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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2019 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Corner pillars 1. Place a foundation. 2. Looking at one side of the foundation, place a fence foundation snaped to one corner coming towards you. 3. You can now snap a pillar at the other corner facing you. 4. remove fence foundation. you can use the snap points of this pillar to place multiples. (This is not however snaped to the foundation and will not support any stuctures it is on the corner of.) the dock in the image is supported by other pillars, the building uses the corner pillars for a rustic look.
  2. 2 points
    Hi Devs, When are you going to get the PvE back online, and why do you ONLY have one server up for PvP, and not for PvE???
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    It's time again to ask: what the fuck are you doing? Why are you that busy again? Why are there more than 10 threads with open questions and no CM care about?
  5. 2 points
    the problem is that none of the proposed problems have been adressed/dicussed/fixed
  6. 1 point
    WPC seem to be bugged. With starting an new map the seemed to spawn correctly. But after playing a few hours they seem to spawn again and again. Now I have 4 camps simultaneously at one place. Buildings are totally corrupted.
  7. 1 point
    I don't have much sympathy for anyone who can't remember a day before today.
  8. 1 point
    You better do After beein in this forum for over 9 month XD Need atleast Double the Time ingame otherwise GS might sell Forum Accounts soon as those are Used more than the Game itself XD
  9. 1 point
    (this means they take longer to spoil)
  10. 1 point
    For. PVE EU i can assure there will be Kraken twice a week again ^^
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Small Quality of Life suggestion. Make bookshelves like the Mess Table. They extend or stop the spoiltime of Maps. Cheers.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    If they really want crossplay to work this had to be done. Especially view distance. The downside of console parody.
  15. 1 point
    Top of today's patch notes: Map spoil time increased by 3x when in bookshelves (this means they take longer to spoil). :D
  16. 1 point
    Some good stuff in there, but I dont really like the hard caps. If someone wants to play/experiment with a glasscannon ship with all points into damage, he should be able to. Same with the hitpoints cap. Hard caps are simply the lazy and easy way to balance your sandbox game.
  17. 1 point
    25k... hahahaha HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH dude that shit you smoke is the real deal.
  18. 1 point
    You wipper snapper with your phone writing lingo, what does that even mean?
  19. 1 point
    It says everything in the captains log.
  20. 1 point
    A) You asked a question on an open forum. I answered the question straightforwardly. I do not see anything in my answer that merited the hostility in your reply. Before you tell others they need to get help, perhaps you should ask yourself why you felt it necessary to react with such hostility to someone giving a perfectly reasonable answer to your question. Because both your response and the tone of it were certainly not reasonable. B) You like tames and you like Ark. That’s great, I liked Ark as well, so much so that I have 4K hours in it and ran a multi server cluster community of several hundred players for over a year. Atlas was not advertised as Ark, an Ark sequel, or tame oriented. It was promoted as a pirate fantasy themed game. Many players came here expecting just that and excited to play such a game. What they found instead was a game that was barely playable and a development team that in developing said barebones game did not seem to be taking it in the direction of pirate fantasy but instead seemed to be making it a version of Ark that happened to also include a lot of water and a few ships. This idea may appeal to you personally, but it is not what the game was promoted as and it is not what the majority of players expected. Their expectations were not unreasonable, but for you to tell people who didn’t get the advertised game to go play Sea of Thieves is a hostile and unreasonable response to a perfectly reasonable expectation. C) If you don’t see a future for this game let me assure you that it is not because it lacks enough tames. I have been active on these forums since day one. For every post with positive comments about tames I can think of 20 saying essentially “ we didn’t buy Atlas for tames. We bought it for pirates and there doesn’t seem to be much pirate stuff.” The game has fared exceedingly poorly thus far and based on the overwhelming majority of comments here and ingame, it isn’t for lack of tames but for lack of pirate content, specifically lack of emphasis on ship oriented activities. Saying “who doesn’t like riding a dragon to attack your enemies?” misses the point. I could just as easily say “ who doesn’t like riding a T. rex into battle?” But if I’m doing it on the forums for Grand Theft Auto or Ghost Recon, both games with themes of gritty realism, I’m not being reasonable or realistic. D) The notion that tames will keep Atlas alive is very much a dubious one. Saying you don’t care what the community thinks is illogical. The community is who has to like the game to keep it alive. If the community ie the players don’t like the game, it dies. So far they have voiced their displeasure quite clearly, your personal views notwithstanding, and they have left in droves. You may want another Ark, but if the devs listen to you rather than the overwhelming majority who have said they do not, then you will not have a game to play for very long unless you’re going to personally finance the game’s development. E) Instead of blasting people who don’t share your personal preferences, you would be better served to do some research here and ingame, be fair minded and realistic and you will come to understand that fighting FOR tames in Atlas is actually fighting for the game to die. It is fighting for the game to be something other than what it has been marketed as, and that disconnect has contributed directly to the game dropping from over 40k online at opening to barely 1500 in 9 months. That’s horrible, and not something any game can survive for long.
  21. 1 point
    There is a bug on that tracker that never resets the counts. So every time someone moves from one zone to another it counts them. Every time someone logs in it counts them. The total just keeps going up and up. They had a similar issue the same time at release on Steam that was giving false numbers reported to the servers so people were being locked out of zones even though they were not at cap. They fixed it, but the guys who made the tracker seem to have not. Edit: Clicked on it right after writing this and the total has reset to 2179. So maybe they fixed it finally. Edit2: Nope, still broken.
  22. 1 point
    I have 0 clue why you post this here, but okay. OT: Steam stats are both accurate and inaccurate, but I’m sure as hell that this game is not being played by 18K peeps.
  23. 1 point
    i logged in with enthusiasm on the launch of new patch...normally go pve but gave pvp a try...due to that being the only server they put up..(wrong choice imo) spent 3 days building a base and a couple of schooners for different things and some bastard wiped everything out as i went offline to play that other game called life. so pve for me.... but me and the one guy from our clan that bothered to come back now are already fed up......come back to do pve in a few days perhaps.. but to do what?.....everything we have already done twice before? twice bitten.....not sure i got another in me ....its sad because i want a proper pirate adventure....this aint it black flag still holds that mantle imo
  24. 1 point
    trading routes?, trading routes plundering?, factions?, a decent progression? optimization? PLAYERS!!???? if you dont like freedom of speech dont come to a forum?? thats like going to a bar and attacking people because you dont drink alcohol and they do. people are sharing their opinions in a place created for that purpose and you have no authority or right to try to silence them so now the community is to blame because the game is a cash grab scam? wot? the problem is not the existence of tames its the fact that they are overfocusing on it, we had 3 different new tames announced 2 live streams ago for a total of 27 different tames while we only have 3 different types of ships in 10 months of early access..in a pirate game... THAT IS ABOUT SHIPS!!!!! do you see it now? the problem is the unbalance of the game design. what do you even need to fight for tho? they said they are not removing any already existing tame, you are just overdramatizing it. then why even post? if you dont care about anyone's opinion but yours why would anyone care about your opinion?
  25. 1 point
    Although you suggested it and we agreed it would be fantastic, It's been over a month and nothing!! Oh! wait! not nothing, the discord bug report channel got an acknowledgement icon. while the forums still have the perception of abandonment.
  26. 1 point
    Again, sorry for delay in my response. Started a new job this week and has taken up pretty all my time. Anyway... Thanks for the update on running ASUU with ChromeSDK's prog... pretty neat that you were able to get them working simulataeously! .. Well, mostly Re: Virus notice: Pretty much any program written in AutoIT (the programming language that ASUU is written in) gets flagged by Windows Defender... even my 2 line mouse mover program gets flagged. I submitted a version a few months back and Microsoft approved it within a few hours, but they said that end users will only get the exception added to Defender with next update.. approx. monthly. The except only applied to that version, so I would have to resubmit for all versions. Since I was putting out updates 1-2x/wk and users only updated Defender database monthly, it was pointless. In my Discord, I have a channel dedicated to the explanation with screen shots of various other antivirus programs saying ASUU is safe. As for the Crash Watchdog... I could easily add an option to have it NOT restart grids shutdown by ChromeSDK's prog. I've added it to my "Wish List". Thanks!
  27. 1 point
    when you think pirates, the first thing that comes to mind is not lions and tigers and bears, oh my. It's ships, cannons and cutlasses, hidden treasure and walking the plank. Atlas so far has been long on things that can already be found in Ark, but that don't really have all that much to do with piracy. That's what people are irked about, that there isn't actually much pirating in the pirate game.
  28. 1 point
    Pretty sure there will be more than 25k. Don’t worry man not arguing with you or side busting your convo with the other guy. now that the wipe has happened I have been letting everyone know on other social media that atlas will be good. Most also want to go pve though. Not because they like pve but I mean let’s be real, until factions come out why would console players bother with pvp(especially NA PvP). it isn’t the pc players fault they have the experience. It is the developers fault that they didn’t implement factions before hand. The whole ark playstyle is just stupid for this game. Once they can either implement factions or non “total”wipes then you can expect to see a lot more people on the PvP servers. until then, this game is total as far as PvP is concerned. No reason to even bother with that.
  29. 1 point
    G3 golden Age is now G4 And H11 is a freeport And new golden age is in J11
  30. 1 point
    Yup, PVE poor, PVP rich. You are forced into PVP areas to get to the High level PVE oppontants patrolling the high level materials. Having to contend with the often toxic PVP players just to get to higher level PVE content is why I stoped playing.
  31. 1 point
    is funny how people come to a survival game but want a safe enviroment, this game was actually dangerous when launched, i cant remember how many times i died, but it was challenging and fun, then they made the wild creatures dumb and infected them with alzheimer (they would faint attack you then run away then forget that they even saw you ROFL) and if that was not enough alpha's count was diminished too now Atlas is a boring game with boring land gameplay and boring sea gameplay, like a minecraft without digging, a building/sailing simulator.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    It’s possible the game might release on the 8th, but based on GC’s track record to date, I wouldn’t count on it. Since they’ve already said that NA PVP is iterating the Xbox launch version over the 10 day window between, they may be waiting til last minute to release a preload version.
  34. 1 point
    especially when you're trying to see what damage is done to something. if you're running around, you could hit backspace to turn off everything.
  35. 1 point
    Or just put it anywhere besides directly in your view.
  36. 1 point
    There shouldn’t be any timers on tames. Your not around they starve and die.
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    A platform that allows player to player to connect for boss battles, when your ships are complete something you can click on that will join you with other players to battle. Boss battles, PVP Rewards for these special battles shouldn't be like no other. 1. Ship stat bonuses 2. Items to make your boats or houses look better decorations of some sort. 3. Pets or NPCs that you cannot get by destroying ships of the Damned or buying from a local port. 4. An Auction House at Free ports, That we can all sell items in. Like World of Warcraft. Also all the Ports Auction Houses are connected Digitally. (This would help noobs in getting gold on Free ports to get a NPC to Sail their first ship. 5. 2 Free NPC with your first ship you build from Free ports. 6. A way after you are Settled to have 2 Specail ports that you could build that you can send out Resources to another built port by you on another settled island. A timer when the items will make port to the location island you have your 2nd port built on. (Also If Resources are not picked up by you when time runs out items are lost or others can loot them.) Even may need to hire NPC to work the port, This away the people are still Sailing around looking for gold to keep their NPC's Working.
  39. 1 point
    I'm a few years older and the best thing is I don't rush anything anymore, real life or gaming I take my time. I've got loads more patience now. Oh and I'm officially a grumpy burger, and I like it!
  40. 1 point
    Many were fixed And new comes. No Alphas in tame pens anymore. No more beeing Stuck in Wolfs. No sotd attacking anchored ships And no cyclones sinking them.
  41. 1 point
    I agree, there is no way to protect ships from bored trolls passing by. Stone gate is one broadside+game over, so ship hangars dont help. 9hour combat window is not giving any troll protection as well. Anchored ships = invulnerable would be the perfect solution. Wouldnot hurt open sea combat but prevent offline lolstomping
  42. 1 point
    It is NOT pvp anyways with offline ganking of unprotected, docked ships....that is merely griefing. Clearly, you are a griefer if it bothers you so much. We shall eventually see if the DEVs plan to design the game to support you "griefers" or if they plan to address griefing and make offline sinking of ships impossible... Hey, if you don't like it and just want to cry about it, go play a hardcore PVP game then...Altas was advertised as an online sandbox with both, PVE and PVP elements intertwined. Hell, if you "griefers" got your merry way, Atlas would have to have its advertising changed to: "ATLAS...spend all day building ships to have high-stakes pirate combat but then awaken the next morning to find them all sunk by griefers. So, get your money together, because you are in for one hell of an adventure. Join today...because tomorrow might never come!"
  43. 0 points
    ok smart guy how would you make atlas more pirate atlas already has the pirate stuff. name it atlas most likely has it. all I'm saying is what happened to the seahorse. and if you don't like tames then GO PLAY SEA OF THIEVES!!! I bought this game because of ark I find tames very fun and who the hell does not like riding a dragon to attack your enemies!! I like this game because of the tames and if this is the community than I don't see a future for this game. tames is what kept ark alive and it will keep atlas alive too!! and I will continue to fight for tames!!! and I don't care what the devs think!! or the community!!
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