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  1. 7 points
    They are unable to fix anything properly, people griefing ships because they can pick up more from the ground than they should be able to, well devs fix is let people glitch out on ships that aren't theirs when trying to enter them rather than fixing the real bug being people able to pickup too many items, log out, log back in, only have 250/250 weight until they drop an item or split their stack in their inventory for it to show the real weight again. So now people just hang from ladders on boats who didnt' pull those up and encumber it like that or just toss items on the deck for it to get encumbered. If they made it impossibru for ppl to get overweight in the first place even the ship dropping method would require a lot of players to sink a ship that way cuz the items dissapear rather quick. Their claim that one of their dev's steam accounts got hacked is also a blatent lie, claiming this wouldn't occur again it only was an invitation to cheaters and hackers to show how quick they could fuck up their network once again. Not to forget that there are countless reports from cheaters and hackers being submitted via their ticket system which are going unanswered where these cheaters and hackers are going on with their malpractices until this very day (if servers were up though). Everything they claim to fix they break it even harder, my two examples are just two of them, I bet alot of dissatisfied customers could come up with plenty more stuff. Oh and not to forget their wonderous Fountain of Youth they implemented while about all players in game who have a character since launch are now receiving a very nice age debuff which they can only get removed when they travel to a Golden Age area where all people have to be right now and it only can hold up to 150 players in theory, in practice this wouild mean about 50 players to play it as it's meant to be played. But right now people just have to run through the lagfast that it is naked and hope for the best to reach the magic sparkles at the end of the cave. Same goes for powerstones apparently the much anticipated and praised end game they are trying to fix with each patch while their core game mechanics are broken beyond recognition. How are people supposed to play this game when everything is bugged and we have to find workarounds just to be able to progress in nearly each part of this game rather than playing as intended. Far worse might be the interaction the devs have with this community, far too many people havea already noted and stated that they mostly listen to cringy streamers and crybabies in general rather than looking at these forums and see the daily return of many topics where players are most frustrated about. No they gonna nerf all kinds of stuff cuz some half ass streamer is giving them a bad rep about it on stream. The only thing those devs want is to keep this game look like it's shiny and fun on the streams until they raked in enough of our hard earned cash. Because let's face it, they robbed us from our money to let us play this aggrevating crappy coded "so-called-pirate-mmo". If I wanted to grind my ass of for materials I would have kept playing 7 days to die or would have reinstalled minecraft to have a better experience in harvesting and building stuff without having to fear that none of my work is still there when I log back in. Let's have a look at the two twitters that are posting most of Atlas news and updates, now the official Atlas twitter is probably not into replying anyone at all just for posting update news and patch notes when Needed. Jatheish on the other hand is far more active with giving the community constant updates when shit goes wrong but also keeps posting ETA's that are never and are always late. Even seen people complain once about an ingame server message stating servers will restart or go down in 20 minutes, so players were rushing to a safe haven when on sea or make sure they got inside a house to logout before server goes down, what happens, server goes down only 5 minutes after that message appeared, making alot of players unable to logout safely with all the negativity as a result, players losing just their gear and die once ok very annoying, but those who never had a fair chance to park their boat somehwere lost alot of progress once again. Now besides their shitty communication skills and their non-existant clock reading skills the only one who replies to certain tweets is Jatheish, the pain in the ass there is that he only replies to either positive comments or comments that have no informational value what so ever. Like last night he replied to a guy asking how often he must have said a certain word this year already whlist the majority of replies on his tweets are about the cheaters, the bugs, the game not being fun in general, those replies are being straight out ignored just as most of the topics are being ignored here on this forum by any official person. They implemented moderators and community admins, god knows why because the ones who should be more active on this forum are the devs, they should learn how to use their eyes and brain at the same time and read the massive reports of players that are begging for fixes in areas they have ignored since launch. Yet they bring out and even brag about their new features while the core mechanics of this game are still broken, people are still playing on 250 ping servers whilst having to deal with all the buggy shit that comes with predators, land claims, ship building, alphas, cheaters, hackers, and now we have rollbacks and constant patches that break stuff just a simple like doors no longer opening, if someone would just run the software they managed to compile before they release it as an update they can prevent so many gamebreaking issues with each patch they release but nope, we are the guinneepigs, we are the rats in the wheels and why? Like most paid forumtrolls state here it's an Early Access game you should have known what u signed up for... It's early access I get it, but doesn't that mean that what it describes in the EA stuff is that they are taking notes from customer feedback and listening to their playerbase on how to improve things? I've seen their Twitch live Q+A stream and I can tell you, there was no real Q+A part, it was just them talking about things they gonna implement while the playerbase is crying on the twitch chat to be aknowledged and to point out that devs are just ignoring the whole Black Butterfly incident by not even mentioning it once in their nearly 2 hour talk. To be honest the best description of that stream I read on this forum somewhere was someone saying those 4 guys at the mental hospital got some time off together and placed in a room with a webcam, this made my day just that little bit better because let's be honest, this weekend was horrible for those who actually took the time to play the game. Rollbacks, Fountain of Youth and Rollbacks. This fountain of youth thing is so poorly designed and shows how badly these developers are connected with their playerbase, we had freeport at launch that was overpopulated and with that mechanic they were lucky enough that there were plenty of freeports (and lawless areas) where people could eventually spawn, it wasn't enough for launch but it was somewhat managable. Right now u have to have the entire population of one server (NA PVE fe) to rush to one single grid where that fountain of youth is at, one grid that can hold 150 players maximum (in theory but in practice u get a ping of 250). So let's say about 5-10k players who have started near launch are now all over age 90 and have a debuff for being that old implemented on them whilst they dont' have the alternative at hand to make babies in game they are all forced at the same time with a serious debuff to find that fountain of youth before their character dies permanently losing all the progress and gear and landclaims and boats (if u play solo or have really small company where u all die before reaching it). So yeah, if one of those devs would ever have played on an official server and had to deal with all the previous bullshit before even thinking about going to a fountain of youth together will the rest of the playerbase at the same time they would have never implemented such a feature without having alternatives for breeding or even releasing something that makes us all get a random younger age. Cuz this issue will repeat itself in a couple of weeks when EVERYONE who's now 20 again will be at the age of 90 again, and yea you have to be 90+ to get a nice buff each time you go back after the age of 90+ you get a buff over your buff. So tell me, am I exaggerating anything here? People who played this game for a few weeks now know very well that the way Grapeshot throws out updates is like a blind man playing darts, throw as hard and as fast as you can and see if one hits the bullseye, more misses than hits in this field. There are some obvious forum trolls here of which I hope they aren't being paid by Grapeshot to keep the negativity down by having so many people countering it with rediculous answers as: git gud, or learn to play, or game isn't made for soloing. I get it it's an MMO, but people all have to start out solo and the game mechanic only let's u stay on newbie island (freeport) until lvl 8 which is so low your chances of survival outside freeport are really small when u play alone and start to find land to claim to build a ship in case u want to start your own company and not become another companies slave to go pick cotton or other resources all day long whilst the guys who run the big companies get to play command & conquer while u play minecraft/lumberjack simulater. They already stole our money after their terrible launch and steam still refuses to do refunds even when u try to explain all the issues ot them in a lenghty conversation like this one, u still get standard replies and support staff doesn't read your sentences the way you have written them. When I write: my first 20 hours of "gametime" were me sitting in main menu trying to login to a server. They read: you played 20 hours and thus Steam will not refund you after this much gametime. Now we all knew steam support can also be a pain in the ass sometimes, now we have to deal with Atlas dev team and Steam Support simultaniously. For those who gonna be trolls and say why u still play when u wanted refund and can only complain about it? Because I got robbed of my 25$ while Steam refuses to refund the damn thing due to timer things I felt obligated to play and see if I can still get fun out of it after each update and patch, as most of you trolls claim it's EA and (might/will) get better. Well it doesn't, they break the experience for most of us with each update they roll out or roll back. I would also like to ask my fellow pirates who have had enough of this idiotic way things are going to just spam Jat and Atlas tweets as soon as they pop up with youtube videos of griefers, cheaters, bugs, glitches, anything that shows what a poor product this is to make sure they aren't fooling other people into buying this game until it might actually be playable. Please don't hesitate to even copy past my entire post here to spread the message on reddit, other forums or just in here in case mods think this should be deleted, as I have read from several users on this forum that posts about their incompetence get deleted sometimes. Good luck to all of those who are still trying to play the game after all these things that happened, but for me it was over a few days ago, I'm done grinding to establish a little base and some boats on my own, I know it's not of solo players, but if u started this game with 5 friends and end up alone after a few days into the game u don't feel like joining a big company just yet, u try to build up a base and boat to show your friends and hope they want to play on from that part since they could skip the grindy part, but nope, it's so bad that they refuse to play it any longer and me myself have jumped ship and joined their boat, not playing boat. I will keep being a pest to this company until A: this game is a proper playable game (don't count on it). B: they refund this game to me (depending on steam here). As long as I feel like being ripped off, I'll be ripping on these nitwits as well. This is what I picture how the game Atlas itself feels like if it were alive:
  2. 6 points
    you guys are terrible at it. any chance all of you devs can retire early? it would make me really happy. thank you.
  3. 5 points
    TL;DR: Devs keep strapping on bigger and spikier dildos to ram the players with. No lube allowed.
  4. 5 points
    For many people, aesthetic customization is a BIG part of a game. Like people in warframe joke 'Fashionframe is end-game', this is true of many MMOs. Even taking buffs and debuffs and breeding systems aside, the dynamic hair growth, aging etc, all serve to make your character's appearance a constantly moving target. Want to play an old crone or veteran pirate? - Well tough shit, you have to wait 40-50 years, then you get to do that for 10-20 years before you gotta roll a new character or pop that fountain of youth. Want a fresh faced, long haired young bishounen vagabond? - Again, tough shit, you'll only be young for a week or two before the crow's feet start to sink in. There is almost nobody for whom the aging is a positive feature. For fashionistas it's a pain in the ass, for PvP'rs it's an unnecessary diversion, for casuals who just want to play in their own time, their own way, it's nothing but a nuisance. Show me the focus group who said "Man, I hope this game has aging where every month or two I have to do a naked geriatric bum rush of some distant island, to keep my character in top condition!", that made the devs think this was a good design decision. just let us make the character we want to make and be done with it.
  5. 4 points
    If you want to see what kind of "fun" this age quest adds go check it out for yourselves but I for one would love this thing removed from the game as it has no place in an online game as dying isn't entirely under our full control...server lag, players using exploits, crashes, buggy code, erratic and broken AI, getting stuck in the mesh, falling through the mesh, player ping deferential, desyncing, etc... Eating balanced meals and watching out for predators is one thing but why should we get punished for the kinds of deathly events that happen consistently and beyond our control? I play video games for fun not for toil and punishment!
  6. 4 points
    Did they change something with taming in the last patch? In terms of feeding animal while they are down? It feels so much more frustrating that it was before somehow. I spent over an hour tonight trying to tame an elephant. Several times it would not eat even though the 'Press E to feed Wheat' message was on screen. I went though several bows and god knows how many bolas. I ended up dismantling my taming pen and trying to 'freestyle' it... ended up dying so much and being reset to zero progress so much that I rage quit and have told my Company to get someone else to do taming from now on. I'm done. I'll fucking hand harvest trees till the end of time before I engage with this shitty system again. How the actual fuck did they manage to make Taming even worse than Ark? I've even played Dark and Light and thought it's system was crap, until I played Atlas. Yes, this is a pirate game and Tamed creatures are not the focus... but they are part of the game and there's a whole talent tree devoted to Beastmastery... hell, you can't even use the bloody things to gather mats until you spec into it... Im done with this fuckery. Fucking DONE.
  7. 4 points
    As the topic states, this if about farming, cooking, and food preservation. Starting with Farming: First: Crop plot placement requirements are way to far apart. It’s like a 6 inch gap on all sides as the closest they can be to each other. While wanting to have more space it also doesn’t look pretty (for those of us who like it to look nice and tight). Second: Harvesting. Don’t get me wrong the yield is nice, however it’s the same weather I do it (fully speced), the bonus mini-game, a company member does it (non-spec), making the points I put into the bonus useless, as well as not needing to do the mini-game (which I personally do enjoy). Third: Tundra Rock doesn’t work. When I place a crop plot on wood or thatch I get the “tundra thatch or wood”, on stone it says “tundra rock”, but when I click to plant seed it says “no seeds available”. If it’s not meant to be on stone foundations fine but make it where you can’t place them on stone floors. Fourth: Water Tanks. Where we live it rains enough that we don’t need water tanks, however I made a bunch to be able to fill skins and water jugs, however the water barrels hold I think (500-600 water), where as the tanks only hold 200. Thats not a lot of water for a water tank when I could just make barrels that take up 1/4 of the space and hold 3x the amount. I like the reservoirs because you can pipe them unlike the barrels but it’s not worth the space with such a tiny amount of water it holds. Lastly: Fertlizer. I love that I can just craft it but there are 4 types of poop, human, small, medium, and large. I’d like to be able to take a large poop with like 150 thatch to make a bigger bag of fertilizer than have all the sizes make one size. I don’t mind if it cost more thatch for bigger bags but it makes picking up bigger poops more useful. I have PIGs but still when you feed your tames and they poop might as well use grab it and craft a bag of fertilizer. i think that’s about it on farming. I like the idea of it and that you can’t grow everything in one zone or on one surface but there are a few things that need to be adjusted. Cooking: I know there are plans to work on this and change it. A few things to make sure they aren’t forgotten. First: Meat. Animal meat is used in some recipes however in the grill it autocrafts making you have to put double in the grill so you can make your food while the other half turns into cooked meat. Also, can you make cooked prime fish meat look different in the UI then the raw prime fish meat because currently they look exactly the same, even if it’s just making the cooked a different color on the UI would be nice. Secondly: Water. Unless you live on an island with fresh water, getting water requires tanks and barrels. Not a huge deal because there’s decent rain fall in our area (I can’t speak for all zones), however, the waterskin and the water jug (even though one holds more) gets 1 use per recipe. If I can use the water jug 3 times to drink from why can’t it get 3 uses in cooking? That’s about all I’m going to say right now as it has been said the plans to rework it just a couple of things I hope you consider as well. Finally Food Preservation: Preserving Bags are cute and I love them, however they are small and don’t hold much, you can upgrade to the food lodder that holds more however I can’t put salt in it, and while it does have a decent life span it’s not comparable to the preserving bag, especially on custom foods like hot cocoa, which only stacks to 5 and has a 6 hour life span in the bag. I’d love to be able to put preserving salt in the food lodder to add to the life span or given a bigger preserve bag. Feeding troughs do not have a long enough life span on meat. Berries stack to 100 so it’s not as noticeable how fast they expire, but the meat spoils so fast. If either the time is longer OR we can put preserving salt in there to increase it that would be fine as well. Spoiled Meat has zero purpose in the game, can we make when meat spoils it’s like berries and just vanishes. You spend 5-10 mins a day while playing just chucking rotten meat out of bags, troughs, in your inventory etc. it’s space consuming with no purpose. i think that’s all I have to say as these are important aspects in the game that I enjoy, farming and cooking, plus caring for our animals and ship crew. So I hope you consider some of my ideas. Thanks ChickFabulous! P.s. please make bolas stack! And a bigger storage beside large storage boxes. Even in Pirates of the Caribbean they had vaults lol.
  8. 4 points
    As stated just a thank you for listening about our concerns regarding tames and their weights. They are finally useful for harvesting again. Also the damage reduction has helped give them a better chance at staying alive.
  9. 4 points
    It's not the game as such, in a way. If the Devs made rational decisions on how to implement game mechanics instead of "Hey, let's nerf Taming. Maybe nerf Firearms, no, let's nerf Fire Arrows, or possibly we could fix a weight exploit by trapping people on boats they jump across to get to their own boat?" Then there's the Utter Classic "Here's good one, lol. How about we let the suckers age to 90 in three or four weeks, suddenly hit everyone with an age debuff, then expect them to run through End-Game, Alpha-infested islands and caves overrun with predators to try and get it fixed. Oh, and, for even MORE fun, let's make the source of the cure bounce around the map and even if they find it - the sneaky bastards! - we'll ensure SO MANY players, corpses and ships are jammed into the place the lag will make it damn nigh impossible! That's just PvE though - bad though PvE will be, PvP will have everyone desperately fighting to protect their spawns and some of them will be trying to stop other players getting in, simply for the shits and giggles. " I can imagine them wiping away tears of laughter. The game could be great, if the Devs stopped pissing around.
  10. 4 points
    Well I do not agree to all the bad technical stuff, steal my money and can't read the clock (OP you should look up the term ETA first). But two points I totally agree: Grapeshot does not give us normal players the feeling, they are listening to us. The Fountain of Youth is the crappiest game mechanic seen for a long time. And just in case, some devs are really reading this post: Me and my crew are members of a 120+ german player community and we are testing out this game. We have promoted your game within our community despite all the negactive comments on stream. I personally really don't know, why you get so much hate - I have played ARK for 1400+ hours and like it until the TEC updates. But with your current path of development decisions, most of my crew will stop promoting the game and sooner or later stop playing or leaving the official server at least. Being in the advertising business in RL for more than 20 years, loosing 50 potential new contacts does not sound much (1250 USD minus steam fees), but maybe we are not the only crew of a player community out there. So maybe you should try harder to listen to your player base, who are part of smaller and medium player groups. You need to sell fresh copies and word-of-mouth promotion can be very powerful.
  11. 4 points
    The fountain of youth for my age 95 player is absolutely hands fucking down the most ridiculous thing ive done in any god damn game.
  12. 4 points
    I have no issues with aging and dying but for fek sake, let us breed to get an heir. The fountain of youth is beyond retarded. Spawns on Elemental rich Island where it becomes a suicide run to the cave. The cave is blocked by at least ten mix Fire elementals and Rock elementals that are aggro to it. If.....if by luck you make it past that you are most likely naked and have to contend with a level 110 damned archer that is blocking the way along with his winged rats. There is also the PC trolls that just likes to kill everyone and mess your day up even more. So conclusion, either get rid of the aging or bring in the heir system to supplement the retarded fountain of youth quest.
  13. 4 points
    Lazy solo players that don't want to have to survive in a survival game. It should take at least 50 people to kill an alpha.
  14. 4 points
    Bye, thanks for letting us know you are quitting. See ya in game.
  15. 4 points
    Atlas has so much potential. All of which is wasted because the Game Devs only want a gigantic Troll-Griefer shitshow and they're going out of their way to discourage any other kind of game play.
  16. 3 points
    We just killed a Hydra, got one key. But when we respawned we didnt get another key. Meanwhile others who killed the Hydra some days ago always get one key when they respawn.
  17. 3 points
    An emergency maintenance took place at 09:00 AM UTC which resulted in all our Official Servers being brought offline whilst we investigated a technical exploit. As a result of the exploit, our Official NA PVP Network, The Kraken’s Maw, had received a rollback to approximately 05:45 AM UTC specifically as we were able to backtrack precisely when the issue started to occur with our logging system. All other networks were brought back online with no changes. The damage done was caused by a technical exploit which we have now protected against, no administrator accounts were compromised in this situation. We apologize for the inconvenience and we thank for your patience and understanding during this time. In regards to action taken, multiple accounts have been banned in relation to this, by ourselves and BattlEye, though the evidence and our extensive logging indicates that this group does not have any specific ties to any one company, but are instead targeting streamers and large or well-known companies. We will continue our investigation and will take action on all involved accounts and companies when we learn of their involvement immediately. To compensate, we’ll be extending the 2x Bonus Rates until Wednesday. Please be assured that this is a priority for the team and we are working extensively to ensure that it does not occur again. Sincerely, Grapeshot Games
  18. 3 points
    Am i the only 1 Who understand what does "early axcess" means? Why ppl keep posting about, ping, often updates, broken mecs, etc? Come in 2 years when game is released or even later and let ppl Who want to play to have their Joy. P. S. Ppl Who cant build ram sloop(10 mins with x2) and sale 1-2 grids are retarded srsly. The idea of stacking buff is great, Just go play a other games, pls STOP ruining the game with ur noob whine, surv games are not for u if u find atlas hard P. P. S i play duo on pvp off, and i dont find game even 30%as Hard as you ppl cry on the forum, rly
  19. 3 points
    Does it even makes any sense that a "90" year old person is actually capable of surviving a quest for "The Fountain of Youth"? What is this, Geriatric Olympics?
  20. 3 points
    But we’re all going to turn 90 again close to the same time.
  21. 3 points
    Today is the 3d time, after so many fix patches, when we got raped (all resources from our house vanished even everything was locked and pin coded) and our ships were sunk by these bloody Chinese Company Kzee (who have recently changed their Company name after the first report - I don't know how is this possible ?!) . We've already reported them and NO ONE STILL BANNED THEM, FFS !!! This is outrageous !!!!! BAN AND RESTRICT CHINA FROM ACCESSING OFFICIAL EU PVE SERVERS !!!!!!!! CREAT A BLOODY SERVER FOR THEM AND IF THEY STILL WANT TO CREATE CHAOS ON EU SERVERS BAN THEM PERMANENTLY !!!! European people should boycott this game anywhere because the company who let this game ATLAS out is allowing this misery happen to their servers and also don't give a shit on people complaints !!!!
  22. 3 points
    no, there's a few people having the same issue, there's a couple of threads on steam forums also.
  23. 3 points
    lmfao that us such the wrong attitude, lowering yourself to their standards really?
  24. 3 points
    Simple suggestion... Fight fire with fire. Grapple onto their ships over encumbered. Whining about it does nothing. If they fix it eventually then yay. But while waiting for it to be fixed.... Well Tit for Tat I say.
  25. 3 points
    Its nearly impossible to get there spawns are really fucked up!!! pls try to do something right FFS !
  26. 3 points
    The game evolves around mega companies. They even talked about this on the stream. 500 man companies are too small. While my company is still on the top of the cake (PvE server), it´s just a matter of when some new mechanic or one of the notorious admin cheating companies will get us. Claim/Taxing system, you make rich people more rich. And on PvE you can always play devils advocate with your tenants. 4 days to move or else...and the passive income is ezmode for us. Also 95%+ of all taxed claims are set to 30% because...well 30% was the highest possible Then there is the issue like fountain of youth that currently needs no further explanation. But don´t worry, in some future after you ran around with the infamous debuff you may get a heir to grind. Lawless is extremely overpopulated for the same reason and griefing is rampant there. You know when you enter a lawless server because they are the only servers that lag. I cant imagine how long it will be before we see the first entirely closed island. Discovery points are already being walled off because someone allowed people to build there. Some will try and sink your ship (Still possible), others will try blockade you, some will try sink your ship via undersea construction. The list is endless. You can´t claim anything with people in it or overlapping circles. So a single person can actively defend an entire server tile in PvE while being offline. In short, as long as all the mechanics are in that so massively favour mega companies and claim everything you can mentality. Then you wont have a chance. Cheats and shady behavior may or may not be stopped at least. Just wait till the sea zones come, map will be nothing but a green/red/teal overlay where you pass one annoying flag message after the other.
  27. 3 points
    I've messaged Jeremy Stieglitz on Twitter with a link to this topic, since Jat himself doesn't want to see the link or even click on it, cuz it's not positive vibes he can respond too. Let's see what happens.
  28. 3 points
    If you cant kill an enemy who is hunting you, so it isnt a survival game. Your task to survice requires an option to do so. For now, there is no personal weapon to defend yourself against an alpha. To hide cowardly in the crowd may be a successful option to kill one alpha but has nothing to do with survival. Its just the old bored raid shit like in wow. *ZZzzzz* Survival means assessing the situation correctly and acting properly. Surviving does not mean moving through the game in a brain-dead horde and killing everything by player stacking.
  29. 3 points
    the age thing and mini games are killing the game for me, I solo mostly and play with my daughter when she can, but making me age and being already in my 90's going after a fountain of youth near a power stone isn't my idea of fun things to do solo or duo. I suggested they sell elixir of youth or life - the 10% bonus for 100 gold coin in freeport. Or just do away with aging.
  30. 3 points
    If you knew anything about the complaints you would know it isn't the agong system itself that is the issue, it's the fact that unless you participate in this forced quest to find the FoY, you take a penalty which negates pretty much all progress you have made on your character this far. Now, if they did like the kraken buff and didn't penalize, but buffed/enhances stats from finding the fountain I don't think you would get nearly as many complaints. Rather than force a player into content they have no desire to do, the penalty should be removed and a flat buff to all stats given which deminishes the closer the player gets to level 90 again. This encourages the player to seek the FoY out again for the buff, but doesn't force them to in order to maintain the progression they have made to 90. Also, the FoY should never have been implemented or the penalty without reproduction being in game first.
  31. 3 points
    I always found this argument idiotic. You don't hear people saying cigarette smoking was great just because they did it for years when they finally quit.
  32. 3 points
    I need to bump these. I always tamed for my Company. After the last patch, even being inside the pan with the elephant, you press E and nothing.... Its Bulls**it. So many things to fix in game and they nerf weapons and taming ("E" doesnt work and the taming pens don't work anymore because you cant feed through walls). What kind of sh** the "brilliant mind" that did this has in his head?
  33. 3 points
    one inportatant info: decs dont care
  34. 3 points
    Give it a rest, it's got shyte to do with 'lazy solo' players and everything to do with how farked up theirs 'mobs' and combat system is.
  35. 3 points
    It's actually hilarious at the moment. Alpha Tigers, Elephants and Crocs are nigh on unkillable. Flame arrows are actually worthless (You will do a max of 33 damage to a player with it, and that's assuming they stand in the fire for its entire duration). The perk for bow is actually impossible to land because 3 second windups are memes outside PvE. Guns are worthless, and in PvP melee weapons are useless because you can't catch and kill anyone. If someone is in plate, they're basically tanks, and if they have medic, they're legit almost invincible.
  36. 3 points
    Devils Advocate is irrelevant, you won't find unofficial servers with a 15x15 server cluster...nor the number of players. Devs chose this path by making it difficult to fully replicate the entire server on a private server, they need to face up to the consequences to reversing features that 80% of the player base doesn't like.
  37. 3 points
    I don't get it. They make a sandbox, then they go out of their way to limit the player experience to narrow, miserable experience. Not everyone wants to run around all the time and grief people. Nor do the rest of us want to be a army of mindless zombie grinders, harvesting mats by hand to keep the griefers going. I've been playing on a RP server, trading in tames. Devs wanted to discourage people from taming and it's worked. Not taming anything else in this game. But it also leaves me little else to do. The three things I liked to do in Ark was build, explore and tame. My base is built (but was built by someone else as they don't like the way I build). Exploring isn't fun as you have to spend and hour or more sailing (though it's better now) just to jump off the boat and die if you actually try to explore the island you've reached. Or the island is completely built over. That left taming. I like the mechanics in Atlas far more than Ark. I like the fact you can't just pick up whatever you're trying to tame with and Argent or Quetz and drop it in a pen. I don't like the changes in v15. I never had the patience to tame a Bull and I don't like the fact that now Tigers, Elephants and Rhinos (what I was taming the most) are now worse than that. So I guess I quit as I have nothing in this game I actually want to do. Don't feel like griefing...er..."PVP" (play plenty of PVP games, just not open world ones). Don't feel like the lame boss fights (didn't do a single boss fight in Ark). It seems like the parts of Ark and of Atlas that I've like are an accident, not the gameplay intended by the Devs. And the devs have "learned from Ark" and are going out of their way to make discourage wider gameplay.
  38. 3 points
    Without doubt this is the most boneheaded, badly thought-out game mechanic I have seen in two decades. Whoever came up with it should be fired for incompetency, as should be the person who thought introducing it in this manner this was a fabulous idea.
  39. 3 points
    Here is the biggest problem. The devs do not know their own game and they are in constant denial about player concerns. The devs also are in love with the idea that they want to be this BIG GAME developers like Blizzard and the problem is they are not and never will be. So they push BIG COMPANY in atlas every step of the way even though not one single server can handle two big companies battles let alone just a 500 player company meeting. Prof of this was last night at the fountain of youth less there 70 people in one spot lag the game down so bad it was laughable. You want us to buy into that their is going to be massive sea battles rofl with what 15 maybe 20 people at best because thats all the servers can handle. YOUR GAME IS SURVIVAL!!! NOT TEAM BATTLE MEDAL OF HONOR!!!
  40. 3 points
    Go get that Rejuvenation buff/Powerstone you nerfed old naked pirate!
  41. 2 points
    EDIT : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1646246826 Hi, to my first mod I decide to make an indiaman ship. For exemple, the BlackPearl and the Queen Anne's Revenge from Pirates of the Caribbean are two Indiamen. Here is a description : Current Stats : 3 upper decks 2 lower decks 38 canons max (2 in the bow of the ship, 24 at lower decks and 12 at upper decks) Captain's cabin (with windows) Smaller than a galleon, but bigger than a brigantine Sail units : N/A What the mod will add? Indiaman ship New figurehead More to come I’m modeling the ship si it's not ready at all, but I can show you some screenshots of my work. ! STILL IN DEVELOPMENT !
  42. 2 points
    Hello I play A character in the PVE NA Servers Named Blight Blackflame under the Huntsmen's Wrath (company) and V15.35 is the reason I have and will continue to be writing Feedback Reports to further better the development of ATLAS, from the perspective of the consumer and someone who is generally interested in the continuation of this Game Title. I will list the known issues from most pending to minor annoyances. The Fountain Of Youth Update I was Personally Involved in the update the other day sailing out to the troll rumor of O14 being the source of the Fountain. it wasn't for the fact that it was a false rumor but that it showed the weakness of the servers going over 150 for just something that would keep us from "dying" A.K.A de-buffed to the point of no point of playing. Not to mention the majority of the populace of ATLAS has been playing since day one and have already reached the age of 90 if not getting there eventually. and I don't want the game to slow down for me before any of the other exciting installments come later this February. An easy solution would be to take age out of the game until Development can give players more simplistic ways to avoid the age of Death and it's Debuffs, like the Rebirth cycle or a way for every power stone Island to have the Fountain of youth causing less struggle on any one particular server. Animal Benefits And Company Usage Players should feel invested in using a tree that enables the use of animals to resource materials faster and making up the time of use to greater their building speed and overall ability to supply the demands of blueprints. I can not Recall the Patch but there was a patch update that killed the use of bulls for thatch and being that my friend went out for trade for a bull for that very reason, killed the use of bulls, we now have a bull that is "just there" and that is its use for now. The 15.1 V update was a little disheartening, to say the least, almost making it seems like Taming animals is going to be a waste of time if they couldn't carry more than the normal players weight capacity with the canceling of weight reduction and I would even include that the 15.3 V update only delayed the question if animals would be worth the points to spec into. also from a strategic standpoint is the idea that a small company of players who play together cannot benefit from animals if one player specs into all ship related things, another player into cooking, another into building and then the one player into taming, if the rest of the players who didn't spec into taming can not even use them to farm resources at a reasonable speed. then that one player is dedicated to being the pack mule of the company, and I'm sure that's not an enjoyable way to play the game. A good Solution would be to obviously revise the bull to be the thatch king again, maybe not add a full weight reduction but maybe a little reduced in comparison with a player vs tame with the weight improvements we have now, also either removing the riding mount engram from the taming tree or at least allowing all the animals with the saddles to be ridden within that company without needing the tree altogether. Player Griefing in PVE with Involvement of Weight Personally, I wouldn't bat an eye if they did nothing to combat the Griefing but I do find it commendable that the developers see the voices in the community and respond, but the response creates more problems than answers being that you can still overweight a ship by climbing the ladder still causing it to sink, and now players who don't even mean to climb on to boats to sink them are forever stuck and lose their material and valuables. If we could find a way to make other players weight and player accommodations (in PVE only) non-existent so it wouldn't affect ships I think that would be the best way to defend players in the PVE servers from Greifing. Timed Events "mini-games" Time events aren't "horrible" but it does seem to kill the immersion of the game I am trying to play, I don't want to do anything that makes me "unlock a door" or "time a punch" or "load a gun 3 separate times" and again I get it, the more skilled players will come out on top with the timing and will kill players faster because they are clicking the skill checks faster. but at the same time, it seems like everything has timed events and I don't think to add more to the game will improve anything about it personally. and despite the way, I listed this I think this last issue is the most important. Grapeshot Studio's Self Image I know there is a possibility they will not see this forum and despite that, I would like to include this because it is something I want to make sure is said. I admire the studio's commitment and courage to wake up every day to come to work and try their best to improve the game in any way shape or form despite the backlash. Being I started in a small game development group myself I understand that not everything that sounds nice on a piece of paper or even written on a form will be easy to implement or even possible. But to see the development team dawn their favorite pirate get up during the other day live stream shows they are emotionally invested and are happy to be contributing to creating a world inside the game they are developing. Just because they are using assets and Ui they helped develop for their sister studio Wildcard doesn't make them weak, they should be proud and say "yeah we helped make ARK" and "we will be using some things from ARK to make an entirely new game" And if they are challenged to make new UI and things like that I'm sure they will go the full distance and do it and more. I will continue to play ATLAS and post feedbacks from time to time again and hope the best for the studio, they have earned my respect and I personally hope they persevere and come out on top in the end. Until then these are all the main issues I have with the game and hope you guys like them or even include onto it if you have any issues. Thanks for reading (add plague doctors ;p)
  43. 2 points
    Do you guys really need to be elitist jerks each time someone mentions solo players? And yes the devs actually said on livestream they want solo players in their game, so...
  44. 2 points
  45. 2 points
    - PC>Program Files>Steam>Steamapps>common>ATLAS>Shootergame>Saved - Open LastServerConnectStringCache - Copy number but not text. Should be something like - Open game properties for Atlas from Steam. - Set Launch Options.. - Type "+connect" and then paste number from your saved location cache. Close window. What should happen is you should boot up the game and it should prompt you to connect with your last saved location for your character. Hit yes, and it should begin to load you in where you were. - Athena Braithwate, of the Banshee Crew
  46. 2 points
    Implement prebuilt houses, one standard per Company. If you want bigger / different you have to buy the BP for em for gold in like Freeport etc.
  47. 2 points
    i'm really NOT unhappy about the game, i love it, YES they have a lot of Feature not finished, incomplet, or uninteresting, for me the only way to make the game better it's to work with the Dev by Sugestions, and respectfull advice. it's NOT because we think Dev's Dont Respect us we need to be Rude with them. YES i'm a Carebear deal with it !
  48. 2 points
    They sure don't but let's give em some slack until Monday for once, but don't get your hopes up.
  49. 2 points
    There, fixed that for ya.
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