor a ship. We’ve found several shipwrecks in the shallows, and put up buoys when we find the ones extending out into the water. I think that there needs to be a rebalancing of the rights from the settlement owners and the settlers, at least in PvE. It’s too easy for the settlement owner to get screwed over by a settler for either taking a day off patrolling, or just taking a day off. At the same time, the settlers do need some form of protection from settlement owners that would just arbitrarily destroy their buildings. I think that Lotus has a great idea for a starting point by allowing the settlement owners to specify who can build on the island, and if alliances were increased for PvE then the owner could have an alliance to invite settlers to, once they have both spoken to each other and both parties expectations have been agreed upon. I also think that increasing the time for a settlement owner to be able to remove offending structures should be increased. I’d like 5 days to account for reduced play time during the week, but even 3-4 days would be adequate. If the settlement owner felt the need to evict a settler, there could be an option to flag all of a settlers buildings for demolition. That could start the 10 day destruction timer, and during that time the owner of the structures should be able to remove the structures themselves and get full resources back to rebuild in a new location. Another of Lotus’ ideas that I agree with is to increase upkeep in general, but especially for larger companies that own multiple islands. To also incentivize these companies moving to larger islands as they grow, settlement owners should be able to pickup or destroy their own structures at any time for full resources. This removes the need for them to start over again on their new island with half of the resources they already had, which is another reason for them to just stay where they are currently.
  5. 2 points
    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1747450385 Aft-castle and wheel deck on highest deck (full), railings and triangle ceilings just because I like the look. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1747450631 Mid deck and for-castle, loading ramps need to be placed before planks (1/2 wall, ½ stair & ceiling.) I always put a for-castle so passengers can stand and look forward, also houses the beds. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1747450745 Main lower deck, ample room for multiple large animals can fit 2 of each, elephant, rhino and giraffe who’s head is lower than wheel deck. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1747450831 Under loading ramp is forge and also space for 8-10 medium animals, bears, bulls, horses etc. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1747450518 Aft-castle / workroom.
  6. 2 points
    I'm pretty sure the OP isn't going to let a little thing like the fact that Chinese people are individuals and that there are probably more of them that are helpful and friendly then not get in the way of his blatant racism. I'm pretty sure most races and culture groups have their share of bad apples, I know mine does. To judge everyone of them based on those bad apples is just absurd, but that's racism for ya.
  7. 2 points
    Are you suggesting that the sharp changes in angles in the cross section of a ship are caused by people having higher latency, and that by removing these players there is no need for these chines and a smoother hull shape could be made?
  8. 2 points
    As frustrating as the death runs for FoY are, they are also some of the most fun Ive had. Trying to figure out what the orange glow on the island is while I sail up, and then seeing the dragon flying at me angry was amazing, if a little terrifying. Buddy got mermaided off the wheel while driving a ship up there for us. Sailed through a pack of the damned, ships doing down. Barely get it to shore but smithy is gone, and no real way to get the planks we're missing back, it sinks and we decide to run it anyway. Spend the next hour or so running/swimming around the island (the long way since it kept us farther from the city-looking place) using the water to dodge wolves and land for crocs.... He got it, I died in the cave when I made a wrong turn. Frustrating as hell, but it was great fun.
  9. 2 points
    Shipwrecks are a decent way to earn gold now too and they recently doubled the gold they give. Pop on a sextant buff and you could eaisly make a few k gold in no time. Sure beats sailing halfway across the globe for a map that has a chance of being unreachable.
  10. 2 points
    *Pauses with forkful of calamari halfway to mouth.* Oh. Um. This is embarrassing. Did you want to do that *this* weekend? I uhhh...thought no one would care really. Everyone seemed to be doing other stuff and I just found this great recipe with an amazing sauce. You should really try this sometime, it’s superb. But maybe now’s not the time, I know. Look I’m really sorry, it’s just I was really hungry and I figured another one would spawn soon enough... *Puts fork down and shuffles his napkin and wine glass around awkwardly, looking off into the distance at nothing in particular.*
  11. 2 points
    i play on my laptop as well as pc, all u do is install the game , when u start up atlas select join new server , then when map is up dont select a region just select join, u will join in on your char wherever u logged out , you dont need to copy or do anythig more then that .DO NOT CREATE A NEW CHAR ON THE SAME SERVER YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CHAR .
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
    The problem I see is the islands are not designed to be broken into hex's so they would have to redesign so all the claims have resources, access to water that supports ships, and a shipyards with land to build a base. So look at the current islands and try to figure out a hex that is the same size for large, medium, and small islands that has those things. You also need to make sure that the good resources don't have the ability to be claimed. To me it just doesn't seem possible. This also doesn't address what happens to the claims when people come and go from a company. So the guy that wanted to join my tribe that was declined because some of the people in the tribe didn't like him, then demanded to know who said they didn't want him in, when I refused to tell him he said to me, "I will figure out who it is and I will track their IP then I am going to take my AK-47 and go to their house and shoot the people inside", gets to just be on our island forever because he has been there long enough? Or the one that told me that, "I hope the @%$@ing chinese rape your daughter", he gets to stay on our island too cause he's been there a while right? The rules for Lotus Land are simple, don't be toxic and don't build on resources. If you can't do that then I should be able to kick you out regardless of anything else. ~Lotus
  14. 2 points
    Genesis "Sailors Voyage" Server Trailer
  15. 1 point
    is this just to surprise people when they cross zones ?? I find it very annoying to spend hours sailing to then just cross a Grid and bump straight into a Galleon of the damned ! I may have survived , but it seems the ship of the damned roll in fleets these days 3-5 ships . so I didn't manage to make it. anyone else had fun with this happening ?
  16. 1 point
    As of now, the only use of the shipyard is to make ships. What if we can anchor or rather harbor 1 ship to the shipyard? This would work like the hitching post in s+ for Ark or the new breeding thing they added with extinction. This way, the ships would be more protected and shipyards would have a greater use (maybe give them a minor durability buff while harbored). My boats keep getting attacked by crocodiles and such that aggro onto my crewmembers. This would be a nice fix.
  17. 1 point
    So there is a troll now on our lawless island on EU PvE, which spams the entire island and buildings with thatch structures. They even traped a pack of roaming bears I aranged for me and my neighbours to get rid of cobras and crocodiles. This troll also build fences of thatch walls around entire houses of people and blocked parts of the island too. You want this game to survive? Well then, add a ticket system with some active mods getting rid of these people. Cannot be that nobody gives a shit nor do we have an INGAME option to report. Btw, some of our neighbours quitted the game due to this guys behavior. If you plan on doing something: location: H7 Island: Surfil Peninsula Server: EU PvE official Thank you. Here is a list of screenshots:
  18. 1 point
    Set Region block and kick ppl with Ping over 120
  19. 1 point
    I know this has been around a little while, but is anybody seeing even more of it lately? Seems to be getting much worse. Looking through the patch notes, I'm wondering if this has anything to do with it - Optimized bUseNewStructureFoundationSupportChecks resulting in server performance gains and elimination of multiple stalls for structures. (These gains will be present on Official Servers)
  20. 1 point
    Thats really a nice bear!!!!
  21. 1 point
    Is every post you make wrong, and rude? The real question here is why did the guy not get an email, or a message explaining what lead to his ban? Wrongful punishments happen. Without at least a forum PM explaining what he was banned for, how is he supposed to correct the behavior or defend himself? Apex Legends went through this same problem a couple months ago: They banned a bunch of people who paid with pre-paid cards that had turned out to be stolen, and sold to the user without their knowledge. Pretty simple fix, right? Well - with no way of knowing why they were banned, and no system in place to even attempt to explain themselves or rectify the situation, people were just left banned in limbo. And, with a game like this, who has developers who are (no offense intended) frequently prone to making colossal mistakes... is it out of the realm of possibility that they banned someone accidentally? Give the guy a chance or at least tell him why.
  22. 1 point
    I agree with some of what you say, but I'm not sure we can say that the new system allows most people to have a space to build yet, because the servers are nowhere near fully loaded. When this new change came in, a number of us predicted that everyone would think it was fine afterward just because so many people have gone. It looks like we were only half right about that. We had listed all the ways this new system was unfair to both landlords and tenants, and all the things that would annoy each group. It turns out that the things that are unfair to landlords are evident even without a fully loaded system, so now we're seeing the landlords' complaints and suggestions for changes, each of which make the tenants situation worse. But the tenants won't speak up until the population numbers are up, so it's a bit unfair to not consider them. I'd wait to see what it's like when/if the server numbers come back up. To put some of these suggestions in perspective, you have to review what happened and how we got here: The first claim system had smaller unlimited claims with no upkeep. The earliest people grabbed all they wanted and later people reported they couldn't find land to claim. After a while the player numbers started dropping and various expiration timers were put in place for claims. It became a little easier to find a claim, but the fact remained that fully loaded servers wouldn't have a claim for everybody. The devs came up with a change designed to allow everybody not to have a claim, but to have a place to build. The idea was not popular, as what people really wanted were claims, and this change made even fewer claims available than the last system. So the devs new philosophy of "build anywhere" was implemented. Not only was it unfair to both landlords and tenants, but there was no way to resolve any of that without making it even more unfair to the other group. You and Lotus are both approaching this from the standpoint of how to be more fair to landowners, but your solutions make it even less fair to tenants than it is already. Of course it's not fair to landowners that they only get 24 hours to remove structures. It's ridiculous. People need to be able to be away from the game for as much as a couple weeks at a time for various things. But if you change that, it's even more unfair to a tenant who has spent a lot of time starting to put a base together and then has somebody just wipe it all out. The idea of being able to set permissions of who can and can't build is even more unfair to tenants on a fully loaded server, and it just won't fly under this system, because the whole system is based on the devs' idea that anybody can build anywhere. That's the whole bit that made it possible to have fewer and bigger claims and still give the other players a way to play the game. They promised people they could build anywhere. (They never really meant it though, or they wouldn't have given other players the power to keep people from doing just that.) Doesn't matter..that is as much a part of this new system as claiming an island is. If you do away with "build anywhere" by using permissions, and then give the land owners an extended destruction timer, then what does the complete new claims system look like? It looks like the old system, with far fewer claims than before, with claim caps and upkeep. You still haven't got enough claims or now even enough land for all the players on a fully loaded server, and you've put over half the players subject to the whims of the other group who get to own the claims. It's like we said back at the beginning of this change - there are things in it that are going to make both groups very unhappy, and it looks like the devs had a goal of making everyone unhappy equally rather than making everyone happy. The unhappiness is balanced. If you start tinkering with that balance in favor of landlords, you'll make tenants unhappier and vice versa. I do applaud the ideas about making alliances a lot more useful. I think they were designed with pvp in mind, but for pve they are the "town structures" in the game, and need a lot more detailed permissions, chat options, etc. I also think the idea about increasing upkeep is good, but needs more discussion. There needs to be an incentive for bigger companies to take fewer bigger islands than more smaller ones.
  23. 1 point
    I really wish they would focus on PVP in regards to movement speeds, animations, weapon balancing etc. There's so much potential to have with sword fighting and flint lock fights, but as it stands the animations and movement speeds are ridiculous. The weird floaty jump animation and movements need to be revamped. Sprint speed should be nerfed to match the current "walk" speed. and the current "walk" speed needs to be reduced. Along with running animations, the instant "turn" when you roll your mouse is nuts. Take a page from Rust. They balanced movement PVP speeds and animations properly. Balancing on weapons needs to be done hardcore. There's no reason for the flintlock to do the same damage as a bow. Sword animations need rework. I've never seen anyone use swords. They should be balanced (buffed damage along with slower player movements to make them potentially useful) For the love of everything holy, remove the auto lock on (left alt) The stun is such a ridiculous thing to have in pvp Also, there's no need to show damage number pop ups along with the health bar. It's eye cancer. Honestly, when (if) server disconnects, timeouts, failed to query host get fleshed out, and PVP gets revamped, this game would be outstanding. You guys hit building, sailing, interactivity, and content out of the park, but PVP is awful. Cheers for the work that's been done so far.
  24. 1 point
    That's a symptom, not the cause. They need to code in some way of dealing with this. One such way would be to make you invisible to SotD, when you first travel into a grid. Testing should give them some feedback on how long that invisibility would need to last. This way, when you do travel into a new zone, and end up spawning right in the middle of a SotD fleet, you can just keep sailing, and be OK...so long as you do just that. However, they need to make that timer relevant to the speed you are going when you hit the new server. I for one, often drop my speed to almost nothing as I cross, if I am carrying tames, or a lot of people on my ship, as this seems to allow for a better spawn in of all tames and real people. Less people and tames spawning into thin air, and dropping into the sea...less tames disappearing. So, I would need to be able to lower the sails and get moving.
  25. 1 point
    Seems like everything is in order thanks mate
  26. 1 point
    Put berries in their inv to keep them alive. pick your way over, grappling hook, anything. Create a ticket : https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/support-tickets/report-players/&do=form&d=21 Label it as breech of CoC under exploiting unintended use of game assets to the detriment of legitimate player game experience. There's no in game rationale for this behavior at all. There's zero purpose other than to ruin game experience of others vis harassment. Hopefully someone from the dev team will blanket erase structures belonging to this toxic individual. Hang in there. @Jatheish & the GS team will probably be as disappointed in this kind of behavior as we all are.
  27. 1 point
    The site should now be online ! Can someone tell me if everything's alright or did I break something ? ^^
  28. 1 point
    Update: I also wrote a report ticket here on the forum. An autimatic response closed the ticket with the reasoning that it is under review and they cannot give more infos due to private policies. 3 days later, nothing changed. Another company left the game as well and my bears are about to starve to death. Good job Grapeshot.
  29. 1 point
    Even I can't read the text sometimes... I'm English, like to think that my grip on English is quite adequate.. However, when it comes to captcha.. trying to read that crap sometimes i end up like: ....fail 3 times in a row, and just hit audio.
  30. 1 point
    It's like the guy that drives 135mph down the motorway, gets stopped by police and says.... What did you pull me over for, officer? I wasn't speeding, everyone else was... just... going in slow motion
  31. 1 point
    There was mention (can't remember if it was patch notes or livestream) that ships would need to be unanchored/anchored every 21 days or they would go poof. Rendering them in was not enough.
  32. 1 point
    Jat posted that it won't always be 2x a specific thing. They want to try different bonuses out like 2x SOTD ship kill exp and others. If it isn't listed in the splash message as that particular bonus, odds are you ain't getting it. Shipwrecks and flotsam were increased 20% in a recent patch because they realized no one was doing that content. The game only rewards active players. The whole setup discourages the casual who wants to log in every few days and putter around on a boat. Take more than a 10 day break as a solo player and come back to having lost all your stuff on land, tames claimed, boat decayed and sunk (takes longer than that, but still happens).
  33. 1 point
    GloBy man you spoiled me with that calculator i cant live with out it now
  34. 1 point
    i made some sceenshots from my transportship 39900 Weight at this time https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197974901730/screenshots/?appid=834910&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=imagewall 10 screenshots from my galleon, i dont save much weight on my ship builds , i like nice ships and good funktionality , so i have allways reserve planks on board some sails and steerwheels ... and a full workshop, so i can build up outposts far away! Up to 10 bigger animals like elephants are no problem on deck. if i want transport larger amounts of wood can i save much weight with transporting in Elephants.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    Maybe they know what they are doing and you dont, lol
  37. 1 point
    but not for pvp when your island and defences require 60k gold per week this is a massive kick in the ass
  38. 1 point
    As someone said before you are at least supposed to be defending yourself against the environment. This bows and ribbons stuff sucks.
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    The people who abused it should be set a lot lower then lvl 100.
  41. 1 point
    You really think getting over lvl 100 is hard? we have sever people 110+ legit... but i guess we are cheating because we are helping each other level by using 2x weekends xp songs and purple maps to get 5+ levels each zzzz as for crafting high end bps getting to 150 isn't the biggest part of getting the intel that high it's actually frickin crafting then recrafting using different sets of BP's to achieve those stats just like breeding lvl 209 animals i possible.. sorry you dont know how the game works or are trying to play solo or tiny group and cant get your hands on OP stuff.
  42. 1 point
    and there lies the problem with PVE player vs environment , there is no environment to worry about, this all started with ark when players moaned about their walls and bases being attacked by wild creatures , so now PVE player have nothing to worry about at all , what is so wrong about wild creatures attacking your walls/ baes trying to get at your tames , that's what defence are for are they not ? if pve players had to worry about the environment attacking them then the bp for building parts would be useful and worth hunting for ..
  43. 1 point
    What are you talking about? ~Lotus
  44. 1 point
    https://atlas.hgn.hu/grid/eu/pve Atlas Player Tracker You have to check every grid, maybe u can find his home grid and get in contact. Good luck.
  45. 1 point
    no reset... they should be banned… nothing more and nothing less than that is fair... they did on purpose well knowing what the consequenses was
  46. 1 point
    Ok, that makes sense.... if you drop stuff fast enough it does look like popcorn being made.... its also what I do at the dinner table with my peas....
  47. 1 point
    We had similar issue with a foundation spammed mountain top, no way up, but needed the metals. The cliffs were pretty steep, so what we did, was have a temp container at the bottom of the mountain, where my company mate was located, and we realised that one of us could grappling / pick to the top, harvest and drop / sling the metals over the cliff, where the packages were landing at my colleagues feet.. he just scooped up the packed and loaded it in to the box for temp storage. Granted it's a bit of a Laurel and Hardy thing to do, but, it worked perfectly. Got all the metal needed, jumped off with a glider, did some sightseeing, helped load the stuff on to the boat.
  48. 1 point
    Elephant Parking: Tier 2 Animal stall area: The Great Hall: The Dining Hall: Upstairs reading lounges: A bedroom: The side of the Castle, displaying the unfinished hexagonal tower with the overhanging bridge: A great view of the towers: The westward-facing balconies: (The smaller balconies are the bedroom balconies) Atop the castle: The view from the highest tower:
  49. 1 point
    We use a build with 3 decks + Elephant and Rhino fit under deck. If you want i can send you screenshots later
  50. 1 point
    Don't worry about spending 500 - 1000 of weight to make it look good. Mine is 7500 - 8000 empty. 3 decks - bottom, middle for moving about the ship and top for aft-castle / work room. Designed for ease of tame transport, can easily hold 4-5 elephants or other large tames and over a dozen bears or meduim tames in the hold - on lowest deck. fore-castle for beds and kit storage, aft-castle has a full workshop and balcony for Wheel, and a forge under the ramp, convert some metal to ingots for weight saving when collecting metals.
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