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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2019 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    We can compare this game to Ark for starters because I can point to you file structures that literally come from Ark. Now to the point of this post, what hooks does Ark have that Atlas doesn't that keeps peoples interest for months and even years? Excellent breeding system Do-able taming even for the solo guy Approachable solo play Breeding System Before I quit I was solo'ing tons of gigas, yuties, etc 100% on my own. I worked my a$$ off to get 10 tek troughs, a very safe place for them to be raised, a great area for farming meat. This was all on official PVE rates. We had too many dinos on our server but they fixed that, I logged on recently - there hasnt been any dino caps in a long time thanks to capsules. Tek wasn't easy to get from Day 1, it was a progression toward it but once I got it I was able to sleep like a normal person, I was able to raise whatever I wanted to raise yet still had that challenge of farming, perfect imprints, baby phase, and having to fork out astronomical sums of money to get "the best" from the Chinese. The system in the end works. I have friends that refuse to play Atlas because they are still on Ark, breeding. They've been breeding for over a year in the same tribe, to them it never gets old. Taming System Wow. At first I liked it, I was like "this is great, it's interactive!" Then after 10 tames in I start to get over it and realize it's worse off than the system we had before. This is an area I think they're not far off from though, it's not bad like breeding is.. it just needs some work. It getting up, knocking it down - having things from various regions to feed it, etc works but there's really stupid crap like having to feed right at its head and if you're unlucky (after the last major update) you cant even feed it at all in a trap. It's less boring than the Ark system but it's not fun either. None of us have fun doing it anymore. The other thing is we get that you dont want tames to be OP but half the time they seem totally useless. Unless we get a really nice elephant for example and are farming with bamboo.. it's about the same time to just go hand farm than go through all the taming process, clear the forest before taking the elephant out, farm, alpha comes and kill it, go tame another one. It's as if they know this and want you to keep having to tame more thanks to lack of content in game. Tweak the taming system, make tames worthwhile Solo Play Impressed by how bad it is for solo players. It's not just the claim flags, it's the whole system. Ark was hard but fun for solo players.. again, my last Ark days were by design me playing solo. After knowing the game like the back of my hand, I wanted that challenge and it was a really great challenge while it lasted. Seriously, the whole thing was a blast. Even solo'ing hard boss fights game with huge risk, high rewards. Atlas on the otherhand, just no. I wouldn't. Why? I mean the game is designed from the ground up for you to either A) be in a company with others or B) be at the mercy of other companies. There's no "this is my plot of land, these are my own rules, these are my tames, these are my ships." You can technically go down that route but it'll be a very difficult ride. We have lost 90% of our tames due to alpha lions/wolves. We cant simply move because of claimed territory. We don't breed our existing good tames because the breeding system isn't remotely worth it thus we have routine setbacks. I can only imagine what its like when it's just you. Solo play is always an important part of a game, something this game severely lacks. Make PVE / PVP separate - completely One thing I don't like is how just like on Ark, whatever happens on PVP is reflected on PVE so things that do not make sense for us are pushed onto us because it's necessary in PVP. We own lots of flags, lots of territory. We profit from it a lot, so why do I care about things such as claim flags? When I removed some flags, they were filled in by a much larger company. I removed them so if any small company needed territory, they'd have it. There's literally bragging rights by Grapeshot on who owns the most territory via leaderboards. How in the hell is that good for PVE? The list goes on and on but the proper separation of PVE and PVP currently does not exist within this game nor Ark. -------------- It feels like they're being different for the sake of being different rather than evolving from what they learned from Ark while making things even worse for the small guys out there. It should be them improving on what people loved about Ark while protecting the small groups - but that's not the case thus every day people are leaving. It's not just that, it's that there aren't proper hooks to keep people playing longterm in the game. It is Alpha basically so I know things will get better but there's things they can do right now to fix some of these bigger issues. Instead favoritism is directed toward the biggest voices (large companies/streamers) with what's fun/unfun to them rather than the small guys that actually like being small (that came out weird) but are also the dedicated players that'll stay around after the streamer fad is over with. Protect those that don't have a big voice just the same as those that do. Make this game more accessible for all while creating things that keep our interest long term that ANYONE regardless of size can do. #sizematters
  2. 7 points
    This thread makes me sad. The Op recently wrote one of the most comprehensive posts I’ve seen reviewing his Atlas experience, offering feedback that was detailed and thoughtful, and offering extremely balanced and well thought out suggestions for changes. I was so impressed with it, I made him the first person I’ve followed on the forums because I wanted to see what thoughts he had to contribute in the future. Dragon you have my sympathy and understanding. I hope that after a break you will consider returning. Any game worth a fig could always use more people like you.
  3. 6 points
    @Dollie You said we were free to message you. Since I'm guessing @Jatheish is still suffering jet lag, here it is: This post is a perfect example of the types of exploits that need to stop happening. I'm seeing posts almost daily about how weight exploits, pillar exploits and SotD exploits are being used to grief players. In PVP, you should expect to lose everything you have at any moment. In PVE, this should not be happening. I have heard nothing from the WC team for weeks about what's being done to stop these exploits and this OP deserves and answer as to why this is being allowed to continue and why he feels the need to quit this game as a result.
  4. 5 points
    And just like that any sympathy you may have had from us is gone. Enjoy your punishment hypocrite.
  5. 5 points
    Pardon me quoting your comments from another post but I think it's pretty appropriate. Right kiddo?
  6. 5 points
    Sorry about that. Wasn't my intention. Not really intending for the devs to do anything, I just wanted to thank the community for giving me a really fun game while it lasted. You guys are just as much a part of the game as the game itself. And you guys are awesome. I'm going to bed, but thanks, at least, for being here to talk to.
  7. 4 points
    If you want to see what kind of "fun" this age quest adds go check it out for yourselves but I for one would love this thing removed from the game as it has no place in an online game as dying isn't entirely under our full control...server lag, players using exploits, crashes, buggy code, erratic and broken AI, getting stuck in the mesh, falling through the mesh, player ping deferential, desyncing, etc... Eating balanced meals and watching out for predators is one thing but why should we get punished for the kinds of deathly events that happen consistently and beyond our control? I play video games for fun not for toil and punishment!
  8. 4 points
    A guy pillared my boats, sank my galleon, and taunted me in the main chat. I guess... he won. None of my friends have the drive to continue playing after that, and I don't want to just mindlessly gather for a week. I guess that's it. I love Atlas. Everything about it. It makes me feel good, love the progression, and love everything about it. I love the people, I love the trading, I love the combat. Bu I guess it's over now. Thank you, Atlas, for the best month of gaming I've had for a long, long time. It means a lot that I got to play it as long as I did. Thanks, guys, for reading this eulogy, and I do hope you don't have this sort of luck either.
  9. 4 points
    Well aware it's early access. Not bothered by things like foods giving the wrong buff, or glitching at border crossings, or getting kicked at every patch despite their announcement we won't be, or the comically delayed "in 15 minutes" non-sense, or the lack of attention to a chat system, or the size of silly territory announcement, or how players abuse the land system, or the lack of shoreline access on lawless, or encumbrance hitting at the wrong weight, etc. etc. etc. Not even upset when cobras and spiders spawn inside a completed and secured house killing people while offline. It's a bug, it's early access, it's unintentional and it'll get fixed. However, EARLY ACSESS! doesn't even begin to explain horribly poor design from its very conception. The punishing nature of the FoY and lack of correction comes to mind. The blatantly ill-conceived and utterly idiotic fix to weight-griefers punishing the entire population even if completely innocent. Not to mention it didn't actually solve anything. Early access is not an excuse or a pass for everything that comes up. Some things, particularly technical issues, absolutely. Other things, like mind-numbingly piss poor decisions before implementation, not so much. Lack of redress after intentionally releasing utter crap design, not even a little. Lots to like about Atlas... but that doesn't mean absolution from all accountability though.
  10. 4 points
  11. 4 points
    Day one: Sail out claim as much land as possible Day two: Sit back and laugh at new players with out land Day three: New player tries to steel land but system broken Day four: Laugh as a tax and rent system is put into place Day five: Log in just to collect your taxes and rent THAT SYSTEM ONLY FAVORS THOSE WHO GOT THERE FIRST ON DAY ONE AND IS BAD FOR THE GAME AND BAD TO GET NEW PLAYERS!
  12. 4 points
    Scorpion, the OP is just a nice person trying to explain in a calm manner what has happened to him. No need to be a total cunt just because you wanna feel like a keyboard warrior.
  13. 4 points
    Wait...what? LOL I mean...you don't think this is PvP...do you? Raiding somebody's base when nobody's home? Sorry there Sport...that's not PvP. Raiding somebody when you have all your guys show up for the planned event...how many do you have?...but the other guy, not knowing it's coming, have maybe 1/10th as many people. Yeah...that's just a poor substitute for real PvP. About as challenging as clubbing baby seals. I hope you don't actually brag to your friends about how awesome it was. Try some real PvP...you know...where the other side has a legitimate chance against you? That kind of PvP action in this game is extremely rare.
  14. 4 points
    The problem is they reused assets and copied the game yet learned nothing from Ark. Bugs from Ark that were fixed still exist, bugs or broken mechanics that are still in Ark still exist, gameplay people hated from Ark still exists, AND they removed things people liked in Ark. And to top it off they're doing the same things they did when Ark released: rushed patches that break the game and screw people over, fixing something than suddenly breaking it again later, balancing/fixing things in a strange order that breaks parts of the game, adding features in a way that feels like they don't actually play the game, silence on important issues, and so on. Kind of confused why you are so against constructive criticism. You can holler about EA as much as you like, but "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it." And Atlas is full on repeating it. I bought the game because I figure I'll get $25 of fun out of it over the next few years, but damn could they have a great game if they had a better focus.
  15. 4 points
    Part of the problem is a lot of people are avoiding the sailing due to the high numbers of ships of the damned that make general sailing/exploring more hassle than its worth and even straight point to point require a ship designed for combat or speed limiting your ability to get creative with design. Just last night when going from my island to the one next door I had to dodge 4 red SotD and 2 green all in a narrowing straight between the two. They're too common, too powerful and too aggressive a mechanic and while you can deal with them (speed or combst) it actively discourages sailing in a pirate themed game which is not good.
  16. 4 points
    I like how you're telling people what to post on a forum you don't own while QQ'ing yourself about others QQ'ing.
  17. 4 points
    The stupid part is I'd still play the game solo, living off my boat, exploring and be quite happy about it, even with most the flaws like massive NPC spawns (Superior strategy and cheese can overcome any obstacle!), I don't need a particularly big hook, I mean, No Man's Sky is a favourite game of mine. But then they keep adding new obstacles that compound the existing ones, and other irrational choices that make it even worse, often for no obvious payoff. Like: Why are sloops the slowest ship in the game? Shouldn't their small capacity and weak hull be balanced by speed to escape threats? Every month I'm required to play geriatric-bum-rush-the-fountain, which is nigh impossible solo and adds nothing to the game. Cyclones, whales and overweight Chinese mean my ship isn't safe when I'm logged off even in PvE It's like, I try my hardest to find workarounds to enjoy the game DESPITE it's flaws, and the devs say 'Oh we can't be having THAT, you don't seem to be playing the game right. Let me find something else to discourage you doing that!'.
  18. 3 points
    1. Ship-Rear Cosmetics/Skins So we have figureheads, steering wheel skins and soon, sail skins. This might be a large suggestion, but the Brig and Galleons have cosmetic "cabin" styling on the backs of them. I propose new skins be made for the Ship itself that adds cosmetic changes to the back of ships. Maybe dragon heads from the back, working up the side? A skull? Hydra head? Cyclops hands? 2. PvE Servers, Allow Ship Claiming After Inactivity Currently, there is no ship claiming on the PvE servers. I feel like ships should be claimable if the player and/or company has not been online or entered the area within maybe 2 weeks? 1 week? Or simply cause the ship to be "Unclaimed" after 1 or 2 weeks of inactivity. 3. Repair All Structures It would be a tremendous Q.O.L. improvement to allow NPC crew to repair all structures including ceilings, cannons, walls, chairs, e.t.c. when the ship is anchored and the NPCs are unseated. Optionally, create a new structure to be placed on a ship in which you assign an npc crewmate to be in charge of repairing all other misc. structures on the ship. 4. Unseat All Crew I don't know about other players, but when I get off my ship, I unseat at least 4 crew members to ensure my ship's essentials are repaired before the next time I set off. This would be another amazing Q.O.L. improvement for the ship to have an implemented option to unseat all crew. 5. Man Your Stations Add an option to NPC crew on ships that assigns them a specific position on-board. Then add an additional option on-board the ship for assigned crew to "Man Stations." 6. Handling Sail; Reverse Allow Handling Sails to provide faster Reverse speeds. As it stands, ships can currently back up no matter what. If the Ship layout includes a Handling Sail, this ship should reverse slightly faster. 7. Captain's Deck Currently, the Galleon is the only ship that comes with a snap-able slot for a receded Deck to be placed higher up at the back of the ship. I propose another optional Deck slot be added to the back end of Brigantines and Schooners, like the Galleons, for cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing ship designs. (The Brigantine is especially difficult to make the ceilings and walls line up with the back end of the ship.) 8. Careening @mKHammerBro Introduce a new mechanic to ground Ships to scrape and clean the underside of the hull. In the past, this process was called Careening, or Heaving Down. Barnacles and other sea life clings to the underside and rots away at the wood. This could also introduce a new way to repair your ship's planks or add a temporary repair and/or speed buff to your ship. 9. Mooring @ikarirain Introduce a new item to be crafted at Smithy's from the Seamanship tree, Bollard. There are instances where a ship is too large to reach an anchor-able point, so it's been proposed to allow ships the ability to be moored in by ropes to Bollards, which can be placed on piers or shipyards, to safely "anchor" the ship in your territory, given anchoring isn't possible. Additionally, increase the amount of Bollards needed to moor a ship depending on the ship's size and/or weight. 10. Select All or Individual Sail Controls @Shakarian Ability to control all sails from the wheel, or select which individual sails to give certain commands to. For instance, all sails selected by default. But press keys similar to the cannon crews to deselect certain sails. 11. Look-Out / Telescope @Aristocrates It is known that being at the top of a mast gives the player a slightly larger render-distance so they can see ships and such ahead of time, but it would be nicer if there was a Telescope sort of attachment to build on the Smithy that could be attached to the top of the mast, further improving this render distance for preparation or avoidance purposes. 12. Collidable Figureheads @Grodgen Collidable Figureheads: Currently they have no collision. You can't stand on them and it also limits their functionality as actual figureheads. 13. Rotatable Weight & Handling Sails @Kaitlynn Allen Add an option to rotate Weight Sails and Handling Sails 180 degrees when placed, depending on your desired placement at the front or back of the ship. 14. Rigging That Connects The Front Sail To The Figurehead @Kaitlynn Allen Add an option to connect sails via rigging placed at the front of the to the bow sprite/figurehead. 15. Catch Net @RebelMarmoset Add a structure for the front or sides of ships that catches flotsam and/or fish. Consequently, the longer the net is lowered, or the more items it catches, the more it slows the ship down. If you like any of these options, please reply to this thread with your comments and feel free to suggest some more ideas pertaining to ships! And a special thank you to @Jatheish for taking the time to read this! Loving the game.
  19. 3 points
    Lets face it, Galleons and Brigantines are huge, and we like building our fancy piers and docks and parking our ships next to them. Unfortunately, with many islands, the land drops off super deep super fast. So, I got to thinking, why not add a mooring system using the same key that activates anchoring, inspired by another lesser known function, the map key. Did you know, when you double-tap M, it brings up only the compass, and when you press and hold M, it brings up only the map? This function tells me that it's possible to use a single key for multiple functions based on how it is used. This said... The mooring system would involve two craftable parts: A ship-mounted mooring rope (similar to how dinghy and diving apparatus is mounted) and a building-mounted set of mooring posts. You place these mounting posts on your pier, similar to how a wall will snap, and then build the mooring rope on the side of a ship. When your ships mooring rope is near a mooring post, you'll see an icon on the right, similar to how the anchor icon pops up. When it's lit, press and hold X (the anchor key), and the ship will begin a 10-15 second mooring animation while the mooring rope is tossed several times over the mooring posts, slowly tightening until the mooring process is complete, and freezing the ship into place as if it had anchored next to the pier. This process would allow ships to moor to a pier when the water is too deep for anchoring, and can help easily organize the space in a company's large pier by using the docking space efficiently.
  20. 3 points
    Hello dear Atlas Team, Don't you consider blocking the game for regions outside EU or outside NA and opening servers for these regions only? (Russia, Asia, Oceania) Other Games have done this aswell, our world is big and so I can't understand, why you left some regions like Russia, Asia, Oceania out with official servers. They should have a possible option too. EU and NA should not have to deal with languages that use letters unknown to us. Since we can't even see those appropriate in chat and most Russians and Asian can't even communicate in English. Opening servers for each Region, Russia, Asia, Oceania and then make ALL official servers region locked, so only people in those regions are able to see the server as option to join. Simply just block all ip's for countries outside of each intended serverregion. Personally I think, this would reduce some of the servers lag and make it a better playing experience. What do you think? Is there any thought spent to this problem? Sincerely, Xenara
  21. 3 points
    Now that you all have been reminded by the damned subject title, quit the whining! I see so many players pissing and moaning about glitches with the game and losing stuff and hackers and everything else. THIS GAME HAS BEEN OUT FOR A MONTH AND IS REVISION 15 ALREADY. THESE PEOPLE ARE DOING A GREAT JOB. IF YOU CANT HANDLE GLITCHES DONT PLAY AN EARLY ACCESS GAME. END OF STORY. Once it's full release THEN you get to complain! YES the devs totally screwed the launch of the EARLY ACSESS game. QUIT DROOLING OVER THE PLANNED FEATURES AND REMEMBER THAT IT IS... you guessed it.... EARLY ACSESS!
  22. 3 points
    The problem with these sort of posts is always that while you say you're fine with negative feedback and legitimate complaints about issues that need to be fixed.... you're probably not. I read every post on the forums and while they were pretty toxic the first few days, there are not a whole lot of whining for the sake of whining posts right now. People freaking out that the servers didn't work day one? That was pretty ridiculous but right now most of the posts I've read are legitimate feedback. And that's part of what Early Access is about. Its about letting the devs know not only what's broken, but what you don't like since its easier to make design changes now than it is to make them two years from now. That's not to say the devs should be dogpiled or anything but they've certainly made a few questionable choices and they've drug their feet on fixing critical game breaking issues while tending to far less important problems (You can still sink other players ships in PVE but they rushed to add a streamer stealth mode when they complained for example). Early Access or not that's a problem since its still a live service and game breaking bugs should still be high priority. So the whole idea of "Well, its Early Access so shut up and don't complain until its release" is just asinine and shows a lack of understanding of the game development process. Not to mention no matter what you say this is most definitely a pointless whine about people giving feedback and little more than a giant ass kiss.
  23. 3 points
    I agree wholeheartedly. There is a difference between reporting issues and providing feedback in a manner which is useful and constructive, and childishly table flipping in emotion filled rants that offer little of substance. At the same time there is also a difference between this sort of table flipping and cogent, pointed criticisms of initial design choices on core game mechanics which defy basic common sense. When myself and others discuss these inherently flawed design choices, it would also be nice if we didn’t have to deal with having “but it’s EA” chanted at us by parties that don’t seem to appreciate that difference.
  24. 3 points
    In the discord on the news channel, they finally said that they were aware of the problem, they were studying it to prepare a patch.
  25. 3 points
    I meant 50Ok going to modders to make game great! I remember when the buzz came out of no where about this new game from the devs of Ark. I was deep into a server with so much going on with tames and building on my own server that i ran because Ark had a awesome modding community. We had Eco, Structures plus, castles and keeps, and many Dino mods. I wasn't even looking to play another game atm... Then grapeshot not only said we are coming out with a pirate them Arkish game and we will be giving out 500k dollars to modder's to help build this game. I WAS LIKE "HOT DAMN!!!" The dreams of so many different types of buildings to make like castles and keeps and omfg eco she has to be in on Atlas I mean come on here shit is hot on the ark mod list. The tough of all kinds of fish tanks and crazy style light and future!!! and with so many creatures in arks system from the base game I mean come on man we was heading to a stroke of pure genius for new game.... WE WERE LIED TO!!! This shit has what 50 crummy animals with only 2 A.I scripts running.. yeah don't think I didn't notice that off the bat. Gator, snake, lion, spider, scorpion and wolf all work together on the same A.I different skin! That's trash lazy codeing. The building oh don't get me started there. Im a avid builder but you cant even find a god damn place to build! Even when you do the option are at best EA ark HAVING WE GOT PAST THAT??? Your telling me all the years Ark has been out and you guys can only come out with thatch, wood, stone.... NO METAL!!! That's even one less tier than Ark So when players who left Ark to come here are bent and pissy its because we were lied to god damn it and I don't want my money back I want to break something! BTW I HATE PIRATES AND I FEEL LIKE THE DEVS PIRATED US!
  26. 3 points
    Nice post, OP. I'm feeling the same way, I suppose. I've had fun since launch but there's almost nowhere to build with people having multiple land Claims and those Claims are locked down by the crazy 6 hour "any-passer-by-resets-it" timer. IF you can build, the griefing and exploiting even on PvE is enough to ensure nothing is safe - at least on PvP you can do SOMETHING about it, even if it isn't much in some cases, but overall the situation is worse on there. There's no prospect of being left in peace in any Official game mode to enjoy your little slice of Atlas and just build, trade and explore. Playing a 100 year-old "Pirate" who, in reality, has to slave every hour he/she can as a Lumberjack-Farmer-Miner simply in order to try and keep a small base running and a ship afloat, with one eye constantly open for griefing and wondering what will be destroyed when you next log in, is getting less and less entertaining by the day. It's also the first game I have owned in 20 years where I dread them bringing out an update, because everything they "fix" or introduce just results in more broken game mechanisms, more exploits and new ways of griefing.
  27. 3 points
    The amount of cyclones in a storm is insane.... Feels like the entire map turns into the Bermuda Triangle when cyclones appear....
  28. 3 points
    Yet I think that would be the PERFECT reason to add a 2 or 3 hours delay before the decay timer starts... Player shops. The accelerated decay timer should absolutely not be the reason players make their item and gold decisions quickly and leave asap... The accelerated decay timer should ONLY be a reason to not log off and/or stay in the region for too long. You have to realize that not everybody knows how to sail a ship as fast as possible. Not everybody has a very fast ship. When you get to a freeport you're not sure what you're going to buy or sell, and sailing TO the freeport takes time, depending on wind speed and direction... The MOMENT you enter the freeport region, your ship starts to take damage. There needs to be a delay. Going to a freeport region is expensive. They're going to be adding REASONS to be in a Freeport Region... yet there are instant consequences for going to a Freeport Region... it's redundant and ridiculous. Freeport Regions are going to be for buying and selling. Its where you buy Crew. Its where you buy Cosmetics. Its where people start. and Freeport Regions should also be the best place to meet other players and new players. Yet you have to get in and out asap because you might lose your ship if you don't...
  29. 3 points
    I agree with the OP that these things are bad, but I don't agree that taming is almost there. I hate everything about it, other than how fast it is compared to ARK taming. I would rather it be more interesting to do, but take a little more time. The game DOES need interesting things to do, besides smashing rocks and trees. Use the baby raising system in ARK as the basis for the code. Yes, let this take time to complete, but don't make us stay up at night to do it. First, give us tranqs. Give us more cages, one for each tier. Tier 3 could be open top. Let us tranq an animal, and then transport it to the ship if necessary, and then to our base. When it wakes up, the taming process is started. Add the ARK whip. Mini-game with the whip like the water/reloading. When animal acts aggressive, you do the whip mini-game. Three tries to get a perfect imprint. After the whip, it acts docile, and you can now feed it. You can go 24 hours with no imprinting, without losing progression. Necessary for those with a life outside the game. It will just take you longer to fully imprint the tame. Imprinting the tame should boost it like imprinting does, just not as much...maybe half as much. This makes taming more valuable than taking somebody else's tame. Company tamer could work with somebody who cannot tame. The tamer does the whip, but the person who wants the imprint feeds it. Get rid of the need to tame, in order to ride. It makes the tamer valuable to the team. He can tame, while you imprint your tame, and then you can ride it. You don't get bit while taming, unless you try to feed without the whip being done first. Unless, the tame is already acting docile. Final imprinting, the tame wants to go for a walk, or wants a hug. Other things that could be added, if they get a good animator...the tame wants to play...would be great for imprinting babies too. Biggest problem in survival games is when they think EVERY thing has to be a life or death struggle, all day every day. It gets exhausting and is why so many walk away from these types of games after trying them. At some point you want your fur armor to actually keep you warm, etc... Taming does not have to be the ridiculous mini-game that it is now. We could have something much better, much more interesting...something that would make you want to tame, and want to breed. I loved doing both in ARK. I can't be bothered with it in this game. It's not hard...it's glitchy...buggy, but more than that...it's just not fun.
  30. 3 points
  31. 2 points
    Hello! I think my program is finally ready for public consumption. Thank you for waiting! Its still not even close to perfect and probably has a few bugs. Let's just call it an alpha release for now. Original video: Autoswitching feature: As a refresher this is the program that will dynamically help you open and close servers on the fly so you can play privately on the full official map, with just average hardware. If you can run at least 1 server, this will work, allowing people to even run it on the same computer they are playing on. Main bullet point features: * easily update the ports and ip address across all 225 grids on your map. No more needing to tediously update everything individually on the ServerGridEdior. * Automatically generate all 225 .bat files to start each of the servers * Open and close the server you are on plus the 4 surrounding you (automatically even), any 4 individual servers on the map, or a combination of the two, control up to 9 servers at a time. If your computer can handle more than 1 server, even better! If it can handle 5 grids the program will even track your location and dynamically open all the grids around you so you won't even have to look at the program while playing! A bunch has been added since I lasted showed off the program. Now I include steamcmd and a one click sever setup button as well as an update server function. I also added a redis server on and off switch, so it really now is a one stop shop for nearly everything. It even saves all your settings/locations on close so you don't have to remember anything. The only extra thing you'll need is the servergrideditor from grapeshot. I also wrote out an insanely indepth instruction list, included in the download to hopefully walk anyone, no matter what comfort level, through setting everything up. My apologies, apparently Windows doesn't like the website I setup to download and is blocking everything, so I have to use something stupid like dropbox... Link will also be in the discord server if this stops working. v1.5.4 changelog: Fix for Autosaving on exit not functioning properly. I won't say this is 100% working, but it's the most I will be able to do on my side given the program doesn't actually touch the servers, it's still all dependent on Atlas' autosaving on exit code firing off properly, which can be hit or miss, but in my preliminary tests, I was 5 for 5 on not having a slight rollback on exit and reload of entire server like it was happening before. Rollback may still happen on server updates because it seems for some reason the server is programmed to automatically do that? Fix for slight desync on individual grids, this goes hand in hand on the autosaving not functioning at 100% when switching servers, which may have caused desync, which in turn causes problems reconnecting, problems with the map not updating ship locations, problems with characters not loading. Fix for grids not shutting down on switch or on exit because another square has the server loaded up even though it was not turned on. NEWEST VERSION: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/jp37x0kras14x8j/ASCv1.5.4.zip OLD VERSION: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lbei9x5t99gaggl/ASCv1.5.zip If you run into any issues/need help on the setup, feel free to join the discord here: www.discord.gg/YHGWPyd Discord is also where future updates will be posted until I can figure out why Windows hates my website. ****If you are trying to add this to an existing server, please backup everything before you do... I doubt there will be issues, but you need to be safe, and I haven't actually testing doing that.
  32. 2 points
    Dear Pathfinder's A message to those hating on Atlas, Ya'll need to chill out. So what if it's ARK copied & pasted the Creators of Atlas can do whatever they Like, THE OWN BOTH GAMES DAMNIT. Yeah so Atlas is buggy and glitches all the time but to be honest wasn't ARK Survival Evolved the same when it first released for Early Access 4 - 5 Years ago and just look at it now. Atlas is Exactly like ARK was all those years ago, Broken. Heck I bet in a few years every single person who hated on Atlas when it first released will eat their words and completely regret downing the game. Tbh at least it's better than Sea Of Thieves but that is my personal opinion. Anyway just give the game a chance to prove it's worth something as it literally just released. You can't honesty expect Wildcard to have 100% Fixed Every, Single, Bug in the span of a few weeks, right? I mean no offence to the company but you don't really have the best track record when it comes to deadlines. Look all I'm trying to say is actually give the game a chance, I Am.
  33. 2 points
    ATLAS describes itself as an MMO; it's right there on it's store page: This leads to a lot of people defending the game's current structure as being ok, and that solo players/micro-companies shouldn't be able to play or to even just leave; because it's an MMO and therefore is solely about working together with other players. I intend to demonstrate why this view is inherently wrong in proven MMO models. It's true MMO's allow players to work together; or against each other, on an unprecedented scale. World of Warcraft, EVE, Guild Wars 2, Final Fantasy 14, Elder Scrolls Online, etc etc etc. These are examples of financially successful and stable MMOs, and they all have something in common; they're about 90% solo PvE content. Epic raids in conventional MMOs like WoW, or EVE's thousand-man wars between mega-orgs, or it's emergent territory control might be what they are most famous for, but that is actually a tiny fraction of what they offer and why players, you know, play. Most of your time in WoW or Final Fantasy 14 is more likely to be spent doing solo story quests, leveling, exploring, unlocking content. Even in EVE, for the typical casual player they're probably going to be in low-sec doing safe trade runs, mining or taking NPC mission contracts, this isn't accidental, because this is those games 'resource gathering' phase, where you get the tools, resources, levels and experience needed to tackle the harder content. Then, when your schedule and preferences allow, you get together with friends or strangers and you do the group content; dungeons, raids whatever, and achieve the next level of progression; raid gear, titles etc. The point I'm getting at, is that everything in ATLAS is over-tuned and lacks progression. When you land on a beach you don't encounter a wolf, who deals 10-20% damage a hit, you encounter a dozen wolves, each of who can kill a fully armoured and armed player dead very easily; and who can three-shot a player armed with a spear and cloth armour; not to mention the frequent alphas who you need advanced weapons to have any hope of taking down even as a group. When you go to sea, you don't encounter undead scout-ships that a sloop with a cannon has a fighting chance against, you meet hordes of ships of the damned that even a brig with a full crew is threatened by. When you are ready to move on and find people to do group content, there is noe asy way to find them. Everything is tuned on the assumption there isn't one player, but a dozen in a pre-baked company for every situation, and those players are fully outfitted with the best gear for the job. ATLAS would be much more approachable - for everyone, and probably more successful as an MMO if they broke the content up more. The fix is simple, it'd look like this: Golden Age ruins and maps should be your dungeons; your PvE group content. Exploring a random island should be balanced as 'solo' content, where a lone explorer properly equipped, doesn't have TOO much to worry about from the wild animals, particularly in the more temperate climates. It doesn't matter if such encounters are trivial as a group, the 'standard' islands aren't there to be a serious blocker to playing, they're where you build up the tools, resources and vessels needed to engage with the group content - like in a conventional MMO; and that group content should pay off with the best loot, so it provides a clear path of progression: Solo/Small group play on islands for basic tools -> Treasure maps/SotD as small group for treasure/better blueprints -> Golden age ruins as large group for further advancement -> Raid bosses PvP then add an extra layer of danger, and allows players to shortcut the loop a bit potentially by stealing other people's loot/blueprints/resources... full disclosure, not really my bag, I'm a PvE player. But that doesn't significantly change things; PvP is disrupted by overtuned PvE too; Ships of the Damned or cyclone walls interrupting naval action, or hordes of wolves getting dragged into a ground battle, so the islands would still serve as the place to gear up and prepare for other challenges even if you are under greater threat. Not that any of this matters, schizoid design philosophy will continue even if a better path exists, but, just throwing it out there.
  34. 2 points
    Are players ever going to be able to fly custom personal flags and or company flags onboard their ships? I know there are claim flags when you claim territory but should there not also be a way to ID ships as belonging to a company and as well distinguish individuals from within the company?
  35. 2 points
  36. 2 points
    Isnt the purpose of ppl complaining to let the makers of this early access game know what is going on in the game so they can try to fix the problem if needed? If we the people dont complain they will think the game is perfect. *Calm urself*
  37. 2 points
    same here now on C6 PVE EU sirens call. I make the fountain of youth and just after that (one minute) Client not responding you have been kicked by battleye. I send a ticket to devs. i can rejoin the server but stuck at the loading screen
  38. 2 points
    This is another example why the current fix NOT WORK . Grapeshot should have done what the community suggest: You can not sink an anchored ship via overweight method , but it can not move either . And the company have the option to kick out anyone on board . All problem will go away in an instant . Instead , they chose a method that fix NOTHING but punish honest players .
  39. 2 points
    Version 8 had this: - Ships near shore do not attract cyclones anymore Somewhere between v8 and v15 that got reverted as I constantly get cyclones hitting the shore now.
  40. 2 points
    Please explain why you'd keep it as is? I just can't believe someone actually thinks that.. Are you a dev in disguise? Are you being paid? You want to keep the fountain a naked run through a cave that is blocked 90% of the time. Surrounded by enemies that fire homing attacks with an absurd agro radius? Resulting in having to rerun the cave sometimes in the 100s of times for some people (most giving up). All the while your character is held to ransom by a debuff, and potential perma death in the future? On top of that, it changes locations, and no one has figured out a solid time or pattern. .So you might just end up sailing for hours only to end up in the wrong place. Are you trying to kill this game, or are you just trolling?
  41. 2 points
    I can tell about "O" on the ship. You can craft wall hooks and attach them to almost any surface. It has it's own 1 slot inventory and you can put there a torch or lantern (you can also use dye on lantern to change it's collor) and then light it up. You need to do it manually - each light you created this way (it's cool in first and then so annoying - running thru your base and switch on/off all lights one after another). BUT If you attach hooks with torches/lanterns to a ship surfaces (floor, planks, masts, pillars, walls etc) you then can switch on/off all lights by using steering wheel/podium and press "O" from there (sometimes they light up by pressing "O" twice). On a picture above - there are 2 hooks down the ship on first and third masts. There are torches in there. And 3 hook on the top of masts with lanterns colored by orange dye.
  42. 2 points
    A character should never age because it doesn't add anything interesting to the game.. Literally nothing Remove age altogether. I challenge any of you to tell me anything age actually brings to the core of the game; go ahead. You'll soon realize you're asking for a rework on a mechanic that is utterly meaningless, and provides nothing to the game. All it brings is annoyance and ugliness. Why would i want that over just enjoying the game? Why though? Actually tell me why you think this brings anything to the game? You're asking for reworks on a mechanic that only makes the game worse in whatever form. The best place for age is in the character creator.. It doesn't belong in the game.. I can't be bothered to deal with it over and over, and i'll just end up quitting if it is left it. It is a boring pointless hassle.
  43. 2 points
    ARK is more solo friendly than Atlas, my metal rafts had a good survivability till Wildcard brought the stupid raft eating whales to troll even the last solo player away. In ATLAS you can keep your ship in a freeport if 8 hours of sleep are sufficient for you. If not..byebye ship. If you anchor your ship in front of your base : byebye ship - free choice between grappling hook overweight exploiters, galleon broadside, land based cannons and tear jars/fire arrows If you keep your ship somewhere in the ocean : byebye ship - troll LOLOL Galleon passing by sinking you in one broadside. Why ? Because they can, just for fun if you build a garage from large Stone gates for your ship :byebye ship - a) grappling hook trolls climb above-> tear jar, fire arrow, game over -b) lazy rich mega tribes dont want to climb, so a few boradsides till the gate is crushed...-> game over In all cases you start as tree puncher in a freeport again.
  44. 2 points
    Jeez enough with the feet stomping my way or the highway. Did you read the part about only being out for a month or so? No SOTD are just fine, went through a couple dozen and if you actually set your ship up correct you just fly by. And dont start with the I am playing all by myself and its not fair. Learn how to play.
  45. 2 points
    One thing I forgot to add:- 1) The Galleon has a huge void at the back that is wasted space. Really that's where the Captains Cabin would be, which would have at least one set of windows running across the back.
  46. 2 points
  47. 2 points
    OP, I've been given your full ban record to review. You were banned for extreme racism in game with clear evidence. Your ban will not be revoked. This thread is getting a little off-track so I'll go ahead and lock it now.
  48. 2 points
    The devs need a way to make this a beneficial choice and NOT a requirement. How about keeping the permanent bonuses for those brave and savvy enough to complete the quest but do not debuff others that choose not to go on this adventure?
  49. 2 points
    Spamming E button under attack of hundreds hostile creatures - Imho, this is not the best way to make an "unique" quest
  50. 2 points
    This system don't have sense, first u need travel too much hours with posibility despawn fountain in travel, second u need dodge Ciclips, Elementals, Spiders Skeletons...and for finish need patience for server lag, and somemore bugs.
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