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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I have witnessed ATLAS Lawless Island from 50 people per server to 5 people per server,Ninety percent of the players lost by ATLAS are lawless island players. They are small teams and single players.Your game mechanics need major changes, take advantage of the early access mode.Advice for PVP server,This is a pirate game, what the pirates want is gold coins and resources。ATLAS pays too much attention to the performance of blueprint items, causing players to focus on how to obtain mythical blueprints。The current game mechanics of ATLAS are destined to not retain new players,The highest online number of this game will only be when the season restarts And then keep falling、Can't make the number stable。Because the safety of the players on the lawless island cannot be guaranteed, many people often wake up after a sleep and find that they have lost everything。what ATLAS keeps losing is the players on the lawless islands. Perhaps reducing the output of resources such as metals and gems and crystals and weakening the attributes of blueprint items will increase more players and wars Reducing labor on land does not increase warfare at sea, because the reason why players do not conflict at sea is that they are busy obtaining drawings Make it easier for the ship board to be penetrated by cannonballs. For example, 5 or 3 shells can make the ship board leak. The ship board cannot be replaced and can only be repaired and requires players or NPCs to repair it all the time. The ship plate can be renewed after breaking down. You need to weaken the attributes of the blueprint items, because it is very difficult for players on the island of lawlessness to obtain,I swear I didn’t think I should weaken the drawing attributes because I didn’t get it. I was a member of JOJO last season. I had a drawing of 5 legendary large-scale control sails with 122, and I made it with a 130-level crow and dolphin buff. Out of 4 125 and 1 123,I just think the blueprint items are too powerful, and many players don’t have a chance to get them if they don’t join a large company. When a large company gets it, they have many ways to prevent small companies from getting it.! Weakening the output of metal gem crystals will also reduce the number of ordinary ships. Players will also cherish their own ships. Reduce the number of blueprint ships or the difference in attributes will make more players dare to fight. Let players collect basic resources, delete farmhouses, and reduce the output of some basic materials. Players will also fight for basic materials. The other is the problem of large Large control sails,Why can a large controlled sail sail so fast? And it can also make the ship turn faster. I think the acceleration of the large-scale control sail should be weakened and its influence on the ship's rotation should be removed. I didn’t even see the large-scale speed sail in the 100-man decisive battle of the H8 last season. The naval battle should be determined by the old captain's superb technology and the diversified collocation of ships (the choice of weapons, the choice of sails, the number of people, the number of ships, and the matching of ships), as well as the battle of the ship. The existence of the whirling gun makes the battle of the ship basically impossible. You need to improve the status of gold coins, first weaken the attributes of the drawing items, and then set up gold coins to buy some drawings in the free port, and buy any basic materials including metal gems and crystals, so that the status of gold coins is improved, and then reduce the amount of money except for killing ghost ships. And the amount of gold coins obtained other than treasure digging.Or set up to buy blueprints and basic materials on the marine merchant ship, or create a new merchant ship, the player can sail to rob the merchant ship and fight the merchant ship. My English is not very good. Translation software is used in many places. I hope the developers can understand what I mean. Good luck JOJO company
  2. 2 points
    I really wish you had listened to your community. Gold at the shipyard is an incredibly stupid decision and is a major turn off. No one wanted this. There were no positive comments about this. Yet you did it anyway. You kept in burning barrels and you then added another hurdle to create ships.. in a game that is suppose to be all about getting people out on the water. It is as if you have no idea how people play your game. My company is disbanding and moving on to other games. We are done with this bull shit.
  3. 2 points
    Why not do what the mass of your player base wants and nerf barrels? How hard is it to understand yall made a terrible move by implementing your barrel garbage long before there is anything put in to counter it? Nerf barrels, or you wont have anyone left to play this early access game. Stop being stupid and listen to your player base!
  4. 2 points
    Go back to the old map this map sucks
  5. 2 points
    New content = Good (depending on content) Adding new content BEFORE fixing old/existing content and game = bad Claiming to listen to our feedback, but not actually listening to our feedback = bad Hinting about more wipes after previously stating no more wipes = very bad Look....the game has potential...it really does. It's cool you want to add stuff to the game, keeping it semi fresh....but I've said it before, and once again I'll say it again....FIX CURRENT STUFF (including server/performance issues) BEFORE ADDING NEW STUFF!!!! Your lack of logic here amazes me. The fact that you claim to listen to us, the players, but never provide responses etc to player posts, auto-closing tickets, and what not just proves you don't care what we say/ask for. As for even more wipes coming....why should anyone here (pvp and pve) bother playing if you're just going to keep wiping things? Why should Player X build ships to fight SoD if they're just going to lose the ships yet again? Why should Player Y spend much of their time/energy/resources to tame that one tame they've always wanted, just to have it taken away in a wipe? Why should Company A tame and breed some basic tames to help out new players with their first tames etc if you're just going to wipe again and again? You want us to play, and you want new players to join, but give NO reasons to stay. What's a new player to think when they just get a basic base going, to log in one day and have it wiped because you devs think it's for the best? If you need to wipe, find a way to allow players to keep the things they've worked tirelessly for. Or just get good at making a game and keeping the players. As for costing gold to build ships....really? I can understand if you're going to allow players to buy a brig from an NPC (like the guy in the freeports), but if I'm building my own shipyard, using MY resources that I grinded, why should I pay gold to build something with my own mats? Building ships should NOT cost gold if you're using your own mats, your own shipyard. Learn to get good, devs.
  6. 2 points
    Ah yes, the quarterly Atlas update sandwich. Top slice of 'Hey guys this is really hard but we have some great ideas and we're going to be doing a better job communicating and listening to you... and this time we really mean it!'. Bottom slice of 'Just remember guys it's still early access, so please don't hold us accountable for anything regardless of how poorly thought out or executed it may be'. So what's the filling this time? Ah, of course. An extremely complex multi-grid trade route system adding new island types with automatically generated defenses, npc trade ships, and a boat designed to ram other boats. What could possibly go wrong? I mean last update you said you were just adding warehouses, and we got an unannounced game-destroying barrel 'balance' change and you broke a number of critical core game functions and disappeared for a month without a word. I hope you don't expect much confidence from anyone that you are even remotely capable of successfully implementing something of the magnitude that you're describing. Stop dangling stuff that nobody cares about or asked for and 'teasing' all these cool new ideas you have when there are so many existing mechanics that are completely broken, useless, or imbalanced. Fix them. Get your game running smoothly and add some polish to what you already have before you go introducing a bunch of new stuff that you aren't capable of doing anyway. You also mentioned more frequent wipes. How frequent? Do you really think that's a sustainable model for a game that has a ridiculously complex breeding and 6 resource type grindy upgrade mechanic? Is that the purpose of the trade routes? Having to get a bunch of different resources sucks, so rather than simplify the core system lets implement a complicated, difficult to implement alternative to make it suck a little less. You guys have no direction, no accountability, no credibility, and nobody buys your 'new ideas, more communication, we're going to do a better job and btw look at this amazing idea we have' PR nonsense that we've seen over and over and have been let down every time. Nobody cares that it's early access. Early access doesn't give you carte blanche to make strings of idiotic decisions and expect players to stick around. The last thing in this update you said is that you'll be paying extra attention to suggestions and feedback, so here's some from a 5,000 hour player. Put this trade system, ships for gold, and whatever other half baked band-aid ideas you have on the shelf. Fix what you have, give regular updates on what you're working on, and stop saying over and over that you're going to be listening to players and start actually doing it. Focus your energies on resolving those issues and building on those ideas first. Thinking for yourselves and deciding what you think is best for the game is why there are 92 players on NA PVP as I write this. Get your shit together or just shut it down.
  7. 2 points
    The fantasy component in the Atlas is the main thing that brought many here! Return the old map, return the old content! Add quests, new NPCs, make a more interesting crafting system, so that it is difficult, dangerous and interesting to mine rare resources for new recipes! Think about global, high-quality underwater content !!! INTEREST THE PLAYERS !!! ONLY THEN YOU WILL HAVE PEOPLE ON SERVERS !!!!!
  8. 2 points
    When you introduced farms and warehouses, thereby you killed the huge content of the game, you no longer need animals, seeds, plants, their extraction and breeding! Be consistent, then remove all animals from the game, all plants, they are no longer needed by anyone !!! Let there be bare islands and trees !!! Why was it all to kill ??? !!!
  9. 1 point
    What disturbs me is the amount of resources it going to take rebuilding and maintaining these sea forts, and at this point there is no point in doing so. Therefore all the companies that have many islands will also control these, making it even less desirable for small companies.
  10. 1 point
    Way to go devs...you took a borderline unplayable game and introduced more issues instead of resolving any that matter. The map screen is now laggy af and pulling up to an already laggy ass island is a disaster. Introduce farmhouses...great. ill throw them up everywhere and lag out my island. Let's shrink the map and a remove a server (pve), sounds like a plan, less real estate and bigger lag issues. Let's not cap how many boats a company can craft so that you can be sure to hit a few shipyards when you lag approaching an island only after losing your tames erroneously at sea. Come on grapeshot. Get it together. Either cap total boats or make the cost incremental so the 10th owned gally a company builds costs 50000, not 500. Secondly, bring back a bigger map or add more islands to spread out building lag. Finally, fix the pve decay issues (boats and structures) and implement something to control the amount of farm houses that pop up. They should be like silos...one per island per company with a decay rate of 72 hours if it isn't stocked with coal and running. Here's an idea...go back to the code and maps you had at the end of last season and start building from that. So many less issues. My crew aren't leaving the game just yet but if you all don't start addressing some of the real issues, you're not going to have a player base left to work with.
  11. 1 point
    Surprise, surprise. You guys broke a bunch of stuff on a patch release introducing features and changes that nobody asked for, wanted, or cares about... again. Way to get off on the right foot after your confidence-inspiring 'Lot of internal changes, things are going to be better now' announcement last week. People may have bought that if it wasn't the 5th or 6th time we've heard it and you didn't immediately make another major patch mistake a week later. Any news on barrels? Or are you still 'looking into them' as they relate to your grand, long-term plan that totally exists? Any news on anything at all really? Sail bug, zoning wind bug, green screens, boats flipping 100 times and losing all their planks when you un-anchor in some shallow water bug, ship ladder bug, tames warping off boats bug, etc.? You know, stuff like that that people care about? Not news like I now have to throw 50 gold into the water for some reason at the shipyard I built, on the island I own, with the ship pieces I farmed and built in order to make a schooner? What an insignificant, unnecessary, random 'feature' to add to ship-building that accomplishes literally nothing besides making the process slightly more annoying. How can you still be writing in your announcements that you want suggestions and feedback when every single patch you release completely ignores issues that players are screaming about and introduces random horseshit that someone over there thinks is cool, whether it makes any sense or fits with the game or not? Here's some of that feedback you wanted on this patch: It didn't add anything I wanted or care about and you broke a bunch of stuff in the process. And here's a suggestion: Stop releasing stuff nobody cares about and stop breaking stuff in the process.
  12. 1 point
    Its becouse Chismebeard Nami and Primus are full of BS they dont listen to the community they just do what they want.
  13. 1 point
    @Sturmberg Would believe it if they actually did a single thing that made the game more fun. They keep addind grind gates instead. It's like the people in charge don't even play games.
  14. 1 point
    Honestly the map size is perfect, there was nothing worse than taking a boat out last season, knowing it was a 6 hour commitment, because of sail times. The issue with the game, isn't the lack of islands available, or that it's not built for the solo player, or small companies. This is literally prevalent in every game you play, even in RL, the larger over takes the smaller. If you want an island, take one at the start of the season and hold it, or move into a company. As most BIG companies now....are like 20 active players on a saturday night, if your lucky. The issues that need to be addressed, is the fact you go over 255 ping for hardly nothing. They need to put in large harbor walls, that have like 50k health or something, and same sizes as our current ones. Actual large sea gates, and that'll cut most of your grids' lag down, due too a majority of it, is building viable harbors. Barrels need to be re thought, don't take them out of the game, make them a catapult only ammo, so their viable for land raiding. This alone would cause a lot of players too come back, and make the catapult useful, as those rocks are pointless. Overall, I think stability, andd cutting down server lag, should be the large focus, and if you're putting anything new in a FRIGATE!!!!!!!!!! I mean, you're going too go for a ram, get barreled, and sunk in 30 seconds, while folks scratch their head going...what were they trying to do? Ultimately most of the updates in this patch were fine. But the QoL should've been addressed primarily.
  15. 1 point
    Nice patch, fighting the frst fort was funny. Looks like a lot of fun, with the upcoming and trading system Much apreciate the new farmhouse/warehouse fuel burning costs and the fuel slot. Removing the shut of function of the farmhouses in Pve would be awesome. Kind regards SWB - Sturmberg World Bank
  16. 1 point
    yet what we want is a barrel fix...
  17. 1 point
    Watching and playing aren't the same thing, a dev could infiltrate a company to find out information. Obviously though that would take time. I know in some online games devs do actually just play undercover. It's a better way to get to know your own game.
  18. 1 point
    While I like the idea of being able to straight up buy a ship for gold, most of these changes read like you're deliberately trying to kill off your solo player base. Charging gold for ships in your own shipyard is absolute nonsense. Now, if you want to make it an option to spend gold and get a basic prebuilt ship instead of having to go to the Freeport that's something else. But make it an option. You're making gold harder to get and a new player is going to be SoL trying to get anything other than a sloop which has extremely limited utility. Think this through, devs.
  19. 1 point
    Lol what pvp focus? The only thing they have done this season is add warehouses/farmhouses, changed the raid bosses a bunch of times, rolled back levels a bunch of times, added a flame balista noone uses, fixed some minor bugs, fucked the playerbase into a coma with a completely unnecessary barrel change and let us put saddles on cows. Oh and they also removed half the servers by disguising it as a "New map". The only thing specific to the PvP players is a flame balista (Never seen anyone use it) and the barrels that made 66% of the pvp playerbase quit.
  20. 1 point
    Here, have a barrel. Here, have a full ramming sp33dz0r ship!!! We look forward to working more on listening to the community. Cyas.
  21. 1 point
    So my takeaway is: - Trade System will cause severe lag, and although there's some method of curtailing it, just look at PvE. When things got bad, you have done nothing but looked away. The same will happen here. - I guarantee sea forts will be blockaded 24/7 or someone will find a way to cheese-claim them and ruin their whole purpose within days. - Why bother giving us lip service about wipes when you gave PvE NA less than 24 hours before closing it last season? No one should trust you.
  22. 1 point
    Maybe it's just me, but I feel like you've completely forgotten that you even have players who play solo...? Unless I've misread something, removing the gold rewards from everything but trade routes doesn't make any sense. Some of this also goes for new players and small companies, but the immediate problems I see are: 1. you need gold to build anything larger than a sloop, but you can only get gold through trade routes...that basically means you can't get any ship larger than a sloop until you find an island you want to build on, which can't be a freeport. As a solo player, I kind of just want to build a single nice base and be done with it, so I sail around a lot until I find a spot I like, but sailing is kind of boring without stopping to fight ships of the damned. Now you're telling me I can't fight until I find a home, not just ships of the damned but ANYthing, might as well not bother with treasure maps because where am I even going to keep the loot in a tiny ship that can't hold much and needs to be fast to escape all the things I can't fight...basically there is no game until I find a home...? Is that essentially what you're saying here? Because that's pretty unpleasant whether you're playing solo or not. 2. you can't crew a ship without gold, but you can't get gold outside of the trade routes, and for that you need at least two markets. Can you build two markets in SP and trade with yourself? Is there actually any point to trading with yourself? If the trade happened across grids, it would actually be a good way to shift resources from different biomes without weighing down your ships, but as it seems to be restricted to a single grid, it seems kind of pointless. But the bottom line is if you can't trade with yourself, playing solo means you can't crew your ships. And if you can't crew your ships, you're basically locked out of most of the game. 3. you need gold to do basically everything mid-game or higher, but you can't do that without a base...what happens to nomadic players who want to live off their ships, players who can't establish a base for one reason or another, or players who just want to explore? You're basically tying us down to a single grid to pay our crew or upgrade our ships, or else forcing us to build markets wherever we go. I get that you're trying to make your new mechanic look attractive, but quite frankly, I hate building. I like taming and sailing and fighting. Up until now, I could play the parts of the game I enjoy while largely bypassing the bits that I don't, but now it sounds like I'm going to have a recurring slog to look forward to or a pointless waiting game to collect pay to keep my crew happy. So basically I'm either bored or AFK--and again, that's assuming I can trade with myself. 4. I've been sailing schooners and above for a while, so I may be misremembering this, but solo or multi--I have at least one friend who has motion sickness bad enough that she can't play the game until she gets a ship large enough (and crewed enough) to sail in zoomed-out third person mode, when the ship becomes "stable" instead of the camera rocking constantly. (Until then I literally just build her a chair on deck and tell her to sit her character down and close her eyes when we travel, lol.) With this system, it might become pretty uncomfortable if not outright impossible for some people to advance, but admittedly I don't remember how sloops handle while uncrewed. Can we please get some more clarification on what your plan is for solo? Or at least one way (that doesn't involve sea battles, as we're barred from that in the proposed system) for nomadic players to still farm gold? Even if it's just flotsam recovery, which I don't see listed--you'd be forcing us to sail still, encouraging exploration, without completely putting out of reach basically everything that makes the game fun.
  23. 1 point
    Ramming ship. Unless it moves at 60 knots and is literally made of explosive barrels, the only thing it'll be ramming is the ocean floor.
  24. 1 point
    This is a pirate game, what the pirates want is gold coins and resources。ATLAS pays too much attention to the performance of blueprint items, causing players to focus on how to obtain mythical blueprints。The current game mechanics of ATLAS are destined to not retain new players,The highest online number of this game will only be when the season restarts And then keep falling、Can't make the number stable。Because the safety of the players on the lawless island cannot be guaranteed, many people often wake up after a sleep and find that they have lost everything。what ATLAS keeps losing is the players on the lawless islands. Perhaps reducing the output of resources such as metals and gems and crystals and weakening the attributes of blueprint items will increase more players and wars Reducing labor on land does not increase warfare at sea, because the reason why players do not conflict at sea is that they are busy obtaining drawings Make it easier for the ship board to be penetrated by cannonballs. For example, 5 or 3 shells can make the ship board leak. The ship board cannot be replaced and can only be repaired and requires players or NPCs to repair it all the time. The ship plate can be renewed after breaking down. You need to weaken the attributes of the blueprint items, because it is very difficult for players on the island of lawlessness to obtain,I swear I didn’t think I should weaken the drawing attributes because I didn’t get it. I was a member of JOJO last season. I had a drawing of 5 legendary large-scale control sails with 122, and I made it with a 130-level crow and dolphin buff. Out of 4 125 and 1 123,I just think the blueprint items are too powerful, and many players don’t have a chance to get them if they don’t join a large company. When a large company gets it, they have many ways to prevent small companies from getting it.! Weakening the output of metal gem crystals will also reduce the number of ordinary ships. Players will also cherish their own ships. Reduce the number of blueprint ships or the difference in attributes will make more players dare to fight. Let players collect basic resources, delete farmhouses, and reduce the output of some basic materials. Players will also fight for basic materials. The other is the problem of large Large control sails,Why can a large controlled sail sail so fast? And it can also make the ship turn faster. I think the acceleration of the large-scale control sail should be weakened and its influence on the ship's rotation should be removed. I didn’t even see the large-scale speed sail in the 150-man decisive battle of the H8 last season. The naval battle should be determined by the old captain's superb technology and the diversified collocation of ships (the choice of weapons, the choice of sails, the number of people, the number of ships, and the matching of ships), as well as the battle of the ship. The existence of the whirling gun makes the battle of the ship basically impossible. You need to improve the status of gold coins, first weaken the attributes of the drawing items, and then set up gold coins to buy some drawings in the free port, and buy any basic materials including metal gems and crystals, so that the status of gold coins is improved, and then reduce the amount of money except for killing ghost ships. And the amount of gold coins obtained other than treasure digging.Or set up to buy blueprints and basic materials on the marine merchant ship, or create a new merchant ship, the player can sail to rob the merchant ship and fight the merchant ship. I am a Chinese player. My English is not very good. Translation software is used in many places. I hope the developers can understand what I mean. Good luck
  25. 1 point
    Just wanted to provide some context for the blatant mismanagement of this game.. We're TWO YEARS into EA for a PIRATE game and "walking the plank" hasn't been implemented. Need i say more? Quit over a month ago and its been a huge relief. Good luck, best wishes
  26. 1 point
    Have they officially announced a wipe yet? I don't care wither way, just say "Yes" or "no" please.
  27. 1 point
    I wonder you all don't see the idea behind this ramming ship. I mean it has 18 prefab cannons in no gun ports = max weight + 2 large cannons in the rear. With two (speed)sails and maybe a weight of 8000/20000 this will be awesome fast. Maybe you can drive 6-8 knots and increase it for short time to 12 knots? Keep in mind you don't have amunition for your cannons on board and you don#t have repair resources. So what will I do? I will build a brig with 3 handling sails(~120% speed) and 5/5 cannons with total weight reduction to full combat ready 3500/15000 weight. Yes that ship has repairs and amunition on board for easy 30 minutes fighting. If you don't know how to do this you should try some things. If i have a good shipyard i could even spend some levels on weight. I even don't need to use barrels to blow that one appart. But let me guess the devs focussing on PvP drive themselfes only PvE monster ships with 20 points skilled on weight. The thing with early access is that you get kickstarter money from your alpha testers who buy this game. But the way you do this early acces should be that you pay your testers for their sufferings. I played 1400 hours in season 3 and it was a great game once. It was really funny and needed lots of teamplay. Just fix the so often mentioned bugs and server issues. Improve the quality of loot drops of SotD and treasure maps. Let the players find shipyards and handling sails. SoTD >lvl 30 shoult drop more than green blue prints... just give high level ships a lootdrop according to their level. And maybe you don't give us rolls of mystical 110% garbage... what you throw away when it's gray. Testing the farmhouses now they stop of no reasons, they run but don't collect things... the warehouse is one day filled with 13k of all ress and the next day only 1k? Why don't all my farms on an island connect to my warehouse and why other warehouses could connect my farms? Fix and balance this. I don't believe the trade routes will work as intended. New land bases screams next wipe. But i don#t care because I probably don't play anymore as i quit after the season 4 start passed 3 weeks. I should have a look if my Pathfinder is even dropped below level 80^^ I am testing a private server with mixed PvE and PvP grids on the full 11x11 map. Suiting me much better than the rediculos barrel bomb wipes on the full PvP which effects your health in real life after a while.Settings are farming and XP 3x which makes the game much less grindy but i still like to do the grind jobs. An^d wtf I found out that now doing Power Stones does not give you 40 Discovery Points anymore? So you need to step on all islands to increase your max level? Did you know this means about 10 minutes driving from one island to the next if you don't explore the island a little bit... your game is no fun playing with lvl 50.... a sweet spot is ~80. I maybe shouldn't test Kraken or Yeti Boss fight because I will cry when this gives you now rewards than just 1 more dance move.... I wonder you all don't see the idea behind this rmming ship. I mean it has 18 prefab cannons in no gun ports = max weight + 2 large cannons in the rear. With two (speed)sails and maybe a weight of 8000/20000 this will be awesome fast. Maybe you can drive 6-8 knots and increase it for short time to 12 knots? Keep in mind you don't have amunition for your cannons on board and you don#t have repair resources. So what will I do? I will build a brig with 3 handling sails(~120% speed) and 5/5 cannons with total weight reduction to full combat ready 3500/15000 weight. Yes that ship has repairs and amunition on board for easy 30 minutes fighting. If you don't know how to do this you should try some things. If i have a good shipyard i could even spend some levels on weight. I even don't need to use barrels to blow that one appart. But let me guess the devs focussing on PvP drive themselfes only PvE monster ships with 20 points skilled on weight. The thing with early access is that you get kickstarter money from your alpha testers who buy this game. But the way you do this early acces should be that you pay your testers for their sufferings. I played 1400 hours in season 3 and it was a great game once. It was really funny and needed lots of teamplay. Just fix the so often mentioned bugs and server issues. Improve the quality of loot drops of SotD and treasure maps. Let the players find shipyards and handling sails. SoTD >lvl 30 shoult drop more than green blue prints... just give high level ships a lootdrop according to their level. And maybe you don't give us rolls of mystical 110% garbage... what you throw away when it's gray. Testing the farmhouses now they stop of no reasons, they run but don't collect things... the warehouse is one day filled with 13k of all ress and the next day only 1k? Why don't all my farms on an island connect to my warehouse and why other warehouses could connect my farms? Fix and balance this. I don't believe the trade routes will work as intended. New land bases screams next wipe. But i don#t care because I probably don't play anymore as i quit after the season 4 start passed 3 weeks. I should have a look if my Pathfinder is even dropped below level 80^^ I am testing a private server with mixed PvE and PvP grids on the full 11x11 map. Suiting me much better than the rediculos barrel bomb wipes on the full PvP which effects your health in real life after a while.Settings are farming and XP 3x which makes the game much less grindy but i still like to do the grind jobs. And wtf I found out that now doing Power Stones does not give you 40 Discovery Points anymore? So you need to step on all islands to increase your max level? Did you know this means about 10 minutes driving from one island to the next if you don't explore the island a little bit... your game is no fun playing with lvl 50.... a sweet spot is ~80. I maybe shouldn't test Kraken or Yeti Boss fight because I will cry when this gives you now rewards than just 1 more dance move.... *EDIT: Just loged in and still level 80 and 652 Discovery Points left. Maybe somebody knows if Power Stones still give 40 Disc Points as well as the essences? Also I had to log in with activated VPN due to the old bug maybe caused by wi-fi connection? Without VPN stucked in the loading screen on the Primagameldata_BP.
  28. 1 point
    It will be good for large companies, but for small and single players nothing will come of it !!!
  29. 1 point
    PVE servers were completely forgotten !!! Nobody asks PVE players for their opinions and wishes !!!!!!!! Who needs your farms and warehouses on PVE servers, they dirtied all the islands with them, killed this huge game content, which was a sandbox !!! NEED NEW QUESTS, CHAINS OF QUESTS !!! WHERE THE GAME CONTENT INCREASES AND EXPANDS !!! RETURN THE OLD MAP FOR PVE SERVERS !!! The game becomes completely PVP, so you will lose most of the players and the game will definitely die and already FOREVER !!!!!
  30. 1 point
    ATLAS - это больше игра про PVE, а не про PVP !!! Не сохраняйте игроков PVE, тогда игру не сохраните! Если хотите оживить игру, срочно начинайте разбираться с PVE контентом !!! СУИЦИДЫ ???!!!!!
  31. 1 point
    The Community - We want a ship between Brig and Galleon, you know like a Frigate... Atlas Devs - Hold my Beer and behold the "Ramming Ship" /palmface
  32. 1 point
    seens with the ideea of frequent wiping you just will kill the game!!! maybe you should not be to focused only on the pvp side,when the pve has much more players...
  33. 1 point
    How the fuck are you gonna balance a ramming ship? 4 seasons and you have not been able to balance one fucking aspect of the game and now you propose to add another potentially game breaking element?
  34. 1 point
    I was more hoping of the announcement for the frigate, some weapons/armors. We seriously need that breach between brig and galleon shortened, and the whole shield/mace being the only viable weapons, makes the game stale after 2 seasons of it.
  35. 1 point
    Used to love Atlas... Was all I played every available minute. Had a company that eventually worked it's way to owning an island. Then the "previous" (cash grab) devs left everyone in the dark for ARK. This killed it for most of the company and many never came back. This season I went in solo. Settled on a mega company island - friends I made when I started playing Atlas. As a solo player on PvE it can be a grind and farms and warehouses helped kinda. Farms in your area work well but warehouses... If I have one I kill the ability for the island owner to have one meaning I don't get to have one. This means that the "new content" just doesn't apply to me and I'm sure this will be the case for many. Claiming should be a hybrid of what you have now and had before. Each player has a certain radius they can claim with a flag or tax bank that makes it their spot on an already claimed island. That way it compartmentalises the area and allows a farm and warehouse and tax bank. This way content isn't just for the megas. I had 2 super casual players join my company... So casual that they are dead each time they log in. We managed to make a bit of gold but 95 percent of our purchases in game are with resources. I assume trade routes would help here but again will we even be able to use it. It really would be an awesome shift if this is implemented well. Later I had a friend from previous season come over. Bringing gold earned from being in a large company, which we used to get us up to scratch vs the megas. If ships are going to cost gold... As a solo player I'd have nothing just a ramshackle all season (If even as one storm and SoTD and it's gone). How is this supposed to get people on to the oceans. We have lives outside of the game so unless there is a passive job or trade route that can persist while I'm at work there is no way that'll happen. Lastly while the season started out roughly from a dev stand point it was OK for me till around the farm patch. Something on our grid broke and many couldn't log in. We got stuck in infinite load loops. Tickets were raised and immediately resolved. For a solid few months we couldn't log in. The work around was to not click rejoin but select the server you were on and join from there. This seems to work but something on the persistent players on ships broke players sleeping on islands. It's still broken and we still have to mess with the work around to play. TLDR: Please fix the issues. Please listen to your community (PvE paid for the game too) Please remember that there are solo players out there. Please take our time seriously - we also have lives outside of ATLAS Please take your games community seriously - give us more concrete interaction. Quality communication is beter than putting things out to just have captains logs. Bring back the Dev streams at least once a month. Give us actual lists and progress updates. Currently in the eyes of many players I've interacted with Grapeshot is a bunch of gamers trying to kinda make a game while playing their other favourite games. You need to be seen as a bunch of Devs working for a company that is producing a game that they want to produce and give feedback and join in the frustrations we feel (and perhaps fix them). Sweeping most of it under the rug ain't helping PvE or PvP. As mentioned... Make ATLAS the game the original Devs were excited about and the game you seem to want. All that said if what you previewed here is implemented and balanced properly I'm looking forward to it. Oh and Devs... feel free to contact us if you actually want to interact with the community, most of us have the same user name here and on the Discord server.
  36. 1 point
    Серверы PVE были полностью забыты !!! Никто не спрашивает у игроков PVE их мнение и пожелания !!!!!!!! Кому нужны ваши фермы и склады на PVE серверах, они загадили ими все острова, убили этот огромный игровой контент, который был песочницей !!! НУЖНЫ НОВЫЕ КВЕСТЫ, ЦЕПИ КВЕСТОВ !!! ГДЕ УВЕЛИЧИВАЕТСЯ И РАСШИРЯЕТСЯ СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ИГРЫ !!! ВЕРНИТЕ СТАРУЮ КАРТУ ДЛЯ PVE СЕРВЕРОВ !!! Игра становится полностью PVP, поэтому вы потеряете большинство игроков и игра обязательно умрет и уже НАВСЕГДА !!!!!
  37. 1 point
    In my opinion, having ships cost gold to build is going to cause a huge disparity between small groups and larger groups. Typically, gold is a big deal to smaller companies. So if you have a ship cost 500 gold to make it, you're discouraging newer players/small groups from being able to make and try all of the ship types. On top of that, they're very likely to lose boats more easily (since they don't have as much experience, or as large of a fleet to take a fight). So they'll be having to build more boats. All I can imagine is that it's going to run small companies out of gold very quickly, forcing them to be stuck using sloops (which are terrible). I would highly suggest re-thinking this change.
  38. 1 point
    My company of 40+ members quit this season because of Barrel Bombs and lack of Dev communication on the subject. Nothing changed and guess we aint coming back.
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    The ideas are all focused on PvP, the PVE servers are very bad. You need to improve the quality of the servers, what’s the use of having a game, if players can’t play without disconnect, many servers whas crash the game when this very full. I'm really sad, because we lost time, at the beginning after wipe, we even managed to play, but then when the server has more constructions, we have many problems that hinder the experience. Despite the problems, I appreciate the efforts in bringing new updates.
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