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About DeliaHaze20

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  1. I know there's a resource map maybe this will help https://exploreatlas.co.uk/explore
  2. that is a nice hat. (sidenote) jat answered my question.
  3. you know what im done thats right DONE! i ask a question to a dev and i get shit for it this is grapeshot aka wildcard who made ark so i bought this game thinking it was going to be like ark ok sue me when they add the tortugar i was excited thinking it was going to be more like ark so yeah i was happy to buy the game. atlas already had tames in it like the razor tooth but when said thay are making the seahorse i got more excited for mega update 3 but when i saw the live stream i knew the game is not what i thought it was. so i got a question for you why add tames in the first place. in a pirate game?
  4. i am so sick and tried of this community always talking down to people and i tried to be respectful at first but people like him set me off. and what would you rather have me do then? report him? this is very disrespectful!!
  5. world of tanks is great because it has tanks, introduce tanks, you dont need tanks to steal a boat. he didnt eat it, i took my hat and stuck it up his ass, then he died. srry but there was no atlas's developer nearby and i needed to stick that hat on someone's ass. does this look reasonable to you!!!
  6. here is part of the description. While generally a solitary creature, it seeks out the assistance from its kin when in danger. A few daring adventurers have yearned to saddle this beautiful marine equine, however, due to its hostile nature when disturbed, it has been an impossible task. it is going to be hard to tame.
  7. ok smart guy how would you make atlas more pirate atlas already has the pirate stuff. name it atlas most likely has it. all I'm saying is what happened to the seahorse. and if you don't like tames then GO PLAY SEA OF THIEVES!!! I bought this game because of ark I find tames very fun and who the hell does not like riding a dragon to attack your enemies!! I like this game because of the tames and if this is the community than I don't see a future for this game. tames is what kept ark alive and it will keep atlas alive too!! and I will continue to fight for tames!!! and I don't care what the devs think!! or the community!!
  8. why not have tame thats why ark is so great atlas can have tame to it is a pirate game so go steal a boat. you dont need tames for that.
  9. lore yes i mean thay did add Atlantean armor cosmetic skins.
  10. it was in one of the captains logs with the sail cosmetics wish is in mega patch 3 but maybe your right. but still that suck.
  11. so what they scrapped it they teas it and then scrapped it? I was looking sooooo forward for a good water tame.
  12. me and my friends were so excited for it. what the hell happened to it it's not in mega patch 3?
  13. will the leatherwing ever be tameable/breedable?
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