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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2019 in all areas

  1. 21 points
    Devs have you ever heard the expression "if it isn't broke, don't fix it" WTF you done to the materials needed for crafting Stone, now you need Metal AND Organic paste, I get using metal in the gates that has always been fine but now you added it to every thing please just for once use your brains and rollback this change, you screwed the game up last patch now you are just making it worse.
  2. 21 points
    Since official news from GS is scant and dodgy at best, I thot I'd post there a few references I've discovered. Hopefully this will restore some faith in GS that they are working on it and that exploits/hacks/cheats are not something they're simply turning a blind eye to. First, a ban list posted by @Dollie - This is a list of Steam ID's that have been banned by GS and it's supposedly updated with each ban. http://atlasdedicated.com/pc/banlist.txt Next, I know of two instances where @Dollie has intervened in both an exploit and an issue with 'extreme racism' resulting in bans. And looking back over @Jatheish's recent posts he mentioned in a thread that 2 companies, one on NA-PVP and one on EU-PVP got dev wiped. While many of our posts on here, mine included, are much more irrational and demanding in tone, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to both of these community managers. Though you may not the best at keeping the masses informed, it's comforting to know that if we take a little time and do a little digging that we can find evidence that you are concerned and actively working on some of our concerns. Thanks!
  3. 20 points
    Dear devs, @Jatheish, et al First I'd like to say that until recently I've enjoyed Atlas immensely and I appreciate the hard work that was put into this game, so thank you for that. The vast majority of us who are here love this game, we all want it to succeed and become what we all know it can be. This is somewhat Deja Vu for me because I went through exactly the same thing with H1Z1's survival game, Just Survive. As you may or may not know Just Survive was shut down in October of last year, and the number one reason that happened was a lack of communication between the developers and the player base. Now, that isn't to say you guys are as bad as Daybreak was. I don't think anyone could be as bad as Daybreak was at communication, you're already better than them because this forum exists, whereas Daybreak's main form of feedback from their players was the Just Survive subreddit, which was run by people who had their idea of what they thought the game should be and censored anyone who had an idea they didn't agree with. Unfortunately for Daybreak the subreddit mod's ideas were in the vast minority of what players wanted and the game suffered because of that. Another of Daybreak's faults was that they did things without telling anyone in the community and then released them and when people hated the changes they stubbornly stuck with them, driving people away every day, until they finally relented and reverted, by which time it was too late. You guys have a tendency to do some of that. You at least respond to the feedback, or dare I say backlash. The thing is, there doesn't have to be any backlash. All you need to do is communicate with your player base about major changes before they happen, state your case as to what you're seeing that caused you to think the change was necessary and why you're making the change, get feedback and adjust accordingly. I'm not saying you need to do that for every single change, but something like making taming maddeningly annoying or the changes to the stone walls are major changes for people and shouldn't just be thrown upon us without discussion and a chance for us to offer you alternatives that satisfy your goals and make us happy, or at least accepting of the changes. For example, with the taming if you thought it was too easy make it take more feedings to tame an animal, or make the bolas not last as long, or increase the radius of the animal's attack or something that doesn't make it so we have to split the atom to not get the "press E to release bola" option. That doesn't make taming harder as much as it makes it more annoying. It's a game, it's supposed to be fun and it taming isn't any more. @Dollie seems to me to have all the makings of a great envoy between the community and the development team, utilize her talents, talk to us, create surveys, hold more live streams even if it's a thrown together affair with one developer, communication is the key to making Atlas the game we all want it to be. Lack of communication is what killed Just Survive. I don't want to see that happen to Atlas. The vast majority of us are here to back you up, to help you make this game great and to offer up suggestions and alternative. We are a great resource and you should use us to your advantage. I think I speak for all of us who love this game and want to see it reach its potential in saying we stand ready to serve. Thanks for your time, Murray
  4. 16 points
    I would really like to tax our own company members like you can tax others. In Eve, taxes affected your own people and it allowed for the ability for guilds to provide a lot of ships and stuff for their members. The same would be nice for ATLAS. Being able to tax company members would allow for most companies to be able to provide for their members and reduce the needs to resource constantly.
  5. 11 points
    Expanding on a theory that I came up with in another thread, I think something bad happened at Grapeshot about a week ago. The quality of their work has never been good (remember the introduction of SOTD?) but everything fell off a cliff with v14. The impassable doors, the elephant nerf, the ongoing Fountain of Youth debacle, the stone nerf, and tonight the struggle to even deploy the right version - their work is significantly worse than it was during the first four weeks. My theory is that the Grapeshot leadership has decided that Atlas is a failure and re-allocated resources accordingly. They're not wrong, if so; it has two-thirds negative reviews on Steam, nearly 15,000 thumbs-down, with no sign of the trend changing. Player counts are declining daily, subreddit growth is dead, everything in the press has been negative. Besides the occasional big name obviously being paid to play, it's dying on Twitch. I think they did a major layoff last week, and the remaining employees are either rattled or bitter. It clearly shows in their work. Obviously, this will only make things worse faster. What's the solution? It's pretty simple. Just like every major videogame failure, the community has been telling the developer how to stop the bleeding every step of the way. I don't know if the creative direction is being done democratically or by one bad creative director, but in either case, Grapeshot needs to make a big, public change. Give all the decision-making power to one person with clear vision and enough humility to listen to the community, and maybe you can turn it around. Do it fast, because this ride will be over in about a month if you don't.
  6. 10 points
    Well i like the game and i believe in it. It's EA and under development and personally i feel there is to much hate. I even go so far to say its the most interesting and comprehensive survival game i seen in a long time.
  7. 8 points
    THIS IS NOT SUFFICIENT I do not want to play a game that requires me to farm distant metal nodes, in a predator infested environment, all f**king day. I do not want to WORK in my game more than I play. Still needs sap, which is not present in all regions. Still no explanation why the f**k you made this change in the first place! Why do you hate your playerbase? What kind of brainless idiot is directing these changes? MAKE THE GAME WE WANT TO PLAY, OR LOSE US COMPLETELY. Honestly, “just get f**ked” is how I think they feel about me as a gamer and a customer.
  8. 8 points
    To get back on topic, we have had the ban list in place since the launch of the title and have been actively banning folks since.. probably day 2 or day 3. Once we've enabled BattlEye, the number of bans are increasing tenfold and we're updating the global banlist to include those BE bans so that any unofficials who may not run BattlEye, but use the list can still prevent these rule breakers from playing on their servers. Since then we have wiped a few more companies, and today we ended up wiping+disbanding one as the leadership weren't able to keep some of their members from playing by the rules. You'll see that list continue to grow, especially as we make more tools to identify users who have broken the rules and are playing unfairly. I have thought about doing something that's more akin to a 'hall of shame', but not really sure how that would fly... for now having these users banned and added to the banlist so other servers can make use of them is sufficient. In regards to this, rest assured I am reading as much as humanly possible (in relation to my other duties too) all the feedback and criticism, negativity or positivity, and the threads that are reaching out to the team asking us to consider taking a different approach in how we handle ATLAS' development etc. I can definitely see all the frustrations regarding the recent Stone Structure changes, and completely understand why players would be upset. It's something the team are actively discussing and when we have something we want to share, we'll let you guys know. In the meantime, there is still an endless list of problems that I want to deal with and make sure are getting attention. Linux servers being one of those many things. I'm going to go ahead and close this thread now. I appreciate the thought but it looks like it's veered quite a lot off topic and to be frank, a lot of it is irrelevant. You can be assured that there will be many more bans and wipes to come, as they're needed and we're only going to be ramping it up as we further develop our toolset.
  9. 7 points
    Stop adding submarines, stop adding pretty new armor varients... like stop with the PVE crap for real... you got a decent base game here.... let the PVE nerds use the mod tools to appease their inner drag-queen. Iron out all the damn bugs first... Your claim system is a god awful joke and its truly is making the core of your players stop playing. Claim issues: Can't demolish non-company builds if you remove them from a claim that you allowed them to build on. Water claims shouldn't allow building... only land claims should be able to grant building. Claims after the patch can cause companies to be negative claims.... I saw a clan that try to attack us with negative 50 claims... it was really easy to take out the rest of their claims... You can still put claims on the bottom of the ocean that count as land claims.... ( like really ) One super cube with a sleeper can contest a crapload of claims... is daisy chaining your intent? ( its worked to our advantage, but makes it really hard for sieging ) Bows I mean you made a bow break in like 5 arrows... wtf.... IF you want fire arrows to not be that OP make them do a base dmg and not a percentage dmg.... (duh) Does the tree work? Couldn't tell a difference... speced out of it weeks ago. Region Lock: if 5+ chinese enter your square its insta-rubberbanding and 200 ping... its not fun... at all... literally 40 people in square and it feels like I'm doing the fountain of youth death run again. Tons of other issues but these just really irk my soul.
  10. 7 points
  11. 7 points
    Ever crossed your minds that just because you’re loud doesn’t mean you make up the majority? Plenty of people like the recent changes, just because we don’t yell, scream, throw tantrums and insult the devs doesn’t mean we don’t have an opinion. Final note, calling names and acting like a child doesn’t go far in getting people to listen to you. You get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar lol.
  12. 7 points
    Honestly, it's the PVPer's if I am so bold to say that are changing the game. NO ONE asked for Submarines, and in fact, if you look at the live stream comments as soon as it was mentioned everyone was mad. NO ONE cares about skins, and new armors. NO ONE care about the new ship additions. PVEer's have an issue with your PVP nerfs treading into our area. Guns get nerfed because of PVP abuse, well fekk, now they are useless in PVE as well. Fire arrows get nerfed because of PVP abuse, well fekk now we can't deal with alpha's as effectively. We don't like it. Every time they "fix" something because of PVP abuse, PVE gets the short end of the stick like the retarded cousin and we just have to deal with it. Our problems: Ships allowed to be sunk. Fire arrow useless. Constantly contested sleeping bodies in a land that's been up for grabs for weeks. Luring of SOTD to land and wercking bases. Things that shouldn't be a thing but are. But the devs favor the PVP people with louder voices over fixing things that shouldn't be doing damage in the first place on PVE.
  13. 6 points
    Just wanted to chime in to say that we haven't forgotten about these issues (saves/libraries) and hopefully we can get something out to you all soon that resolves it. Appreciate the patience folks
  14. 6 points
    NO IT ISN'T metal is need to craft metal in ARK STONE IS NEEDED TO CRAFT STONE
  15. 6 points
    Well the PVPers destroyed the game so far by : - reserving more land than they will ever need - sinking ships for fun - using every cheat and exploit they can find
  16. 5 points
    The Dragon, 20k gold, which can be farmed quite easily in matter of a few hours for a normal sized tribe. Once tamed it has 150k Health and takes almost no damage from every source, sinking every boat like they're made of paper. The worst part about it, beastmastery traits can buff and heal the dragon. A lot of people left Ark because of the Titans infestation dropping bases within minutes, please don't ruin your game with another overly tuned tame.... Dragon needs to be nerfed to a normal creatures level, don't ruin Atlas with god tame creatures tipping the scales completely to one side, focus more on Boat/foot pvp over tames being even viable (should only be used for PvE and farming)
  17. 5 points
    I totally disagree by halving the metal and paste costs would suggest that the overall idea of stone containing metal and paste is a good one, when in fact it is a terrible idea, I say put it back how it was and work on getting a Metal Structure tree in place, how you are meant to instead of making half assed efforts.
  18. 5 points
    Amateur artist sets sail with nothing but his trusty Sloop and the wind behind him to use his cartographer skills in the world of Atlas. What do you know?! He's spent over 76 hours on his voyage to draw something on his map! Can you guess what it is? - Chae Lewis (NA PVE) How are your maps? Comment below!
  19. 5 points
    So because you don't enjoy the game you want it to die. Well, what an approach. Why don't you play smt else or just wait until the game is finished?
  20. 5 points
    No one in PVE was asking for the negative changes that have come about or for submarines or cosmetics, so I'm not sure where you're coming from with that... But listening to PVE players more may actually make the game better. PVE essentially encompasses the entire base game, minus killing each other. It's land claims, resource gathering, farming, taming, construction, ships, exploration, raids (the boss kind), trading, basically everything that makes the game what it is. If you don't have a good base game to build off of, then PVP devolves into nothing but cycles of raiding each other because there's nothing else worth doing in the game, and PVE becomes not worth playing at all. But if you build up a solid foundation and then build up PVP on top of it, then you can get the great game that this has the potential to be.
  21. 5 points
    What ever the reason it is true that things are getting worse by the patch. Any developer who puts their head in the sand and believes their way is better than the majority of their player base, is heading for disaster no question. I find it hard to believe that any one would alienate their customers in that manner, read flags start to appear and all the wrong assumptions start to arise, some may be correct and some will not be. Either way it gives the wrong impression. While it was true that this game was fun to play that is fast disappearing, that inevitably means players not playing, reviews going bad (or not recovering) and people not buying. The easy solution to this problem is to listen to the MAJORITY of your player base and act accordingly, this would improve your ratings and number of players online, together with word of mouth and more people buying = more revenue. This is not rocket science it's common sense which at the moment is lacking. It would also make things a little better if there was a logical reason for some decisions that have been made, although none can be seen. Yes communication is worth a lot. Yes taking note of your player base is important. Unfortunately most posting here on the forums are essentially talking to themselves as no one at Grapeshot seams to read them, or if they do they ignore us. Please, Please Grapeshot take a few moments and smell the roses!
  22. 5 points
    Are you seriously posting about this? What are you 5 years old grow up and get over it man. People are gonna call you a lot worse in life so learn to deal with it and not run to other people to fix your problems that just pathetic. Go raid his base instead and giblet his sleeping body. No pirate anywhere would ever cry to someone else to help them because someone called them a nazi.....
  23. 5 points
    This is without a doubt the most rubbish system ever implemented for a "re spawn" in a game.. Server is lagging like crazy, fire elements 1 shots you, lions are running around killing everything that even moves.. It takes out all enjoyment of an otherwise enjoyable game.. Dev, this is not what we want.. find another way
  24. 5 points
    Its irrelevant whether its PvE'rs or PvP'rs that are asking for changes. They all account for a better game and all players are entitles to comment upon an aspect within the game. OP - stop being so childish in creating a divide amongst the community. We all want fixes, enhancements and even though I play PvP Official, I like a lot of the ideas that PvE'rs put forward. Just stop with this nonsense and looks at peoples ideas without a biased view.
  25. 5 points
    This doesnt hurt mega companies at all... they will just add another zergling on paste / metal duty and call it a day. What this really hurt is the smaller companies that are constantly getting the end of the stick with these patch changes.
  26. 5 points
    While I agree with the sentiment of fixing whats in game already, before adding new stuff, its a bit disingenuous to blame it all on lowly PVErs. The fire arrow nerf happened because PVP raids were nothing but naked fire arrow spam, not because PVErs wanted to get rid of the only weapon that was worth a damn against the hordes of Alphas swarming our bases. PVP at least has the option of breaking down buildings and slaughtering sleepers to be able to claim. PVE has...uh...wait until they eventually possibly die. 99% of what has been posted about in the PVE forums has been complaints about the land claim system, SotD armadas taking over grids, overweight sinking, and just general griefing. There might be a couple of posts scattered here and there about basic QoL improvements, but I can't think of a single person saying that they wanted submarines, or new armor, especially not before the more glaring issues were fixed.
  27. 4 points
    Not every players have the time to travel so much on this Mega Map to get few organic paste pieces and die a lot ! It's enough to ask metal BUT organic paste for some stones !! This PVE mode becomes more and more insane and fucked up because the bad people and mistakes that are made on PVP !!! PVE is not PVP, FFS ! Eliminate the organic paste from Stone Structures, pls !
  28. 4 points
    I just read the patch notes for upcoming v16. Reducing metal and pastes costs is NOT a fix. I live in the tundra. There are 0 metal nodes on my island. There are 0 sources of sap and there are 0 sources of paste. That includes bugs and coral. As a matter of fact, there are 0 gems, 0 salt, 0 crystals, 0 honey, 0 sugarcane, 0 turnips, 0 vegetables, 0 of anything that anyone would trade for except bears, horses and a few wolves (which have been nerfed to hell and back) and all of those are common enough in the warm regions and do not even begin to resemble a consumable resource. If you INSIST on forcing this BS down my neck, at least have the courtesy to put a resource on my island that I can at least hope to trade for paste. If you look on the maps on the wiki (which I realize aren't perfect), the VAST majority of unique resources are somewhere in the center of the map. The ONLY true unique resource the tundra has is penguins and other than looking like a moron when you hug one, the only purpose they serve has is little use outside of the tundra and can be offset with parrots. I do not count yeti because they are not on my island and for that matter, neither are penguins. Please stop turning those of us in the tundra into your bastard step-children. I've already had to dump the vast majority of my skill points into fortitude just to survive here. I should not have to be shackled because I want to build a house that a snake won't eat. At least have some decency and move all metal to the tundra. Give those of us in the tundra SOMETHING of value that your sun worshipers don't have that we can use to trade for sap/paste. Thank you.
  29. 4 points
    I do not see the benefit for the game in this decision. The stone may be too cheap, would be quite debatable. But with the current costs, the use of stone is almost prevented. Is that why fewer buildings are being built? I'm afraid that, in case of doubt, wood will simply be used. The goal is somehow not recognizable, or lost sight of. On the islands there are 2 types of large structures. Some consider Atlas to be a box full of Lego and build really nice but completely useless houses and harbors. The others are literally walling in to lock out uninvited players and wildlife. This motivation is not affected or taken into account at all by the cost increase. The players will still build or turn away from the game when they can not. No player will have a permanent desire to constantly repair his buildings and to collect material for it. The base is the safe starting point for sailing trips. If the player is forced to spend even more time and resources to maintain them, this time will be missing for the actual game at sea and foreign islands. In the long run, this may lead some players to look for another game that offers them more opportunities in their free time.
  30. 4 points
    Sad how peoples reactions to a game they had high hopes and expections for are not being properly addressed by the developers. And yes.. as someone mentioned earlier, hoping that the game will die is not a respectful approach to the problems. Hoping instead that developers will address the feedback from the community and provide some kind of answer
  31. 4 points
    Just because of the seemingly slim chance the devs would read this thread, I think i'll just restate a few points that i made earlier, but that i've also, while reading the thread, been strengthened in my belief is at least somewhat aligned with other players feelings on the matter. Stone (double triple) NERF: Before this patch, very few (almost none) though stone was too strong! In fact, I've been involved with basetakedowns involving 1 medium cannons, that opened someones base in a few minutes, it was NOT hard, and it did NOT require time or planning in any way. In fact my feeling was that it was way too easy. What did the patch do, it double nerfed it for no reason at all in strength (2.5x + 60%), sapping it of strength it didnt have to begin with! Then on top of that, it made it cost both a rare commodity, AND a huge amount of metal. Each of these changes (even seperated) were uncalled for, and unneeded, but together is just utterly insane. So lets talk a bit about why wood is NOT a viable solution: Wood cannot keep out animals, animals that because of the state of AI is seemingly happy to chew on foundations/walls whatever for hours, the only thing that made this behavior not gamebreaking, have been them not being able to chew through stone. (My company have even, because of wildlife, had to doublewall, because of them eating away at items inside our base, THROUGH our stonewalls... go figure. Also, wood is very VERY VERY! easy to break into by players equipped with nothing but common tools in hand. So would offer almost no protection at all. Possible solutions: Revert the changes while you reassess the situation, while you keep a post-it on your monitor at all times, with the words "Stone is NOT too strong" and "Stone need to be buffed NOT nerfed" and last but not least "Even IF we still want to add cost to stone, it should still be FUN to build with". And to end off this little essay, i'll just say, for me, and for my company, the next few days will be vitally important! If we see no changes, we will simply stop, yesterday we all took a break, that break will be prolonged if no changes come, and for now, we will probably at most, check in, so we don't loose what little assets we have to decay.
  32. 4 points
    Right now, since the information isn't publically availed, the only people who get early alerting on the location of the FOY are people in very big alliances. The net result of this is that those people rush the location and then by sheer force of numbers are able to overcome or divert the 6-7 level 120 alligator spawns or the 12 level 160 wolf spawns etc. So now your superfriends alliances can send in enough bodies to distract the 12 fire elementals at 07 (yes, really 12), the 8 crocodiles at c6, the .... This is so un-fun, and god awful bad that it makes you as developers look utterly incompetent. Forgive me if that sounds harsh, but I've been at this for 2 days. I know people have lucked out and done it, but really I'm supposed to spend hours and hours running naked into this garbage for what? because you couldn't finish the primary game mechanic which was family so you put in some half baked garbage that is just stupid? My other option is to live looking like a prune with a perma debuff and not get the buff. This really does feel like you are forcibly excrementing right down player's throats. The fire elementals whose fireballs go through water, the wolves that have an attack range longer than polearms and attack through structures and wall clip, the gorgons that stun you for 25 seconds, the tigers that do 125 damage a hit to wooden structures. I don't honestly think you could crank out game design this bad if you tried, this is really some gift you have.
  33. 4 points
    Well I totally agree with the OP. We have had some really "bad" design decisions lately. Unless Grapeshot really wants to cater offline griefing and mega-companies. The only problem I see with catering these two groups, how do the devs think, their future business modell will be ? Do they really think, a big cluster full of mega-companies and offline raiders will motivate ppl to buy the game or a future DLC ? Do they really hope, that ppl will setup private serverclusters large enough to attract a lot of new costumers ?
  34. 4 points
    Agree on everything you said! Does anyone remember what happened to the Culling when the devs decided NOT to listen to the people who BUY and PLAY their games? Turned a Great game into a DEAD game. Grapeshot, the reason we are so upset about this is because we see massive potential for Atlas to be great being throw away by unneeded patchs followed by NO COMMUNICATION responding to the feedback we are giving. LISTEN TO YOUR PLAYERBASE That did cross my mind until you look at the number of people responding to this thread agreeing, As well as this poll AND also take a look at twitter and reddit. After seeing all of that feedback yes I can say the majority of the player base agrees.
  35. 4 points
    And worse the game performance is so utterly shit that the players and effects triggered by this incredibly badly thought out stupidity wrecks your frame rate so you can't open/close, dodge, or get on ladders. And for what? What does this accomplish other than demonstrate your poor judgment and lack of creativity?
  36. 4 points
    Even now.. If i wanted to make something out of stone, there would be no wood, thatch or cement needed.... See any metal, wood or even paste (cement/concrete) in this stone wall? because i certainly don't... Stone walls require nothing but stone.... We expect things to change, but for the better, not making things worse everyday.
  37. 4 points
    Speaking as a PVEer I take offence to this as your implying we don't want that stuff fixed or like the fire arrow changes. We don't. fire arrows were THE main way to deal with huge numbers of alphas spawning near and in some cases inside out bases. Several people in my PVE company including myself have stated we'd rather they get what they have working right before adding new content.
  38. 3 points
    I have a screencapture about it. If I submit a ticket, is he going to get banned?
  39. 3 points
    Our company found a nice little bay area on a PVE server that was currently claimed - but no one had built on it. I built up the base - perfectly fine with the 30% tax. I invested hours and hours into building a pier and base for the bay area - only to have the land owners change the flag to "no one can build here" - leaving my base useless. I can't even add a door to a missing doorway. This is a terrible mechanic. If I claim land and let people build there - all I need to do is change the setting for them being unable to build and all of that work those players put into their base is for nothing. It really put a bad taste in my mouth for the game for the first time. Not because I "got rekt" by another company - but because of a poorly designed mechanic that can easily be exploited by A**holes.
  40. 3 points
    As the title said, you can't balance a PVE game/server with PVP set of rules they need to be a PVE et and a PVP one, you can't balance a PVE game with a PVP set of rules, it will NEVER work, can't you understand that devs ? it's completely impossible. Or are you completely imcompetent at game balance ? And don't tell me unofficial servers blablah, i want to play on official, a 2nd set of rules should not be that hard its only numbers on a speedsheet FFS sry for english, not my 1st language
  41. 3 points
    To all the streamers..... stream about this patch and why no one should waste their time and money on this game. The only way they will change it, is if they are hit directly in the pocket book when every google and youtube search result tells people DO NOT BUY!!!! Then and ONLY THEN will the company pay attention. That's what I am doing now.
  42. 3 points
    First of all I started this post, secondly get your head out of your own ass, and my opinion is backed by 90% of the replies on this post, rollback the last change.
  43. 3 points
    Exactly that, Pantropy is starting next week. Its not from Wildcard.
  44. 3 points
    I'm done. I'll be back when they remove this idiotic change.
  45. 3 points
    Which server you are? You could join us and we will find a way to make it another one. To build alone it takes time but if you do with two or free players it will take less time to build.
  46. 3 points
    Why the F would you play this game in PVE anyways? Its a pirate game. Not WoW. PvE should go to private servers imo. Wasted space. Go build hello kitty land on your own server and let the big boys fight it out on official.
  47. 3 points
    You just demonstrated you didn't understand the reference. I didn't call you Don Quixote because I think you're crazy. There are a million examples you could name that are more immediate and recognizable to readers of a forum if you want to compare someone to crazy. I picked Don Quixote for a very specific reason. Cervantes knight crusaded against an evil which existed only in his mind. The windmills were real, they were there, just like WildShot™ Only they were neither good nor evil, just like Grapecard™. They just were. For the record I don't think you're crazy. There is nothing in any of your posts that indicates lunacy. I just think you're misguided. You have decided a company which is neither good nor evil, merely great at coming up with game concepts and horrible at implimenting them well, is in fact evil. If you are dead set on crusading against anything in the gaming industry, which, I will remind you, is not an industry of life or death, but rather an industry of leisure and entertainment, let me offer you a suggestion: Crusade against lootboxes. The FTC is currently investigating whether lootboxes constitute illegal gambling. Regardless of their findings, we know that lootboxes are in fact a form of gambling, we know that gambling can be an addictive behavior, and we know that large numbers of minors play games with lootboxes in them. If anything in this industry needs changing badly, I would suggest it might be lootboxes. Why not direct your considerable energy towards something much more potentially dangerous and destructive, that can have real consequences for people's lives, rather than simply railing against a company trying to make a product, which, at the very worst swindles it's customers out of a few bucks they could afford to lose? I admire your passion. I just think it could be put to more useful ends.
  48. 3 points
    Yeah everything is super broken, they don't know what they doing anymore in these patches. It's just getting worse and worse every patch in all aspects.
  49. 3 points
    Couldn't have said it better myself really. I play a lot of PVE and I haven't asked for anything really. Sure - the little additions are nice but I don't know of any of the PVE players that I play with that wouldn't want better balance rather than shit that simply isn't needed right now. There's a LOT of the game that gets absolutely trashed in favor of PVP balance and it is almost always negative changes. Not going to blame the PVP crowd, though. I blame it on incompetence and piss poor balancing on developer parts.
  50. 3 points
    Now you need nearly as much metal as you do stone and there is no increase in defence on them NO YOU DO NOT stop posting instead go load up ark
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