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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2019 in Posts

  1. 10 points
    We're going to be making a change to PvE claims so that the inactivity timer starts at a base of 2 weeks instead of 3 days. Additionally, if you are a person/group with a larger amount of claims, the amount of inactivity timer you have will scale with that and have a lower limit of 3 days. So large companies with multiple flags have less amount of time where their base can be inactive versus those with just a few flags. We'll think on having a minimum before the number starts shrinking, or perhaps it'll just be 1 flag = 2 weeks. These numbers may not be exact and might change by the time we deploy, but that's the general idea. Hoping to get this out to you guys tomorrow. This may not be the perfect/most optimal solution, but we'll go ahead and make this change until we have thought more on our claim design for the overall game. TLDR: - Inactive claim timer will cap at 2 weeks, and bottom out at 3 days based on the number of claims you have - Sleeping players won't contest claims - NPC Crew can contest claims, but you'll have to feed and pay them otherwise they'll mutiny! This might be a temporary change as we further evaluate how we want the claim system to work, especially with our new philosophy in mind.
  2. 8 points
    this is bullshit 3 day timers on flags already and now logged out bodies will no longer contest claims , how are we meant to have holidays ? do they really think players take their pcs on holiday with them to log in logged out player by all means contest the flags but yes after 3 weeks they are gone , we need to have a certain amount of protection for going awauy on holiday are these devs for real do they have any idea about real life activities ??????? please dont bother replying with 3 day is long enough protection , if u cant take pc to log in every 3 days when on holiday u deserve to lose your claim , dont reply if u r are no life 24/7 hermit gamer either who hasnt seen sun in years
  3. 8 points
    Are you mentally challenged ? Or just trolling ? (can't tell these days if somebody is braindead or he is actually trying to troll) MMO = does not mean 100000 man tribes/ companies. MMO = lots of player in the same area / region / map / content. MMO does not mean you have 1000 man tribes, it does not mean you don't have tribes, it means it allows for a large number of players to be in the same area. MMO = TERA, WOW, Black desert, etc etc. Lots of games allow a large number of players, IT DOES NOT MEAN they are ment to play in the same tribe or large tribes! Playing as a solo player DOES NOT MEAN you are isolated from the MMO world. You can trade / fight / build / etc as a 1 man or a small group. Learn the difference and stop trolling. Nobody is forcing you to play solo or in small tribes.
  4. 8 points
    Yes, WoW failed because solo players were able to enjoy it. Oh wai... Please stop confusing massively multiplayer online for massively cooperative multiplayer online. Just because some people play solo doesn't mean they play singleplayer and do not interact with other players. There are many ways of interaction besides cooperation. MMO been there for more than twenty years now, and absolute majority of them tried to make solo experience possible and enjoyable. You are not in position to bend the definition of a MMO to your liking.
  5. 6 points
    I’ve complained and gave a negative review (kinda) but I am a firm believer in giving credit when it’s due, the support on the forums needs a lot of work in my opinion but that’s personal just like this post here, it’s one person who is taking the time to point out some positive that the developers of this game rarely get credit for. This game is awesome 1st and foremost, yes it has code that needs tweaking but it is early access still and they said it would be a work in progress for the next two years when it would be officially released at full cost. Now we all say they don’t listen to us but I’d like to point out a few things I’ve noticed along the way, when we cried about the crocs wrecking havoc and making the game unbearable, the developers created a patch to help, when we cried about the wolves are over powered, the developers again created a patch to help, when we cried the buthole sank my battleship by putting to much weight on it, again they offered a patch (buthole found a work a round though), when we cried how in the world can 6 ghost ships spawn at once and all attack me , they again listened ( not sure what was done though), when we cried the raft sucks, give us another option from the beginning, they listened and again we’ve cried - old age, more content, better performance, less lag, fix the tames, fix the drakes, fix this and fix that. Do everything we ask for - well they are working on it. I want to say that the work the developers are doing doesn’t go unnoticed, we players of your game appreciate all you do and I for one would like to say Thank You ! Keep listening and always remember that you can’t make everyone happy but you do make a good effort from what I can tell so far. Remember all you haters, this is my personal thoughts and I know not everyone will see things the same way I do and to be honest that’s ok. Thanks again for your hard work and “Oh yeah could you please fix the issue with BUTHoLe kiting ghost ships in to sink offline anchored ships, fix the issue where buthole gets encumbered and climbs our ships ladders to sink them ( you could just give the ships the same code we have , if they get to much weight they just can’t move or be sailed - they don’t have to be sunk - works for pve and pvp) that would allow us to haul passengers that weren’t in our company or alliance again and can you please fix the overwhelming amount of left behind claims, ships and rafts ? Thanks again, your doing a great job
  6. 6 points
    You are confusing massively multiplayer with team only. The point of making something massively multiplayer is not to require that people become part of a clan or large clan, but that they become part of a massive online world populated by many players instead of a singleplayer world populated purely by AI NPC's. One need not ever join a clan to fully engage the MMO genre. I don't think you should worry that Atlas won't continue to support and incentivize being part of a large clan, or did you not notice that at the same time they announced these change goals, they also announced unique ship bowsprits for the top 5 clans on each official server? Perhaps you just choose to willfully ignore said information in order to grind a particular axe you enjoy grinding rather than viewing the information more objectively.
  7. 6 points
    Please make it that the Company can see ist own timer. So we could at least see if someting is broken.
  8. 5 points
    So many keep saying this and yet I cannot find any official statement, verbal or otherwise backing it up. Perhaps people are inventing stuff and projecting their wishes.
  9. 5 points
    The only thing i think its missing here its the company being able to see its own upkeep timer. Do we need to guess what claim needs to be took care? We are a small company with 2 bases. Note: This kind of change only benefits the 5 huge companies that own half of the entire server and have 200 players each.
  10. 5 points
    We're currently evaluating our claim system and seeing what changes we can make to improve it across the board, as it definitely needs work. It's arguable that the 3 day timer may need to be increased now that we no longer allow sleeping bodies to contest claims, but due to the limited amount of land available and how PvE servers work we have to put measures in place to make sure that land cannot be sat on indefinitely. Players can still use Crew (which are to be fed and paid) to contest claims. The sleeping measure we put in place was more so to tackle users who hadn't logged on in days and hadn't planned to but were still contesting their inactive claims because their bodies had not died.
  11. 4 points
    I dont know of anyone who doesnt hate the current cyclone mechanic. It is not exciting, it is not even dangerous if you choose to play it, its just tedious, and its every single time it rains. There should 100% just be normal big wave storms that reduce visibility, maybe do the cold thing, but most of all, just rain at sea. Suggested fix: Cyclones should be their own uncommon weather event that wanders across a grid and is visible from a long distance. You can choose to sail around them, or if you choose to go through them, then you have to be repairing the entire time you are inside the system.
  12. 4 points
    Far too many obstacles for a required mechanic. Especially when it moves around and server update after server update stop your progress. The creatures are impossible to get past when very few people are trying to complete the mission so it's a test of stupidity on how long you do it until you just decide being old is just fine. What a waste of time. The more i play this game the more i hate the boxes it puts you in. It's been 700 days (or so) and I'm 97? i started out at 20. please learn how aging works. Also remove a stupid required mechanic to get back the stats for points. Let people who want a challenge or whatever come to these islands but i just want to sail around and build and tame animals.
  13. 4 points
    I agree, I don't know why they didn't make it a treasure map, with a certain percentage of that map being a fountain of youth location. It makes more sense all around, promotes exploration, would be way more fun and doable by individuals. Or just get rid of the mechanic altogether, not sure it has a place in a refugee lumberjack simulator.
  14. 4 points
    Im fine with this, but i would like a way to see my current timer and not just the timer on enemy claimflags.
  15. 4 points
    after trying the foy content i have decided that i don't wish to support developers who can implement such a brainless mechanic in their game. this after having to do the foy with 160+ ping in a grid with 20 people where anything one shots you and if you somehow succeed to get anywhere near you get rubber banded back to die over and over again. the game has other issues as well but this was the last drop for me. uninstalled the game. good luck to the ones who decide to continue their journey.
  16. 3 points
    Ok, since launch I have defended, helped, cajoled etc, tried to be a decent member of what can be an extremely challenging and toxic community. Today, I logged in, after 48 hours away, I logged off in my house which I have done many times before. Nothing, all my stuff gone, dozens of hours of work, rebuilding, thousands in resources, all gone. Time to uninstall, I'd wish the devs the best but honestly, I have had a skinful. The broken claim system will be the death of this game, that and the absolute lack of feedback from our so called 'community managers'. I predict 6 months if the game carries on at the current rate, then they'll be amalgamating servers. I wish i could get the lost time back.
  17. 3 points
    The concept of Fountain of Youth I can dig. Your character gets old, and you want to be young again. Especially since you get a debuff if you don't and a stat increase if you do. Motivation. You have to go find it - cool. This game has a big sailing/exploring component, that fits the bill for pretty much all players. But then you have to go to an island in a fairly narrow time window (given the distance it takes to sail places), that's filled to the brim with creatures that will kill you in one hit? Surrounded by abandoned sloops and rafts because I guess your character has learned in all their years that you have to do countless suicide runs to become young again? Yuck. I'm posting this because a couple of us in our company of 5 set out to find the FoY in our sloop. It took nearly 4 hours to get there (due to a location moving away unexpectedly), only to end with us unable to even reach the fountain due to countless Fire Elementals, Gorgons, Lions, Scorpions, etc filling the land, swimming out to sea to get us, and even crossing over multiple abandoned sloops to attack our ship and destroy 3 out of our 4 beds. Half the time we couldn't spawn from dying because a creature was on our ship attacking our loading in bodies. Not fun at all, and a disheartening way to log off from an evening of sailing. Is the idea that you should be able to take on this endless spawn island? Is the idea you're supposed to attempt to sneak past them? As far as I can tell, neither of those really work, as most strategies I've seen or heard about just involve zerging the island with another people that the monsters are too distracted to get you, which doesn't work if you're aging off cycle from a main group of people. What I think currently works: The concept of needing to find a fountain of youth to get young again (due to stat incentives) Traveling to find a fountain of youth Having some sort of 'test' or 'challenge' in order to obtain the fountain of youth What I think currently does not work: An island entirely full of monsters who can one-hit you (probably even if you have gear) The current timing of island movement (seems a little too short still) This implies that I would like the current test or challenge at the end (i.e. a ton of monsters) to change, or to be decoupled from the power stone thing (that's what is also on that island, right? I'm just interested in the FoY tbh haha). Here are some suggestions on different challenges that would happen on 'normal' non-monster filled islands: Have the FoY challenge be more like a treasure map. Go to a location on that island (or on a different island) to face a select group of creatures that appear when you show up. Then claim their treasure (has a mcguffin) to turn into the FoY. Could scale the difficulty depending on how many times you've youth'd, up to a higher limit. Instead of fighting monsters, you just have to find keys on the same island or different islands. Number of keys could increase depending on how many times you've youth'd, again. Have one big monster guarding the FoY. You can try to sneak past (there's a lit route, or something), kill it to get treasure, or YOLO your way to try and get to the fountain. Seems more reasonable than 'island full' of monsters. So those are my thoughts, but what do you all think would make this mechanic more fun?
  18. 3 points
    Yeah but eve is super playable without a titan. I don't think many solo players want to operate galleon, they want to operate a bloody schooner without loosing it every night (anong with everything else except character level). Eve absolutely caters to solo players.
  19. 3 points
    Not saying I don’t understand where you are coming from, because on a purely philosophical level I don’t care for the game catering to solo either, but there is a hard business reality here. Solo players money is just as green as large clan members, so what any developer in the right mind will do whenever possible is try to make their game appealing to both. The single dumbest decision this industry ever made was only marketing to males after ms pac man was a huge early hit with females (see Adam ruins Everything). Any time you arbitrarily cut out half the population from your target marketbyou’re Doing it wrong. The same applies to solo vs group oriented gamers, much as it can be an annoyance in a game clearly designed for large groups. While we’re at it, same reason Atlas has pve, because it’s dumb marketing not to if you can.
  20. 3 points
    So this is a carryover thing from Ark, and it's not gamebreaking, merely annoying. A stack of 100 berries weighs 10. In a vaccum this information does not seem particularly off, until you factor in that my metal pick, hatchet, sickle, climbing pick, grappling hook and spyglass (standard kit items for me) collectively weigh 12.5. .... Is this really what we're going with? This collection of a half dozen mostly metal tools only slightly outweigh two handfuls of berries? Don't misunderstand me, I'm not suggesting in the slightest that the weight for the tools should be increased, they seem pretty appropriate given standard carry capacity, it's just that even 1500 berries shouldn't be some significant portion of your carryweight. It's equivalent to a couple of bags of fruit at the grocery store. If that weighs you down irl, you REALLY need to hit the gym. The frustrating thing about this obvious absurdity is it was the same way in Ark, where for the longest time a stack of 100 berries outweighed a scuba tank by a factor of 20. Apparently no one over at Wildshot has ever lifted a scuba tank in their life. "But Boomer" I hear you cry "It may not be realistic but it's necessary for game balance." Okay, let's talk about game balance. I'm a cook, I've looked closely at the existing cooking recipes and noticed something odd. Vitamin C, the vitamin berries buff, is the only one that there isn't a good or fairly easy to make recipe which buffs it. Apparently the devs have decided that what pirates really need to carry around isn't dubloons in their pocket, a mop to swab the deck, or a cutlass to deal with mutiny, but lots and lots of berries. Is the biggest threat really the Kraken? Or do the devs envision it as scurvy? Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, take yer vitamin C or yer goin ta Davy Jones locker matey.
  21. 3 points
    It's quite interesting on how entitled people are in online communities. All the people in this thread making comments like "if you don't conform to the way I think you should play, then leave the game it's not for you" are just hilarious. I'm not quite sure who all of you who say stuff like this think you are...but you're not. No one actually cares how YOU think others should play. Allow me to add to your ridiculous ideology: 1. If your home internet goes out due to outage, you should have purchased business class internet or this isn't the game for you 2. If your power goes out at home, you should have gotten a diesel generator. If not, this isn't the game for you. 3. If you have a death in the family, bring your laptop to the funeral. If you can't do that, this isn't the game for you. 4. On a business trip and your flight home gets cancelled? You should own a private jet. If not, this isn't the game for you. This is what some of you sound like. Entitlement...look up the definition.
  22. 3 points
    Congratulations! You’re the first pathfinder to tame a rare Atlas lore only breed of bear, the burrowing bear. Legend has it that royalty of the fallen magical kingdom kept these bears as pets. No one knows why these mighty creatures show such obvious envy of the lowly hedgehog, but we all get confused at times. Maybe your bear just needs space. Maybe it feels depressed because every time it tries to make friends with your horse, the horse laughs and calls it a big fat loser before jumping the wall and going out to party all night running around with ostriches on the other side of the island. My advice: Take the bear to a therapist and put a tracking app on the horse’s phone. God knows what sort of trouble it’s getting into with those ostriches every night and you don’t want to wait to find out from the cops do you?
  23. 3 points
    Most MMOs have tons of solo players. Many people just don't want to spend their free time listening to a group of people squeal for hours.
  24. 3 points
    ***Edit I misunderstood the upkeep timer, I still think my overall point is valid, but not in this case. Thanks for clarification. ***** Why the insistence on releasing half finished mechanics? Why not release mechanic changes at once? Half finished aging mechanic making the 1 way to deal with it entirely broken to deal with in which you count on the lag to slow down ai to sneak by as you gauntlet run to the finish line ( not engaging game play). Now a half modified claim system that means alot of people are waking up in a few hours or getting off work to find out they no longer have bases.... but dont worry the "rest" of the changes to fix that are coming "soon". Meaning they wont be able to get their land back when you release the changes. These "windows" of carelessness are where the problems happen. Especially in a pve environment, you are creating holes that allow the trolls and grief driven pvers chance to cause havoc. The full picture of changes sound great, releasing it in pieces is going to, and has already, only made things worse. Love the game, I love the work you all do, I just dont understand half finished mechanics. Could be a very good reason and im happy to be educated. Outside looking in though, seems like a bad habbit. Happy Wednesday!
  25. 3 points
    id would disagree , people have holidasy 10 days is normal , why do we lose all we have built / done becausre we have real lifes as well ?
  26. 3 points
    I'd prefer materials to make a difference to the boat strength... so if you used soft wood to build your boat, then it'll be lighter, faster, but a lot less tanky.. but if you hard wood... then it'll be tougher, wood will be a bit denser, heavier, and be a bit more draggy in water. The materials are already differentiated... just needs utilised.
  27. 3 points
    Companies SHOULD be able to see their own upkeep timers without having someone else coming in and trying to drop a flag and having to tell them........ Please add this in!!!!!
  28. 3 points
    Perhaps three days isn't long enough but quite frankly with a limited amount of land in the game, your claim can't be safe forever without you logging in. You're worried about what happens if you go on vacation. So lets say you go on vacation for two weeks.... should you be allowed to occupy part of the game world for two weeks when you're not even playing? I'd argue no. If you want to own territory in the game, you should have to play the game regularly to maintain it. That's always been the rule with games where the player was able to own part of a limited world.
  29. 3 points
    My problem is not necessarily that you need to login every 3 days, though I think that’s extremely heavy handed. MY issue is that the weird “overlap rules” that are part of this game. Someone can contest a neighboring claim on the very edge and get half the stuff in your claim with it.
  30. 3 points
    It is harder to play with a smaller crew; and you give large crews these special rankings? Land claimed doesn't mean they're a better crew; this is just really dumb, and not well thought out. Lastly, i hope this means you're going to be removing the age mechanic, when you mention making the game more aimed at a casual audience. That is the mechanic that hits jobbies the hardest. Not only that, the majority don't like it... So, there is that too.
  31. 3 points
    I'll be brushing up on my necromancy, just in case.
  32. 3 points
    Become millionaires trading mounts and resources. Then find a secluded ocean location dive to the bottom and place a chest. Put all your gold in it and leave it unlocked. Make a riddle to where it is. Be satisfied you have added content for others.
  33. 2 points
    Hello fellow pirates, After almost 200 hours playing this "game" my schooner sunk alongside with my patience. I was saying to everyone "the game sucks in terms of development but it is fun to play you should get it" but after spending this much time in the game and looking back this game is nothing more than frustration after frustration. Let's start from the beginning, first off all it took ages to find a place to set up base and by base I mean, 1 Flag radius. After that we started our galleon which took ages to build but that's besides the point, took it to the sea and lost it because we died at the same time and couldn't spawn inside the ship while we were being attacked by a SoD ship. My question is, how the hell the most basic stuff is not working properly, THE SPAWN! Moving forward, we sucked it up and decided not to waste time on a galleon and get a schooner for each member. We built 2 schooners initially, one of them lasted 2 days, until we tried to get a purple chest, lowered the anchor the ship glitched out and sunk. Once again, we were kinda "fuck it, its a schooner, we can build another one relatively fast". In the meantime we built 3 more schooners, today one of them sunk again. Why? Well, was doing the farming run, was about to drop the wood inside the chest and got stuck in between to planks, super frustrated accidentally removed a plank from the ship, guess what, because I was stuck couldn't repair it and another schooner sunk. And this is just the adventure regarding ships, there is plenty more in those 200 hours, like being stuck in pretty much every single asset in this game, stuck on doors, stuck on gates, stuck inside animals, stuck on ladders, stuck on ships, stuck between trees, being attacked for alphas because (horses, rabbits for example) walk against you, get upset, and kill you, animals stuck on ships, like yesterday took us almost 15 minutes to get rid of our elephant stuck on one of our schooners the list goes on and on. Please don't be a fan boy and don't come here saying "Oh its in alpha/beta, blah blah blah" that's shit, the game is broken, the most fundamental stuff doesn't work. I bought this game because it has potential, IT DOES, but not the way the dev team does stuff. Instead of fixing the game's core, and by that I mean for example collisions, they are worried about stone walls, krakens and shit when 70% of the player base can't even do the first power stone due the ridiculous amount of animals on the islands. I am not one to criticise without trying to help so there is a list of things you should consider fixing before changing "Stone Walls" - Make the power stone islands hard but challenging a) Reduce the amount of creatures | b) Lower their levels c) get rid of that BS (creatures) all together and incorporate the treasure hunting into that. Like find a set of keys to open the door for hydra and the hydra will give you the power stone itself. - Sort out the cluster fuck the FoY / Power Stone island is a) fast decay on anchored ships for example would prevent people from leaving the ships there, causing a massive lag and frame drops to others who are trying to reach the FoY / PS - Sort out the claiming situation, because it is absolutely atrocious. a 15*15 grid = 255 Sectors * 4 Islands each sector = 900 Islands to claim (I know this number isn't real because you have free ports, lawless zones, PS islands and sectors with less than 4 islands) How are you going to have space even for 5K players? - Food / Drinks / Vitamins Mechanics a) get rid of it because everyone rather die than care about the broken mechanics. b) find a way to make it worthwhile to care about, for example giving small boosts of speed, damage or whatever when you have the vitamins at certain levels or whatever. - Alphas, completely useless. The game does not need alphas period. Last but not least, make your devs play the game, because most of this stuff would be fixed already if you guys played your own game for a couple hours. I would like to say it was a good experience and I/we (my company) will be back, but it wasn't and not sure if we will come back, things need to change a lot and the dev team needs to start working on meaningful stuff alongside balancing whats already in game. Best Regards NesquickPT
  34. 2 points
    Please please please do something about the claim overlapping issue. Someone claiming someone elses area should not result in my company losing their stuff. Especially now that sleeping bodies will not contest.
  35. 2 points
    Where does any definition of "official" state it is not solo gameplay or that solo gameplay is not allowed?
  36. 2 points
    Yes they would because as solo players they would still need to log in every few days which impacts their real life. And yet they have loads of friends. For example I travel for 4 days every 2 weeks and take at least x1 14 day vacation every year. This has nothing to do with friends or socially inept. This is a choice to play solo which for the moment the game allows and Jat himself just said that they want to encourage it. Anyway, Jat is now talking about 2 weeks inactive for 1 claim. As you see the developers do not believe in your 'friends' theory.
  37. 2 points
    Basically how I see it in terms of the devs would be if you aren't hearing from us its because we are too busy enjoying your game to pause and leave nice messages, when we rage though we will run here and post vicious hate filled threads about every gripe we can. While not doing much to bolster a positive relationship, it is an all too familiar pattern to most online games anymore.
  38. 2 points
    Only when it’s anchored. If the player you’re getting a lift of unanchors it, you’ll be fine. this suggests you’re not getting a lift at all and looking to board it.
  39. 2 points
    I'm not sure if you're talking about pvp or pve, but I think claims have a different purpose depending on the server type. On pve, the only reason to free up someone's claim is because they've left the game, because there's no fighting over claims there. Putting a gold cost on a claim doesn't have anything to do with whether a player is active. Usually something like that is added because you need a gold sink, not to influence claim time. I completely disagree that land should all be controlled by large companies on pve. (Not sure how or why you feel this is "realistic") Your idea that smaller companies should form alliances to become bigger and control land isn't bad necessarily, but there's no mechanics behind alliances that allow an alliance to share a claim, as far as I can tell. There's no way to do that. I think alliances are a much better way to manage land than making everyone belong to huge companies, though. The devs have said they'd like to have towns and cities in the game. I think it would be better to put some mechanics behind those and let companies ally with others to create them, rather than doing everything through alliances. That would take care of group land management. But it still leaves the question of claim time. Since the game is new, people who are playing it and liking it tend to log in every day and spend a lot of time in it. After the rush of a new game wears off, the players who are sticking around will not play so intensely. They'll take vacations, get sent on business trips, study for finals, etc. Hell, where I live we typically lose power for 3 or 4 days every winter. 3 days is not enough time to declare someone's left the game, and since that's the entire purpose of dormant claims on pve, I'm glad they changed it.
  40. 2 points
    Not sure about the friend part, but the other is an idea, earn something to increase claim time. Shows you're active if you're willing to make said item.
  41. 2 points
    Not sure what PVE server you play on?! There was 100% a problem with people not being able to claim land on NA PVE due to inactive sleepers. It was extremely rare for someone to find land that was not being blocked by a sleeper. On that note, I do feel 3 days is short and have faith that that value will be changed soon.
  42. 2 points
    If you think there's a "limited amount of land" on PVE servers you're high as fuck or don't play your own game, there are hundreds of stealable claims right now from people who haven't been on since Day 1, let alone a three-day timer. I have a 5 day vacation coming up from the 12th-17th and sleeping in my own claim apparently isn't going to be good enough to hold my own land even though I've played 473 hours since release? Here's a thought -- active time spent on a claim contributes to bonus upkeep. Inactive players/unused claims wouldn't benefit from a basic run-through, but would still be reset to a three-day. Claims that are used often would stack a ton of extra time over time, making them harder to take. This isn't really a hard concept to work out and I'm not sure why your team struggles so much with basic gameplay/balance concepts.
  43. 2 points
    Damn guys, I am a little disappointed. i knew numbers were going to drop. I not only predicted it but actually wanted it to. I wanted the state of the game to stay in mediocre status but now I am getting a little worried. It dropped over 2% just recently. yeah sure guys it’s EA blah blah blah. nope sorry, this is wildcard. The whole reason I am writing this is because we have now came to the pivotal moment where atlas has gone beyond arks worst numbers ever. this number happens to be about 3 years and 5 months after the EA release. so no matter what anybody says about numbers dropping during EA, sorry ark numbers don’t and this is the same company. Really don’t care about other companies right now. ark was a success..... ah I won’t bother with the rest we are to the point that 1 out of every 3 people have already left. I am going to like the Xbox servers, that is all I am going to say.
  44. 2 points
    Self made problem, a great game idea on suicide trip : - combat divers can offline sink any ship they want with just 2 oil jars and 1 flame arrow - combat gliders can fly forever at light speed sinking whomever they want - stone walls can be built on only 24% of the islands - stone was nerfed to a state, where trolls can raid everything at minimum cost. - fountain of youth debuff. Jat, please denonstrate me getting the fountain running through 100 light speed one hit cyclopses ... the list of Wildcard balance failure is endless
  45. 2 points
    If they just spawned randomly in the sea I would be fine, but the homing mechanic is the problem
  46. 2 points
    Devs seem not to respond to anything or anyone,,no roadmap or feedback, its not good enough.
  47. 2 points
    The land meta atm seems to be horses/bears + swivel guns. Beats anyone on foot with ease. Carbines and pistols don't do enough damage to be any use against it since they can quickly retreat and use the healing aura and be back to full health in a few seconds.
  48. 2 points
    These might be helpful for some of you!
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