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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2019 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    I'm shutting down this thread. As always, genuine feedback and criticism of the game are always appreciated, but let's try and keep the nonsense to a minimum. Rest assured folks, despite Realists' comments, you have no obligation and this isn't your job. It's a game that is currently in development, in which you can share your feedback if you so choose to. We appreciate everyone's comments, whether they're bug reports, suggestions, positive posts, or showing us where we can do better. If you're going to have these sort of discussions on the board, consider ways to phrase them so that they're not so insulting or instigating. Provide suggestions to how you think better feedback could be made, rather than berating people that aren't doing things in the way you would like them to.
  2. 5 points
    New weapon type: Laser gun. Because who cares about pirates? New tame: Shark. Harvests fish by pacman'ing over them. Can be equipped with "Freakin Laser Beam" to gain long-range attack Players who defeat the Kraken 5 times during the night of a full moon while sacrificing a live chicken and successfully not getting blood on their gaming chair will unlock the ability to build and pilot an AT-AT. Because, and we cannot stress this enough, who the hell cares about pirates?
  3. 3 points
    I agree. Some may assume that the people who left, just don't like PvP. I disagree, wholeheartedly. The reason is that when you are wiped, you now have to rebuild everything, and get all new BPs, and gold, and breeding animals, etc.. You have to rebuild a new base, and new ships, etc... You now know that you cannot PvP...you must PvE, to get built back up. This can take many weeks, or months, and you always lose people after a wipe, so you know it will be harder to get back to where you were, and there is no guarantee that you will get back to where you were. You are now at a disadvantage...you are now a "Have Not," and so the enemies have a huge advantage against you. I truly do believe that the reason why people leave, and don't come back can be boiled down to one single word. Morale I don't think Atlas is the only one to suffer this. I think most games like this, have suffered for the same reason, but of all the games I have played like this, Atlas presents the most daunting prospect for rebuilding. And, it isn't just the offline raiding. It's also the online raiding. You not only play "wack-a-mole," but you play, "where-is-the-mole?" So, your suggestion is one I have been thinking about...the need for something that tells you the general vicinity of the enemy. Not pin point, but the general vicinity. I do not have all the answers for this, because I do not know what the Devs can, or would do to fix this. I don't know how far they are willing to go. But, my opinion is that you have to find a way to give people a reason...a real reason, to fight, without that fight costing people everything. That is the problem now. Getting wiped costs you everything. Getting raided costs you nearly everything, because people kill your tames, to see if you are hiding anything good in them, and just to hurt you...and they sink everything they can, and they popcorn every last item they don't want. Not to mention that if they destroyed the container, every last item that was in it, will disappear in 30 minutes. IMHO, that is an easy fix they can do right away. First, make it so the containers can be unlocked with enough damage to the container/crafting station. So now you can get into it without destroying it. Second, find a way to end popcorning. I am not sure how you would do this. It would take a lot of thought, to make sure the fix doesn't become an exploit. Personally, I think they should start up a PvP server where there is NO land wiping, but make it such that you really do have to get out to sea more. So, this is what I would do. Make a central bank at the Freeport. Here, you can store maps, BPs, Gold, and rare resources. Items in the bank cannot be taken from you. While wiping is not possible, raiding is possible. Walls are indestructible. The company bank is now where things are kept, when not on your person, in a ship, or All resources, all maps, all BPs, all gold. The company bank cannot be enclosed within a structure. It has to be semi-vulnerable. The bank is visible to everything on the island. Crew draw gold, crafting stations see BPs, etc.. Make a mechanic that makes things go to this bank when you get near the island, and when you pull them out, a decay timer starts. Or just have the decay timer. The only place these things don't decay, are in the company bank, or the central bank. The company bank is the only thing on the island that the enemy can damage...which unlocks it, allowing them to take things. This also creates a control point for defense. Your primary concern is to defend the bank, which can't be hidden behind indestructible walls. This also reduces, to an extent, the need for a large amount of walls, and defense. You would still want them, but you won't need them all over your island. Another idea is a stable to keep breeders in. You can designate any animal to be a breeder. You take it to a Freeport, and take it to a Stable. You pay gold to keep it there. Not an exorbitant amount, but a reasonable amount. It could be that once an animal is designated a breeder, you can never take it out? Just a thought. Have a limit on how many you can have of each animal type. 1 Male, and 6 females? You can breed them on the Freeport. Stables are rented for the breeding, and then raising the baby. Alter how babies are taken care of, if necessary. Allow them to be transported on ships at an early age, so you can clear out of the Freeport, as soon as possible. This may need some thinking through, but what I am getting at here is this...much of your wealth is protected. Your months of building up breeders, is protected....BUT...many more opportunities to lose small amounts of stuff, are created by having more need to travel back and forth between Freeports. The Lawless areas surrounding Freeports, would now have a real purpose in game. They would be PvP hot spots. You would lose things, now and then, BUT, there would be no more morale killing wipes. You don't lose EVERYTHING in one day. If these methods don't work, the formula that we need is simple Create mechanics that allow you to 100% protect your stuff. Create reasons/mechanics that cause you to have to regularly put a portion of your valuable stuff at risk.
  4. 3 points
    I think it would be a fun addition, presumably, they're different/special, perhaps quest-kills or with unique rewards.
  5. 2 points
    Does anyone else agree there should be higher XP points given for sailing? I literally spend most of my time sailing and transporting stuff from one side of the map to the other and get no XP for it. last nite for example I traveled from L11 to H7 with a fully loaded Galleon with a cargo rack. Basically dodging SOTD, storms, wind shifts, etc. for 4 hours. Got no XP for it. Personally, if you can dodge a big slow boat like that, there should be ample points for it. Anyone else think that the XP given for sailing is way too low?
  6. 2 points
    There are a lot of reasons why players have moved on from Atlas, but, on PvP servers, the constant demolishing of everything one has built (often when offline) is going to be in the top three. The bear cannon - one single asset has probably cost Atlas hundreds or thousands of players. "Hey, it's a PvP game! blah, blah". Yes, I know. I play for the PvP and I've blown into many a base and sunk dozens of ships - I've used it a lot, and I'm telling you that the bear cannon is a ridiculous weapon. We've done a lot of testing on both official and private servers, and a manned bear cannon will out range ANY NPC-manned defensive weapon. That means that all of those defensive positions around your base are utterly useless if you're not also there at the time of the attack. And since there's no in-game notification (other than the log) of an attack across grids, chances are that you won't be present when any particular attack occurs. So, two suggestions: 1. Cut the range of bear-mounted cannons by 50%. Not 10% or 20%... by 50%. It's a serious change, and the folks who enjoy running off your new players will certainly cry bloody murder, but it'll make base defense meaningful again. Seriously, when in all of military history has a towed weapon ever been able to out range a fixed gun emplacement? 2. Allow weapon-mounted NPCs to notify company members (across grids) when they've agro'd on a pathfinder.
  7. 2 points
    Ok if my ship is in motion and i run up steps, I fall out the bottom of the ship. Now a new bug has risen, if a door is open on my ship, i get stuck on it and sometimes fall out the bottom of my ship. When im close to the steering wheel, i float as if i am being pulled feom my ship by a mermaid, but im not near any mermaids. The first bug i mentioned has been with me prewipe but the later bugs have just started postwipe. Tames and npcs no longer rise or fall from the ship as they used to so you're on the right track. Please fix asap as i encounter these bugs daily. Thanks for the hard work put in thus far.
  8. 2 points
    What can't be done as a solo? ~Lotus
  9. 2 points
    The main reason people are leaving PvP is because it's nothing more than a grief fest. There is no OBJECTIVE, REWARD SYSTEM, ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM, or actual REASON to PvP. I stopped playing on PvP because the only time there was PvP was by accident and most of the destroying happened while we were offline. I can't even find a word to describe how bad/stupid/ignorant/boring/sadistic it is. Can anyone help me find a word to describe PvP in Atlas? What is the objective of PvP in Atlas? To just wipe people out and then gloat in Global? It's like a round of Fortnight except that it takes months to build up instead of a few minutes and there is no winner or scoreboard. So when all that work goes down the shitcan because someone figured out an exploit or easy way to grief people offline, who would want to do that all over? I like PvP games and FPS games but this game has ZERO to make me want to play the PvP side right now.
  10. 2 points
    I have noticed the majority of people are bringing cannon brigs, I will be bringing a tentacle brig but we will need more than one ship on tentacles so please throw a couple Ballistas on your decks if you have the space. looking forward to the fight
  11. 2 points
    A friend can get onto a private server, but not NA PVP Official
  12. 2 points
    2 of us in company having same issue
  13. 2 points
    I've had the same problem since today.
  14. 2 points
    Same...and at least 2 others in company are also locked out, I was fine, in game, game went dead, like a server restart, tried to login., hanging like a donkey on Loading PrimalGameData_BP have tried steam restart, 3 game restarts, rejoin and join new.
  15. 2 points
    That sounds interesting, may I add leaving doors and gates destructible. leading to points of weakness, needing defences, like real castles / fortifications.
  16. 2 points
    Yeah, after thinking about it I do realize I could have worded things better. Sometimes it is a heat of the moment kind of thing. and I know right? There is a lot of people that just try to shut down others because they disagree with them. I really don’t like to tolerate that kind of behavior so o do tend to be harder on others that are like that. on a good note though I am very excited for the console release. I am just really wanting it to be in a lot better shape than it is and right now it is only the pc players that can make it that way. i give the devs plenty of responsibility for their actions but I also can’t let certain players just act completely innocent either.
  17. 2 points
    I kinda get what he is saying, as I do consider myself and my group beta testers more or less for this game. Even if we don't, we still want the game to be good, no? I remain positive, most of the time when it comes to the game, that most of the kinks will be ironed out. I think the game has come quite a ways from it's rather disastrous launch. Don't think for a minute that I think the game is perfect, it is not even close to being anywhere remotely considered a game I'd recommend to the general public. I do like the game but I do have plenty of gripes with it, from the servers straining with larger groups of players, to the lag structures bring, the pain in the butt taming process, and the huge grind for a boat that is doomed to sink 30 seconds later. Let's also not forget the offline raiding that plagues many. But the game does seem like, with the way things are and the sample of players on the forums who's responses I can read, to be on a downward spiral. The game needs some serious attention in many key aspects if it wishes to be a game that people (other than myself) will want to play. I have plenty of ideas, but I don't like to share them until they are fully thought out and I can present them in a non-rambling easy-to-follow manner. Usually someone beats me to the punch on bringing it up, so I usually don't make a post outside of agreement or furthering discussion.
  18. 1 point
    Is there any chance we can get a dinghy for moving cargo? Right now, the only way to move stuff from land bases to sea and vice versa is to carry it by hand, a trip at a time. This motivates people to park their giant ship as close as humanly possible to land, weaving through the million shipyards to try and not have a 3 minute swim to your boat (dodging sharks the whole time). Could we get a cargo moving dinghy-style ship that we can load up with a reasonable amount of cargo, move to our ship, and then retract into the dinghy launch? That would allow us to bulk move stuff on or off the ship and park further out.
  19. 1 point
    Hi all making a new event to take down the kraken 1.0 for getting the sub. All are welcome to join. The event Will take place friday 7.june at 09:30 pm CEST. We will do a meet up in G8 at the north Island as last time. Will sail at 9 pm. If you Just want meet directly in H8 that's fine aswell. Participants need to bring a battle brig or galleon to the fight. When you sign up please put in this info. This so it's easier to count how many we are. If we get 70 people like last time we will have to Split i to 2 groups to avoid a lag party. If that is the case i Will assign groups and time for 2 group. Example Company name: Lost Vikings Boat: battle brig Players joining: 1 Hope to see all and happy sailing
  20. 1 point
    The solution is crazy simple. 1. Anchored boats can not take or deal dmg. This is all that is needed to address that for the most part. I would however add some changes to consider, but these are ansilary compared to this much needed solution. - make free ports...wait for it....ports. dock for a fee and your boat is stored, safe and sound. - add a bank to freeports. You can save things in it. - and to free up some space, ffs, crack down on these god, damn, megas that are consuming multiple grids.
  21. 1 point
    higher XP for sailing AND ship battles would be a welcome change. currently it takes so long to reach max level in a ship that the mythical ship yards are even more pointless than they would be otherwise. it's a little off-topic but there should be another advantage to crafting a ship with a mythical ship yard. leveling faster may be an idea.
  22. 1 point
    Company: Fairy Tail Ship: 2 battle brigs - Swift and Amphatrite Players: 4 possibly 5 EDIT: Apologies we have to pull out. One of our ships is "stuck" in mid ocean. We have tried everything we can think of to move it with no effect. We are currently waiting on the bug report system for help to get it "unstuck".
  23. 1 point
    All I care is that Tarot contains a spread for "summon unnatural wind"
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    Jepp, diesen Beitrag.
  27. 1 point
    Same here, and in about 10 minutes my imprints are screwed
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    ok so im not the only one having this issue with the update, im glad
  30. 1 point
    Along that same line of thought, what if they added a stat to NPCs for Artillery/Cannoneering/Munitions that would increase their effective range and, possibly, reload time? Would make an actual purpose for leveling up crew and putting points into something other than food/hp. Makes sense from a mechanic standpoint as well as being grounded in reality, as accurate distance shooting with artillery requires a decent amount of skill and would need people who specialize in it to be able to hit targets at maximum range.
  31. 1 point
    Absolutly right, Sir! For Wood(elephant), Fiber(bear), Stone(Rhino) and Thatch(giraffe) -> tames are the weapon of choice For metal pickaxe + hand harvest is best because the rhino has no extra on metal just on stone.
  32. 1 point
    Thanks for the report, Ill pass it along
  33. 1 point
    Very large companies will abuse the hell out of Freeports and use them as staging areas to harass people on the other side of the Atlas. There will always be a way around larger company limitations.
  34. 1 point
    Sure, when you buy a product you expect it to work. But if the company selling the product warns you up front that the product is not yet fully functional, then you bought it with that understanding. Either way if you buy it you are still a customer and not an employee. At no point whether the product works or it doesn't, does Maytag have the right to expect me to help fix the refrigerator. If they sell me the refrigerator with a clear warning that the ice maker doesn't work yet and online feedback and input from me may help it to work better in the future, then I have the option as a customer to participate by offering said feedback or not, but under no circumstance am I ever under any obligation to do so. I agree that the EA concept is flawed and a problem in the industry right now. I think studios are being greedy and shortsighted by seeing that they can flip what used to be a cost center in testing to a profit center in EA without stopping to consider the negative ramifications to a game's reputation in the market place when they do so with a far from finished EA game. I think at the moment Atlas is most definately a poster child for this sort of thing. I think by contrast Satisfactory released to EA in March with a game that was out of the gate far closer to a finished product and felt far more like I was getting my money's worth than Atlas did. Contrasting the two reveals one of the problems with EA: it is too all encompassing of a label. The consumer does not know whether he is getting a really enjoyable very playable game at a discount with a few bugs and some content not yet added, or a dumpster fire 2 years away from completion like Atlas. Some clearer standards of disclosure at a minimum are in both the consumer's and ultimately the industry's best long term interests. So I agree that the mixed bag nature is very much a problem. Because of the short term upside to studios, it's unlikely EA will ever just go away, so I think focusing on reform is the way to go. Going back to the refrigerator analogy, I think if Maytag wants to sell you a fridge that is not yet fully functional, there should be requirements that they disclose more clearly and specifically what works out of the box and what doesn't. I also don't think that hurling invective at those that decline to participate in the "job" of making the game better is a very useful or fair approach. This comes across as particularly selfish when you are exhorting others to make the game you are not yet playing better before you buy it. At a minimum you should refrain from it until you have actual skin in the game, and even then I'd consider it poor form. Either way I categorically reject the notion that anything I pay for as a leisure pursuit is a job for me. On this subject I refer you to Mr. Mark Twain: "Work is composed of that which a body is obliged to do. Play is composed of all else."
  35. 1 point
    Nah, I can guarantee you will be long gone before I am. You are already old news as far as I am concerned. You complain about people complaining. Your stay will be short lived because rest assured, this game is going to change and the complainers of the complainers will be gone. time to get used to that. Once console releases I will be pushing a lot of changes. It is time for this game to reach its full potential. we are the future and you are the past. Welcome to the future.
  36. 1 point
    Hey @Dainter Try giving this a go: Right click ATLAS in your Steam Library Select properties and then the tab 'LOCAL FILES' after that, you'll see a button called 'Verify integrity of game files' and let me know if that works out for you!
  37. 1 point
    Sailing is extremely and utterly boring! The worst part about this game is sailing, the times it wastes, and the boring and pointless SOTD/Tornado encounters. There is absolutely nothing that interests me as of current design to make me want to waste my time and effort to sail to other islands. Hell, I am 100 yrs old and still do not care about the FOY quest. I prefer to live, develop, and tame on all of my Lawless base locations which I have spread out all over the map. I would love to see a "Fast Travel" system where you could travel between your beds while retaining all of the items you are already carrying. This should be a pretty easy system to implement.
  38. 1 point
    These are the ships that my daughter and I built, and we had a ton of fun doing so.
  39. 1 point
    hrm.... How fair is it to not read the entire post and then make a statement that is obviously passing judgement on the poster (I meet people like you all the time..). If you're gonna pass judgements on what kind of person he is, basing those judgements on a single sentence (your own post heavily implies this was all you bothered to read btw) is kind of the definition of a knee jerk response. Also, if you can't be bothered to read his post, why should he bother to read your response?
  40. 1 point
    Oh really, it wasn’t like that at first, it was only durability. Then a month ago I saw a thread about what you’re saying and people told OP it wasn’t true, I hope it is true because that would be a good thing.
  41. 1 point
    bad luck I guess, I once got one a while back but I cannot remember where I got it from. I threw it away immediately because it has 0 use to it so why exactly do you want it?
  42. 1 point
    EU PVE I5 Shipwreck Island Crewmembers are resting at cinema.
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
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  46. 1 point
    If you think that's bad. I had one in the mouth of a giant 3 lighthouse tall totam. About 33% of the mobs spawned next to me, 33% at the bottom, 33% at the top. And the shovel point was floating in mid air above an incline. Fuck. That. Noise.
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point
    M12 is also very easy to run solo naked. I'm 88 now so prepping my journey! Can't wait!
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