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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2019 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Dear Jat/Dollie/other Grapeshot staff, The Ice Cave is brilliant, well done. Cargo racks, the harpoon and new weapons as well. I’m not into tames, but the new ones are cute enough. But let’s address the torpedo in the room. We’re all having a wonderful time loading up common schooners with one-sided 5 torpedo launcher builds and griefing legendary ships (video coming soon). But even a cursory glance at concurrent players proves this update, combined with your completely arbitrary and now-reverted bans, has mortally wounded your game. As an eternal optimist, I think you can recover if you remove torpedos and take a moment to balance them, much like you did with explosive barrels. In my estimation, this needs to happen this weekend or you’ll face a dramatic loss in game testers. You may or may not care about this, but if you do, please continue reading. The primary mode of PvP in your game is ship combat. Without it, you don’t have a game. Land combat is buggy, laggy, and generally unenjoyable for most people. If more than 30 people are in the grid, it’s virtually unplayable. The end-game objective, as far as I can tell, consists of farming rare resources, finding powerful blueprints, building a strong ship, and fighting your enemies with it. That has kept a lot of us around through the six months of testing so far. Common torpedos on a common schooner are doing 9-11.5k damage to ships. That typically means taking 1-3 planks off a ship with anything less than 180% durability mythical/legendary defenses. If more than one torpedo lands, goodbye to half your ship, regardless of quality. The resulting meta is common schooners with 3-5 torpedo launchers running at 15-20 percent weight. Most major companies aren’t letting their blueprinted ships leave the harbor because of this, as I’m sure you’ve heard on your Discord. Yes, the cost of torpedos is punishing, but quite easy for advanced companies to manage. I feel the most regret for smaller groups who can’t farm those resources and thereby stand no chance. Torpedos are an interesting, visually appealing addition to the game. With some tweaking, I think they would be fantastic. But as it stands, they’ve removed all impetus to pursue your intended ship combat advancement hierarchy. For now, we’ll take advantage of this obviously unintended and broken meta. I do hope you’ll keep your word, listen to your player base, and make the necessary changes. If not, you may as well continue investing development time into tames and PvE mechanics, as people clearly aren’t sticking around to sail the 2-4 hours necessary to find another populated grid worth engaging. Thank you, and have a great weekend.
  2. 6 points
    hi everyone, just wanted to give a shout out and a warm thank you for the wonderful admins on the official servers, i had an issue with a glitched foundation and they fixed it within hours of me reporting it. great work and a special thanks to @Voodoofor helping me out. much appreciated
  3. 2 points
    I don't have a gamepad and I have it. Actually blocks the anchor icon...not a fan.
  4. 2 points
    Well I did call that rattlesnake a racist Nazi for using tarot cards at our last poker night. That's probably why he hates me. What a culturally insensitive ass.
  5. 2 points
    They have Manta Rabies! ~Lotus
  6. 2 points
    Hi Team, The schooner's lower deck sits quite high and at the beam, only half of the paintable trim from the lower planks is visible to be targeted for repairs. This makes repairs very challenging during combat or rolling seas. Since the deck position is dictated by wall height, would you please adjust the planks on the schooner such that we have at least a foot or so to target, at the narrowest? The blue line in the image is the uppermost part of the lower planks.
  7. 2 points
    New weapon type: Laser gun. Because who cares about pirates? New tame: Shark. Harvests fish by pacman'ing over them. Can be equipped with "Freakin Laser Beam" to gain long-range attack Players who defeat the Kraken 5 times during the night of a full moon while sacrificing a live chicken and successfully not getting blood on their gaming chair will unlock the ability to build and pilot an AT-AT. Because, and we cannot stress this enough, who the hell cares about pirates?
  8. 1 point
    Guys i really enjoy my pirate life inside your persistant Atlas world. I just dont like how you absolutely focus on mega patches only for mega tribes. I am quite sure that the majority of your players are solos/small tribes/casuals. Why lock them out from fun stuff like subs and torpedoes ? One of the big advantages in Conan Exiles is the ability for everybody to gain anything solo. Not easily, but with the correct preparation and planning. Please consider a similar strategy and i am quite sure that the 50.000 players from game launch in december will be back here soon. Dont let the Atlas galleon crush into the next iceberg.
  9. 1 point
    Does anyone else agree there should be higher XP points given for sailing? I literally spend most of my time sailing and transporting stuff from one side of the map to the other and get no XP for it. last nite for example I traveled from L11 to H7 with a fully loaded Galleon with a cargo rack. Basically dodging SOTD, storms, wind shifts, etc. for 4 hours. Got no XP for it. Personally, if you can dodge a big slow boat like that, there should be ample points for it. Anyone else think that the XP given for sailing is way too low?
  10. 1 point
    The ability to designate embark destination on ship deck for pets. Function for pets to disembark ship. Ships able to anchor on underwater stone tier platforms. 'Loot all' keybinding. When looting own corpse equipment automatically requips unless broken. Unstuck console command that teleports player or tame several feet away only usable outside of combat. (1 day cool down for duration of early access) Ability to right click resources in resource chest and designate desired amount to move to inventory. Allow 30% clipping of placable building pieces for more seemless construction. (Such as on cliff side platforms.) Enclosed structures provide protection from elements or visual indicator that shows protection in effect. Option to rename ship in case of spelling errors. Option to unclaim personal ships. Ability to save paint template for ease of repainting replaced ship planks. Map table placable that shows designated course to everyone who interacts with the table after Captain designates destination. Paint that doesn't look like a thin white wash and actually paints the ship solid colors. Ability to Unseat or Reseat All Cannon Crew. Paint thinner to remove paint in a section. Allow ships to tow via deck mounted grapple (only works on unanchored ships and factors in ships total weight.) Ability to change the user indicator on the map to something that doesn't blend in with player claims. Option to allow Allied company members to use cannons and ballista. Option to allow Allied Company to use spawn or place bed/ temp spawn on ship. Allow nearby crafting stations to craft using Ship Resource Chest within range.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I used Honey and it worked. Drag honey in your inventory onto the fishing net.
  13. 1 point
    Would prefer to see wind direction in the regions as an overlay on the atlas map, then you could see which regions would likely give you the best travel speed. Maybe something added via the sextant tree. Currently stuck in K6 for last 2 days, I need to rejuv, 3 regions from golden zone.. but it's due west and the wind always seems to be from the east..
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    *starts scribbling notes, ignoring the fact this is all posted in written form.* Oooo yeah, good ideas, good ideas. Maybe we could even have crew HMO's for their health care needs and you couldn't leave port until paying the harbormaster your crew's premium that you have to cover as their employer. And in the finest traditions of the IRS, you would be responsible for doing all the math to figure out what you owed, instead of just being presented a bill like pretty much every other @#$%ing organization on earth. (Seriously, why do we as US taxpayers still put up with this nonsense?) Here's the icing on the cake: A mini game (since everyone LOVES the mini games in Atlas) that you'd have to play to pay the harbormaster the correct amount or face a surcharge penalty for being off slightly. The penalty would bear no meaningful or rational relationship to the amount of the error, just an arbitrary figure taken out of your pocket. Doesn't that sound like fun?
  16. 1 point
    Very well written, well reasoned, and clearly presented. Kudos. This is what high quality feedback looks like.
  17. 1 point
    *runs off to the suggestion forums to suggest barnacles that need cleaning once per week or more or negatively impact speed.*
  18. 1 point
    Manta Rabies sounds like a great name for a garage band from Daytona.
  19. 1 point
    It's an aggro mechanic. Wild creatures that aggro on you then aggro on any structures you own if you are not nearby or available to target. It prevents exploits. No it's not super realistic, but it's important for game play reasons. It won't be fixed because it isn't broken. Games are not always reflective of reality, particularly pirate fantasy games with cyclops and hydras and krakens.
  20. 1 point
    Weird. My Eta marker for the next island over just says "Give up and learn to herd goats you hopeless landlubber."
  21. 1 point
    Looks to me like the island probably had 20% tax set which means you lose 20% gold from the hunt. P.S. Only resources are additive tax, gold is not.
  22. 1 point
    Do you know EVE Online? The mmo with the purest and most unforgiving asymmettical pvp ever? Guess what, there are people in the game that will single handedly wipe the floor with your lousy, ignorant, arrogant ass. Or at least they will escape in 99.9% of the cases. I find it incredibly repulsive and arrogant for a member of a big tribe to tell the smaller ones to just become bigger and that it was ok to lock smaller tribes out of the chances of ever succeeding against a larger group. Fucking brainless zerg wankers. It is a fundamental flaw with the game that progress of any sort is always one dimensional. Bigger is always better. Larger numbers are always better. There is no way of exploiting the fact that the opposition brought too many big guns and too few of the small ones.
  23. 1 point
    But can the cat wear Boots???? And wear a hat with a parrot feather??......
  24. 1 point
    Thanks for acknowledging one of our GM's, it's kind of you. Voodoo is a good egg.
  25. 1 point
    Yes people do not want to settle on island which is claimed by someone else is a bigger problem. And most of them don't know about new tax system. And those who know say that they don't want to give someone free resources. And there are many companies who are letting people live and are really friendly.
  26. 1 point
    Seemed to me that he was talking about how the game is too hard for smaller tribes to do the high end content. People can group up. If people have a problem with people grouping then they are playing the wrong game. It's that simple... ~Lotus
  27. 1 point
    The amount of time it takes to get from point A to B varies greatly because of things like captains ability, wind, and weather. The estimate would be about as accurate as their eta on everything else.
  28. 1 point
    Was my post, at all helpful to you? You have to be very diligent about identifying the mutations, and NOT using bad mutations for breeding. Somebody can correct me if I am wrong, but AFAIK, a mutation doesn't have to be passed along, to still have the mutations saying, for instance, 1/20. In other words, let's say your male bear had a mutated Melee stat, and that is higher than the female. But the baby comes out with the mom's melee state...when you check the baby's mutations, it still says, 1/20, just like the dad. That count is really just keeping count of the mutations that occurred in the breeding line, on both the paternal, and maternal sides. Trust me on this...the most tenacious breeders toss away a lot of babies...good babies...to get what they want. But, you also have to throw away a lot of bad babies...a lot of bad babies. Keeping track of those mutations is a must. One slip up can ruin your whole breeding line, especially if you are not retaining all of the parents. Without those parents, you can't backtrack to get rid of an unwanted mutation. Now, I don't know yet, if Atlas is allowing what we did in ARK, but in ARK, this is what we did. Breed for just Melee mutations only. You keep breeding for just Melee mutations until both the maternal and paternal mutations are maxxed out. Then you set some babies aside with that max melee, and start doing the same with "clean" parents...no mutations...and look for health mutations. Repeat the same process. Breed the max melee babies with the max health babies. Look for babies that catch both stats. There may be a limit to this on Atlas, and in fact, I am sure there is. But this just makes it even more important not to waste mutations on useless stats. 1. Melee and Health. 2. Stamina and Weight. All others are basically useless. If you cannot see the mutation, it is not a keeper. Make that baby a company bear, for general use. Also, all mutations include both a color, and a stat mutation. Also, while rare, a negative mutation can occur...so again, the dad can have a 9 melee, and the mom a 7, and the baby get a 7 melee, which is the dad's melee, mutated negatively to be the same as the mothers. But again, don't let this be complicated...if you can't see a good mutation...stop worrying about it...you didn't get a good mutation. It's NOT a breeder. In other words, if you were looking for a Health or Melee mutation, and it says the dad gave the mutation, but you don't see a health or melee stat better than the dad's...you didn't get what you were looking for. Don't breed that baby.
  29. 1 point
    There you go, knew I wasn't going mad... Just now, Schooner, strong wind, no storm 22.05 kts. (25% full) ...means at ~50% weight (assuming 90% of speed), this baby bird does +20.25 kts. It's not called the "HMS Gilmour" for nothing !
  30. 1 point
    The solution is crazy simple. 1. Anchored boats can not take or deal dmg. This is all that is needed to address that for the most part. I would however add some changes to consider, but these are ansilary compared to this much needed solution. - make free ports...wait for it....ports. dock for a fee and your boat is stored, safe and sound. - add a bank to freeports. You can save things in it. - and to free up some space, ffs, crack down on these god, damn, megas that are consuming multiple grids.
  31. 1 point
    Interesting, on my attempt, I had absolutely no need for fires, in fact, in the western temperate zone we are stationed, any fire would occasionally overheat the bear, so, yea. Also, I don't think breeding herbivores is impossible by any means, nor is it hard at all. In fact, no breeding is "hard" at all, actually it is super easy. It is just way too time consuming, as well as too punishing in some cases. Another reason why herbivores are way easier to breed, apart from the obvious spoil timer, has to be the weight. Most herbivores have pretty good carry weight when fully grown, so naturally, it also takes less time for them to carry enough food to enable you to go out and do other stuff. And I notice people mentioning that "this is just like in Ark", but that is obviously not an excuse, in fact, it's more another reason to improve on the system.
  32. 1 point
    Starting to wonder if a lot of people here just want an arcade shooter/pirate game that provides them all the content. I always thought games like this are amazing because we ARE the content.
  33. 1 point
    Take part in your own official forums more instead faffing about on reddit, clear professional community interaction instead of everywhere except your own platform. The official forum should be THE source of information and discussion.
  34. 1 point
    There is another issue that people miss. Seagulls. Seagulls love landing on boats. Seagulls count towards your crew cap. Seagulls sink ships. We lost (2) to seagulls last week. My company mate who lost those (2) ships now shoots every seagull he sees. He wants them wiped from the map. I don't blame him. Seagulls are assholes.
  35. 1 point
    New Ships: Frigate, Trading Ship, Fishing Ship, Company Ship of the Line New SailType XLarge Sails New Shipyard New Deko Objects 20+ New Animal Dog, Cat More Action on the Sea, Pirates with Normal Ships that is what we need And Pls No Bigger Animals
  36. 1 point
    Likely in more ways than one. Baa Zing! I got ten doubloons that say that old Master Sergeant was in Nam when fragging second lieutenants was a thing.
  37. 1 point
    Along that same line of thought, what if they added a stat to NPCs for Artillery/Cannoneering/Munitions that would increase their effective range and, possibly, reload time? Would make an actual purpose for leveling up crew and putting points into something other than food/hp. Makes sense from a mechanic standpoint as well as being grounded in reality, as accurate distance shooting with artillery requires a decent amount of skill and would need people who specialize in it to be able to hit targets at maximum range.
  38. 1 point
    During ROTC, this old Cajun Master Sergeant drawled, "If your commanding officer uses the word 'orientate', do not follow him."
  39. 1 point
    I think the problem is really manned vs. unmanned range, which seems to be vastly different in favor of manned. For a while, I thought that the problem had to do with NPC agro range; but NPCs on cannons/puckles etc. do appear to track enemies at range - they just won't fire (even though the weapon would definitely hit if manned). I suspect that weapon stations have different ranges depending on whether they're manned by players or NPCs. Basically, the operator should have no bearing on a cannon's max range.
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
    I have completely changed my approach to speed sail preferred stats since I found out this was broken, but will happily rip them all off and replace the moment they get fixed. I feel most sorry for the silent masses who have no idea this is a problem because it isn't visible via the UI. They burn lots of materials and effort on good faith and end up with a Placebo. If you can't, or won't fix it, please update the UI to at least let those people know. After more than a month, it feels dishonest.
  42. 1 point
    Sailing is boring eh.. Well that's on you.. not the game. It is certainly true that not everyone can be pleased, but that's because most people don't like being pleased. They were born to complain. Incidentally: Here's a list of things that are actually boring. Watching paint dry. Waiting for a kettle to boil. Peeling fruit. Sleeping. Walking, Running. Driving a car/motorcycle. Digging your garden. Cooking food. Drinking by yourself. Washing windows. Well.. actually.. pretty much everything. Is boring. You find yourself skirting the main map, hugging the edges of the regions to stay away from sotd etc that's a choice you made. Didin't stop to get some flotsam or dive for a wreck.. that's a choice you made. Put too much weight on your ship.. your fault. Not sailing.. yours. You're boring. Sailing is fun. The even added a net, so you can catch fish.. just by sitting down. The ultimate couch experience.
  43. 1 point
    You tried.. It is terrible and unnecessary.. Nobody wants to go looking for a random spawn on a set of islands for their entire existence, please remove this thing that only hinders the game.
  44. 1 point
    I hate the aging mechanic. It has nothing to do with the game. It was shoehorned into it because one of the dev's through it would be a cool feature. It does not belong in an MMO/Survival game. Now I have to go find the fountain of youth every 90 years or i will forever be 10% or more behind everyone else in stats...
  45. 1 point
    this mechanism is madness... in this environment can be a "fountain of youth" but just like a buff you can get once in a while !!! aging on such a structured game is pure madness, having to move endless servers with the probability of dying and losing the ship on long trips... I do not think this game has been proposed as hardcore survival... I can also tolerate vitamins and climate change, but that makes it really frustrating. I advise you to rethink this choice too extreme because in this way you have killed the game for those people who play in small companies and can not be online 24h.
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