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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2019 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    WHY ?, JUST WHY you do it? stop ruin the game ! Fking Gliders , Submarines , then Helicopters, Airships..... fk it ! I buy this shit be cause i like Pirate theme and naval actions ...
  2. 7 points
    Jatheish Live Producer and Lead Community Manger CC: Grapeshot: Atlas gaming development team. RE: Atlas Early access/development Dear Jatheish I am writing this in an effort to help maintain a productive way in to furthering and improving the development of this MMO we currently enjoy. It has become clear to me, very clear to me that the biggest problem to the advancement of this game is your very own team. I have seen a lot of games come and go I am 37 years in age, I was there when World of Warcraft was launched, I was there in Beta of Starwars Galaxies empire divided, I was in Beta for Matrix online, I played myth of Soma, Eve online beta, Lineage 2 beta, Diablo 1 through to 3 beta. Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) killed their games from extremely poor management and poor community skills. Matrix online team WB killed their game with in-experience and sold it to SOE who put the final bullet in it. The Greatest MMO killer is its creators. I have played countless of games too many to list them all here, so I am somewhat experienced. Everyone I listen to tells me you were part of the team that worked on Ark and you broke away to make this MMO separate. So I had hoped that you brought with you some experience however that is not the case. As you are making a lot of mistakes that newer game developers make and before it’s too late the faith in their product has tanked (e.g Star trek online, I have a live time sub to that but I’m playing this instead says it all.) Rather you choose to hate or dislike Blizzard and their MMO there has to be something that kept it alive for so long. That is what you should be trying to emulate not trying to come up with your own way. Because you simply can’t it isn’t new, too many people have tried and it has all failed. None of the games I have mentioned have the success or fame they do now from when they first opened. The new stars wars game has the nickname World of Warcraft in space, for pity sake. So please allow this letter to serve as wakeup call as it was intended. You apologized for the rough start to early access, as you were not prepared for the numbers. Which shows you do not -Think, You do not plan, you do not plan to fail and shows no logical thinking at all- There is no 2nd 1st impressions, this is what everyone will remember you for now. So straight off the bat you already shot yourself in the foot (and we only get two feet.) But ok you apologized and no one is perfect, Getting over that. Yet here we are, with problems that are in the game, Your solution is to keep bringing out new content hoping to entertain people and dazzle them to hopefully distract them from the problems of the game. However when your problems are the scale of a group of people sinking peoples ships, or entire servers not even being playerable, or when you max your on screen ping to 255ms because if you showed the real number no one would ever play it, to entire sections of the game that is just simply not accessible or reachable. Then we don’t care how many shiny new pieces of armor you put in front of us these game breaking, gameplay effecting, player grieving is driving people away from the game, Early access or not. Your acting like a little boys on the street corner shouting your selling lemonade, while standing next to Walmart that has the internet to shout on. It doesn’t matter what you as the boy shout no one is going to hear you over the loud voice of these problems. SO I URGE YOU to please just hit the breaks on the new content. Just stop. It doesn’t impress us when every new thing you put into the game is just broken anyway and it becomes more stuff for your to fix. Adding to the list of things to never get fixed. - You already admitted that you didn’t plan for the volume of people, You apologized but you clearly have not learned from that mistake. - The FOY feature should have been in from day 1 not waited until weeks later when you have thousands of people at or close to the age of death. Of cause everyone would rush to it. I just was honestly astounded you did not stagger the release. You keep making the same dumb mistakes doing things that was expected for a few hundred when you have 1000s going to one place in the game. (WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?) I take advantage of the tool discord and I try to talk to the people in there, I was told by a member of the grapeshot team the reason the ships now attack ships that are docked is to add realism. (realism, really?) When in hindsight now having went to area of fountain of youth. I saw clearly why the Twisters and the ships of the dammed (sotd) are coming to the shore I saw it myself. They were destroying/ all the docked ships at the island for the FOY - I honestly thought it was a recreation of the allied landings at D-day in pirate version. So many ships and so many ship wrecks, While the server was completlely lagged out for its 30-60min spells. I jumped off into the water while the game still thought I was in the crows nest to see all the ship wrecks ( screenshots below.) All this clutter is creating lag. Now I have never played Ark, I never heared about it honestly until I came to Atlas, the Twitch Streamer Pokket started playing this and it got me interested. However the people in my company have soon as I showed them what I was seeing – they all said you guys should know better it was the same problem in Ark. Which appears to be the common theme here, (You should know better.) It is clear to me the biggest problem which I have said it once before here however it bares repeating. As things stand with the things as they are. The biggest threat to this game right now, is the entire team and your way of thinking. Because you are harming your own game, you keep making the same mistakes. Which demonstrates you do not learn, or learn too slow. It is very common for Developers to get caught up in their own game and want to keep advancing it. However they all came to realize the same thing after a while - SOE, Blizzard, Linage, Bioware all of them, and this is the key point here. Developers are under the mistaken impression that the players are always wanting new content and feel under pressure to give. But that is simply not the case. – Blizzard in the 2nd year it was out asked its players flat out after a bunch of us complained - and asked everyone “What do we as players want” The unanimous answer was to fix the game they are not worried about new content with the state the game was in then. Blizzard actually listened and said ok then we do that. Then and only then when the majority of the bugs were fixed did they start working on the new stuff (before the new staff took over etc.) As of right now – The one and only thing you should be doing is fixing the game. – STOP V16 Stop any new content for now and work on fixing the stuff you have out now. I don’t care about the FOY, I don’t care about the baby stuff, I don’t care about any of the new stuff if I can’t play the basic game and would prefer to go on a private server instead of dealing with the Skyscraper towers in A11, or the people sinking ships by standing on ladders or Galleons getting stuck in loading zones. That is what Early access is about. Finding and fixing bugs. Not identifying them so we can tag them and let them back into the wild as we go ahead create new bugs to fix two weeks later. Get a good foundation game under you before you start adding new stuff. Otherwise your tower of cards will crumble every time. – and for christ sake stagger the FOY before you completely break your game for a limited time have the FOY open at all locations otherwise you are going to keep getting thousands of people going to one tiny spot and crash the games every time. ( common sense) The only thing you have displayed to me is that 1. You don’t think, 2. You don’t look ahead, 3. You don’t plan 4. Your narrow minded vision (i.e blinkers on) 5. Your going down a path and you don’t care what you hit or destroy to get there. At the end of it all your going to have a nice game but no one or the interest to play it because they all be on private servers or buggered off to another game in the two years it will take to fix this cluster of a mess you created. For the record we as the players don’t care about the time it takes, as long as we know you are fixing the game. Going back to the time on Blizzard 2nd year of WOW after we got our way and blizzard listened. Anyone that came on to the forums and complained – we explained it to them, some in a nice way (some not online forums you know ) Soon as it was explained people were fine with just waiting so they can have a good basic game to play on that they know was reliable and it was WOW was extremely stable. Then they added the 2nd expansion there was bugs etc but the basic game stayed the same until the expansion was fixed or fixed to a state that everyone can live with. – They didn’t go back to touch their Foundation game until Cataclysm where they redid their entire map to allow flying in that area that was like at least 10 years without touching their basic game (correct me if I’m wrong on the years.) However the point remains – unless you have a good foundation of a game to stand on – all of this is mute. I submit this to your viewing in hopes it would be received – I will be posting, mailing and emailing this. As I have extremely high hopes for this product to be turned around before it gets shot in the head before it even gets off the ground. Because you’ve already shot yourself in one foot, and I’d say you’ve taken skin of your only remaining foot you don’t have that many body parts remaining. Respectfully C Bartram (Aka Illegal Killmaster) (I would include screenshots however the Max total size is currently 0.07mb so I will instead paste a link to 1 video of 1 bug to prove the point while things like this occurs New stuff should be put on hold - That is what Early access is for ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIuSU6dY-T8
  3. 6 points
    Our company found a nice little bay area on a PVE server that was currently claimed - but no one had built on it. I built up the base - perfectly fine with the 30% tax. I invested hours and hours into building a pier and base for the bay area - only to have the land owners change the flag to "no one can build here" - leaving my base useless. I can't even add a door to a missing doorway. This is a terrible mechanic. If I claim land and let people build there - all I need to do is change the setting for them being unable to build and all of that work those players put into their base is for nothing. It really put a bad taste in my mouth for the game for the first time. Not because I "got rekt" by another company - but because of a poorly designed mechanic that can easily be exploited by A**holes.
  4. 6 points
    There's a lot of player frustration with the game being expressed as an issue with claims, a problem with taming, a problem with vitamins, dislike of the FOY, skill trees, etc. I think there's an underlying issue in that there are some core systems in the game that were only given a basic start. They weren't fully implemented and/or weren't fully thought out, and now, when they are addressed at all, it's by throwing a "thing" at them and seeing if it sticks. And rather than going back now, after the bumpy start and taking a deeper dive at some of these, what we're getting instead are doodads - things the devs are throwing out like mardi gras beads from a float, trying to regenerate some of the excitement people had for the game at the beginning. Figureheads, submarines, giant crabs, clothing skins...that stuff is exciting in a game that's already working well, but when the basic systems are broken it makes it seem like the developers are floundering and don't really understand their own game. There's a lack of understanding of how one system affects another leading to a lot of surprise over unintended consequences. Take aging and the FOY for example. Supposedly, the more you die, the faster you age, yet until now, dying has been a legitimate game mechanic. No good way to really balance out food/vitamins? Die and come back. Overrun by alpha wolves or lions? Die and come back. Stuck on someone's boat? Punch the air till you die and come back. My char dies at least twice/day now, but in the beginning it was more like 20. Penalties for dying seem appropriate, but only when you have good ways to prevent it, especially at lower levels, and the systems that support staying alive aren't broken or incomplete. I'd like to see a lot fewer doodads in the upcoming patch notes and a lot more finishing of the basic systems, as well as the addition of new systems that would give the game more depth. People who have managed to get land, build get ships and set up farms and pens are already starting to be bored and wondering what to do next. Systems that need to be finished and fixed: Claims, claims claims - especially on PvE , including the general direction you are taking with them. Why applaud landgrabbers on pve and put up a "winners map" for who grabbed the most land? Seems a bizarre goal. Are you planning to stick with it? Survival - food, water, vitamins, cooking, farming - anything that can't be grown needs to be able to be preserved better. Taking a long trip around the globe to find ingredients is actually a good thing, but only if the stuff doesn't disappear by the time you get it back. Recipes need to balance the vitamins so they're worth something. PvE combat vs. wildlife - wildlife spawns just need to be more sensible. I've been cheesing the wildlife by standing on my roof and shooting them. It feels pretty cheesy, but the only alternative is dying or running away. Taming - I don't do taming, but the people who do seem to have a lot of issues with it. Jat has said Atlas really isn't meant to have a focus on taming like Ark. If not, take it out, or make it plainer to people what the purpose is. Adding new tameables doesn't seem to agree with that. Armor/weapons - don't seem terribly coherent at the moment. Other people can probably provide better details on that. Incoming systems: Player shops - this is something people will be looking forward to, if it's done right. If it's another laggy massive land grab, it'll only be disappointing to most. Towns and Cities - what's the plan? Is there an underlying mechanism to it or is this something the players are supposed to organize on their own? If done right, this could provide players with further goals that would last a long time to keep them in the game. TL;DR - fix the existing systems and add any new core game systems before throwing doodad updates like armor skins and giant crabs at the game. Resist game design after 5pm and 4 beers on Friday, which leads to FOY seeming a good idea.
  5. 6 points
    Umm, they are banning for both. Bye now. Go practice being a better human being.
  6. 5 points
    I thought of an interesting analogy that made me laugh. Gaming has become the number one form of entertainment in the world surpassing movies music and television. The Chinese hackers have ruined several games I enjoy making them unplayable. Atlas being the latest. Imagine if this happened before the age of online gaming; "Your sitting in your home putting in the latest DVD from Blockbuster to enjoy a movie. As soon as the previews end a bunch of Chinese kids bust into your house to break your TV, jump on your couch, kick your cat, do flips off your wall, eat your food, insult your family and yell China #1 and you are never able to finish your movie. The only thing is there is nothing you can do about it. That is essentially what is happening here". Something should be done! Time to bust out the Cyber Mossberg! Get out of my House!
  7. 5 points
    SO.... we got some of the age mechanic into the game, awesome. That, kinda makes up the only positive thing i have to say. Ninjapatching: From one patch to another, several, non-mentioned patches are being implemented; 2-3 the amount of SOtD's on the waters, making sailing near impossible, unless running around in a armed ship NOT running the basic planks, sails, cannons etc etc. On top of that, we are supposed to find the fountain of youth. Awesome idea, however... Having those located on islands with mobs that aggro from miles away, are 100+ levels higher than us, and having more than 15 hostile animals within aggrorange is downright stupid, arrogant and sending a signal to the players, that we are not wanted unless we are at the very pinacle of levels, gear and experience. The extreme lack of response from the devs, is a MASSIVE killer in these situations, especially when it seems there are MORE content comming, before the allready implemented has been fixed to a playable, and enjoyable level. @Devteam: better get back at the rudder before you end up in that granite wall dead ahead!!!
  8. 5 points
    Hi, guys, the game really has potential and I had a lot of fun farming and building ships with my company. But every day there's something to get really excited about. This has nothing to do with Early Access but with the fact that the developers themselves tested their game with only 10 people on a private server. As in reality 100 tornados spawn with every rain shower and as soon as you are 1 minute in the water every shark within a radius of 20km tries to kill you. Of course crocodiles are 30m long and 10m tall, like in our zoo. But all this is still relatively funny and bearable. But who the hell came up with the fountain of youth? What kind of idiot designs something like that and builds it into a game in its current state? Without Agewipe or something like that? Thousands of players jump on 2x150 server slots to touch a fountain of youth at 4 FPS. Of course the fountain of youth changes its position every 3 hours and you need only 2.5h to get into the right grid. Who the hell thinks up something like that? For me there is only one logical explanation and that is that the developers test their game with 10 people on a private server and have no idea what is really going on on the Officials. I've been playing video games for 20 years but that's really the stupidest thing I've ever seen. If they introduce death at 100 and we all lose our charackter and get new IDs, i.e. all our ships and crews become useless, then I'm glad that tomorrow the new League of Legends season starts and Atlas only cost me 20€. QQ
  9. 5 points
    Here's a quick screenshot made after departing our island.
  10. 4 points
    Hello! I think my program is finally ready for public consumption. Thank you for waiting! Its still not even close to perfect and probably has a few bugs. Let's just call it an alpha release for now. Original video: Autoswitching feature: As a refresher this is the program that will dynamically help you open and close servers on the fly so you can play privately on the full official map, with just average hardware. If you can run at least 1 server, this will work, allowing people to even run it on the same computer they are playing on. Main bullet point features: * easily update the ports and ip address across all 225 grids on your map. No more needing to tediously update everything individually on the ServerGridEdior. * Automatically generate all 225 .bat files to start each of the servers * Open and close the server you are on plus the 4 surrounding you (automatically even), any 4 individual servers on the map, or a combination of the two, control up to 9 servers at a time. If your computer can handle more than 1 server, even better! If it can handle 5 grids the program will even track your location and dynamically open all the grids around you so you won't even have to look at the program while playing! A bunch has been added since I lasted showed off the program. Now I include steamcmd and a one click sever setup button as well as an update server function. I also added a redis server on and off switch, so it really now is a one stop shop for nearly everything. It even saves all your settings/locations on close so you don't have to remember anything. The only extra thing you'll need is the servergrideditor from grapeshot. I also wrote out an insanely indepth instruction list, included in the download to hopefully walk anyone, no matter what comfort level, through setting everything up. My apologies, apparently Windows doesn't like the website I setup to download and is blocking everything, so I have to use something stupid like dropbox... Link will also be in the discord server if this stops working. v1.5.4 changelog: Fix for Autosaving on exit not functioning properly. I won't say this is 100% working, but it's the most I will be able to do on my side given the program doesn't actually touch the servers, it's still all dependent on Atlas' autosaving on exit code firing off properly, which can be hit or miss, but in my preliminary tests, I was 5 for 5 on not having a slight rollback on exit and reload of entire server like it was happening before. Rollback may still happen on server updates because it seems for some reason the server is programmed to automatically do that? Fix for slight desync on individual grids, this goes hand in hand on the autosaving not functioning at 100% when switching servers, which may have caused desync, which in turn causes problems reconnecting, problems with the map not updating ship locations, problems with characters not loading. Fix for grids not shutting down on switch or on exit because another square has the server loaded up even though it was not turned on. NEWEST VERSION: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/jp37x0kras14x8j/ASCv1.5.4.zip OLD VERSION: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lbei9x5t99gaggl/ASCv1.5.zip If you run into any issues/need help on the setup, feel free to join the discord here: www.discord.gg/YHGWPyd Discord is also where future updates will be posted until I can figure out why Windows hates my website. ****If you are trying to add this to an existing server, please backup everything before you do... I doubt there will be issues, but you need to be safe, and I haven't actually testing doing that.
  11. 4 points
    Am i the only 1 Who understand what does "early axcess" means? Why ppl keep posting about, ping, often updates, broken mecs, etc? Come in 2 years when game is released or even later and let ppl Who want to play to have their Joy. P. S. Ppl Who cant build ram sloop(10 mins with x2) and sale 1-2 grids are retarded srsly. The idea of stacking buff is great, Just go play a other games, pls STOP ruining the game with ur noob whine, surv games are not for u if u find atlas hard P. P. S i play duo on pvp off, and i dont find game even 30%as Hard as you ppl cry on the forum, rly
  12. 4 points
    I bought EA day one. I persevered through lag and crashes. Made it to an island, claimed a fair share of land and defended it during claim wars. Have plenty of resources and crops and tamed some animals. But I find it hard to find more motivation. I don't want to go to the fountain of youth and count on lag to make it because otherwise, I wouldn't be able to survive long enough to make it to the cave entrance. I have no motivation to tame more animals because they are useless when alphas roam around. I'm a bit tired of animals spawning inside of my base and ghost ships lurking on you when you change servers. Treasure hunting is repeatable as hell, and sea chests not worth it. Am I the only one to feel that the only thing that keeps me going atm is not to loose the land I have and the game has not much more to offer?
  13. 4 points
    One of the best things about private servers like DarksideRP is they limit the number of claims. People are walling of whole sections of islands and there is little reason to allow other to build in your claims on the pvp server as it just weakens your defenses. The faster claims on large companies isn't super useful as it basically insures they will NEVER allow someone else to build on their claims and they will crush any company that takes a claim anywhere on one of their islands. Spoilage timers are just imbalanced on anything other than meat or fish. It is always easy to get those. Fruits need to be interchangeable in cooking and have a MUCH longer spoilage timer and drop in lesser amounts. It isn't fun dealing with massive stacks of fruit on islands that have it. It also isn't fun to have to sail to another island for fruit and have a ton of it spoil before you use it. Vegetables and spices should be separated. Vegetables should be interchangeable while cooking and have a slow spoil timer. Spices should not interchange while cooking, but have no timer and the foods should made with them should have great benefits so spice trading becomes a thing. Wildlife should be much easier to kill. Man would never have survived the stone age if animals acted like they do in Atlas. Wolves and snakes should avoid humans unless attacked. Tigers find humans tasty and will hunt them with little fear. Lions should have a low agro range on humans, but will pounce you if you get too close. Large predators should be a fairly rare spawn and not every animal type needs an alpha version. Also the islands should be broken into zones for the predators. Small islands would only have one zone while large island have multiple zones. While a large predator is active in a zone no more large predators spawn and the predator patrols the zone. Wolves don't need alphas, just always spawn them in packs of 3-5. Big snakes should be solo. Snake alphas should be rare and only the large snakes go alpha. Lions should spawn in groups of 1-3 with the solo spawns being males. The solo lions should have a small chance to be an Alpha. Tigers should always be an alpha. Crocs should also only be an alpha. Normal snakes, scorpions, spiders, and bees are not part of the zone system and continue to spawn normally. Small predators should be hunted by the large predators just like prey animals. The prey animals that get alphas should be limited to large ones like bears, rhinos, elephants, and giraffes. Taming shouldn't require tons of bolas. After an animal is downed with a bola we should be able to chain it to a post and that locks them into the taming process. We then feed them and protect them until the tame finishes.
  14. 4 points
    Made an account to say you dogs will just be hungry 20 minutes later.
  15. 4 points
    I got right into the build with Atlas the system is amazing really enjoying it I have built a Blacksmiths and a small pvp Fort up to now https://youtu.be/cQXJd9eHm4U https://youtu.be/AuUeUSX_QbY
  16. 4 points
    Eh I think OP stated things pretty well. He's not asking for specific balancing or buffing or asking for offline protections. He's asking for the base game to be fixed before piling more crap that's broken on release on top. A few months with no new content and an obvious focus on fixing and improving things is very forgivable if they are transparent about it. The art teams can still create new content but it doesn't need pushed to the game ASAP.
  17. 4 points
  18. 4 points
    I think he did a pretty good job. Slightly long winded but all in all it was a good read. Made some good sense too. To be fair it kind of sucks hearing the “stop complaining” post as well though. Could do without that too
  19. 4 points
    Why would you do or say racist things? I mean seriously...how old are you? Do you realize how easy it is to take a screenshot if somebody says something racist, or abusive in chat? Any moron can do it. Or maybe you were doing it in local voice? I can turn on Shadowplay in a split second and record the audio and video very easily, and have it uploaded to YouTube in a private video to share with the devs, and not take long to do that. Why not just play the game? Why do people feel the need to be fucktards in game, to vent their real life frustrations? Sane people go to games to get away from that garbage. I hope you learn from this. There are consequences for being an A-hole. Try not to be one in the future.
  20. 4 points
    I swear to god I got through about 75-80% of it first off. It was pretty long and a good read but damn I just kept scrolling and after awhile i had to stop, no offense to you at all. ill inform you real quick since you never played ark. A lot of people played ark but they didn’t actually follow ark, no matter what they say. i followed it so closely that even after I stopped playing I was still looking at every twitter and forum post. Ark was a game I was very passionate about. Still went back a few days ago just to say hi to some buddies and helped them grind out some mats just because that is what I do. jeremy was the biggest problem with wildcard and now jeremy is the biggest problem with grapeshot. He is the owner, the final say, and the main idea man behind everything. He was able to come up with two very good ideas at a grass roots level, but NO MATTER WHAT, he always destroys it because of his ego. He always wants to be “cool” so to speak. he was silent for 6 months on twitter before atlas. Not one word on ark. Then once atlas comes he is not only all over Twitter but he is literally copy and pasting what the atlas twitter said. To make things worse, he tweets it before the atlas twitter tweets it. He has to have that thunder, no matter how pathetic it is. ark was one of the ones that COULD have been one of the great ones. The stage is already set with atlas. There is absolutely no possibility for any greatness. Nobody forgot the past and even though they tried to bury it, history has already repeated itself. It really doesn’t matter how many copies it might sell. Atlas will always be a failure because it failed before it began. End of story
  21. 4 points
    Do you guys really need to be elitist jerks each time someone mentions solo players? And yes the devs actually said on livestream they want solo players in their game, so...
  22. 3 points
    Some People are not able to Rejoin the Game after 'Kicked by Battleye' , 'Game Crash' , 'Host Timeout'. Symptoms afterwards: -Only Freeport Servers are visible and joinable. -If you join a freeport server you will spawn at your claim/ bed but are unable to interact with anything in the world. -If you open your inventory, it will close itself shortly after. -Open your Skills will crash the game. -Open your Company tab will force a "Create a new Company". -Some users where Forced to create a new Character while the old one still exists. -Permanent '"Kicked by Battleye, Reason:Client not Responding". -Kicked by BattleEye "Query Time Out" Here is a description of the Loop those people are stuck in, it is from one of my steam posts.: It doesn't matter why your client lost the connection to suffering the"No Rejoin button in Start Menu" and "Not beeing able to interact with anything in the World"bug.Kicked by Battleye is just one part of that whole problem because people who had lost connection to the server, afterwards often were perm kicked by battleye every 5 minutes.People who had that happen will stuck in a loop of:"Initial Kick/Crash" (Low Level Error/Shooter Game has Crashed,Battleye) doesn't matter."No Rejoin button in Start Menu""Not beeing able to interact with anything in the World after joining a Freeport""Killing them self and respawn at Bed/Home/Ship" doesn't matter where."Getting back in to the game and everything Seems fine""Kicked by Battleye for Client not Responding"After that the show starts at point 1 again. Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1741106440015763541/?tscn=1548218316 Topics about that Problem are getting more and more every hour since Weeks now. Dear people of Grapeshot,this IS a Major problem! https://atlas-france.fr/forums/topic/75-you-have-been-kicked-by-battleye-reason´client-not-responding/ Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705650931537/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705671414959/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705671213800/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705670911722/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705670085760/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705670033111/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705672950675/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705673163879/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705673902537/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705673815481/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705673980773/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705673757951/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705665013001/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705663640910/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705663666361/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/3441214221470033884/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705674808836/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705674801020/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705674692942/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705675405947/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1742231705676115123/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1741106440015763541/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1777136225027432855/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1777136225030480750/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1777136225030481956/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1780514838720844437/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/3247562523072200547/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1796278072840245641/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1796278072840775582/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1796278072837312440/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1796278072845460414/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1640916564848854177/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/834910/discussions/0/1640916564847642400/ reddit: Steam Reviews that Adress that Bug: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197966712573/recommended/834910/ https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054095456/recommended/834910/ These are just some of the Posts i found about that Problem, there are many more. Time to do something! I will Update this Post!
  23. 3 points
    We can compare this game to Ark for starters because I can point to you file structures that literally come from Ark. Now to the point of this post, what hooks does Ark have that Atlas doesn't that keeps peoples interest for months and even years? Excellent breeding system Do-able taming even for the solo guy Approachable solo play Breeding System Before I quit I was solo'ing tons of gigas, yuties, etc 100% on my own. I worked my a$$ off to get 10 tek troughs, a very safe place for them to be raised, a great area for farming meat. This was all on official PVE rates. We had too many dinos on our server but they fixed that, I logged on recently - there hasnt been any dino caps in a long time thanks to capsules. Tek wasn't easy to get from Day 1, it was a progression toward it but once I got it I was able to sleep like a normal person, I was able to raise whatever I wanted to raise yet still had that challenge of farming, perfect imprints, baby phase, and having to fork out astronomical sums of money to get "the best" from the Chinese. The system in the end works. I have friends that refuse to play Atlas because they are still on Ark, breeding. They've been breeding for over a year in the same tribe, to them it never gets old. Taming System Wow. At first I liked it, I was like "this is great, it's interactive!" Then after 10 tames in I start to get over it and realize it's worse off than the system we had before. This is an area I think they're not far off from though, it's not bad like breeding is.. it just needs some work. It getting up, knocking it down - having things from various regions to feed it, etc works but there's really stupid crap like having to feed right at its head and if you're unlucky (after the last major update) you cant even feed it at all in a trap. It's less boring than the Ark system but it's not fun either. None of us have fun doing it anymore. The other thing is we get that you dont want tames to be OP but half the time they seem totally useless. Unless we get a really nice elephant for example and are farming with bamboo.. it's about the same time to just go hand farm than go through all the taming process, clear the forest before taking the elephant out, farm, alpha comes and kill it, go tame another one. It's as if they know this and want you to keep having to tame more thanks to lack of content in game. Tweak the taming system, make tames worthwhile Solo Play Impressed by how bad it is for solo players. It's not just the claim flags, it's the whole system. Ark was hard but fun for solo players.. again, my last Ark days were by design me playing solo. After knowing the game like the back of my hand, I wanted that challenge and it was a really great challenge while it lasted. Seriously, the whole thing was a blast. Even solo'ing hard boss fights game with huge risk, high rewards. Atlas on the otherhand, just no. I wouldn't. Why? I mean the game is designed from the ground up for you to either A) be in a company with others or B) be at the mercy of other companies. There's no "this is my plot of land, these are my own rules, these are my tames, these are my ships." You can technically go down that route but it'll be a very difficult ride. We have lost 90% of our tames due to alpha lions/wolves. We cant simply move because of claimed territory. We don't breed our existing good tames because the breeding system isn't remotely worth it thus we have routine setbacks. I can only imagine what its like when it's just you. Solo play is always an important part of a game, something this game severely lacks. Make PVE / PVP separate - completely One thing I don't like is how just like on Ark, whatever happens on PVP is reflected on PVE so things that do not make sense for us are pushed onto us because it's necessary in PVP. We own lots of flags, lots of territory. We profit from it a lot, so why do I care about things such as claim flags? When I removed some flags, they were filled in by a much larger company. I removed them so if any small company needed territory, they'd have it. There's literally bragging rights by Grapeshot on who owns the most territory via leaderboards. How in the hell is that good for PVE? The list goes on and on but the proper separation of PVE and PVP currently does not exist within this game nor Ark. -------------- It feels like they're being different for the sake of being different rather than evolving from what they learned from Ark while making things even worse for the small guys out there. It should be them improving on what people loved about Ark while protecting the small groups - but that's not the case thus every day people are leaving. It's not just that, it's that there aren't proper hooks to keep people playing longterm in the game. It is Alpha basically so I know things will get better but there's things they can do right now to fix some of these bigger issues. Instead favoritism is directed toward the biggest voices (large companies/streamers) with what's fun/unfun to them rather than the small guys that actually like being small (that came out weird) but are also the dedicated players that'll stay around after the streamer fad is over with. Protect those that don't have a big voice just the same as those that do. Make this game more accessible for all while creating things that keep our interest long term that ANYONE regardless of size can do. #sizematters
  24. 3 points
    Plain and simple , we should stop a bit and throw ideas against DEV TEAM instead of cursing. What do you do about this Fountain of youth ? Age mechanic ? if you were the DEV . i would : 1) Remove the FoY from golden age maps . Put it some another map. (now its like : naked lemming zerg going to slaugther) 2) Make it like treasure hunt. Every player has his personel FoY ! - or like grail , you follow the map and dig with shovel beat the bad guys and drink from fountain . 3) We age too fast , slow it - its 600 days ingame and we are 98 already (PS : i post a similar topic like this in the suggestion section for devs) so what is your ideas about this ?
  25. 3 points
    Ban an entire company for a sign in a game because it's deemed racist....yet one of the largest clans in the game live streams cheating openly to the public, attacks the physical server through ddos, and at least 50% of it's playerbase cheats and you won't even put them on their own server....These devs are special.
  26. 3 points
    Not to mention I can't remember reading any pirate tales about a monthly geriatric suicide run through ruins guarded by monsters of legend in order to reach the fountain of youth.
  27. 3 points
    Yet another reason I'll never join a company, along with some members using cheats, hacks and destroying the stuff everyone has worked for from inside the company.
  28. 3 points
    OP, I've been given your full ban record to review. You were banned for extreme racism in game with clear evidence. Your ban will not be revoked. This thread is getting a little off-track so I'll go ahead and lock it now.
  29. 3 points
    It would be nice if we could pursue the FoY without the debuff. Maybe open it up to characters over 60? 70? Rather than 90, when the debuff begins. We also age too quickly. Having to deal with a mechanic (required mechanic) by passing yourself on via child or FoY every 30 days is a bit cumbersome. It's not fun. 90-120 days seems a lot more reasonable. Also, make it soloable, or doable in a small group (that is 2-5 people).
  30. 3 points
    Is there any reason im freezing to death now in the Tropical biom? Comeon Grapeshot,I know you want things to be challenging but thats just an immersion breaker.. To add to the pain I was actually with my parrot and ostrich,both give fortitude buffs,still I was freezing to death.. Dont recall people in Jamaica walking around with furs..
  31. 3 points
    Nah, these clowns tell them 'You're not allowed to stand on the sofa or you'll float above it' - then you invite your friend over, he tries sit on it and gets stuck floating. Meanwhile the Chinese kids lash a rope around your sofa and pull it over, because they didn't stand on it, it wasn't against the rules ...can we just have a separate play area for them Grapeshot?
  32. 3 points
    Unfortunately, your only home protection in this game isn't a 12ga but a finger you get to wag at them and say, "now stop that." Even when you try to call the police for help you find out they're all wearing clown costumes and are entirely too busy tossing confetti in the air to come help.
  33. 3 points
    I am starting to think that these forums need some moderation to try to prevent the toxic "conversations" that are going on here. People being foul with each other because they are a little irritated at a computer game and others proclaiming they have some sort of secret insider wisdom about what the Developers want from the game. Can people not just raise bug report like adults (1 thread per bug; "me too" reports in that same thread. Polite, accurate descriptions of what the issue was, where it occurred etc.) Can we not have slightly mature discourse with no personal attacks, flaming, trolling, and general insults. Can we not remember this is actually just a computer game. It was also a cheap computer game. Thanks, feel free to flame me.
  34. 3 points
    Can confirm. Im OP. I did try to tame an Elephant. I said so in my original post. I also tried every concievable angle, in front of its face, from the side (both sides) and the back. Also dismantled the pen and had the same problem.
  35. 3 points
    It's not a democracy they own and run the game.. if they chose to ban someone for being racist or cheating then that's up to them. Players should not do things like that.
  36. 3 points
    To be honest, on PVP at the moment lawless islands are better for single players and small tribes than claim islands. Claim islands can easily taken very fast by big tribes full of naked cannon fodder. I placed just tons of pillars... really hundreds ! This really slowed the progress of the 1000 chinese tribe that i am fighting with down. They are like ants, the workers bring ammo, the officers shoot the guns. But it is still a huge effort to remove hundreds of stone pillars one by one Its a big fun teasing them to death. What i have learned from ARK is, that it is pointless to discuss with the devs and present logical arguments to Mr.Jeremy Stieglitz. He just loves trolls, alpha tribes and streamers. And nothing can change his mind. He will bring a Giganotosaurus who destroys stone and is stronger than 500 T-Rexes. Why ? Because he can. And he opens up server travel for the Chinese Uber tribes, destroying all seevers through sheer mass instead of class. If you face Wildcard you have to accept the rules of Wildcard and use gaps for yourself.
  37. 3 points
    banned for being "racist" meanwhile there are kids out here cheating left and right aand the devs do nothing about. sounds about right....
  38. 3 points
    NPCs should repair the WHOLE ship not just Hull.
  39. 3 points
    I would love to see some actual bow sprits that work.... staysails between the masts. And the ability to grapple a ship and pull it closer when at sea or docking.
  40. 3 points
    Awesome! That means as toxic people leave that like to complain, there will be more land for people that want to play Kudos!
  41. 3 points
    Get real. It'll be dead in the water (no pun intended) in 6 months, never mind finished and released in two years. There's "Early Access" and the associated teething problems that go with EA status, but neither we nor the game can survive some of the crazy things the Devs are implementing without any apparent thought and "fixing" things with patches without actually fixing the issue and also breaking other things with the failed "fix". The Devs need to know how shit some of their decisions on game mechanics are NOW, loudly and very, very clearly, otherwise the game simply won't make it no matter how good the game could be.
  42. 2 points
    In D12 there is hundreds of rock golems and cyclops stuck together that is blocking the passage to the foundtain almost impossible + constend 255+ ping with oversubscibed 200 players IN ONE GRID i have been here for 6 hours trying to get to the foundtain of youth please fix this asap ...
  43. 2 points
    Well on the other hand you can steal the admin's steam account password and start spawning planes and stuff and without your whole company getting banned. That guy in your company should've done this instead. Twice.
  44. 2 points
    That video WAS funny. Re. Q&A - If the idea is that the players do it, that's a terrible idea. Many of them have less experience than your average art employee at a gaming company, but the biggest reason is that the first requirement for Q&A is that you tell the testing team how something is supposed to work. Their job is to try it and see if it works the way it's supposed to. If not, they need to write up a report saying exactly what they did and what the result was. This is a job that any literate, fairly logical person can do if they are given the right input. Coding is different. You can't give someone a short cheat sheet and expect them to code. We don't know how anything is supposed to work. There's no way for us to "test" it. All we can do is say whether we like it or not. A good example is the salted meat comment from Thor. On the day I tried it, salted meat lasted less time than cooked meat. But I only tried it on one day. It could have worked entirely differently when Thor tried it, and who knows how it's really supposed to work? Could be broken...might be getting stealth tweaks....who knows? All I can say is that I don't really like the way food works.
  45. 2 points
    You need a mirror badly. You are so toxic I need to take a shower just from hitting the quote button. Its angry and vitriolic people like you that make this world suck. Learn to be helpful not toxic.
  46. 2 points
    As the title saying, I think aging and death via old age does not belong in this game. Yes, as things stand now there will eventually be a mechanic in which you can raise an NPC to age 20 and then take over them, but I thought this was going to be an open world pirate game, not family simulator 2019. I realize not many may share my opinion on this, but I at least wanted to put forth the suggestion.
  47. 2 points
    Hopefully permanent! Whatever the reason, it was probably justified. As someone else commented, hopefully now you have the time to practice being a better human being. Byeee~!
  48. 2 points
    As the title states, I have lost my Fountain of Youth buff which means I now, again, have the Old Age debuff. I traveled quite a bit yesterday after the Fountain of Youth picture show and only noticed it after passing through a server. I also see my age bouncing around depending on what server I'm on. I'd love to get the buff back since it was a shit show trying to get it but I doubt that'll happen.
  49. 2 points
    Well said Its mind boggling when people get upset for being punished for being racist in a public game or forum. If you choose to act like a jerk then take your lumps. If it was truly a misunderstanding then appeal it and I'm sure you'll be fine. I doubt that's the case tho. Kids these days think it's funny to be racist. Which is sooooo stupid and childish.
  50. 2 points
    Likely a relic of the bad ARK code where animals and people can spawn in before the building structures. In ARK, I was flying in on a flyer to my port area, and watched a Megalodon swim into my water pen, and the wall spawn in behind it, and it commenced to attacking one of my high health tames. So I jumped in the water, got on a Meg, and killed it. Now imagine if that had been another non-tribe member that caused that stuff to spawn in. They wouldn't have been as able, or inclined, to kill that Meg, and I would have lost everything in that pen, as they were all on Passive.
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