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About Booglee

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  1. Booglee


    Bump for FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT @Jatheish
  2. Bump for FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT @Jatheish n5 having same issue
  3. bumping for QoL improvements
  4. Allow ships to be placed back into dry docks. Have it cost what the frame of the respective ship costs to build.
  5. Allow ships to be placed back into dry docks. Place a cast time or something to mitigate abuse
  6. Grapeshot, This thread is already the 2nd most replied to non pinned thread in the history of this forum. I know you said you wouldn't knee jerk react but maybe make an exception this one time and revert the stone structure cost change. The durability nerf on it's own is overkill. Your community seems to agree with me...
  7. There was another thread that had tested the new stone structure durability. 9 cannon shots = stone 7 cannon shots = wood Even if structure spam DID lag servers (it doesn't). The wood spam will be orders of magnitude worse. Just farmed a shit ton of mats for stone building pieces, to be crafted after 2x was over. JOKES ON ME... I dread patches in this game. I want to love this game, so bad. The devs sure make it hard.
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