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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2019 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    With the 18.91 Rev 108716 patch, I cannot command NPC crew attached to sails, weapons, or chairs. Single Whistles and radial menus do not work. Only way I could command them was to destroy the object they were seated at, which is not a practical solution. Playing on the A1 unofficial Atlas server, other players are having the same issue.
  2. 4 points
    The NPC crew no longer gets a radial menu and cant be moved once on cannons/chairs etc. Whislte doesnt work either. EU PvE Offical
  3. 3 points
    So I was using "," and then suddenly I couldn't radial menu to unseat crew from a position. Also I can't whistle them to follow etc. I can whistle "T" at an animal and it will follow but crew doesn't do anything. I've reset my keybinds, uninstalled/reinstalled. Anyone have this issue before? How did you resolve it?
  4. 3 points
    cant whistle or unseat crew and its driving me nuts they r wasting gold cause i cant get them off cannons
  5. 3 points
    https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/topic/44352-chemb-using-duped-items-on-eu-pvp/&page=1https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/anh8rz/video_of_chemb_ivanarmybldx_ally_duped_items/ https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/topic/49344-1027-upvotes-post-and-rising-on-reddit-enough-to-get-a-reply-10-of-the-active-playerbase-pretty-much/ https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/topic/49098-chem-b-hackergroup-wiped-another-island-today-devs-dont-care/ https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/topic/49329-infamous-cheaters-chemb-using-downvote-bot-on-reddit-to-hide-post-about-them/ https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/topic/48504-when-are-we-getting-rid-of-the-hackers/ https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/topic/44946-eupvp-chemb-players-nocliping-and-1-hitting-ppl-with-sickles/ https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/topic/41850-all-pvp-eu-server-d2-destroyed-by-chem-b-attack-with-exploids/ https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/topic/47007-whats-with-the-aim-hacking/ https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/am8ndt/clan_ivanarmy_on_pvp_eu_duping_dragons/ https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/anit46/chemb_notorius_aimbotter_pathfinder_headshotting/ https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/anz93j/one_more_vid_of_chemb_duped_items/ https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/asicct/why_delete_this_playatlas/ https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/asonav/so_can_i_get_my_questions_answered_are_you_going/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYzTf-uqHsM&t=8s Prefer to post it here since they keep mass reporting threads on reddit
  6. 3 points
    no the only reason to farm them is they're the only source of ship/cannon blueprints
  7. 3 points
    I sail most of the time but I do also use beds when time doesn't permit me to complete a trip. I live in this place called the real world where I have to be an adult sometimes and I can't plan my life around atlas. If they want to add a config option to remove fast travel for people who want to go hardcore mode that is great go setup a server and get your hard on for sailing but the rest of us have stuff to do and sometimes we have to fast travel to maintain stuff when life happens.
  8. 2 points
    ChemB is openly duping items on EU PvP server. They have a person called Wasp Honey that if duping Legendary rifles with the exact same stats 81 planks with the same stats (More than a blueprint can have in max crafts) There is no point at all playing this game for anyone with this shit going on. Devs? What is going on? RIP atlas The one below is from someone we killed
  9. 2 points
    Devs, please, The hackertribe [??] cleared another island today. During the last week they have wiped 1 or more islands singlehandely each day. Often its just one player. there is millions of streams with evidence. How hard can it be to just ban their accounts? How do you intend to keep your playerbase ? During the weekend we were 100+ people trying to remove them from their island. But they managed to defend their island with 4 people alone during 4 hours. Most of the compayns that get wiped just stop playing the game since there is nothing you can do to defend yourself against them. Yeah i understand that most players that read this think that we should just shape up and play better. We have real bases, with 10-15 defencetowers loaded with NPC's and puckle/swivel guns. But its quite hard to defend when: - Our defencetowers dont detect them. not one single shot from NPC's were fired. - They intsanly headshot you when you get get in LOS with them - Their bears are unkillable - They have unlimited cannonballs on their bears and unlimited with explosive kegs. They dont even bother to offlineraid. We were 10-20 people trying to defend but in vain. Why did they target our base today? We retaliated and did sink all their ships when they were offline. Tomorrow they will attack someone else. I expect half of our company to stop playing today. We have lost tons of shit aginst the french but thats ok since they play fair. The game is great but you have to protect your playerbase.
  10. 2 points
    Cannot interact with NPC crew. Cannot open its inventory, nor can you whistle them off of sails and cannons.
  11. 2 points
    I can not move my crew from there post ie cannons/ sails. Nor can I access their inventory?
  12. 2 points
    Maps have a decay timer that the bottles do not. If you pickup a bottle and get nothing, the map had already expired.
  13. 2 points
    Flags should cost gold or some type of resources
  14. 2 points
    I would hope Deep Sea Trenches might actually be where the help lies. Likely they'll have Jellies there, and people will be down there for the resources etc.
  15. 2 points
    I think he's demonstrating the fact that behind the head taming has been broken for quite some time now for elephants. Trap, no trap, doesn't matter, you can't feed from behind the head. That patch with the 'fix' in it for taming through walls broke elephant taming from any angle except in a very narrow area by its elbow. I don't use traps to tame elephants anymore and taming behind the head is just as broken outside traps as it is in. As to the OP, it really doesn't seem like the devs care enough to fix what they broke. For whatever bizarre reason they took time out of their schedule to break it, but now they can't be bothered to do anything to fix it. People have posted about it in the bugs section, I've posted about it multiple times. As with a lot of things, there has been zero acknowledgement from them.
  16. 2 points
    I suspected this but had not gotten around to verifying it. While 700 distinct shapes would be preferable in a perfect world, in the practical world of limitations of game design I'm perfectly willing to accept this. I can't speak for anyone else, but the prospect of 700 unique islands to explore was a major draw for me in playing this game, so what you're saying here keeps that draw intact. Thanks for putting this out there.
  17. 2 points
    Oh, sorry. I thought you were playing on a real server. Disregard.
  18. 2 points
    The best metric to measure "Top Companies" should be total Discovery Points. This goes with PvE (Powerstones, Whales, exploration) much better anyways.. and its already a measurable in-game number, easy to figure out who is on top. This might help free up land, cause as of now, no one will give up ANY land for new/lawless players because they want that leaderboard spot
  19. 1 point
    Come on Devs. FOR YEARS IN ARK WE ASKED FOR A CHOICE OF GATES, AND YOU WOULDN'T GIVE US THEM. I am sick and tired of having to build structures that are either TOO SMALL or stupidly OVERSIZED, just to fit the gates. Please give us a selection of Gates, or implement the DYNAMIC GATE from the S+ MOD from Ark. Its not difficult and can be implemented quickly. It would also stop so many shit oversized building having to be made. Which in turn will reduce the lag on the servers. WIN WIN WIN. Come on Devs start using some common sense, you've made a great game so far, but implementing Dynamic gates would make total sense. Give the players what they need. Sorry if this sounds aggressive but I love designing good buildings, but can because of the lack of gate choices I am limited to having to build massive ridiculous barns to incorporate the behemoth gate.
  20. 1 point
    Setz dich, machs dir gemütlich und nimm dir einen Grog, ich erzähl dir mal eine Geschichte über "NewChronicles". Sitzt du bequem ? Gut, dann lausche meinen Worten Fremder. NewChronicles ist ein Rollenspielprojekt welches von Rollenspielern für Rollenspieler geschaffen wurde. Wir spielen auf einer eigens kreierten 2x2 Karte welche im Plotverlauf durchaus erweiterbar ist. Es kommt drauf an wie viele mutige Abenteurer und tapfere Seemänner es gibt, welche der Geschichte wirklich auf den Grund gehen und die Geheimnisse entdecken wollen. Wichtig für das Projekt ist der Charakter den du dir überlegst, denn davon lebt dies Alles. Denn der Spaß bei einem solchen Konzept ist es, zu sehen wie sich dein Charakter, und natürlich auch die Anderen, verändern und entwickeln. Du und dein Charakter, ihr werdet gemeinsam Abenteuer erleben welche sowohl ihn als auch deine Ansichten verändern werden. Wir verfolgen hier ein nachhaltiges Konzept und legen daher sehr viel Wert auf ein konsequentes Spiel in allen Bereichen. Von der Kneipenschlägerei bis hin zu einem ausgewachsenen, bewaffnetem Konflikt wirst du hier vieles erleben können, doch es kommt immer darauf an wie du dich verhältst. Ob nun rauer Seebär, eine versoffene Landratte oder ein wahrhaftiger Pirat. Du wirst jegliche Facette der damaligen Zeit ausleben können - sofern du dich traust ! Was erwartet dich also bei uns : Die Möglichkeit sich mit deinem Charakter auszuleben und Geschichte zu schreiben und vor allem auch zu erleben. Eine individuell gestaltete Map mit ausreichenden Inseln zum Erkunden und Geheimnissen auf See Ein aktives und erfahrenes Adminteam welches hilfreich zur Seite steht und gleichermaßen als Spieler aktiv ist Eine Lore bei welche du nur Ingame entdecken und dich daran beteiligen kannst Was wir von unseren Spielern erwarten ? *Trommelwirbel* Natürlich eine Charakter Geschichte. Dies sollte für einen Rollenspieler eigentlich keine Herausforderung sein. Du musst uns keinen Roman hinlegen, es reicht eine Geschichte welche dir als Grundkonzept dient und uns zeigt um was es dir und deinem Charakter geht. Falls du dabei Tipps brauchst helfen wir dir gerne dabei ! Spaß und Enthusiasmus sich auszuleben und den Willen jeden Aspekt des Rollenspiels kennen zu lernen Ein funktionierendes Mikro um auch den Ingame Voice nutzen zu können Informationen zu den Einstellungen und Weiteres findet ihr in unserem Forum. Kommt vorbei und schaut es euch an. Falls ihr Fragen habt joint einfach dem Discord und meldet euch. Unser Team und auch die User stehen euch gern hilfreich zur Seite. Wir freuen uns über jeden, der sich einer Herausforderung stellen will.Komm vorbei und werde Teil der NewChronicles Community
  21. 1 point
    It also applly to ship parts, for 160% mythic parts it is def worth it. Just not so much for 110% stuff.
  22. 1 point
    the max crafting bonus is: (sheet int -100)/20 This bonus is applied to the increase an BP gives. if u have a weapon BP with 160% dmg and get a 10% crafting bonus the resulting weapon has 166% dmg. For Upgrades a percentage (this is different the itemtypes) of this new Increase is applied each upgrade. So the crafting bonus is also applied to each upgrade, with 100/(percent per upgrade) upgrades the crafting bonus is therefore doubled. For minmaxing: Crow gives between 10 and 60% additiv Int. Dolphin Buff gives 50% additive Int. The new int bonus on gear is multiplied to the 100% base int and skilled int. the bonuses are additiv to eachother. For a level 50 char fully skilled in int, with 5 10% bonuses on gear, a 50% crow and the dolphin buff: (100 base + 200 skilled) *1,5 +50 +50 =550% --> 22,5 max crafting bonus. 10 % on items i far from max, and they can be upgraded, as i am mostly solo/duo i have no clue what kind of gear the megas are using. But >100% on gear should be easy possible for them. Now for a high level char we are talking about greater then 50% max bonus. For high level BPs thats worth alot. I respeced to int shortly before i gained a new level, so i could speced back out of int at the next level. Now with the respec potion it can be done anytime (500g?). But if u have good crafted gear for the different biomes (high isolation, %Life %stamina etc), u can also stay in int for a bit/forever. ENJOY your reduced feast cooldowns.
  23. 1 point
    Cool idea. I can see this being added to the upcoming market feature. At your trading stall you could enter an order for goods to be hauled. When you go to a freeport, you could then opt in to carry the goods to their destination. You would have a certain number of hours to complete the task and if you complete it on time, you would get paid in gold from the company that hired you. If you fail, the order to haul goods would become available again and you would get paid nothing.
  24. 1 point
    Yep........Still waiting and hoping for a fix SOON !!
  25. 1 point
    I get this same error on my server. I have a 5x5. only one server that crashes though. Spam in console follow this pattern. [YYYY.MM.DD-HH.MM.SS:MS#][ 0]UWorld::LoadFromFile: Ignored second entry for PrimalItemXXXX_XXX_XX_AoD_X_## [XXXXXXXXXXXX vs YYYYYYYYYYYY] I start my server with the following command. And it has these ports. All are unique for all servers. D2 (31) QP:10080 CP:12080 SP:27080 start ShooterGameServer.exe Ocean?ServerX=3?ServerY=1?AltSaveDirectoryName=31?RCONPort=16080?RCONEnabled=True?MaxPlayers=55?ReservedPlayerSlots=5?ServerAdminPassword=SuperSecret?QueryPort=10080?Port=12080?SeamlessIP=<IP-Adress> -log -server
  26. 1 point
    Oh i know that bug just relog but that was before this patch though
  27. 1 point
    I understand the change and its not perfect but I can tell you it does work. I'll also add when I changed my trap from 3x3 to 4x5 it went from difficult to easy. Mabey because of access or maybe it changes the way it falls. To the second point you make here... I really don't think its the devs don't care. I think if they could fix all the bugs today they would. I bet we find out in the future that the top brass wanted or needed the money and forced this game out... too early. It left an under-sized dev team holding a beta level game the was wrongly called Early Access and push to retail release. This came with a player base that just "paid" to play a game and found themselves in more of a beta tester role that they didn't expect. And a dev team that I expect is just over loaded, that must focus on the very biggest issues first while leaving so many smaller issues under-addressed. I don't know anyone there but I can tell you... Nobody on this dev team want this. Nobody wanted a forum full of rants, 75% bad review or a loss of maybe 80% of their opening peak numbers. I think this will be looked at by game developers in the future when they all sit around the table and hear someone talking about pushing a game out before its ready. If Atlas came out as an open beta and delayed its release a few months we would be in a very different position. Either way, now just I just poked them in the eye, I still support them and this game. I plan to be here a while.
  28. 1 point
    I'm Ok with Cobras, if i can't kill them, i can run faster than them. My pain in the ass are the Lions. They have a kind of glue in their snout
  29. 1 point
    They are different but it wouldn't take much effort to generate different island shapes since the stuff on them is all different in some way or another. Mind you there are still SOME islands with identical features but different foilage etc which does make it look different. The Unofficial I am on has multiple copies of the island I was living on in official and I do agree they were distincly different there was areas under water, or where land was missing but it didn't make sense that the island looked the exact same since those spots should appear differently on the map. But I am hopeful this is something they will adjust before the game comes out of EA because I think it is an important thing to do.
  30. 1 point
    I was thinking about this idea: What about if claim system is removed from PvE and make all those claimed zones like lawless zones BUT with a higher decay time, like 8 or 10 days? I mean, we're pirates, not feudal lords like Life is Feudal MMO, so, what is the point to have this claim system? I understand the meaning on PvP servers, with all the dispute and fight into companies, trying to raid those buildings and more, but, in PvE what is the meaning? "See who has the BIGGEST ONE?" and "Who are the Master Lord of the Kingdom?" Maybe i have a different point of view, i sail by my own, been a real pirate, visiting island by island, trying to find and gather resources and treasures, having just 2 or 3 little bases to save some resources, armor and weapons and respawn places, and maybe a don't see the point of "I want to be the feudal lord of these lands" Would be nice if claim system will be removed or at least, be less complex.
  31. 1 point
    Created a bug report... Lets hope they fix it quick..
  32. 1 point
    please tell me the devs know about this and r working on it?? this is driving me nuts
  33. 1 point
    As of the current patch NPC crew do not work they cannot be accessed seems like they are not there but they are there. current v18.92 They are there but you cant interact with any of them
  34. 1 point
    Im on Official server and since I patched today I cant communicate with NPC Crew members even if I destroy the chairs when I look at them and use E it targets wall or panel behind them I can't control them through my ship commands either not responding at all. Here is what I tried so far to fix this. 1 tried closing game all the way and reopening 2 tried killing self 3 tried killing self then zoning to different server and zoning back 4 tried validating files on steam (Phew long wait for that) 5 tried breaking chairs and talking to them although I can get the radial to show up when I did that I still couldn't get the npc to respond to commands Yes I checked to make sure I had gold on my ship and larder was full. Is there something I am missing to try or am I fundamentally broken now?
  35. 1 point
    Well i've almost 6000 hours of Ark and that never happenned, i'm not telling you it's impossible but it happen actually way too often to not be a bug.
  36. 1 point
    Also they don't drop any loot (REEE)
  37. 1 point
    Why not change the leader board system entirely? Instead of land claims deciding who is top dog make it quest based. Make it a percentage of people with x power stone. So the company has 5% with power stone 1 and 70% with power stone 2. Just give them a score of 5 and 70 respectively add them together for a total score and a max possible score of 900. If you think about it small companies will have a harder time completing the tasks but getting a decent % would be easier. Larger companies can complete the tasks easier but have more people who need the task done thus making it harder to get a good score. In the end only active companies that have experienced that game as a team can be top dog.
  38. 1 point
    Nope. Rates are fine. Actually we have 3 days x2 and 4 days normal rates. Totally fine.
  39. 1 point
    I never used it in my life, so go to a doctor. Done with your drama. Bye
  40. 1 point
    Biggest Dou**** ?!? You are not better! This weekend you was on D9 to do some treasure maps. You called us "Nazis" and other stuff. Whole time you flamed! And here i tell you again: When somebody is blocking anything by mistake -> Ask friendly to open gates or whatever! Cant believe that you open a whine thread here after your hard harassment in D9!!! You are a shame!! Anne Beaglelove, Taming & Trading Gallery, D9 Tranquil Island
  41. 1 point
    I wish. We often have to cut down trees just to have an open area to fight on top of the tallest cliffs
  42. 1 point
    The better question is, how can you know that your (blocked) location is a treasure location? Without this Map you dont know!
  43. 1 point
    We've been documenting this for a while. Please upvote: We've noticed that things tend to do this more in large storage boxes and have started storing all our gear in smithies. No idea if that will work long term, but nothing has converted that we've put in a smithy yet. We're also just avoiding making the super expensive crafts until they deal with the issue (it has been acknowledged at this point).
  44. 1 point
    man you don't die yet and you get an awesome buff so where's the beef???? a 10% loss isn't game changing and the FoY is pretty easy to do nekkid runs to. I would just like to see a glow on the stone islands on the map to denote the FoY instead of having to search forums or the atlas discord.
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    Building my Attic Farm..10 different seeds, each with three plots.
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point
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