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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2019 in all areas

  1. 9 points
    1. Requiring the skill to craft in order to use armor/weapons/tools. 2. Stated design goal of fostering economy and trading. These two items are fundamentally at odds and I'm not sure why anyone should even need to mention this tbh. If crafters can't sell their wares to others because those folks don't have the necessary skills just to be able to use the thing they're buying, this is a dampening factor on potential economy and trade to put it mildly. No one will buy things from others they can craft themselves, so the requirement defeats the idea of trade. Also, if you are going to build stats into gear, you are effectively requiring people to take gear trees or voluntarily gimp themselves compared to others. This is a mechanic with zero upside that I can see and multiple significant downsides. The thinking that might even have led to the decision to have initial design go in this direction frankly eludes me. I cannot imagine what the goal or benefit might have been.
  2. 6 points
    The game is about sailing and sea fighting. Now it is just another ark with more water. Fast traveling is not for this game
  3. 5 points
    Can you PLEASE update gold weight. The flavor text says 2 grams per coin, in game each coin weighs 400 grams, or 200 times the flavor text!
  4. 5 points
    Seriously. Limit fast travel to the current grid. Maybe add a capital building (limited to 1 per company) where company members can spawn/fast travel to from anywhere. It won't fix the game but will still fix a lot of problems that probably have no other solution. 1. Large companies would be less willing to just grab as much land as they can and leave it with a few beds and no one living there to protect it. 2. They would also be more willing to ally with smaller tribes instead of wiping them out. 3. It will become more viable to attack them at their weakest spots without them mass-spawning there 4. As a side-effect of #3, there will be more wars between large companies 5. You'd need to actually bring a fleet of ships to your enemy if you want to zerg them. More large scale ship vs ship fights for everyone (ok ok i know we have server performance issues but they will mostly be fixed after two years of EA right? Right?). 6. Strategy and logistics would become much more important in large scale warfare 7. It also wouldn't affect small companies too much as they rarely have more than one island and never actually need more than one. Edit: instead of "capital building" maybe let us bind to a bed, much like you'd bind to a house in LiF. It worked there perfectly.
  5. 5 points
    Ft is the only reason my four man group can play. While I sail, they go do base maintenance or tame creatures or the dozen other tasks needed. Or gather resources. Forcing us all to stand on a boat, all doing nothing, for hours would send us to another game. Proper use of fast travel is essential for small groups.
  6. 4 points
    Good Day! As per always thank you for everything you do! I encountered this specific 'bug' that's not really a bug while testing some new mechanics earlier today. Our community has been trying to come up with some creative solutions to PVE / PVP being on the same map. One of these solutions includes using different white lists for pvp and pve. The problem then arises that when you do this and if you transition from a region you are allowed to a region you are not allowed it locks you out of the server permanently because your character is then stuck attempting to login to the disallowed region. Obviously this can only happen if you're running multiple machines with different playerallowednocheck files (or bannedlist files). Is there anyway we could have is so if a player is banned from a particular region they either see a red wall of death and cannot enter OR they just transition to the next allowed zone. (I understand that the latter request is prohibitively complex) Thank you for your time on this specialized issue. I really hope a solution can be worked in 'soon' as this would lead to some awesome PVPVE mechanics for us.
  7. 4 points
    Agree, doesn't matter if it's used in ARK, doesn't make it better, tbh that's even more sad as the maps are pretty small with ARK. Pin pointing someones location, when they log off/on or any other info it provides and PAYING for further information using a third party site, is cheating, you can try to justify it all you like, but it's still cheating. You're gaining or paying for information about a player that is not provided through the actual game or the devs.
  8. 4 points
    It's comical that the OP never complained about getting raided, only that he wants others to have to work for it instead of the info being handed to them like some sort of digital welfare. Then we get all of these "intellectuals" who clearly lacked the ability to understand the original post and begin bashing him for "whining about getting raided". I agree with the OP, I'm tired of using the steam name 123 so that I am on equal terms with my enemies, I'm tired of sorting through the sea of 123's in my friends list trying to figure out who is who. This isn't going to change, and I finished complaining about it long ago, but that doesn't change the fact that it sucks and that someone tracking you like this IRL would be grounds for quite the lawsuit. In short, the OP is correct, use the Steam name "123" or realize people will track you on Battlemetrics.
  9. 3 points
    So recently my company came across another company that we raided far far away from our lands. This company then almost immediately counter raided us with no knowledge of where we lived. Before you ask no they didn't use any skill like hiding on our ship or trailing us back or asking around where we live. They openly admitted to using battlemetrics. What is battlemetrics you ask well its a website that can track your movements in Atlas and many other games. You can even pay for a premium account which allows you advanced player tracking. This allows them to put alerts on you and when you move to another zone they get instant updates. Now I personally think this is super scummy and borderline cheating but apparently it is allowed at the moment. That being said I understand using every advantage to accomplish the mission but this is something that I think is complete trash and will ruin the game. I have spent hours tracking down my opponents the legit way. So after this happened I tried to find any posts on how to block battlemetrics and really came up empty handed. So I researched how the website works and found a successful way of blocking the tracking software and wanted to share it with others who might have suffered the same issues. The way battlementrics works is that it tracks you based off of your steam name. No it does not track your steam ID unless you are on what is called an Rcon server which official is not. So how do we fix this issues? 1) Change your steam name to 123 (The more people that do this the more 123 profiles show up to confuse the person looking for you.) 2) Clear your past aliases in steam do this by clicking the arrow next to previous aliases and click clear all under view profile. (This makes it so they cant see who you used to be.) 3) Change your profile to completely private under the privacy tab (This makes every 123 steam profile uniform so again harder to pin point which 123 you are.) 4) Change your steam avatar to the ? photo that is default with steam. (This makes it so they cant see you under the player list and recognize you by your avatar.) If you follow these steps battlemetrics can never find you and you will have once again become invisible unless the players tracking you actually want to track you the legit way.
  10. 3 points
    Oh man where to start... Firstly, some of you REALLY have a hard time comprehending why the issue of tracking others movements is a issue. It is a invasion of privacy. There is no god damn need to know when someone logs in, how long they are playing, etc. If you think you need these for playing the game, maybe you just need to work a little harder at the game and do it the good ole fashion way and hunt for them. Secondly, we can clearly see there is a couple people here that have way to much time on their hands and maybe would be better spent reading a book or something. You should be able to play a game and not have to worry about someone tracking your every single movement you do in and out of the game!
  11. 3 points
    Should never of been in the game from the start.
  12. 3 points
    depends. if the notes are on the same octave in game just put both notes in the same lines. i.e. send {d down}{a down} sleep delayTime sleep delayTime send {d up}{a up} that would play both an a and d keys in game together as a cord. and count as a single dash being done on both notes. If it requires different numbered octaves, its not going to be possible. I've made a cheatsheet that tells you the irl letter of the notes and the key to press in game as well as show you where the octave changes using the in game keys are. the i key in game is the same as the a key in the next highest octave. the in game keys are laid out like a piano so w,e,r,y,u are used for the sharps and flats of a,s,d,f,g,h,j. It sounds really complicated but its not. I am just horrible at explaining things trust me lol. my letters are the smaller non bold ones, those correspond to in game key strokes. the numbers the octave numbers in game. I hope you guys find this helpful. More people who know how to do this means more music we can all play. If you have anymore questions or need for tips just ask I don't mind sharing the tricks I have found so far.
  13. 3 points
    Thank you finally someone who actually read my post. All I'm trying to do is make people aware that people are using this software to track them in game and I want them to be able to block it if they choose to do so. Again all the haters here are upset because I am shedding light on their dumb little program that they probably use religiously everyday. No one ever said hey I really hope there is a way everyone can track my every loction with live updates wouldn't that be neat?
  14. 3 points
    So you raid someone and then cry about the same thing happening to you. Classic.
  15. 3 points
    Thousands of people have left already because of cheaters. Most people can handle bad bugs and broken gameplay mechanics but admins failing to control the cheating is the worst game killer. Submit a video if you can at least.
  16. 2 points
    As of now, the only use of the shipyard is to make ships. What if we can anchor or rather harbor 1 ship to the shipyard? This would work like the hitching post in s+ for Ark or the new breeding thing they added with extinction. This way, the ships would be more protected and shipyards would have a greater use (maybe give them a minor durability buff while harbored). My boats keep getting attacked by crocodiles and such that aggro onto my crewmembers. This would be a nice fix.
  17. 2 points
    Dear Devs, PUCKLES DON'T WORK ON LIVE SERVERS. I don't know what you tested on your private server. But anyone can run in front of them without getting shot. The tracking is WAY too slow. Please buff puckle aiming speed and trigger speed to instant. Stop making base raiding easier and easier. This is coming from someone who raids bases and walks past their puckles feeling bad they thought they set up defense. MAKE PUCKLES WORK IMMEDIATELY
  18. 2 points
    I have been playing from day 1 And also read Forum almost in Daily Basis And its so Fun to read. I mean honestly, instead of trying to survive ingame People spend countless of hours crying for Nerfs on Forum instead of playing the Game. Its early Access And still u cry for each Bug u find. I know this will piss off so many ppl, but there are also the ones like me. Let me Tell u a Story: it was a tiny pirate Group of 3 People with the Big Dream to conquer the ocean. We struggled for hours through laggs rollbacks And Server crashes to get a Raft build on Day 1. we sailed for 13 hours And finally found a Place to Stay. We claimed a few Parts of an Island And felt like Kings. After Building the First small base we logged off. As we logged back in, we were dead And our beds destroyed. A Lion glitched through a wall. We made a new Raft And sailed back to our Land. All we had was gone And only the Walls left. We Farmed again instead of crying. This time we Build beds on our Rafts. The next Day came And again all was destroyed by an Animal glitching in our base . This time we Build a Platform base And Nothing ever destroyed our stuff again. We started Building a shipyard And making a galleon as farmrates were still low. As we logged back in someone Stole our claim And shipyard And destroyed the galleon. We claimed the Land back at nicht And found out that Sleeping Charakters can Contest claims. So we die And Farmed a new galleon. We Travellerscheck around to get us some Jones And sugarcane to tame animals. On our way back we got sunk by the many sotds. Next Time we got Cannons And Crew And made it back. We tamed everything we could tame, just to get them all Killed by an alpha. So we got Crew And Cannons around our animals to defense them And it worked. I could continue this for ages. What i Want to say is, stop crying or insulting the devs only because u cant think of a way to survive And work around some Bugs. There are Bugs u cant work around i know. But just read the First 2 Sites of the Forum And i bet u will find stuff that happened to u too but u worked around it instead of crying or u just find stuff which is Super easy for u but others just Want to Flame cause they cant think of a way to make it work And Want to get everything shove up into their lauf Asses.
  19. 2 points
    NGood evening, I'm an old school gamer, I am use to waiting 3 hours for the Notorious monster spawn. However I am very tired of it taking me 2 hours to sail back home. 6 tiles and because the wind isn't in my favor what should take an hour takes 2 to 3 hours. I cant leave my ship and just log off, so I am stuck spending extra hours just to make it home safe. While the wind mechanic is cool. Its also generally bad. I'm about to finally give up even after dealing with all the growing pains because I just cant play this style of game anymore. We live in a gaming world of now now now. Please do something to avoid these long trips home. Luckily , I'm not just here to complain. I also come with suggestions. Just like in the real world, there are trading routes. Certain area's you sail because the current, or wind will generally always be in your favor for that direction. Can we implement this in the game as well? Instead of The entire world having the same wind, Have wind going in a specific general direction. I.e. even numbers go South East while odd numbers go North West. Please give me a trade route path that can give me a general estimated time before I set off to sail so I'm not stuck sailing an extra 2 hours, and tabbed out to write a forum post. Thank you.
  20. 2 points
    Every night my ships are sunk or stolen. Every night my stone bases are destroyed. No sense in playing if I am merely gathering resources for some ugly-ass prick! How about giving us a method to hide our most valuable loot in a hole or stronger tier vault? How about adding a flag of invulnerability for anchored and unmanned ships? Screw the looters, they can eeasilt loot some one that is logged in and ready to defend their ships. Anyone that argues this point is a troll or griefer.
  21. 2 points
    Good news. Team have informed me that the painting issue on Galls + Brigs is just a client side issue. We're working on a fix now and will have it posted as soon as possible. No colours are lost, so they'll reappear when the patch is live
  22. 2 points
    Being a part of a zerg isnt easy enough for this guy , he has to rely on 3rd party software to compete as well. Hes not smart enough to realize that his entire argument can be copy and pasted as an arguement for any hack/ cheat aimbot esp out there atm. Imagine trying to convince someone to play this goddamn game lol. Hey it's a pirate game...sort of. Except if you make anybody angry they can track down exactly where you are at anytime and it's completely sanctioned by the devs... oh and they can completely destroy and take everything you built super easy. WHAT? No sorry bro. You cant build in hidden spots or stealthy. Or travel anywhere to get away from your enemies. Giant zergs just use 3rd parties progs to find ya. If you want you can build underwater though . Just dont log out near the spot . Just build sloops. Or even better . Hook up with a bunch of annoying kids who need 3rd party programs to compete.
  23. 2 points
    ships just need to be invincible while anchored. immune to overweight, overcrew, and damage don't let them un-anchor till they're under-numbers.
  24. 2 points
    You are so beyond clueless, as soon as this is well known in mmo community this game is dead in the water
  25. 2 points
    This Topic is pure gold!
  26. 2 points
    No, most games (MMOs) actually die and only the few who actually manage to "stabilize" (or in even fewer cases grow) their player base survive but Atlas is certainly not on track doing that. Look at this graph: Not even half the population of an "old" game like ARK. You need a certain critical mass of players for a MMO like this to be viable and Atlas is heading into a direction where a recovery will be pretty much impossible. You can argue that Atlas has at the moment still enough players to survive and that might be true currently but if the current trend continues for a few more weeks then even this won't be the case anymore and I honestly don't see any indication for a change to this trend. Btw even a "hardcore" MMO like Eve-online had a place for "casuals" and you need them as developers because the tiny population of the very hardcore players won't support your development or ongoing costs.
  27. 2 points
    Just turn "have to have the skill" into "have to be level 20 to equip" and it's functionally the same. They could take the skills out, reduce the number of skill points you get to normalize, and then set the level requirement to about the level that they expected you to need in order to use the gear, but that's a logical no-op. There ARE games that have absolutely no requirements on using gear, but they're usually the exception. Level requirements are pretty normal. They just added another layer on top where since levels get you skill points and you need to spend skill points on it, however you can skip better gear and go more into ships etc. if that's your fancy.
  28. 2 points
    What I am seeing from your response is excuses! I play both PvP and PvE .. I know what is needed to play the game. Like I said I have been playing online games and many games for a long time. What your little program is, is invasion of privacy.. plain and simple!!! It lacks effort into doing what the game is about.. oh big deal you coded something to track others, but why don't you physically go out and do that. You are hiding behind your computer until the other company is offline so you can go raid them and get no resistance.. yea REEEEAAALLLL pvp there. *rolls eyes*
  29. 2 points
    In preface, I am a patient gamer, I don't complain about much at all and generally go with the flow and adjust my play style to the rule set and mechanics presented at the time... Hell, I've stuck around with my other game for the last 12 years through every expansion and the game changes every other year lol.... I have played many games over the years and I honestly cannot think of a single one that penalizes you for not doing end game content. Before the argument starts, there is a difference between getting the rewards for end game content, and actually punishing players for not participating in said content. A permanent debuff forced on players because they can't or don't want to do certain content is not very smart. Forcing every player to spend the time traveling to a FOY, and then basically zerging a cave a dozen times to click an item that we hope is still there is not fun. If you want this mechanic in the game it should be a choice. Those that choose to do it get rewarded, those that don't, don't get punished for it. That seems fair. At least give us viable alternatives, I don't want to have to go through this every month, it takes away time from doing things in game that I actually enjoy, or are useful in my own progression as I see fit. Please listen to your players, this is a bad mechanic of the game and should not be forced upon us. If I have to chose between playing a debuffed character that I have up to level 57 so far, and all content just got harder because I chose not to do some content, or starting a new character .... I will chose neither and move on to a different game.... I have a feeling I'm not the only one not willing to start all over every month.... I understand you already have my money and 400+hours of my time so far, so nothing I say about leaving the game matters, but I hope this mechanic is under consideration and at least being talked about.
  30. 2 points
    People trying to justify using this outside means to track you in and hells even out of game is simply ridiculous. But then again privacy means nothing anymore!!! I'm a VERY old school gamer (yep.. you can make old people jokes) but anyways.. there were games played open world like this, and what did we do.. we tracked in game and when we knew they were at their weakest... meaning away from their bases, NOT offline.. we attacked.. we went out to where they were hunting, gathering and we also attacked them there to make them even weaker. No one seems to want to put effort into anything anymore.... it is always quick gratification and move on to the next person we can rip apart. This shit gets BORING!! Make a game out of hunting said people you want to take out. This is what turns me away from gaming more and more ... people just don't want to put the effort into anything. STOP BEING LAZY!!!!!! And I am not meaning you have to put a million hours into the game, there are ways to go about things to find out info, hunting patterns and such.
  31. 2 points
    Anyone giving OP hard time over this is clearly retarded... being able to track people movements in a pvp mmo = broken game . Especially one that involves territory controll, raiding and any kind of strategy.
  32. 2 points
    I would have to agree with removing this. Although, it would make FoY a lot more difficult ^.^
  33. 2 points
    Fast travel also allows small companies to hold lots of land with easy refresh. Just as big of an issue.
  34. 2 points
    The large gate is VAST, and in Ark was for Brontosaurus, etc. It also looks ugly as fk. There should be a Medium-sized gate which would be fine for Elephants and Rhino. Later today I will be playing with elevators to see if I can lift an Elephant up to roof level, which is 5 wall heights up. If it works I'll park it up there. I just loathe that fugly gate.
  35. 2 points
    Wow @labatts , you responded in less than 30 seconds. Do you even bother reading content, or do you just disagree with every comment thats not yours. SAD!! EOC.
  36. 2 points
  37. 2 points
    I'm hoping that they try and do something related to Wind with the Tarot system. Let me conjure an unnatural wind using Tarot.
  38. 2 points
    You clearly didn’t read(or understand) OP’s post. We all agree that raiding is part of the game and fun but not when you take the time tactically sail far away from your land (so it’s much harder for enmities to find you) just so they can type in a name and search your location. At that point why not just post everyone’s location.... it’s clearly broken. Do you know how many times my squad has found people who raided us the legit way by asking around. That is a gameplay experience by itself and a lot fun. Of course the attacker should have the advantage because they made the first move. Also, for anyone saying battle metrics is part of the game and fair in anyway, how is it fair to be able to not only easily find anyone’s location but also a history of their time playing. All you have to do is see when they get on and log off and then plan to raid them around that. To me that’s the biggest coward out there....
  39. 2 points
    I've had about enough of this topic. If you want to go raid others and not be hit back, you are a coward. Who cares if the same people found you and hit back, as opposed to having a new crew come and attack you? My squad has whined about https://www.battlemetrics.com/ all week. And you know why? Cause they are ruthless raiders, not only that they will belittle your person, your voice, and your way of life. People that raid are looking to take something that is not farmed by them and make it theirs. Look raiding is part of the game, but life is life is life. You take something from someone else karma is a bitch, get over it.
  40. 2 points
    You know it's funny- I've garnered quite the routine thanks to Atlas: - Wake up - Stretch - Get Coffee - Hop on playatlas to find the same "Dead Game" rhetoric.... Sigh....Hey, thanks for your opinion!
  41. 1 point
    I'm just curious. If I have 40k gold - how can I purchase that artifact in Freeport? I mean right now it's 16000 weight. I need at least Galleon to carry that much of gold and I didn't figure it out - how to carry that much of gold from ship to a vendor. My pathfinder can slowly carry 2000. If I'll put all in weight - it will be around 3000... yet I need 40000...
  42. 1 point
    Looking into it, thanks for the report guys.
  43. 1 point
    True and valid points, however anyone familiar with the most basic concepts of marketing will understand that if you limit potential customers to those that have chosen to take a given skill tree to at least some degree, you are reducing by a wide margin the potential market to sell to. Using an analogy, one of the reasons beer commercials are ubiquitous on commercial television is because everyone of legal drinking age can drink and enjoy beer, the potential market for it is effectively the entire adult population. Advertisements for PediaSure, a beverage designed to deliver needed nutrients for growing children and sometimes the elderly are less common because the market is far smaller. Atlas's developers have effectively made all crafters marketers of PediaSure instead of beer for no particularly good reason that I can see.
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
    Yep I see it now . . . Player 1: "What? I want to play the character I made not some RNG kid, sigh off to the fountain of youth again." Player 2: "Hey baby want some mayonaise?" Player 3: "Sigh another one, go buy yourself an NPC I'm not interested." Player 4: "Nope not right" shoots kid in face, "Nope not right" shoots kid in face, "Nope not right" shoots kid in face " looks at pile of dead child corpses "You know there's something off about this mechanic I just can't place what it is."
  46. 1 point
    This is an insane bug! Just set the Day0 to a date in 2018 and the load average went from 10+ down to ~5 on our servers, this is ridiculous...
  47. 1 point
    the wind is soo bad I just spent 45 minutes trying to sail across 1 server.... smh
  48. 1 point
    So we all know the answer right. God was stupid for not making jonah out of gold, then one of us would have saved him ASAP.
  49. 1 point
    I have come across this insta head shot in full plate while moving multiple times. Probably the most in the last couple days. Its always when we are destroying the other team during a raid and have already killed them 5 or 6 times. Then all of a sudden they become sniper gods lol yea ok.
  50. 1 point
    build a harbor with npc crew manned cannons... Its pretty easy to defend your ships while your offline...
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