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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2019 in Posts

  1. 49 points
    Devs have you ever heard the expression "if it isn't broke, don't fix it" WTF you done to the materials needed for crafting Stone, now you need Metal AND Organic paste, I get using metal in the gates that has always been fine but now you added it to every thing please just for once use your brains and rollback this change, you screwed the game up last patch now you are just making it worse.
  2. 15 points
    This doesnt hurt mega companies at all... they will just add another zergling on paste / metal duty and call it a day. What this really hurt is the smaller companies that are constantly getting the end of the stick with these patch changes.
  3. 13 points
    Devs either add a new set of structures called Reinforced with increased stats and these materials or rollback this change.
  4. 10 points
  5. 9 points
  6. 8 points
    Our Base before latest patch Our Base if we decidet to build a base now
  7. 8 points
    did they get hacked again but this time the hacker put in his own patch?
  8. 8 points
    NO IT ISN'T metal is need to craft metal in ARK STONE IS NEEDED TO CRAFT STONE
  9. 8 points
    Honestly, it's the PVPer's if I am so bold to say that are changing the game. NO ONE asked for Submarines, and in fact, if you look at the live stream comments as soon as it was mentioned everyone was mad. NO ONE cares about skins, and new armors. NO ONE care about the new ship additions. PVEer's have an issue with your PVP nerfs treading into our area. Guns get nerfed because of PVP abuse, well fekk, now they are useless in PVE as well. Fire arrows get nerfed because of PVP abuse, well fekk now we can't deal with alpha's as effectively. We don't like it. Every time they "fix" something because of PVP abuse, PVE gets the short end of the stick like the retarded cousin and we just have to deal with it. Our problems: Ships allowed to be sunk. Fire arrow useless. Constantly contested sleeping bodies in a land that's been up for grabs for weeks. Luring of SOTD to land and wercking bases. Things that shouldn't be a thing but are. But the devs favor the PVP people with louder voices over fixing things that shouldn't be doing damage in the first place on PVE.
  10. 7 points
    Lets start with the FOY. So now you can only use the fountain after you're 90. Meaning you have to do it with the debuff. They nerfed the debuff, but as everyone already knows : THAT WAS NEVER THE MAIN ISSUE WITH FOY. Do you even read your forums? Let me list where the change fails : 1. You can't get the fountain of youth exclusively for cosmetic reasons. Now you have to look old and fugly, where as before, you had the option to reset it at your convenience. 2. No changes were made to the FOY run So you still have to run through all the enemies, but now you have no choice but to run it with a debuff.. Great design. I mean, have you seen all the complaints by people explaining how retarded the FOY is.. You'd think losing a significant portion of your player base would enlighten you to this, but no, I guess not. STOP TRYING TO CROWBAR THIS AGE MECHANIC INTO YOUR GAME, THERE WAS ALREADY A POLL, 4/5 people voted to have it removed from the game. Get rid of it! ========= Next up : Invulnerable NPCs on puckles So they make this change in tandem with nerfing stone structures significantly; and what they're attempting to emulate is turrets from ark. This game does NOT need turrets. You're just going to make mega companies unraidable if you do that. Allowing them to dominate more and more, when what you should actually be doing is looking for ways for smaller tribes to compete. Turrets are arguably the worst addition to ark for anyone with a keen enough mind to see why. Do not translate this over from ark. Why is it you must take over the worst from ark, and then not take over the good stuff, like NO AGE MECHANIC. ========== The nerfing of stone walls I already covered this one a bit in the the point regarding the puckle NPCs. But stone is already extremely easy to break, and siege stuff is really easy to make.. This change is tragic... We're basically going to be living in paper mache houses..I mean, what is even the point of having stone structures if they're basically defenseless without retardo puckle spam?? So basically, puckles are all anyone needs now.. Just like ark.. Completely ruining the game. Could you just hire me to make your game for you, because you clearly don't have a clue; i'd even work for free.. I just hate seeing this potential squandered via this utter stupidity.
  11. 7 points
    They are doing it to improve server performance. Less players better server performance. After every update players are quitting due to the shitty changes that do not make any sense.
  12. 7 points
    Due to the inability to control access to their admin accounts Grapeshot has decided to balance the game around the idea that everyone playing has admin controls.
  13. 7 points
    This game is now Thatch Structures Wood Structures Metal Structure (But We Will Call It Stone) Fucking idiots at Grapshot seriously, at least give me a free spec so I can spec out of this wasted tree now
  14. 7 points
    the whole POINT of using STONE is to use STONE. if I wanted to make METAL STRUCTURES I would make METAL STRUCTURES. Either make Metal structures or reinforced stones and keep the old stone requirements.
  15. 6 points
    I don't know what OP is talking about but i love this change. I was just wondering the other day how could they make grinding even more unbearable and BOOM they responded almost immediately. Now if they can just tell me how to pay my bills after i quit my job so I can barely advance in this game my life would be complete.
  16. 6 points
  17. 6 points
    Large bases aren't the reason for the lag, it's not 100% certainty, but it's highly unlikely. Just as I can't say with 100% certainty people aren't abducted by aliens. Basically, when there are pieces being rendered, your computer cares, to a server, that doesn't matter really. The server just tells your PC what is there. The server doesn't care what is there static wise (any not moving building piece). The server does care about moving parts. For instance, ships, tames, & NPCs; especially the scripts that control the latter 2. The server calculating what needs to happen is most likely the problem (what the animals need to do, what the NPCs need to do, what path your ship is going etc). The only possible problem is that there is a database overload, but that wouldn't cause high ping times or rubberbanding directly. It would however put stress on the servers CPU and create CPU cycle issues. Which would cause the server to slow down, which would affect your ping. Ping is an unimportant packet as far as servers are concerned. The only the reason the server would would be taking longer to respond is because it's saying "I'm busy gimme a second to get you a packet" due to CPU cycles and communicating with the database which to the server is more important than your request for the packet. So stop blaming it on peoples hard work and time spent gathering and building. You're spreading the plague of misinformation regarding how databases, servers, and clients legitimately work.
  18. 6 points
    Agreed 100%. If you live in the Tundra you are 100% screwed, also 420 organic paste for the Large Stone Gates????? Was there any thought put into this? I love this game but for real are you INSANE with this change?
  19. 6 points
    While I agree with the sentiment of fixing whats in game already, before adding new stuff, its a bit disingenuous to blame it all on lowly PVErs. The fire arrow nerf happened because PVP raids were nothing but naked fire arrow spam, not because PVErs wanted to get rid of the only weapon that was worth a damn against the hordes of Alphas swarming our bases. PVP at least has the option of breaking down buildings and slaughtering sleepers to be able to claim. PVE has...uh...wait until they eventually possibly die. 99% of what has been posted about in the PVE forums has been complaints about the land claim system, SotD armadas taking over grids, overweight sinking, and just general griefing. There might be a couple of posts scattered here and there about basic QoL improvements, but I can't think of a single person saying that they wanted submarines, or new armor, especially not before the more glaring issues were fixed.
  20. 6 points
    Speaking as a PVEer I take offence to this as your implying we don't want that stuff fixed or like the fire arrow changes. We don't. fire arrows were THE main way to deal with huge numbers of alphas spawning near and in some cases inside out bases. Several people in my PVE company including myself have stated we'd rather they get what they have working right before adding new content.
  21. 5 points
    Sorry folks, I gotta do this again...
  22. 5 points
    And I'm willing to bet that Rome wasn't built as a result of chasing half it's population out of the city gates and shoving a stick up the ass of those that stayed every 24 hours.
  23. 5 points
    I know I have a similar post running but this is aimed at the developers. I don't want to build arks Metal structures in Atlas, I was quit happy building in just plain stone it fits with the era the game was set in. I am a solo player that has spent the last week building this Base, Internal, Courtyard, I had an Elephant and a Rhino for half the build, I could gather about 5000 stone an hour about 1200 metal an hour, 30,000 would an hour, 15,000 thatch an hour, 20,000 fiber an hour and 200 organic paste an hour because I have to sail to another island to get sap So my challenge to you is play your game and build something similar SOLO and see how long it takes. If I wanted to build metal structures I fully get the patch, BUT I DON'T I want to build with stone.
  24. 5 points
    Yeah, and now we'll have 5 to 10 times the structures made out of wood instead of stone. They just made a bad thing worse.
  25. 5 points
    Honestly don’t even want to play anymore. 531 hours and most of it is building in stone. If they keep these changes Im done, and so are the best builders from most of the Co.s I know. Congrats Grapeshot. now your entire game, PvE included, will be filled with even more talentless cubes. Only this time they’ll be twice as big, multilayered, and made of wood. All that scenery you used in the trailer to sell the game...IS PLAYER MADE! Your assets and scenerey are frankly boring, and it’s up to the players to make interesting castles, towns, etc. for us to discover. You have ruined this aspect for so many people in one fell swoop. F**k you
  26. 5 points
    F You, I am a solo player as well and I have no problem farming to build things. It is the best part about the game to me. I love building, what the hell gives you the right to tell us solos what is "too big to build"?
  27. 5 points
    We were also told PixArk would be Ark with Voxels... and it has been abandoned too... definition of insanity: “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.”
  28. 5 points
    Except its not good for pvp, because all that will happen now is that you will log on dead and can only spawn in a freeport because someone offlined you and broke in in 20 minutes flat and despawned everything. Think thats gonna keep people playing?!
  29. 5 points
    Here we go - the first of the loony updates, why for what reason is this. Are you trying to kill off this game? It is hard enough to gather the mats for a reasonable sized building as it was, Now more damage against structures, more expensive to make and no increase in resistance = why build stone structures cost vs benefit is way out - just not worth the effort anymore. Please reverse this Nerf its ridiculous. By all means make sensible updates but this is beyond the pale.
  30. 5 points
    Revert this please - it benefits no one and has only upset the majority of the player base
  31. 5 points
    yea this update is the most dumbest one they have ever done rather then fixing what players actually ask for lets do an update that is not needed and piss everyone off i mean come on 35 metal for a wall which doesn't even have metal on it yet only 40 stone its retarded reason build stone stuff is because alphas and snakes like to sit and destroy wooden stuff just because they can
  32. 5 points
    Quick @Jatheish, there's still time to acknowledge that mistakes were made and make changes. It could be worse.
  33. 5 points
    To be honest half the recent changes feel like knee jerk reactions too me. Wolfs are a problem nerf agro range, roaming range, spawn range, health and damage. Building? is a problem nerf stone walls, increase damage to stone walls, increase stone wall building costs. A more reasoned approach would be implemental changes e.g. nerf agro range on the wolves and see if that fixes the problem if it does great, if not test the next change. But instead we get massive changes that often multiply the effects of each other thrown out patch after patch.
  34. 5 points
    Seriously, you change some values for no reason and in a result you force players to leave the game. Wasn't it just enough that we suffer due to bugs and lags every day?
  35. 5 points
    The moment you begin punishing good players in attempts to curb shitty behavior by bad players you have lost your way as a developer. Simple as that. Go ahead, kill your game by a thousand cuts.
  36. 5 points
    Well increasing the cost of stone walls is one thing, but 2.5x damage to them as well? Thats just cancer. In addition to this the patch has been released outside US hours giving the Chinese (CSTG) the ability to steam roll over multiple sectors while everyone is offline. This "balance" make the game un-viable for anyone who hasn't got 80+ players in their clan.
  37. 5 points
    Investigating this at the moment
  38. 5 points
    Insane decision. There are literally entire regions who will be building with wood while people sitting in sap regions will be on a throne of stone. WTF
  39. 5 points
    This is getting ridiculous... The time you spent coming up with those brilliant "ideas" should rather be spent fixing the gamebreaking bugs first.
  40. 5 points
    Now you need nearly as much metal as you do stone and there is no increase in defence on them NO YOU DO NOT stop posting instead go load up ark
  41. 4 points
    35 Metal and 40 Stone for a Stone Foundation where there is no metal visible on 95% of stone structures? How does this make ANY sense? Remove, or reduce the metal cost of stone structures. This is ridiculous.
  42. 4 points
    Stop adding submarines, stop adding pretty new armor varients... like stop with the PVE crap for real... you got a decent base game here.... let the PVE nerds use the mod tools to appease their inner drag-queen. Iron out all the damn bugs first... Your claim system is a god awful joke and its truly is making the core of your players stop playing. Claim issues: Can't demolish non-company builds if you remove them from a claim that you allowed them to build on. Water claims shouldn't allow building... only land claims should be able to grant building. Claims after the patch can cause companies to be negative claims.... I saw a clan that try to attack us with negative 50 claims... it was really easy to take out the rest of their claims... You can still put claims on the bottom of the ocean that count as land claims.... ( like really ) One super cube with a sleeper can contest a crapload of claims... is daisy chaining your intent? ( its worked to our advantage, but makes it really hard for sieging ) Bows I mean you made a bow break in like 5 arrows... wtf.... IF you want fire arrows to not be that OP make them do a base dmg and not a percentage dmg.... (duh) Does the tree work? Couldn't tell a difference... speced out of it weeks ago. Region Lock: if 5+ chinese enter your square its insta-rubberbanding and 200 ping... its not fun... at all... literally 40 people in square and it feels like I'm doing the fountain of youth death run again. Tons of other issues but these just really irk my soul.
  43. 4 points
    The dev that drew up this idea needs his crayon taken away.
  44. 4 points
    He is writing about the ignorance of the developers and a dead forum cause they ignore it anyway.
  45. 4 points
    Grapeshot, This thread is already the 2nd most replied to non pinned thread in the history of this forum. I know you said you wouldn't knee jerk react but maybe make an exception this one time and revert the stone structure cost change. The durability nerf on it's own is overkill. Your community seems to agree with me...
  46. 4 points
    There was another thread that had tested the new stone structure durability. 9 cannon shots = stone 7 cannon shots = wood Even if structure spam DID lag servers (it doesn't). The wood spam will be orders of magnitude worse. Just farmed a shit ton of mats for stone building pieces, to be crafted after 2x was over. JOKES ON ME... I dread patches in this game. I want to love this game, so bad. The devs sure make it hard.
  47. 4 points
    If you fail to nock the arrow or draw the bow you drop it and have to do another mini game to pull another arrow out of the quiver if you fail there is a chance you drop the bow and have to do a minigame to pick it up off the ground. If you fail to do this minigame then you trip over the bowstring and die from an aneurysm. We need to give the terrible mechanics of melee combat a chance to actually defend themselves.
  48. 4 points
    Screw metal. Remove the paste cost. A third of the world doesn't even spawn paste. At all. Zero paste in Tundra and Polar.
  49. 4 points
    Alleviates gate spam which was just as toxic as pillar and foundation spam. I fully support the decision.
  50. 4 points
    The problem is that you are beating dead horses. Most of the people enjoying it dont come here much. The people here are here mostly to vent and you telling them to suck it up is just salt in a wound. Personally I'm mostly enjoying it but at the same time I see why people are complaining. Consider this... if people dont complain what will the devs think? Its because of us testers pushing back that some necessary bugs are fixed. It's up to the devs to weed thru the legit complaints to fix things that are necessary and also to stick to thier original plan for the game. I guess what I'm saying is that your complaining about complainers is actually the least helpful thing for a game. These forums and the complainers are necessary. We are Early Access participants... aka Alpha testers. You expect testers to just shut up and play? Silly advice in my opinion.
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