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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2019 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Atlas Mail is looking for regional delivery associates to begin work after the wipe on NA PvE. Make your own hours. Work from home. Associates will be responsible for picking up mail from their regional hub and delivering it throughout their region. Pay commensurate with number of deliveries. At the Atlas Mail Headquarters in beautiful Framingris Helm, we are expanding rapidly to serve every area of the Atlas. View our new state of the art processing and sorting area - Applicants must show references upon request, and are responsible for providing their own rum. Join Atlas Mail - We're going postal! (This is not a company recruitment ad. Atlas Mail is not a company nor is it affiliated with any Atlas Company. Atlas Mail - it's not just a job, it's...well we don't know what it is yet. But it's a "thing".) (@jatheish @dollie You know, it would take 2 things to do this - item attachments to notes, limit 2 or 3 with weight limits, and a storage box with customizable permissions, ie. specific names have access, or anyone can deposit items, only specific names can remove. Would be a fun idea. Just sayin')
  2. 3 points
    They are not going to listen to any of these ideas. At all. They just showed us that. In all it's glorious wall of text form. All the suggestions and ideas and complaining that the community has given or done we have handed them on a forum silver platter. They completely disregarded all of it and went a different direction.
  3. 2 points
    It would be nice if the crafting worked like repairs for ships. Craft from any station as long as you have the resources in your resource box. This would be for both ships and camps as long as they had their own resource box. (one on each ship, and one in each camp)
  4. 2 points
    I don't agree with the tons of comments and posts about how the changes "cater to the weak!" and other elitist testosterone driven nonsense. What I see coming from this is a reason for the mega tribes to stop acting like this is ARK on boats, and instead sustain a situation where new and solo players can enjoy the game. The meta of mega tribes owning everything and wiping beginners and small companies ensures that eventually the player base is megas and noobs that get wiped and leave. The idea of a more collaborative model where there is a point to playing even if you are not in a huge company means a larger and more sustained player base which means a longer lifespan and more people having fun playing the game. We can always go play ARK when we want the other meta (as I still do as well as playing ATLAS). If being smarter, more strategic, and thinking diplomatically and collaboratively to build your empire is weak I think we have different definitions.
  5. 2 points
    I'm expecting more gates after the wipe.
  6. 2 points
    I’m out. Maybe but Atlas mail doesn’t offer service from Montana BFE cabins Ted.
  7. 2 points
    That’s what is so nice about this new claim system and starting out, you are coming in from the 1st wipe, all buildings, ships, shipyards, pillars and foundations will be gone. All the players who started with the game then quit and all the current players who remained all get the same benefit, it’s a fresh clean start and plus you get a hat. Doesn’t matter if you played on day 1 and quit or if you played until the wipe happens you still get the hat. Kinda looks like the leather hat that already exist in the game but I don’t think this one has any perks to wearing it, try to put it somewhere safe because if you die and you can’t retrieve your belongings because it glitches into the ground you’ll lose it. This new system is going to be great, don’t plan on having land if you are a solo player though, remember there is a decay timer that starts on your ships and structures, there is supposed to be a bank to protect your structures but you have to log in and visually look at your ships to keep them from decaying. So don’t plan on having anything in game after you return from a family vacation or a week in the hospital. Look on the positive side though, you get to find land again and rebuild better than it was to begin with.
  8. 2 points
    There are still alliances. And this is a step in the right direction, claiming wise. A lot of people think this claiming system will ‘be it’ - no. It’s a starting point where the devs are going to improve and balance it through our feedback. This system has way more potentional than the current system. Everyone should be glad, sure if the devs would’ve nailed the whole system in 1 go, that would be better. But well...
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    call up Radial - Behavior - enable/disable Ally Looking
  11. 2 points
    Paying taxes does not make someone a slave. We pay taxes in real life but we aren't slaves. The use of the word slave constantly in regards to Atlas is stupid.
  12. 2 points
    The freaking out about it because we don't have enough information is fine. Everyone could keep quiet about it until the PTR then find the upkeep is too easy and will make griefer landlords happy, on the other hand, if people freak out about it now and raise their concerns, that might change what they plan to provide in the PTR which means less changes after the PTR. So sometimes freaking out about something because there's too little detail can be a good thing, shows people care.
  13. 2 points
    I totally agree on both points tbh. Had it been like you said, the wipe probably wouldn't have been necessary. The only consolation being that it's drummed home the importance of lawless, and opened up everyones eyes for unscrupulous morons spamming foundations. It's human nature to like privacy and living space, but it's so against the game spirit to twat on your fellow players. I'm to the point where they can do what they like in claimable territory, as long as foundation spam, and measures are in place to stop idiots griefing in lawless (especially PvE), then my experience will be enhanced.
  14. 2 points
    We all know what it's like, and it's sad but like 90% of the issues could have been fixed with a hard cap of 5 flags per player. Play solo, 5 flags, Join a company, you can place your 5 flags wherever they want you to but you still have to place them, when you leave, those flags go pop and the land is up for grabs again. Want to claim somewhere new? "You have reached your maximum allowed claimed territory, placing this flag will remove your first flag placed" Done and dusted, why is it so fkn hard for the devs that they insist on taxation without representation and a licence to grief.
  15. 2 points
    No, i've played PVE. But people play what they want, you're probably one of those offline raiders, that would hate offline protection because that means you would actually have to do some pvp before you can raid someone. But i can imagine that it's too hard for the likes of you. Killing someone and stealing their stuff, destroying their ships while their offline ain't pvp. People have the right to play like they want, and when they want. So if they want to go to bed, have to go work, or do other stuff. They want their base, ships etc to be save while no one is online to defend it.
  16. 2 points
    I think he means reverse natural selection, because who gets out and gets the land first? Probably not the people with big jobs or families or ...lives. What landlords will get to have un-griefed claims? Only the ones that can log in every 12 (or X) hours without fail. Christmas with the family? Forget that. You gotta go clear some pillars. I just love the long explanations of how people are supposed to try and try again if they get a bad landlord and publish his name on a list and try again. Pffft. People dropped out of the game in huge masses over lesser frustrations than that. On the bright side, almost any design can work with a playerbase of 25. These people who keep defending this because they expect to be landlords haven't realized yet that the tenants can grief them just as much as they can grief the tenants. Once they do, they won't be quite so hot on the idea.
  17. 2 points
    I’ve thought a fair bit about this, and this is what I’ve come up with: I want a place for us to be able to play and build as we want. With what they’re currently talking about, it sounds like that means we’ll need to claim a whole island. This one claim per island may be a good or bad idea. It will depend on the players to take it in the direction thy want. I tend to view the PvE servers as cooperative, instead of competitive, so that’s how I see us playing. To that end, we’ll be looking for a small island to claim. We’ll have our own section for ourselves, a public harbour with open crafting tables, and probably a community garden. Anybody will be welcome to build on our island, with the only rules being to not build on resource spawns, and don’t grief your neighbours. I’m picturing it being like a moderated lawless island. I don’t want to rule over anybody else, but I also don’t want anybody else to rule over us. I think most players would agree.
  18. 1 point
    I’ve been sailing around gathering discovery points and exploring islands since the announcement of the wipe, there are a few people who are still playing the game and making the best of it as they can. I’ve noticed in my exploration of the islands that some islands have baren landscapes with no resources at all ( none, nota, zilch) but it is still a claimable area. Though you could build here it’s not viable to haul all your materials into the area. We’ve all been saying to limit claims to no more then 5 per account to use across the atlas map, which all sounds good to smaller companies and solo players. Even larger companies would benefit from because the more members they have the more land they accumulate. There in lies the problem. When someone quits playing the game, the land they own and ships they’ve built remain, now being part of a company the ships will transfer ownership as will the land but the idea is to free up the land if someone quits playing. Let’s say 100 claims per island - beach access only- no one wants to cover up resources further in - so that is 20 people at 5 claims per island and at 500 islands should be 10,000 people right. How would you ever hit the mark of 50,000 players unless you were lawless and people could build on top of one another ? This is why the developers have chosen to do away with claim flags. With that being said I’d like to introduce the new claim flag system ( wood, fiber and thatch) it’s called foundation spamming which isn’t new to people in Ark or lawless areas in Atlas, same principle as pillar spamming. Here is my advice, when the wipe happens and the servers restart make plans to call in sick or take a vacation day, that is what I’m opting to do, since any island can now be your home island have a region picked out. No sense in starting at a Freeport and building a ramshackle or raft. Spawn at your home island and create your pickaxe, hatchet and sickle as fast as you can, (hopefully your not in tundra or polar where your going to freeze to death before your able to craft fur armor) start gathering materials and building thatch floors or wooden pillars, ( I think floors have obstruction issues at some places but pillars don’t), take off placing them down in a long line at least until you run into your neighbors foundation, (remind you this could take awhile or or not very long at all) drop back and start again, you’ve now established your claim, length by width. Enjoy, throw a bed down and jump to the next island, repeat the steps above and now you have multiple claims. Once the 1st day is out of the way( hope you were able to find land) go back and start building your bases. I hope this guide helps
  19. 1 point
    trolling again , they will be likened to mini GMs as they will be responsible for keeping their islands that they claimed clean of structure spam , what part of this do u fail to understand , the devs have been really clever here to combat players main concerns with the new system they are allowing players to remove(moderate their own islands) offending structures for a limited time undecided on time scale for pve just because jat and dollie havn't said it what else would u say the landlords are similar too? go on u tell us ? because everyone but u thinks they are going to be moderating their own islands = what a GM with limited abilities, the ability to remove other players structures via the radial menu for limited time = an admin / gamemaster / landlord what ever u call it the devs are allowing them to do it .they dont need to tell us what we can all see with our own eyes , call them what u want a lot of players will just call them GMs or we call them IMs (island moderators)
  20. 1 point
    I’d volunteer for GM and hunt you guys down
  21. 1 point
    I have a Sinclair Spectrum running with 48k of RAM. I still get 90+ FPS in crowded harbours. OK I'm at a rez of 2x3 pixels, but it's still 90+ FPS.
  22. 1 point
    Ha! I am going to Waaaaah waaaah and qq on the forums? Not. I will play a different game.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHEN THEY POSTPONE THE UPDATE, YET AGAIN Nothing in Atlas anyways no point really Just waiting on the wipe before I return
  25. 1 point
    Completely wrong. We can defend against your dream 100 guns one shot front ugly monster creations.... ...by build such a monster creation as well. The point is that we dont want these ships at all. Try out using the wind as a real sailor for a broadside combat. Clearly you have to use your brain and tactics to do so. Not an easy task for teenage one-shot quick gankers without tactical understanding.
  26. 1 point
    no u r wrong , if u want to own an island u will need tenants(players farming) to keep them happy u will have to go around removing structures that are blocking resources , blocking your tenants in , i dont think players are realising what the devs are doing here , they are effectivley making landlords mini gm's,u want tenants on your islands to reduce the amount of time u farm you will need to make it attractive to them , ie keeping it clean of structure spam , the upkeep may be too much for one company we have yet to see what rate of decay wetc they devs have set up
  27. 1 point
    It seems Lawless is still the best place to build in PvE then?
  28. 1 point
    the fact that the landowner can demolish your stuff whenever he wants is a huge motivation problem for me and probably many others. we know this community is extremely toxic and so will be most of the landowners. lets face it, the toxic nolife nerd kids will be the first on the island and claim it. how many islands are on the map right now? i have no clue but lets say its 1000 islands. we know they will add new islands/biomes with the patch so we get probably a few hundred more. lets say we will have 1200 islands. on patchday alot of players will try atlas again and we will probably see 50k+ people online. 1200 landowners and 48800 taxslaves. GREAT CONCEPT! *facepalm* ANSWER ME THIS QUESTION: WHY SHOULD I INVEST ALL MY TIME TO BUILD SOMETHING NICE ON A PIECE OF LAND THATS NOT MINE AND COULD BE DEMOLISHED ANYTIME JUST BECAUSE THE LANDOWNER GETS JEALOUS, IS A TOXIC KID OR SIMPLY DOESNT LIKE ME? even if the landowner is a friendly person at the beginning. he could just wake up one morning and say "haha fuck this game i quit but before that lets drop all others on my island and demolish everything hahaha". YOU KNOW THIS SHIT IS GONNA HAPPEN
  29. 1 point
    Yes not everyone will agree but here goes. im thinking PVE but could work in PVP too, nice raging neighbor battles The islands should have predetermined land lots, that are shaped in long strips going from the ocean towards the middle of the island. This would allow every claim to have ocean access for shipyards, as well as have a good area to get mats from. 1 claim per player, companies can try and claim strips that are together. The larger islands could easily have 100+ strip claims, everyone has peace of mind of knowing yay this is my parcel and no one will grief my build here Strips could be about 5 -10 lighthouses wide, which would be more than enough for any mega building projects irl this method was used in farmland grants to avoid someone from blocking off access to a waterway such as a river, it was a solution that worked in real life griefing, and could work in atlas too. I know some people will say but but but, i wanna be able to grab the best land blah blah dont cookie cutter me or ill rage quit etc... But tbh if a little bit of cookie cutter solves most of the unpleasantness of the claim system why not? just an idea which needs to be fleshed out more.
  30. 1 point
    Perhaps "thrall" is a more appropriate term, slaves don't get to keep anything they make or earn as it all belongs to their master. A thrall just lives under someone else power and is forced to do what they are told for fear of repercussions and can eventually buy their freedom from their master.
  31. 1 point
    Not surprised by the result of this poll so far and would most likely get the same results for pvp servers as well. The dev's just don't get it that no one wants to pay taxes and be a slave to the mega's, bu the problem is they only listen to the mega's for input. Reap what you sow.
  32. 1 point
    It’s not that hard to understand. This isn’t a pirate game. You can do pirate stuff, but you can’t be a pirate. This isn’t a survival game. There is survival game aspects, but it’s more annoying than anything else. This is a empire building game. The claim system was implemented to be a major part of that. The flags didn’t work. There were too many problems which seem to have been too deeply implemented in the code for them to fix properly. Instead of rewriting massive amounts of code to implement grids or whatever they decide on a change that allows for whole island claims. The new system works (in theory) for an empire building game in a player versus player game. It doesn’t work in a player versus environment. Then again, empire building doesn’t work in a player versus environment game when there is nothing in the environment to challenge the empire. It was not going to be implemented in PvE! PvE was going to become an open sandbox. The player base complained so loudly that they had to shoe horn it into PvE. That doesn’t change the fact that it doesn’t make sense for PvE. There is still nothing to challenge the building of an empire. The smaller claim flag idea is gone. It was broken and they are not going to fix it. And they are not going to have two different systems for PvP and PvE. The solution was no claims in PvE. Now that they HAD to put it in, it’s going to be “broken” on the PvE side until they have time to fix it to work on BOTH sides. I play PvE. The solution sucks. I fully expect more changes in the future. Until then, I have the same choices as everyone else. Roll with it or play something else. I’m going to roll with it. It’s technically still a beta (although they prefer the term early access, lol)
  33. 1 point
    The moment they make this survival mmo instanced is the moment I quit for sure. Why the heck I am building stuff then? It is a totally other game then.
  34. 1 point
    This poll is biased btw. You have the first 2 worded negatively so they are less appealing. I could Do the same thing and say who wants to be a landlord, control an island and ensuring a fair experience for all. Be a tenant, helping the landlord keep the island you call home a great place to have your base. Then spin the negative I want 1 flag per person and if I settle near a toxic group they will grief me so my claim is useless until I leave or quit the game because the GM's have too much to take care of. I want people to have multiple claims so that casuals can't find land and if they run the risk of a larger group griefing them. (current system). I have a classification system for different tribes. You can be either white pirates, blue pirates, or black pirates. White pirates play the game and wait for griefers to go away. Blue pirates play the game but if you grief them they will grief you back. Black pirates will try to take what you have, these are the griefers. In the top 10, 2 were white, 2 were blue (1 was Lotus, If you throw the first punch well..), 3 were black confirmed (proudly told me how they griefed). From what I heard another was also black (I never had direct interaction for confirmation). The other 2 ??? The point though is that the problem currently has no good solution just a solution that will create less problems. I'm probably going to end up doing what I don't want to do which is write a huge wall of text. (Some of the people I recognize and know I write walls) This wall is going to dwarf those walls. I'm gonna write the wall and make grapeshot pay for it (I'm bored but what am I going to do play atlas ) ~Lotus
  35. 1 point
    As owner of an Island you have the ability to control who builds on it to some degree. In addition there is a decay system where materials need to be added to some sort of station to maintain buildings. This means anything detached from from your base will decay rapidly most likely if you don't do upkeep. It could still be an issue where someone could temporarily make your island hell if they came and spammed thatch foundations everywhere as those who control the island would have to go press delete on them
  36. 1 point
    I hope a system is put in place to not allow single pillars/foundations spammed across a map Beast gates as well..
  37. 1 point
    I think it will be more about deleting people’s stuff rather than tax itself. I don’t think the devs realise they can’t just make it so 1 person can delete all of your buildings. They need to balance it. But then again; We don’t know how long it will take. Maybe it will take 30 secs for 1 structure to remove; then the owner is gonna have a hard time.
  38. 1 point
    I would make Realist the master of GM’s.
  39. 1 point
    5 flags would have been absolutely sufficient for one player. Basically you need one in your base and maybe a second one at the dock... finished.
  40. 1 point
    Because mega tribes will quit, and the devs don't want that.
  41. 1 point
    Mr.X will set taxes to 30%. Then Mr.X will demolish your bedroom with one click and steal your girls. Unfortunately you are not allowed to protect them from Mr. X due to a trash game system (PVE time window not valid for Mister X... your slaver dominus). Weapon building is not allowed for you unworthy dirty slave.
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
    No you understood everything perfectly correct. See my post above where i explained in detail what is wrong about the incoming slave empire system.
  44. 1 point
    A lot of the confusion on the part of the devs quite possibly comes from the fact that they gave people what they asked for, not what they wanted. People asked for "a claim system" which to the devs means taxes and land ownership and management and the tenant system they proposed. They specifically have said several times in the past that "we want the claim system to include other people building on the claimers land" What people WANTED was "the ability to deny others the right to build on a piece of land" which is the exact opposite of the claim system. So they weren't asking for what they wanted (insert conjecture as to why). However, it's abundantly clear that people HATE the idea of taxes. You know where was great for not paying taxes? Lawless. Make everything lawless AND FIX LAWLESS Increase build deny range, not decrease it Make structures rapidly decay based on the number of conjoined structures. 1 piece = 1 minute. 20 pieces = 1 day. Go up from there. Either raise the cap on demolish to 14 days, or allow companies 2 "vacation modes" a year that pop their buildings to 14 days.
  45. 1 point
    To build a ship I need resources, to keep my treasure save I need a home. To make a gold sink I need trading route. To have some fun I need pve things. They going the right way and I and others have the right to express our concerns about the system the choose. If we do not express our concerns then we may have a shitty system. If you happy with the new system, great for you. I'm not. At least for pve, in PvP it could work.
  46. 1 point
    there have been So Many posted requesting a claim flag limit since day one. Devs still not listening.
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
    100 land claims? Wow, i know others have more but there lies the problem. I'm glad they have took flags away or limit them at least. If it gets players back it can only be good thing. I'd much rather live on lawless than risk building on someones land.
  49. 1 point
    well, i got wiped by a mega alliance, dynasty and a couple of their top ten pals. It wasn't fun. They insided and flipped a claim so everyone could build on it, placed mortars and wiped our main base on our grid. Before that, they greifed us for a week straight. Sinking every ship we had, every night, when most of us were offline. weakening our moral and depleting our resources. On the day of the wipe, they came in at 1030 pm eastern, on a sunday night, when most of our guys were trying to go to bed so they could work in the morning, 200 strong verses our 60 remaining guys for a solid 7 hour siege... Talk about a lag fest.. when they figured out we were too strong to wipe conventionally, that's when they had their spy flip the claim and wiped our main base with their mortars. that's when most of us rage quitted, it was 4 am at that point. I would spawn back on a bed every couple hours to see if i could save an island but they still had a 100 chinese people (who were probably just waking up) wiping everything else we had on the grid cycling out each other, keeping the numbers high as they took the grid. We didn't have a chance. That's when my company died, none of us had it in us to start again, in the current state of the game. It was kinda a relief really, a few of us lost jobs and relationships over this game, to keep our community going and protect our investments... god damn. it shouldn't be like that. I'm excited for the changes too. Maybe my gaming community will come back... thats what im hoping for.
  50. 1 point
    “Trolls” I always wonder what is going on in your guys heads. There’s literally a disclaimer before you click buy that says anything could and will change. What are you guys called? Ignorant people? Fine. Then I’m a troll
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