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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2019 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Greetings Shipmates! With the upcoming mega patch I know many of you are looking for a new community to call home. [A1] is a community a cut above the rest with a unique map design that has something for everyone. Are you looking to be a Pirate who terrorizes the seas and lives on their ship? We have you covered! Are you looking to be a Merchant who seeks out the rarest materials and opens up a trading port? We have you covered! Are you looking to be a Mercenary who builds an epic fortress and lays siege to your enemy’s bases? We have you covered there too! At [A1] we have implemented a groundbreaking map design and faction system. Our 7 x 7 world includes multiple Golden Age Ruins so all power stones are obtainable, a zone for the Kraken, Lawless zones, PvE territories, and PvP regions. Our faction system consists of 3 individual groups. Merchants (PvE), which are your more traditional PvE role, will spawn with 20% more carry weight and intelligence. Mercenaries (PvP), which are your traditional PvP role, spawn with 20% more HP and Stamina. Pirates (Lawless PvP), which live on ships or on land that is claimless in Lawless regions spawn with 50% more Oxygen capacity and Gold Find as well as 20% higher Melee. Check out this presentation that goes further into our upcoming changes for post mega patch. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YUiAZ_jalWyp269jjC3sa1hZac-B3bYfTcak7LXRtdk/edit?usp=sharing Features: 7 x 7 world -Custom quests built by the community Weekly bonuses voted on by the community PvE, PvP, and Lawless Zones -Monthly events with epic rewards Clipping turned on for easier building -Unlimited Respecs Active admin team -All Power Stones Kraken (The Maw) Live map ( http://www.A1Atlas.com/ ) Merchant and Ghost Ships Grids are on dedicated boxes based in Canada Rates: Harvesting: 2x PvE & PvP / 2.5 Lawless PvP / 3x Bloodworks Taming: 2x Ship of the Damn: 0.5x Mods: A Custom mod built specifically for the [A1] community Pirate Quest Eco’s Atlas Foliage Eco’s RP Décor Server Link: Steam://connect/ Discord Link: https://discord.gg/srRjA9Y
  2. 4 points
  3. 4 points
    I bought 4 copies on launch day for my family because I knew what a chaotic mess this would be. Anyone can see the way PC games have been released lately with the ‘patch it and fix it later’ attitude and early access is getting earlier and earlier. That being said, after gaming for 40 years, this has been one of my top ten experiences. I am one of the people who enjoy the process more than the end result. The fact that the game isn’t finished and is constantly changing makes it fun, to me and my group. We have played more since the wipe announcement than before because we love the uncertainty and decay. I realize I’m in the minority but all games end eventually and playing for the moment and enjoying the experience is really the only thing that matters. There is nothing to win except that.
  4. 3 points
    I know this is an MMO and as such geared to joining groups,but a lot of us gamers play solo for various reasons.I heard you say that you wanted the game to be more balanced for groups and solo players or smaller groups,then you announce updates like the new sub,I thought great.Oh but hang on,how the heck am I supposed to solo the Kraken to get the sub?So no sub for me and any other solo player.Could you not just do a closed single player option like in Ark?at least that way solo players can get to enjoy the whole game and still have fun online.Many Thx for your time.
  5. 3 points
    Well done, nice! Better spend the treasure before wipe, spend it wisely!
  6. 3 points
    If the forum staff feel there is no problem, then that should be accepted by the community. This public humiliation of challenging BUBBALOOEY and his claims needs to stop. You need to grow up and move on from such a miniscual issue.
  7. 3 points
    Well you are entitled ( no pun intended ) to your opinion. It is interesting how you perceive me being condescending, yet your post is based purely off assumption and is nothing but condescending. I suggest you re read my post - and try to smile while doing so. It might make for a better day for you.
  8. 2 points
    That only works if the joke is actually told on 1st April, not before. Here's a fail gif for you...
  9. 2 points
    I could never understand why the announcement of the wipe or the delay of patches or the wipe would cause someone to quit playing or take a break until after the wipe, several of us from different companies have continued to play just like we were before the announcement or delays happened. Those that say they will be back after the wipe and those that stopped playing in the beginning because they couldn’t find any land just baffles me. To my understanding there is going to be more wipes and the land system unless your a island owner will be the same as lawless. So what has changed ? Those who have stopped playing because of the wipe announcement, I’m curious to know if you’ll stop again at the next announcement? Those who stopped playing because you couldn’t own your own claim and didn’t want to live on lawless, well if your not able to own your own island this go around will you stop again ? I’m just trying to understand your way of thinking, I’m not pointing fingers or bashing anyone or making any suggestions as to whether you should come back or not. I would just like to know your thinking on all of this. I really hope you do come back and continue to play with the rest of us.
  10. 2 points
    LOL, you know I read that as NAVEL action... chuckled to myself with glowing amusement, before realising you really did mean 'naval'. Oi oi! Perhaps navel action is what is needed OMG we can really tell I haven't had my coffee this fine day.
  11. 2 points
    If capslock can be turned off, I think Bubba would have arrived at that conclusion as well by now. So clearly it cannot. Most disability devices and services are horrendously poorly supported, many do not work for very long or break down often. Bubba's setup probably also requires alot of servicing and cleaning to keep it hygenic etc. When people make stuff that needs alot of servicing, it tends to also be very limited in ability, as it's covered, coated, protected etc. Take a bed for people who are paralysed.. they go up, down, forward, back. Sometimes left/right. But never have a tv or vibrator with them which could easily be installed or the ability to angle the bed to tip the patient out of it.. which would be really useful actually. So I can quite believe that a dev who makes such devices overlooked wether the patient could use capslock or not. It likely PRINTS characters to an output. There might be software available which the output could be sent to before inputing to the forum, ie a spellchecker for example, but Bubba would either need to set this up himself or get help to do that.. know many people in your household able to do that sort of thing? I know of one.. in mine. And there's 6 of us here.
  12. 2 points
    Its very very VERY simple. 2 Colonies servers. 1 with tribe limit and the other with no limits. END OF DISCUSSION!
  13. 2 points
    I solo the Kraken with a schooner its not hard at all.
  14. 2 points
    I can't speak for anyone else, but I think the biggest problem isn't that people provide feedback. It's that they aren't providing the feedback constructively and the forums seem to feel more like a small percentage of people that want to scream their own negative opinions about an idea 600 times, and another 300 times on top of that when the first 600 results in a change but not the one that they wanted.
  15. 2 points
    Most of the people in these forums have been here almost since the beginning of the game, we’ve built a little community with everyone who post here and I’ve really enjoyed the opinions of most everyone, you can tell who the good people are and who is here to troll. Thank you for your time and effort.
  16. 2 points
    I think there is a lot of entitlement going on - the idea that people pay, automatically means they get what they want. As long as MMO's have been around- I alph'ed UO btw and played games before that even - there has always been a difference of opinion on what should be expected, what needs to be done and what works best and that is on both sides of the table - Devs and Player. Part of the problem is we can not all agree. So the Dev's have to make a decision based on what is good for the game as well as what is profitable for their title. EA games are a way to discover that route, as well as gain some funding for continued development. I think as long as people remember that this is also a business and we - the players - have no idea what they have in mind for the future nor the costs associated with achieving that goal - we can learn to accept their decisions a little easier. Go with the flow. Will Dev's always do what is right? NOPE! We have seen mistakes in the past that have cost them their titles. But as long as we all give positive, constructive feedback - and weed out the useless trolling, whining and crying - we can hope they listen.
  17. 2 points
    I hate Reddit and its formatting. I prefer this linear style. Easier to follow imo.
  18. 2 points
    At this stage of the game it's hit "9" eat Fish and Chips, hit "10" eat a pork pie. (all vitamins get balanced) If you are not prepared, it can be an issue. If you can't be bothered, it can be an issue. If you don't want to play the game as it's been designed, it can be an issue. For some reason i can hit 2 buttons in the middle of a sea battle, i can also hit those 2 buttons when building base. admittedly i have the awful chore of moving my pork pies to my "8" slot when i need to tame something. You're making me feel like some elite gamer, being able to add those 2 button presses to almost any task.
  19. 2 points
    My company and I have decided that if we're home, and online, we will rejoin after the patch and try to make a land grab. I don't know if we will stay if we can't get land of our own, but we'll see. We absolutely do NOT like the way they are doing the claim system with the landlord(overlord, in some cases)/tenant(slave) idea. Honestly, I think they made pve this way on the land claiming because it was easier for the devs to copy/paste the code from pvp, change a few variable names, than to completely rewrite the code necessary to give the pve peoples what they actually asked for/suggested. If I've the right of it, its a lazy way to do a game, and not smart at all because of the sheer number of players they have let down and pissed off. They don't seem to care about us, though... 'hey we're going to wipe the servers after you spent three months working your asses off for what you have, and then we're going to double fuck you by removing the claim system. Oh, You don't like that? you want to just limit the number of claim flags per person per company? Here... Here is a hat skin, and *poof*... Now we'll only allow one claim per whole island and if you aren't the one who claims it, you can be the renter... have fun." i mean, honestly, i can't be the only one who sees it like this. Its wrong of the devs to not listen to us, and to give us something that is still the opposite of what we asked for or suggested. But those I game with want to at least try to make a land grab, so we'll try.
  20. 2 points
    Because we're effectively privileged to be able to play & test the game before it's official and released as a full commercial product. As a gratuity, we got it at a discounted price, compared to full whack. But we have to take the bumps as well. Wipes, clean slates, testing new features and functions and providing feedback is what it's all about. I think some people forget this, and expect a perfectly polished player experience... It is what it is at the end of the day. Some things are hellishly annoying, other things are rather fun... it's up to the players to work WITH the developers to steer the game in a direction that conforms to the spirit of the game conceived out of a passion for a pirate game with the Ark engine. People will hate, people will love. The developers need to maintain their thick skin and bounce off those that do happen to love the concept of Atlas. Which is why I'll seldom be hostile and toxic to a bunch of guys (and girls) pouring their souls into something they hope we will come to love. Plugged this enough... time for a rather large coffee now
  21. 1 point
    That and it sometimes took days for a ship to sink and that was usually due to added calamity and/or missteps by the crew trying to salvage the ship. I guess in game time is greatly sped up. I never even bothered to check. Whats one hour in real life equal to in Atlas time? Full day? I don't know. If it takes 20 minutes to sink a gally with one plank missing thats quite a few hours in game time. But for some reason to capture a brig can take multiple days/weeks in game? Whats up with that?
  22. 1 point
    The reason why there isn't much boarding is because of how easy it is to sink other ships compared to how it was back then. Ships in this game seem to be made of cardboard rather then solid oak. If they lowered the damage cannons do to ships or upped the damage resistance of planks you would see more boarding especially between the larger ships.
  23. 1 point
    Welcome to ARK/Atlas
  24. 1 point
    After all this years dealing with ther ETA, its literally impossible that PTR its up on April 1st They cant release anything on the date they initial say, they have a "reputation" to preserve
  25. 1 point
    The submarine harpoon is a new underwater weapon which will ramp up oceanic combat. Sounds a bit more in the power range of a cannon.
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Has PTR already being released? Or do we need to wait another month?
  28. 1 point
    But ark did wipe when they did the great migration remember that? So it was wiped, and add in all the bugs in the game was nuts they should of wiped with all the loses all the time lol
  29. 1 point
    If it helps, I heard that Chuck Norris fancied calamari, so solo'd the Kraken with a pair of chopsticks and a bottle of soy sauce. Shows it can be done.
  30. 1 point
    He claims he is using a speech to text program. None of the hardware needed for those require capsloc. They use voice commands.
  31. 1 point
    Howabout.. you rename pvp in atlas to Survivor.. and call it that instead? Survivor. No pvp involved. If someone attacks you, you fight back, if you see something you need, you take it. If someone gets in your way you kill or disable them. How you get there, doesn't matter. So long as you win, they lose. Leave PVPERS for cod like games or arena games.
  32. 1 point
    As long as the delay of taking EU PvE down doesn't result in the delay of PTR then it doesn't really matter if EU PvE is not down yet.
  33. 1 point
    its not an excuse to turn off caps , wether he is disabled or not . too many people in this world of ours nowadays talk about equality then demand more , im not saying they dont the best they can , but dont demand equality then try to use your disability to circumvent the rules and laws laid down ... disabled people can kill , disabled people can break speed limits when driving , do we let them off because of they are disabled ? i treat disabled people i meet the same as i do anyone else its what they want, its what they demanded ,so abide by the same rules as the rest of us if you want to be treated the same .
  34. 1 point
    Dafuq? No! If a ship is getting hit by a mortar it was a suprise atack - or the captain was dumb. Just try to kill a 3 handling sail brig with your cannon tower who is stationairy - you cant. And with the right canons you can 2 shot large Stone Gates an taken down Canon Towers easily. I pillerd my complete harbor to defend our land base - cause the mountain base is unplayble with all the bees and trees inside. If you couldput mortars on ships - they will destroy every defense with in the huge mortar range.
  35. 1 point
    Hmm, its a tough one though realist. I agree it takes the whole thing away somewhat doing pve stuff in a game like this, but it is kinda fun domination just i think it needs to be very tweaked. Biggest problem i see is too much focused on tames, and pve crafting. Nothing crafting deep with pvp stuff as much. Also the treasure chests, all that needs to be tweaked. As for subs? like really.... but whatever different ark game, its too advanced for a pirate game. Thank gawd for Un official so we can get rid of 90% of the junk.
  36. 1 point
    this kind of non sense gave a brexit in England so u should use it with precautions
  37. 1 point
    I think there may be a bit of bouble-bluff going on. Back home in the real world, local authorities wanted to put a new airport in on some derelict land, the local residence up in arms took to the streets, campaign of anger and the whole proposal fell flat on its face. The authorities turned around and said ok fair enough, we wont build there. The residence cheered, and celebrated their victory. The next thing we heard was that airport plans were approved to be built upon old marshland / nature reserve further up the road... This caused an absolute uproar, 100x that of the original plan... everyone got involved this time, environmental agencies, green peace, we had friends of the earth, local Councillors... Basically the earth stopped revolving... The authorities started moving the bulldozers and tractors in, earth movers and the lot... the crowds and riots were unprecedented. At the very last moment, the authority said, look ok ok ok..... we hear you, but we have no choice the airport has to go ahead. In the middle of the crowd, a little voice chimed in "think I prefer the original plan".. and as more and more voices chimed in 'here here, here here'... the authorities switched off the engines, and openly asked.. this site or the original? It's your choice, not ours. The Airport was built on the original derelict land without protest. ....someone in the local council was heard to say " see told you it would work".... There's a moral there somewhere lol. Maybe that's what's happening with Atlas.. Players hated the original plan. Players HATE the new plan even more! Given the choice, players probably prefer the original plan lol. Not sure it's exactly the same but near enough for me! I like telling that story anyway... so thanks for reading
  38. 1 point
    Your right, but like the other poster stated ... WE are the ones playing the game and WE are the ones buying it ... but WE only see one very small portion of the full game. We are looking at the sky from the bottom of the well so to speak, there is a lot more to the game then any one person's play style. I'm betting even the forums only cover maybe 5% of the actual player-base. So there is no guarantee that the people that post on the forums make up every aspect of the game or are proportionally ratio'd for even a single aspect, so suggestions and posts are often times skewed to one play-style's perspective. EDIT: I just realized that for some reason the Quote section listed "Sansa" for both phrases instead of Kappinski for the second one. Silly forums...
  39. 1 point
    Says the a hole who doesn't actually play the game lol. FYI you are the definition of a forum troll (someone who posts all the time yet doesnt actually play the game).
  40. 1 point
    I fully expected wipes, for the most part. I admit a bit of uncertainty due to the MMO tag. I started Conan Exiles a month or so into EA and played through almost the entirety of it's EA. Took a break and came back right at release, what a huge difference in that game! We had wipe after wipe after wipe, I'm pretty numb to wipes now. The player base here, now, reminds me of the player base of Conan during EA. "Game is dead" "devs suck" "you're killing your game", etc., etc. Well that game is not dead and this one won't die either. No, it does not explicitly state to expect wipes. I suppose with my Conan experience, I did and felt everyone should have. But, I can see that someone new to this type experience could have different expectations.
  41. 1 point
    IMAO they should turn this system from "it's necessary to live" to "you use it for buffs". Like you eat anything you want for fulfill your stomach. And balanced food provide you this equilibrium buff.
  42. 1 point
    IMAO - so far the idea of separate claimable territories in each island - the best. Little math here. - 225 grids. -16 freeports. -8 golden age. -1 central maw. 200 grids with islands to settle. - 4 islands each. = 800 islands. IF each island will consist of 25 small territories to claim - there will be 800 x 25 - 20 000 territories. Even if there will be 1 person per territory - it will be 20 000 ppl per server (the number never happened yet). There how it could looks like (I took Island where we settled). This is the island with 25 claimable areas: Central part and those dead resourceless parts in shore - not claimable and could live in lawless or even forbidden to build rules. Is there enough space this way? Well I painted orange squares of my base buildings (those not exact and actually a bit bigger in map - but overall picture is like that). Look above how much space does it take. And here how it looks like in game: Limit claims to 1 per player or small (1-5 ppl for example) company. And few more for bigger companies. And every1 in PVE will be happy. There is room for PVP also - that each territory might become war-posts with defense walls and towers and be raided and conquered.
  43. 1 point
    I think, your supposed to use shock and awe tactic when online raiding players, sail your biggest ship up to their stuff, snipe them asap and unload volleys of cannonballs at everything so that they feel they have lost as the fight begins. Everything about your post kinda screams that you just took a cannon bear to raid online players, you try and use as little resources as possible, to raid their base and they can rebuild and maybe trap you in because of your minimalist battle strat, where you blow a single wall hole through their layers. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Waste some resources, and use fun strats! The honeycomb strat doesnt work if you volley until building is gone lol, also that's FUN. Shooting volleys of cannonballs after you have won the ground fight/beaten the online players. Players like you, want to be able to go up to any base with a cannon bear and raid it with no fight, it's just not much fun man. Also it's terrible for the players who's stuff you stole with 50 cannonballs and 4 minutes raiding them offline. That's too big of a return, all their stuff for 50 cannonballs, and just a few min of your time to ruin hours on hours of work for someone else. I think the player base would stay higher if those hours of work weren't gone when those players returned. Also not just at you but to all who say orp pvp in ark doesnt work, screw that I had tons of fun caging players and making them watch their stuff get raided, orp servers in ark also stayed more active with only single clusters put together, so in what way were they unsuccessful? I had fun and they had players online! So to all the players who's version of playing is, seeing what you can offline raid when you log on, stop killing the game by using other players work, learn where the resources are, SAIL, PLAY THE GAME! Stop whining that you wont be able to play without offline raiding! Offline raiding is not a fun or essential part of the game in any way! It's a shortcut at the expense of another players or group of players progress! It has no place in pvp, and actually for whoever is offline raiding, it's a pve shortcut that trivializes the rest of the game. Why learn to kill a whale when you can just offline raid people who have killed them and wipe their progress? Also in the process of taking their gold, you kill their tames, all their NPCs mutany, you sink all their ships, and make it so they cant even spawn out there. Why not just kill a damn whale instead to avoid pvp? Your already avoiding pvp with offline raiding. So there you go to all the offline raiders, please stop killing the game, or to the devs, ark official servers badly needed orp across all pvp servers, game would be much better, what are you gonna do with atlas? Keep it like ark, or try something different and see how orp on a broad scale could work?
  44. 1 point
    Its statements just like this that is the problem in this community, you aren't offering any valid suggestions and your only answer is to go play PVE . The carebear insult really grinds my gears because I know this is what is crippling this game. Your only answer is to recruit people from other timezones which in theory is the smart thing to do however this community suffers from the 123 syndrome. I cant count the number of individuals i've turned down simply because of the name 123 , how can you possibly know who these folks are or where they have been or what they have done . If there is one thing we have to offer anyone in a video game its our "word" based off our reputation that is attached to our "name" and its such a shame that this is the bottleneck simply over the "meta" that came to this game from Ark.
  45. 1 point
    The only irrelevant idea is the one swimming around in your head about the way things should be if you want me to be honest with you. I've read through this thread and seen many post about some of the mechanics of EvE Online and how they could do something similar in Atlas. Then I watch as the majority of you guys who believe this is Ark dogpile on who ever has a well founded idea found from their research of other successful MMO games. I've invested over 500 hours in this game on the official servers and not in a mega what ever you want to call it. Its a silly notion that this is a different game and the majority of you still use ark terminology to define it. I understand that the way you choose to define the "meta" is engrained into your brains from the countless hours and years most of you played Ark. I played it too for many thousands of hours and multiple years myself and I never could quite comprehend the "meta" that surrounded it other than who could exploit, mesh, ddos or inside the best and force people to quit simply because the "meta" has 0 social skills when it comes to living in an MMO. Since the launch of Atlas i've watched as racial wars broke out across the servers, reddit and followed by a few hackers spawning everything they could on the few streamers who were trying to have some fun and give this title some of the attention it deserves. Now lets take a look 2 months down the road where this title went from 50k to around 2k in any given prime and that's pretty sad to see. I often find myself wondering if the majority of this community even understands that in order to have a healthy game you need an equal portion of both pvp and pve. You cannot hope to achieve either without the other and until you understand that this game will continue to decline over the coming months no matter the content being delivered. There needs to be a system that will control just how much land each of us holds as well as a system to protect our vested interest in this game. The offline meta that cursed Ark has no place in Atlas and I am sure the developers are working hard to achieve this so we can stop the slope before its too late. I hope to see the developers install an API system to protect those of us who play this game from 3rd party software that is currently being used to track our where abouts in the game. I also hope that they will do something much like EvE Online and gives us a vendor we can pay so we can find the last known location of the douche canoe who raided us while we were away. There needs to be many checks and balances for this game because currently its like the wild west giving some an unfair advantage by using the name 123 or coding a bot to track peoples locations based off of the steam network. The meta needs to change from the cloak and dagger horseshit because its literally killing the game that all of us here have grown to love and hate.
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