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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I have come back after the wipe, i and my team members were dismayed to find that we couldn't damage or kill the army of the damned. after some searching we found AoD are now immune to anything except gun (non-puckle), melee damage and tame damage. why do this? this has turned a fun battle where we would scout the terrain, use tactics and alternate weapons/firepower/traps into a simple battle of might. if you dont have an army of bears or super duper gear you are doomed to a cycle of death-reaquip-death. its very nearly a deal breaker for us, it takes fun out of the game puckle guns are pretty much useless now, and the only time we can use the fun stuff is for boss battles? without the means of practice? i can see now why people do naked death runs to the fountain of youth. could someone please tell us the devs reasoning for doing this? if someone in power reads this please consider changing it back for the pve servers
  2. 2 points
    That's the problem with trolls. They don't actually mean anything they say, they are just fishing for reactions.
  3. 2 points
    We have lost a few ships recently due to bad timing with storms and shallow water. Now we always have replacement planks ready however something we have had happen on every instance is that the regular plank snaps in on the bottom but places on top of an existing gunport plank wasting a replacement and letting more water in while it repairs. My suggestion is to prevent placement of a solid plank on top of gunport planks. now I understand that this might affect placing gunports over solid planks so if it is unable to be coded by type, perhaps we can make the replacement an E menu option similar to the cargoracks "create new container" feature.
  4. 1 point
    Tutorial for Custom-Image-Flags: Select your Favorite Image. Go to http://www.ark-survival.net/en/image-to-board-sign-pnt-converter/ Put in your Image into the Converter. Now Select "Canvas" in the Resolution 1x1 and klick on "Send" (Optional) Now u can choose a custom Color at "Set Colors" Press "Generate Preview" and download it. Thats the important step! Copy your Image or Drag it into [Atlas Folder -> ShooterGame -> Saved -> MyPaintings] and rename it like this: MyFlag_ClaimingFlag_C or Banana_ClaimingFlag_C or… it must end on: _ClaimingFlag_C Now u can get into the Game, select your Brush and run to your Claiming-Flag. Press the left Mouse Button on it and go to "Load Painting from this Type" in the Top left Corner. Now select your Flag. At last you Need to get your Colors (It will Show up on the Right side of your screen) Sorry for my bad english skills. I hope this will help you guys out, cause I didn't find any Tutorials online allready. Good Luck!
  5. 1 point
    So I'm reading a thread on Atlas Reddit filled with all the cryin' souls that just watched the live stream. Blah, Blah, Yada, Yada, you know, same ol stuff different week. Regardless, I come across the following post .... "The stream was basic at best, and the reason again as i stated above is because Dollie and Jat came on to discord voice and gave us the details that should have been in stream not discord voice. Instead of answering questions about cosmetics they should have answered questions like Dollie and Jat did that the majority cared about." Easily raised my eyebrow and thought to myself "What the F#%k". Again .... per usual .... per GS historical norm .... there are information channels that seem to get treated substantially differently than others. If you are not in the right one, you are SOL. So I'm kinda pissy and my son comes in and says "What's up?" I explain to him the separation of information and he just nods and doesn't really say much (Usual response is "I can't believe your still playing that game."). However, on his way out he does say "Forums are for old people, dad." What? What does that even mean? Apparently the general consensus "IS" discord and twitter for gaming info .... at least in his world. So I thought about this as I really don't care for either to be honest, it does make sense. I see the live stream dev panel and I would call all of them young(er). An argument could be made about all info channels should receive the same information, but, I'm trying to stay away from that for the moment. I'm sure that is where this will devolve though. Secondarily, I do not know for certain if Jat and Dollie in discord voice even happened. Seeing as I am an old(er) person (50), my question is .... if you are reading this, are you an old person? Is this forum just filled with edgy curmudgeons shaking their walking sticks at the monitors?
  6. 1 point
    Small Quality of Life suggestion. Make bookshelves like the Mess Table. They extend or stop the spoiltime of Maps. Cheers.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    - you played ARK and dont know what a Bob is? - telling... - look in a mirror or read all the stuff you said you will do when you get online...
  9. 1 point
    If PvX (Imaging something similar to lawless=PVP zones, everywhere else=PVE) and fully supported ship-living is a thing, that might be able to make me come back, even if my company members don't.
  10. 1 point
    Yeah, Boomer is being nice. Your idea has clearly not been thought out very well. You removed any ability to be a pirate. You made it so no ship will ever be worth pirating as they are all only empty discovery ships. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you play PvE and as such probably don't understand how the game was intended to play out. You need to build things with different resources. They put different resources in different locations. You have to go find and harvest these resources. Someone can attempt to pirate your ship (RISK) You might decide to build a base here if its a better location. (REWARD) Then you have to take them back to your base, or one way or another get all resources in 1 location. Someone can pirate your ship WITH the resources (RISK) Now you can build what you wanted to. (REWARD) Its called a Risk/Reward system.
  11. 1 point
    @RealistBut hat hurts my Feelings :,( also you should join EU PVE just to have a walk around our town #JatsHatForZottel
  12. 1 point
    To my knowledge they have not said either way. They have said however that they have not decided if they will wipe or not, and that at least means a wipe is not needed. In the past they have said they would not wipe unless it was needed for technical reasons, but I don't trust them enough to rely on that. There is already a divide between console and PC players, they will perpetuate this with a wipe. And if there is a wipe, does any colsole player believe they can win a claim race with experienced PC players?
  13. 1 point
    Guess the Same as here except Not many ppl Are Reading about a Game thats Not released yet.im just waiting for them to say there is no wipe And everyone that was so sure that there will be One will be pissed
  14. 1 point
    I think your island is actually empty because of your poor personal hygene habits. I can smell you from here. Oh wait, never mind, that's the chitlins cooking.
  15. 1 point
    I only disagreed because you specifically endorsed penalizing solo play. As a general rule of game development, penalizing anything that doesn't negatively impact your game is a poor business decision. The vast majority of the time, incentivizing what you would prefer players to do is a better choice than penalizing player choice that doesn't directly negatively impact others. So from a business perspective I would say penalizing solo play is also not the way to go, while incentivizing teaming in an MMO probably is. When you give players options that let them control their play experience, that creates agency for the player. Games that do well often succeed in maximizing player agency, games that do poorly often minimize it, all other factors being equal.
  16. 1 point
    Tried to suggest this a while ago, hopefully yours will put them over the top. Alternate suggestion: Give player shops a lower spoiltime on maps so that enterprising maphunters could make a business out of shipping and selling them. That would kill two birds with one stone.
  17. 1 point
    Those are the fps i have in our mainbase atm XD so if you can keep those up at our base too you are ready for atlas xd
  18. 1 point
    This is something they need to fix for their stated goal of making this a pirate game. Pirating means melee/ranged attacks on pirates guarding the treasure. Archer attacks on your skeleton archer opponents, followed by the hand to hand battle is very much part of pirate fantasy. If tames are the only way or best way to do something, then this is not a pirate game, this should not be ARK2.0
  19. 1 point
    The system is broke I get it, A 9hr window is to large a time frame for people to protect there stuff. So can we just make all islands people own unattackable unless declared war upon? This simple fix will do wonders for the game and will give folks a chance to actually playing and enjoying it. Right now its impossible to protect yourself. Let the high seas be what they may but for now either give companies 1 island with 24hr protection if they expand beyond that then those additional islands can have a vulnerable timer on them. Let the little guys have a chance for crying out loud.
  20. 1 point
    Easy fix for PvPvE make lawless servers PvP on PvE map
  21. 1 point
    Yes I'm old too, 52. But most of all I've been managing my own business for over 24 years now and I'm flabbergasted that this kind of thread needs to exist. Why the hell we - as your customers need to teach and explain to you how to do your job and how not to piss off your customers? We need to tell you that we like to know that you read our posts on your official forums and hear out our problems? Really? We need to tell you that you should react somehow - even only by emoticon or post that says "I've noted this"? Really? We need to tell you that when your March update turns into May update or beyond that you need to inform your customers about that swiftly and not just hide and be silent and hope that no one notices? Really? You've done piss poor job communicating with your customers, in fact if I would have as incompetent personnel as you appear to be I would fire their ass so hard and fast that they would not find it even with a telescope.
  22. 1 point
    I wish I had more hands so I could give this post 4 thumbs down
  23. 1 point
    *waves his cane furiously in support of all this. Eventually forgets what he is waving for, puts the cane down tentatively and wanders off muttering about how kids these days don't even know Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings.*
  24. 1 point
    I very much understand what you are saying I am old like you in my 50's and I utterly despise Discord!!! I hate that so many of the younger gaming generation is like discord this and discord that the program really sucks its a resource hog with tons of bells and whistles that for me are just useless.... But then again I think a phone is for Phone calls and grit and growl my teeth at the Zombie generation staring at their Cell "phones" I despise consoles and the need for cross play when all it does is keep the PC version from being great because they have to dumb it down for a console! I don't even use Anti Virus's anymore because you can't find one that's simply an anti virus! I prefer Team Speak because it uses very little resources and its easy to communicate via voice without all the other chat channels, beeps and alerts about some cool edgy meme that people have to thumbs up or down, or the silly discord channel applications that do this and that.... blah blah blah.... Yes I am old "A damned retired Network Engineer" with a degree in Software engineering and I find myself despising technology! What was so bad about swiping the damned debit card it was faster and simpler than this freaking insert the card and wait bs at the grocery store!!! Or the Cell Phone digital coupon trend that just irritates me to no end! But yes I wish the proper tools were used for the proper jobs! A voice app like Teamspeak for Voice! An anti virus for you know protecting your computer from virus! And a Phone for making phone calls etc etc... Just sick of these let's put 8 jobs on one thing that only does one of those jobs well and the other 7 lackluster!
  25. 1 point
    1. Regarding the ingame chat channels. If I have been mistaken in my characterization I apologize. It is meaningfully different for their to be channels created by devs or mods that allow access only to certain players, than for player created channels to have devs or mods belonging to and participating in them. I am not hand waving that distinction away so again if my characterization was in error I apologize. Also the ability for developers to have players report exploits through a channel that is not necessarily widely seen is also useful and valuable and I recognize that as a tool the team would have every legitimate reason to want to maintain. However, regardless of whether the channel is dev created or player created, these channels are creating a problem of perception. I did not pull this notion out of thin air. It is one that I have garnered from disparate sources going as far back as the spring. Players who do not know each other have spoken to me or discussed the existence of channels where megas communicate directly with the devs. You should be aware that this is creating and has contributed to a perception of favoritism towards megas amongst players who do not belong to large companies.I think the end result of this perception is personified by Talono, who sees every new development as catering to large companies regardless of whether that is it's intent or effect. I would suggest that going forward the developers should take some time to consider whether maintaining these channels outweighs this negative perception that is perpetuated amongst the remaining playerbase. Regardless of function or utility, the bottom line is that obviously you and Jat cannot afford to belong to or participate in just any player created chat channel that any player or company invites you to ingame, so inevitably this is going to lead to the perception of favoritism. 2. Regarding your explanation of communication channels as being organized into tiers, presumably with the forum being the top tier (fyi hubs imply a wheel like configuration, so describing something as being in tiers and then saying one part if it is a hub is a bit problematic and unclear, but I think I know what you meant), I must respectfully say that my impression over time of the way information is disseminated is at odds with what you describe. I'm the single most active poster you've got on this forum, so presumably I'm fairly active in reading said forums (I realize it's possible to read a lot and not post much), yet there are more occasions than I can count in 9 months where I learn something from someone which they came by from a non forum source like discord or twitter, and to the best of my knowledge that information isn't available on the forums but is highly relevant to the game. I think there has been some improvement in this area, but if the LiveStream Q and A thread is a pinned and locked thread at the top of the forums, why wouldn't a thread with a link to the livestream also be pinned and locked? I had to look elsewhere on the site to even find a link to the livestream you took questions for from the very forums you're not then posting that stream to. 3. Regarding other channels and feedback I think part of the problem is what other channels require of you as developers and moderators to do in order to gain value from those channels. Discord must be sat and watched in real time. Sometimes the conversations there be they voice or text may be useful, sometimes not, but you don't know unless you are there looking for them and focusing on them. The forums allow one to browse desired topics at any time, they don't require real time monitoring. Twitter is limited to 240 characters. The amount of useful feedback that can realistically be offered in Twitter's format I'm going to charitably refer to as small. The amount of that feedback that couldn't just as easily be offered here is zero. This goes to an important point. If the developers use Twitter more extensively to communicate with players than the forums, they are creating the impression accurate or not that this is the best place to get your feedback heard. This encourages players to communicate there rather than here. This has the secondary effect of creating the impression you don't want, or listen to feedback that doesn't fit into Twitter's extremely limited 240 character format. Twitter is useful for short pithy annoucements such as "servers back up" or "loved meeting you guys at E3." It's utility as a medium for meaningful feedback on a game's development is dubious imo. 4. I'm not going to comment extensively on the livestream since I haven't watched it. The second hand impressions I'm getting from sources I trust doesn't lead me to believe it would be a good investment of my time. Take that however you will. 5. There is most certainly the impression that some information is shared exclusively on Discord or Twitter and this is because as I've already referenced I'm one of your most active forum participants and yet in 9 short months there have been numerous instances of being made aware of important information from other players who said they got it from those channels when to the best of my knowledge the information was nowhere to be found on the forums. It seems to me that it would be a fairly simple procedure when one has information to convey to the playerbase to simply post to forums, then Discord, then twitter, so that every channel is equally informed in real time. I am less concerned about acknowledgement of receipt of feedback since I've always operated on the assumption most stuff gets read at some point, but the idea of a CM emoji response to a post that acknowledges it was read by yourself Jat or some other member of the team seems like a great idea. You're gonna read a lot of stuff. I would even venture to say a majority of it doesn't need or require any real response from the team other than to say "hey we saw that." I write more than my fair share of long winded screeds. I do so mostly in down time from work where I've got nothing meaningfully better or more pressing to do (God I love my job.) If you and Jat started trying to match me word for word in response, even I wouldn't consider that a good use of your time. 6. In summary I am less upset if it is true that there are no developer created ingame channels, as you could probably tell, this idea really burned my biscuits. However, I think the team should seriously consider that what you did describe is also problematic from a perception and fairness perspective, and the team really needs to weigh whether those negatives are outweighed by information provided through such channels about exploits. I would suggest that a means for any player to provide information about exploits that was widely promoted might be more suitable, since players in small groups are often just as aware of these things, sometimes even moreso. I think that the team has been slipshod in it's communications with players across different channels and has failed to properly prioritize making sure that the forums are as fully informed as they should be. This should be a fairly easy thing to fix, as it's mostly about one's mindset and habits. I think devoting CM or developer time to monitoring real time channels like discord is cumbersome and of questionable overall value since you are a small team with limited resources. I also think the team may not realize how the visibility of the emphasis it chooses to place on each channel of communication affects player choice of channel negatively away from the forums and towards channels less suitable for in depth meaningful feedback. Making it more apparent and visible that you are montoring the forums is a step in the right direction, but I think it's fair to say there is a perception amongst the playerbase that this dev team has a strong preference for other channels of communication, and that perception has consequences.
  26. 1 point
    I'm not old, just nearly 60. I know what games I like and what games I don't (Ive been playing computer games since 1981, which is longer than many gamers have been alive). I know when a game is going to bore me or when its going to hold my attention. I also know how to use both the forums and discord (and possibly twitter when I think about it). I also am much aware that I don't read 90% of what's on discord because its very hard to follow a particular topic as so many people ask so many things that are all tangled up and no sense to most of them. Forums however, allow me to read things at my leisure. To think about what is said and respond if I want to. Discord and Twitter may be the fad of the younger generation, but it will be replaced at some point. Forums have already been around a long time, from even before MMO's existed, well actually before there was any real graphics. Point is, more information can be given, in a single place in a forum than it can in discord chat. Its all collected in one place and easy to access. Goodness I have no idea what Ive missed on discord overnight, and I have no desire to spend all day trying to find what I last read. If I want to read something in a forum, its relatively easy to find a topic I'm interested in, and ignore the ones I'm not. My second issue. I look at terms like "livestream" and wonder how can something that is pre-recorded be called "live"? To be live means something is done at that time. If it was live then questions asked in the chat can actually be answered in the "livestream". There is no way the wall of text of people asking about a wipe would have been missed. It could have therefore been answered there - in the "livestream" for everyone to hear at same time. Don't call something "live" if you know its recorded. Have the decency to do a proper livestream. And yes, we here in the forums DO like to know you are keeping up with what we write. We know some of what is written here is read, as its already been acknowledged in the "livestream", that some lengthy article have been written on the forums that have been helpful. We however, DO NOT, need an essay for a response when a simple acknowledgement will suffice. AND YES it would be very nice to see a LOT more activity from the company on the forums.
  27. 1 point
    don't be fooled, the wipe is gona happen, they want fresh servers for the newbys. btw where is realist? he is usualy all over these kinds of topics.
  28. 1 point
    I'm old and I agree. The issue is not that much about being old or being young, except that younger people seem more attracted to shiny new things that promote some sense of belonging to some group or other. If you're older you might have learned over time that the important thing is whether a tool suits the purpose. I remember years ago at work when a bunch of people got very very excited about changing all the systems our company used for internal email, calendars, documents, accounting, marketing and sales...for everything...because the idea of client/server had just come out. These apps had all been running on a series of mainframes with boring text interfaces and command line interactions. This group was dazzled by new pc based interfaces with icons you could click on - they were colorful and fun and new. The old system had maybe 200 huge servers grouped in 5 centers around the world serving over 300,000 people. These excited people were all set to replace them with an enormous series of locally run lans, running windows, and were really charged up about it idea. Utterly the wrong tool for the job. So..if the job is to communicate key aspects of the game to a player base located in timezones around the world, with varying amounts of attention and time to spend looking for info, what's the best way to do that? Synchronous or asynchronous communication? Do you put the information in a central place where everyone can come and see it during whatever timeslot they have available? Or do you float it out onto discord where it remains for an hour or so and then disappears into a massive stream of mostly useless remarks? If you have a complex issue to talk about, do you write paragraphs about it or do you chop it up into tiny groups of 280 characters each and tweet them as 1/16, 2/16, 3/16 so that they're nearly unreadable? Using discord and twitter and livestreams is arrogant. It says, "You must all come to me, when and where I say so to get this information." With something like discord it's even worse, because you're not told when to be there, you must just go and sit and wait in case a developer shows up and feels like saying something. There are actually people who do that. Pfffft. I'm not your fan, I'm your customer. If there's somethng you want to tell me, put the info somewhere and I'll go see it at my convenience. I understand why the devs feel they have to participate in social media. Games are part of the entertainment industry, and you've got to be seen as fresh and hip and up-to-date. You've got to make contact in the places the players are, and that's where the (younger) players are. But social media needs to be for socializing. You don't make product announcements to one table at a cocktail party, you make them in some official way that everyone involved can access. Websites are good for that. Social media is good for...socializing. They've made a couple of improvements since the last time we complained about this, but things are backsliding now. Inside scoops on discord. Special channels for "special" people. On again, off again participation in the forums, including asking for lots of feedback and then ignoring it. Wrong tools, wrong methods, and not much respect being shown for people's time and participation in their project. Now get off my lawn.
  29. 1 point
    Not to insult your son because he is merely speaking from his point of view and obviously has provided a useful insight, but my response would not be appropriate for his young ears. Let me be perfectly clear about what I mean here. MY AGE IS IRRELEVANT. YOUR AGE IS IRRELEVANT. What is relevant is that this is the game’s official forums. The developers and ESPECIALLY the community moderators have an ABSOLUTE and undeniable professional responsibility to provide ALL relevant official information and communication here, regardless of wherever else they may chose to provide it. As a longtime Ark player who has been here since Day One, I feel that I have given this development team every possible benefit of the doubt when it comes to Atlas’s development. I have attempted to provide fair, rational and useful feedback and ideas while being patient with bugs, glitches, design flaws. What has bothered me personally more than the delays, the lack of direction, the lack of any semblance of ability to meet any stated timeframe is the favoring of certain channels of communication over their own official forums. When the developers say things in other channels of communication but not here, to me it feels like a slap in the face. What their actions say to me is this: “We don’t care that you have taken the Extra time and energy to post here to provide coherent and useful feedback. We can’t be bothered to keep you just as well informed as those in other channels because we can’t be bothered to even make the effort to appear diligent and professional.” IF YOU CAN BOTHER TO SAY IT ON DISCORD OR TWITTER OR SOME FUCKING INGAME CHAT CHANNEL YOU CREATED TO EXPLICITLY FAVOR CERTAIN COMPANIES OVER THE REST OF US, THEN YOU SURE AS SHIT BETTER SAY IT HERE. WHY? ITS YOUR FUCKING JOB. Oh, do I have your attention yet? @Jatheish @DollieAre you noticing that this isn’t the usual even tempered Boomer meditation on the topic of the day? Take it as a given that this topic, hearing that you are going into certain channels and providing answers to questions asked REPEATEDLY here, yet not doing the forums the courtesy of that same time and attention, combined with past shenanigans where twitter, discord and PRIVATE FUCKING CHAT CHANNELS CREATED TO GIVE CERTAIN CLANS DIRECT ACCESS TO THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM (a disgustingly unfair practice that I have nothing but utter contempt for) get the 411 while the forums are left guessing, has left me furious at you and your companies blatant and disrespectful lack of professionalism in your communications with your playerbase. Im not going to debate this with anyone. I’m not going to shake my fists and demand this that or the other. You can conduct your business as you see fit. But so can I. The next time I hear of other channels being given special access, announcements, information, clarification etc etc, and that information is not clearly provided here on your own official forums to the players who have been your most useful and committed providers of feedback, I will seek my entertainment elsewhere. Atlas will cease to have my support or input in any form. I have given you my money, my time, my thoughts and my support from the beginning like any number of other folks here. If you cannot be bothered to do us the most basic courtesy to keep us as well informed without having to track down information sources which we don’t prefer, then I don’t see any reason I should continue to waste my time with you or your game.
  30. 1 point
    I'm a few years older and the best thing is I don't rush anything anymore, real life or gaming I take my time. I've got loads more patience now. Oh and I'm officially a grumpy burger, and I like it!
  31. 1 point
    I'm 50. My Atlas friend who plays on our private Blackwood server is 52. I agree with Chucksteak about reading to digest the posts in forums. The problem I have with Discord is the scrolling text black hole that is happening in real time. With forums, posts are more deliberate. Discord is just a vomit stream of crap with small chunks of useful info that get lost......unless it's verbal/talking info, then it's even LESS useful because you can't scroll up to "hear" the info if you're not on as the talking happens.
  32. 1 point
    Just about the same age as you (48) with teen sons laughing at my pirate game’s direction. I really do like the game and will continue to play it almost everyday wipe or not. They listen to me complain about the unrealized potential and threaten that I’ll just LOAD”sidpirates”,8 on my C64 and show them a thing or two. Then they laugh some more.
  33. 1 point
    They ignore the old at their peril. They are the curmudgeons that have the disposable income, time, and dedication to make a progression game work. The younglings get distracted by the latest shiny and move like locusts from game to game, stripping content fields bare before dying in a glut of speedrun torpor.
  34. 1 point
    You should warn that you sell low grade Journeyman, Fine and Grey BPs. Oh, an 100% dmg Lega cannons. Checked all your shops - found literally 2 good for the tier BPs - JM Climbing pick and JM grappling hook with good durability for the tier. Wasted my time.
  35. 1 point
    Yay then i could stop maintenance without feeling bad and finally uninstall Atlas.
  36. 1 point
    Thats just lazy, Instant teleportation of materials around the atlas, no thanks. A game with a dynamic economy is for more interesting.
  37. 1 point
    The Other comment Basicly nailed it to the Point. But having a small Talk with your future neighborhood or landlord helps wonders^^
  38. 0 points
    Let's clear a few things up. The voice chat occurred on our 50k member Official ATLAS Discord, not in a private Discord or channel. It was within an hour of the stream ending, spontaneous on my behalf (and on my own time outside of work hours) as I was aware of some confusion and lot of questions in relation to the stream. I saw 100 or so people gathered in voice, asked another colleague if he would join with me to moderate whilst I spoke, shouted "I MUST GO TO MY PEOPLE" at him and joined the channel to talk with players. I love talking with our players and wanted to address their concerns and reassure them, and, going on the comments and messages I received, they were very happy also. Jat joined later once he was able, to predominantly, listen in and get a read on player's concerns with me. During that time, approximately 300 or so people filtered in and out to ask questions and listen in. I spent about an hour and a half with them. It seems a player joined about half way through and broadcast some of the conversation on his stream unbeknowst to me at the time. I would like to reiterate that this voice conversation was not planned, it was held on our public and Official Discord, and it was done of my own volition and on my own time. This spontaneous talk led to Jat and I sitting down together yesterday and using information gathered from the voice chat to write up the Recap you can find here in order to address player's concerns and questions on a wider scope and to a broader audience to make sure no one missed out. The voice chat directly facilitated being better able to identify where players wanted clarity on the Stream and, in my humble opinion, improved the quality of the Recap post. I apologise if my response here may be a little blunt. It's quite disheartening to see some of the responses in this thread. Could we communicate more on these forums? I don't think there's such a thing as too much communication across any of our official channels. Now the Roadmap is out to the community and Xbox has been announced we can be more forthcoming and responsive after a month or so of less direct activity in regards to Captain's Logs, posting in threads, posting on Discord etc. I understand some of you don't want to join the Official Discord and I'll remain aware of that and dilligent in cross-posting anything relevant here also. As always, we'll continue to share info and respond to players across all of our Official channels: these Forums, ATLAS Discord and Twitter.
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